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Dawn Brigade

Dawn Brigade | Applications

a part of “Dawn Brigade”, a fictional universe by Εpιmetheus.

A country on the brink of collapsing. A dying king. The crown prince and his crew of vigilantes. A new dawn is coming, one way or another.

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This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Dawn Brigade”.
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Dawn Brigade | Applications

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Verix on Sat Jan 14, 2017 9:01 pm


    I. applications

    Hello! I'm Verix but you can call me Edgelord420. You might hear the name Annie be thrown around by Jack, Epi, and so if you were ever curious as to who that was, well now you know. Introduction aside, this is the application thread for those whom are competing for a role that has two or more applicants. With that said here it is!

    What we are looking for is about 1-2 paragraphs for the personality and history section. Please be succinct in your writing, we aren't looking for novel length summaries. It is also very important that in the history section, along with the initial backstory, that you should tell us how your character came to the brigade rather than why. We love that each character has a reason for being there, but for relationships and plot reasons we would like to see how exactly they came to join. Thank you!

    One last thing, you do not need to fill out the addendum. It's purely optional. It is however for additional notes about your character that you would like us to know. It can be linked pictures, songs, factoids, quotes they would say, situations they've been in, anything really.

    Below are the instructions on how to fill the code.

      xx Please keep each section to 1-3 paragraphs.
      xx Replace #000000 with your character color.
      xxIf you see that something is not capitalized please keep it that way & follow suit.
      xx Don't mess with any of the spacing, just fill out the code where indicated.
      xx CTRL + F to find in order to change it with your FC.
      xx You do not need to fill out the addendum section, please delete it if you don't use it.

    Code: Select all

    [center][font=georgia][size=150][b]T H E [color=transparent]x[/color]R O L E.[/b][/size]
    [size=90] full name | age | [color=#000000]#------[/color] | faceclaim 

    [i]"quote or song lyrics goes here"[/i][/size]
    [size=80][i] - person [/i][/size][/font][/center]

    [font=georgia][size=150][b]I.[color=transparent]-[/color] personality.[/b][/size][/font]

    [justify][font=times][size=90]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vehicula, lectus nec bibendum eleifend, felis risus commodo risus, a facilisis sem felis in turpis. Nullam gravida vel magna condimentum commodo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec sagittis ornare augue vel tincidunt. Mauris pretium nunc sit amet nibh suscipit sagittis. Morbi ac justo ut elit aliquet euismod. Donec venenatis felis nec nunc suscipit, eget euismod justo fermentum. In quis congue neque, et euismod libero.

    [font=georgia][size=150][b]II.[color=transparent]-[/color] history.[/b][/size][/font]

    [justify][font=times][size=90]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vehicula, lectus nec bibendum eleifend, felis risus commodo risus, a facilisis sem felis in turpis. Nullam gravida vel magna condimentum commodo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec sagittis ornare augue vel tincidunt. Mauris pretium nunc sit amet nibh suscipit sagittis. Morbi ac justo ut elit aliquet euismod. Donec venenatis felis nec nunc suscipit, eget euismod justo fermentum. In quis congue neque, et euismod libero.[/size][/font][/justify]

    [font=georgia][size=150][b]III.[color=transparent]-[/color] addendum.[/b][/size][/font]

    [justify][font=times][size=90]Fctoid here  | anything here  | separated by this line thing[/size][/font][/justify] [/list]

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Re: Dawn Brigade | Applications

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby tigerz on Sun Jan 15, 2017 12:24 am


    M Y R M I D O N.
    Varro Allyrion | 27 | #470000 | Alexander Dreymon

    "Silence is true wisdom's best reply."

    - Euripides

    I.- personality.

    Varro is best described as a man always trapped within his own mind. He's very much a closed off individual that prefers to let his sword speak in place of his tongue. He can often be regarded as coming off as a brute as he's always reacting in a physical manner and in a way that can be true. Varro certainly is not the charming type. He can't form poetry out of thin air to make women swoon or say just the right coupling of words to move those around him with whatever emotion he so desires. All he can do is swing a sword. Though do not mistake this for any sort of idiocy. He may only know how to swing a sword but there is a certain amount of intellect behind it. His mind is filled with sword and strategy and his silence only speaks for the years of discipline he has managed to obtain since becoming a Myrmidon.

