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The Arcana Academy

Relationship Thread

a part of “The Arcana Academy”, a fictional universe by Imagine That!.

{Literate Roleplayers only please} What happens when the bad students from Noctrem Academy for those with Supernatural Powers are forced to go to the good Arcana Academy? (OPEN FOR NEW APPLICANTS)

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This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “The Arcana Academy”.
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Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Imagine That! on Sat Jul 28, 2012 12:08 pm

I would like your list of relationships in Alphabetical order, please! That way, everyone can find themselves easily!

Code: Select all
[font=georgia][right][img]gif of your character, please![/img][/right]
[size=200][u][color=#pick your characters favourite colour]Name of you character (use the name you want your character to be called)[/size][/u][/color]
[size=95][i]|Age|Talent|Roommate (if student)/Classes (if teacher)|School|[/size][/i]

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


[*] [b]Character's Name:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
[*] [b]Character's Name:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences [/list][/size]


[*] [b]Character's Name:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
[*] [b]Character's Name:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
Last edited by Imagine That! on Sat Jul 28, 2012 12:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
♥ Life's not the amount of breaths you take; it's the moments that take your breath away. ♥

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Imagine That!
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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Imagine That! on Sat Jul 28, 2012 12:13 pm

Ellie Carson

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Addison Lawler: ☺/◑ In private, we're actually really good friends, but when we're out in the public, or around other people, it's rare we speak. Maybe she's ashamed of being my friend or something? Maybe that's why she's trying to get me into trouble a lot... which of course just isn't going to happen.
  • Alli Jackson: ☺ I love Alli! She's such a cutie, and she's amazing at gymnastics! I don't see it as she likes to brag, I see it as if she is proud of herself and would like others to be as well! We're quite good friends.
  • Amber Romano: ◑/☺ I don't like what she does with her skills, trying to get gossip out of everyone - I was asked if I wanted to join, because, let's face it, I'm probably the best person for gaining information, but I don't like the idea of purposely intruding on people's lives. She's nice though, other than that, and her appearance alteration gift is extremely interesting.
  • Ashleigh Fox: ☺ My girl. I like Ashy, I do. She's so cute, and independent, and she can make animals out of water. What more do you need to like about someone?
  • Benjamin Hershkovitz: ◑ I don't know him another to say anything about him. I nod hello in the corridors, but that's about the extent of our relationship.
  • Bethany Phillips:
  • Colby Haskins: ☺ It's so nice having someone close to me who doesn't mind the fact I can read what's going on in his mind. I honestly love being around Colby as he is so upbeat and happy all of the time!
  • Corentine Quellen: ☠ I don't like Cor. I've cried myself to sleep because of her hurtful words. The vile thoughts that she thinks about when she's around me... she's so disgusting, and evil, and horrible. Thank God I've got Drake around me to save me sometimes. Honestly... shes' ruining my happiness here at Arcana.
  • Drakethrean Quellen: ☺ I know we're not really friends deep down. Really, I know he kind of uses me for my power. But, who am I to push away a handsome man from Noctrem who wants to hang around with me? He stops me from being picked on a lot of the time, especially by Cor too. It's quite nice, albeit a little strange.
  • Eden Havan: ☺ Eden is more like a brother to me than a friend. He's such a lovely guy with a big heart, and an amazing gift! Who couldn't just adore him?
  • Elijah Claymore: ☺/♥ Oh Elijah. He's such a wonderful guy! We're so similar, and the way he is with children is inspiring. How could anyone hate this man? He needs to loosen up sometimes though; I know, rich, coming from me, right? But it's true! Once he's open and happy, he's an even friendlier person who I just... Oh, I love. One of my closest friends, and the other of two boys who are tugging at my heart strings.
  • Erin Hawthorne: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Eriol Adelart: ◑ I've never spoken to Eriol; it seems he does his best in the corridors to avoid me. I'd like to get to know him better, get to know why, but he won't even let me near him just to say hello. I'll try my best to speak to him in the next week. That shall be my goal!
  • Freya Mason: ◑ Wow... she's extremely confident, isn't she? The complete opposite of me! Well.. yeah, we're not very close, but she seems lovely enough underneath her sexual bravado.
  • Hayley Stanhope:
  • Isabella Dorson: ◑/☠ There is no organization here what so ever. Why is she so... she's just everything I am not. Unpunctual, unstudious, evil... there's a variety of things wrong with her. I can't stand being around her either - her thoughts are so jumbled and loud and painful.
  • Izaiah Dorson: ☺/♥ Izzy is such an amazing boy! I just... there is nothing bad to say about him! I love him playing his music around me, it takes away the aching of the constant voices in my mind and I just love talking to him. Recently though, when I've been around him, I feel something more. It's as if I'm being drawn to him, and it's strange but... I like it. I think... no, I can't... like Izzy? Can I?
  • Jackson Murphy: ◑ We were partnered up in Philosophy once, and that's as far as our relationship has ever gone. He seems a little strange, and I'm not sure we'd get along if we did speak.
  • Jade Locke: ◑/☠ I don't like her very much... she's a scary girl... and she doesn't like me either - we have a mutual agreement with each other not to speak.
  • Jaysin Dennis:
  • Jessica Coleman:◑ She's a nice enough girl, but she seems like she's always holding back a little, and she doesn't like me looking into her mind - then again, most people don't.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ◑/☺ Erm... yeah, she doesn't like me getting into her mind, much like a lot of other people around the school. She acts friendly enough around me though and doesn't avoid me like a leper, so I suppose that's something.
  • Keirol Rancora: ◑ Keirol has been at the school for a year now, and he's still impartial to me. I'm a little confused about his genetic status, and his thoughts are extremely interesting.
  • Landon Hirst: ◑ He's one of the lot that avoid me. His power is quite interesting, I can hear his thoughts when he has one of his shields up - but other than that.... I don't know anything about him.
  • Lauryn Chase:
  • Lilian Daniels: ☺ She's like my little sister! I honestly love this little girl, and I see her family more than a friend. She's too adorable and naive to be tarnished by this world, so I'll protect her to the best of my ability. I don't want to see her ruined.
  • Loralei Evans: ◑/☺ Lora is such a lovely girl, and I speak to her whenever I can - but I wouldn't say she's my best friend. I don't think I actually have a best friend... if I could choose one, I'd like to to be Lora one day.
  • Lulu Allen: ◑/☺ I believe that Lulu and myself could be good friends, but something seems to be holding her back a little from being completely at ease with me. I don't know what it is... it's probably my gift...
  • Marcurio Espenosa:
  • McKenna Marinos: ◑/☺ We don't talk a lot, a again, she's terrified of my power, but when we do speak, she's such a lovely girl with a large heart. She's a joy to be around.
  • Morgan Jannsen: ◑ I like her, although I feel she is a little wary of me. She seems like a lovely, sweet girl, and if I was allowed to get closer to her, I'm sure we'd be really good friends. Although, like a lot of people, she seems "freaked" out by my power.
  • Scott Andrews: ◑ He's the lightning boy, isn't he? Yeah, we're not in the same sort of league, so we stay out of each other's way.
  • Skylar Byrnes: ☺ This boy has grown to love me! Just like everyone else, he's a little freaked out by my power, but once he got over it, we've grown quite close. He's one of the people I like to do... wild things with? He's one of the only people I feel comfortable around breaking a few rules, like drinking on campus and what not.
  • Spencer Jerem: ◑/☺ He's strange, isn't he? I love being inside his head - it's one of the only minds I like to go into willingly! Of course, I ask him first. I also like to pop into his room every now and then, to see what new gizmo or gadget he's working on. It's fascinating!
  • Theodore McCaffrey: ◑ I've accidentally heard a few things from this boy's mind, and he confuses me to hell. It seems as if he avoids me when I'm around, although that isn't rare, but I'd like to understand him better. Maybe with a little bit of convincing, he'll talk to me?
  • William Pond: ☺/◑ He's holding back, I got that from his thoughts. He likes me - which is cute. If he let himself go once in a while, and spoke to people, he'd have so many friends. I'd love to just push him away from his technology and let him loose in the real world! Maybe he'd get a short circuit and burn himself out - haha!
  • Yvette Beatrix:
  • Zac Barnes: ◑ Another one of those people who confuses me. Another one of those people who doesn't let me near them because of my power. He seems nice though, and I'd love to get to know him better; his power fascinates me.



  • Almalthea Roerig: ☺ I know Miss Roerig is a teacher, and she doesn't like getting too involved with her students, but if Vince isn't around, I'll always go to her for someone to talk to. We have some sort of... unspoken, unknown bond, and she's such a lovely woman.
  • Cain Montgomery: ☺ For a scary teacher from Noctrem, he's actually one of the better teachers that we have here now. I like his class, and I surprisingly like him as a man. I don't like to discriminate between Noctrem and Arcana students and teachers, and this man just proves my theory. I don't mind debating with him.
  • Leonardo Marinos: ◑ Mr. Marinos is nice, although he can be a little scary sometimes. He's such a good head-teacher though, and it's amazing to hear the stories of what he has lived through! I don't know his real age, and I probably never will, but I know he's lived through some amazing things.
  • Margaret Wright:
  • Vincent Steele: ☺☺ When I'm not in my room, reading, or potting around the school, you'll find me in Mr. Steele's classroom, or the counselor's office. Why? Mr. Steele is a breath of fresh air in my hectic life, hearing the words inside people's minds. He has this ability to put a field up around his mind, so that I can't hear what he is thinking. Around him, I am completely calm and I have nothing to worry about. I've started going to him when I'm upset or angry after hearing something in someone's mind, asking for his advice on what to do. He's more like my older brother than a teacher.

Leo Marinos
|2,459/27|Immortality|Head-Master & Battle Teacher|Arcana|

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Addison Lawler: ☺/◑ Well, this girl has a lot of spunk, doesn't she! She's incredibly smart and witty, but it's her disregard for the rules that irritates me a little. And her flirting? It's extremely wrong, albeit a little fun!
  • Alli Jackson: ◑/☺ She's an amazing student; extremely smart and she has a good moral head screwed onto her shoulders. I think she has a lot of potential to go far with her gift, to the Olympics even! It's not cheating, it's using your resources!
  • Amber Romano: ◑ I have a feeling that she's in cahoots with Montgomery. I don't like her hanging around me very much, as I don't want her finding out anything that she can use against me and tell to Cain. Other than that, she's not a bad student - she gets into trouble a lot, but that's her downfall.
  • Ashleigh Fox: ◑ She's a quiet student, good grades, good regards for the rules. She has potential to be great though, if she pushes herself a little more. I think one day she could be a teacher here. That would be a good career path for her.
  • Benjamin Hershkovitz: ◑ Typical male student, with a .... strangely useless power. I don't see how he's supposed to participate in Power Control class with that - oh well, that's Cain's problem. Haha!
  • Bethany Phillips:
  • Colby Haskins: ☺ He's an amazing student, and he's always extremely eager in my classes to come up the front and do demonstrations with me with maneuvers. He's been fantastic helping me out with the Noctrem students coming in as well, and I'm extremely grateful to him.
  • Corentine Quellen: ☺/☠ This girl has a lot of confidence, and her power absolutely fascinates me - but I cannot stand the way she treats me so disrespectfully, and breaks my rules. I honestly don't know how I feel about her. Do I want to kick her out of the school face first, or just give her a talking to that she will never forget?
  • Drake Quellen: ◑/☠ What a creepy kid. He has some issues with me that I don't understand... he watches me, and I think he's made it his obession to work out what is going on in my head. No-one gets into my head. He's like an annoying fly who won't stop buzzing around. What is it with these Quellen kids being so irritating!?
  • Eden Havan: ◑ Good kid, strange power and fascination with dolls, but whatever. He's doing well in school, however, gets a little distracted with his comics from time to time. I've had to take his doodles away on more than one occasion.
  • Eleanor Carson: ◑ She's a sweet enough student, always pipes up in class and does her best. Although, she is quite quiet sometimes, and there has been some complaints about her by other students. I'm never harsh to her about the comments though; it's not her fault - she hasn't been trained well enough yet to be able to stop herself from hearing thoughts when she doesn't want to.
  • Elijah Claymore: ☺ I've already reserved him a spot as a teacher here for when he graduates. He is amazing with kids, and he has such a big heart. Having such responsibility at his age as well is admirable. I really like this kid, and I wish him all the best of luck.
  • Erin Hawthorne: ◑ A typical Noctrem student, with a lot of anger problems. I've scheduled her to see the counselor a lot due to her power causing her to have break-downs a lot.
  • Eriol Adelart: ◑/☠ He's got an amazing brain, and he has a lot of potential cooped up inside him, but he's being held back by his stupidly created pranks. There are so many pranks, so many chances for people to get hurt, and so many of my rules being broken. If he just stopped for a moment and put his mind to something good, then maybe I'd ease up on him.
  • Freya Mason: ◑ She's extremely vain and an average student. I get a little wary about her powers, y'know, because of what they can do to men, but I'm doing my best to make her feel comfortable at Arcana..
  • Hayley Stanhope:
  • Isabella Dorson: ☠ She actually enjoys inflicting pain on other people. I know her gift was not her fault, however, she has decided to use it for the wrong things. She could have used her powers to hurt criminals, but she harms those who are good. I can't stand her, although I have to tolerate her in the public eye.
  • Izaiah Dorson: ☺ This kid does his best to the be the best person that he can be, and it works. He's got a great personality, and he seems to look up to me. He's a good student, and a good kid. A lot of potential there.
  • Jackson Murphy: ☺ He's a good student; a gentlemanly one too - we don't have many of them around, not with all the Noctrem students arriving with their promiscuous ways. I don't like the amount of parties that he holds, but kids' have to have some sort of fun, right?
  • Jade Locke: ◑ Erm... yeah... she hit me with a book. That's all I'm going to say on the matter of Miss Locke.
  • Jaysin Dennis:
  • Jessica Coleman: ◑ I really do feel sorry for this girl - she really does, deep down, believe she is bad, and I will try my hardest to change that; although I'm not sure how far I'll get.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ◑/☠ Another jokester trying to break my rules. Honestly, what is it with these kids and trying to upset and hurt other people? I won't stand for it in my school.
  • Keirol Rancora: ☺☺I found Keirol wandering about naked, and I brought him back to Arcana to keep him safe. He's got a good heart underneath his genetically created skin, and I see him more like a son than a student. I have a duty to look after him and teach him the ways of the human world.
  • Landon Hirst: ◑ He's got a lot of potential to do some amazing things, especially with his extraordinary power, but sometimes he just doesn't put in a lot of effort. It's frustrating.
  • Lauryn Chase:
  • Lilian Daniels: ☺ She's such a sweet kid with so much potential to do good with her powers in the future, she is just so easily walked over. I hate the fact people use her and hurt her - I'm always secretly watching over her. I used to watch over Amy when she was a student here, taking an interest in her because of how much she was bullied, and now, I'm doing the same with Lily.
  • Loralei Evans: ☺☺ I've know Lora's family for generations, and I treat her as a family member more than a student. She's not treated any differently though from my other students, but I will make time for her especially if she needs me. She's like another member of my extended family.
  • Lulu Allen: ☺Lulu should have been in Arcana from the beginning. She's an amazing student and it's nice to see her every now and again when she comes over to my office for a chat. She seems incredibly interested in my life - however I don't have a fear of her using it against me with Cain, despite how close she is with him. She's just so sweet.
  • Marcurio Espenosa:
  • McKenna Marinos: ☺ This girl has the same last name as me - how cool is that? My family name has lasted so long, haha! She's a good student though, with powers almost similar to mine. Wait... eh, a little odd but I'll get over it. She's a student with a lot of potential.
  • Morgan Jannsen: ◑ Fair student. I don't hear much from her in class, and when I do, the answer isn't always the right one, but she tries, bless her. She seems nice, although her friendliness is a little over zealous sometimes; maybe she should back it down a bit, and people might like her more.
  • Scott Andrews: ☺ He's a good kid with a lot of enthusiasm for everything that he does. I try to keep a close eye on him due to his emotionally link to his dangerous power, but he's a fine student.
  • Skylar Byrnes: ◑/☺ What a vain boy! Honestly, if he spend more time looking at his books instead of himself in the mirror, he'd have a higher grade in most of his classes. I think he fits in well here though, better than he would at Noctrem.
  • Spencer Jerem: ◑ An interesting student, to say the least. Obviously the smartest, seeing as his power is intelligence and all, but all of this "taking over the world" nonsense... he needs to be pushed in a different direction, I think.
  • Theodore McCaffrey: ◑/☺ I like this kid, I really do. Although, I can't help but think he's holding back in Battle class. I hate it when people hold back in my class, so that's one thing that brings his grade down - he looks as if he wants to jump into the fight, but doesn't. I have a feeling there's a lot more to him than he shows, and one day, I'll get it out of him.
  • William Pond: ☠ I'm not supposed to ignore my students, but I will with William. He doesn't seem to like me, I'm not going to force myself up on him and ask why, or try and make him like me. I push him in class, and that's about as far as it goes between us.
  • Yvette Beatrix:
  • Zac Barnes: ◑ I always keep a watchful eye on Zac. He's such a troubled kid, and he needs someone to watch out for him. I've told his story to all of the teachers, so they know what to expect from him. I've also instructed them to write everything down for his classes - like deadlines and stuff; I know how tricky he can be.


  • Amalthea Roerig: ♥ What is it about this woman that drives me insane? She's my very best friend, and the only person I've ever wanted to let into my heart for the last two thousand years of my miserable life. She's a bright ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, and I don't want to hurt her. I finally got her the other night; I couldn't hold back my feelings any more, and I finally let her into my heart. But now, I haven't wanted to tell anyone about our relationship, and she's getting a little irritated about it. I don't understand it... I don't want people to know about us, as it breaks all of the rules I've put into place...
  • Cain Montgomery: ☠ I don't like having enemies, but this man's great-great-great grandfather was the man that betrayed be, and created Noctrem Academy. Cain obviously adopts the same beliefs as his ancestor did, and I do not want him anywhere near my school, my students or my faculty. Why he's coming here, I don't know. Probably just to irritate the hell out of me.
  • Margaret Wright:
  • Vincent Steele: ☺ As much as I hate to get close to anyone, this is one of the only men I'll tolerate knowing things about me. Upon our first meeting, he discovered my death wishes that I had buried deep down. And he told me off. Literally, he shouted at me for it. No-one ever talks back to me, especially new employees! I saw it as gutsy though, and now, I actually quite like him being around.

Erin Hawthorne

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Addison Lawler: ☺/◑ Haha, as close as we are, and as many time that we go out drinking together, she's always going to be a little scared of me and how angry I can get - it's so cute.
  • Alli Jackson: ☠ So, you're good at gym - whoop-de-fucking-do. Stop bragging about it. And stop thinking your smarter than everyone else. You're not.
  • Amber Romano: ◑ We don't really speak. It's a good thing really, as I don't like the fact that she could find out everything about me and Keirol and broadcast it to everyone.
  • Ashleigh Fox: ☠/◑ She's so afraid of everyone! She needs to realize that not everyone is going to bite her face off if she says hello to them!
  • Benjamin Hershkovitz: ☺ One of the best male partiers out there, haha! He's also good to be around when I need to let off a little steam, not by having sex. Sparring is fun, and I've beaten him a few times!
  • Bethany Phillips:
  • Colby Haskins: ◑/☺ For an Arcana kid, he's not bad. I mean, he understands me, strangely and it's almost like he's... looking out for me, or something? He's a wild partier though! One of the best people to go out with, haha!
  • Corentine Quellen: ☺ My best friend in the entire world. Honestly, she's the only person other that Kei that I feel totally comfortable to be around. We were roommates in Noctrem, and it's a little irritating that we're apart now - but I do like my new roommate, haha! I trust the Quellen's with my life, and I know that they'd both be there to stop be going mental - although in different ways. I don't agree very much with her bitchiness, but since becoming friends with me, I feel like she's calmed down a little.
  • Drakethrean Quellen: ☺/♥ Good ol' Drake, my fuck-buddy. If I've had a bad day at school or whatever, I'll literally just storm up to his room and demand he take me there and then, and he's usually happy to oblige. Before I met Kei, I was becoming a little confused about our relationship, realizing that I see him as more than just a good fuck, but also as my safety net. It's strange... those feelings are still evident, but they're being overpowered by my feelings for Keirol.
  • Eden Havan: ◑ I don't think we've ever spoken properly, but his comic books about the school... a pretty cool idea, I must say.
  • Eleanor Carson: ◑ I don't like to discriminate against powers, because my own is a little scary to other people, but I can see why people don't like being around her. Despite being a goody-two-shoes and what not, she can hear everything going around in your mind. Eesh.
  • Elijah Claymore: ◑ Wow, he's a little bit of a goodie-goodie, isn't he? Right up there near Marinos' asshole. He's a sweet kid and all it seems, but yeah.... totally Arcana.
  • Eriol Adelart: ◑ He seems nice and what not, and we talk occasionally, but that's about as far as our relationship goes. We're on friendly terms, but we're not "friends." He's a little strange, isn't he...
  • Freya Mason: ☠ She leches on any man that she can get her hands on, even the ones that are taken - and my romantic relationship with Keirol is secret! I'm so worried that she'll come on to him and... you know, use her magic on him and take him away from me.
  • Hayley Stanhope:
  • Isabella Dorson: ☺ One of my party girls; she understands not to bitch about me or whatever, as I will find out and it will make me angry. She's quite fun to be around, I'm not going to lie.
  • Izaiah Dorson: ☠ There's no spontaneity in this guy what so ever, and he is just so... good! What is the fun in that? Honestly, he's so boring it's unreal! How is he even related to Bells?!
  • Jackson Murphy: ☠ Such a prissy little Gentleman, isn't he? I can't stand him - trying to calm my rage down without my fucking permission - how dare he!
  • Jade Locke: ☺ Jade is my second best friend, very close to how close I am with Cor. I can't imagine going out partying without her around to back me up. She's amazing!
  • Jaysin Dennis:
  • Jessica Coleman: ☺ She's another regular partier, and she doesn't expect anything else from me, and I nothing from her - we have a good friendship.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ◑ We don't talk, we don't interact. I can't say anything else about her, because I just don't know her. It seems to be a good thing though.
  • Kierol Rancora: ♥♥ I just... I'm falling in love with him. I know I still sleep with Drake, but I don't want to go anywhere near Kei when I'm angry in case I hurt him - I could never forgive myself if I did that. I love cuddling up to him after we've fu-- made love, and he makes me feel so special. I want to claim his heart as my own, to have him for myself and no-one else, but I don't even know if he can feel that way, and I don't want to force it upon him. The other day he gave me his necklace, and I've practically moved into his bedroom. My beautiful Keirol.
  • Landon Hirst: ◑ We're impartial to each other. A curt nod hello every now and again is as far as our relationship goes.
  • Lauryn Chase:
  • Lilian Daniels:
  • Loralei Evans: ◑ Lora Evans, the gypsy girl with a knack for changing the weather. I want to get to know her; there's something about her that just intrigues me... yet, I know she's a little scared of my power. Who isn't?
  • Lulu Allen: ☠ Anyone with a fucking brain can see how much she likes Drake... obviously, minus the bastard himself. It irritates her to hell that I have a sexual relationship with Drake, and I'm so happy about that. I'll rub it in her face if I can - I don't like being "mean" as such... but with her, I'll make an exception.
  • Marcurio Espenosa:
  • McKenna Marinos: ☠ I don't think I've spoken to her before, but she hates my best friends - ergo, getting her hated by me.
  • Morgan Jannsen: ☠ What a stupid, shallow little Arcana student. I can't stand being around her, listening to her droll on and on about the newest shoes she's bought, or whatever.
  • Scott Andrews: ☺ When we actually make time for each other and sit down and talk, we're actually really good friends. It's surprising, we're both incredibly sexually active people, and yet, there's no chemistry between us at all - just a good friendship. I actually talk to him about any sexual problems or new positions or whatever!
  • Skylar Byrnes: ☺ He makes it his goal to irritate all of the Noctrem girls, but I'm an exception - I wonder why, haha! No, he's a cool guy with an awesome party hat on top of his head. He likes making me laugh too, which is a good thing to do around me.
  • Spencer Jerem: ◑/☺ He's not scared of me, which is a thumbs up from me any day of the week. I don't like his constant references to me being the Hulk, but I've had to endure that from a lot of people, so I'm getting over it. He's also a little irritating from time to time, but then again, so am I.
  • Theodore McCaffrey: ◑ Theo is so adorable - I think he's actually a little afraid of me... well, my power anyway. To be fair, I feel the same about his power. He can mess someone's night up with one movement - it's so creepy! I haven't spoken to him before, but I don't think we will speak in the near future.
  • William Pond:
  • Yvette Beatrix:
  • Zac Barnes: ☺ I really get along with him; we share similar anger problems, and he's going to teach me how to play the drums in return for me teaching him kick-boxing. It's actually quite fun.


  • Amalthea Roerig: ☠ *cough* Pussy *cough*
  • Cain Montgomery: ☺ I feel safe around this man, knowing that he can stop me whenever I turn primal. He's a good teacher too, and such a bad ass! He's even got the look, hahah!
  • Leo Marinos: ◑ I believe this man hates me - purely because he accepted me into his precious little school without checking about my power. Now, his darling little Arcana students are in danger from me, and it's his fault.
  • Margaret Wright:
  • Vincent Steele: ◑ I hate asking for help, and he's all about helping. I don't like the way he can understand when I'm getting angry just by looking at me, so I do my best to keep out of his way.

Jack Murphy
|Nineteen|Emotion Manipulation|Roommate|Arcana|

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Addison Lawler: ◑ She's another one of my regular party-comers. If we're partnered together in class, I don't mind and I'll even try my best to spark up some sort of five minute conversation. She doesn't trust me and my power, but that's okay - we're not that close anyway.
  • Alli Jackson: ◑ I do not like the way that she's... always looking at me. I don't let many people in, so... having someone trying so hard to understand things about me is unnerving.
  • Amber Romano: ◑/☺/♥ Amber, Amber, Amber. She's an extremely frustrating girl, isn't she? Always digging for more and more information about everyone around her, turning it into a business. Ingenious idea, mind you. She has a little thing for me, and it's quite obvious to see. I'm not sure how to react yet - I have... trouble, with women.
  • Ashleigh Fox: ☺ There's just... something about Ashy that makes me strive to protect her, no matter the cost. It's different from how I feel about Morgan - she's more of a younger sister. Ashy is just... I honestly can't describe it. I just want to keep her safe and happy. I keep an eye on her from afar.
  • Benjamin Hershkovitz: ◑/☠ Being childish is for when you are a child. As an adult, one should be polite and maintain a sense of age. Ben... just doesn't. He also smells like smoke a lot, something which I hate, most likely due to my fear of fire.
  • Bethany Phillips: ♥/☺/◑/☠ Wait... what? Bethany.... Phillips comes to Arcana? S-Since when?! No... she can't be here... this is my clean start. I can't have... my past slapping me in the face when I walk around the corner. I moved away from Washington after everything with H-Holly, giving both of us a fresh start, but... She's... here?
  • Colby Haskins: ☺ Colby is fun to have around - he tries to help me organize my parties, but he always forgets the little things, like... cups or spoons for the punch bowl. We're not extremely friendly, but I'd like to say he's my friend, yes.
  • Corentine Quellen: ☠/◑ I don't like having enemies, but Jesus... this girl just has something against me. Then again, I have something against her too - she's specifically a "bitch" to others who don't deserve it, something I cannot stand. She probably also hates the fact that her brother has taken to me.
  • Drakethrean Quellen: ☺ Drake likes to be... what do they call it? Oh, that's it, my wing-man? He's always trying to force me to go and dance and flirt with the girls at parties, but it's going to take a lot for me to get over, well... everything that happened.
  • Eden Havan: ☺ I'm on friendly terms with Eden, even those his fascination with little statues and dolls makes me feel a little comfortable. He's a nice kid, and I'm in his comics! That's awesome.
  • Eleanor Carson: ◑ She's very quiet, and I don't really remember having spoken to her before. I think I might have in Philosophy once, but that's about as far as out relationship goes.
  • Elijah Claymore:
  • Erin Hawthorne: ☠ I know it isn't her fault that she gets so angry, and it's a burden for her - but I just can't stand violence. And she is the personification of violence.
  • Eriol Adelart:
  • Freya Mason:
  • Hayley Stanhope:
  • Isabella Dorson: ☠ Bells... a bully from Noctrem. Yup, she's another. I just can't stand her, and her evil ways. She's... one of the worst when it comes down to everything, no doubt. Although, not as bad as Cor...
  • Izaiah Dorson: ☺/◑ I haven't really spoken to Izaiah before, but he seems like a genuinely nice guy. I think we could be friendly one day, yes.
  • Jade Locke: ☠ Another one of those bullying girls. Why are there so many of them coming from Noctrem? Honestly, there's no need for it, and she even threw a book at a teacher! Mr Marinos, as well! Who... who does that?!
  • Jaysin Dennis:
  • Jessica Coleman: ◑ I don't know her all too well, but she comes to the parties, we have a short chat, and that's about it. She seems like a nice girl, however, she has confidence problems with herself... I wish I could help her with that.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ☺/◑ There's just something about Kaliyah that... interests me. She has a confidence streak that I admire, and even though she is quite a reckless one, that.... almost makes me what to get to know her more.
  • Kierol Rancora:
  • Landon Hirst:
  • Lauryn Chase:
  • Lilian Daniels:
  • Loralei Evans: ☺ Ah, Lora - a little ray of sunshine! Literally, she can make that happen. I like spending time with Lora - she's nice to hang around with, and to be fair, she's practically at the top of my party invitations. Always. It's... just not as fun without her there to make everyone happy.
  • Lulu Allen: (♥)/☺ Lulu Allen - now there's a name I never thought I'd hear again! We were old childhood friends back in Washington, around the same time that everything happened with Beth. I always had a little bit of a crush on her, but I chose Beth instead, thinking her to be the best out of the two for me. It's nice to have her around again! I have that strange pull to her, the same one as I did before, but I'm not sure about my feelings. They could be there, or not...
  • Marcurio Espenosa:
  • McKenna Marinos: ☺ I like spending time with McKenna. She actually walk around with me outside, and we make pleasant conversation. I see her as one of my closest friends in fact - she really is a sweet girl with a good heart.
  • Morgan Jannsen: ☺ Oh, I like Morgan. Most people don't like her because she's so naive and a little dim-witted, but in my eyes, she's so sweet. I see her as a younger sister of sorts; I like to watch over her, to make sure no-one walks over her or uses her. I don't show it often in public, but she knows I care about her, and that I'll always be there to back her up if she needs me.
  • Scott Andrews: ☺ Probably my best male friend, minus Drake of course. He doesn't know anything about my past, as I haven't grown that comfortable around him yet, but I have told him about my fears of being with another woman after my ex. I feel like I can talk to him about practically anything, and if I ever needed help, he'd be there for me.
  • Skylar Byrnes: ◑ Okay, I'm absolutely terrified of fire, so the last person I want to be friends with is a pyrokinetic. Of course, I don't completely ignore him because of his power, I just... keep my distance... a little...
  • Spencer Jerem: ◑ He's interesting to say the least, although, he's very quiet and secluded, just like myself. If we spoke a little more, maybe we could become friends one day? Who knows - he's always invited to the party though, although it's rare he actually comes along.
  • Theodore McCaffrey: ◑/☺ Theo's always invited to the pary. He's nice to have around, quiet and unassuming, much like myself. We have some interesting discussions, so where we're not really friends, I'd say we're good acquaintances.
  • William Pond:
  • Yvette Beatrix:
  • Zac Barnes: ☠/◑ I love to debate. And so does Zac. He's good at it too, meaning that sometimes, I lose. And I can't stand losing. I also don't like the way that he changes quickly between his emotions. I like consistency, and this guy is the complete opposite of that.


