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Nausicaa Caen

"Never sigh for a better world. Its already composed, played, and told..."

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a character in “Crown and Dagger”, as played by SithFaced


Born Nausicaa Adonia Calista Caen
Goes by Nausicaa




To the Guild

Member of the Thieves Guild.
Caretaker of the captive Princess.

Nausicaa is skilled in many different things - she considers forgery to be her number one on the list, though. She has been able to forge letters, and copy script from almost any handwriting style she has seen, and keeps reference sheets for the more important ones (though she hardly ever has to actually reference them). She has forged important documents that many of the poor peasants can not afford, in return for favors. She has what has been considered nearly perfect penmanship by many members of the Thieves Guild, and they've used this skill to their advantage many a time...

She is able enough with a sword, if it were to ever come down to her needing to use one in her own defense. She can also wield a bow and arrow if need be. Though, both of these things were taught to her by a few members of the guild. She knows that she is sub-par compared to the rest though, and prefers to rely on her small stature and quick legs to help her escape from situations.

She's always been a good sweet-talker, and she's very creative under pressure - she always seems to have an excuse as to why she's not doing something, or why she's somewhere she shouldn't be. She also tells fantastic stories, as she does read quite a bit - "quite a bit" refers to the fact that she reads whatever books she can get her hands on, though its not too terribly often. When she's given a book though, all other things become obsolete. At least, that is, until she's finished it.

Being a part of the Thieves Guild, she has also become quite agile and quick, able to dodge attempts to catch her quite often.

While Nausicaa can wield a sword or a bow, she cannot wield them near good enough to defend herself for more than a few minutes, and her accuracy with a bow is below what would be considered "normal".

She lacks a natural ability to find her way through "maze-like" situations. While she can navigate streets she knows, she has no idea what to do when she's backed into places she's never been to before - she tends to shut down mentally, and has been pulled from these situations by people with directional intuition on multiple occasions. This is what has caused her to like staying back at the 'base' more.

Nausicaa has a problem with men as well. She doesn't find them repulsive - actually, its completely the opposite. Her views of certain males can cloud her judgement, which gets really bad in itself.

The girl is also quite obsessed with image, and she will go out of her way to make herself look good - of course, this is not "on the job", but it can still become a problem.

She is a girl who doubts things as well - like, she doubts the idea that the king will ever back down. And while she knows that they now have his daughter, she isn't too sure if that will fix things. Though, she has yet to actually share these doubts with anyone. She's kept quiet on the matter, mostly... She finds it hard to believe things will be different, since her whole life has been a struggle in poverty. But she tries her best to change things, even though the negative thoughts still linger on the outskirts of her mind. When she is withdrawn from the rest of the Guild is when these thoughts start to bubble to the surface, so she tries to keep herself surrounded by people quite a bit to avoid this.

What she considers her biggest flaw, though, is that she cannot, for the life of her, bring herself to kill someone. She's known thieves who have had to do it in the past, but she cannot see herself killing someone, even if it were in her own defense. She doesn't mind kicking the crap out of them if it comes down to it - that's never been an issue - but she cannot see herself ever actually taking someones life. Especially if they were defenseless.

Nausicaa constantly carries around a small knife with her wherever she goes. Her clothes are also thin and light, so as to not weigh her down. The only other thing she wears is a thin silver necklace that she's had since she was young - it was her families only "good" piece of anything, and while her mother could have sold it to feed them all well for a week or two, she didn't, and decided to pass it on to Nausicaa.

Nausicaa is a mix of multiple "faces". She is mostly her kind "face". She will be your best friend - she'll listen to you, she'll sympathize with you, and she'll try to help you however she can. She'll wear a smile. She'll laugh. She'll be the person you'll want to be around. But she has her moments where she slips into other "faces". Full of herself, bitchy, snotty, lazy, defiant, vengeful... These are only a few of what might be seen. And while these occurrences are few and far between, they get pretty bad when they do happen.

Nausicaa was born into a very poor family - her mothers name was Eleanor, her fathers name was Godfrey, and her older brothers name was Achisar. She doesn't remember much about her parents - save for one strong memory of her mother - because her mother got sick and passed on when Nausicaa was about 5; her father was soon to follow. The one strong memory she holds of her mother, is her mother explaining the meaning of her name - she wanted her daughter to carry a name that meant something more than what she could give her. Her older brother, who was around 10 at the time of her parents passing, took care of her as best he can. They lived in the streets for a few years, and when Achisar was 12, he found shelter with the guild. But his sister was still far too young to even think about joining a thieves guild. So he left her at a home for girls.

The then-seven-year-old Nausicaa didn't quite understand why her brother had to go. But he would come and visit whenever he had the chance. When Nausicaa was 15, she left the home, and approached the thieves guild. They took her in, and it was soon discovered she had a gift with a quill. Her brother and a few others from the Guild were arrested not soon after - they had been caught by someone from the palace trying to steal goods as they arrived, and had been carted off.

Now 18, Nausicaa does whatever she can to help the guild, though she isn't so keen to violence. She tries to do a lot of behind-the-scenes work, though. It keeps her busy. And now that the guild has taken the Princess herself in as a prisoner, it has become Nausicaa's job to make sure that she is taken care of. She also has yet to give up the idea that her brother was simply arrested and not killed - she hopes to one day be able to reunite with him.

So begins...

Nausicaa Caen's Story