    Not many will take the chance to understand the silent swordsman or test their odds against his fortified walls. If they could just break open a tiny crack they would get a glimpse of the kind of man he truly is. Varro may seem cold and harsh in his manners. He is often one to walk out of conversation he wishes not to concern himself with and many are met with the cold glare in his eyes and inability to loosen up not matter the situation at hand. Though they don't see just how kind hearted of a man he can be especially when concerning the well being of others. He has the heart of a shinning white knight. Always feeling the need to save a damsel in distress though knowing fully well when to let a more than capable woman save his own hide. He also cares so deeply for his twin sister and does what he can to make up for abandoning her. The man has many layers. He's just waiting for someone to peel back a few of them.

    One thing that needs to be clarified to conclude Varro's personality is just exactly why he chooses to rarely speak unless alone with his sister or someone else he feels deserves to hear what he has to say. Varro has taken the ideology of being a Myrmidon and the concept of self improvement and spun it into his own philosophy. He keeps himself quiet and stays within his mind so often to continue his philosophy. He's always thinking of new strategies and ways to train himself to continue getting better. He believes that this can be the absolute best way to achieve that.

    II.- history.

    Varro's basic history is rather simple compared to his personality. Now while the name Allyrion may appear as though it holds great value it simply belongs to a regular peasant family with little income to put food on the table. His father was just another foot soldier leaving the hous ehold to just Varro, his beloved twin sister Freya, and his mother. Varro was nearing adulthood and could find no work to truly support his family until he was presented with the opportunity to become a Myrmidon and Varro quickly accepted thinking he could become a great swordsman and give his family something better than the life they had.

    He trained in school for sometime until he adopted his own new philosophy and decided to venture off on his own to get better. He travelled from village to village gaining more knowledge in his craft when he happened upon the Dawn Brigade. It was a rather quick interaction. They happened to be in the same pub at the same time and a member struck up a one sided conversation with him and Varro shook his head in acceptance and it was as simple as that. After all, what better way to become a great swordsman than by practicing on the battlefield and proving ones worth to the future king?

    III.- addendum.

    Varro is Demisexual | Sorry ladies | Try his sister | I hope this made you laugh after reading all that writing XD

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Re: Dawn Brigade | Applications

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Terraformer on Mon Jan 16, 2017 3:22 am


    T H E xS O R C E R E S S
    Morrgaine Dark-Blood | 24 | #8A7300 | L O R D E

    "I am flesh, bones
    I am skin, soul
    I am human
    Nothing more than human"

    - Sevdaliza


    Morrgaine see's her world in snippets she can never focus on. She can only faintly remember her life as Sarah, how she loved to play with the lambs and gather flowers with her mother, but these memories only bring her rage and disappointment and sadness. Now that she is free and in the presence of more good people than she can ever remember being introduced to, she hardly knows who she is. She hardly speaks, finds that most of the time she simply can't force the damn words out. Most of the time she speaks through slight expression and movement. Otherwise she feels like her body and mind are a cell. Eliphus Dark-Blood no longer holds the reins on her psyche, but his methods are so deeply ingrained that even the most common social interaction seems like i tears her apart.
    She has one motivation and has no reservation on the methods used to achieve it. She wants her keepers head and she wants him to see her as he dies. That is the only thing that can save her now. Night after night she lies awake mourning the life that could have been and lamenting the madness she knows now.
    She doesn't know how to be Morrgaine, or Sarah, but she knows where to start.


    Her parents were humble shepherd's in the King's service. They directly supplied the King and Court with the softest and finest wool in the land. So much were they favored by the king that they were regularly invited to court to sell wares and mingle with dignitaries and courtiers. This is where Sarah first met the prince and they grew up very close to one another.
    Sarah had inherited the magical arts from her grandmother, the former court mage, while her mother remained somehow unaffected by their magical genetics, her powers flourished after the age of 10. Her mother never resented her, but both of her parents were finding it increasingly difficult to control her as she was learning more and more about her own power. She was powerful, that was sure, and slightly power hungry to the point of recklessness. She was always trying more and learning more and her parents worried about the attention she was drawing from neighbors and townspeople passing by.
    Unfortunately, the wrong people took notice.
    Unbeknownst to Sarah, a passing Faeyeran brigade took notice of her and her impressive skills, especially for one as young as her. Normally brutal and bloodthirsty, the average Faeyeran troop would simply pillage the farm and be on their way, but a high ranking Captain was in their midst, along with a mage in their employment. The mage convinced the captain to take the girl so she may become his new apprentice.
    The farm was quickly dispatched, along with all of the herd, and her poor parents, who could do nothing to save their child. Sarah fought with everything she had, and even took some soldiers with her, but she was no match for the dark mage himself. She fell to him and was taken far away to await her new, terrifying destiny. For years the kingdom searched, as her remains were not found with her parents, nor any trace she had been there. But it was too late.
    She lived under the watchful and cruel tutelage of Eliphus Dark-Blood, Battle Mage of the Faeyeran legion. For 10 years she hasn't spoken a word on pain of death and any weakness was quickly answered with torment. She's known nothing of kindness since she was a child, and the warmth of the sun on her face was a distant memory she could only recall in her dreams. She's was beaten and drugged and whipped and chained and forced to preform dark acts on enemies of the legion. She was made subhuman so she could then be made into a tool, just as Eliphus was. Only, this plan was foiled.