  • Amalthea Roerig: ☺ Miss Roerig is lovely. There's not a bad bone in her body, and she always has a bright smile on her face. Philosophy is my favourite lesson, and I always strive to reach my potential in there... also, I like to impress her.
  • Cain Montgomery: ◑ Mr. Montgomery is a good teacher, there's no way anything different could be said. He's helping me expand the use of my power, by being able to spot people's emotions in their facial expression or body movements. It's extremely helpful.
  • Leo Marinos: ☺ He's a good teacher, I look up to him as another role model, of sorts. Since my father's death... it's nice to have someone to strive to be like.
  • Margaret Wright:
  • Vincent Steele:
Last edited by Imagine That! on Sun Aug 05, 2012 8:28 am, edited 20 times in total.

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Imagine That!
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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby throne on Sat Jul 28, 2012 12:13 pm

Cain Montgomery
|45|Power Transference|Power Development & Detention Master|Noctrem Academy|

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Likes/Finds Interesting
◑ = Bored by
☠ = Cannot fucking stand


  • Addison Lawler: ☺ Interesting power? Check. Not a coward? Check. Probably going to end up knocked-up by the end of the term? Check.
  • Alli Jackson: ◑ Neither the girl or her power are terrifically interesting. She doesn't seem all that keen on learning some of the more interesting uses for it.
  • Allison Mccray: ☺ She would have done well at Noctrem. I don’t think Leo managed to ruin her yet, which is impressive given how deep his virtuous claws have managed to sink into some of these kids. Middling power, but, she’s her own person. That’s kind of a super-power all its own. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth saying that.
  • Amariah Conner: ◑ Eh. She seems to like to keep things professional, which I don't really mind because she's dull as paste. I'm trying to get her to hone in on some of the more subtle applications of her ability, since the unsubtle ones come so naturally.
  • Amber Romano: ☺ I call her A, for obvious reasons. Her power is sort of middling, but you have to admire the entrepreneurial spirit with which she's embraced it. So maybe I sometimes slip her a fin to spread a particularly amusing rumor I thought up. What's the harm in that? I can't help it that I'm a sucker for gossip.
  • Ashleigh Fox: ◑ What can I say about Ashleigh? Apparently, not very much.
  • Benjamin Hershkovitz: ◑/☺ WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING HERE? I don't know how he got into my school. Must have been a smack day when the paperwork came through, because... what the Hell am I supposed to teach this kid? He'd be better off learning from the Coast Guard. His personality is at least enjoyable, though, so I suppose I don't mind overall, just... seriously. Oxygen Independence?
  • Bethany Phillips: ◑ Invisibility is really not very interesting in these modern times, sorry Mr. Welles.
  • Colby Haskins: ☠ Arcana really had to get the speedster, huh? And boy did they get him. This kid makes me feel like Wile E. Coyote plotting to catch the Roadrunner. I'm not being metaphorical, I literally sometimes sketch out elaborate plans to trap him, because if he doesn't want me to, I can't touch him. Weirdly enough, when he does land in detention, he doesn't put up much of a fight about me taking it.
  • Corentine Quellen: ☺ We are allowed to have favorites, right? (Like I care.) Hands down one of the most deadly kids around, and she’s got this alpha-bitch thing going on that makes me think she’d gladly drive the bus that hit Rachel McAdams in Mean Girls. Oh. Spoiler alert.
  • Drake Quellen: ☺ This boy occasionally brings a nostalgic tear to my eye. He's a lot like me, only more driven, which means that someday he'll probably actually do some fairly amazing things. He's one of the students that I'm proud of, and I don't mind at all that he looks to me as a mentor. I mean, if I were actually a good mentor, I'd probably encourage him to find one that isn't me, but I'm selfish that way.
  • Eden Haven: Every school needs it's God Squaddie. Ask Amanda Bynes and Mandi Moore. I give the kid shit, but really, I could care less if they wanted to worship Mr. Peanut, so long as they aren't douchebags about it. I think he's placed a lot of psychological limitations on his power. I hope to break him of that.
  • Eleanor Carson: ☺ Telepathy isn’t an easy gig. Can you imagine what it would be like if everyone were a telepath? People need subterfuge, regardless of what certain moralizing ass-hats might argue. Speaking of which, I love the fact that she’ll actually get into it with me. So many of these Arcana kids are so willing to roll over.
  • Elias Novario: ◑/☺ Not much I can do for him other than encourage him to practice. One of the more interesting quiet kids, though; I'm pretty sure it's calculated on his part, so I'm intrigued to see where he goes with it.
  • Elijah Claymore: ◑ Cool power, boring kid. That would pretty much sum it up if I could ignore the fact that he has the potential to be a great Power Control teacher someday. Even though I sometimes find myself wanting to strangle him for being so insipidly nice, I haven't given up just yet.
  • Erin Hawthorne: ☺ NOW. ERIN. SMASH. Sorry. I couldn’t help myself. Erin is… complicated, both in and of herself, and as a student. All I can really try to help her with is control; not letting the beast out when she doesn’t want to, and tapping into it when she isn’t pissed off. Fortunately I can snag her ability in a pinch, but… it isn’t really something I enjoy doing.
  • Eriol Adelart: ☺/☠ No one should have a power like that. I just... the kid could be a god, if he wanted to. Fortunately he seems more interested in being a nuisance. I encourage this because it amuses me, and because it makes me feel like he isn't going to appear in my bedroom one night and kill me in my sleep. Jesus.
  • Freya Mason: ☺ I’m working really hard to turn this girl into the second coming of Cupid, I really am. I’m proud of Frey. She’s come a long way, and before long, she’s gonna be able to really fuck with people. I’m a little jealous how much chaos she can create as it is.
  • Griffin Jacobs: ☺ Griff is a very sensible young man. He's kept to a little agreement we made when he first came to Noctrem about what would happen to his testicles if I ever caught him using his power on me, so I can't really dislike him. His Persuasion is obviously among the top contenders, and he's got a great handle on a lot of aspects of it, so I try to get him to think outside the box with it.
  • Hayley Stanhope: ◑/☺ There's so much more she can learn to do with her power that it's unreal. If only she weren't, well, her, I'd be much more excited about teaching her to break her limitations.
  • Isabella Dorson: ☺ If only her power weren’t so absurdly boring. I mean, yeah, people are scared of it, why wouldn’t they be? But it isn’t exactly interesting. What is interesting is her philosophy regarding it.
  • Izaiah Dorson: ☺/◑ So, funny story. First day of class after the combination, I manage to make this kid so nervous that he falls through his chair. Not out of it. Through it. While the goody-two-shoes thing gets old pretty fast, he does have a competitive streak that I feel duty-bound to encourage by pitting him against other students whenever I can.
  • Jackson Murphy: ◑ I can't say I see the appeal, but hey, mysterious, sure, whatever. He does have an interesting ability, and there's quite a bit of potential for growth there, so it isn't a total loss. And he's so skinny. How can anyone be that skinny?
  • Jade Locke: ☺ Oh, Jade. You know, I did get around an awful lot around the time she was conceived. I’ve never asked her about her family, because I frankly don’t care, but I sometimes wonder if I might actually be her deadbeat dad. We’re uncannily alike, and she’s a teek, which is always enjoyable. Incidentally, she always has the best weed.
  • Jaysin O. Dennis ☺ His power is interesting and boring at the same time. All I can really do is help him make more doppelgangers of himself. That being said, I'm glad to have him back under my wing, and even more glad that his stint at Arcana hasn't ruined him completely.
  • Jessica Coleman: ☺/◑ I've worked with Jess a lot, and I'm going to keep doing so. Her pew-pew has so much potential for growth, both in terms of raw destructive power and her ability to use it without side-effects that I consider her something of a pet-project. I'm also trying to cure her of being so damned concerned with what people think. She puts up a nice front, but... yeah, mood-swings like hers are not a mark of the well-adjusted.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ☺ I’ve actually never seen this power before, and it’s a lot of fun to mess around with. Kali seems to have a good head on her shoulder, too. Can’t help but approve of this one.
  • Keirol Rancora: ◑ It slices! It dices! It also makes Julienne fries! On a more serious note, I enjoy both his testy, instinctive nature and his ability. I don't enjoy how far up Leo's butt he is. It brings a whole new meaning to the term "teacher's pet", and frankly, he could do a lot better than that moralizing walking corpse. Also, if you're going to make up a fake-name, you should probably avoid similarities to the giant monster underneath Jabba's palace.
  • Landon Hirst: ☺ Impressive kid, in terms of how far he's come without my guidance. I think it has a lot more to do with him than anything Arcana managed to do for him. He's not nearly as do-goodery as his butt-buddy, so, I don't mind him, really.
  • Lauryn Chase: ☺ Sweet Mary and Joseph. I actually want to hug this girl. She doesn't whine, she doesn't flatter, she's just an intelligent young woman who has her priorities straight, and it's a fucking breath of fresh air compared to most of these mouth-breathers. Her power is among the more interesting boring powers- what impresses me the most about her is that she'd rather work on fine-tuning her psychometry than removing the inconvenience of it triggering off any bare-skin touch. Why? Because she was smart enough to buy a pair of gloves.
  • Lilian Daniels: ◑ Powers like hers just irritate me. I can't really help her get better at the power itself, so I have to focus on building up the supplemental skills that will help her make better use of it. Her diffidence doesn't help matters at all. The girl has all the appeal of unflavored yogurt.
  • Loralei Evans: ☺ Esmerelda? She's fine. I can't help but needle her for her heritage, but I'm sure my being gaje just means that she doesn't care what I think. See what I did there? Her power has a virtually unlimited ceiling, so I'm trying to get her versed in as much utility as I can.
  • Lulu Allen: ☺ Another of the competent kids. Why are there so few? We tend to be on the same page as far as her power development goes, and she's an obviously independent girl.
  • Marcurio Espenosa: ☺ Flattery will get you everywhere, Mercutio, and fart jokes too. One of my favorites who isn't a budding psychopath. This might largely stem from the fact that I get to requisition human cadavers for my class now.
  • McKenna Marinos: ◑/☺ Quirky, nerdy girl regenerates wounds. News at 11. Her power is tricky to work with, but most automatic passive powers are. I haven't worked out how she does that wound transference thing yet, but we'll get there.
  • Morgan Janssen: ☺/◑ It varies from day to day. Her effervescence can range from annoying to extremely grating depending on how hung-over I am, but she’s got this inner skank-bitch that I can’t help but be intrigued by and want to bring out as often as possible.
  • Scott Andrews: ☺ Ah, Sparky. If only you weren't so fond of Hey Leonardo. It gives me a lot to draw on in terms of getting under his skin, though, which is my secret plan for helping him not kill everyone every time he gets upset. To make him upset. Genius, right?
  • Skylar Byrnes: ☺ Ah, Skylar. He makes making fun of him incredibly easy, and yet still seems astonished when I do it. If you’re going to spend more time on your hair than any girl in the school, don’t be surprised when I ask you to say hi to Rachel Zoe for me. That being said, I like the kid. He’s got spunk (the metaphorical kind… well, probably the literal kind too, actually), and his power is one of what I consider “The Classic Villain Powers”.
  • Spencer Jerem: ☺ Like I can teach him? Given my own high IQ, I have a better handle on him than most... so I'll be watching him like a hawk. I also try to get him to realize there's more to life than being an autodidact and beating computers at chess.
  • Theodore McCaffry: ☺ Okay, maybe there is one person who was hit harder by Noctrem burning down than me. This kid has issues, but he also has plenty of reason to have issues. I would know, being the one who found him dumpster-diving and traded him a ham sandwich for his life story. I can’t really teach him much, but I worry about him. He thinks he has everyone fooled, and he does have a lot of them fooled. I actually think being at Arcana might be the best thing for him right now.
  • William Pond: ◑/☺ Confession time: I'm one of those guys who has no interest in keeping up with technology. I long for the days of vinyl records and actually having conversations, so the current generation's obsession with instant-messaging and texting just enrages me. As a result, I have a hard time with William's power. I've tried it out a few times, and it's one of the few I've ever felt remotely inadequate using. He seems just fine diddling away on his laptop in my class though, so, whatever.
  • Zac Barnes: ☺ Another feisty Arcana kid with a cool power. It amuses me deeply that he tries to use it to shirk schoolwork. I combat this by helping him get better at using it to shirk schoolwork, so that he has no interest in dicking off in my class.


  • Amalthea Roerig: ☺ Mary Poppins. That’s what I call her at least. I seriously think that I once saw a rainbow come out of her ass. She’s very fun to mess with, and I have ample opportunity given the daily minor injuries I receive in the course of wrangling a bunch of superhuman teenagers and teaching them how to use their powers.
  • Cain Montgomery: ♥/☠ I once was a man from Nantucket.
  • Leonardo Marinos: ☠ He’s a sanctimonious little prick. If I had a two-millennia head start on the rest of society, you’d be addressing me as “Hegemon” and feeding me grapes in a toga. I really and truly do not understand how he can be so incredibly narrow-minded about the nature of human existence after basically watching all of history. It also ticks me off that he’s younger- and better- looking than I am.
  • Margaret Wright:[/b] ☺ She is so full of shit. I love it. She has an unfair advantage in telling when I'm full of shit, but I don't mind so much.
  • Vincent Steele: ☠ I may or may not be responsible for the rumor that he is Danielle Steele’s estranged gay brother. I know, it’s totally buyable, right? It’s incredibly petty, but I can’t help but hate him for having my old job. Also, his ability is a royal pain in the ass.

Theodore McCaffry
|17|Dream Manipulation|Roommate|Noctrem Academy|

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Addison Lawler: ◑ If it weren’t for the fact that she’s academic competition, she’d be very easy to write off as a typical promiscuous teenage girl who happens to be able to turn into animals. I don’t really mind her, I guess, or dislike her, but I can’t ever see myself talking to her about anything besides schoolwork.
  • Alli Jackson: ◑ She's like me; a watcher, an observer. She doesn't have the tools that I do, but I can't help the feeling that she might be taking an interest in me.
  • Allison Mccray: ☺/◑ We’re kind of alike. We both distance ourselves from others and live in our own little worlds. We don’t talk often, but she’s easier to talk to than most people.
  • Amber Romano: ◑ She wants me to help her in her... venture... but I can't help but be extremely wary of this girl. There are quite a few things about me I'd prefer not to get out. I'd simply prefer not to get involved, though. She's going to have many enemies I don't need by association.
  • Ashleigh Fox: ☺/◑ She’s quiet, like me. We can share polite smiles and occasional bits of conversation, but that’s about it.
  • Benjamin Hershkovitz: ◑ It's interesting. His power is arguably the most worthless of the lot, even more useless than most think mine is, and yet... he doesn't seem nearly so aggrieved by that fact as I do. He's a bit too loud for my tastes, but I do have some degree of respect for him.
  • Bethany Phillips: ◑ I wish she'd just leave me alone. I'm sick of people trying to "bring me out of my shell". I like my shell. It's safe in here.
  • Colby Haskins: ☠ I have never met anyone so annoying. Ever. He thinks he's awesome, but really, he just got lucky in the power department. He kept trying to get in my pants, so I just started avoiding him. I think he got the idea.
  • Corentine Quellen: ◑/☠ She's one of the ones who used to make my life Hell, but I have a hard time bringing myself to retaliate because I'm actually afraid of her. Instead, I keep pretty close tabs on her while trying my best to avoid her in the waking world. Friends close, enemies closer, and all that.
  • Drake Quellen: ◑/☺ Things with Drake are so weird. He was a friend of Scott's, his roommate at Noctrem, so half the time I can't stand to look at him, and the other half I almost want to tell him about what's been going on in my dreams. He fascinates me, because he has all the makings of a bully but doesn't seem to act on them. I think we're more alike than I care to admit.
  • Eden Haven: ◑ Eden makes me feel somewhat guilty. Somewhat. He tried to reach out to me, and I reacted very... secularly. After the one time he dropped it, which I respect, but even though we've both lost loved ones, I can't bring myself to apologize.
  • Eleanor Carson: ☺?/◑/☠ I hate her ability. The idea of someone being able to look in on my private thoughts makes my skin crawl, and she could easily see through me if she wanted. I don’t hate her, though. I think that if she had any other power, she might be a really good friend, and that makes me feel guilty since she really had no say in the matter.
  • Elias Navario: ☺☺ He was my roommate, at Noctrem. He was the first to stick up for me when I was bullied. He was the first person I told about me and Scott, and he was the only person I could even talk to after... it happened. He's still there for me.
  • Elijah Claymore: ☺It's weird. Maybe it's because I'm entirely sure he's into girls, but I don't have some kind of complex about Elijah like I do most of the guys I think I might like. He's just such a good guy.
  • Erin Hawthorne: ◑ She's solitary, like me, but in a different way. My self-preservation instincts are too keen for me to get close to her in the real world, but I've checked out her dreams, and they're intense. Really primal. I can get lost in them some times. I don't think we've ever said a word to one another.
  • Eriol Adelart: ☠ I hate him so much, on so many levels. The fact that I actually envy him his power is just icing on a very disgusting cake. I'm so sick of his stupid pranks. No one in the school has made me come closer to dropping my mask of innocuousness and breaking someone's face, but I can't do that, so I'll just have to content myself with making him afraid to go to sleep.
  • Freya Mason: ◑/☺ She's alright, I guess? That would change if she ever used her power on me. We really just don't have much in common.
  • Griffin Jacobs: ☠ He bullied me a lot before Scott stepped in, and now that he's mostly-gone, it seems like he's gearing up for more of the same. I hate how he can just... make me do things. Well guess what, Griff: I'm not the same scared little nobody who used to cry himself to sleep because of you. Things are going to be different at Arcana.
  • Hayley Stanhope: ◑ She seems alright, but she's so erratic that I don't like being around her any more than I need to be.
  • Isabella Dorson: ◑/☠ Ugh. I really don’t like this girl. Her power is pretty emblematic of her, and I get that she’s from Noctrem, but I can’t stand people like her.
  • Izaiah Dorson: ☺/☠/(♥) I really wish I could hate him. How do you hate someone simply for being beautiful and kind, though? He’s been nothing but friendly to me, and I want to open up to him, but I just can’t. Scott finds it hilarious. I probably spend too much time in his dreams, and I’ve idiotically revealed myself in them more than once. I just can’t help it.
  • Jackson Murphy: ◑/☺ He's alright. I don't really party, or understand why he's so big on them, but... when we do interact, I can't say I don't enjoy it. He's physically attractive, but not to the point of distraction.
  • Jade Locke: ☺ Pretty much one of my only friends. I feel like I can be myself around her, sometimes, to a certain extent. We have pretty similar views about the world, and she shares my fondness for horror cinema, so… yeah.
  • Jaysin O. Dennis ☺ He was friends with Scott, before he left, but... he isn't the sort to want to talk about him, so he doesn't make me as uncomfortable as he might. We didn't interact much while he was at Noctrem, but here, I enjoy his company more than most.
  • Jessica Coleman: ◑ I find it best to simply avoid her. Her inconsistency coupled with a potentially dangerous power aren't my idea of friendship material.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ◑ I’ve been helping her. She doesn’t really know it, but when I first came here, I spent a lot of time checking out dreams, and she has a lot of nightmares. I try to check in and leave her with something more pleasant, when I remember to. As a result I can’t really bring myself to talk to her in the real world.
  • Keirol Rancora: ◑ He's strange. Extremely strange. His dreams are unlike any I've ever encountered before. It warrants further study. I'm always very polite to him, and he seems to have some... difficulties, when it comes to interacting, that make me feel like he needs help. Very, very strange.
  • Landon Hirst: ◑/(♥) He's made it very clear what he wants from me, and I've made it very clear I'm not interested. I'm more interested than I'd like, though. I don't understand how he can be friends with someone like Haskins, but then again,I'm half-expecting them to make an advance together one of these days. There's more to him than that, though, I've seen his dreams, and the day he actually starts showing it, my life might get... complicated.
  • Lauryn Chase: ☺/◑ She's a lot like me, and in good ways, mostly. Mature. Put together. Low-key power that's actually really useful.I wonder how often she goes around touching things to get secrets, the way I go fishing for them in dreams? I almost want to talk to her more. Almost.
  • Lilian Daniels: ☺ Another member of the sucky powers club. Hers might be the worst, after Eleanor's. I get along with her, though, and I don't think a lot of people realize how hard it would be to do what she can do. Seeing the future and not being able to do anything about it? I feel for her in more ways than I want to admit.
  • Loralei Evans: ◑ She's a little too energetic for my tastes, or she's shy. The conflicting demeanors make me want to keep my distance.
  • Lulu Allen: ☺/◑ She stood up for me at Noctrem. I won't forget that. She kept reaching out to me after the fire, but... well, we'll see, I guess, now that I'm not a zombie anymore.
  • Marcurio Espenosa: ☠/◑/(☺) Curio used to be one of my best friends, back before Scott. We grew apart when I got together with him. That is to say, I kind of... dropped him. After the fire I tried to make amends. I really needed a friend, and what does he do? He tells me he doesn't want to hear me whine. Scott keeps telling me I should make things right, but I tried and it blew up in my face.
  • McKenna Marinos: ◑/☺ I respect her intelligence. We don't have much else in common, though.
  • Morgan Janssen: ◑ I wish she’d realize that just talking into someone’s head is a lot like getting a phone-call from a telemarketer. Given her apparent IQ, I doubt we’d have much to say to each other anyway.
  • Scott Andrews: ◑ I don't even think he realizes that it's like a knife in my chest every time someone calls his name in the hallway. I always look, and it's always him instead of... him.
  • Skylar Byrnes: ☺/◑/☠ Ugh. Skylar. I can never decide how I feel about him. Sometimes his antics make me want to hit him, other times I actually want to crack a smile. I’ve never really understood high-maintenance people, so that probably has something to do with it. I'm 99% sure he wasn't responsible for the fire. I definitely investigated.
  • Spencer Jerem: ☺/◑ Spencer is... we were always cordial. Now moreso. He deduced some of what I can do, and he's more than intelligent enough to guess at the rest of what I do. I can only trust him so much, though. I know exactly what I'd be doing with his power; I'm already doing it, to some degree. He can be a bit daunting, but I'm far from dim.
  • Theodore McCaffry: ◑ I spend more time dreaming than awake, and more time wondering if I’m losing it than not. I’m holding things together for now, but I can’t help but feel like I might be losing my grip.
  • William Pond: ☺ We're a lot alike. He plugs into his tech, I plug into my dreams. We both prefer the realms where we're unmatched to the real world. I get him, you might say.
  • Zac Barnes: ◑/☺ I like him most when we’re arguing. He’s no slouch at debating in Philosophy. I also can’t help but respect his use of his power. I don’t usually approve of that kind of thing, but I’d never rat him out.


  • Amalthea Roerig: ☺/◑ My favorite class, easily. I can’t help myself in it. I don’t hold back at all when it comes to philosophical debates. She’s nice enough, and not particularly obtrusive, so overall, I like her.
  • Leonardo Marinos: ☺/◑ I like the fact that he actually behaves like a headmaster, and his dreams… are just riveting. I couldn’t help but look, and I don’t let on that I have. The only problem is his class. I have to hold back to avoid showing people what I can do, and it’s sometimes very tempting to prove that I’m not as useless as they think I am. It’s almost physically painful that this is affecting my GPA.
  • Cain Montgomery: ☺/☠ I owe him a lot. That being said, he’s probably one of the few people I’ve ever met who's more messed up than I am. I only went into his dreams once, out of curiosity, and… never again. There’s nothing he can think up for me to do with my power that I haven’t already mastered, so he takes it out on me by partnering up with other kids in his class so that they can test theirs on me, like some kind of guinea pig.
  • Margaret Wright: ◑ I have to be careful around her. I lie so often nowadays that I sometimes forget that she always knows. I do well in her class, so hopefully she doesn't pay me much mind.
  • Vincent Steele: ◑/☠/☺ Mr. Steele. I know he knows I’m putting up a front, but for some reason he hasn’t arranged some sort of intervention yet. I really don’t know what to make of that. I feel bad for disliking him, because he’s only trying to help, but he can’t help and I can’t make him realize that, so we’re at something of an impasse.

Colby “Redline” Haskins
|17|Superspeed|Roommate|Arcana Academy|

♥ = Romantic Interest (usually mostly physical)
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies

  • Addison Lawler: ☺ I can’t help but like this girl. She’s so much fun. She has a lot of friends that I don’t care for, but she probably thinks the same thing about me. I think people see her as sluttier than me, when really, I’m just more selective about who I go after.
  • Alli Jackson: ☺ Alli's okay. I mean, we're not best friends or anything, but I like her, you know?
  • Allison Mccray: ◑ Eh. We don’t really see eye to eye on some stuff. But on the bright side, she makes me feel like I’m not all into myself as much as people think.
  • Amariah Conner: ☺/◑ I don't think she likes me? I don't know, it's weird. Like, she's fine sparring with me or whatever, but outside of class it's like she doesn't even want to say hi.
  • Amber Romano: ◑/☠ I'm glad I don't have any big secrets or whatever. She offered to tutor me once, for money, but... I just can't get behind what she does. Not at all. People get hurt when she's around.
  • Ashleigh Fox: ☺ Ashy is great. She comes off all shy, but she’s awesome when you get to know her. And she can dance. Man, can she dance.
  • Benjamin Hershkovitz: ☺ Dude is the only one in the school who can keep up with me in a conversation, haha. And we both have crazy love for food. And we both like to throw down. I mean, he smokes, and his face has got plenty of city miles, so I'm not into him that way, but he's probably one of the coolest guys around, aside from yours truly of course, haha.
  • Bethany Phillips: ☺ Beth? I haven't seen her around lately. Haha, get it? ... no, you're stupid and corny. Whatever.
  • Colby Haskins: ♥♥♥/☺☺☺ If I could clone myself, I’d probably never leave my room, haha.
  • Corentine Quellen: ☠ The only good thing I can say about her is that she’s not afraid to be herself. In her case though, it isn’t all that great. First-class bitch, loves hurting people, and worst of all, the odds are actually in her favor in a one vs. one. I mean, I could take her, but it would be tough if I didn’t get the drop on her.
  • Drake Quellen: ◑/☠?/♥ Something about him just isn’t right but I’d totally still hit that, hard. He seems alright, but like… I don’t know. Maybe I’m just playing into the whole Arcana vs. Noctrem thing.
  • Eden Haven: ♥/☺ He's fucking adorable, haha. At first I was gonna be all worried he was one of those God Hates Fags types, but he's really cool.
  • Eleanor Carson: ☺ Ellie! I love this girl! She’s one of the few that knows about my learning thing, because she heard me thinking about it. It really bugs me how people treat her like some kind of leper because of her power. Her power is awesome, and my thoughts are awesome, so she can hear them all she wants.
  • Elias Navario: ☺/♥ Who? Oh, the wall-crawler? Yeah, his name is too close to Elijah's, I get confused. Huh. I don't think I've ever hit on him, somehow. Be right back, haha!
  • Elijah Claymore: ☺ Eli is such a great guy. Almost like a role-model. I’d be happy if I was half as much of a giver as he is.
  • Erin Hawthorne: ◑/☺ I feel kind of bad for this girl. I’d hate to have a power I didn’t really have any control over, and one that made me hurt people. I kind of try to… keep an eye on her. In case she flips out on someone. We both party, and she's like a totally different person when she's on the town. Weeird.
  • Eriol Adelart: ☺I haven’t seen any of his pranks go too far, and that’s a good thing. I seriously have no idea how to beat this guy besides an ambush. So not my type, by the way, but he’s funny. He always cracks me up.
  • Freya Mason: ☺ Another Noctrem party-girl, haha. I’m cool with Frey. She’s got this little adventurous kick that sets her apart, and she’s just like me when it comes to sex. Too bad she isn’t a dude, right?
  • Griffin Jacobs: ♥?/☺?/☠? Griff? Dude, he’s the best. Like, my best friend ever. I’m gonna run out to this Chinese place he likes later and- oh motherfucker, he did it again. I don’t know why, but his power works really well on me. Probably because I want him so bad. … or do I? Crap.
  • Hayley Stanhope: ☺ Hayley's a sweetheart. She's all over the place though, haha.
  • Isabella Dorson: ☺ I heard a lot about her before I met her, and I was so ready to hate. But she’s actually… cool. Fun, haha. I mean, when she does get pissed, she can really hurt people, but I’ve never seen her just walk around zapping people with pain.
  • Izaiah Dorson: ☺/♥ He is so fucking beautiful. I usually like my guys a little more… guyish… but I’d so make an exception for Izzy. He’s so sweet though, I can’t imagine coming onto him like I’d probably have to, haha. Those lips, and those eyes. Mmm-mmm-mm.
  • Jackson Murphy: ☺ We're cool. I'm a party fixture, haha, and he always throws them. I tried to help once, but like, I suck at the details. I doubt we'll ever be best buds, and he's soooooooo not my type, but, like I said, uh, we're cool.
  • Jade Locke: ☺ Cool girl. I could party with her, haha. I’m hoping I’ll rub off on her some, but probably not in the way she wants me to. She’s got a pretty badass power, too. Not unbeatable, but I like a challenge, ha.
  • Jaysin O. Dennis: ♥/◑ Be still my heart, haha. He's totally playing hard to get. Okay, not really, but like, man. He's a total hottie, he can actually fight, and the idea of getting it on with three of him is just... haha, yeah.
  • Jessica Coleman: ◑ I don't really know her very well. Seems okay though. Kind of like, one of those crazy drama chicks? Not like, theater drama, but... drama drama. Idunno!
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ☺ A girl after my own heart. I think that’s the right saying, haha. She’s all about excitement, and sometimes we can get into some pretty stupid-but-awesome dare-offs. She’s kind of the same way I am about the Noctrem kids too.
  • Keirol Rancora: ☺/☠ I haven't found anyone more fun to spar with yet, so this dude gets props. It's too bad he isn't into... what was it he said when I hit on him? "Physical pleasure with the male form?" Something like that, he's weird, haha. And, like, don't tell anyone this, but I'm kind of jealous of him. The way Mr. Marinos took him under his wing, that's something I always wanted. Kind of bums me out sometimes.
  • Landon Hirst: ☺☺☺/♥ Yeahyeahyeah, we totally went out for like, five minutes. Didn't work, but Lando is still my best bud, which is good because his power trumps me hard. Like, running into an invisible wall at 150 miles an hour hard. Ouch, haha, I was in the nurse's office for like a week after that one. I love this guy, but like, more like a brother. Wait no, that's weird to say, since we still mess around, haha. Uh. Idunno. He's just awesome.
  • Lauryn Chase: ☺/◑ I mean, she’s… nice? I think she is anyway. I don’t really know her that well. She doesn’t really seem to start conversations, or go out of her way to do… well, anything.
  • Lilian Daniels: ☺ Lily’s such a sweetheart. We don’t really hang out or anything, but I always try to chat her up when we’ve got a few.
  • Loralei Evans: ☺ Lor is like, awesome. She has this like, shy alter-ego or something, but I can usually try to get her back to awesome... and when I can't I just go find something else to do.
  • Lulu Allen: ☺ Definitely one of the cooler Noctrem girls. I mean, it's not like we party or anything, but... she isn't some psychopath or whatever. She's got that sassy thing going on, but we aren't really close.
  • Marcurio Espenosa: ☺ At first I was kind of creeped out by him, haha, just because of his power. I mean, necromancy, right? But he’s actually a cool little dude. Not really my type, I mean, he’s cute, but yeah. He always cracks me up.
  • McKenna Marinos: ☺ Awesome, awesome girl. She's into a lot of the same stuff I am, good energy, waaaaay smart. I get her to help me out sometimes, with homework and stuff.
  • Morgan Janssen: ☺You know the real problem with most of these Noctrem people? They think “nice” means “dumb”. Morgan’s not dumb. I get even madder when people say it about her than I do when they say it about me. Her power is also totally legit for chatting in class, haha.
  • Scott Andrews: ☺/♥ Scotty boy! Haha, this guy's such a tease. He knows how bad I want him, and like, gets off on the attention I think. He's pretty awesome, for a Noctrem guy. I mean at first I thought he was kind of a dickhole, but we got to know each other some in Battle Strategy, and I like, get the feeling that he was only like that because of where he was.
  • Skylar Byrnes: ♥/☺/♥ Talk about sleeping with the enemy, haha. He's just such a hottie, I couldn't help myself. Now I help myself a lot, if you catch my drift. What really gets me is his confidence. Sometime I wonder if we... haha, naw, nevermind.
  • Spencer Jerem: ☺ Cute little dude. Total nerd, but, I dig it. I always feel dumb around him, but that isn't his fault, so... we're cool or whatever, haha.
  • Theodore McCaffry: ◑ Man. I guess his boyfriend died? The story is kind of sketchy, but, no wonder he’s so quiet and mopey. I try to get him to smile, but I think he’s written me off. He can’t even stay around me for very long, and I don’t think it’s because I make him shy. I really think he doesn’t like me.
  • William Pond: ◑ It was like, weeks before I heard this kid open his mouth, and then the first thing out of it was like… mean. I don’t think he means to, but he makes me feel dumb sometimes.
  • Zac Barnes: ☺/♥ Zac attack! Haha, this guy. So, maybe I look the other way sometimes because I could really use an extension on a stupid paper that doesn’t even matter anyways because we have freaking super powers. So what? His smile is just so killer, too. Just because I can only look doesn’t mean I’m not gonna.


