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Snippet #2430657

located in Edo, a part of Blade of the Seven, one of the many universes on RPG.


Edo, Now modern day Tokyo. Usually the Shichitou stays here unless they are needed else where.


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Character Portrait: Shinka Tenzou Character Portrait: Koemi Tsukino
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Koemi Tsukino

The tuck and roll of the ship was somewhat soothing in a way, not being entirely familiar with traveling on the ocean this was a comforting experience to say the least. The sound of the wave splashing against the ships hull, almost lulled Koemi to sleep. However she was sure that the Lady Tenzou's experience with sea travel was not as enjoyable as hers. When they landed on dry land once again, she made a mental note of Shinka's reaction. The prayers and praises to Buddah were more than enough for Koemi to see if there might be a better way, so that the return trip would not be so traumatic for the the Tenzou Clan Head. But that would have to wait, they had to press forward in order to make it to the gathering of the clans in time. Despite the Tenzou's gratefulness to be on land, Koemi was more uneasy now that the hardest part of their journey had begun. She was not so naive to believe that they were so safe in this land, peace was not always what your allie was seeking. So her fears for the Lady Tenzou's life grew, because she knew there was more likely to be a problem now that they were on land and traveling on foot then it had been before on the ship.

Despite her suspicions and worrying the first two days of traveling the lands on their way to the meeting at the Yukimura's was quite uneventful. When they reached then inn Koemi was looking forward to a much needed rest, sleeping in a real bed was almost a dream to her after camping for the past couple of days. One would think that the Lady Tenzou would prefer to stay at an inn each night, then to set up camp out in the elements. But that was quite the opposite, Koemi supposed that is why she and Shinka seemed to get along quite well, neither one of the liked to conform to the standards of most females around them. Koemi made sure that the Tenzou clan leader got a decent room in the inn and when she heard what was to be on the dinner menu that evening from the inn keeper. She was sure she could find something more to Shinka's liking somewhere else. When she made her way to a nice restaurant not to far from the inn she was sure things would be alright long enough for her to run in and get Shinka something to eat. Besides what harm could come to the lady sitting in her room meditating.

When she returned, happy with her choice for the meal not only for Shinka, but herself; she was met by a distraught inn keeper and his wife. They were raving on and on how The Lady Tenzou had made a complete mess of things and had bested some of the finest warriors in the town, also not to mention some of the inns best customers. Koemi gave a sigh and asked pardon after pardon from the inn keeper who was on the verge of telling them both to gather their things and leave. But after some more apologies on Koemi's part and a few extra coins, they agreed to let them stay.... as long as the were out, by the morning. This was immaterial to Koemi because that had been the plan from the beginning. But the fact that she couldn't leave Shinka to her own device for more than ten minutes was a bit aggravating.

With a sigh of regret she made her way through the corridors of the inn till she made it too the door of the Tenzou head's room. She gave a gentle knock, announcing her entrance into the room. As expected Koemi found Shinka meditating the room filling with the sounds of the mantra.

"My Lady I have brought you your dinner for the evening, it would have been warmer. But I was stopped by the inn keeper and his wife on my way in. Seems there was a bit of a ruckus involving a group of patrons that had drink a little too much saki..."

She sat the carefully wrapped food on a small table in the room as she bowed respectfully. She didn't see the point in bringing up the confrontation anymore than needed. The men had been in the wrong for drinking themselves into a stupor so much so that they where unable to get themselves into the correct room and even more in the wrong that they had lingered long enough in the Lady's room to raise her ire.

"I managed to get you some peaches as well"

Koemi smiled gently as she started to untie the bundle, and neatly arrange the meal on the table. The little bamboo boxes sat in rows, all filled with various dishes that Shinka was more familiar with and accustomed to eating.