    A dark sorceress was en route to another Faeyeran camp when it was ambushed suddenly by the Prince and his guard. All that fought back were killed but she was spared for she didn't move, she didn't scream, and she didn't fight. Even now she cannot recall why. Her pride however little there was left, denied that she almost wished for death. But there she sat, in her carriage, and the Prince knew not what to do, so he took her prisoner and brought her to the castle. Every method imaginable was used to force her to speak, to tell them any information she carried, but she spoke not a word. Weeks went by and no one had made even the slightest crack in her stone-like demeanor. She always looked down, and hardly even moved.
    Resolved to another tactic, the Prince himself had her put in her own small, bare room and in a last stitch effort, he himself sat across from her in her small,tiny room across from her small, tiny bed and said the only thing he could think of to get her attention.
    "What does the name Eliphus mean to you?"
    Most would dismiss it as minute or unreadable, but the Prince saw it very clearly. The barest tensing of her shoulders in her her mass of black hair.
    "The wizard Eliphus, what is he to you? Is he your father? a Loved one perhaps?"
    Then she did something that shocked even him. She looked up, as if her neck snapped at an unnatural speed. In her dark nearly-black eyes he saw a deep abyss of emotion, as well as something he never thought he'd see again...
    "My God", his breath left his body, "...S-Sarah?"
    Morrgaine looked from him to the small window baring the briefest view of a sunny day. A distant part of her soul soared at the name she hadn't heard in years finally seeing the light in a place where her keeper could not punish her for it. At the simple the first tear she's been allowed to cry in 10 years slid down her face she said resolute in a hushed but strong tone:
    "I. Am. Morrgaine."


    demisexual/heteroromantic | selective mute | not a good witch | sounds alot more depressing than she really is as a character/assuredly not the pity party type

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Re: Dawn Brigade | Applications

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby HalcyonCamp on Mon Jan 16, 2017 4:57 am


    T H E xS O R C E R E S S.
    Elinwyn Sharpe | 21 | #5a8453 | Alina Kovalenko

    "There's a little mystery hiding inside every woman. It takes a smart person to appreciate it without trying to unlock it. "

    - Susan Gale

    I.- personality.

    Elinwyn often comes across as a rather harsh individual in her mannerisms and rather sarcastic nature, but like any coin, she has two sides. First and foremost, she is a proud woman of magic and demands to be treated as no lesser than anyone else. She subscribes to no caste system or ranking and she will only follow a man as long as they walk the same path, but she, and only she, decides when to deviate. On the other hand, she's begun to understand that others have value now that she's spending time with more than her mother. While she doesn't rush off to save every sad sack with a story, on occasion she's found herself going out of her way when there is nothing to gain.

    After years with the Brigade, Eli is still as enigmatic as ever, but the other members have begun to see that there might just be a person beyond all that sass.

    II.- history.

    Elinwyn was born to Rhea, a Sorceress of Legend said to have been around since the creation of Magic, equally hailed as heroine and villain, and an inconsequential father. Mother and daughter lived together in the Shadowmere Inn that Rhea established in the exact center of a deep dark forest. El's only experience with the world outside her forest were the ancient maps displaying countries ages dead. When old enough, Elinwyn began to wonder if it might be considered odd to build a place of rest where none would wonder. Her mother was quick to remind her that there are things that can't be seen, but deserve rest too.

