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The Empire

The Empire


a young prince loses his kingdom, his father and his way of life. he now seeks aid from a band of mercenaries and thieves.

2,058 readers have visited The Empire since chris45 created it.


Plot: Ok, usually people would put the intro before giving you the plot, but I like being different so here we go. The main plot of this story is that it is a continuation of an old story I created. It was called Midnight Rebellion, you may have seen it or been a part of it or have no idea what I’m talking about. Well it didn’t go as I had planned and the story was never finished. Well all that doesn’t really matter all you need to know is that this is a fantasy rp, and this will have a healthy balance of story and action . I hope you all enjoy it.

Help: I am going to need one or two Co -Gm’s for this to work well. So please send me a message if you are interested.

Intro: Finally what you have been waiting for, the story.

About sixty years ago a group of teenage kids took on a quest. Their quest was to free their land from the Crimeth army, this army was vast and powerful. And these kids managed to do the impossible. They rallied all the countries of Tiberen under one banner, they all fought against Crimeth’s army and defeated them. After Crimeth was defeated their king was beheaded and a new king was appointed, but this time the people would keep a close eye on their king and his actions. As for the group of kids, they were able to return home to their newly created fortress city, Galandra. The people of the city were excited that the rule of Crimeth was over. But the people soon discovered that without a ruler they were lost. So the leader of the group of teenager, Edwin. Volunteered to be the king, the people were hesitant at first, most didn’t like the idea of a “child” ruling them. But they eventually accepted the idea and Edwin was appointed king. The people were ecstatic, they enjoyed sixty years of peace, prosperity and happiness. That was when king Edwin died, the nobles say that he died in his sleep. But most know better, king Edwin was murdered. His son Gabriel the heir to the throne went missing, some say he is dead. Because Edwin had no other descendents a man known as Regulus, who is a powerful noble was allowed to take the thrown. This man started to ruin all of what Edwin had done. He raised taxes, making the content high middle class wealthier and the struggling lower middle class poor. Regulus started an army, one that made Crimeth’s old army look like a band of little children. The people Galandra cry out for help from the tyrant, many rebel armies have been started and the city may soon fall into a great war between the people and the army. Some have sought out the group that defeated Crimeth for help, yet none can be found, the people suspect they have been murdered like King Edwin.

But lets turn our attention to another city, the city of Kolera. It is a small city located east of Crimeth’s capitol city Volren. In this city there are no townspeople only a band of thieves and mercenaries. They are only known as Fang, the members of this group are well known for their abilities. The reason I speak of this group is because they are very important to how this story begins and ends. You see on one cold December afternoon, a boy covered by a long grey cloak approaches the city, followed by a large person in heavy armor and a young archer. As the boy walks into the city, the people of Fang watch closely. They all wonder to themselves, thinking about what they boy’s purpose in the city is. The boy slowly approaches the leader of Fang, the boy introduces himself as “Gabriel, prince of Galandra.”

Main cities and countries

Crimeth- it is a somewhat large country, it takes up most of northern Tiberen. The main capital is Volren, the city is where the king’s palace is and it is guarded by a large wall. The soldiers of Crimeth are well trained and are the strongest when it comes to using weapons. Crimeth’s soldiers are the only soldiers that are riders, most common riders are horsemen, but they do have dragon riders, and beast riders and Pegasus riders.

Coronia- the land of the Elven people, the people of Coronia are mostly Elves, but they do have Humans and Fairies, mostly everyone in Coronia is capable of using magic, some use weapons, like bows, swords and spears. But their most powerful tool is magic. Coronia’s capitol Orithan is a village hidden in the hundred year forest. The village is guarded by the forests natural magic, any who try and get to the village to do harm to it will never find their way out in over a hundred years. It is located in the western part of Tiberen

Dregnovia- is the land of the beast tribe, the beast tribe are very kind people, they appoint their leader by strength and wisdom. The capitol of Dregnovia is Zerix. It is a desert area, the sandstorms guard the city, the desert is almost impossible to cross unless you are of the beast tribe or can fly. Located in the eastern part of Tiberen

Gallica- the land of the bird tribe, the bird tribe are strong aerial fighters, the capitol of Gallica is Drovnin, it is a island in the middle of the Golren sea, which is east of Dregnovia and Florin. The leader of this tribe is chosen by strength.

Florin- the land of the reptile tribe, the reptile tribe is strong, but they don’t flaunt their strength. The leader of this tribe is chosen by wisdom and age. The country is located south of Dregnovia.

Angria, Kalya, Lavernith, and Anexia(Galandra)- these four cities were once a part of Crimeth, but they now make up Galandra. The country is smaller than the others, but they allow all races, so they have a large diverse and powerful army.

Main races

Humans- They are the most common, they are located in almost every country. They are the best at using weapons. But nothing else is really special about them

Elves- this race is very magical, they are capable of controlling the elements and can calm any beast if given enough time. The Elven are very capable archers and have strong minds. But they are usually weak close range fighters, Elves have long life spans some have been known to live over three thousand years.

Fairies- they are normally about the size of a human’s index finger, but they have been known to be smaller than that. They are usually given to young Elves who have become apprentices, They are very capable healers. Some are good offensive magic users as well, but most use defensive magic. Some fairies have the ability to grow to the size of a normal human. But this is rare only one in every ten thousand get it.

Lytherens- they are known as were-beasts, by the humans, they take the form of humans with animal like characteristics. They are able to change into animal form at will, their agility, strength and other abilities depend on what kind of Lytheren they are.Lytherens in animal form are larger than the wild animal that is a part of them. some can grow to be larger than average size men. While in their human like form all Lytherens are vulnerable.

Beast Lytheren- they are the second strongest Lytheren, they are the second fastest of the Lytherens, they are very agile creatures and use their agility to their advantage.

Bird Lytheren- they are the fastest of the Lytherens, They are the weakest when it comes to strength. They can see farther than any other resident of Tiberen.

Reptile Lytheren- They are the slowest of the Lytherens, but their strength makes up for it. The dragons are faster than any other Reptile Lytherens, but they aren’t as fast as the Beast Lytherens

Berserkers/Wisdoms- they are a mix of Lytheren and Human or Elf. They are given the name of Berserker if they are human/Lytheren. They have the strength of a Lytheren, but in a human body. They are given the name of Wisdom if they are Elf/ Lytheren. They have the magical abilities of an Elf, but they only get half the strength of their Lytheren parent. The wisdoms and Berserkers are looked down upon by the other races, it’s mostly because the others don’t understand them.

