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Zachary Larek

Decent looking guy, who is truly a nice guy (as best as he can be), but has a terrible secret of drug abuse.

0 · 119 views · located in Jacksonville high school

a character in “Shhhhh I have a secret!”, as played by Nirvana


At his peak he was physically built, but once he started using drugs, his physical state declined. While still muscular, he lost a lot of the form he use to have. He is 5'11", 16 years old, short and curly brown hair and emerald green eyes.


At his best, he is a great guy, kind to everybody and tries to keep his emotions and anger intact, and sometimes he does it very well. At his worst... Well, let's just say he's the opposite. He's easy to get along with, until the need for the drugs rise up.


Zachary was a popular kid in his early age, being one of the funniest kids in class. Currently, that does not hold up. With his moving to a new school, he has close to no friends, and no good ones at that. He chooses to not make friends, for he knows that it won't end well if they know his habits. He just looks to make it through High School and hopefully rebuild his life, one step at a time.

In his early childhood, his life was going perfectly. Everything was fine until he hit the age of 14. That's when he was introduced to crack. After a couple tries, he was hooked. He couldn't stop. Eventually his grades dropped, he was kicked out of his football team, he lost about all of his friends, and was dumped by the love of his life. For close to a couple years he was a loner, drifting here and there, always ridiculed by fellow classmates and such. Then, the tragedy happened. On their way to a restaurant, his whole family died in a car crash, and he was the only one left alive. At this point he began to question why he was the sole survivor (this would lead to him cutting himself, but end after a few months of complete isolation). He moved in with his grandmother a few weeks later, and was transfered to a different school. He is still addicted to crack, and also drops acid and smokes marijuana. Currently he is a loner, and barely even talks to anybody, including his grandmother, who has close to no control over him. You'll see him wearing baggy clothes all the time and usually high out of his mind.

So begins...

Zachary Larek's Story