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a character in “Cursed Land”, as played by RolePlayGateway


Basic sword.
This sturdy staff made of oak wood seems to be an incredibly versatile tool.
Shows that you are registered to the Adventurer's Guild, and is capable of showing one's acquired skills, stats, titles, powers, race, and general identification. Can be used as a Universal Passport.
The region this prized select comes from is known for it's soil which is rich with organics. The blood cured into this specific wine has been given completely willingly by the operators of the winery.
A simple paper plate. It's a useful disposable eating tool.
A completely silent crossbow, made from the mystic trees of the Whispering Wood. Known to be accurate regardless of the skill of the wielder.
This egg has what looks like a hole, but it's actually a transparent ruby which allows the embryo take in sunlight early on.
Enchanted with a bit of magic and topped off with Pixie dust, this beverage is winning the hearts and stomachs of alcohol lovers everywhere.
This simple gold coin seems convenient for carrying around as a store of value.

So begins...

's Story