Dwarves- Dwarves are rare in Tiberen, they come from far off lands, they are strong fighters and have very little magical ability. They are great blacksmiths and their items are well sought after. Most Dwarves are found trading than fighting, but those that do fight are mighty warriors who rarely show their fear.

Classes ( some of the Classes can be mixed, but only for Berserkers and Wisdoms)
(# means they can’t be mixed with anything)

Swordsmen - they are strong sword fighters, they are quick on their feet and aren’t easily defeated. They are weak against long range attacks, but they usually carry knives with them to throw for mid range attacks. This make them deadly fighters

Archer- They are strong bow and crossbow users, they can fight well in mid range and long range. Most Archers are good with short swords so if they do have to fight close range they aren’t completely defenseless

Lancer- they fight with lances and spears, they are the most balanced class, they can defend as well as they can attack. They are the hardest to defeat of any class, but they have a big weakness that most can exploit. Because of their balanced nature, they don’t have powerful attacking of defending ability.

#Riders- this class rides mounts, they are powerful attackers, they have mobility on their side and can easily take advantage of none mounted enemies. They are able to ride Horses, Dragons, Beasts or Pegasus’ the most common and easiest to control are the horses.

Mage- powerful magic users, they can control large varieties of magic, the main focus of the mages are the natural elements of fire, water, earth, air, lightning, dark and light. Some have been known to study far more advance forms of magic, but all seem to come back to the basic natural elements. Mages can learn all types of magic, but they will only be strong with two forms. They are weak against archer attacks as well as close range attacks. But their magic is powerful enough that it makes up for it.

Healer- they can heal almost any wound, they usually use light magic to defend themselves, but some have been known to use dark magic. They are similar to mages because they are weak against just about any enemy attack, but their healing ability and magical ability make up for it.

Assassin- strong knife and dagger users, they are quick fighters. They can strike an enemy before they even realize they have been attacked. The only enemy they are weak against are heavily armored enemies.

Fighter- this class fights with their bare hands, they are agile and can dodge enemy attacks easily. They have trained their bodies to be their greatest weapons. They usually wear gauntlets to protect their hands against blades or arrows. This makes them even deadlier because of the gauntlets blocking ability.

Axe men - the use one handed axes or Poleaxes. They can fight both close range and mid range. They lean more toward attack than defense but that doesn’t mean they are easy targets. They are very capable fighters and wont give up easily.

Positions needed: Archer with Gabriel, *Head soldier of Galandra army, assistant to Head soldier of Galandra army, *King Regulus,

*, means I will have to give you some info to help you with that character. Also auto reserved for Co-Gm(s) if they want them.

Character sheet ( I as that you please use this so I can quickly view the info on your character. )

Age: (16+)
Class: ( only for Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Berserkers) (Fairies either mage or healer.)
Weapon: ( you can only have a max of two weapons. This is only for humans, Elves, Dwarves, Berserkers and Fairies.)
Armor type: (heavy, light, medium, none.)
Animal form: ( I think we all know who this is only for)
Main Element(s): (Mages only, you can have up to two.)
Mount: ( Riders only, Horse, Dragon, Beast or Pegasus. Just so you know, you will have to make a post about how you make a bond with your mount.) (and the Dragons and Beasts mounts are not Lytherens, hope your not disappointed by that ^^)
Position: (Fang member, Galandra citizen, Galandra soldier, etc)
Residence: (City your character is in now.)
Personality: (optional, it will be shown in the rp anyway way ^^)
History: (optional, but if you don’t show it here, you will have to make your character talk about their past to some.)
Appearance: ( what they normally look like, can be a description)
Physical features: ( what isn’t shown in the picture, if you used a picture.)
Other: (any thing you want to add )

(Copy and paste)

Armor type:
Animal form:
Main Element(s):
Physical features:

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


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#, as written by chris45
Gabriel watched as Cat left, she kind of confused him. He wondered why she couldn’t give the bag to Wolf herself. Did she trust him enough to believe he wouldn’t run off with it. Gabriel then turned to Shea and said “ we should get some rest, it’s getting late.” Gabriel didn’t want to talk with Shea about his plans because he was still trying to figure out what he needed to do. He had hoped Marcus would have some kind of idea, but the big knight hadn’t shown himself since they arrived in Kolera. Gabriel smiled at Shea and then walked off toward the meeting hall to find Wolf. As he approached the door, he heard someone clear their throat, the sound came from above him, he looked up wondering who it could be. Wolf than spoke and said “ shouldn’t you be at the inn getting some sleep.” Gabriel chuckled and then tossed the pouch into the air. Wolf caught it and then Gabriel said to him “Cat told me to give that to you for some reason.” Gabriel walked away toward the inn.

Wolf smiled and placed the pouch beside him, he then laid back and stared up at the sky. He wondered if the bandits would return, if they did they would have a larger group. The thought of the bandits also made him wonder if the bandits could have attacked the merchants for another reason other than money. Wolf yawned and stretched his hand toward the stars. He often liked looking at the stars they calmed him especially after a rain shower. The dark clouds that were above the forest were starting to fade and the rain slowly stopped. Wolf started to sniff the air, the smell of blood was all around him. It was from the bandits, he didn’t like the smell of blood. It always brought back old memories for him. Wolf laid on the roof thinking about his past jobs, letting the thoughts of the bandits fade from his mind.

Alice sat with Helena, Helena smiled at Alice and said to her “so are you doing ok?” Alice nodded. She then looked up toward the second floor at the doors, Helena said to her “if you want you can go up there and get some sleep. I’m sure today has been tough for you.” Alice smiled slightly, trying to appear happy, she got out of her seat and walked up the stairs. She went to the third door and opened it. It was a small hallway with a three doors on each side. Alice walked to the end of the hall and opened the door. It was a bedroom, the bedroom was empty and somewhat small. Alice sat on the bed and then laid her head on the pillow almost immediately. She began to cry into the pillow, the tears soaked the pillow, she tried to catch her breath as she cried. Alice had lost her only family, she was alone in the world with no place to go. She did like how the members of Fang were treating her, but she felt she would only be a burden on them if she stayed.

Helena watched the door to the kitchen open and Flora and Asher walked out, they were both carrying bowls filled with some type of soup. Helena watched as they stared happily at each other. Flora then looked at Helena and she got nervous as if she was doing something wrong and was close to being found out. Helena smiled and said to them both “why don’t you two just admit that you like each other, trying to hide it doesn’t seem to be working well for you.” Flora stared at Helena and said “we are just friends, that’s it.” Helena got up and said sarcastically “ ok, I believe you.” Helena walked to the stairs and then walked up them. She looked back and said “ you two enjoy your date, I’m going to sleep.” Helena walked to the first door and opened it. Asher looked up at the door and then said “ that was close, she almost found out.” the door than suddenly opened and Helena yelled out “ I knew it! Now I can sleep well tonight knowing the truth.” Flora shook her head toward Asher and then sat down at the table.