  • Amalthea Roerig: ☺ Her class isn’t so bad. I mean, there’s reading, which is ugh, but the talking parts of it I rock at. She’s never, ever made me feel stupid, even on accident. I used to see her a lot when I’d mess up with my powers, but now I only see her in class really.
  • Cain Montgomery: ☠/◑ He makes me feel really dumb. Like, on purpose. He’s always putting me down. Well you know what? I think I figured him out. He doesn’t even have a power of his own, so it pisses him off, and he takes it out on everyone around him. Those who can’t, teach, right? He is a good teacher though. I have to give him that.
  • Leonardo Marinos: ♥♥♥/☺ It’s so cliché, but I’m in love. I’m usually a pitcher, but I’d catch for Leo any day, if you know what I mean. It’s more than that, though. He’s just so amazing, and easily the best man I’ve ever known. Ever since I hit 18, I’ve been thinking about telling him. Just putting myself out there. In the meantime, I help him out every chance I get, especially with these Noctrem people running around. I’ve always been kind of an over-achiever, so it figures that when I fall for an older man, I fall for the oldest man.
  • Margaret Wright: Ugh. Her class is like, totally brutal. So much reading and memorizing. She's alright though, especially for a Noctrem teacher.
  • Vincent Steele: ☺/♥ His class is the hardest for me out of all of them. I just don’t get that stuff. He knows about my disability, and he can tell right away when I get frustrated, so he’s always really nice about helping me. I’m pretty sure he’s caught me having some pretty… unstudently feelings about him before, haha.
Last edited by throne on Sat Aug 04, 2012 9:55 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby StitchSaysHi on Sat Jul 28, 2012 1:39 pm

Jade Locke

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Addison Lawler: ☺☺ One of my best friends. She and I are usually always around each other. Plus, her power is pretty cool.
  • Alli Jackson:
  • Allison McCray: ☠ I hate her. Plain and simple.
  • Amber Romano: ◑ Sometimes we're friends, sometimes we're not. I guess it just depends on the day.
  • Ashleigh Fox: ☠ I like her determination, I'll say that, but other than that, I can't stand her.
  • Benjamin Hershkovitz: ◑ He and I dont really talk. I guess we just sort
  • Colby Haskins: ◑ I dont know about him. He seems...friendly, but he also comes off as a bit of a goody-goody.
  • Corentine Quellen: ☺☺ My partner in practically every sense of the word. Except sexual. Though there was that one time when we got really drunk...Nevermind. Cor is practically my other half. We're both bitches, and too be honest, we're not too ashamed of it either.
  • Drake Quellen: ☺ While I will say that he is...attractive, he's still Cor's brother. Not that I wont flirt with him a little, but hey.
  • Eleanor Carson: ☠ I have so many reasons to hate this girl, but in truth, I only need one. This bitch needs to stay out of my head.
  • Elias Novario:
  • Elijah Claymore: ◑ I dont really know him all that well. He seems...ok, but...whatever.
  • Erin Hawthorne: ☺☺ Another one of those girls I could never imagine my life without. Erin is amazing, and with a power like's not that surprising.
  • Eriol Adelart: ☺ This guy makes me smile. I like hanging out with him. He's a bit like a brother to me...sort of.
  • Freya Mason: ☺ Freya and I have been friends for a while. We seem to have a lot in common, and I like her personality. Not a bad power either.
  • Hayley Stanhope: ☠ She's sickeningly sweet and I cant stand her.
  • Isabella Dorson: ☺☺ This girl is my other sister. I dont know what it is that we found so interesting about each other, but we just fit.
  • Izaiah Dorson: ☠/◑ You know, this guy would've been a lot hotter if he'd turned out more like his sister. But no, he went for the goody-goody school.
  • Jaysin Dennis:
  • Jessica Coleman: ◑ I dont really know her, and to be honest, I dont really care to. And her power...I guess it's just a bit too "comic book" for my taste.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ◑/☠ I dont exactly like this girl all that much, but I dont usually hurt her unless I've got a reason, or I'm just in a bad mood.
  • Keirol Rancora: ◑/☺ I dont really know how I feel about this guy. I mean, he's got one badass power, and I like sparring with him. It's just a pity he's an Arcana boy.
  • Landon Hirst: ◑ I dont hate him, but I dont particularly love him either. Depends on the situation I guess.
  • Lauryn Chase: ◑ While she and I sort of have the same views on reality, we're not exactly friends, and I dont care to be either. I've got my friends.
  • Lilian Daniels: ☠ I dont know what it is, I just hate her. With a passion.
  • Loralei Evans: ☠ Oh Little Miss Gypsy-girl. What happened? Did her family get bored and leave her behind? I'd rip my eyes out of their sockets rather than spend five minutes with her.
  • Lulu Allen: ☠ First of all, her name makes me laugh. Who the hell names their kid Lulu? Putting the ridiculous name aside, there are just so many things that I can't stand about her.
  • Marcurio Espenosa: ◑ We talk sometimes, and, not that I'd admit it, but I often find myself wondering if he's ever come across my brother in all know, times with dead people.
  • McKenna Marinos: ☠ One of those girls that kinda makes me want to throw myself off a bridge. Too sweet, too nice. It's annoying.
  • Morgan Janssen: ☠ She's just a little too sweet for my taste. Not exactly someone I'd want to spend my days with.
  • Theodore McCaffrey: ☺ Theo is...actually someone I can consider a friend. I dunno why, we just dont clash as much as I do with...well, most people.
  • Scott Andrews: ◑/☺ Ok, he's got a nice set, I'll say that, bur he's a bit of a dimwit sometimes. I do like talking to him though.
  • Skylar Byrnes: ☺ Nice body, nice power...I approve.
  • Spencer Jerem: ◑ Mr. World Domination himself. While he has some good aspects, I'm still not sure about this guy.
  • William Pond:
  • Yvette Beatrix:
  • Zac Barnes: ☠/◑ He reeks of that whole...student-body-president-cares-about-the-planet vibe. But he is kinda...let's just say I like his hair.
    Such a shame. Doesn't mean I wont be a little...flirty around him. Harmless flirting never hurt anyone.


  • Almalthea Roerig: ◑/☠ She's too nice, and that is seriously grating on my nerves. But I can't say that she's at the top of my Hate list.
  • Cain Montgomery: ☺☺ Easily one of my most favorite teachers of all time. He' me, in a way. And he doesn't get me in trouble for the drugs either. In fact, some times he does them with me. He's like my dad. Or...the dad I wish I'd had. Easily a friend, even though he's a teacher.
  • Leonardo Marinos: ☠/◑ Well, he's not exactly my favorite person on the planet, but I have to say, he's got good looks, and I have always wondered how those spartan men treated their women. I guess it's just my curiosity that keeps me from hitting him with a book...again.
  • Urijah Price: ♥ Everybody has their secrets right? Needless to say, he's my um...favorite teacher. I think Cor and Addi might know, but I doubt either of them will say anything to anyone.
  • Vincent Steele: ☺/☠ I guess I like getting under this guy's skin.h At least, when I can. Those damn shields he puts up. But I will find a way.

Lora Evans
|18|Weather Manipulation|Roommate|Arcana|

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Addison Lawler: ☠ Apparently I did something to her once, and I guess one thing led to another, because here we are! Crossroads of Loathing and Despising. Now, which route to take...
  • Alli Jackson:
  • Allison McCray: ◑ I dont really know her as well as some people, but she seems nice. I hope I get the chance to talk to her more.
  • Amber Romano: ☺ Amber's cool. I love talking to her, and her power is pretty awesome. To be able to change your appearance whenever you want...sounds like fun. Plus her mom was a gypsy, so that gives us something to talk about.
  • Ashleigh Fox: ☺ Ashleigh is so quiet, and it's adorable! This year I'm really going to try to drag this girl out of her shell.
  • Benjamin Hershkovitz: ◑ We talk sometimes, but I dont know if I could really consider him a friend. We dont have much in common.
  • Colby Haskins: ☺ Colby! This guy is one of my best friends in the whole world. I dont know what I'd do without him.
  • Corentine Quellen: ☠ While we may have a few similarities, that's not enough to make me like her. She needs to gain a conscience, or just have one knocked into her. How can someone really feel no regret about hurting people?
  • Drake Quellen:
  • Eleanor Carson:
  • Elias Novario:
  • Elijah Claymore: ◑/☺ While I dont know everything about Elijah, I do know that I like being around him.
  • Erin Hawthorne:
  • Eriol Adelart: ◑ I dont know how to feel around this guy. I'd like to say we're friends, but...I just dont know.
  • Freya Mason: ☺/◑ I'd like to say that Freya is my friend. We talk sometimes, and she seems to like my power, and she sometimes asks about my travels, and I'm happy to tell her about them. I'd like to get to know her more though.
  • Hayley Stanhope: ◑/☺ I guess I like her. I mean, she's nice, but sometimes she's a bit too nice.
  • Isabella Dorson: ☠ I hate her. She's just one of those girls that I just literally cannot stand to be around.
  • Izaiah Dorson: ◑/☺ He seems all nice and stuff, and I'd really love to get to know him better.
  • Jade Locke: ☠ Jade is...she's just...Let's just say I really don't like her. At all. She's a bitch and I just hate her. With a passion.
  • Jaysin Dennis:
  • Jessica Coleman: ☺ I consider Jess as a good friend, and maybe thats because I've learned to steer clear when she's having one of her bad days. Or maybe I've just learned how to handle those. I dunno.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ☺ Kali! I love spending time with her, and she's one of those people I like talking to.
  • Keirol Rancora: ☺☺ Kei is like my older brother at Arcana. He's always there when I need him, and I feel like he's one of the people I can be completely honest with, no matter what. He can also get really protective, and I think that's adorable, though, he'd probably hit me if he heard me say that.
  • Landon Hirst: ☺ I talk to Landon a lot. He's a great guy, and a good conversationalist too. I'm glad to have this guy as a friend.
  • Lauryn Chase: ☺ Lauryn is my friend, and I'm happy about that. Plus, I think she might be a bit protective of me, and I'm glad to have friends that care about me like she does.
  • Lily Daniels: ☺ I like Lily! She's like the little sister I never had. I'm kinda protective of her.
  • Lulu Allen: ☺ Lulu is a lot of fun to be around and she's got this spirit in her that always brings a smile to my face...except when she calls me by my full name.
  • Marcurio Espenosa: ☺/◑ He's interesting to say the least, and I think he likes my whole...gypsy thing.
  • McKenna Marinos:
  • Morgan Janssen: ☺ I'm glad to say that Morgan's my friend. I love her bubbly, energetic personality.
  • Theodore McCaffrey: ◑ I'm ok with him, but I dont exactly think he likes me very much.
  • Scott Andrews: ◑/☺ I dont really know Scott that well, but he seems nice. And I like his power. The whole electricity thing sort of interests me. Maybe it's cause of my whole thing with lightning. I dunno.
  • Sky Byrnes: ☺ Sky is awesome. I love how spirited he is, and he probably has one of my favorite powers out of everyone I know. Maybe it's just because I like fire. I dunno.
  • Spencer Jerem: ☺ Spencer is amazing. I love how smart he is, and I often find myself wondering if he really is plotting world domination.
  • William Pond:
  • Yvette Beatrix:
  • Zac Barnes: ☺ Zac is one of my closer friends. He's an all-around great guy, and to be around.


  • Amalthea Roerig: ☺ Amy is really nice, and I can tell she really cares about Leo. Even though she's a teacher, I kinda feel like she's my friend. Plus philosophy is a pretty interesting class. Or at least, I think it is.
  • Cain Montgomery: ☺ I'm glad that Cain is one of my teachers. I like having there to push me to my limits, and he helps me extend what my limits actually are. I'm thankful for that.
  • Leonardo Marinos: ☺☺ Leo is...well, he's like a father to me. While I do think its almost weird that he's known my ancestors and all, it's also kind of cool. I look up to him, and since I met him, I've sort of learned what to ask/talk about, and what to stay away from. I'm glad I have him in my life. I honestly dont know where I'd be without him. And I mean, literally. Being a gypsy, I could've gone anywhere.
  • Vincent Douglas: ◑/☺ He's a good teacher, and he's nice. Plus, English is one of, if not my most, favorite class.

PM me for edits or to discuss relations. So....yeah, its under construction I guess.
Last edited by StitchSaysHi on Thu Aug 16, 2012 9:52 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby airedeiagrace on Sat Jul 28, 2012 1:54 pm

Bells Dorson
|17|Pain Inducement|Roommate|Noctrem

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Addison Lawler:◑- We have a love/hate relationship. We both are somewhat hot headed and blunt which sometimes we can be at eachothers throats. But she isn't a goody goody so I can stand her.
  • Allison Mccray:☠- I just can't stand her. If there is one girl id like to punch, its this girl right here. -.-
  • Amariah Conner:☺- Mia is pretty cool, we have fun on our school ditch days and like me she sometimes comes to class late. Mia also has been teaching me a few pointers on martial arts, which something I have been wanting to learn for awhile.
  • Amber Ramono:☺-Okay so Amber's little buisness is brilliant, and because of this I stay on her good side. She is the only one that really knows that I am still a virgin. I have no clue how she found out but she did and now I help her get information, if there is something I know about someone I most likely will tell her.
  • Ashleigh Fox:☠-Bleh this girl thinks she can protect Izzy...I think its quite hilarious!
  • Benjamin Hershkovitz:☺- Benze is pretty fun and I have to say we have had quite a few adventures together when we skip classes. I remember one of times he got a tattoo on one of our drunken nights...It was quite hilarious. Also I find it quite hilarious when he is talking fast, because most of the time I can't understand what he is saying at that point I just smile and nod. He is also quite fun to flirt with.
  • Bethany Phillips:◑/☺/[ ♥ ]-Hmm Beth and I we get along, sometimes we dont talk, sometimes we flirt...we have a very odd relationship but she is one from arcana that I don't feel like causing pain to and actually can get along with most of the time.
  • Colby Haskins:☺-Colby isn't too bad for an arcana, we have talked a bit and seem to be on good terms.
  • Corentine Quellen :☺☺- Cor is like the sister I never had. She is one tough bitch Agnes I love that about her. She doesn't care what people think of her just like I do. We have a bit in common and I think thats what got us to become friends. I am glad that we are friends and not enemies. If we where enemies I feel like a lot of shit would go down if we were.
  • Drake Quellen:☺-Drake is fun to have a drink with and just hang out. We sometimes flirt, I mean who wouldn’t want to flirt with a guy like him. He is very good looking in my eyes.
  • Eden Havan:◑-I don't know him and don't feel like getting to know him.
  • Elijah Claymore:☠- Bah! This guy is wayyy too much like Izzy, I mean come on he is so too good. His power he could use for more funner things but no he doesn't. He is too arcana for me.
  • Ellie Carson:☠- Ellie reminds me way too much of Izzy, having to be on time and actually do school work. She should just let go sometimes and I really do not like that she can read peoples minds. I just don't want her to see anything in my mind.
  • Erin Hawthorne:☺- Erin is a girl that I would not mess with, shes one tough girl and id not want to get on her bad side. Sometimes I feel shes a bit detatched from others but hey shes knows how to party so thats a plus for me.
  • Eri Adelart:◑- Eri annoys me, I mean he does so many pranks that its just ugh. His power is awesome though and maybe thats why I don't hate him.
  • Freya Mason:☺☺-Oh what can I say about this girl, she is definitely one girl I love to party with. She knows how to have a good time that’s for sure. And that night! Oh we were drinking a lot and we flirted and one thing came to another, and we where making out. But it really didn’t go further then that, she is hott I must say but shes straight.
  • GRIF! ~Griffin Jacobs:☺☺- Oh my Grif, he is just yummy in so many ways. We love to flirt, dance, and just hang out. Often we can sneak out and get a few drinks without being caught thanks to my buddy here. Yes we flirt but its not like we are "together" but some people think we are just on how much time we spend together.
  • Hayley Stanhope:
  • Izaiah Dorson:☠- Izzy may be my cousing but I hate him. Why does he have to act so...perfect
  • Jackson Murphy:☠- I don't like him and he doesn't like me, I think that pretty much sums it up. And I hate his powers, I don't want anyone knowing how I feel that is something I try to hide.
  • J.J~Jade Locke:☺☺- Ever since I met this girl we have clicked. I also started calling her J.J. right off the back. This girl has been by my side since I got to Noctrem and was also my roommate before Noctrem burnt down. And even though she is straight I do love to flirt with her, shes hott and ive told her more then once she is. This girl understands me and where I am coming from and I understand her.
  • Jaysin Dennis:
  • Jessica Coleman:☺-Jess isn't too bad, especially when she is in a good mood. When I am into one of my photography moods I go to her and see if she wants to go do some random pictures and usually she would. And when Jess is in a bad mood I usually just leave her be, I know when I am in a bad mood I would not like people to bug me.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson:◑- This girl needs to take a chill pill.
  • Keirol Rancora:◑-Keirol is a bit different but he has never did anything for me to hate him. I have tried to talk to him but it usually doesn't go to far beyond the are you...
  • Landon Hirst:☠-He thinks we are suppose to use are powers, which he calls gifts, for why would I do something like that?
  • Lauryn Chase:☺-Lauryn is actually pretty cool for an Arcana student, shes is honest and very confident with herself. And she also knows how to dance so its fun to sometimes go out dancing with her.
  • Lilian Daniels:☠- Oh my word this girl is like a walking ray of sunshine and makes me want to puke. This is one girl I actually do pick on quite a bit just because how she is, I also think its funny seeing Izzy all protective over her. It makes me want to do it even more.
  • Loralei Evans☠-Lora maybe ok...okay good at photography but we just clash very had and I just cant really stand her.
  • Lulu Allen:☠☠☠- I have not liked her since the day I laid eyes on her, she doesn't know when to stop. I have used my power on her and it felt good but the bitch just had to give me bad luck for a whole week. She thinks that we will just not mess with each other but its not over. This girl is asking for it and I am ready to give it to her.
  • McKenna Marinos:☠☠-Oh god this girl...just please kill me now. She is a total nightmare...her bubbly personality just makes me sick. It is fun to scare her with my power but more likely if she is coming in the direction I am in I will walk the other way. I sometimes just want to tell her to shut her mouth and not open it again.
  • Marcurio Espenosa:◑-I have to say that I haven't spent too much time around the guy to know him, but he seems okay, I mean whenever I do talk to him he has an interesting choice of words, which I like because he doesn't filter.
  • Morgan Jannsen:☠/◑-I just don't understand her. She is not one girl id turn my back on, I think if she was a Noctrem student she woulda been easier to friend her.
  • Scott Andrews:☺/♥- Scott is an awesome guy to full around with, I flirt with him, make out with him, and party, now who wouldn't like a guy like that? I can say that I have come close to going further with him but found myself stopping, I just don't know if I am ready yet to go that far.
  • Skylar Byrnes:☺- Sky is actually a pretty good friend, his power is actually pretty cool and he knows how to have a good time.
  • Spencer Jerem:☺/◑-Spence is pretty cool, his whole take of the world thing intrigues me in so many ways. He sometimes is way into his work but he likes photography and that is a big plus in my book.
  • Theodore McCaffrey:◑-I don't really know the guy but really don't have any intention in getting to know him. I think hes just a little weird for my tastes.
  • William Pond:◑- William is a bit too quiet and nerdy for my liking. Always has his face in front of his laptop, doesn't he know that will hurt his eyes?
  • Yvette Beatrix:
  • Zac Barnes:◑- I don't really know the dude, but hes like best friends with Izzy so I am not interested in getting to know him.


  • Almalthea Roerig:◑- I'm not sure what I really feel about Ms.Roerig. I mean her class I don't actually mind because I do have opinions and im not afraid to voice them. She seems alright but there just a few things that just erk me about her.
  • Cain Montogomery:☺- Mr. M is actually my favorite teacher, he can be hard on us but that only makes us better. He has taught me more about my power then I really knew. Hes someone I actually look up to.
  • Leonardo Marinos:◑- Gah I am not a fan of this dude. I mean hes all good and shit and always trying to have us be better people. Whats the fun in that?
  • Margaret Wright:◑/☺/[♥???]-I really actually look up to Ms. Wright. She has a tough back bone, though I don't really like history that much she actually makes it interesting and I actually do my work for it suprisingly. I am sent to her a lot because of being late or not going to class at all but I have actually found myself liking to be in Ms.Wrights company. And when she asks me something I don't lie like I would most likely to the other teachers and I don't think its just because of her power. Am I crushing on a teacher? I don't know but there is just something about her that intrigues me and sometimes I can't help but flirt...I don't know if she notices though.
  • Vincent Steele:◑- I am always being sent to his office either for lateness or causing issues. He's always trying to make me see what I do is wrong but its not like Im going to listen to him, I mean why would I want to change now when all my life ive been like this. I do not really like the times I have to spend in his office.

Izzy Dorson

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Addison Lawler:◑- I don't get along much with Addison, she is way too much like Bells, so I just tend to stay out of her path. Though she is friends with Mar so sometimes I have to deal with her.
  • Allison Mccray:☺- Allie is not a girl I usually hang out with, but ive gotten to know her and we have a few things in common. She isn't afraid to stick up for herself and I really like that in a girl.
  • Amariah Conner:☺-This girl knows how to fight which always makes me want to bring more into it. We have are laughs after, shes a cute girl but I think we just stay as friends. She is sorta like a sister to me in a way.
  • Amber Ramono:☠-This girl is just troubled, she goes around spreading rumors and secrets about others. I wonder what kind of secrets she has deep down inside herself.
  • Ashleigh Fox:☺- I really love painting with Ashy, she always knows what to say when im feeling down. She also seems a little protective of me? I just never had a girl be like that around me...its kinda different but its nice.
  • Benjamin Hershkovitz:☺-Ben is fun to have competitions together with. He also likes music and playing the guitar, which always is good with me, and sometimes just finding time to strum the guitar with him is fun.
  • Bethany Phillips:☺-Beth is pretty cool, she does like music which is awesome and when I feel like playing my guitar I always see if she wants to listen or even sing along to.
  • Colby Haskins:♥/☺- Colby is so confident and knows what he wants, he can be a little bit all about himself but hey if I was him I probably be too. He has always been nice to me and I can't but help think about him in other ways.
  • Corentine Quellen :☠- Cor actually freaks me out, I just try to stay out of her path.
  • Eden Havan:◑/☺-Hmm I don't really know him but his power is interesting to say the least. It doesn't seem we have too much in common but maybe I should try to get to know him more.
  • Drake Quellen:◑-I really don’t have contact with Drake. He isn’t someone I would become friends with either. He actually intimidates me a lot.
  • Elijah Claymore:☺☺-Elijah is probably one of my best friends at Arcana, we have a lot of common and enjoy each others company. He gets my point of view on things and I just really enjoy hanging with him.
  • Ellie Carson:☺[♥ develops]- Ellie is a really good friend. I love spending time with her and just chatting. I always play my guitar around here, being able to play my kind of music and she seems to like it. I can always come to her when I need someone to talk to. Deep down inside I have this feeling about her but not sure exactly what it is.
  • Erin Hawthorne:☠-Can't help but say I am a bit scared of this girl, really her power is just a bit scary. Lets just say I do not get in this girls way.
  • Eri Adelart:☺/◑/☠- Hmm well Eri isn't too bad for a Noctrem student. He likes to play pranks and sometimes I have to get on him about it, because some of them are just a bit over the roof. We aren't exactly friends but not enemies either.
  • Freya Mason:☠[develops ☺]- Im not sure about this girl. I mean it seems all she likes to do is party and have sex. Not something I am into and I think its kinda wrong.
  • Griffin Jacobs:◑- I don't really socialize myself with Griffin. He is just a boy toy for my sister, though they seem pretty perfect for each other
  • Hayley Stanhope:
  • Isabella Dorson:☠- Bells is just way too much to deal with. Id rather just stay out of her way then try to have any sort of relationship with her.
  • Jackson Murphy:☺/◑- I don't know Jackson that well but he doesn't seem too bad, I think I should get to know him better.
  • Jade Locke: ☠-This girl is Bells best friend and I just can't stand it when she tries to flirt with me, I mostly just ignore her. She is perfect for Bells.
  • Jaysin Dennis:
  • Jessica Coleman:◑-I really do not know Jess, we have nothing in common and she doesn't seem to want to get to know me so I don't go out of my way to even try.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson:☺- Kali is pretty cool, though she does somethings that is pretty risky and I worry that she really is going to hurt herself pretty bad one of these times.
  • Keirol Rancora:◑-I can't say that I have gotten to know him as a friend, but if I see that he needs help with anything I do try my best to help him if I can.
  • Landon Hirst:◑-Landon is a cute I have to say, but I have not really talked to him. He seems nice and maybe I will find the time to get to know him more
  • Lauryn Chase:◑-Lauryn and I seem to butt heads a lot, I think its because we are pretty competitive.
  • Lilian Daniels:☺- I really watch out for Lily especially when it comes to others picking on her. I don't want to see her get hurt and I have sort of a brotherly protectiveness over her, I actually get really upset when others come at her in a negative way, especially when it comes to Bells and her friends.
  • Loralei Evans◑/☺-Lora is a big mystery, she is like a book you just want to open up and read. I really don't like how she breaks the rules but I am trying to look past that because I actually really would like to get to know her.
  • Lulu Allen:◑/{☺}- I have seen Lulu around and I really want to get to know her better. I love how she stands up to the noctrem students and doesnt back down. I think I really should try to get to know her better.
  • McKenna Marinos:◑/☺- Kenna is pretty cool, we sometimes have late nights where we get out guitars out and just play. I don't know her too well, when we are together we usually just talk about music. Maybe I should get to know her more?
  • Marcurio Espenosa:◑-Curio is not someone I hang out, I think talking to the dead has gotten to him a bit...
  • Morgan Jannsen:☺- Morgan is nice and a good friend, I like spending time with her and just chilling.
  • Scott Andrews:◑-Scotts not too bad, he is competetive which is great, we do find some time to play some kind of sport which always leads to both of our competitive sides to come out.
  • Skylar Byrnes:◑- Sky isn't too bad, he gets into things that I really don't agree with but he is actually not that bad looking either.
  • Spencer Jerem:◑-I think he is too smart for his own good and I just don't think I would like to be friends with someone like him.
  • Theodore McCaffrey:◑/☺- I really don't know him but he seems alright, he is also very good looking. I have seen him look at me a few times but he never seems to say anything though. Ive even had dreams of him a couple times. Maybe ill try to talk to him sometime
  • William Pond:◑/☺- William isn't too bad, he has helped me a bit when I have had issues with my laptop. Though he doesn't talk much I don't have anything against him.
  • Yvette Beatrix:
  • Zac Barnes:☺- Zac is probably one of my best buds. Just playing music and goofing off, I know he got some issues and I just try to be there if he needs me.


  • Almalthea Roerig:☺- Ms. Roerig is a nice teacher, I like her class, she seems to have a good view on things and always look forward to learning more in her class.
  • Cain Montogomery:☠/◑- I really am not a fan of Mr. Montogomery, he makes me so nervous sometimes and I just wish he would leave me alone. He knows I am competitive so he uses that to his advantage. I can't wait till they have a new school and things get back to normal at Arcana.
  • Leonardo Marinos:☺- Mr. Marinos is someone I look up to. Hes seen a lot in his years and try to learn as much as I can from him. He has helped me alot with my power and being able to control it.
  • Margaret Wright:◑-I don't mind Ms.Wright at all, she does kind of intimidate me but I try not to show it. I do my work the best I can and never lie in front of her.
  • Vincent Steele:☺- I really like Mr. Steele, I can always come to him if im having an issue at school. I also try to help him if he needs help with something and I try to get extra credit just so I can keep my grades up.

