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Wolf and Neko High

Wolf and Neko High


A high school where wolf people and Neko's co-exist.

5,354 readers have visited Wolf and Neko High since frost uzumashii created it.


Today is the first day for you here at "W&NHS" or "Wolf & Neko High School".
In fact, today is the grand opening of the new school so everyone is new here!
Welcome to your new school and I hope you can get along!!

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 16 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tekuno Character Portrait: Dj Reza
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0.00 INK

(Gah, double post! >.< )


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tekuno Character Portrait: Dj Reza
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0.00 INK

(Triple post!! D: )


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0.00 INK

#, as written by _Riot_


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiro nagasaki
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0.00 INK

"I best be going. My pack always eats supper together. It was nice meeting you Hiro." Nymph smiled as she stood from her spot.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiro nagasaki Character Portrait: Nymphadora Nox
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0.00 INK

"Ok well maybe we can have lunch some time." I said teleporting her back to the school.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiro nagasaki
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0.00 INK

"Definitely." Nymph smiled. She waved and then headed to her house where her pack was waiting for her.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hiro nagasaki Character Portrait: Nymphadora Nox
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0.00 INK

"Ok." I said before running back to my room. I dove onto the bed bouncing once.


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0.00 INK

Leslie walks along the street feeling bored.


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0.00 INK

((I have no idea what's going on, so I'm just gonna do something random if that's okay))

A young neko walks around the campus, quietly singing a song she heard heard her mother singing to her younger sister.

"Close your eyes, lay down your head, you'll be alrght, come morning light, we'll be right here by your side"

Swinging her legs back and fourth, she continued singing at a louder volume while happily tossing an Apple from side to side.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Eiko Neesan
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0.00 INK

Leslie spots another neko not far from her location. "hmmm"

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Game Master Controls

Welcome home, Promethean. Here, you can manage your universe.


Arcs are bundles of posts from any location, allowing you to easily capture sub-plots which might be spread out across multiple locations.

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You can create Quests with various rewards, encouraging your players to engage with specific plot lines.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

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By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


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By marking a character as abandoned, you can offer them to your players as pre-made character sheets.

Character Portrait: Eiko Neesan
1 sightings Eiko Neesan played by Eiko B. Winters
"Someone like you...somone who doesn't understand beings like us...deserve to DIE!!"

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Wolf and Neko High. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

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The Market

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Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

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View All » Add Character » 21 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Dani Leiber
Character Portrait: Liam Tracy
Character Portrait: Samuel Leiber
Character Portrait: Ariana
Character Portrait: Dj Reza
Character Portrait: Tekuno
Character Portrait: Sora Takumi
Character Portrait: Alex Rios
Character Portrait: Leslie
Character Portrait: Nymphadora Nox
Character Portrait: Lucius Eloturo
Character Portrait: Chris Adams
Character Portrait: "Sprinkles"
Character Portrait: Shade Casteri
Character Portrait: Shadow
Character Portrait: Tennis Cerallis
Character Portrait: Alex
Character Portrait: Loke


Character Portrait: Dj Reza
Dj Reza

Bwaaaa wub wub wub

Character Portrait: Hiro nagasaki
Hiro nagasaki

"I can bend space and time."

Character Portrait: Seren Ari
Seren Ari

Meow meow!!!!

Character Portrait: Samuel Leiber
Samuel Leiber

"My twin..."

Character Portrait: Dani Leiber
Dani Leiber


Character Portrait: Loke

Overly curious about ... well pretty much every thing. Slightly shy and childish Male Straight likes short girls

Character Portrait: Sora Takumi
Sora Takumi

"Somewhere I can fit in isn't necessary...what I need is the somewhere that I can live in" -Lone Wolf Sora

Character Portrait: Chris Adams
Chris Adams

Bisexual. Submissive. Sweet.

Character Portrait: Lucius Eloturo
Lucius Eloturo

Quiet, somewhat shy wolf. Outgoing when comfortable with someone, friendly, good sense of humor. Anger issues.

Character Portrait: Alex Rios
Alex Rios

Friendly wolf, very quiet and respectful.


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Wolf and Neko High

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