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Giera filled her bucket with the water and quickly swiped some soap and herbs, reminding herself to leave a few coins at the stand later. She stopped and looked at the stars. She felt herself calm and felt wetness in her eyes. Today had been a hard day. She spent the last 5 years trying to dround her memories, and now they had come back into her life with a vengeance. She sighed and looked at the ground, going into the small room she called home.

She undressed and filled the bucket with soap, salt, and herbs. She then scrubbed herself hard. It hurt, but the rough scrubbing removed the smell of the sewers off her. It took her an hour to scrub her whole body and her hair. When it got time for her back she couldn't scrub it even if she wanted to. Even after 5 years the skin was sensitive. She took a piece of cloth and laid on her stomach on her bed, letting the soapy water soak into her skin. As she laid there she scrubbed her clothes. Her clothes turned a dark gray but it was a small price to pay to not smell like a sewer. She was exhausted after it was over and pulled the old, holey wool blanket over her. She sang a song she used to sing when she was young until she fell into a deep sleep. Whatever higher powers there were, were giving her mercy this night as she slept and did not dream. Giera was in desperate need of rest after the eventful day.


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Cat knew she could trust one royal, especially Gabriel. He was really close to Wolf, so he could help her find out more about Wolf. She hopped onto Klac, and flew to the middle of the forest. That was a place where she could really think. She saw a hooded figure, murmuring to himself. She heard "Gabriel", "Regulus", and "Caught".

She flew quickly before he noticed, and right into the Hall. "Wolf, I think Regulus knows Gaberiel is here." she said, moving her leather gauntlets on her hands.


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Shea watched Gabriel walk away and sighed slightly. She closed her eyes for just a second. As she did so, she felt the brush of cloth against her back and caught the sweet scent of lilacs. She spun so fast, she nearly lost her balance but there was no one there. Not a soul. Rubbing her eyes, she took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "Maybe I do need some rest." So with that decided, she made her way to the Inn.


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Brolin ordered a beer and sat down infront of the fire. That was his usually spot. He lighted his pipe and puffed on it. The maid came with his beer and he nodded. He looked into the fire and was lost in his toughts. Drinking his beer and puffing on his pipe.
What happend to that girl?
Why was it coming smoke from the forest?
And who was the mysterious strangers?
Not that it was of any importance to Brolin.


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#, as written by Ginko
Rowen was now in the streets, headed for the bar he had spent his time in earlier. He puffed on a freshly lit cigarette quietly. His wings were folded up and he was busy thinking about all that he knew so far. Three visitors... Rumors of the Missing Prince... Bandit Attack... He just repeatedly thought these things, and replayed the scenes of the bandit attack over and over again. "This is so irritating..." He sighed, as he turned the corner to the street the bar was on. He walked to it slowly and pushed open the door.

Needless to say the barkeep was annoyed with his return. "You gonna order somethin' this time?" He asked Rowen as he took a seat at the bar.

Rowen looked up slowly. "Yea, water." He said with a slight grin. This only further irritated the barkeep, but he kept his mouth shut. It'd be bad for business if he started a fight with one of his patrons. Rowen drank the water slowly, it was cold and relaxing. His day had been much more lively than it had been for some time. He was just glad to relax a bit, but something told him that relaxation was going to be hard to come by in the near future. He rubbed his eyes boredly. It was getting late and he was getting tired.


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#, as written by chris45
The sun peeked over the horizon, bringing light to Kolera. It was the start of a new day, thoughts of bandits and the prince were in the back of Wolf’s mind. He was enjoying his sleep. But that didn’t last, he started to hear loud stomping, he sat up and looked toward the sky. He was still on the roof, he had fallen asleep during is watch. The sound began to grow louder, it came from the forest. He looked in the distance but could see nothing through the trees. The sound soon stopped and he tried to figure out what that sound could have been. He then looked toward the sky and saw a streak of red light coming in toward the city. Wolf stared at it and he then got up quickly as he realized what it was, the red streak came down toward the city and hit a small house, burning the roof of the house. The streak was a burning arrow. Wolf watched as more came sailing down toward his city. He ran to the ladder and climbed down, he jumped off the ladder landing on his feet, he ran to the center of town, there was a bell there. Wolf kicked the bell, the bell rang loudly covering the whole city, it would be impossible for even the hardest sleeper to not hear.

Wolf watched as people rushed from their houses in a panic, he then saw soldiers rushing into the city, Wolf drew his swords and ran toward the soldiers, cutting them down quickly. The soldiers were trained, but they weren’t trained well. Wolf could tell as none of them could come close to cutting him. They all wore light armor, but they fought like they had heavy armor protection using wide swings and trying to use their weight to push Wolf back. Their moves were amateurish, he wondered why soldiers this weak would attack his city. As the number of the soldiers began to dwindle and the bodies around Wolf began to grow larger. He notice more soldiers coming into the city, these soldiers had heavier armor, they looked experienced. He then realized the strategy, they sent the weaker soldiers to tire him and then the experienced soldiers would attack. It was quite devious a tactic that only a weak commander would use. Wolf smiled happily, he wondered if he would be able to win this battle. He looked at the more experienced soldiers rushing toward him and behind them. Stood three fearsome warriors, one carried a large sword over his shoulder. He had a cloth over the left side of his face. The man looked like the strongest of the three. Another warrior carried a large pole axe over his shoulder, he was missing his left arm. But it didn’t seem to put the man off balance. The last warrior carried a long sword in his left hand the way the man was holding the sword showed his left hand wasn’t his dominate hand. The man was hiding his right hand behind his cloak. It made Wolf suspect that the man had lost his right hand. Wolf also suspected that the three were the leaders of the army and the ones he needed to defeat to drive the army out of his city.

Wolf ran toward the men, running passed the heavily armored soldiers. They didn’t try and stop him. It was as if they didn’t want to stop him from getting to their commanders. Wolf stood before the three warriors blocking them from going farther into the city. They looked at him with cold eyes. The warrior with the pole axe and the missing left arm stepped up. He pointed his axe at Wolf and said “ step aside or I will cut you down.” Wolf didn’t move, he only stared the man down. The man seemed agitated he brought his axe up and prepared to bring it down. Wolf saw his chance, he stepped forward and prepared to take the man’s head off, but his sword was blocked by the man with the sword in his left hand. Wolf looked up as the axe was coming down toward him, Wolf jumped back narrowly dodging the axe. The man with the large sword over his shoulder began to walk passed Wolf and he said to the other two “ I will leave this to you.” the two smiled and then charged at Wolf quickly.