Kali Rickerson
|18|Psychic Constructs|Roommate|Arcana

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Addison Lawler:◑- Addison is all right, we don’t really socialize but I don’t have anything against the girl.
  • Allison Mccray:☺- I wish I had her power, I so could get away with so much more! Anyway I like Alli's way of thinking and even though she can kinda be well self-centered I just try to look past that and try to be friends with her.
  • Amariah Conner:☺/◑- Mia is fun when it comes to doing sports, and we often see each other going to the nurses office for some reason or another. She also doesn't like to talk about her issues and I don't either but maybe sometime we could just talk about it, who knows?
  • Amber Ramono:◑-I just stay on neutral grounds with Amber. I am not friends with her but I am sure not going to be enemies with one that can do what she does. I wonder if she has ever been me?
  • Ashleigh Fox:◑- I don't know Ash to well, we have like nothing in common.
  • Benjamin Hershkovitz:◑-He doesn't like chocolate, at least im not the only one. Though I don't know him to well, maybe that could change.
  • Bethany Phillips:☺☺-Gotta love Beth, she is really awesome and someone I can really talk easily about anything with. And she is a bit crazy and random like me which always is fun because then we come with crazy things to do.
  • Colby Haskins:☺☺- My Colby...Colby is one my favorite guys. He can be pretty into himself but he wouldn't be Colby if he wasn't. His short attention span is hilarious and I can't even count how many times we have tried to work on school stuff and the next thing we are trying to figure out a new daring activity. I have really had some fun with Colby and who knows what we will come up with next.
  • Corentine Quellen :◑-I don't really know Cor, I have seen her around but she just isn't the kind of person I would hang out with.
  • Drake Quellen:☺/♥-Umm well Drake...I have a really big crush on him. The first time I saw him I tripped over my feet and face planted on the ground. It was quite embarrasing. Whenever I am around him I get so shy and nervous and lately he has been sending comments towards me and I just can't help but blush, but I can't say anything back.
  • Eden Havan:[♥ develops over time]/☺☺☺- Eden has been one of my best friends, he is just someone that I have become close to and I easily can talk to about anything, though I haven't opened up about my past to him maybe one of these days I will be able to. I also feel something more for him but I don't know if he feels the same about me.
  • Elijah Claymore:☺-Elijah is very nice and I always enjoy having a conversation with him, though sometimes I feel that he wants to see me be more careful.
  • Ellie Carson:☺/◑- Ellie is a really caring girl, and I get along with her pretty well. But I really don’t like how she can read my mind, there are things in my head I really don’t want to share with others, that is why I don’t talk about those things. But I know she can’t help it so I don’t hold it against her. Sometimes I do try to see if she wants to go on one of my adventures just to try to get her more out there to have some crazy fun.
  • Erin Hawthorne:◑-Hmm this girl I just am not to fond of. Just something about her just doesn’t click with me right. So I mostly look the other way with her.
  • Eri Adelart:◑/☺-So Eri annoys me with his pranks sometimes but when he does pranks to people that I really could care less for I cant help but get a laugh out of it.
  • Freya Mason:◑/[☺?]-Well Freya seems to like to talk about sex...alot...and well I am not really comfortable talking about sex, I mean I haven't even really had a relationship before, sex is a whole different thing. With that said she seems adventurous and spontaneous which is always fun and makes me kinda want to get to know her.
  • Griffen Jacobs:◑-Griffin is just way too into himself. Other girls might think he is charming and hot, well yeah he is hot but he I also see him as an ass always thinking he can get what he wants just because of his power.
  • Hayley Stanhope:
  • Isabella Dorson: ◑- Bells is a girl I feel sorta in-between, she can be a real bitch but she also likes to have fun, sorta indecisive with her.
  • Izaiah Dorson:☺- Izzy is just so sweet, I don’t see how any one could not like him. Just so caring and kind but its quite funny when he gets into his competitive mood.
  • Jackson Murphy:]☺/◑- Well I actually don't know Jackson that well, I have talked to him a few times and he is really nice. I also think he is kinda cute. I feel that maybe we could become better friends if we hung out more, I think this year I will try to do that.
  • Jade Locke:◑-Jade can be somewhat of a bitch but she also likes to have a thrill sometimes which makes me want to kind to get to know her...maybe.
  • Jaysin Dennis:
  • Jessica Coleman:◑-Jess doesn't seem to bad, I have not spent time to get to know her. I have found out she likes fast cars so maybe sometime I will ask her if she wants to go on a fun ride sometime.
  • Keirol Rancora:☺/◑- Keirol is a mystery but I have always liked a mystery. I have been trying to get to know him lately and I have found he likes a good adrenaline rush, maybe I can invite him on my next adventure I go on..
  • Landon Hirst:-
  • Lauryn Chase:☺☺- L is my partner in crime. Seriously this girl is the shit, we both have so much in common its kinda funny. When I first met her I knew right off we be good friends. Lets just say if one of us is up to something then the other isn't too far behind. And she is like me when it comes to personal problems, we just don't like talking about it.
  • Lilian Daniels:☺-Lily is one very sweet girl, though I think she should be more open to try some new things but I don't push her. She is a very good friend.
  • Loralei Evans☺-Lora interests me a lot, I have never met a gypsy before and I also like it when Lora tells about her life. She is also a rule breaker which is fun to watch. I just really enjoy Lora's company and being her friend.
  • Lulu Allen:◑-Hmm not sure about Lulu, I like how she stands up to people but I think she doesn't want to get to know me or something. I don't know maybe I will ask her why sometime.
  • McKenna Marinos:☺-Kenna is awesome, her spunkiness is just great to be around. She can always bring the mood up when shes around. I like to play sports with her and also bring her, when she wants to, on my reckless adventures. I have heard around that she used to be in an orphanage, I have wanted to ask her about it but haven't really gotten to do that. Oh and her power, sometimes I wish I had would be so much easier with some of the things I have done.
  • Marcurio Espenosa:◑-I actually feel bad for the guy, if I had to go around hearing dead people all day I probably be an ass too.
  • Morgan Jannsen:☺/◑- Morgan seems cool, really would actually like to try to get to know her more.
  • Scott Andrews:☺-Scott is pretty nice, he can be a bit spacy at times which sometimes in class when I notice it I flick something at him so he will snap out of it. I also try to help him out with history homework, he just seems to have a bit of a hard time in that class.
  • Skylar Byrnes:☺- Sky is pretty awesome, I love spending time with him and doing some reckless even though he can sometimes be a flirt he knows I am not interested in anything more then friends.
  • Spencer Jerem:◑-I love how Spence likes to blow things up, though I don't know him too well. Maybe I could get to know him and we could figure out something to blow up. It would be really fun and reckless, which I am always up for.
  • Theodore McCaffrey:◑- I really don't know Theo that well. He seems okay, if he was more talkative maybe we could be friends? I just think hes a bit quite.
  • William Pond:◑-Whats the fun in technology? I mean I know his power is all about it but I just think he should get out and have some fun at some point.
  • Yvette Beatrix:
  • Zac Barnes:☺- Zac is pretty cool and I say we are good friends, and his power rocks. I know he gets angry sometimes but when he is like that I usually just leave him be.


  • Almalthea Roerig:☺- I have been to Ms. Roerig so many times because some of things I have done...well they just didn't go well. So I am sent to her to get healed, she is always telling me to be more careful but I can't help being the way I am. She is also easy to talk with so I guess thats a plus too.
  • Cain Montogomery:]☺-Mr. M isn't as bad as I thought he would be, I mean some students at Arcana fear him. But I don't, he seems to be interested in my power, which is pretty cool and he also has been trying to work with me on it.
  • Vincent Steele:◑- I've been going to Mr. Steele pretty much since I came to Arcana, they know about my past and thinks that if I talked about it then I be less reckless. Well when I go in his office thats the last thing I will be doing, I mostly just joke around and talk about my most recent adventure i've had thought Mr. Steele tries to get me to open up, I just am not ready to.
  • Margaret Wright:◑-Ms.Wrights alright, I don't have anything against her, I just am not on a friendly basis with her. I do my work and pass it in and she gives me a grade....thats just how it goes.
  • Leonardo Marinos:◑- I feel Mr. Marinos sometimes gets annoyed with me with the stunts I pull. I don’t mind the man and his jokes aren’t that bad but I think he needs to loosen up a bit, maybe its just because he has lived so long and seen so much.
Last edited by airedeiagrace on Sat Aug 04, 2012 11:44 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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can cut as sharply as any blade, and that
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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mela on Sat Jul 28, 2012 1:54 pm

Cor Quellen
|18|Air Manipulation|Roommate: L Chase|Noctrem Academy|

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Addison Lawler: ☺/☠/♥ Addi and I have a weird sort of relationship. We definitely have our ups and down - both of which are fun, and we flirt like crazy. I think we've done some heavy petting a couple of times, but... eh. I was too drunk to really remember. She's a sexy little kitten, though, isn't she, my little Miss Toiletpaper. Aha. Yes, I should probably explain that tidbit. I saw this program ones where they talked about models eating toilet paper to stay skinny. Addi has been Miss Toiletpaper ever since. Or Miss TP for short.
  • Alli Jackson: ☠ This girl needs to just shut the fuck up sometimes. She really does think she's all that, doesn't she? Jesus.
  • Amariah Conner: ◑ ... And who's that?
  • Amber Romano: ◑/☠ I don't like dishonest people. I much prefer people to be straight with me, and Amber seems to have serious issues dealing with that, so I don't ever really talk to her. Fortunately for me I have no secrets for her to hold over me, so I'm safe from her claws as well. See? this is why being straight with people is quite awesome.
  • Ashleigh Fox: ☺/☠ Another girl who's sensibly wary of me. It's so much fun going at her just to see that look of fear in her eyes. I love it. Girls like her make Arcana somewhat tolerable.
  • Benjamin Hershkotivz: ◑/☠ This guy... I mean... and he. UGH! Oxygen Independance?! Are you freaking kidding me?! I can't do anything to this guy, and it freaking pisses me off! And it's even a fucking lame power. Okay, so maybe I can technically still burst some veins and blow up his lungs, but I'd have to put oxygen in there myself and that's just... triple the workload, and so not worth it. Oxygen Independence my ass!
  • Bethany Phillips: ☠ Can't stand her. I generally can't stand people who think they're hot when they're clearly not. Have you seen that body? It's square like a fucking box; no ass and practically no chest either. Just saying.
  • Colby Haskins: ☠☠ Seriously? Like.. Seriously?! This guy... I can't even begin to describe how I feel about him, so let's just keep it simple and call it absolute loathing.
  • Corentine Quellen: ☺/♥ I'd date myself if I could, honestly.
  • Drake Quellen: ☺/☠ Drake and I have this sort of love-hate thing going. My dear brother and I rarely see eye to eye, and we bicker like cat and dog, but we can have some fun times too.
  • Eden Haven:
  • Eleanor Carson: ☠ I absolutely despise both her and her abilities. I hate people being able to dig into my head - it's just wrong on so many levels, and that's coming from me. So yeah, I bitch out at her every chance I get. Of course Drake had to take an interest in the little wench, too, and now he keeps spoiling my fun. Bastard.
  • Elijah Claymore: ☠ I don't think I will ever meet a more annoying, god-loving individual. I get this incredible urge to torture him very, very slowly. I'm always careful not to ever let him get close enough to touch me. Don't want some little Arcana thief tapping into my awesome powers.
  • Erin Hawthorne: ☺☺ Erin is my best friend. This may surprise people because of my sadistic tendencies and her lack of 'em, but we click. I think she has some sort of weird, positive effect on me... or something. I dunno. Maybe I'm as much of a bitch as I was before I met her, but I don't know, and I don't really care much. Erin is a bunch of fun, and the only girl I feel I can let down my guard around. Weird huh, considering her temper tantrums? Well, they're never directed at me, and it's just sort of fun to watch her go crazy, although I sometimes try and keep her off target with my magic because I know she doesn't enjoy waking up with blood on her hands. I know, I know... Erin makes me go soft. Don't tell anyone. Oh, she was also my roomie at Noctrem. So pissed that we don't live together anymore. I freaking miss the bitch.
  • Eriol Adelart: ☺ Anyone with sadistic tendencies is good in my book. Eri is sort of like a little brother, funny enough. We're not close as such, but we do have some weird kind of bond probably tied to the fact that we're both rather sadistic.
  • Freya Mason: ☺/◑ Hate the power, but as long as she's scared of me enough to respect my threat to kill her slowly if she ever uses it on me, I'm cool. She's also fun at parties, but I stay sort of wary of her. It's awful, yes, I know, but somehow I'm not so overwhelmed by how little I care about that.
  • Hayley Stanhope: ☠ Crybaby. Goody-two-shoes. Pushover. Immature. Is there anything about this girl that doesn't make me gag? Anything at all? Jesus.
  • Isabella Dorson: ☺ Bells is a pretty great gal, in my book. Also... pain inducement. Now, that's a power you can have some fun with.
  • Izaiah Dorson: ☠ This guy... makes me want to shake him and make him realize the world is not pink with sparkly unicorns. C'mon! How are he and Bells related... in any way? I adore picking on him, though.
  • Jackson Murphy: ☠ He just needs to get over himself. Sooner rather than later, please.
  • Jade Locke: ☺ My partner in crime. Literally. Messing about is always fun with Jade around.
  • Jaysin O. Dennis: ☺/☠/♥♥ Only guy I've ever been in love with. Back when he studied at Noctrem, he and I dated in secret for about two years, but I haven't heard a word from him since he left for Arcana. I know the transfer was out of his hands, but part of me hates him for it regardless. Hates him for just... leaving me. It's completely illogical, but you know what? I don't care because now that we're at Arcana, the bastard is completely messing with my head again. So I get to hate him. I get to be angry. Who the hell does he think he is, sneaking into my life and heart again after being gone for so long? I was perfectly happy without him! And I don't want to let him back in. He's the only guy who has the equipment to hurt me, and I don't want to give him the firepower to go with it. Last time was hell.
  • Jessica Coleman: ◑ This girl is just so fucking weird. She goes from white to black from day to day - it's hard keeping track. I don't really mind her, but I don't like her either, so we're on neutral ground, I suppose. As long as she stays away from me.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ◑ For an Arcana kid, Kali isn't extremely bad, but I don't like her either. She seems to think I seek attention by being a bitch. I really need to explain to her that I very much like acting the way I do. I get plenty attention as it is. That said, I can tolerate her... sometimes.
  • Keirol Rancora: ☺/◑ He's a little freaky... then again, I've got a think for freaky. But on the other hand... he's Mr. Marino's little puppy-dog. Ugh. But he also makes my Erin happy, so I'm torn. I mean, with what's going on between them, I've at least stopped hating him (and sleeping with him), but there's still this nagging feeling - he is Arcana. I'm not sure I can let that go, especially not with the tongue he's got lodged up Marino's ass. I mean... I talk to him and stuff, and I try really hard for Erin, but sometimes I just want to shake some sense into him.
  • Killian Jackson:
  • Landon Hirst: ◑/☠ Lame, wannabe angel-version Drake. I don't really bother with him.
  • Lauryn Chase: ☺/◑ I genuinely like this Arcana chick and I hate that I do. That's about the size of our relationship.
  • Loralei Evans: ☠ Yeah, so she's hot and apparently this gypsy-shit has everyone thinking she's something special. To me, though, she's just another ass-kisser. Another puppy of Marinos'.
  • Lulu Allen: ☠☠ You know... usually people steer clear of me when they don't have the power to actually defend themselves against mine. You know what that means? Yeah? It means that people don't normally mess with me... at all. This girl, however... I don't know whether to call her stupid or brave. Mostly stupid, I believe. So far I've only been verbal with her, somewhat dealing peacefully with her wish to constantly spoil my fun, but it won't be long til I'm pushed over the edge, and then someone ends up very damaged. I can tell you it won't be me.
  • McKenna Marinos: ☠ ... what the hell is it with all these Arcana kids being so bloody annoying? Fortunately for her, she stays away from me. Clever.
  • Marcurio Espenosa: ☺ He's just got a certain something. Maybe it's the fact that he doesn't only tolerate, but sort of enjoy my sadism. Either way, it's awesome. I genuinely enjoy his company.
  • Morgan Janssen: ◑ For an Arcana student... I guess she's not to bad. I can stand being around her if need be.
  • Scott Andrews: ☺/♥ Oh, Scottie, my horny little bitch. Mmm... He's probably the only guy I can stand staying in bed with a little after a fuck, because I actually like talking to him as well. We've got a great thing going right now, and I've gotta say... I love how I can catch his attention so darn easily. Ah, and baby, you're not getting that shirt back.
  • Skylar Byrnes: ☺/♥ Mmm... Sky's a little hottie, ain't he? And with quite the yummy power. I flirt with him all the time, just for the hell of it. Oh, and he's not exactly terrible in bed either - I should know.
  • Spencer Jerem: ◑ He's seriously... weird. And I mean... great that he has ambitions and all, but he's just so... mad scientist. I don't know whether to find it ridiculously lame or entertaining.
  • Theodore McCaffrey: ◑ It's so obvious that he's scared of me, which sits quite well with me, honestly. I don't like his power; if I ever find out he sneaks into my dreams, I'm killing him. Slowly. Other than... I don't really concern myself with him. Too much of a quiet mouse.
  • William Pond: ◑ I neither like nor dislike William. He's a nerd, and usually that's totally enough reason to make him cry, but nah... I don't mind him, for some reason. And hey, if I ever wanted to take over the world (as if), he'd be my go to guy. Which nation can you not bring down with some serious hacking skills? Just saying.
  • Yvette Beatrix:
  • Zac Barnes: ☠ Now this one, I do not like. I don't like powers that mess with others' heads and I can just tell he likes being a little prick with his. Fucking intrusive, if you ask me.


  • Amalthea Roerig: ☠/◑ Too much of a cliche. I mean, c'mon... a nice, caring, people-person for an Arcana school nurse? How original. Now, if she'd been more like a mean, old woman, I would've dearly loved her. As it is, I don't like her. I don't see her much though, so it's not like I know the woman. And I do somewhat like her class. Whatever.
  • Cain Montgomery: ☺ You've got to love Mr. Montgomery. I never met a more awesome teacher. He challenges my powers, helping me get even better, and on top of that, he lets me get away with pretty much anything. If only more teachers were like him, I might actually like going to school.
  • Leonardo Marinos: ☠/♥ Oh my fucking hell. He has so much potential to be so freaking badass, and what does he do? He plays "teach the wannabe angels to be even more obnoxious and god-loving". Such a damned shame to have such a hot man go to waste like that.
  • Margaret Wright:
  • Vincent Steele: ☠ If this guy wasn't a teacher, I'd be cracking his skull on a daily basis. Fucking hell, is he annoying or what?

Drake Quellen
|19|Shadow Manipulation|Roommate: Colby Haskins|Noctrem Academy|

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Addison Lawler: ♥/☺ She's got this crush on me, which I honestly think is just hilarious. Of course I haven't told her that I know, and I'm probably not going to. What's the fun in that? Girl's such a tease, though. But, one of these days I'll have her in my bed... a lot. Still working her, though. I guess it's what keeps her interesting, because she really is quite the simple person.
  • Alli Jackson: ◑ I flirt with her solely to see what kind of reaction I get. Other than that, I don't really bother. She's not all that intriguing.
  • Amariah Conner: ☺ I'm watching, for now, intrigued. Not much else, but she's definitely caught my interest what with her... distance.
  • Amber Romano: ☺ You gotta love Amb. That sneaky little rat has got some decent stuff going on for her. She really is quite interesting, I've got to admit and she and I sometimes work together on figuring particularly difficult things out. I don't like secrets - unless I'm the one keeping them, and Amber is the exact same way. I have to sort of admire the girl, which really isn't something I do with a lot of people.
  • Ashleigh Fox: ☺/♥ LOVE the whole innocent front. I miss those types at Noctrem honestly - c'mon, what's more fun than getting down and dirty with the cute ones? I flirt with her a lot - it's just fun that way. Besides... in my experience, the innocent ones are oftentimes some nasty little sex kittens.
  • Benjamin Hershkotivz: ☺/◑ He's not interesting... even his power is lame. But it does appeal to me quite a bit that his mere existence is seriously irritating to my sister.
  • Bethany Phillips: ◑ She doesn't like me, and hey, I'm cool with that. Whatever, really. It's not like she's interesting... even though she thinks she's intriguing and mysterious. It's quite hilarious that she thinks I can't see right through her.
  • Colby Haskins: ☺/◑ I can't put my finger on what I really think about Colby, but you gotta love his energy... and his ability to make Cor fume with anger.
  • Corentine Quellen:☺/☠ My sister's a huge bitch. I think we all know that. You've gotta love the amusing quality of it, though. C'mon, she spreads chaos like no one else. Fun times follow her wherever she goes.
  • Drake Quellen: ♥ Drake is the most interesting person in the world. I don't even understand me. C'mon. You can't beat that.
  • Eden Haven:
  • Eleanor Carson: ☺ Little miss mindreader. Ah yes, can you imagine a more entertaining ability? I hang around her for that reason purely. It's just amusing. I also tend to help her out with Cor a little... mostly because it's just fun to have her give me those death glares my baby sis is so fond of.
  • Elijah Claymore: ☠/◑ Okay, I have to say... I normally never mind Arcana students. Mostly they're just amusing, but this guy is so... annoying. He just takes the whole goody-two-shoes thing a step too far. He is... the Arcana Stereotype.
  • Erin Hawthorne: ☺/♥ Erin, Erin, Erin... I've got to admit, she's an interesting girl, and she provides something entirely primal and incredibly hot in bed. Hands down one of my favorite girls. I mean, what's hotter than a blonde barging into your bedroom, demanding that you take her then and there? It will greatly upset my best friend if she settles down with Keirol, but he'll deal.
  • Eriol Adelart: ☺/◑ For some reason, I find this kid oddly fascinating. I don't associate with him much, but I make a point of observing him.
  • Freya Mason: ☺/♥ Being friends with Freya has benefits. Let's put it like that.
  • Griffin Jacobs: ◑ Transparent, boring... just a little too typical, honestly. And... doesn't he fuck my sister on a regular basis? Not that it's very unusual. Just... you know, an observation. He just doesn't stand out, to be frank... no pun intended.
  • Hayley Stanhope: ☺/◑ Well... she's... eh, I wouldn't say she's entirely interesting, but she's not extremely boring either. I don't really spend time with her, honestly. Or maybe it's just the boring quality of her power. I'm not sure.
  • Isabella Dorson: ☺/♥ Bells is cool. I mean, she's not the most intriguing of people - or maybe that's just because I've known her for a while now. I dunno, but she's pretty fun for a drink and some flirting, so I'm good. Besides... I do so love getting on Cor's nerves by flirting with her bitch-squad.
  • Izaiah Dorson: ◑ Dude... can you be any more transparent? Seriously! Being around this guy is like spending a weekend looking at Mount Rushmore.
  • Jackson Murphy: ☺ Jackie-boy needs to lighten up a bit. He's a pretty awesome guy, he just needs a push... or ten. I think I'm on number five now and it's totally not working. Ah well. Keeps the game interesting.
  • Jade Locke: ☺ Things with Jade are simple. She's one of Cor's bitches, so I flirt with her for that reason alone, but that's it, really.
  • Jaysin O. Dennis: ☺/◑ Jay's an alright guy. I mean, we were friends back when he studied at Noctrem, but I always sort of kept an eye on him because of his 'secret' relationship with Cor. I haven't actually talked to him much since Noctrem burned, but I see Cor falling right back in, so I'm growing curious.
  • Jessica Coleman: ☺ On her bad days, Jess is a ball of fun. I mean... c'mon! Who doesn't like a bit of temper in a girl? I hang around her on her good days too, but she really is much more amusing on her bad ones.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ☺/♥ Kali tends to get all flustered and nervous when I'm around. I suspect she has a cute little crush on me, which is simply priceless - it makes me want to seek her out. I've sort of begun sending flirtatious comments her way just to see her freeze up like a Popsicle. It's highly entertaining.
  • Keirol Rancora: ◑ He's a little too much like me in some ways... which is a little unnerving... since he's not really eh... human. I respect the guy, but that's about as far as it goes.
  • Killian Jackson:
  • Landon Hirst: ◑ I guess I sort of respect him... but that's it.
  • Lauryn Chase: ☺ L would never expect me to care about her, which is honestly extremely liberating. I guess that's why I love hanging around her.
  • Lilian Daniels: ◑ Have you ever tried sitting down to have a fun talk with a stone? Yeah? Well the amount of boredom you've hit to reach that point, is how bloody tedious I find this girl. At first I thought the shyness fun, because I wanted to see if she had some other person underneath, but nope... she's just as incredibly simple as she appears.
  • Loralei Evans:
  • Lulu Allen: ☺/(♥?) She's different. I've always liked different. Maybe it's just the fact that every single one of my sister's girlfriends seem to loathe her that turns me on here, but Lulu's got a certain something that keeps me tuned in. We flirt... or, mostly I flirt and she tries to flirt back but ends up all flustered. It's adorable. She lived across from me in Noctrem and she's a light sleeper, so she'd often end up poking her head out of her room whenever I couldn't fall asleep and was wandering the halls. We've sort of ended up with an evening ritual; a repetitive pattern, so to speak, and I quite liked it. Now she's away and I'm starting to... miss her. It think that's it. I think I miss her a little; miss our night time talks and her comments about my messy hair in the morning. How stupid is that?
  • McKenna Marinos: ◑ She's scared of me for some reason. I don't get it? As far as I know, I've never actually... physically... hurt anyone. I think she suspects I'm like Cor, which is just presumptuous. But that's her deal. Whatever, it's not like I really give a shit.
  • Marcurio Espenosa: ☺/◑ He's a cool guy, but we're not really friends. We just sort of... hang out sometimes.
  • Morgan Janssen: ☺ Morgan is incredibly attractive, which in itself is enough reason to flirt with her. She's also interesting to a certain point. I mean... she's not entirely dull and I do like figuring out what makes this girl tic.
  • Scott Andrews: ☺/◑ Scott's about as interesting as a piece of cardboard paper. I don't mind the guy, but it does amuse me how he acts sort of guarded around me. He also has the name of a former friend of mine, Theo's ex, now dead... so I guess I have an odd sense of reservation towards him.
  • Skylar Byrnes: ☺ All confident and vain on the outside; that's Sky. I know something more is hiding beneath the surface though, which is what currently has captured my interest. I know it'll be like pulling the cover of an ugly painting though. You're all excited at first because you've no idea what's beneath the surface... then when you see it, you lose interest. It's like "was that it?" Sometimes I worry myself a little.
  • Spencer Jerem: ☺ Oh, Spencer is so amusing. He keeps reminding me of a cartoon villain - he's probably going to find himself a nemesis in Colby and then lose all the time, screaming "damn youu Redliiiine!!!" while he flies out of the top of his exploding lab... yeah. I can totally see that happening. He also keeps trying to talk to me about shadow armies and shit. Again... hilarious. I think I love this guy.
  • Theodore McCaffrey: ☺ Scott was a pretty cool guy, and since he died, it's like Theo's been feeling sort of uncomfortable around me. I find it hilarious honestly so I like to get at him whenever I'm bored. He's also a rather interesting puzzle. There's something lurking there.
  • William Pond: ☺/◑ I can't decide whether I should write him off as just boring, or if there's hiding more behind that computer he's always got himself planted by.
  • Yvette Beatrix:
  • Zac Barnes: ☺ He's a seriously interesting fellow, honestly. Bloody amusing to watch him in some of his fits, I have to say. I like hanging around him - he's like a cliff hanger in some episode of a series you like; you just wanna see what happens next.


  • Amalthea Roerig: ◑ Yeah... I'm going to side with my sister for once. I don't mind her, but I don't find her all that interesting either. Sort of fun to watch her squirm around Cor though, so I'll give her points for that.
  • Cain Montgomery: ☺ Now this is how my father should have been. But no. Ah well, Mr. Montgomery makes up for it in plenty. Now, it's not that I really feel anything for him, but I do sort of look up to him. He's an older version of me, honestly. I had the choice of letting that annoy me, or my learning from him. As you can see, I chose the latter.
  • Leonardo Marinos: ☺ I take great pleasure in irritating him. Honestly, at first I was just trying to figure him out, but the second I found out that actually bothered him... well, it just got so much more interesting.
  • Margaret Wright:
  • Vincent Steele: ☺/◑ It's just so amusing messing around with this shrink, honestly I couldn't care less about his personality.

Amy Roerig/Miss Roerig
|24|Healing Touch|School Nurse & Philosophy and Ethics|Arcana Academy|

♥ = Not something Amy would ever even consider harboring towards a student
☺ = Students who've been let more into her heart than average, on different levels
◑ = Mostly students who she doesn't have much of an opinion on, or is a little worried about
☠ = Students Amy is secretly scared of


  • Addison Lawler: ◑ She's a smart girl, but she just... looks at me sort of oddly sometimes. It's unnerving.
  • Alli Jackson: ◑/☺ She's a clever student with a good heart and a mind of her own. Commendable traits.
  • Amber Roamano: ◑ I don't like how she seems to use her powers, but I suppose it's only natural for a Noctrem student. That said, I don't think Amber is a bad person to the bone. I'm just worried she or Drake finds out about Leo and I. He would hate that.
  • Ashleigh Fox: ☺ Ashleigh is such a dear girl, always kind and open to people. It's reviving.
  • Benjamin Hershkotivz: ◑ I have absolutely no idea what to think of this student. Sometimes he seems level enough... and then he does something stupid. I swear, all these Noctrem students will up giving me a serious headache.
  • Bethany Phillips: ◑ I think she's smarter than she lets on, which gets to me. I don't like when people dumb themselves down. If you don't respect yourself, then who's going to?
  • Colby Haskins: ☺ Colby is a really great kid. He can be a little... slow, which my sound a little ironic for a guy with super speed, but he tries, and the oral parts of Philosophy and Ethics, which are really the ones I focus on, he does great in. And honestly I don't know what Arcana would do without someone like him to help out with the Noctrem students. We just need to make sure he doesn't take it too far.
  • Corentine Quellen: ◑/☠ She just... scares me. Scares me so much I have to really fight to stay professional with her. How can you be so dark and... cruel? It continues to astound me, especially with those powers of hers. It just... yeah. I get this urge to hide behind Leo. I don't though... but I want to.
  • Drake Quellen: ◑ I'm not quite sure what to think of this Noctrem student. He seems easygoing enough, but he doesn't appear to really care for any of his peers.
  • Eden Haven: ☺ Eden is such a great kid, it's unbelievable. I've sort of begun mothering him a little for some odd reason I can't quite pinpoint.
  • Eleanor Carson: ☺ I see a lot of myself in Ellie, and I know her power gets to her a lot. If she ever needs a female to talk to, she knows I'm here. Vince can't be good for the more female issues, emphatic or not.
  • Elijah Claymore: ☺ Elijah is a really good kid. He's also Irish, and I've gotta say... there's something comforting about fellow Irishmen. He helps out when he can, and I get this feeling he'd like to take over my class sometimes. I can see him becoming a teacher at Arcana later on in his life.
  • Erin Hawthorne: ☠ Oh, lord. It's not that I hate the girl, I really don't... but she scares me so much that I, like with Cor, really have to fight to stay professional and not run away to hide behind my Leo.
  • Eriol Adelart: ◑ He just... I don't quite know, there's just something off about this kid, even if he isn't outwardly hostile. There's something in his eyes that makes me sort of uneasy.
  • Freya Mason: ◑ Just another student. I can't say I've had all that much to do with her outside the classroom.
  • Griffin Jacobs: ◑ I'm keeping it strictly professional here. He's just... not a student I'd want to talk to personally.
  • Hayley Stanhope: ☺ Hayley is a sweetheart. Maybe a bit too much so. It's something she needs to work on; standing up for herself and not only her friends.
  • Isabella Dorson: ◑ She disturbs me, but again... I keep up a professional facade.
  • Izaiah Dorson: ☺ He's a sweet kid and a good student. Always eager to learn, which is something I adore about him.
  • Jackson Murphy:
  • Jade Locke: ◑ Same as with Isabella. Jade is another slightly scary Noctrem student. Why are there so many of these girls?
  • Jaysin O. Dennis: ◑ He's so rude and offensive, I can't help but feel certain reservations towards him.
  • Jessica Coleman: ◑ She needs to figure out how to use her power without damaging herself, or stop using it at all. I don't mind healing her up afterwards, and I don't butt in, but I also don't associate with her much. She is noctrem after all, and those students usually make me a little nervous.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ☺ I really wish this girl would try and stop getting hurt all the time. I enjoy her company and she doesn't take a little pain too heavily, so she doesn't come into to me crying. She's a breath of fresh air, but I worry about her a lot. I have a feeling she's going to get into trouble with some of these Noctrem students.
  • Keirol Rancora: ☺ I know Keirol is a very special kid, and he needs a lot of guidance, something I'm happy to provide. I guess I've let him in more than the others because Leo brought him to Arcana the way her did. I know he's gone through a lot, and will continue to do so - all we can do is stand by and try to help him. He had some issues with me at first, and frankly he scared the living daylight out of me, but I feel it's turned around completely.
  • Killian Jackson:
  • Landon Hirst: ☺ Landon has some issues we need to help him work through, but he's a good kid. He really is.
  • Lauryn Chase: ◑ Lauryn is a decent student with a calm attitude, which I very much appreciate. Although... she ends up in need to healing quite a lot.
  • Lilian Daniels: ☺/◑ I need to see Lily speak up more in class - I hate having to give her a bad grade due my subject being so orally based, because I honestly think she has a good head on her shoulders.
  • Loralei Evans: ☺ Lora is a sweet kid who hangs around Leo a lot, which automatically means that she hangs around me too, not that I mind at all. I've grown to care for her quite a bit.
  • Lulu Allen: ☺/◑ I like Lulu. She stands up for those who are afraid to themselves. I'm happy to see that Noctrem has a student like that, honestly.
  • McKenna Marinos: ☺/◑ McKenna is a lovely girl, very clever and helpful. I was a little surprised at her surname at first, knowing Leo and his... erhm, tendencies, but it's not something I dwell on.
  • Marcurio Espenosa: ◑ Well.. he's a student. That's all I can really say about him.
  • Morgan Janssen: ☺/◑ A sweet girl with a strong core. She's bright enough too. I can't say I have any issues here at all.
  • Scott Andrews: ◑/☺ I don't believe Scott is a bad kid at heart - he just ended up in the wrong place. I'm of course still wary of him, but he seems to want to talk to me sometimes.
  • Skylar Byrnes: ◑ For a Noctrem kid, I don't think he's all that bad, but he has some very destructive powers, and it scares me that he's learning how to use them for bad things.
  • Spencer Jerem: ◑/☠ He's never in class. Ever. I only ever see him when he hurts himself in one of those experiments of his and... he's sort of scary in the crazy serial-killer way.
  • Theodore McCaffrey: ◑/☺ I think he's a good guy at heart who just... ended up in the wrong place.
  • William Pond: ◑ He never pays attention. I suppose that's better than making trouble, but he needs to put his nose into his school-work instead of his computer screen.
  • Yvette Beatrix:
  • Zac Barnes: ◑ The fact that he sometimes blows up like a bomb all of a sudden, worries me a little. But other than that, he's really just another student.


