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Gods Among Us: The Godslayer

Gods Among Us: NPC's

a part of “Gods Among Us: The Godslayer”, a fictional universe by Venuskyy.

For longer than anyone can remember the Gods have been a staple of everyday life in our world. The ultimate gift upon a human would be to become a God and with that gift came the vastly familiar human emotion; jealousy.

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Gods Among Us: NPC's

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Venuskyy on Mon Aug 24, 2020 3:45 pm

Gods Among Us - NPCs

Image T h e C u r a t o r // A r i s t o t l e xD e V r i e s

FC: Geoff Redknap (as Mad March)

"A curious fellow with a rather unusual appearance. Aristotle's face has never once been seen in public. Known to wear a porcelain white rabbits head as a mask and never seen without a fully tailored suit. The speculations of his identity have never bothered him, he is quite happy to let anyone think their wildest thoughts about who he may be. A god in disguise? A monster? Just a regular human? Regardless, his status as a collector of rare and odd items pertaining to the Emergence has made him quite famous. Through his museum he has drummed up quite the reputation and has met more than his fair share of Pantheon members over the years. Even boasting to have personal relationships of varying degree with many of them. It is very well known that Aristotle, for all his pomp and grace is a perfectly dangerous man and the kind of opponent that aims to be two steps ahead at all times. Due to the nature of collecting and trading such rare artifacts he has come into contact with a great many criminals in the underbelly of the world and has a habit of gathering favors in order to secure himself and his business."

Image C h r i s t o p h e r X A l i c e

FC: Josh Brolin

"The head of the Department for Emerging Gods. One of very few government organizations available that works alongside the Pantheon as well as various other sources to catalogue and integrate newly emerged Gods. Christopher has had a long and rocky relationship with the gods stemming from childhood abuse over his mothers emergence and subsequent abandonment of her former 'human' family. Due to this he has a very conflicted relationship with the idea of the emergence and works diligently to ensure that all Gods are catalogued into the system and kept in check. Christopher is an uncommonly charismatic guy who loves, but prone to throwing temper tantrums when the system he has worked so long to perfect has even the smallest of failures."

Image S e l e n e x M a r í n

FC: Adria Arjona

"A liaison between the Gods and the media. Due to the rift between many regular humans and those of a perceived higher status she has been hired to keep the peace. Especially when crimes have been committed by the Gods and for the Gods by power hungry followers. She also tends to clean up after various scandals and is one of the very few humans that is allowed within the Pantheons inner sanctum. It's not well known outside of the Gods themselves, but Selene and the God Silva have been in an on again off again affair for several months. After her husband began to get suspicious they have broken it off, but it is clear that there is still tension between them. Selene isn't a bad person but the boredom of her everyday life has certainly led her down the path of bad choices. First with her affair, and now with her digging deep into the history of The Curator and his connection to the Jonsdotter clan. "

Image B e r n a r d oXM a r í n

FC: Dj Cotrona

"An investigator whose primary job is to investigate crime scenes that involve Gods, Supernatural Creatures, and other Non-human entities. Being that he himself is in fact a Supernatural Creature - a Werewolf to be exact. His work often takes him away from home for long periods of time and the emotional baggage has often left him in a dreary state. Because of this his relationships outside and inside of his work have suffered for it. Including that of his marriage. His job has brought him into direct contact with many of the Gods, and dozens upon dozens of perceived 'monsters.' The most famous case he worked on being that of Szen's emergence and subsequent killing spree. Without his keen senses its likely that hundreds would have died at Szens hands before the new God could be tracked down and taken into custody by his own kind.

Image T h e XR a t XK i n g // P e t r aXJ o n s d o t t e r

FC: Daisy Ridley

"The current matriarch of the Jonsdotter Clan. A group of vampiric individuals that have been running the drug trades around Vasta City for a few hundred years now. Petra being the newest to step into the role of their clans leader. Known as The Rat King, not because of any resemblance to the myth of such a beast. But because of her actual ownership over a Non-Human entity that appears to be a true Rat King. An amalgamation of Rat-like beasts tied together at the tail, chained in the sewers beneath the Jonsdotter's Bar (and business of operation) and often fed the bodies of those that the Vampiric clan have drained dry (or enemies that have crossed their paths.) It is well known not to get in Petra's way, she is not only at the helm of one of the deadliest organizations in the City, but also had quite the bite on her own. It has been recently documented that she has began to find an interest in the Gods and has been in frequent contact with The Curator, for what reason, nobody seems to know."

Image A t t i c u s XW a l l a c e

FC: Brett Dalton

"A crooked cop working for the Jonsdotter clan while maintaining a front as a human by way of witchcraft. Though he is very much a Vampire like the rest of the Jonsdotter clan he has been glamoured into appearing human in every way. His connections in the police have given the clan a rather advantage over law enforcement as well as given them even more control of the city itself. Atticus is a talented actor, a silver tongued liar, and cunning in every way shape and form. It's obvious that he's been doing this for a very long time and knows how to keep his story straight. Rarely breaking from character, and even when trouble finds him its impossibly hard to break him down enough to get any truths.