Helena jumped out of her bed and then ran to the door. She opened it and the sound of the bell rang louder in her ears. She looked across the hall and saw Elizabeth, who looked frightened but also excited. Helena stepped into the hall and then walked to the door that lead to the stairs. Elizabeth followed closely behind her, the two reached the first floor and saw Flora and Asher standing at the door their daggers drawn. Helena walked over to the both of them and placed her hand on their shoulders. They both looked back at her and smile. Flora’s gaze then shifted from Helena to the second floor where Alice was standing looking down at them. Alice walked to the stairs and Elizabeth smiled at her. Elizabeth grabbed Alice’s hand and lead her to the door. Helena looked at Alice and said “ I’m sorry to ask you this, but it looks like things are going to get bad. We could use some help.” Alice nodded and then Flora and Asher pushed open the door. They then charged at the soldiers and started cutting them down. They looked up at the arrows falling down toward them. Alice used her light magic to create a shield and blocked the arrows. Helena used her earth magic and the soil starts to get soft, it then caused some of the soldiers to sink into the ground. Helena chuckled and then looked back at Elizabeth and said “ you should stay close.” Elizabeth laughed and said “ I can take care of myself, look” Elizabeth whistled softly and snow white wolf appeared behind her, it was large like a horse. It’s teeth stained blood red, the wolf charged at the soldiers knocking them to the ground. It then bit and scratched the soldiers, the soldiers were frightened, they hadn’t expected such a thing to happen. Some ran off trying to flew the claws of the snow white beast, but most failed to escape. Elizabeth whistled again and the wolf turned and ran back to her, the wolf slowly disappeared into nothingness and Elizabeth was proud of what she had done.

Gabriel heard the yelling, he walked to the window of his room in the inn. He opened it and the smell of blood rushed to his nose. He stepped back in disgust, the smell was horrid to his acute nose. By the smell Gabriel could tell a large group of people were dying. And by the yelling he could tell it was from a large battle. He wondered who was winning, but he didn’t want to go out and see. He preferred to not get into the middle of such things unless he had to.


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Giera had, had the first good night of rest in a long time. She was woken suddenly though. She heard the city bell, something that she had never heard before, and jumped out. She looked out her window and saw a man running past. "Hey, whats going on?" The man recognized her because he lived near her. "Soldiers, attacking the town!". Giera went pale as ghost. She closed her eyes. "No, please not again. Don't let this town be destroyed...I can't take...." Giera took a deep breath and calmed herself. She needed to help defend this town. She got dressed and put on her black mask which covered part of her face. It made her feel better because she was worried memories would come back hard. She went out of her window and climbed to the rooftops.

She looked up to the sky, "Please father, give me strength. Don't let fear cripple me, let it stay hidden so I can help these people". Her father had been a woodsman and a ranger, he defended people when they were in need, and deep inside, Giera cared for people. She then began to run across the rooftops. She ran till she saw the leader of Fang fighting, he didn't look like he needed any help, so she went after the men who manged to make it past him.

She jumped off the rooftop and ontop of one man, breaking his leg backwards. She put her knuckles to his neck and clicked the button. The man made a gurgling noise as the claws ascended into his throat. "You will not take this town" she said with a half growl. She got up from him and turned around. A man with a huge broadsword came running at her and she dodged him and scratched his back. He stopped and laughed. "Oooh, you scratched me, bad kitty" he said. Giera let him run at her, and when he was nearly upon her she dropped to her knees and stuck her claws in the vein near his groin. The man screamed, clutching his groin.

Giera stopped as he fell. She had never taken a life before, now she had taken two. She looked at the blood on her claws and she felt sick. She went over to the alleyway and threw liquid as she hadn't eaten breakfast yet. "Help me father, I need to help these people". She stood up, pale and emotional, and remembered what the bandits had done to her people. They had hurt the women, some of the children, they threw them in burning buildings to die, they slowly tortured and killed the men. There was a chance these men would do the same if they got the chance. "I can't let that happen. I can't let another child be scarred for life". Her back burned as she said that and she used the pain to give her strength.

She fought the best she could. She wasn't a trained fighter, but she knew where some of the vital veins and organs were so she aimed for them. She managed to take down two more men before a man with a short sword sliced her right side deeply. Giera fell to the ground and the man came over and smiled, "Its really too bad, I bet you have a pretty face". Giera scowled at him and stuck her claws deep in his ankle. He screamed and fell to one knee.


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This was what Brolin was waiting for. A fight. When he had heard the bell he had quikcly grabbed his axe and put on his armor. Then he was fit for battle. He came out in the streets and saw a group of soldiers.
'' C'man, I've been waiting for ye the whole day'' He yelled and started to run towords them. Before they could get into position he was over them and swinged his great axe.
'' Just freshies ay!?'' He screamed at the captain that was leading a bigger group near the tavern. The captain laughed and told the men to take that little dwarf. This reminded Brolin of the battle against the goblins back when he fought with the Crunar Clan. The leaders underestimated the dwarfs and rushed them. When the soldiers almost was infront of Brolin he grabbed his smaller aze and threw it, hitting one of the soldiers in the chest. The others stop, unsure if this really was a good idea. Then the captain screamed and they attacked Brolin. Recruits wasn't a match for Brolin. Human wasn't good fighters. And they weren't train to fight something this small. Their attacks wasn't made for fighting a dwarf.
'' Don't ye dare to fight me yerself!?'' He yelled at the captain when the last soldier of the gruop fell to the ground. The captain hesitated then started to run away from him.
'' Oi! Where are ye going!?'' He screamed and started to run (dwarf running) after him.

He had lost sight of the captain. That little rat. He had cut down some more soldiers when he saw that girl from the blacksmith. She looked like she had some problems.
'' Do ye need some help mi'lady!?'' He yelled, trying to make his voice heard in this chaos.


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The man attacking Giera stopped and turned around to look at the dwarf who was coming up behind him. Giera grabbed his sharp sword with her bare hands, quite used to pain, and her claws went into his cheekbone. He jumped back from her screaming in pain, wounded but not dieing, and his ankle burned with pain again and he fell hard on the ground. Giera moved her shirt, which was ruined, and looked at the cut. It was deep but it didn't look like it had cut her open leaving her organs exposed. She got up, wincing, but more then able to take the pain. "I'm fine, its just a scratch".