  • Amalthea Roerig: ◑ I'm alright, I guess. I mean, I have my insecurities and my downsides, but I like to think I'm a good person...?
  • Cain Montgomery: ☠ I, at all times, try to keep a strictly professional front with this man, but I swear he's dead set on driving me absolutely insane.
  • Leonardo Marinos: ☺☺/♥♥ Leo is... Leo. I could go on and on for years about how amazing he is, and how much he means, but... to put it simply; he's everything. First time I saw Leo, coming back to Arcana, I fell for him. He's the one for me. He's it, really, but he's also my boss, my best friend and my former teacher. It's just awkward, inappropriate and stupid, but... I love him. I can't fight that anymore. I'm tired of denying myself guilty pleasures and so... we're currently in a secret relationship - Leo's wish, not telling anyone. I don't want to hide in the shadows and not be able to show people my love for this man, but I have to accept it for now. It worries me, though, that Cor barged in on us once, but I think Leo's got that under control... as much as you can have that blonde under control.
  • Margaret Wright:
  • Vincent Steele: ☺ I adore Vince. He's such a lovely person. Really, a good friend to me.
Last edited by Mela on Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:09 am, edited 22 times in total.
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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ChaosxChild13 on Sat Jul 28, 2012 2:04 pm

Addison Lawler
|19|Shapeshifter|Roommate: Ellie Carson|Noctrem

♥♥ - People I'm legitimately serious about
♥ = People I would bang.
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies - People on my bad side, or I just find annoying as all hell.


    The Fearsome Five

  • Storm [Corentine Storm Quellen] ♥/☺/◑ - I love Cor when she's in her party mode. She's crazy fun and knows how to have a good time. Although we do parallel in a lot of aspects, which can cause us to but heads every once in a while. She's a sexy live wire, and a good drinking buddy. We've had some crazy times, and she always calls me TP [Or Miss Toiletpaper, depends how drunk she really is]. We've had our "heavy petting" as she calls it, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Our relationship/friendship can turn sexual with a few hard drinks, but nothing is ever awkward. We're past that point.
  • Jade Locke ☺/◑/♥ - My precious Jade, she is a freaking badass. I love partying with her, and sometimes we have our girl nights, y'know comfort food -- Chinese -- and a good chat about things. But we've also had our fights, our blunt attitudes can cause us to butt heads a lot. Oh well... I don't think I'll ever tell her that I have been crushing on her. Not really sure how she'll take that.
  • Bells Dorson: ☺/◑- We have this "I love you, bitch..." Kind of relationship. She is a loaded pistol, but she IS NOT a complete annoyance to me. I'm pretty sure if we both weren't absolutely hysterical, by this point we'd have killed each other.
  • Hulk [Erin Hawthorne] ☺/◑ - The last girl in our party group from Noctrem. God this bitch be crazy, she is a real life hulk, in a beautiful little petite blonde body. To be honest, it scares the living shit out of me, I've seen her angry, good thing it's never been directed towards me. But who could get angry at wonderful old me ;)?
  • Addison Lawler: Mmm... I would date me....


  • Alli Jackson ☠ God this girl is so annoying, and has an automatic passive power... She doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, or anything. Well, I guess Leo got to her head on that one. Or she is just too straight edge. Anyway, that's not the point. The point is: I don't like her. I don't care to know, she seems really annoying and too straight edge for me. Although, she is smart. Which makes her academic competition.
    Amber Romano ☺ - Amber and I get along, we are both somewhat artsy and love to sing. Maybe we can start a duet/guitarist thing together... Like a Simon and Garfunkle deal? Her power and mine are pretty damn similar too, which is good. I mean except for the fact hers is more of an illusion, versus mine is an actual transformation. Anyways, overall I really do like Amber, and I don't plan on breaking off our friendship.
  • Misappear [Beth Phillips] ◑ Juts meh... Much like her power, she tries to be invisible. Sometimes. Not necesarrily her appearance or anything, but she's hiding things about herself. Which to me, almost seems extremely fake. Plus, she's a tease. She has teased me before, and as much as I get turned on, there's a point where ya gotta stop playing and get down with the dogs. She's got plot holes in her, and I know she's hiding things. I'm a bit bittersweet about secrets.
    Foxy [Ashy Fox] ◑ [Possibly later ☺]: Foxy is a sweet girl, a bit on the goody side, but she has a pretty awesome power. We sit together in a few classes, and she has a strong sense of self, which is all cool with me; she acts pretty chill, maybe I could get to know her a bit more...
    Benny/Benjjiii [Benjamin Hershkovitz]:☺/◑ - Benny and I jam with our guitars a lot, it's pretty awesome stuff. He's a cutie pie, and he really likes Koa, which is awesome. He's a Noctrem student, so I really don't have any problems with him.
    Speedster [Colby Haskins] ☺ Speedy is my party partner in crime. I love this kid, he's a cool cat, for an Arcana student. He's one crazy guy, and if he wasn't a gaybird, I'd do him in a heartbeat. Besides all the partying, he seems like he'd be a really good friend. Maybe we can get to know each other more outside of the night life.
    Drakethrean Mauri Quellen ◑ /♥ - He's one hot piece of YUM on a plate, and I might possibly be crushing on him. Maybe one day I'll have him in my bed, he seems like a sensational fuck. But, he is also Cor's brother, and... I must say, to have heavy relations with BOTH Quellen's… Awkward…
  • Eden Haven ◑ He's alright. Sexy, but a bit on the young side. I don't do youngins. He's a good kid though, and a low key guy. I don't know much about him, so I really don't have any reason to hate.
    Ellie Carson ☺/◑ - This chick needs to get out of her shell more! I do find her innocence absolutely adorable and admirable. Not to mention, we get along well one on one, but I don't know, I feel like I'd get shit if I were friends with her in public. Mostly from the Noctrem kids. I feel like she'd be a crazy partier if she would just relax and let go a bit.
  • Eriol Adelart ☠ He fucking compares me to food. I know he acts nice around me, but I know the dirt. He wants me to leave. NEWS FLASH SWEETHEART, I'm not going anywhere. Why don't you go behind your fake smile and pretend to like everyone? Hmm?
    Freya Mason ☺/◑/♥ - Mmmm Freya, she's a sexy little kitten. Rawr ;) if you want to party, she's your girl. We often think of some crazy ideas together while drunk. But, lets just put it this way: you don't make memories sitting alone in bed at night.
    Griffin Jacobs ☺ - Griffin.... What to say about Griff. He's a riot, and we have been friends for a while. I must say, if there was anyone worse than me in the flirting department, it'd be him. But I love the kid to pieces, even if he's a bit spoiled and there have been a few bumps in our friendship, but there's just something about that smile that makes me forgive him.
    Izzy Dorson ◑ - Izzy is so innocent looking and adorable. Kind of makes me wanna pinch his cheeks... Too bad he's from Arcana, he'd be a BA mofo at Noctrem. He's got the power for it. The only thing I get concerned with is I see a spark between Ellie and him as well. If he messes with their sweet little minds, I might have to go ape-shit.
  • Jack Murphy☺/◑We have a strange relationship, I do think he's a cool guy. But he has GOT to loosen up a bit. And his power. No no no no. He needs to stay the hell away from my emotions. I swear if he goes around fucking with that I might have to kill him. No matter how amazing his parties are. Other than that, I do find his company enjoyable.
  • Jaysin Dennis ☺/♥[♥♥?] - Mmm... Yummy Jaysin... Fucking asshole though. I gotta say... Anyway, that's besides the point... I'm crushing hard. I'm not just talking about hot, heavy, one night shabang, but I'm talking I'm legitimately interested. Maybe it's due to the distance he shows towards people, much like my deadbeat father did to me. But hell would break loose between Cor and I if I ever told him how I felt. So we're just gonna keep that on the DL, mk?
    Jess/Jessie [Jessica Coleman]◑/♥♥ Damn, this girl is sexy. But the only thing is, I really don't think she likes me all that much. I can see the smirk on her face when I flirt with others, and she kind of rolls her eyes. Most people would be turned off by that, but... Uh, not me? I really do feel bad for her though, I can tell she hates her power and she really struggles with it sometimes. But y'know... Maybe I can be that go to person for those discomforts...Hmm??
  • Kali Rickerson ◑Meh, she seems very one dimensional. Sure she's daring. But she's kind of boring all together. I don't have anything against her, but she doesn't really have anything for her either.
  • Landon Hirst ☠/◑: Well, this guy has a cool power, but I don't think he likes me. He's called me a spoiled brat quite a few times. I can't help that I grew up rich. His power could be wonderful from Noctrem, but he believes that powers are supposed to be used for "good"? If he wasn't competition in the more power focused classes, I probably wouldn't care for him at all. But hey, I like a good challenge.
  • Lilly ☠ Pushover. Debby Downer. Party Pooper. She's way uptight and way shy. Dislike. And she's from Arcana, Jesus, what did Leo do to the poor girl to make her like this? She's way too straight edge. She doesn't drink. She doesn't smoke. She is the epitome of a Mary Sue. Too polite, too sensitive. Grow a shell, the world is harsh.
    Loralei Evans ☠ -Fucking hippie. She does minor weather manipulation, and let me tell you, my encounters with her powers in class haven't been pleasant. Oh, by the way, bitch, when you struck me with lightning during class, you really set me off. And you're paying for ruining my favorite shirt, capisce? xoxo, Addi.
    Lulu Allen ☠ I'm sorry, I don't have anything nice to say about her. Normally calling someone a bitch is a compliment for me. I like bitchy people, but not her. She's annoying as all hell. I cannot stand her attitude, and the fact she completely messes with me intentionally with her goddamn power just pisses me off. We have bad blood between us. Not someone I want to be around. Not someone I even care about. I hope her power backfires on her one day. :)
    McKenna Marinos ◑ - Another study buddy. I call her Fae , not only because her middle name is Fae, but she reminds me so goddamn much of a fairy. She's so tiny, and she always has this big smile on her face, and she is one of those people who doesn't look like they'd harm a fly. She's adorable. In the "I want to pinch your cheeks" kind of way. Other than classes, I don't socialize with her much, but she's not a complete dimwit, so she's okay in my book.
    Morgan Janssen◑ - This girl has a fire under her skin, I can tell. She has small, certain quirks where I can tell she's just biting her tongue when something bothers her. If I could coax that fire out, maybe she could be a VERY good companion for parties and such. I like this chick. Let's see what she can do.
    Scottie [Scott Andrews] ◑/☺[♥?]: Ohhhh Scott. My little city boy. The first time we met wasn't the best first impression. I was practicing on my shape shifting, and had shape shifted into a snake. He practically pissed himself out of fear and nearly annihilated me. Luckily I shifted back in time. After that we started to become good friends. He's a bit of a flirty-pants though, much like me, and a party hopper. Although, I must say, he is somewhat of a bubble-head, but he's cute nonetheless, so I suppose that makes up for it.
    Sky Byrnes: ☺/♥ - My little Pyro <3 See, the thing about Sky and I, we have this... Strange connection. He's flirty with me, as I am back to him. I would LIKE to think of him as a very... Close brother figure because he's been there when no one else has.
  • Germ [Spencer Jerem] ☺ Spencer, Spencer, this guy lives and breathes knowledge. I love it, and he's totally cute... In an odd way. Anyways, Spence and I will always talk about the new Psych Today mags, and other worldly news. Sure, we're both pretty smart, but his power is his intelligence, so I've asked him a few times for help. He's really fun to hang around though, that snarky attitude just amuses the shit out of me. Oh...I should probably explain the nickname. I was kind of drunk when I first met him and didn't hear his last name properly, have been calling him Germ ever since.
    TEDDY-BEAR [Theodore McCaffrey] ◑ - This kid... I call him Teddy bear, only because he's mostly sleeping and his power is dream manipulation. I gave him this nickname when we were at Noctrem Academy a year ago. I don't think he really minds me, but I know he gets annoyed with the nickname. But he better suck it up, it's not going away.
    Zac Barnes ◑/☺ - Anyone with an interesting power catches my eye right off the bat, and this kid has got one of the COOLEST. He's a hoot in class, and extremely funny...For an Arcana student... ;) But nonetheless, I see through his goody-goody act, I see how he manipulates the teacher's thoughts. It's quite funny to watch... But, everyone has a past, and his seems to bother him more than often. Maybe someday we can become better friends.... Or something... But..Uh, let's get this straight, Zac love, if you EVER touch my memories. I swear you will die a slow, painful, gruesome death. Mk?


  • Amalthea Desolee Roerig ☺/♥ - I love this woman. Sure she's a sweet heart, I doubt she has one bad bone in her body. And yes, after I see her I kind of want to vomit rainbows and punch babies but she's a level-headed hottie with a body. And from Ireland. I mean c'mon, can you get much sexier?
  • Cain Montogomery: ◑ The bastard did some good for my powers, he almost always pokes fun at me, but whatever. He showed me with hard work comes a good reward, and he would always push me further than I thought I could go. So I guess I do have him to thank for my stubborn, hard shell.
  • LIONNN [Leo Marinos] ◑/☺/♥ - Lion is an interesting man, a polar opposite from Cain, and for being an ancient soul, he is cute as hell. Sure, I have to respect that he's the head master, but Mama always said you can't help who you're attracted to, and feelings are meant to be expressed. ;)
  • Margarita/Miss Right[Punny, no? [Margaret Wright] : ☺☺☺☺ - Sexy and young? Check. Awesome power? Check. Afraid of insects? Double, no...Triple check.Trust me, guys, I got this. *devious grin*
  • Vince/Steel [Vincent Steele]: ◑/☺/♥ - Psh, please, this teacher loves me. He doesn't need to hide it. I know he's amused when I visit him, plus I'm one of his best students.

McKenna Marinos
|18|Molecular Generation|Roommate: Jade Locke|Arcana|

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends - People I get along with on a deeper level
◑ = Neutral - Academic competition, people that I find enjoyable. Not true friends though.
☠ = Enemies - People I steer clear from. I make it a point not to have enemies. ESPECIALLY with the Noctrem students arriving.


  • Addison Lawler:◑ Addi isn't someone I normally would socialize with, but y'know if she wasn't academic competition I probably wouldn't even talk to her much. She's kind of bitchy, and not my style of friend. But I mean, she does make a good study buddy because she gets down to business. She calls me Fae, which is fine, because it's my middle name. But still, she thinks I'm adorable, and has pinched my cheeks a number of times. Please, kill me.
  • Alli Jackson ◑ I enjoy Alli's company. She's super smart, and we both like science. I respect her blunt attitude, and the way she sticks up for herself. Other than that, I don't think we have that much in common.
  • Ashy Fox: ☺ - Ash was one of the first girl's to talk to me on campus. We share quite a few things in common to be honest, long walks, dancing, drawing. Totally someone I could continue hanging out with. Not only that, but her power is pretty spiffy too! Water manipulation? She's a real life Water Bender! [Haha, Avatar reference. #Nerdprobs!]
  • Bells Dorson: ☠ Bells is kind of scary, not gonna lie. The fact that she can induce pain instills the fear of God into me. I mean, I know my body would heal itself, but still... And she's friends with the other girls who are just absolutely terrifying. I try to stray from them as much as possible. Other than that, I feel like she could be nice. Then again, I'm kind of a wishful thinker.
  • Beth Phillips : ◑/☺/♥ - Beth and I have a bit of a strange history. Ever since I came to Arcana I've had a bit of a crush on her. She's gorgeous and she is extremely intelligent. But I wish she wouldn't dumb herself down so much. She's got a fun, yet intriguing personality, but sadly she is a tease. It confuses the living daylights out of me... Maybe I should just keep my feelings to myself.
  • Corentine Quellen: ☠ Again, a scary person. She seems like she would gladly fuck anyone over when given the chance. I STEER CLEAR. Trust me, I don't want any drama.
  • Drake Quellen: :☠ Another Quellen, and another Noctrem student I stray from. He scares me. Although, his power is very interesting. Manipulation of shadows has always been an interest of mine. I don't know, he seems decent, but... If he is ANYTHING like Cor, then I'm probably going to stay away.
  • Eden Haven ☺ Eden is so nice! I love just hanging around with him, and his power is pretty spiffy! Although creepy... in a sense... The fact he can bring things to life... Ugh, maybe I've watched too many Doctor Who episodes, Buffy, or Supernatural! [Haha] But, I really do enjoy his company and I'd consider us close friends.
  • Ellie Carson ◑/☺ Right off the bat, her power scares the living daylights out of me. SOMEONE CAN READ MY MIND. AT ANY TIME... That's a hard gig, not only for her, but I feel like I have to be careful what I think. It's almost a terrible invasion of privacy, then again we are invading her mind by our thoughts flying around. I do wish the best for her in that aspect. Other than that, Ellie is really sweet, and she has been so nice to me since I came here. Sure, we don't talk too much, but I really do enjoy her company more than most on campus.
  • Griffin Jacobs: ☠ -This guy is a total butt. No wonder he's a Noctrem student. Although extremely cute, and seemingly charming, he is way too full of himself. I sit next to him in a few classes, and he flirts with most of the girls. It's quite silly. I don't think I really care or want to know him that well.
  • Izaiah Dorson: ◑/☺ - Izzy and I have our jam sessions, it's pretty fun. He's such a sweet kid, but I don't really know him that well. He's really smart too, how him and Bells are related is beyond me. They're so... Opposite.
  • Jack Murphy ☺/♥ I like Jackson a lot, he's extremely polite and sweet. I like taking walks with him outside, even if nothing is said... I don't believe in prying people open. Maybe one day he'll open up to me... If he doesn't I might just keep my girlish crush to myself.
  • Jade Locke: ☠/◑ - JADE.... o.o She scares me.... Another Noctrem student who seems to have no problem causing physical, or emotional harm to others... I don't know, it's just... I guess I could get to know her, she seems to have something underneath that tough disguise. But I am not one to pry.
  • Jaysin Dennis ☠ I don't talk to him much, he doesn't interest me. His attitude is for the fleas on rats, too low for even the dogs to bite. He thinks he's above everyone. I'd like to use my transference power on him... *sigh* Although cute, he is disrespectful and I have no tolerance for people like him.
  • Jess/Jessie [Jessica Coleman] ☺☺ - When I first met Jess I knew we hit it off. We have a lot of common ground, and it's totally awesome! I do really feel bad for Jess though with the whole lazer eye thing, which frankly scares me a bit. I do love this girl to death, she's like a sister and a best friend to me. We get excited over the little things together, and it's great to just chill with her outside and talk about nothing for hours. And may I say, she is the only one who can call me Mickey.
  • Kali Rickerson ☺ - Kali and I are really similar in ways; we always play sports together, and she is almost always smiling. We have similar personalities and possibly similar pasts. I enjoy her company and her crazy, fun ideas.
  • Landon Hirst Landon is precious! I can't get over it. I mean, we are an odd pairing as he has said before, but for some reason it works.We run out and get coffee in the morning, chat about random things. People believe he's extremely apathetic towards a lot, but I don't believe so. I think he's just... Picky about the things he cares about... Maybe that's not the right word... It's whatever, I like him, and our quirky friendship :)
  • Lilly - I really like being with Lilly one on one. Sometimes we sit around and have tea, cookies, normally talking about books and such. She is so sweet, and so wonderful inside and out. I hate to see anyone crush her. I find her power fascinating.
    Lulu Allen ◑ We don't socialize much, but she hasn't been necessarily mean to me. Then again, I've never really gotten in her way... I've seen what she can do to people... Karma, be by my side on this one.
  • Morgan Jannsen: ◑/☺This girl's got spunk, I think we could be really good friends! We have a lot of the same common interests, and she's really pretty. Maybe we can get coffee sometime and do nails or something?
  • Scott Andrews ◑[☺??] : Oh this boy.He is very much cocky, but on the alternative side, he's really super cute. I feel like he could be really smart if his head wasn't always in the clouds. I don't socialize with him too much to be honest, any Noctrem student kind of scares me. I do think his power is super spiffy though. He, like me, is super into sports, and sometimes we will play them together, but not often. Overall, I feel like we could possibly be friends, if he wants to be.
  • Spencer Jerem ◑ Wellllll, Spencer is extremely smart, he lives with his head in the books, or in his concoctions. We have this interesting competitive, love hate, relationship. We both like reading and photography, but I don't think he likes my attitude all that much. It's ok, sometimes he insults my intelligence and "my automatic passive power". I'unno, maybe one day we can get over that and become decent friends.
  • Theodore McCaffrey: ◑ - I respect his power, it's different from everyone else's, which is always good. Although I do wonder if maybe we could be more than mere academic acquaintances? I mean, I'unno, I'm not really one to push someone to be my friend.
  • Zac Barnes: ◑/☺ I really think Zac is a cutie, I mean he plays guitar, and so do I. Sometimes we have our jam sessions, which is cool beans with me. But his power kind of scares me a bit. I LIKE knowing what I did, and I don't like the thought of having my memories being altered. I do feel bad for some of the teachers, but I guess I would do the same if I had that kind of power. Overall, I really like Zac as a person, he's funny and sweet ^_^


    • Amalthea Desolee Roerig:◑/☺ - She's always there to listen to me, and I really do love her style of teaching.
    • Cain Montogomery ◑ - Mr. Montogomery scares me in a sense, yet I really enjoy him as well, he's always trying to help me out with the transference part of my power... But I can't decide if he wants me to use it for good, or for bad.... He's an interesting man, with a lot of quirky habits. He's quite alright in my book.
    • Leo Marinos: - ☺ Ok, scary things... and this may be utterly crazy but I'm pretty sure he is my FATHER. See, I have this old picture of my mother and who I assume is my father. The picture is really worn and creased from years of being in my pocket, under my pillow, and everything else, but I'm almost positive it's him. I don't know how to break the ice to him. What if he doesn't want me as a daughter? What if he doesn't care about me....
    • Margaret Wright ☺ - Miss Wright is a wonderful History teacher, although she can come off as somewhat cold at first, I really do appreciate her teaching style and I am glad she came to Arcana. I respect her class, and her power. She sometimes lets me stay after class to chat more in depth about the things we are going over in class.
    • Vincent Steele◑ /☺ I think I'm the only one who told him about my thoughts on Leo being my father.... Other than that, I really do like Mr. Steele, he always has great advice, and he is super sensitive and caring.
Last edited by ChaosxChild13 on Sun Aug 05, 2012 1:03 pm, edited 36 times in total.
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Many long for immortality but haven't a clue what to do on a rainy Sunday afternoon
“Some people live more in 20 years than others do in 80. It’s not the time that matters, it’s the person.”


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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby JubilousOccasion on Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:22 pm

Landon Hirst
|17|Force Fields|Roommate|Arcana|

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Addison Lawler:
  • Alli Jackson:
  • Amber Romano:☺/◑ Her power is definitely class A, but I've heard about the way she uses it. I don't really care about my reputation so I'm not afraid of her or anything. She probably loses a lot of friends doing what she does.
  • Ashleigh Fox:
  • Benjamin Hershkovitz:☺/◑He hangs around with Colby and I a lot, he's all right but the way he acts like he's too cool for Arcana is kind of annoying.
  • Colby Haskins:☺☺☺/♥ We've been best friends and competitors since the first time he smashed into one of my fields. You could say we're the perfect model of friends with benefits. Even when we tried dating, it was pretty obvious that we're better as a dynamic duo than heroes of love.
  • Corentine Quellen:☠ How do you say psycho bitch in Danish?
  • Drake Quellen:◑ He's a lot more mellow than his sister but we're usually doing our own thing, so we've never talked.
  • Eleanor Carson:◑Yeah, I'm one of those, totally freaked out by her power. I've always kind of avoided her even though everyone says she's nice. I just don't need anyone invading my thoughts.
  • Elijah Claymore:
  • Erin Hawthorne:◑ Her power sucks, or at least I'd never want a curse like that, but as a person she seems all right. I've never been close enough to find out.
  • Eriol Adelart:
  • Freya Mason:
  • Haley Stanhope:
  • Isabella Dorson:
  • Izaiah Dorson:
  • Jade Locke:◑ She's a favorite sparring partner but outside of power classes we don't really talk I can't decide whether or not I like her "realistic" outlook.
  • Jaysin Dennis:
  • Jessica Coleman:
  • Kallyah Rickerson:
  • Keirol Rancora:
  • Lauryn Chase:
  • Lilly Daniels:
  • Lora Evans:
  • Lulu Allen:
  • Marcurio Espenosa:
  • McKenna Marinos:
  • Morgan Janssen:
  • Scott Andrews:☠ I hate this asshole. We got in this huge fight right when they first showed up and since then he's been this huge jerk. Sure, Colby likes him for whatever reason, but I typically make a quick escape whenever he comes around.
  • Skylar Byrnes:☺/◑He's all right, pretty goofy. One can only take so much of those over-confident types, though. I can definitely see why Colby fools around with him, but I have my limits.
  • Spencer Jerem:◑If anyone were allowed to belittle absolutely everyone because of superior intelligence, it'd be him, but it's always annoying and this kid's the worst.
  • Theodore McCaffrey:♥ Not only is this kid really hot, he's got this mysterious detached demeanor that I find alluring. He's like a challenge, a gauntlet I intend to champion.
  • William Pond:
  • Yvette Beatrix:
  • Zac Barnes:


  • Amalthea Roerig:☺ She's probably the only teacher I really like, I've spent a lot of time in her office and I guess we've reached some kind of understanding.
  • Cain Montgomery:
  • Leonardo Marinos: ◑ He's really cool and all and he's got all these crazy stories, but I don't do well with authority especially when they get on me about school stuff.
  • Vincent Steele:
Last edited by JubilousOccasion on Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:34 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BIGBADpanda on Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:24 pm

Scotty Andrews
|18|Electricity Manipulation|Roommate|Noctrem|

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Addison Lawler: ☺/♥ Addison is one hot piece of work. Though our first acquaintance didn’t go so well, She was a snake, and everyone knows my fear of snakes. I was literally going to kill her if she hadn’t turn back to the hot woman that she is. She’s much of a flirt like me but apart from that I enjoy talking to her a lot. Also to add she’s incredibly smart, maybe she can tutor me some time ;)?
  • Ali Jackson: ☺ You don't understand, this girl was everything to me before we got separated, we were such good friends. Now that we have the opportunity to go to the same school it's just, incredible. I have to catch up with her or something.
  • Amber Romano: ☠ I really don't know what I did to her but she thinks I'm just a dumb jock, typical.
  • Ashleigh Fox: ☺ Honestly this girl is just a bundle of everything. Me and her both get a great laugh from each other. I just wish I could see her more often.
  • Benjamin Hershkovitz: ◑ I don't know about this guy, I don't see him a lot and we haven't actually sprang into a conversation or anything.
  • Bethany Phillips: ♥ Yeah I don't need the ability to read minds to know what you're thinking, another girl Scott? I know but Bethany, there's something different about her. I'm crushing on her, definitely but you can't blame me! There's a giant variety of hot girls here!
  • Colby Haskins: ☺ Speedy Gonzales! This guy, just to many words. I don't know whether he likes for what's in my pants or me but apart from that he's a great person to hang out with. He's has a great personality and I actually feel as if I'm different when I'm around him. I think he's atleast one of the only guys that I can talk to that's actually from Arcana.
  • Corentine Quellen: ☺/♥ Me and Corentine, In short terms, like each other for sex. No feelings, no break-ups we just go to each other for a good time. I mean when I first got into the school, I could not lay my eyes off Corentine and so hadn’t the other guys in Noctrem either. The sex, the sex is just completely amazing. I like how she abuses me in bed, what? Is that to much? Don’t get me wrong I love her for who she is and everything but I think we are going to keep things as it is. And to add, Corentine I want my shirt back.
  • Drake Quellen: ◑ I don’t hate Drake nor do I like him but theres something about the guy that does give me the creeps.
  • Eleanor Carson: ◑ I really can’t even remember if we ever did talk. She’s quiet and sometimes I wonder whats going on in her head.
  • Erin Hawthrone: ☺ Erin Hawthrone, the sound of her name makes me image her cute face. We talk now and then and I almost feel like I’m talking to old friend when I do chat with her. Though I’m scared to get her angry. That’s why I'm most careful with my words when I talk to her.
  • Elijah Claymore:☺ His power, like cmon, is totally bad-ass. He himself is totally bad-ass, like honestly though, he's such a cool kid to hang with. We have a great time with each other and I can actually say he's one of my closet friends.
  • Eriol Adelart: ☺ I like him, I definitely don't have a problem with him, why would I? There's nothing to hate about him. He's way too polite.
  • Elias Novario: ◑ I don't know about Elias, we have our ups and downs. We haven't got in a fight or anything, I'd say were cool.
  • Freya Mason: ♥♥♥ My heart stops when I look at her. She has me under her spell and I get butterfly's every time I try to make my move. She's a major flirt and that's a total turn on. She's everything I want in a girl. I definitely have the hots for her, and I'm praying that she feels the same. Just imagine us being together, we would make a good looking couple and we would make some good looking babies.
  • Hayley Stanhope: ☺ She's just a sweetheart, and I honestly feel the need to protect her. I see people often pick at her and I'm always there to stop it.
  • Izaiah Dorson: ☺ Me and him have this thing for sports, and I enjoy seeing his competitive side when we actually play something together.
  • Isabella Dorson: ☺/♥ Me and her have make-out sessions now and then and indeed, she is a great kisser. I have to say, she's a bigger party animal then I am. I sence that she isn't ready for sex, maybe its because I'm not the right person, or maybe she's just getting tangled up in emotion but I'm fine waiting.
  • Jackson Murphy: ☺ Yeah don't give me that lecture about who I should be making friends with. Even though he's from Arcana and I'm from Noctrem, he understands me and I understand him. He's a really cool person to hang out with and honestly, since we arrived, he's been the greatest friend.
  • Jessica Coleman: ☺ Shes a cool cat and I'm quite scared to make direct eye contact her, to be honest. Though she makes me laugh and I make her laugh, so I think we enjoy each others company. She has a great laugh, I can't help myself.
  • Jade Locke: ☺/♥? She's a major flirt and a hottie too. I wouldn't mind spending sometime with her, in the bedroom. Apart from that, I do like talking to her.
  • Keirol Rancora: ☠ He hates me and I hate him. I think its something about my power that bothers him, He keeps his distance, maybe he's scared? I should be the one thats scared, he can turn his arm into a blade! Honestly I really don't know what his problem is.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ☺ Kali is just a sweet girl, Honestly she just so cute. Cute face, cute smile, but were only friends. She helps me out a lot in History Class and she catches me when my head is in the clouds.
  • Lauryn Chase: ☺ She's just a bunch fun and she has so much spirit, she's just a great person to be around. She's like family to me, I've bonded her so much since we arrived to Arcana.
  • Lulu Avans: ☺ She reminds me of fire-crackers, don't ask me why. She's bright, way smarter then me and catches me at the worst of times. We have much in common, she understands me and I understand her. I can't see each other hating each other or anything. I wouldn't want to get on her bad side, for all I know she can make me a bigger klutz then I already am.
  • Lora Evans: ☺/♥? Bring me up some lightning clouds? Her power is extremely fascinating, controlling weather and stuff, thats totally rad. I'm unsure if I like her or not but I can't just be crushing on all the girls, geez. Nonetheless she's a awesome person to talk too.
  • Landon Hirst: ☠ Who does he think he is? Because Colby is so fond of him, I won't send billions of amperes through his body. Though if he pisses me off again I don't think I can hold myself back.
  • Mckenna Marinos: ☺ Sweet old Mckenna, I haven’t talked to her that much but damn, I feel that I connect with her in so many ways. She likes the things I like, such as sports and beware she’s one heck of a football player. Honestly I wouldn’t mind growing a friendship between me and her.
  • Morgan Jansson: ☺ I like her, as a friend. Something forces me just to talk to her more and more everyday. I don't care whether I'm in Noctrem or Arcana were definitely not enemys. I feel calm when I'm around her and I enjoy that.
  • Marcurio Espenosa: ☺/◑ I feel as if Marcurio feels withdrawn towards me, almost like he doesn't want to talk to me, though he seems like a nice guy.
  • Skylar Byrnes: ☺ He's actually quite the flirt but I don't mind. Apart from that we actually get along.
  • Spencer Jerem: ◑ He sure does have a brain, thats certain but geez! His determination to take over the world almost scares me.
  • Theodore McCaffrey: ◑ I don't know about this guy but sometimes I can't help but actually feel sorry for him. I catch him glancing towards me sometimes and I have had dreams lately and well.. nevermind, it's dumb.
  • William Pond: ◑ He's on his computer all day, so I can't recall us talking, ever.
  • Zac Barnes: ☠ I envy him for his brains in class and thats why I grew a big distaste towards him. I don't envy people that much.