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Re: Gods Among Us: NPC's

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Venuskyy on Wed Oct 28, 2020 11:06 pm

NPC's Expanded

The Fates
"Though the Fates are a god in their own rights they do not succeed without the three of them being together. Once one of the Fates is without a Vessel (upon the Death of the Vessel) The Fates are no longer able to spin their thread. It should be noted that while the Fates are to be feared (as they are, after all, often times the decider of an individual's destiny) they do not have power over any other God (unlike what may be taught in myth) but may have the ability to foresee a certain Destiny in regards to them or their vessel. Lachesis, as the one who measures the thread of fate may be considered the true Major God of Fate, while her sisters operate under Bi-Dominions. Clotho, whose string of Fate is often seen as the beginning of a life operates under both the Dominion of Fate as a Minor, and as a Lesser under Life (Birth/Fertility). And Atropos, who cuts the string at the end of ones life operates under the Dominion of fate as a Minor, and as a Lesser under Death. However much of the myths may be true, most will never know, as the Fates very rarely interfere in the world much anymore. Though angering them still tends to be in nobodies best interest. The current Fates are on strike, refusing to assist in The Pantheon or other Gods.

ImageC a n d a c eXK i n gX/ / A t r o p o s

FC: Jessica Lange

One of the Triplicate "Gods" of Fate, Atropos in myth was the eldest sister. The God that cut the thread to represent the end of that life (or fate.) Both Atropos and Candace share a similar ideology and mindset. Both rather unforgiving in their pursuits, demanding, and overall forceful in the way they operate. Candace seemed to have always been meant as the perfect embodiment of Atropos. Clever and to the point, but Candace unlike many of the other iterations of Atropos does not take her Dominion very seriously. And in fact, rarely ever attempts to use her abilities anymore beyond the boosting of her own human lifespan.

ImageN a d i e XF r e j e rX/ / L a c h e s i s

FC: Tantoo Cardinal

One of the Triplicate "Gods" of Fate, Lachesis in myth was the middle sister. The God that measured the length of Clothos string of fate, the decider of how long a persons life may be and what their destiny holds in store. As a person, Nadie lived a long and fulfilling life. Hardworking, ethical, and as wise as her name may suggest. She has long outlived many of her family members, but with Louise and Candace at her side she is rarely lonely. Some would say that Nadie is a benevolent God, but not without her own cruelties.

ImageL o u i s e XM a s o nX/ / C l o t h o

FC: Krisha Fairchild

One of the Triplicate "Gods" of Fate, Clotho is the youngest sister and the one that spins the thread of fate. Louise tends to have a much kinder approach than her sisters. Though she is just as capable of causing harm. She is a to-the-point woman and does not beat around the bush. She is logical, giving the necessary facts only. She wont try to spin tales or be vague, that just isn't her. Though she is kinder she has a much hotter temper once she's been annoyed.

Other Gods

"These are simply a few of the Gods that exist within Vasta City, though there are countless more."

ImageJ a n i n e XR o t hX/ / L y a e u s

FC: Tessa Thompson

Lyaeus, The Minor God of Wine and Ritual Madness also known as the one who tends to organize the parties The Pantheon puts together. When Lyaeus emerged it was quite a surprise for the other Gods that rarely saw Lyaeus choose such a serious Vessel. But something about Janine seemed to be a good fit for the God, and the calm nature that Janine carries seems to level out the exuberance of Lyaeus.

ImageR o b b i e XC r a i gX/ / M e r c u r y

FC: Robert Sheehan

Mercury, sometimes known as Hermes, is a Minor Messenger God that spends most of his time flitting about here and there all over the City. Running errands for The Pantheon and other Gods as well. Since he tends to be on the move constantly he can seem a bit flighty and not altogether there. Mercury and Robbie are alike in that regards, personality wise at least. Though Robbie tends to indulge himself far more than Mercury would like. His affinity for drugs something of an issue, but not a detriment to their job. He tends to be sarcastic an makes jokes at his own and others expense.

ImageJ a m e sXM a d i n gX/ / C a m i n u s

FC: Alexander Siddig

The God of the Forge Caminus spent much of his time trapped in the Major God of Wars pocket dimension for his transgressions against the Gods. His love of humanity, and in particular one human that he to this day still longs to see once more. Though he knows he will never see his lover again. He tends to fill his time with alcohol, women, and distractions of all kinds. He tends to stick to himself, but will associate on rare occasion with Gods that request weaponry from him. He will sometimes utilize his ability but only for a hefty price. He owns a shop on the edge of Vasta, where the Jonsdotters tend to run a variety of merchandise through him as well.

ImageD o m i n i cXM o o r eX/ / D i c e

FC: Peter Mensah

Dice is the Minor God of Justice, the upholder of the law to the very last letter. He is able to look into the mind of mortals and see whether they are truly guilty or not. There is very little chance that one can hide themselves from Dice's judgements. While he does do some work for The Pantheon he tends to be a neutral God. Unable to fully lend himself to the service of others. Dominic himself is a fair man, ethical, and generally nice when he isn't being pestered. He can be quite talkative, and tends to joke around with his fellows as much as he can. Despite being the embodiment of Justice, he much prefers to simply be himself.

ImageB e t h a n yXM a r l o wX/ / M a d e l a

FC: Mckenna Grace

Madela is the Major God of Health and Healing, and is currently existing in the youngest Vessel in The Pantheon. Though she does not participate much as she is still very much a child, despite being the host body of a God that is eons old. Bethany was a promised vessel for Madela from the moment she was born. She was not meant to emerge as early as she did but the tragic circumstances of Bethany's early death brought Madela forward much sooner than expected. Though it seems to have gone just fine as Bethany is a well adjusted child, balancing her status as a God with the regularity of growing up. She is willing to help, but is often weary of her abilities. Despite the fact that healing isn't particularly damaging in any way.

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