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Brolin cut the man on the ground with his light axe and then looked at the girl.
'' I bet ye would like one of my famous armors now wouldn't ye?'' He asked and smiled. He looked around. No more soldiers for the moment. But by the sound it was likely an army waiting outside. This city didn't have so much defense.. The humans should learn from the dwarfs. Well.. Now they where inside so much more fighting for Brolin. He took a sip from his bottle of beer and looked at the sky. Great night for a war. As long it didn't rain or was too windy every night was a good night for war.


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Pale fingers circled the cold bars as the hooded men walked away. They pulled and pushed until finally the child, no older then four, sank to the floor sobs caught in his throat. She had seen it more times then she could count in the last two years and she remembered that feeling. Down the metal halls, she knew there were other mothers, clinging tightly to their children. As soon as they were old enough, they'd be taken from them as well. It would happen a million more times, a hard realization for a six year old. One that made her grow up fast, all to fast.

When they behaved, they were allowed to visit their mothers once, every two weeks, no longer then two hours. She had a hard time keeping track of time, perhaps it was longer then that. If they misbehaved though, they were put in a separate cell with no other children to rely on as comfort. Just solitude. The other kids watched sadly but no one moved until she did. There were no words of comfort she could offer, so instead she simply knelt beside him and pulled him into her arms. She rested her cheek against his small redhead and as his tears soaked her shoulder, she felt her own welling up again.

Tomorrow, the visitors would come again. They would pinch their cheeks and poke them, inspecting them as if they could rot like fruit. People rarely took the children though. More interested in purchasing the teenagers and young adults for labor and cleaning. The young women who were not sold as personal servants, would be sold for pleasure. If they should become pregnant, their children would end up here. Some of the women were kept just for that purpose. Why kidnap and make slaves when you could breed them....

Shea woke with tears in her eyes. It had been ten years since then and three since she had dreamed of it. What had provoked the dream, she could not say but something about this city reminded her. Still, she had no time to think about that when she caught the yelling voices. Moving from her bed, she went to the window and could smell the smoke from the burning house before she even opened it. It seemed there would be no peace for anyone here, as she watched the soldiers moving through the streets. Turning quickly, she left her room and headed to check on Gabriel.


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Cat flew on Klac, squishing more than seventy men with his body. She punched the man trying to escape from Klac's body with an iron gauntlet. He screamed, finally dead. She went to go help the people in the burning building, carrying them out. There was a small child, a girl about five. She held her close, smiling. "I won't let anyone hurt you." she said, putting her on Klac. The others were a male teen, older woman, a midwife, and seemed the midwife's husband. "Come on my dragon, I can help." she said, climbing on him.

Brock watched the chaos, running outside. A female teen clung to his knee, and she helped him up, slicing the soldier trying to attack her again in half. The female winced, shuddering. "The bloody traitor." she whispered, as Brock held her up bridal style, and brought her to his house. He got his bandages out. He wrapped her carefully, making her have as less pain as possible. He let her sleep on his cot, watching her carefully.


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Giera looked around but didn't see any more soldiers at this point. She ignored the dwarf going over to the village well. She took a bucket that had been left there and filled it with cold water. She took off her claws and washed them in the cool water, and began to wash the blood off her the best she could. She was shaking really bad and she took deep breaths. She left her mask on, not wanting anyone to see her emotions. She looked down at the bloody water. She had never taken a life before. What would her mother and father think now? "Is it so much to ask to just live a boring normal life?" she said quietly to herself. Giera was so tired of bad things happening. Giera had pushed anyone away who had ever tried to help her and she had no one, which meant when bad things happened she only had herself to get through it.

She saw some of the buildings were on fire. She was too afraid to go see if the people were ok. She looked at her reflection. She wasn't 14 anymore. "I don't even know who I am or want to be father" she said softly. She took off her mask and started to cry, too emotionally exhausted. Giera had been fighting for 5 years to bury the past, to forget it, to pretend she was ok. But the truth was she wasn't ok. Her back still hurt everyday, it acted like a tack in her foot, not letting her forget what was done. She wiped her tears away and sloshed the dirty water on the ground and got more clean water from the well.

She washed her face well, feeling a little better. She took a deep breath and looked at the city. There was dead bodies everywhere as well as the sounds of suffering. "Destruction follows me" she said softly. Shortly after the elves saved her a band of orcs attacked, killing their leader and a few others, and burning several homes. Giera sat quietly by the village well for a long while, needing a moment to breathe. "I need help dad" she said softly. She couldn't pretend or act hard anymore, it was beginning to become too much.


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#, as written by chris45
(Guys, I’m sorry I’m going to have to postpone the rp for a little while, things have gotten jumbled up and I’m just getting confused. So I need sometime to get everything together and then I will restart the story. )


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#, as written by chris45
(The rp has restarted. sorry for postponing it, just needed to get things together.)

Wolf dodged the two men, he then tried to counterattack, but the two men guarded each other making Wolf’s attack useless. Wolf held his swords close, he whispered a few words to them and then the blade of the swords busted into flames, Wolf charged at the men, he managed to knick the man with the axe’s shirt, the shirt began to burn and the man took it off and threw it to the ground. The man smiled and then said “ so you think your flames are strong, well let me show you mine.” The man whistled to the wind and then a loud roar was heard, Wolf looked to the sky and saw something heading down toward him. He then saw a stream of fire sail down toward him. He jumped back, the flames burned his leg slightly. Wolf clinched his teeth from the pain, he then moved farther back trying to see what had caused the fire to fall down toward him. Wolf was then shocked as he saw a large dragon hovering above him. The man pointed his axe toward the sky and the dragon swooped down and landed in front of the man, the man hopped on the dragon and then pointed his axe toward Wolf. Wolf sighed and slowly got up. He then heard someone yelling his name, he turned around and saw Alice running toward him. When she reached him she was out of breath, she placed her hand on his shoulder and said “ I came to give you a hand.” Wolf nodded at her and said “ thank you.”