  • Leonardro Marinos: ☺ Mr. Leo, What can I say? He’s a total badass and he drives us all into doing more and his class is my complete favourite, and I love the training. Though he’s really tough on me about controlling my emotions and such, but he’s still my favourite teacher.
  • Vincent Steele: ☺ Mr. Steele, You don’t understand how many times I have been in his office, I really don’t mind though. He helps me take control of my anger and he’s a great person to talk to. He’s at least one of the people that actually help to calm me down.
  • Amalthea Roerig: ◑ The school nurse is a hottie but I can’t really consider her anything more then a person of guidance. I go all the time to her when I need someone to talk to, though maybe it’s just to see her pretty face. Nonetheless she's a great person.
  • Cain Montgomery: ◑/☺ When Mr.Montgomery isn't acting like an ass he's helping out with my powers. I think he hates me because I started to enjoy Mr.Leo's classes. I'm in his office a lot because he helps me take control of my power and it somewhat helps. Oh and don't forget the nickname he gave me, Sparky. He probably thinks he's funny.
Last edited by BIGBADpanda on Sun Aug 05, 2012 10:34 am, edited 19 times in total.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BrandedOne on Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:59 pm

Vincent Steele
|24|Empathy|English Teacher and School Counselor|Arcana|

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Eleanor Carson: ☺ I see her often in my office. Her power seems to cause her no end of grief and I am more than willing to assist her. I, in fact, empathize (pun intended) with the young woman as her powers are much like my own. I enjoy the quiet times we share in my office, talking about her day and me helping her through it. Helping my students is my goal after all.
  • Addison Lawler: ☺ She is rather flirty a lot of time. She seems to think that boundaries don't really apply, but I understand her youthful enthusiasm. If nothing else, she makes her visits interesting.
  • Ashleigh Fox: ☺ She has a hard time expressing what she feels around others. I think that's why she enjoys talking with me, because she doesn't have to say anything. Like me, she enjoys her quiet time. I wish her well in the world and in this school.
  • Corentine Storm Quellen: ◑ I am fairly certain that this student downright hates me just because I'm an instructor of Arcana. She needs to get that notion out of her head or she'll not be able to function in the real world.
  • Morgan Janssen: ◑ She is a good student, does her work well, turns it in on time. I have no issues with her and she has yet to need any form of counselling.
  • Isabella Dorson: ◑ She is one of my more problematic children. Late homework and issues around other students for example. I know she doesn't really like me at all, but I will do my job as her counselor.
  • Allison Jerold McCray: ◑ She's a good student. Decent grades, does her work, hasn't needed me for counseling. She doesn't seem to like or hate English, probably around the medium range. That's acceptable.
  • Skylar Fiametta Byrnes: ◑/☺ I honestly don't know what to make of this kid. He's fairly average for a Noctrem student, but he's always coming to me for advice or help. It's not that I mind, I enjoy helping students, but I feel he has other reasons for talking to me so much.
  • Lauryn Vierra Chase: ◑ She doesn't really talk to me much at all. I think she has issues with trusting others, so that's something to work around. She's a good student overall though.
  • Eriol Adelart: ◑ He wary of me, probably because I'm an empath. Nevertheless, I will do my job as an instructor.
  • Theodore McCaffrey: ◑ This boy is a ball of repressed anger and sorrow that has been tightly wound together. After Noctrem burned down, he was sent to see me for counselling, and isn't highly receptive. I'm afraid for him, because his emotions will eventually explode out of this young man, and there's a good chance he'll hurt himself or someone else with them.
  • Drakethrean Mauri Quellen: ◑ He enjoys trying to get a rise out of me. Ass he seems to do is amuse me though. He'll have to try a lot harder than that to be effective.
  • Lilian Grace Elizabeth Daniels: ◑/☺ Her taste in drinks is admirable, I love tea myself. She knows the worth of some quiet time, and gets her stuff turned in when I ask it to be done. She's one of my good students.
  • Jade Locke: ◑/☺ She's certainly a trickster. Trying to manipulate her emotions to get though my shields. Not going to work young lady. I've had far more experience at that than you have. She certainly does make class lively though.
  • Griffin Jacobs: ◑ There is a very good chance that this student outright despises me. I honestly don't really care that much, let him have his assumptions. I will do my job.
  • Zac Barnes: ◑ Due to his past, I was assigned as this young man's counselor. This is something I don't mind doing, and our sessions are very clinical.
  • Izaiah Dorson: ◑/☺ He's a pretty good student. Thoughtful, cares about others, the whole nine yards. Always asking if he can help me with something though, and I'm pretty sure he's fishing for extra credit. I've humored him a few times on that.
  • William Pond: ◑ His ability to control the technology of the world is impressive. He's emotionally closed off a lot of the time, which I don't mind at all. He's still a good student.
  • Elijah Claymore: ☺ He trusts me and I trust him. The boy is a good student, and I can't help but think that I remind him of someone. He just gets that look in his eye. However, we have a friendship as a teacher and student, and he's one of my better students.
  • Freya Mason: ☺ This girl loves literature, so that's a plus in my book. She bonded to me quickly, and she's someone I look out for. This girl is like a little sister to me, and I put effort into making sure she's happy here.
  • Marcurio Espenosa: ◑ Talking and listening to the dead, that isn't right. No one should have that kind of power.
  • Erin Hawthorne: ◑ Her power somewhat scares me, but I'm at least able to sense when one of her rages is coming. I try to do what I can for her though, but I know that she hates having to ask for help.
  • Hayley Stanhope: ☺ She's a very good student. The kindness that my powers recieve from her is refreshing in this day and age.
  • Colby Haskins: ☺ I know this kid has a learning disability, and I try to help him through it. I know he gets frustrated with my class easily, as it's rather difficult, so I keep my office open to help him if he needs some extra time. I just ignore the other thoughts I get from him.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ◑ Leo sent her to me to help her through her life issues. It's the last thing she wants to do though. She seems happy enough discussing her latest adventures, so it's a start. I just hope that she opens up in time. Recklessness is fun, but it can and usually does end up hurting you in the end.
  • Amariah Marie Conner: ◑ It took a long time for her to open up, but once she did there were quite a few interesting stories to talk about. Despite just being counselor and counselee, I enjoy the chats we have.
  • Keirol Rancora: ◑ Odd kid. Emotionally like a brick wall unless opened up, but he has heart. That's all we can really ask for.
  • McKenna Marinos:
  • Benjamin Hershkovitz: ◑ He more or less avoids me. I can tell that being around me is uncomfortable for him, and that he doesn't like people in my profession in general. Still, my door is open if he needs something.
  • Jessica Coleman: ◑ I'm pretty certain that she's frightened of me. I wonder why? It's not like I'll use my power to embarrass or harm her.
  • Amber Romano: ☺ She's a little bizarre. Likes to try and trick me with her appearances, and learn secrets. Like I have any to give. I enjoy our bantering during the conversation though.
  • Scott Andrews: ◑ He's in my office a lot for counseling on his anger. It seems to make his powers run wild. I don't mind the conversation though.
  • Elias Alexander Novario:
  • Landon Hirst:
  • Spencer Oz Jerem: ◑ I don't see him in class at all. I suppose he thinks that he's better than I am due to my teaching subject.


  • Heather Lilian Kingsley: ◑/☺ Her love of Jane Austen is what I think draws her to my library sometimes, probably that and I'm the school counselor. She uses me for my books and my advice...that's an amusing thought.
  • Leonardo Marinos: ☺I first met him when I applied for at job a Arcana Academy. Something felt off so I opened my mental shield and was shocked at what I felt. He wanted to I told him off for it. He seemed mildly angry at that, but he seemed to admire my spirit and offered me the jobs of both school counselor and English teacher. I believe we are close friends, the first one I ever made in fact.
  • Amalthea Desolee Roerig: ☺ She is a sweet woman. Very kind, helpful, has the biggest crush on Leo that I've ever seen. I'm happy for the two of them though, because their happiness is important to me. Just so long as I get time with them too; I like my friends after all.
  • Cain Montgomery: ◑ Cain is...odd. He openly mocks me whenever he can, and puts up a good front. However, he's not as hateful as he appears to be with others, and that warrents some looking into.

Keirol Rancora
|19|DNA Manipulation|Roommate|Arcana|

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Eleanor Carson: ◑ Timid girl. Gets into your head and reads you like a book. Useful.
  • Addison Lawler: ☺ She's one of Erin's friends, so I try to keep in touch with her for that. Her power is a lot like mine, except she turns into animals instead of a living weapon. Still, she's fun to talk to.
  • Ashleigh Fox: ◑ I keep to myself, and she leaves me be. So why does she seem to pity me?
  • Corentine Storm Quellen: ◑/☺ She's the closest friend that Erin has. I'm pretty certain that she has reservations about me since I'm from Arcana, but she tries to talk to me all the same. I actually enjoy our conversations too; she brings an energy to our conversations that is quite fun.
  • Morgan Janssen: ◑ She's average. I do my thing and she does hers. It works.
  • Isabella Dorson: ◑ Her power is respectfully good. I admire her restraint in it's use. It reminds me too much of the lab needles though, so I get a little locked up around it. I need to speak with her more.
  • Allison Jerold McCray:
  • Skylar Fiametta Byrnes: ◑ His power is useful and he knows how to use it. If anything, the man is a good sparing partner. Just hope he doesn't see me in a physical sense, I'm not into guys.
  • Lauryn Vierra Chase: ◑/☺ We both respect each other and our abilites. We love to win, to have a challenge, so we're at least friendly. But she stays on the sidelines...and just watches me.
  • Eriol Adelart: ◑ We respect each other's abilities. That's about all I can say.
  • Theodore McCaffrey: ◑ The dreamwalker. Maybe he can find my lost memories. Certainly can't find them myself.
  • Drakethrean Mauri Quellen: ◑ We keep to ourselves. It works out better that way. Respect is mutual.
  • Lilian Grace Elizabeth Daniels:
  • Jade Locke: ☺ Her powers to control objects with her mind is very useful. I love to spar with her because of it, and she's fun to spend time with.
  • Griffin Jacobs:
  • Zac Barnes: ◑ He's average. I do my thing and he does his. It works.
  • Izaiah Dorson: ◑ He's always running around helping people. Tries to help me sometimes, so I don't mind him.
  • William Pond:
  • Elijah Claymore: ◑ We've never really talked before. I think he doesn't wish to be overbearing, not like I'd care.
  • Freya Mason:
  • Marcurio Espenosa:
  • Erin Hawthorne: ♥♥♥ She is everything to me. She makes me feel hot, my heart beats quicker around her, and when we make love it isn't just something wild. I can't imagine myself without her now, so I gave her my necklace and let her move some of her things into my room. I want her for myself, and myself only. Yes, I know she has sex with Drake, but I know that I'm the one in her heart...and I've never felt happier about anything.
  • Hayley Stanhope: ☺ Her kindness is inspiring. I find that I see some hope in the world through her. I enjoy the talks we share when she drops by my receptionist post by Leo's office.
  • Colby Haskins:
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ◑/☺ This girl likes the rush that adrenaline gives, as for me it focuses my mind, makes it sharper and more powerful. I think she's planning to haul me off on her next adventure.
  • Amariah Marie Conner: ◑ She avoids me quite a lot. I believe that she doesn't like me at all. I don't actually care too much about that though. Just so long as she doesn't mess with me.
  • McKenna Marinos: ◑/☺ She's certainly a mystery. Could possibly be Leo's daughter, which means I'd have a sister. I...think I'd like that.
  • Benjamin Hershkovitz: ◑ Interesting sparring partner. I appreciate his attempts to open me up with words, but it isn't entirely needed.
  • Jessica Coleman: ◑ Don't really know her that well. She avoids me, like she'd harm me.
  • Amber Romano: ☺ She's very interesting. Her power is dead useful and she loves to gather information. If I ever need the inside information on something, she's my first stop. I even pay her.
  • Scott Andrews: ◑/ ☠ He uses electricity. That reminds me too much of the lab. Get away from me.
  • Elias Alexander Novario:
  • Landon Hirst:
  • Spencer Oz Jerem: ◑ I know his only interest in me is how I was created. I avoid him because if he tried anything, I'd gut him. I doubt Leo would like that.


  • Heather Lilian Kingsley:
  • Leonardo Marinos: ☺ This man saved me, gave me a home, treated me like a son. He is my father now, and I will die before I see him hurt.
  • Amalthea Desolee Roerig: ☺ I used to hate her. I really did. But she's very kind, and I'm special to her. She is one of the few people I care for.
  • Cain Montgomery: ◑ Good teacher. Instructs well and teaches power usage effectively.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby OverTheRainbow on Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:27 am

Ashy Fox

|17|Water manipulation|Roommate|Arcana|

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Amariah Conner ☺ I admire her independence and the idea that she doesn't like a fight, yeah I'd defiantly say we got on.
  • Addison Lawler:◑/☺ We sit next each other in some classes; she seems nice enough. I'd like to get to know her a little better; we seem very similar.
  • Ben Hershkovitz:☺☺/♥ I like listening to him play music; and he opens up to me a lot about everything. But I sense that he's holding something back from me, to protect me? Other that, I really enjoy his company and I think I might be falling for him a bit, does he feel the same way?
  • Colby Haskins: ☺ Everyone need's a little bit of Colby in their life. Sure he loves himself, but he's always there to give you a helping hand whenever you need it, he also sticks up for me sometimes and we can have a good old gossip from time to time. I admire his ambition to be a superhero and he doesn't have too bad a singing voice either.
  • Corentine Quellen: ☺/☠ She's another one that scares the living daylights out of me. I try and clear of her at all costs; she tends to find some sort of pleasure out of scaring me...maybe If I weren't such a push over, she'd leave me alone
  • Drake Quellen: ☺/♥ What is it about this man? He's from Nocturm, which should sound alarm bells, but it doesn't...He's so charming and he gives me butterflies every time I see him. Something is drawing me to him; its very alluring, like playing with fire.
  • Ellie Carson:☺ I like this girl; I do. She has a caring nature. I like the fact that she always knows what's wrong because of her power; meaning I don't have to tell her. This provides me with a breath of fresh air, even though the expierence probably isn't a delightful one for her. Her determination to 'win' something inspires me; we could be all be a little bit more like Ellie.
  • Elijah Claymore: ☺ My walking buddy. We always seems to meet outside when I'm taking some time to think. We talk quite a lot and he's a nice enough guy.
  • Erin Hawthrone:
  • Eriol Adelart: ◑/☺ Another charming personality and he has a good work ethic. We talk sometimes but not often
  • Freya Mason:◑ Another one of the alcoholic girls, but actually we get on sometimes. I actually feel a wee bit sorry for her, I mean I know she can control it now, but can you imagine accidently just brushing past someone and them instantly falling in love with you? It have been quite scary and then just damm right annoying.
  • Hayley Stanhope: ☺She's a lovely girl, I see a lot of myself in her. I'm afraid people are going to walk all over her, defiantly going to keep an eye out for her
  • Isabella Dorson: ☠ I don't hate her as such; her powers just intimidate me, I'm scared of what she'd do to me if I crossed the line. I don't want her to hurt any of my friends; including Izzy
  • Iziah Dorson ☺ What can I say about Izzy? He's so kind and caring to everyone he meets and he seems like a genuinely nice guy. We paint together sometimes and the fear he has for his sister interests me; how can anyone fear someone so close to them so much? I also feel oddly protective of him when Bells rocks up...
    [*} Jackson Murphy ☺Oh Jack, What is it with this man and making me turn into a puddle on the floor? Ever the gentleman, he's so charming and polite yet so...mysterious and secretive; one of these people that just sort of appears whenever i'm in a sticking situation, helps me out, then walks off! So infuriating!
  • Jade Locke:☠ She doesn't really care about anything, she's also some i'd be scared to talk to in case she completely shot me down for saying that.
  • Jessica Coleman ◑ She's really fun to be around on the days when she's in a good mood, when she's in a bad mood, I steer clear.
  • Kayliyah Rickerson:◑ Another thrill seeker, but this one I have like nothing to do with, so it's kind of alright, I suppose.
  • Keriol Rancora:◑ I don't really know him, but he seems troubled... I heard about his past and it's just so horrid, I'd like to get know him a little better, just to see if I can help...
  • L Chase ◑/☺ She seem's like she's got something to hide, which I don't like. But she dances, probably a little better than me actually, although i'd never tell her that.
  • Landon Hirst:- ☺ Most people think that he's power is useless, but I think it's cool...he's defiantly someone to have around in a sticky situation...
  • Lilian Daniels:☺Good lord and I thought I was shy..but yes this girl is a sweetheart and we're quite friendly. She's petritifed of water, so I'm helping her, very slowly, to get over it... not entirely sure how she's lived her life being so scared of it...
  • Loralei Evans ☺ Another really good dancer, but she's one of the nicer ones. She has such a pretty name and she comes out on walks with us sometimes.
  • Lulu Allen: ◑ I respect the fact that she isn't afraid to speak her mind,it show's she has nothing to head, at least on the outset. We talk sometimes but we don't have much in common.
  • Marcurio Espenosa : ◑/☺ He's nice enough to me; but he's one of these people you talk to about meaningless stuff, rather than anything else, he doesn't care for people's problems and I like it that way.
  • Mckenna Marinos: ☺ We have a few hobbies in common, she's a good dancer,she comes with me on my long walks sometimes and her drawing is just superub. She's one of those people who has a really infectious personality that makes you want to smile from ear to ear.
  • Morgan Janssen ☺ I think Morgan is very under rated as a person. People think she's shallow because how friendly and bubbly she is towards everyone; I personally find her aura quite infectious and she makes me smile. I also like the fact she's there for me whenever I need her and her singing voice is amazing!
  • Scott Andrews:☺ You can always rely on having a good time with Scott. He makes me laugh, and that's defiantly a good thing.
  • Skylar Byrnes: ☺ He can sometimes be a little in your face; but at least that way I know he has something to hide. He makes me have fun; in a wicked way. It does scare me that I might get into trouble, but Sky said it would be fine....
  • Spencer Jerem: ◑ He's super smart and he's polite enough to me, but I don't really know him that well
  • Theodore McCaffrey:◑ He seems to be older beyond his years and very mature and he's quite, like me. However, he's deathly quiet and to me, that equates that he has something to hide; I steer clear of him.
  • William Pond:◑ He doesn't really interact with anyone and when he does it's normally quite hurtful. However, I don't really know him that well, so their could be more to him...
  • Yvette Beatrix: ◑/☺ Another one that worries far too much, like me. We talk sometimes but eh... I think how quiet I am creates an issue with her.
  • Zack Barnes ☺ He's always been like a big brother to me. He plays guitar and drums to an awesome level and I admire his passion for learning. I just wish he'd open up a little more to me; what is it that he's so afraid to tell me? We're close but It feels like sometimes, I know very little about him..


  • Amalthea Desolee Roerig: ◑/☺ Miss Roerig is a good person to have around; she's a really nice person, a good person to have around if you're accident prone like me! Her realistic nature is another quality I like, as she gives it you straight.
  • Cain Montgomery: ☠ He arrived at the school, with his students and seems to have no respect for any of us. He shouts at me and bullies me about my power; which is something I don't have any control other! I don't like the way he treats my friend and one day; I may snap at him.
  • Leonardo Marinos: ◑ He's my headteacher: what else do I say? We've shared few words and I like to keep it that way. In my books, the only reason you'd need to speak to the headmaster was if you were in trouble....
  • Vincent Steele: ☺ He teaches English; not my favourite class in the entire world, but his counselling role that makes me friends with him. He's one of the few people that I don't have to tell how I'm feeling; because he already knows. He understands a person's need for quiet time, which another thing I like about him.

[size=200]Jess Coleman

19|Laserbean|Roommate |Noctrem|

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Amber Romano:◑ You DO NOT get on the wrong side of this girl, I'm polite enough to her and we talk from to time, but nothing too serious, she's got a scheme going on and I don't like it
  • Addison Lawler:◑/☺ [♥] It makes me laugh how much this girl flirts with everyone; she tries so hard and she doesn't need to,because she's naturally pretty .Most guys would even without her trying to hard. She's nice enough to me and maybe I should get to know her a little more.
  • Ashleigh Fox:◑ She's sweet enough, but she needs to cracked that damm shell and have a little bit more fun!
  • Ben Hershkovitz:☺ Another one that likes to have some fun and another likes to wind me up on my bad days...Otherwise, yes we have a good time.
  • Bells Dorson:☺ She's in no way a girly girl, not at all and I like that. We go out for random photography sessions sometimes with her and she likes a good party. This girl is good fun.
  • Colby Haskins:◑ From what I know of him, he seems quite happy and bubbly and fun to be around. We don't really talk but I would like to get to know him a little better
  • Cor Quellen:◑ I Don't particularly like this girl, but I don't hate her either haha. She's incredibly bitchy towards everyone and I don't really like that, but eh, we co-exist
  • Drake Quellen:☺ He is the biggest wind merchent of all time, this man. Really not someone that I need to have around on my bad day's, because its his mission in life to make things worse! Saying that, he's normally always the one that comes to calm me down and we do also hang around on my good days, sometimes.
  • Ellie Carson:◑ She's so sweet and caring to everyone. But, to be honest, it's her power that put's me off. I feel sorry for her because she has to see what I she has a field day in there. She also consult's people about what they're thinking too, a little intrusive if you ask.
  • Eriol Adelart:◑/☺ You can have a lot of fun with this guy, as long your not the butt of his joke. He's very charming and I enjoy scheming with him, he's extremely underestimated, which is the best part
  • Elijah Claymore: ☺/♥? He's very Irish, which makes him instantly a little more sexy. His paitence, espeically with children is just amazing. I get frustrated all too easily in life, and Elijah seems to the only who doesn't really seem to mind it at all. He's a good man and I like him a lot.
  • Erin Hawthrone:☺ This girl is definatly fun loving. Our friendship is very refreshing in that, its not feelings based. We don't tell each other about how shit our day's have been or how much cramps's hurt, we just have have fun.
  • Freya Mason:◑ Eurgh, she is the exactly the sort of women that I don't like. I mean, infatuation as a power, oh please and I feel that she totally use's it to her advantage..
  • Hayley Stanhope ☺ Very sweet girl and she can be fun, but she seems like one of those people that you need to watch out for when she has a good time because she doesn't know her limits, bless her.
  • Izzy Dorson:◑ Despite the fact he's related to Bells, they are nothing a like not even in the slightest sense of the word. But other than that, I don't really know him, we co-exist that's about it.
  • Jade Locke:◑ We have a good time together, but she's another one that doesn't really look into my feeling or thoughts and I respect her for it.
  • Jackson Murphy ◑ He bucks the trend at Arcana in that he likes a drink and he throws the god dam best parties there, but other than that, I don't really know a lot about him...
  • Kayliyah Rickerson:◑ She's a thrill seeker, like me, I know that much, but other than that, I don't really know that about her, but I should get to know her a little more.
  • Keriol Rancora:◑ he keeps himself to himself and that's the way he likes it... I don't mind, less people to know...less people to hurt...
  • Lauryn Chase: ◑/☺ Wow, this girl can DANCE! but eh, I dunno, we don't really talk a lot, maybe we should?
  • Landon Hirst ☺ He seems nice enough and he's a thrill seeker, just like me. But he thinks our powers are GIFTS?! Well that'll be an interesting discussion when we get round to it....
  • Lily Daniels:◑/☺ She's quiet a little too quiet for my liking. I think the Noctrem lot being at Arcana will do her some good as it might bring her out of her shell a little bit. I emphaize with her on some levels though as both our powers have side effects
  • Loralei Evans◑ You can have a good time with Lora, another one of these party goer's, but other than we don't really talk.
  • Lulu Allen: ◑ She stays away from me, I think it's because of my mood swings. People tend to stay away from me on my bad day's which is understandable, but she just stays away from me all together, what's that about?
  • Mckenna Marinos:☺☺ Oh mickey, this girl truly does blow my mind, She's the type of girl that I have a lot of fun with, and despite the fact she's scared of my power, she's one of the only ones that seems to understand exactly how scared of it I am and she knows exactly how to deal with the side effect and I love her a lot, I do.
  • Marcurio Espenosa :[/b☺ ]Mouth like a sewer this one! But eh, he's nice enough. I almost... dunno... pity his power a bit, having to listen to one sob story after another must be such a drag! Only down side to Marcurio is; he thinks my power is the best thing really isn't, love, it really isn't....
  • [b]Morgan Janssen:☺ She's nice enough and she's bubbly too, yeah I like this girl.
  • Skye Brynes: ☺/♥♥This guy is SO much fun to be around on my good days, we have a really good time and I love being with him and just spending time with him. I tease him about the why he looks after himself, but I must say, it pays off, he looks mightly fine.
  • Scott Andrews: ☺ He makes me laugh, but we're friends, nothing more.
  • Spencer Jerem:☺ OH MY GOD! This guy is so cute and cool at the sane time, he's always blowing things up and stuff, its sooo cool!
  • Theo McCaffrey:◑ I don't really this guy very well; he seems very quiet and extremely wary of me and my power; probably righfully so..
  • William Pond:◑/☠ GOD this guy is such a NERD and not even in the cute sense, he;s just anti social and when you do talk to him, he shoots you down... no, I just don't get him...
  • Yvette Beatrix: ☺ Another party goer. this girl also knows how to have a good time and she's not afraid to get her hands dirty. My only drawback; she worries far too much about herself, for Pete's sake woman; just let go and have a good time.
  • Zac Barnes: ☺ We get on generally as people, but it's our mood swings that unite us... god that sounds gay, but its true. I understood exactly what he's going through when he gets angry, so I give him the space that he needs.


    Amalthea Roerig:◑ She heals my eyes when the short sighted-ness get's really bad, but other than that, we really have not a lot to do with eachother.
    Cain Montegomery:◑ I've worked with Mr Montegomery a lot about my power; he was at Noctrem before it was burnt down. He's always tried to convince me that my power's are worth having and that I should embrace them... and he won't take no for an answer.
    Leo Marinos:◑ He's the head master of Arcana; that's probably the reason I steer clear of him. I'm afriad that he's either going to judge me for what happened in my past, or try and convince me to embrace my powers; well good luck to him if he does.
    Vincent Steele:◑ I bet he has a field day reading my emotions..I don't really need him to tell me or others how I feel, its pretty much written all over my face. He is probably one of the people i'm most scared of because he knows EXACTLY how I feel about my powers, would he use it againist me?