    Caught in a life of isolation and study, Young Eli quickly established herself as a prodigy in Dark Magic as well as Anima Magic. On her 10th birthday, her mother revealed the history of Rhea. Rhea was a sorceress eons passed that created the first Tome. She helped spread magic throughout the land and led those that showed promise into a life of wild discovery. When Rhea felt that her time was coming to an end, she created a daughter in her image and imbued her God-like power into the girl. The girl, while still immensely powerful, found that she didn't quite measure up to what her mother once had. Upon her mother's death, the girl donned the mantle of 'Rhea' and continued her mother's legacy. Though, this Rhea was not as kind to those who followed her.

    The new Rhea was a terrible force of darkness that swept through the land. Ravaging the nearby towns and enslaving those that opposed her, she led man to near extinction. Before she could silence this budding species, she heard the strings of her heart singing her demise. In the manner of her mother before her, she created a daughter to take her place. And so on and so forth for generations. Each one, losing a fraction of the power from the one before. Some were pillars of goodness, others harbingers of evil. After a while, Rhea lost the ability to create daughters themselves and resorted to other means of making progeny.

    The long line of Rhea has led to Elinwyn and her destiny to learn all that her mother can teach her. Eventually, the time will come for her to take the name Rhea. Though what she will do with such a name, is for her to decide.

    III.- addendum.

    Sapiosexual/Demiromantic | Hardshell with a soft nougaty center | OMG I went too far into that history; my bad | also, it's 4 am

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Re: Dawn Brigade | Applications

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kato on Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:30 pm


    T H E xM Y R M I D O N.
    Jun Taka | 29 | #20b2aa | Tadanobu Asano

    “I’d rather see a smile on the face of a child than fear on the face of an enemy.”

    - Jun

    I.- personality.

    What Jun values most is peace, and after years of turbulence, he found it with his young family in the countryside of Reskaea. He is fiercely loyal to his adopted homeland, and is willing to sacrifice his own family life in order to fight for his country’s and his children’s future, unable to stand by and do nothing when their safety is threatened. There is no doubt that Jun is dedicated to the way of the sword, yet he sees killing as more of a duty to be endured than enjoyed. Outside of battle, he is seems to be a cheerful and nostalgic person, always first to encourage others or to distract from a melancholic atmosphere with a song or a light-hearted joke. It helps him to distract himself as he misses his two young children and his wife a great deal. He rarely reveals his true feelings to others, and buries them to an extent from himself. He has learned to act humbly and even a little passively so as not to draw unwanted attention to himself or his differences. He will only give his opinion if directly asked.

    II.- history.

    Jun left his native country when he was only eleven years old. After his father, the advisor to a Lord, fell out of favour and was thrown into prison pending execution, his family had to flee or share his fate. His mother was the swordsmistress to the women of the Lord’s household, and Jun showed a prodigious talent and interest in swordsmanship too appearing to follow in her footsteps. Jun, along with his mother went into exile, forced to run and fight. After his mother died, Jun went from place to place, trying to hone his only talent – the sword. From remote mountain monasteries to urban sword schools, he picked up the use of all different local blades and their techniques, and occasionally offering his service as a sword instructor. But in each place, after a time he had to move on. A suspicious foreigner who just happened to excel at chopping people to bits wasn’t exactly welcomed in most places. Mercenaries occasionally tried to recruit him, but he always refused. Many were the times he had to use his sword just to survive and run.

    Eventually he ended up in Reskaea. A peaceful and well-governed nation. This time, local people were more curious than suspicious, and he was offered some seasonal work on a farm. By this time, he had learned not to make a big deal out of his fighting ability. Aside from not wanting to have to kill, it generated too much hostility. After a time he met and married his wife. He felt settled in Reskaea in a way he never had even in his birth nation. He decided to make a living using his sword skills as an entertainer, travelling to various towns and impressing with skilful feats and tricks. It was enough to support his new family, and it helped keep his skills in use. Maybe it wasn’t a particularly noble pursuit but it suited him, and for a while he lived his life in peace.

    When soldiers from Faeyer started tearing up the countryside, killing civilians and destroying what Jun considered to be a bucolic paradise, he decided that something had to be done, and that since he had the ability to help, he must. Reskaea was his home, his family’s home, and the only place that he ever felt he belonged. Jun heard rumours of the Dawn Brigade, and resolved to join them, following the tales of Fayerean camps destroyed and routed. Once he caught up to them, he pledged his complete allegiance, and his sword to the cause of protecting Reskaea.

    III.- addendum.

    Hetero | Married | Two Children | Completely Monogamous | How Boring
"Schopenhauer was right, wouldn't you say? Life without pain has no meaning. Gentlemen, I wish to give your lives meaning..."

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