Wolf charged at the dragon, the dragon let out a stream of fire, but it was blocked by Alice’s light magic. Wolf reached the dragon and slashed at it’s legs, the dragon roared in pain and lashed it’s tail at Wolf, Wolf jumped over the tail and then stabbed both of his swords into the beasts leg. The man with the axe brought his axe up into the air and then made a swinging motion toward Wolf. Wolf pulled his blades out of the dragon’s leg and dodged the axe. He rolled on the ground, a bead of sweat rolled down his face, Wolf feared he would lose his life in this battle. He then saw a dagger sail through the air and sink itself into the Dragon’s exposed eye. The Dragon flailed around in pain and then took to the sky. Wolf looked and saw Flora and Asher with Helena and Elizabeth, they smiled at Wolf. He smiled back and then his attention turned to the sky when he heard the Dragon’s roar, he then began to run toward Alice, he reached her and grabbed her hand and pulled her. He ran toward the group and said to them “ run, now.” they all looked up and saw a stream of fire heading toward them. There was no time to escape, Wolf forced the group to huddle together as he guarded them. After a few seconds Wolf realized he wasn’t dead, he looked behind him and saw that the flames were being blocked, but not by Alice, they were being blocked by black flames, he looked and he saw Gabriel covered in black flames, the dragon’s flames stopped and then dispersed. Gabriel turned toward Wolf and said “I couldn’t let you die, your supposed to protect me and you can’t do that when your dead.” Wolf smiled and then said “thanks for the help, but I think this battle is lost. I need you to do me a favor, rally everyone in the city and get them to head to the back of the town and escape. I will distract the army for a while until you finish.” Gabriel nodded and then turned to Shea and said “ come on lets get going.”

Helena looked at Wolf and said “good luck, don’t die.” Helena held Alice’s and Elizabeth’s hands and ran after Gabriel and Shea, Asher and Flora nodded to Wolf and then followed behind Helena. Wolf went to the center of town and rang the bell to tell all the people to escape the city. He then watched as the dragon landed on the ground, it roared at him and Wolf smiled. He ran toward it and as it began to breath fire Wolf spoke a few words to his blades and then his swords turned black and he appeared behind the dragon, he ran up the dragon’s long tail and then charged at the man with the axe. The man turned around and blocked one of Wolf’s swords the other sank into the man’s one arm and Wolf then pulled it out and then jumped off the dragon. Wolf stabbed his sword into the dragon and slid down until he reached the ground and he then ran toward a house, he climbed up it and stood on the burning roof. The dragon saw him and rushed toward him. Wolf smiled and as the Dragon’s mouth came down toward him he rolled and fell through the crumbling roof. He hit the ground and did a roll and then ran toward the front door. Wolf then ran into an alley, he hid there waiting for the dragon to pass so he could use a sneak attack.

Marcus stood before the man with the large sword, the man with the large sword said “ Marcus, it is good to see you again, I hope you are ready to pay for what you did to me.” the man lifted up his right arm and it could be seen that his right hand was missing. Marcus smiled at the man and said “ Godfrey, you were foolish to face me and that is why I took your hand. Now I will take your life.” Godfrey charged at Marcus, who thrusted his spear out, but missed. Godfrey got closer to Marcus and tried to cut him, but Godfrey was quickly hit with the blunt end of Marcus’s spear and was forced to the ground. Marcus placed the blade of his spear against Godfrey’s neck and then said “ I hope you said your prayers before you challenged me because you die now.” Godfrey picked up so gravel from the ground and threw it toward Marcus, Marcus stepped back and covered his eyes. Godfrey jumped to his feet and slammed Marcus into a burning house. Godfrey followed and then charged at Marcus. Marcus slowly got up and shook off the dust from the gravel and dirt. Godfrey got close to Marcus but was forced back by Marcus’s spear, Marcus spun the spear in his hand and then thrusted it toward Godfrey, who narrowly dodged, Godfrey brought his large sword high into the air and slammed it down on the floor in front of Marcus. The roof of the building began to shake and both Marcus and Godfrey began to sweat, the heat was rising and flames were burning all round them. Marcus charged Godfrey as quickly as an heavily armored man could. Godfrey easily moved out of the way, but was hit with Marcus’ spear and was forced against the wall. Marcus hit Godfrey again and Godfrey fell to the ground. Marcus stared down at the beaten man and then walked away. Godfrey slowly got up and with anger in his eyes he charged Marcus, his sword high in the air. Godfrey brought his sword down and Marcus pushed him away causing the sword to miss Marcus and slam into the floor. The roof started to crumble and Marcus kicked Godfrey back into the house and then the roof began to fall down. Marcus walked away not looking to see if Godfrey lived or died, he then passed the alley where he saw Wolf and he said “ Wolf what are you doing.” Wolf ran toward him and yelled “ get down!” Wolf slammed into Marcus and they both rolled as a stream of fire landed and burned the ground just passed them. Wolf helped Marcus up and then said “ we have to go this battle is over, head to the back of the city there is a tunnel there that everyone will be taking to escape.” Marcus nodded and ran off toward the back of the city.

Wolf managed to escape to the back of the city without being seen by the Wolf, when he reached the tunnel everyone had already fled into the tunnel, Wolf whispered a few words to his swords and then stabbed them into the ground. The opening to the tunnel then closed . He pulled his swords out of the ground and he looked at them. They were worn and becoming useless. He knew he would need new ones, he sheathed the blades and then ran through the tunnel, after a few minutes he could see light and he could hear the sound of waves hitting against a beach. He walked through the light and looked out and saw the sea, and then out in the sea he saw a ship. It appeared to be anchored out there, Wolf walked out of the edge of the tunnel and on to the beach, there were merchants and pirates everywhere. A man with a opened captain’s jacket and a large scar across his chest walked toward Wolf, the man placed his hand on Wolf’s shoulder and said “ I saw the people of your city come through the tunnel and I invited them all to stay at my house.” Wolf looked at him and said “ thank you, Sir Drake. I promise I will repay you for this.” Sir Drake looked at Wolf and said “ just call me Alexander, and don’t worry about it, you helped me when I needed it so I’m just repaying the favor. Now come on everyone has been worried about you.” Wolf nodded and then walked to Alexander’s home.


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Brolin wasn't happy about leaving the fight but he had managed to grab his money from his before exiting the city. He wouldn't let some gready humans take his life savings. He looked around and sat down on a rock. He wanted to get out of the armor, get drunk and then go home to his big bed. But that wasn't going to happend.
Someone has brought this army here. Maby my friend was right about the strangers. He started to look around for his drinking buddy. He couldn't be dead. If someone could drain a bar of all it's beer he wouldn't be killed by a sword.. right? He smiled when he made eye contact with the old devil. They both smiled and his friend went over to him
'' I tought ye would be the first one to go mi friend'' Brolin said. His friend handed over a bottle of home made booze.
'' And i tought that big belly of yours would stop you from getting into your old armor.'' His friend answered. Brolin took a sip of the booze and smiled. At least the alcohole wasn't out.