Last edited by OverTheRainbow on Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:27 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby KittyKLL on Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:33 am

Benjamin Hershkovitz
|Seventeen|Oxygen Independence|Roommate|Noctrem|

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Addison Lawler: ☺/◑ We're pretty good friends because they both share a love of playing the guitar. We have some jam sessions sometimes, but other then that we don't have that much in common. Other than cats. Meow.
  • Alli Jackson: ◑ We have nothing in common and she's pretty much the type of person I kinda hate....ew.
  • Amber Nicole Romano: ◑ I don't know her that much, and we don't have much in common either. I guess we know we both exist and that's it.
  • Ashleigh Fox: ☺/(♥)Me and Ashy are really close, we, meaning mostly I, always talk and I find myself being able to open up to her. But she's just a friend, I don't feel something for her...right?
  • Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz: ♥ Who is this hunk? I would LOVE to get to know this sexy beast. RAWR.
  • Bethany Phillips:◑ Beth is decent girl from what I could tell. Maybe it would be nice to strike up a conversation from time to time
  • Colby Haskins: ☺ Hands down one of the coolest guys from Arcana. We both love food so much, that I wonder who would win in a food eating contest. Probably "Redline" cause' he's Mr.Speed
  • Corentine Storm Quellen: ◑ She freaking hates my power, and that hilarious. I love to tease her that she can practically do nothing to me, and its fun making her mad.
  • Drakethrean Mauri Quellen: ◑ He's Cor's bro and I would think that because his sister hates me he would too, but he doesn't. I think he also finds it entertaining which is nice.
  • Eden Haven: ◑ Eden seems pretty cool, but I say seems cause I don't really know him.
  • Eleanor Carson: ◑ I really don't know what to say about this girl. We have pretty much nothing in common and I kinda think she's a party pooper, but maybe the problem is that I don't know her that well.h
  • Elijah Claymore: ◑ We don't get all, but I don't hate him. We just have nothing in common...and he hates troublemakers.
  • Erin Hawthorne: ☺ We're pretty good friends since we both love to par-tay! Also we love to spar occasionally because I know karate and she knows kickboxing.
  • Eriol Adelart: ☺ Funniest. Dude. Ever. I love this man. We always have fun together pulling pranks and all that fun stuff.
  • Freya Mason: ◑/☺ We are decent friends and we get along quite nicely. We occasionally party a lot but there are other people from Noctrem that know how to have a better time.
  • Hayley Stanhope: ☺ We're both kind of childish and its tons of fun! Also she thinks that she is the best in lots of things and it occasionally fun to win against her and get her mad...unless I lose.
  • Isabella Dorson: ☺ Bells is a great party girl, she's tons of fun. Me and her skip classes a lot because we both don't really care for classes.
  • Izaiah Dorson: ☺ He's a competitive person like me and I really like that. We also have a love of music and guitars and that's awesome.
  • Jackson Murphy: ◑ Guy doesn't like me too much, thinks I'm childish. Well I am. As long as I get invited to his parties I'm cool with him.
  • Jade Locke: ◑ I know who she is...and that's about is.
  • Jaysin O. Dennis: ☺/◑ This guy likes me, probably because I piss off Cor and then he could have her. Why is it that people find it entertaining that I piss her off?
  • Jessica Coleman: ☺/◑ I really like Jess because on her good days, she's loads of fun and on her bad days its just so entertaining.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ◑/☺ She's pretty cool with her whole fearless thing going on for her, also she doesn't like chocolate. Big plus in my book.
  • Keirol Rancora: ◑/☺ Its fun to spar with him, but you never know what weapon he's going to throw at you and that what makes him the best. Although he is very distant, and that sucks cause I think he could be a really cool person.
  • Killian Jackson: ☠/◑ Yeah he doesn't like me, but he could go fuck himself. Oh wait he already does.
  • Landon Hirst: ☺/◑ We both could care less about school, and occasionally its fun being around him, but other than that....nothing.
  • Lauryn Vierra Chase: ◑/☺ We're both challenging people and it fun to have little competitions with her. Although other than that, we don't have much in common, shame.
  • Lilian Grace Elizabeth Daniels: ◑ We have nothing in common...NADA...ZIP.
  • Loralei Anthony Evans ◑ We both like music and having fun but other than that we don't have much in common.
  • Lulu Allen: ☠/◑ Don't like the girl, she just has a problem with everyone. I tried to be nice to her and talk to her but she doesn't like how I talk fast. Her big fucking deal.
  • McKenna Marinos: ◑ I don't really know the girl that much. All I've seen her is in classes, but she's usually quiet. I hear that she is tons of fun at parties though.
  • Marcurio Espenosa:
  • Morgan Janssen: ◑ We really don't know each other and also kinda don't have anything in common, but I like that she loyal to his friends and I respect that.
  • Scott Andrews:◑ He's really just not there most of the times when I have a conversation with him. Although he is fun when he is competitive.
  • Skylar Fiammetta Byrnes:☺ He's a cool guy that's funny and awesome to be around. Occasionally, me and him do some crazy stuff, but its all for fun.
  • Spencer Oz Jerem: ☺/◑ The mad genius himself, I always expect him to talk in a Russian accent like the character Gru from Despicable Me. Its obvious that he thinks my power is lame, but I like to be around him because because he is so damn interesting.
  • Theodore McCaffrey: ◑ I kinda like the kid, but a get a vibe from him. Something along the lines of that he doesn't care if i exist or not. I think he's secretly the reason why I get bad dreams after scary movies.
  • William Pond: ◑ He's a nerd. Plain and simple. And not just any kind, the ones that are always behind the computer monitor, who knows what he's looking at.
  • Yvette Evan Beatrix:
  • Zac Barnes:◑/☺ He's a really great drummer and has a great taste in music. I'm always trying to get him to jam with me.


  • Amalthea Desolee Roerig: ◑ She's the nurse, and some other subject that I can't really remember, but I know I never show up to that class. I guess she must pretty much dislike me for always ditching her class, but whatever I couldn't care less.
  • Cain Montgomery: ☺ He's a pretty good teacher and I think he's really cool, but he thinks my power is lame. We shall see who's power is lame when he's in the middle of the ocean drowning. Who's gonna save him? Not me cause I'm a bad swimmer.
  • Leonardo Marinos: ◑ Leo's an okay teacher, I guess. I heard he has a great love of food so that awesome to hear.
  • Margaret Eloise Wright:
  • Vincent Douglass Steele: ◑ I don't like counselors. After what happened to my mom I had to see a few hundred too many and it just makes me angry. I have nothing against the man, but I prefer to stay away from him.

Spencer Jerem
|Eighteen|Super Intelligence|Roommate|Noctrem|

♥ = Romantic Interest A distraction
☺ = Friends Thinks they are useful
◑ = Neutral Doesn't really care
☠ = Enemies On his list to kill when he takes over the world.


  • Addison Lawler: ☺ I love her power and its pretty nice to have a decent conversation with her since she's smart.
  • Alli Jackson: ♥/☺/☠ We both have love of science and I wouldn't mind having her as my lovely assistant, but sometimes I absolutely loath her when she thinks she right and she isn't. I would know.
  • Amber Nicole Romano: ☺/◑ Mystique much? (X-Men nerd reference much?) She studies hard so she's not an complete idiot, I might have some use for her, might.
  • Ashleigh Fox: ◑ She seems too nice for my world domination plot, shame. Did I say world domination? I meant for my swim team.
  • Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz: ◑ Truthfully I have nothing to say about this kid. That's what he is, a little kid. Although he might be the only one who survives when the global warming gets so bad that the air is poisonous. Also he was the only one in the Noctrem fire not coughing his lungs out in the smoke.
  • Bethany Phillips: ♥/☺/☠ There is something about this girl that just distracts me and it makes me hate her occasionally. She is pretty smart and I find myself wandering around just to find her and have a conversation with her.
  • Colby Haskins:☺/◑ I think this kid is really stupid, but I may need his speed one day. Also in Battle Strategy I like that I need to think even faster about my moves when sparring with him, though Redline is the stupidest name. Ever.
  • Corentine Storm Quellen: ☺ I like her power, I also like her thirst for power. Not the sweetest girl in town but you know, that's perfect.
  • Drakethrean Mauri Quellen: ☺ My one-man shadow army. All I need to do now is to fully convince him to join me, which I don't think its going to be that hard. He's not a soft one.
  • Eden Haven: ☺ For some weird reason, I like this kid. His dedication and love for his toys and statues. The only thing I don't necessarily agree with him is his religious beliefs, although I try never to mention it. You seriously don't know how horrible it is arguing with a religious nut, I already went through everything with my mother.
  • Eleanor Carson: ◑ The school's mind reader. She is more then welcome to read my mind, but she most likely won't understand anything.
  • Elijah Claymore: ◑ He's to nice to join the ranks as my minion. Cares too much, its going to be the thing that gets him in the end.
  • Erin Hawthorne: ☺/◑ I like her because she reminds me of the hulk and I'm kinda of a big nerd when it comes to comics. Also i'm not that scared of her when she goes all angry. I think we could possible get along if we just don't annoy each other too much.
  • Eriol Adelart: ☺/◑ I could invent time travel, but I'd rather have a minion with the ability. We also get along decently, you could say.
  • Freya Mason:Infatuation..ple-ase do me a favor. Also she acts like its the best power in the world. I'd rather have Ben on my side then her...and all his power is not breathing.
  • Hayley Stanhope: ◑ Who is this girl? Truthfully I don't much about her and from what I can tell she's too goody goody to join my armada.
  • Isabella Dorson: ☺/◑ Her power is great and we both share the same interest in photography. Also she's not too nice, perfect.
  • Izaiah Dorson: ◑ He seems too nice to be my minion, and he can't control his power when he's upset? I must admit that it would be funny to see him sink through the floor randomly.
  • Jackson Murphy:◑ I don't see much use for his power but I like the boy decently enough. Jackson always invites me to his parties but I rarely show up.
  • Jade Locke: ◑ I like her ambition to be strong and not show weaknesses, but her power isn't the strongest but it might help me one day.
  • Jaysin O. Dennis: ☺ This guy is a favorite of mine. 1) He's got a great power. 2) He supports me. 3) I actually like his personality. I approve.
  • Jessica Coleman: ☺ Oooh laser beams. I also heard she's an absolute doll on her bad days.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson:◑ Her power is interesting.....shame it can't hurt physically. She is okay, I guess, I really don't care much for her.
  • Keirol Rancora: ☺/☠ I would love to experiment on this boy, after all this is how he became this way. Although he most likely hates me because I remind him of his tortured past, but it still makes me angry that he's not letting me experiment.
  • Killian Jackson: ◑/☺ Killian is alright. He's good friends with Jay and that is how I know him. You could say that I'm alright with him.
  • Landon Hirst: ◑ Force fields....woopie. He acts like the great Dali Llama himself gave him that special power. Its not that strong, at all. Maybe if he masters it completely I'll take another look at him.
  • Lauryn Vierra Chase: ☺/◑ We both love to sleep, although her power is useful...but not for me. I think its a pain to have all those flashbacks though.
  • Lilian Grace Elizabeth Daniels: ◑ (Will probably progress to a ♥/☺/☠) A true to blue Hollywood the world needs another one of those. Shame, if you gave her power to the right person then....This girl also has to weird thing of sticking around me...I don't very much like it. It makes me feel uncomfortable, although occasionally I like it.
  • Loralei Evans: ☺ Her power would be very useful to me, if she learns to control it...also I like her free spirit and her love for photography.
  • Lulu Allen: ☺/◑ There were song old martial arts movies on E-bay that I bid for, but I lost. Turns out Lulu was the winning bid and she actually gave them to me. Before I didn't care for her at all, but now I do say the occasional hello.
  • Marcurio Espenosa:
  • McKenna Marinos: ◑ We both love photography, but I don't like the whole "cutesy" thing. She also doesn't like technology...and I kinda live and breath it.
  • Morgan Janssen: ◑ I don't know her, but I know she's not that bright, thus she can't be my minion. Then she is no interest to me.
  • Scott Andrews:◑ He's power is useful, I guess. I might need a major city blackout one day. Although he is pretty dim-witted, and that's not very appealing.
  • Skylar Fiammetta Byrnes: ☺/◑ Interesting, his power is strong. I just don't like his personality that much, how can a person care for themselves that much?
  • Spencer Oz Jerem: ☺☺☺ This is the most brilliant man who has ever walked this earth. No really...
  • Theodore McCaffrey: ☺ I see him as very useful, his power is strong, even if he doesn't know that. I hate to admit it but I respect him a bit, and I see him more than just a minion, but not by much.
  • William Pond: ☺/☠ We both share a love of technology and he's the only one who is able to talk and possibly help me with it. Although I am a bit worried that he will take control over my inventions, I would kill him if he did that.
  • Yvette Evan Beatrix:
  • Zac Barnes: ☺/◑ Hm his power is useful, and he has some brains in him. I shall keep my eye on him.


  • Amalthea Desolee Roerig: ◑ I really don't know who she is, since I never really entered her classes. I don't really need to go to class for...what does she teach again Philosophy and Ethics.
  • Cain Montgomery: ☺ I think he's an interesting teacher and its possible to have a some-what intelligent conversation with him, which is nice. I also like that he lets me have my own time and freedom.
  • Leonardo Marinos: ◑ To me his a normal teacher, who also happens to be my new headmaster...*sigh*
  • Margaret Eloise Wright:
  • Vincent Douglass Steele: ◑ He's a teacher, I don't need his class thus I don't enter. What else is new?
Last edited by KittyKLL on Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:30 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby partially-stars on Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:25 am

Morgan Janssen

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑= Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Addison Lawler: ◑ I get the impression she's trying to release my inner bitch. Which is fine by me, to be honest. We're never going to be best friends, but she's alright.
  • Alli Jackson: ☺ Alli, my little nerdy friend. When I don't understand something in class, she can figure it out. And seeing her stand up to someone taller than her is so funny.
  • Amber Nicole Romano: ☺ We're not quite best friends, but we're friends
  • Ashy Fox: ☺ She's so sweet and friendly. She refuses to give in to a sexist world and really wants to use her power for good.
  • Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz: ◑We don't have that much in common, but we don't hate each other.
  • Bethany Phillips
  • Colby Haskins:☺ I can't believe that the teachers haven't figured out that we chat in class. Admittedly, it's telepathically, but I thought me having to smother laughter would have given it away.
  • Corentine Quellen: ◑She appears to respect me. I leave her alone, she leaves me alone, and everybody's happy. She's not as much of a bitch to me as she can be to other students.
  • Drake Quellen: ☺/◑He seems interested in me. He flirts. I grin like the silly romantic fool I am at heart. Maybe he likes me. Maybe he's a flirt. Who knows?
  • Eden Haven:
  • Eleanor Carson: ☺ /◑She's really sweet and friendly. The fact that she can read my mind freaks me out a little, though.
  • Elijah Claymore: ☺ He's a nice guy. There are worse guys in the school, anyway
  • Erin Hawthorne:☠She thinks I'm silly and shallow. I'm not, but she doesn't seem to understand that.
  • Eriol Adelart:☺/(develops into ♥) He never seems to put his power to bad use. Which is good, because he could wreak havoc if he did. And there's just... something about him. He's an old fashioned gentleman.
  • Freya Mason:◑I think we could become friends. But her loyalties lie with Noctrem, and I think she'd side with her fellow students in an argument.
  • Hayley Stanhope: ☺ She thinks I'm a little blunt sometimes. (She has a point.) We're friends most of the time though.
  • Isabella Dorson:☠/◑She judges all Arcana students as innocent little angels.
  • Izaiah Dorson: ☺ I like him. He's sweet.
  • Jackson Murphy: ☺ He's a little like a big brother. He'll stand up for me if I have to be stood up for.
  • Jade Locke ◑/☠ She seems to think she's all that, liking bad boys. I think we're going to clash.
  • Jaysin Dennis:
  • Jessica Coleman: ☺ We get along on her good days. I avoid her on her bad days, and we're all happy.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ☺/◑We haven't really communicated much. But she seems nice enough.
  • Keirol Rancora: ◑I don't interact with him. We stay away from each other.
  • Landon Hirst: ◑He seems alright, but he doesn't like me because I'm both bubbly and a bitch.
  • Lauryn Chase: ☺/◑She's pretty cool. She doesn't argue with anyone, which is a bonus.
  • Lillan Daniels:☺ She's a sweet character.
  • Loralei Evans: ☺ She's so different to everyone else in this school. She's such a nice person, though.
  • Lulu Allen:
  • Marcurio Espenosa:☺/◑I freak him out, he freaks me out, and we're not quite friends. But, hey, he's not an enemy, so he's a friend.
  • McKenna Marinos: ☺ I really would love to spend time with her. We can do the whole girly gossip and chat thing, discuss the fit new guys, etc.
  • Scott Andrews: ☺/◑One of those flirts. I'm fairly sure that we're just friends though.
  • Skylar Byrnes◑He seems alright. He likes looking at his own reflection, but at least he's not trying to blow up the school.
  • Spencer Oz Jerem: ◑I sincerely hope the teachers are keeping a close eye on him, because he could accidentally (or purposely) blow the school up.
  • Theodore McCaffery◑He never seems to respond to any communication. I think the fact I can get in his head freaks him out a little, to be honest. But the fact he can get into my dreams freaks me out, so we're quits.
  • William Pond: ◑/☠ He thinks my grudges are stupid. Hasn't he ever heard the phrase, "Revenge is a dish best served cold."?
  • Yvette Beatrix: ☺/◑I'd like to be friends, but I don't think that's going to happen yet. We'll see how everything goes.
  • Zac Barnes: ☺ I'm one of the few people who really knows about his past. I usually cover for him when he freaks out.

  • Amalthea Roerig:◑I think she likes me as a student. I like her as a teacher, even when she lectures us on messing around with people's minds.
  • Cain Montgomery:◑He's alright. He tries to get me to show my fiercer side most of the time, and he's always giving me pointers on how to use my power.
  • Leo Marinos: ◑I respect him as a headmaster. He treats all of us the same, even knowing our powers.
  • Margaret Wright:
  • Vincent Douglass Steele:◑I'm not his best student, but I get my work in on time and work hard.

Zac Barnes
|17|Memory Manipulation|Roommate|Arcana|

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies

  • Addison Lawler: ☺/◑When she lets her real colours show through, she's actually pretty nice. She's always entertained when I make a teacher forget something. I think we could be friends, if we both made an effort.
  • Alli Jackson: ☺ She's still trying to figure me out. But she's nice, and doesn't go over the top when she's questioning me. She can judge whether a question will push me over the edge.
  • Amber Nicole Romano:☺ I like to debate with her. We both use music to chill out, so we do have a lot in common.
  • Ashy Fox: ☺ She's like my little sister. I've never told her about my past, and she knows I'm keeping something from her.
  • Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz: ☺/◑He's forever trying to get me to jam with him. He's cool, though.
  • Bethany Phillips:
  • Colby Haskins:☺ A truly awesome guy. 'Nuff said.
  • Corentine Quellen:◑ I ignore her, she ignores me. Neutral's the wrong word, but we're not worst enemies. But you'll never catch us skipping around holding hands.
  • Drake Quellen: ☺/◑He can sometimes be a little irritating. Most people get concerned or freaked out when I have an... episode. He just sits there and watches, and occasionally grins. But, hell, I like him.
  • Eden Haven:
  • Eleanor Carson: ◑I don't question her, she doesn't question me. I'm always very careful not to think about my past when she's around though.
  • Elijah Claymore: ☺ Good friend. He doesn't seem the kind to pry, which is always a good thing in my book.
  • Erin Hawthorne: ☺ We can relate to each other's anger. She's going to teach me kickboxing, and I'm teaching her drums in return.
  • Eriol Adelart: ☺/◑He seems cool enough. But I'm a little wary of what he could do with his power.
  • Freya Mason:◑I think she'd side with her fellow Noctrem students if they were jeering me for freaking out. She's not really the type to do that, but they're her family.
  • Hayley Stanhope: ☺ We're generally friends. I help her out in school. But sometimes her ADHD means she's a little hyper, and I go a little nuts if I'm having a bad day.
  • Isabella Dorson:☠/◑She can induce physical pain. I know mental pain is so much worse.
  • Izaiah Dorson: ☺ He's pretty cool, and a great friend.
  • Jackson Murphy: ☠/◑ He doesn't like it when I beat him in a debate.
  • Jade Locke◑/☠ She's not the kind of person I get along with. I don't think she'd understand when I freak out.
  • Jaysin Dennis:
  • Jessica Coleman:☺We have a lot in common. We both have bad days. We try not to have them clash, so that the school remains intact.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ☺ She's cool. She leaves me alone when I have an episode. But when I go back, she chats to me like I never freaked out and smashed the hell out of my drums.
  • Keirol Rancora: ◑We stay away each other. Simple as.
  • Landon Hirst: ☺ He doesn't pry. He's a really cool guy and always appreciates it when a teacher forgets a deadline.
  • Lauryn Chase: ☺/◑I don't question her past, she doesn't question mine, even when I go a little nuts. This mutual agreement means we're a sort of friend.
  • Lilian Daniels: ☺ She admires my drumming. Even though half of it is done when I'm frustrated.
  • Loralei Evans: ♥/◑She's so beautiful, and different. But she's never had a relationship. And I don't want to be screwed around with. Get over it, Zac Barnes.
  • Lulu Allen:
  • Marcurio Espenosa:☺/◑We're not quite friends, but not quite perfect strangers either. I freak him out a little, I think.
  • McKenna Marinos: ☺/◑We jam sometimes. She's one of those people who are uncomfortable with my power, but she tries so hard not to let it show.
  • Morgan Janssen ☺ I can trust her more than most of the teachers around this place.
  • Scott Andrews: ☠/◑I do well. He doesn't. Might be just me, but I wouldn't consider that a legit basis for hate.
  • Skylar Byrnes☠ Stuck up asshole. If he tries to get Ashy into trouble, I will smash his face with my cymbal. And I will not regret it.
  • Spencer Oz Jerem: ◑/☺ Thank God I didn't go to Noctrem. He could have blown up the school and I could have made everyone forget about it.
  • Theodore McCaffery☺ He's pretty cool. I think we'll get into debates in Philosophy.
  • William Pond: ☺/◑William seems to want to know anything about me. Sometimes he can trigger a bad memory and I can shout at him for no legitimate reason. But he sticks with me.
  • Yvette Beatrix: ◑I freak her out a little, with my mood swings. But she seems interested in what I can do.

  • Amalthea Roerig:◑I think she worries about me. She doesn't pry though, which is always a good thing. She sometimes lectures us on the ethics of messing with people's minds. It's always to the class, but I get the feeling she's sometimes directing it at me.
  • Cain Montgomery:◑He seems cool enough. He likes my power and shows a great interest in it. He's showing me how to do all kinds of cool stuff with it.
  • Leo Marinos: ◑I think he might be a little wary of me because he knows what I can do and about my history. But he seems nice enough.
  • Margaret Wright:
  • Vincent Douglass Steele:◑I don't like having to go to a counselor, but this guy's okay. He listens to me when I rant, and tries to help.

Alli Jackson

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Addison Lawler: ☠/◑I'm too straight edge for her taste.
  • Amber Nicole Romano: ◑We don't have much in common. But she's a fellow gymnast, and I admire her initiative.
  • Ashy Fox: ☺ Ashy gets along with everyone! She's such a nice, sweet person, and water manipulation is such a cool power. I'd love to find out how she does it.
  • Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz: ◑Absolutely nothing in common. So, we don't really communicate much.
  • Bethany Phillips:
  • Colby Haskins: ☺ /◑We get along well enough, but we're not best friends.
  • Corentine Quellen: ☠ What a bitch. She has no problem in telling me to: "Fuck up". Which doesn't even make sense, if you think about it.
  • Drake Quellen: ◑He only flirts with me to see my reaction. Okay, so my reactions can sometimes be funny, but teasing me like that is just mean.
  • Eden Haven: ☺ What a cool power! I know it only works on statues, but it's like that Doctor Who episode! But thankfully, the angels aren't try to send us to the past.
  • Eleanor Carson: ☺ Ellie. She's such a neat freak! But I love her for that. And her mind reading is just... fascinating.
  • Elijah Claymore: ☺ He's intelligent and can hold a decent converstation.
  • Erin Hawthorne: ☠/◑We should get along, seeing as we both adore gymnastics. But we don't. She's one of those people who have sex just for the sake of it. And her power shouldn't even qualify as a power. I mean, all she can do is essentially get really, really angry.
  • Eriol Adelart: ☺ /◑Time manipulation. Wow. What a cool power! It completely defies all the laws of science.
  • Freya Mason: ◑She likes literature, which is good. But she also loves getting drunk and sex, which isn't.
  • Hayley Stanhope:
  • Isabella Dorson: ☠/◑She can induce pain. I hate pain. Therefore, we don't get along.
  • Izaiah Dorson: ☺ We sometimes discuss science and stuff. He's pretty cool.
  • Jackson Murphy: ◑I freak him out a little when I try to analyse him.
  • Jade Locke:
  • Jaysin Dennis:
  • Jessica Coleman: ◑We don't have anything against each other, but we don't really have much in common either. She doesn't like the fact I try and figure her out though.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ☺ /◑I'm teaching her a few of my gymnastic moves. We're not best friends, but we're friendly. She doesn't really have much of an interest in science.
  • Keirol Rancora: ☺ /◑We love to spar. I'm considering teaching him a few dexterity tips.
  • Landon Hirst:
  • Lauryn Chase: ☺☺ We insult each other, we challenge each other, but if you dare mess with her, you'll have me to deal with.
  • Lilian Daniels:
  • Loralei Evans:
  • Lulu Allen:
  • Marcurio Espenosa: ◑We don't hate each other, but we don't really interact either.
  • McKenna Marinos: ☺/◑We both have an interest in science. We respect each other, but we're not quite friends.
  • Morgan Janssen ☺ I have one problem with Mo. She's too damn easy to figure out. But other than that, we're friends.
  • Scott Andrews: ☺ ...Scott's at Arcana? We used to be best friends! But then we went our seperate ways, and I thought that was that. But now he's here... We have to meet up!
  • Skylar Byrnes ☠/◑He doesn't appear to like science. He doesn't appear to like gymnastics. What is wrong with this guy?
  • Spencer Oz Jerem: ♥/◑Okay, so I have a little bit of a crush on this guy. So, he wants to take over the world. But he's smart, even smarter than me. He's the one person who can actually outsmart me in class!
  • Theodore McCaffery ◑I am determined to figure this guy out. What makes him tick? Why is he so different? This is going to be my project for this year.
  • William Pond:
  • Yvette Beatrix: ◑She appears to think that I think I'm brilliant and I know everything. I know I'm smart, but I know I don't know everything! Spencer reminds me of that on a daily basis.
  • Zac Barnes: ☺ Zac. Another person I have to figure out. We're friends, though, so he should be a little easier to figure out.


  • Amalthea Roerig: ◑I like Miss Roerig. She's a really nice teacher and encourages us to do our best. And healing is just... Some people might think of it as a lame power, but I think it's one of the best.
  • Cain Montgomery: ◑He considers dexterity a bit of a boring power. Just because it doesn't compare to being able to read minds or whatever.
  • Leo Marinos: ◑He's a really good teacher. Battle strategy wouldn't usually be my kind of subject, but hey, I don't usually get hurt.
  • Margaret Wright:
  • Vincent Douglass Steele:
Last edited by partially-stars on Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:41 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xKyrie on Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:52 am


Eriol Adelart
|16|Space Time Manipulation|Landon Hirst/Noctrem Academy|Deakins House

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies

Note: The first symbol will determine how Eriol acts around the character in public while the second symbol (after the "||" and colored red) is what he actually feels about the said person.

  • Addison Lawler: ☺ || Addie, confident littlest Addie <3 She is so airy and so fluffy I just want to make her fly away with the clouds and never come back. She is an immature brat who have been so spoiled as a child that she is as light and mushy as Angel Cakes. Apparently she is one of those I need to be buddy buds.
  • Amber Romano: ☺ || Amber is badass! She is a unique individual who reminds me of rocky road ice cream. We are not the best of friends but I like the way how truly-without-a-doubt realistic she is! Money makes the world go round after all! Like rocky road, she is practical and charming. She can be outgoing and engaging in some social situations but in the business world she tends to be aggressive and goal-oriented and that in itself is worth a smiley in my sheet.
  • Ashleigh Fox: ☺ || Toffee chocolate chip cookie anyone? I'd bake toffee-flavored cookies just for this girl. She is simply passionate and fun-loving who sees a need of change in the community or otherwise. She also loves to be involved in making difference haven't you heard? I wish she would get passionate enough to change herself though- She is just so dull.
  • Benjamin Hershkovitz: ☺ || Benjie my boy reminds me of M&M chocolates. He is childish and can be annoyingly irritating but because of that I enjoy his company. He can be sarcastic though not as sarcastic as I am and the bonus is that he is competitive and we love to make pranks. He likes to have fun and that explains why he is one of my best pals.
  • Bethany Phillips: ☠ / ◑ || Ah! I dislike this girl! I will definitely hate wasting oxygen talking to her, so I don't try to. She is pathetic and her being in Arcana confirms why I greatly dislike Leo. Who accepts weak students? Almond joy with almonds are perfect for her. She's a tease. She is also very open and confident, typical but meh... It's not like having these personalities will make her into something good.
  • Colby Haskins: ☺ || Colby should have been the endorser of Good 'N Plenty. He is so optimistic, perhaps overly so. He is a little bit more than energetic and has seemingly strong advocacy for gay rights that it has been relieving to know I'm not among his hit list.
  • Corentine Quellen: ☺ || Cor, Cory the cool! I will let her take a bite of Chocolate mint eclipse cookies. Cor is never a bore with little more than amour. She would definitely win in a popularity contest 'cause she is full of energy and loves to try new things just like that. To sharp-witted Cor: May the coolness continue!
  • Drake Quellen: ☺/◑ || Never talked to this man. He is Cor's bro if I'm not mistaken. He reminds me of a generic Ice cream. A cold-bastard. Self-centered and somewhat high-maintenance to boot. Don't have anything against him though.
  • Eden Haven: ☠ / ◑ || [☺ ]/ ☠ He's persistently nice and that is something you can't often find in times like these nowadays. It's as if he believes that I can be good. Which basically I'm not and never going to be. It's irritating and I don't know how I can emphasize to him that I will never shift to anybody else than who I am right now. If I'm a bit honest to myself I like his solid belief that I can change for the better... Who knows? Maybe one of these days, I might just change my mind. He's just like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups by the way. A generous soul. Those who understand the salty bits in life, as well as the sweet. ...That is a kind thing to say right? See?! I can be nice- if I want to be.
  • Eleanor Carson: ☠ || She reminds me of Strawberry shortcakes. I am allergic to strawberries. Its tarty and sweet and I don't like it. However I can't help but secretly indulge myself in some of these treats every once in a while... Is that why I am also finding myself longing to learn more about her?
  • Elijah Claymore: ☺ || Elijah is like a pumpkin pie. The perfect combo of uniqueness and quality. I don't know if I hate him and his older "brother"-like aura but he is not so much complicated to read. He is never overpowering and he just mostly assumes the best about people so I'm cool with him.
  • Erin Hawthorne: ☺ || Cherry Pie, it's more fascinating if it is Erin pie. Erin looks like cherry whenever she is angry. She is a contradiction--something that can't be defined consistently. She can be nice and mean rolled into one. She can be solitary yet still friendly and although she can be naughty, she will never innocent and naive.
  • Freya Mason: ♥|| This girl is sexy. She is adventurous, ambitious and passionate. She reminds me of chocolate cakes with chocolate icing, which is why I publicly pursue her. She is not afraid to take chances and will not settle for anything average in life. She is so crude though, one who seemed to live for sex and nothing but mindless flirting -more than anything I dislike that weakness.
  • Hayley Stanhope: ☺ || Hayley is lively, creative and dramatic. She charms everyone she meets with her enthusiasm and sense of style and that is why I can't stop approaching her whenever I could. She is too much sweetness like the double chocolaty-chunky sweet ice creams. She is so caring that I always wonder what makes her so. Shouldn't you be focused to yourself before everything else first and foremost?
  • Isabella Dorson: ◑ || A blueberry pie. Bells is sour-y, sweet-y, and tart-y all mixed up into one-y. She is a bit of everything that can make your tummy ache-y ache-y. Honestly, this girl is such a bore... I've seen a lot of girls who are like her. She should have taken lessons from Cor. She is putting her ability into shame! Tsk. Tsk!
  • Izaiah Dorson: ☠/☺/◑ / || ☺ / ☠ Can't understand this guy. He is hot and cold, -not a good combination mind you- that is with regards to pranks. He looks like someone who consumed a whole year's worth of Energy bar. He is so active, very very energetic and a little "distract-ive". It's either I like him or I hate him and when I do, it is extreme to the nth level I tell you! He can be so prying and I greatly dislike that about him. He acts as if he knew me quite well just because I unfortunately happen to show him my real self. Still though, he is one of the very few people I can call friend among this pitiful earth. The only one who accepted me despite my minuscule imperfections... Don't cry now will you?
  • Jade Locke: ☺ || Jadey, my long lost telekinetic sister or so it seemed (why does she have my middle name anyway?), is like coffee flavored ice cream. She is dramatic, flirtatious and a lively party-er, who thrives on the passion of the moment. An avid realist and almost sadist that I will undoubtedly give double thumbs up for. She is certainly not nice which for me is very nice enough.
  • Jackson Murphy: ☺ || Jackson's a Chocolate Peanut Butter Chip Cookie on this menu. He seems to enjoy the finer things in life. And I see him as someone adventurous... It must be because of his parties, I suppose. The cookie's richness, chewy-ness and tastiness, looks perfect to satisfy his cravings for new things and to have fun.
  • Jaysin Dennis: ☺ || Jay is like my... ex-best friend, well if there is such a thing like that. He's still a good person to talk to sometimes but things are not like how it used to be. A lot has apparently changed and you can simply say that we're both civil to each other. I don't have hard feelings when he was transferred, but goodness! Arcana? That sucks. A lot. And you know what sucks more? I'm also here now. Oh, golly. I'd offer him some Samoas by the way: for his strong passion for everything that he does.
  • Jessica Coleman: ☺ || Gah! This girl is like Twix! She is both brittle and supple in social situations. Totally trapped between two personality types! Can't you just have one reaction for your moods? Every time I scheme pranks with her I had to remind myself why I need to be friendly regardless of her... Moody moods.
  • Julie Heart: ☠ || I hate this girl. She is a know-it-all. Sure you know me, and when I state me, I mean the real ME. But can you exactly predict everything that I'm going to do with you, especially with the time on my side? She reminds me of coconut macaroon dipped in chocolate cookies and that is something I'm never going to explain why.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ☺ || Kaliyah, a definite daredevil. She is outgoing and guaranteed to please the masses. She is the safe candy kind of choice- typically like the good old Snickers.
  • Kierol Rancora: ☠ || Nothing else can show dullness compared to this man. I don't know if he fits thin mints cookies but I just can't think of anything better. He has this innate calmness in intense situations --like mints most probably and can be intimidating to others so I think that is a logical choice.
  • Killian Jackson:☺ || Killian's an OK guy. He is like a chocolate covered with cayenne, wasabi pea, sriracha jalapeño salt and piquin pepper. He reminds me of a masochist! Like honestly, and this might be over exaggerating it a bit but he just seems to be asking for it.
  • Landon Hirst: ◑ || Too apathetic, he seemed to be indulging himself with heaps of coconut cream pies. He is like a man who is seeking an exotic-like escape from reality with the way he is so detached.
  • Lauryn Chase: ☺ || Apple pie. I will serve classic Lauryn the classic apple pie. She deserves it, she is so traditionally, plainly, and normally true to herself. She is somewhat 'comforting' and yet too much affronting in my angelic adoring eyes.
  • Lilian Daniels: ☺ || Come on eat brownies, cutesy Lils! She is... The very definition of sweet and commonly über-loyal. She is brownies, overly underestimated yet she seemingly never did anything about it. A pushover who I have to pretend liking in public. Eurgh.
  • Loralei Evans: ♥ || ◑ / ☠ Ah! My dear Lora. She is a gypsy or so I've heard. Whenever I see her, I'm reminded of fortune cookies. Don't know why I do but she does. I've been expecting her to speak alien language and prophesy and all that crap actually.
  • Lulu Allen: ◑ || Talulah is like a raisinette that can be found in chocolate coated raisins. She has this unfounded hatred for me.. And I don't know where she got it from. I've tried being nice to her but she doesn't seem to buy it. What is wrong with this girl? Psychic much? Like oh-hail-great-Julie!, can she also see how I greatly dislike her very presence both at Noctrem and Arcana?
  • Marcurio Espenosa:◑ || I will give this necromancer some oatmeal raisins cookie. He is confident, simple, natural and almost barely there with his innate detachment to everything else. His power is undeniably cool though. I think if I was him, I might have fun torturing the undead instead of these boring humans.
  • McKenna Marinos: ☺ || Another fluffy, airy girl. McKenna is more like Chiffon cake she is light, bouncy and out-of-focused and very immaturely so.
  • Morgan Janssen: ☺ || ☠ / [♥♥] Sweet sensible Morgan. She is loyal, dependable, and oh-so bubbly. To be such a goody goody two shoes, do you need to eat chocolate chip cookies too? Just like this girl's personality seemed to be oozing with. She never seems to lose her cool even in the face of an argument... And her kindness? She makes me think of possibilities I don't always consider. That's a scary thing, I tell you.
  • Scott Andrews: ☺ || ◑ / ☺ Scotty is vanilla ice creamy! He is one of the corniest persons alive but he is so amusing I just leave him be. Scotty more like seems to rely more on intuition than logic. He is emotionally expressive and idealistic. Just like the plain old' vanilla, he is someone you have to try first before you can appreciate.
  • Spencer Jerem: ☺ || Guy's mother must have eaten a butt-load of pistachio ice cream before his birth. He might have a sense of humor (at times) and is a straight-to-the-point person but he definitely looks intolerant of change. I reckon Spencer seeks comfort in the routine and experimental types -- it is what he is only good with anyway!
  • Skylar Byrnes: ☺ || Ah! Funny lad! We laugh a lot together aren't you aware? He is a funny trusting lad! He is a white bread in my books. Has straightforward manner of thinking by the way. He is so simple that it hurts so much.
  • Theodore McCaffrey: ☠ || Hate this man! Period. I hate him the way I hate pumpernickel breads. He thinks he is that deep-thinker and that reserved individual but I state the opposite. This man is vindictive! He thought I never knew it was him who is ruining my sleep but I know. And I know full well how much he hates me, well dear bro, the feeling is mutual and I definitely get back at him by making accidental things happen 'round him all the time.
  • William Pond: ◑ || William pond, definitely a sourdough pan. Like the sourdough bread, Willie has a distinctive tangy flavor that doesn't sit well with some people. I don't definitely sit well with him. He is such a gay technology junkie that I would rather not waste a little bit of my energy for.
  • Yvette Beatrix: ♥♥ || [♥♥] / ☠ She is my sunshine, daisy and butter mellow- my lemon meringue pie which is yellow! Yvette's my girlfriend. Simple as that is I want to say but we have a relationship I can't define easily. I love her and yet I equally hate her. How confusing is that? I don't know where this relationship we currently have would take us... But I do hope we can last a while. Darn, I did not say that.
  • Zac Barnes: ☺ || ☠ / ◑ Zacky is like a 3 Musketeers chocolate. He does well in groups but he is somewhat pompous. He is the one who usually lies for everyone in the class- making him the defender of the students away from the evil clutches of deadlines in my book. He sometimes makes me want to give him the golden privilege to know my prankingplans 'cause of his ability but then I regress. No matter how helpful he may sound, Zac is still too Arcana-y for my sake.