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Tiberen by chris45


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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Wolf
Character Portrait: Brolin
Character Portrait: Gabriel
Character Portrait: Lyasrail Kadlues
Character Portrait: Shea


Character Portrait: Shea

Gabriel's close friend

Character Portrait: Gabriel

Heir to the throne of Galandra

Character Portrait: Brolin

A loud dwarf that never shuts up, He is a blacksmith with a love for fighting.

Character Portrait: Wolf

Leader of Fang


Character Portrait: Brolin

A loud dwarf that never shuts up, He is a blacksmith with a love for fighting.

Character Portrait: Shea

Gabriel's close friend

Character Portrait: Wolf

Leader of Fang

Character Portrait: Gabriel

Heir to the throne of Galandra

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Shea

Gabriel's close friend

Character Portrait: Wolf

Leader of Fang

Character Portrait: Brolin

A loud dwarf that never shuts up, He is a blacksmith with a love for fighting.

Character Portrait: Gabriel

Heir to the throne of Galandra

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Re: [OOC] The Empire

ok, i have started the rp again. sorry for postponing. i didn't post as much as i wish i would have for the restarting post. but i feel the post did it's job. well to everyone who still wants to be a part of this rp, happy posting ^^

Re: [OOC] The Empire

Hey guys, Just thought I'd post the link to my friends newest rp. We are hoping more people would join. So if you like dragons..or hunting dragons, You should definitely check this out :D
Flames of War

Re: [OOC] The Empire

Okay i changed it

Re: [OOC] The Empire

i only see one problem with your character, Wisdom's and Berserker's don't have animal form, they just get their parents strength not their shifting ability

Re: [OOC] The Empire

Then i'd like to add more if that's okay. I thought we needed more healers

Name: Danielle

Age: 22

Gender: female

Race: wisdom

Class: healer/fighter

Weapon: dragon skin gauntlet

Armor type: light

Position: Galandra citizen, sometimes help Fang with healing

Residence: Kolera

Personality: Danielle is a really stubborn woman, but when it comes to healing, she is loving and caring. She never asks for anything in return for her services, and always does a good job. She always loved to gamble, but only drank on occasions, and small amounts.

History: When she was a small child, her father beat her. He scratched her, kicked her, and slapped her. Then finally one day she turned into a lion and ate her father. She never harmed a soul then after, not even a fly. Her mother, a healer, taught her the healing arts, and found potential in her. Then she would always heal the swordsmen in the village. A wealthy Lady Karissa apointed her a healer in her mansion. She was murdered in the night a year after, so Danielle moved to Kolera with her love, Jamison. Happily married, they settled in a town west of Kolera. After a painful miscarriage and death, Danielle moved in Kolera, and became a part-time healer for Fang.

Appearance: Image

Physical features: She has cesnut brown hair, with normal blue eyes. She is 6'0", and carries a cross with her at all times. Her neck is covered in cuts and scars. Her palms are red and hard skinned. She has a horizontal scar on her biggish nose.

Other: She always has her journal with her, dating who she healed and of what.

Name: Alexandra

Age: 21

Gender: female

Race: reptile lytheren

Class: rider

Weapon: gauntlets with claws

Armor type: none

Mount: pegasus, Jhana Image

Position: Fang member

Residence: Kolera

Personality: She is also very stubborn, and when drunk is either cruel or giggly. She is usually quiet and subdued. She always loves a good fight, and can't resist when one pops up. She is the voice of reason when something stupidly dangerous comes up.

History: Danielle's sister, same background except rider potiential.

Appearance: Image

Physical features: She is 6'0" with long black hair and a serpent tattoo on her shoulder. She has emerald green eyes, ruby red when in serpent mode. She has green, blue, and white scales on her other shoulder.

Other: She is a drunk at least once a week.

Re: [OOC] The Empire

ok it looks like a good character

Re: [OOC] The Empire

I thought i might make a semi-npc

Name: Brock

Age: 17

Gender: male

Race: human

Class: lancer

Weapon: lance, assassin's dagger

Armor type: none

Position: Fang member

Residence: Kolera

Personality: shown in roleplay

History: When he was a child, his father was in a bar. He somehow insulted an assassin, and ended up killed. His mother took care of him for many years, then he took care of his mother until she died. He moved in with his friends, and became Fang members. He doesn't tell anyone of his childhood.

Appearance: Image

Physical features: He has a scar that gives him a crooked smile. He is six one, and gets even taller with his favorite combat boots. His eyes are apple green.

Other: a black horse named Rollo

Re: [OOC] The Empire

I just sent you a message about that, i can't wait to see what you come up with.

Re: [OOC] The Empire

Mm while I am in the process of making my characters, If you still need Gabriel's archer, I shall do it.

Re: [OOC] The Empire

Ok, so I came up with an idea that I want to try out, I’m going to create semi npcs, these characters will be part of the story, but they wont be main characters. if anyone wants to make them main characters they can.
I just created them now to make the story a little more interesting. I will be adding more characters to this list and if anyone wants to make their own semi npcs go ahead.

Name: Helena

Age: 17

Gender: female

Race: human

Class: mage

Weapon: magic

Armor type: light

Main Element(s): Earth and Water, Helena has a connection with all the plants near her, she can tell when enemies are coming making it impossible for anyone to sneak into Kolera with out her knowing. Helena can make the plants grow and can make them fight for her. Helena uses her water magic to control the clouds and the weather, this takes a lot of magical power because Helena is forcing nature to do what she wants.

Position: Fang member, Seer

Residence: Kolera

Personality: Helena is kind to everyone, she is a fun person to be around and she has kind of a care free life. Helena is very protective of her sister Elizabeth. Helena would fight the strongest foe if it meant she could keep her sister safe. Helena is also protective of each of the members of fang, she considers them her family.

History: Helena lost her family when bandits raided her home town, she was the only one to make it out alive. On her way to find a place to stay, she came across a young green haired Elven girl who was crying on the side of the road. Helena went to the girl and comforted her, the girl became attached to Helena and started following her around. The girl didn’t have a name so Helena named her Elizabeth after the baby sister she had that died when the bandits raided her town. After a day of traveling they arrived at Kolera and they met Wolf who took them in.
Appearance: Image

Physical features: 5’7, 115 pounds, silver eyes, long black and grey hair. She has a few scars on her back, they were from when she was attacked. She often wears a flower in her hair. Her skin is pale, kind of like a princess who is rarely let outside.

Name: Elizabeth

Age: 15

Gender: female

Race: elf

Class: mage

Weapon: dagger. Magic

Armor type: Light

Main Element(s): Light and Dark, Elizabeth has a rare kind of magic, spirit magic. She is able to contact the realm of the spirits and she is able to receive guidance from the spirits she meets. She is also able to summon a single spirit to fight for her, but she isn’t very good at this because of her age and lack of training. It is said that spirit magic is one of the most powerful forms of magic because the mage who uses it can spy on their enemies and even attack them with out them knowing who the attacker or spy was.

Position: Fang member

Residence: Kolera

Personality: Elizabeth is a free spirit, she likes to be her own person and just have fun. Elizabeth loves playing jokes on people because she likes to make them laugh. She considers everyone her older brothers and sisters because most of the members of fang treat her as a younger sister. Elizabeth doesn’t like talking about her past because it makes her sad, she just wants to be happy all the time. She doesn’t deal with sadness easily.

History: Elizabeth was abandoned by her parents because she had failed to complete the spirit walk, which is a mission that all spirit mages must take to master their spirit magic. Elizabeth was to afraid and she said she wouldn’t go. The rules of the people in her city were that any mage who didn’t take their journey to master their magic must be exiled. Her parents would not go against the people of the city so they forced her out into the forest to find her own way in life. That was when she met Helena, and found her new family in Fang.

Appearance: Image

Physical features: 5’4, weighs 100 pounds, she has long green hair that reaches down to the middle of her back. Her eyes are light green. She has a mark on her right arm, it is the mark that all people who are exiled from an Elven village or city receive. The mark is black when she is far from the city and red when she gets near the city, when the mark is red Elizabeth will feel a sharp pain in her arm.

Name: Flora

Age: 18

Gender: female

Race: human

Class: assassin

Weapon: throwing knives, daggers

Armor type: light

Position: Fang Member, scout

Residence: Kolera

Personality: Flora rarely talks, the only people she will often talk to are Asher and Wolf. Flora doesn’t really show her emotions often. She can be kind but in her own way. Flora likes working because she hopes that she can get in a fight and get to kill someone. Flora loves fighting and she will often pick fights with Wolf because she likes to test his abilities.

History: Flora was born into the life of an assassin, her father was an assassin for hire and he taught her everything he knew. After she turned seventeen her father told her she would have to find her own way in life. So she went searching for work, she was soon hired as a guard of a wealth lord. That was when her path crossed with Fang, Fang was hired to steal from the wealth lord and kill him if necessary. Wolf told the others that were with him to go steal the gold while he took care of the lord. Wolf met with Flora and the two fought, Wolf beat her and than spared her life because he wanted her to join Fang. Flora agreed to join and she than killed the wealthy lord she was supposed to protect because of how evil the man was.

Appearance: Image

Physical features: 5’8, 110 pounds, her black hair is long, but she often ties it up so it doesn’t get in her way. Flora’s eyes are light brown, she doesn’t have many scars, but the ones she does have are from her training with her father.

Name: Asher
Age: 17

Gender: male

Race: human

Class: assassin

Weapon: poison daggers and sword (it is rarely used.)

Armor type: light

Position: Fang member, cook

Residence: Kolera

Personality: Asher is a kind person, he doesn’t like fighting much, but when he has to he makes sure to end his enemies life quickly. Asher likes cooking for the members of Fang, it relaxes him. Asher is normally a happy person, but sometimes he gets angry or sad. Then he isn’t much fun to be around.

History: Asher grew up in a wealthy family, he was trained by the best money could buy. Asher was a master with a sword at the age of thirteen, but he never got to use his skills. When he turned fourteen his parents told him he would soon be married to a wealthy young woman. But Asher didn’t want that so he packed his bags and he left without saying a word. Asher joined a group of thieves that taught him how to use daggers, he learned quickly, but he wasn’t as strong with them as he was with a sword. But Asher didn’t want to use the sword because it reminded him of his family and he just wanted to forget them. When he was fifteen he heard about Fang and he left the thieves to go join them.

Appearance: Image

Physical features: 5’9, weighs 120, his silver hair is cut somewhat short, he has reddish brown eyes. He doesn’t have many scars only a few from the jobs he has done will in Fang.

Name: Alice
Age: 16
Gender: female
Race: human
Class: Healer
Weapon: knife, light magic
Armor type: none
Main Element(s): Light
Position: Ex- merchant apprentice/ adopted Fang member
Residence: Kolera
Appearance: Image
Physical features: 5’6, 90 pounds, blonde hair, blue eyes

Re: [OOC] The Empire

yes that is a part of their animal characteristics, the beasts have ears, horns or whatever type of distinguishable feature their animal form has. the birds have wings, and reptiles have scales or wings.

if you have any other questions just ask i have no problem answering them.

Re: [OOC] The Empire

Yes you answered my question, thank you. ^^ Oh, but while I'm at it I also have a question about the Bird Lytheren. Are they allowed to have wings while in their human-like form, or is that only in their animal form? (I ask this because they are supposed to have animal characteristics even while in human form.)

Re: [OOC] The Empire

well i don't really have a set length, but i don't like one liners because i will usually write a paragraph or more. so i just ask that everyone try to write a paragraph but i can understand if some people cant.

I will also try to write things as detailed as i possibly can so people can write more. before i ramble on(I do that often so if it happens just stop me)

my goal is to have everyone write at least a paragraph.

hope i answered your question.

(Btw everyone rp has started)

Re: [OOC] The Empire

I have a question about the length of posts in the RP. I just wanted to know if there is a specific length you're looking for? Or are you leaving it up to the RPers to judge what would be considered a reasonable length? I'm sure I can handle writing it if there is one, however I just wanted to be sure so I don't end up making a post that is too short.

Re: [OOC] The Empire

@Nihilus, ok i will check it out, thank you for telling me.

@Zetta, alright i will send you the info. i will have that for you sometime today.

Re: [OOC] The Empire

I'm interested as signing up for the position of Gabriel's guard. If possible, could you PM me the necessary info?

Re: [OOC] The Empire

Unable to send PM yet for some reason. I changed Kural's magic to be Light and Dark and explained how he incorporated the two to create Void. I also drew from what is believed to be the only way to achieve Void Magic from Hindu and Buddhist mythology, if that's alright.

Re: [OOC] The Empire

the assassin class is the thief class, but if you just want to call your character a thief go ahead.

Re: [OOC] The Empire

I have an idea for a character but I didn't see thief on the class list, can I play a thief? I will pick something else if you do not want that.

Re: [OOC] The Empire

I did say that and I’m still looking, I want the person who plays second in command to be my co-gm. But if I don’t find one I’ll just let whoever wants the part have it.