  • Alice Fletcher: ☺ || Music? Do~ re~ mi~ fa~ so~ la~ ti~ *coughs* doamn, I'm not really the music guy. My form of art is different. It's pranks, the end. These are no doubt, the greatest form out there. Well, coming back to the topic at hand, Ms. Fletcher is like a butter pecan pie, devoted, conscientious, and fiscally conservative. She should've been a fine teacher since she doesn't seem to care for rules... But being an Arcana makes me wary of her.
  • Almalthea Roerig: ☺ || Hersheys. Don't ask but I will rather give this teacher some Hershey's chocolates. I suppose she is romantic and warm and sickeningly loving. She is the type of person that seemingly tends to melt and get gushy if held too close.
  • Cain Montgomery: ☺ / ◑ || ☺ / ☠ The man's a little bit evasive and slippery. Thinking about Cain Montgomery makes me want to eat butterfingers. He is good, good I tell you in the way that he is willing to teach us (unfortunately even those weak-willed Arcana) students, what he knows. But I think he is not someone who should be easily trusted. I have this gut feeling that he became the headmaster of Noctrem for no simple reason like having the dedication and goodness of his blackestdark heart. It must have been more than that I tell you.
  • Heather Kingsley: ♥ || Oh my dear Missus Lily! You are just like a Baby Ruth, so warm and fuzzy I just can't help but want to vomit every time I finish your class! You are so sickly sweet that I hope you stay as you are.
  • Leonardo Marinos: ☠ / ◑ || I hate Marinos to the highest level. I grudgingly call him Headmaster in public but I like to address him as Leo or Marinos personally. The man is like a phony. Looks like a phony. Sounds like a phony and acts like a phony. What can a bunch of poorly established rules do? He had so much mint chocolate ice cream in his life I think that is why. He is a survivalist so I guess that is another of those why(s).
  • Margaret Wright: ♥ || If she were years younger, I'd totally court this woman. She has the most charming personality and I totally approve of her. Teachers should be more like Ms. Wright. Since she is my favorite, I'd give her Oreos. For her creativity and wit, and the different surprises she has in her class. If only every day was scheduled for History Class, I know I surely won't get bored.
  • Urijah Price: ☺ || My idol! If everyone was like this man, the world will surely be a better place. No idiocy. No strings attached actually. Contempt and cynicism? There'd be less pathetic crying fools. He is like a rhubarb pie, old fashioned I guess.
  • Vincent Steele: ◑ / ☠ || Never liked the dude and would probably never will. He is so much like carrot cake! Imagine, carrot cake? He is so questioningly warm-hearted and more than a little quirky. I hear others call him fun to be with but I think they're deluded. There's nothing fun with associating yourself to someone who can sense what you're feeling.


Elijah Claymore
|18|Ability Replication|Benjamin Hershkovitz/Arcana Academy|Causton House

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies

  • Addison Lawler: ◑ She is fine, though I honestly think that Addison can be better... She can just be selfish and I think that clouds her treatment of others sometimes. She is very smart and I am happy to observe that she is not afraid to be herself.
  • Allison Mccray: ◑ Allison is confident... She is that type of girl who would often greet anyone she could come across. She values herself and for that I commend her. She is also a book lover like the other students at the academy and I can see that she enjoys it just as much.
  • Amber Romano: ◑ Amber is a very confusing individual. She is a straight A student and she can be nice and friendly to everyone else including me. When I unintentionally learned some gossips about her, I got rather wary of her actions. She is... Like the very epitome of a businessma-I mean, woman from what I have heard and sometimes I steer clear away from them the most.
  • Ashleigh Fox: ☺ I enjoy Ashy's company. She is one of those sweet girls that reminds me of the kids from the orphanage which I can't help but want to protect sometimes. I usually see her when I take long walks during the morning where we would end up talking about anything we can think of. I like hearing her plans about using her power to help those who are in need.
  • Benjamin Hershkovitz: ◑ Ah... Another sarcastic guy. I guess I try to steer clear of him, this might sound assuming but I don't think we have things in common. I get wary when he talks too fast sometimes and while I know he have an ability related to oxygen... I suppose he needed to slow down every once in a while too.
  • Bethany Phillips: ☺ Beth is a lovely girl. I think she has a refreshing personality. She can be fun and yet she can also be quiet, she is interesting. I like her bravery and she is so nice.
  • Colby Haskins: ☺ Colby is proud of who he is and for that I'm happy for him. He is a cheerful and active person and I hope he continues being so.
  • Corentine Quellen: ◑ / ☠ I definitely think that Corentine can do better... Just like Addison. She is beautiful and very confident and I like that about her. I don't know what she feels about me but the only thing I dislike about her is when she takes pleasure hurting others-- why does she think like that? I believe in a person's ability to change though so I hope that Corentine can change for the better.
  • Drake Quellen: ◑ / ☠ Sadly, I never talked to Drake... And I don't think I ever will. We are too different. I might be mistaken about this but I think he dislikes me. I guess whatever is his opinion about me, I respect it.
  • Eden Haven: ☺ Eden is a good kid, inside and out. He sees the good in everybody and I look forward talking to him. I am happy that there are guys like him and I am certain that he is going to be a successful person someday. I am truly grateful that he is one of my friends.
  • Eleanor Carson:☺ ...[♥] Elle is sweet and very kind. I enjoy spending time with her and I am happy that we are close friends. I like seeing her differing expressions, she reminds me one of those little girls that I teach at the park, she is very honest and caring. I am glad to see Elle getting better during classes. I'm not afraid that she can hear my thoughts because I know that she will not ridicule me. There are moments that I want to protect her and keep her away from any kind of harm, even though I know that she can stand up on her own, I guess, she is precious just like that.
  • Erin Hawthorne: ◑ I don't know much about Erin. I heard some things about her power and I think that she is a strong person to be able to live with an ability like that. It is not a terrible power I will tell but I think that losing control of yourself because of your emotions can rather be alarming.
  • Eriol Adelart: ☺ He is funny! Eri is charming and the way he seems to be friendly to everybody is very pleasing. Though there are moments that I notice him being immature I think he can still improve. I treat him just like a little brother, he is too nice to be treated differently.
  • Freya Mason: ◑ Freya is also among the other Noctrem students that I haven't conversed long enough yet. I can see that she loves Noctrem and her friends... And that she likes outdoors.
  • Hayley Stanhope: ☺ Hayley is another of the caring girls in the academy. She is cheerful and lively and I'm glad that she is. She can be submissive and somewhat be taken advantage of and because of this I hope that she would learn to be a little more confident with her stand. She is kinda blunt and for that I know she can change.
  • Isabella Dorson: ☠ ...[♥] ...Can you hate someone and yet be so much interested with them, regardless of that hatred? I don't talk to her though I actually wanted to. I have a feeling that she hates me- the same way she seemingly dislikes Izzy but I don't want to be judgmental. While I dislike her seeming inclination to hurt someone, I just can't help but want to know her better. Particularly when I heard that she had the pain-inducement ability... Just imagine what could happen when she uses that power on me?
  • Izaiah Dorson: ☺ Izzy is my other closest friend. He is such a caring and helpful kid. I like hanging out with him and I admire him for being so selfless and always doing the right thing. If I was a girl I know I'd definitely fall for this boy-- he is just that kind, so much kinder than I am.
  • Jade Locke: ◑ Jade is realistic and she have a cool ability but that is all I know about her. I heard that she is a flirt and somewhat heartless but I would rather not base on that assumption.
  • Jackson Murphy: ☺ Jackson is mysterious. I don't talk that much with him but I can see that he is a great person. He is a gentleman and I see always see him helping the girls around the school. He can be rather reserved though and I hope that he can open up to others.
  • Jaysin Dennis: ☺ Jaysin... *sigh*. I can't fully comprehend his fascination with Cor. Why can't she just stop hurting him? It is because of this reason that I dislike Corentine to be honest. While I think she can change, I think Jaysin deserves someone else better. I don't push him this idea though. I know that Jaysin can decide what is the best for him and no matter what happens, I will support him.
  • Jessica Coleman: ☺ Jess' moods vary though despite that I like her for being true to herself. There are moments that she is cheerful and hyper but I also notice her getting sullen. When she is like this, I want to ask her about her troubles hoping that I can help. I hold back sometimes though since she seemed like she wanted to be alone whenever this happens and I don't want to bother her more than what is necessary.
  • Julie Heart: ☺ Julie is energetic and nice. She can be sarcastic at times though. She's intelligent and I like how down-to-earth she is. I enjoy having meaningful conversations with her, it's like I always learn something new.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ☺ Kaliyah is friendly and outgoing. I like how she tries new things although I just hope that she eases up on being reckless, she might get hurt.
  • Kierol Rancora: ◑ I haven't talked with Kierol yet. He mostly keeps to himself and I leave it that way. I don't want to appear overbearing to other students.
  • Killian Jackson: ☺ Killian is a great friend and I am glad that Jaysin have someone like him. Even though others disliked him for what he did, I feel the opposite. I respect the fact that he cares for Jay and I even appreciate it. I can see where he is coming from and I wish that things will be alright for him.
  • Landon Hirst: ◑ Landon... Is someone I haven't talked that much yet. He mostly keeps to himself and I respect that. Even though he seems detached from everything else, I am happy that he looked like he is willing to use his powers for good.
  • Lauryn Chase: ◑ / ☺ I like how deeply rooted to the reality Lauryn is. She can be accommodating to others too. I notice that she is the type of person who is in control of herself and assuredly knows what she wanted.
  • Loralei Evans: ☺ Lora's ability is cool, I would like to control the weather if I can! She is also confident and I appreciate that about her. She is a little detached with everything else but I know that she can be kind.
  • Lilian Daniels: ☺ Lily is extremely shy and quiet. She is so adorable and I like the way she treats others- she is unselfish. Like Elle and Ashy, she is like those sweet little sister type of girl.
  • Lulu Allen: ◑ I am surprised that she is an enemy of those girls who are always together with Bells. I thought all of them were from Noctrem? Lulu looks confident and independent. She can be sarcastic but I don't think she is mean. I just see it off as her bluntness and being true to herself.
  • Marcurio Espenosa: ◑ I heard that he can talk to the dead. That is somewhat disturbing... And interesting. I wonder what does he say to the dead whenever he converses with them?
  • McKenna Marinos: ☺ She is a charming girl and she is such an active child. She is bubbly and funny and I hope she would always stay as happy and chirpy like this.
  • Morgan Janssen: ☺ Morgan is friendly and bubbly. I like how she tries to avoid arguments instead of instigating it further. We don't hang out usually but I am happy to see people who are like her- those who don't thrive in drama that arguments usually bring. Her ability is also fascinating. I think it would be actually cool to be able to communicate with someone through your thoughts.
  • Scott Andrews:☺ Scott is funny- especially where he would often gaze in nowhere in particular during classes. We sometimes get into friendly basketball games and we hang out together if he is not busy with other things. He is another of those amusing Noctrem students that I'd never thought will look pass my too much "Arcana"-like personality.
  • Spencer Jerem: ◑ Spencer is a bit weird. He is so intelligent that sometimes I can't help but feel stupid next to him. He loves experimenting and I sometimes want to see what he is so busy with.
  • Skylar Byrnes: ◑ Skylar can be vain, I guess. I can imagine him spending some time in front of the mirror just to make himself presentable. I guess there's nothing wrong with that though sometimes you have to draw the line right? I think he is one of those guys who loves to have fun and because of that I can't help but assume him trespassing and breaking some of the school rules.
  • Theodore McCaffrey: ☺ He is one of my friends and is a very interesting individual. While he can get depressed and reserved at times, Theo is a kind boy. I like spending time with him and I want to see him smile more often.
  • William Pond: ◑ There's not a lot that I know about this guy. I heard that he can be cynical and a technology junkie but I'm not sure. He always seemed to have a laptop anywhere he goes, though.
  • Yvette Beatrix: ◑ / ☺ Her self-loathing is very alarming. We're not actually friends, but I think Yvette is nice. She is a beautiful person and I want her to see it that way too. I'm glad that she's together with Eriol because I'm certain he'd make her realize how she must value and appreciate herself even more.
  • Zac Barnes: ☺ Zac loves debate that much is certain. Sometimes I feel wary with the way he plays with the teacher's mind. I don't tell him about it though since I know that he will not abuse his ability. Despite this, we are still friends, he is a good man.


  • Alice Fletcher: ☺ Ms. Fletcher is calm and reserved. She does her best to help us and I greatly appreciate it. She also organizes enjoyable events and I look forward to those.
  • Almalthea Roerig: ☺ I like Ms. Almathea! I like how kind and helpful she is. She is my favorite teacher, next to Mr. Vincent. I had a crush on her before and even now I can't help but stutter in her presence. ...I guess I never had outgrown that admiration yet.
  • Cain Montgomery: ☺ / ◑ Mr. Cain can definitely be terrifying. He has this aura that will make you follow everything he says. I'm grateful for him though that even if we are Arcana students, he still teaches us rather well.
  • Heather Kingsley: ☺ Ms. Lily is very nice and sweet. I commend her for her teaching skills and I like how she doesn't make it a habit to raise a voice against her students. I also like the fact that she teaches us about animals and plants.
  • Leonardo Marinos: ☺ I deeply respect Mr. Marinos. If I had his power, I would have gone crazy when the time comes that I have to watch each of my loved ones die. It's a terrifying thought and because of that I greatly admire his strength. I am also thankful for him for establishing a school like Arcana. This academy had helped us to become better persons and to utilize our abilities more efficiently and effectively.
  • Margaret Wright: ◑ / ☺ Ms. Wright's classes are always challenging. Although, she can be scary with her surprises but I know that she only tests us to see if we are learning something from her.
  • Urijah Price: ◑ OK, definitely not a manly thing to say... But I'm afraid of Mr. Price. He is somewhat scary and his aloofness makes me wary of what he thinks of us. He is a good teacher though and I always listen as attentively as I always am on his classes.
  • Vincent Steele: ☺ I enjoy talking to Mr. Vincent. He is a great teacher and I like attending his class. Being an Empath, I can't help but be reminded of my sister whenever I'm with him. Because of this, I feel comfortable around him. He is the person I ask for an advice if ever I am troubled by something.
Last edited by xKyrie on Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Arabella13 on Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:16 am

Hayley Stanhope
|17|Sound Manipulation|Roommate (if student)/Classes (if teacher)|Arcana|

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑= Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Eleanor Faye Carson:"I like her she is quiet and sweet and shy. I'll be a friend to her and keep an eye on her to make sure no one is mean to her."
  • Erin Katerina Elizabeth Hawthorne: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz:"We are like best friends! He's so funny and nice. We always have lots of laughs and fun together."
  • Scott William Andrews: ♥- She likes how much he and her have in common. She doesn't enjoy it but appreciates someone who knows how hard it is work in class and to stay focused in class. She thinks he is hot and will do anything to make him happy. She acts a bit shy and not as hyper around him.
  • Spencer Oz Jerem:"He seems to be a nerdy shy guy, but I think being super smart and from Noctrem, he might also be a bit devious and mischievous too. I don't know if I should trust him or not."
  • Keirol Oriel Rancora: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Alison Taylor Jackson:I don't know much about her but I like her well enough. She seems to be intrigued with behavioral analyse
  • Corentine Storm Quellen:"She is the person I despise the most in the school. She isn't just pure meanness, she is pure evil, in the way she is hurtful to others and manipulative. I will probably confront for her soon about it, try to make her be nicer to people."
  • Drakethrean Mauri Quellen: ◑/☺ "Even though she brother to a mean person, he is alright. I mean I don't hate him and he seems to not have a problem with me neither. He's cute but we are to different to go past anything besides friendly acquaintances."
  • Isabella Lyn Dorson: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Landon Michael Hirst: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Izaiah Joseph Dorson: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Talulah Katherine Allen: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Kaliyah Brylen Rickerson: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Skylar Hellios Fiammetta Byrnes: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Amber Nicole Romano: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Colby Haskins: ☺/◑ She ok with Colby. She thinks he is fun to be around and a good guy. She thinks that he can get a bit carried away. She will be nice to him and get along with him, she might even try to become better friends with him as well.
  • Theodore Michael McCaffrey: ◑ She wishes there was something she could do to help him feel better, but she's just afraid he'll get mad at her for trying. She may try to help him out a bit, but in subtle ways.
  • Jade Orion Locke: ☠ Hayley doesn't like her at all. She seems mean and evil to her, and Hayley doesn't like her powers either. Hayley might be getting into fights with her, but will try to avoid her and refrain from fighting her, because it's something she doesn't like to do.
  • Loralei Anthony Evans: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Lauryn Vierra Chase: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • McKenna Fae Marinos: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Addison Renee Lawler: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • William Bartholomew Pond: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Eriol Locke Adelart: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Elijah Cyrus Claymore: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Lillian Grace Elizabeth Daniels: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Freya Amelia Mason: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Ashleigh Maria Fox :"She seems to worry a bit too much. But I try to make her feel better about herself by showering her in confidence and compliments. She's like a little sister to me."
  • Jessica Annabelle Coleman: ☺ She seems so nice, but that's usually when she isn't in a bad mood. I like her good side though because she seems to be just like me.
  • Morgan Maxine Janssen: ☺/◑ She thinks Morgan is ok and even though some people might not trust her, being the girl that Hayley is, she thinks that Morgan only comes off as a bit nosy, brutally honest, and hostile at times. But she sees past what other people think and Hayley gets along with her just fine.
  • Zac Matthew Barnes: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Marcurio Devi Espenosa: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.

  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences


  • Cain Montgomery:"He scares me a bit with his interest in my powers. I don't think he has very good ideas for my powers in the ways that I should use them."
  • Amalthea Desolee Roerig: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Vincent Douglass Steele:"He's one of my favorite teachers even if I have some problem in his classes."
  • Leonardo Nikos Marinos: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
Last edited by Arabella13 on Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Renmiri on Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:57 pm

L Chase

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Addison Lawler:
  • Allison Mccray:
  • Alli Jackson: ☺☺
  • Amariah Conner: ◑ "She avoids me, I'm not really sure why. I hear she dances, though, and she seems nice enough; it never hurts to keep my doors open, right?"
  • Amber Romano:
  • Ashleigh Fox: ◑ "I think, for the both of us, there's some level of things that turn us off each other. Don't know about her, but what rubs me the wrong way is that.. innocent bubble that I feel like hangs around her. But then again, it's not like I really know Ashy, appearances and a few words aside. She's not my enemy, though, and she dances. That's always a point in my book."
  • Benjamin Hershkovitz: ◑/☺ "Cool guy, he's fun to challenge when we both have the time. Don't know him very well aside from that; although I still find him and Cor amusing. Come on, who can honestly say that they aren't?"
  • Colby Haskins: ◑/☺ "We're.. not very close. He seems entertaining, though, and even I've got to admit; super-speed is awesome. I've seen him with Kali sometimes, so I guess he's cool in that respect."
  • Corentine Quellen: ◑/☺ "I don't have a problem with her, and she doesn't have one with me. So we're civil. I don't really think about it."
  • Drake Quellen: ☺ "Drake's dependable, I guess, though kind of in a weird way. Doesn't really judge, so he's actually pretty relaxing and chill to hang out with. He knows I'm not in for a relationship, and all in all it's surprisingly nice."
  • Eleanor Carson:
  • Elias Novario:
  • Elijah Claymore: ◑/☺ "Elijah's kind of like me: guy doesn't judge, he's a hard worker and knows what he's doing. I respect that he's as down-to-earth as he is. And he's also a pretty good teacher, too; I'd totally ask him for help first, if I ever needed it."
  • Erin Hawthorne:
  • Eriol Adelart: ◑/☺ "I know it's not good to have my only impression of him as 'he's funny', but damn the guy's hilarious. Other than that, though.. Eriol's the only guy who can actually screw with my ability. I'm not insecure, but he makes me wonder how much of the past I see has been messed with. And that's, for more than one reason, not cool. He's nice as long as he's being civil, I guess."
  • Freya Mason: ◑/☺ "Who doesn't dig a British accent? I kid, Frey's.. interesting. We get along. Personally speaking, I don't think I'll ever get tired of watching her 'Infatuation' at work. Is it weird that I find people tripping over themselves for her kind of amusing? But, needless to say, we're not particularly close."
  • Griffin Jacobs:
  • Hayley Stanhope:
  • Isabella Dorson: ☺ "It's surprisingly refreshing, the whole 'I'll do whatever the hell I want' attitude. It's nice to meet someone not quite so self-conscious, and she's definitely fun to let loose around (the fooling around and flirting? So entertaining); especially for the wilder things. And the sweet frosting on the cake? Bells can dance."
  • Izaiah Dorson: ◑ "He and I have this mutual obligation to one-up each other all the time that, well, makes it incredibly hard to be friends. We probably wouldn't even be civil --or on speaking terms-- if his competitive gene had the word 'spite' in it. Which makes me wonder, is he really that nice inside his head?"
  • Jade Locke: ◑ "She doesn't bother me, I don't bother her. What can I say? We're not really friends, and I doubt Jade cares to have it otherwise."
  • Jaysin O. Dennis:
  • Jessica Coleman: ◑/☺ "We.. don't really talk much, but she seems pretty fun. I'd say more, but I honestly don't know her well enough without resorting to commenting on her abilities. And that she seems iffy about."
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ☺☺ "Kali.. could be awesome personified. Like seriously, no shit. To be honest, I used to have a little crush on her when we first met; we literally hit it off that well. Now? She's kind of like a sister to me, in a good way; the one I wish I'd had. It's cool. We're each others' wing-man, you know?"
  • Kierol Rancora: ◑/☺ "The words 'challenge' and 'winning' mean the same things for the both of us, so we're kind of friends from that. I'd normally try to get to know him better, but I guess he's just.. interesting. Something makes me want to just stay in the background and observe, so that's what I'm doing; at least for now."
  • Landon Hirst:
  • Lilian Daniels:
  • Loralei Evans: ☺ "I can't even begin to say how awesome Lora is, don't even know where to start. I think it speaks for itself that I'm actually a little protective of her. And, come on. She dances. And she's a gypsy. If Lora weren't straight, I'd totally be crushing on her. In fact, I might have, one point in time. But either way, she's cool."
  • Lulu Allen: ◑ "From what I know about her, and that's mostly just her image, we're both pretty similar; although her tongue is a little sharper than mine. Can't say what that bodes for. Other than that, I don't really know her very well; but I do hope that we never get on each others' bad sides, for the better of the both of us. I like my chances as they are, and she looks like she appreciates her privacy. 'Nuff said."
  • Marcurio Espenosa:
  • McKenna Marinos:
  • Morgan Janssen: ◑/☺ "She can hold her own, and that's pretty cool. And, well, okay. The fact that her telepathy leaves room for privacy is a good part of it too. But hey, sometimes there's just things that you don't want other people to know, and you can't blame me for wanting to keep my own to myself."
  • Scott Andrews: ☺ "Scott is.. Scott. What can I say? Super fun guy, and not because he has the looks to make any Range Rover sparkle like no tomorrow. I have no idea how he did it, but he's like the one guy who's just as competitive as I am that's actually chill enough to be my friend. And, well, I tease him all the time. Come on, with the amount of girls falling over themselves to tap that? He's just begging to be."
  • Skylar Byrnes: ◑ "I don't really talk to him and I don't judge, but apparently he's supposed to be a douche?"
  • Spencer Jerem: ◑/☺ "I've always wondered what it'd be like, to have an ability that makes you smart. I'd say that that was the extent of our relationship, but we're both also married to sleep, and he's a nice enough guy. So, well. That's that?"
  • Theodore McCaffrey: ◑/☺ "From what I can tell, we're pleasantly similar: he always seems to know what he's doing, and for a Noctrem student, he's surprisingly not wired. And sometimes I get the feeling that we come from the same kind of place. I wouldn't mind talking to him more, but he's so closed off and I'm not the type to push."
  • William Pond:
  • Yvette Beatrix:
  • Zac Barnes: ◑/☺ "We all have things we don't want to talk about, and sometimes you just can't keep it in. I get that, it happens to me too. Which is why we respect each others' privacy: I don't ask about what happens to him, and he doesn't ask about what happened to me. It's a weird sort of friendship just from that, but he is a nice guy."


  • Almalthea Roerig: ◑ "I try not to see teachers often, but Ms. Roerig's probably the only exception. I don't know how many times Kali and I have had to go to her for healing, but all I can say is that it's cool how she doesn't really ask. And, well. She's one of the more responsible teachers, so it goes to show."
  • Cain Montgomery: ☺ "Whoever let him be a teacher must've been either extremely fucked up or incredibly wasted. I think he's the only person who's ever made me speechless, in that first class. But believe it or not, Mr. Montgomery actually legitimately cares (shocking, I know). That said, I'm pretty sure the feeling of 'fresh air' is mutual, or we wouldn't get along as well as we do. And he's a great teacher."
  • Leonardo Marinos: ◑ "Cool teacher, pretty chill. He's done a great job with Arcana, and I've got to owe it to this place for getting my mind off and over my sister for those first few years. I'd have more to say, but I take pride in the fact that I haven't talked to him much as Headmaster. It's a good thing not to have been caught for trouble, you know?"
  • Vincent Steele: ◑ "He's the councelor, and I.. really don't like talking about my problems. Come on, it's not hard to see why I don't know him very well. Teacher-wise? Yeah, he's alright, I guess. Levelheaded super-powered adults are always good, especially ones that seem surprisingly honest."
Last edited by Renmiri on Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:29 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Korrye on Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:28 pm

Lulu Allen
| 19 | Luck Manipulation | Roommate | Noctrem |

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies

  • Addison Lawler -- Noctem ☠ One of the ‘fearsome five’ as she calls it. I don’t much care for her. They could have their own TV show they have so much drama going on, fights and all. She doesn’t like me much, especially since I told her off one afternoon. She wanted something from the dance committee, something Freya dragged me into. I denied her the deal she wanted on tickets and she flipped. She’s spoiled rotten this one. I don’t care for her. She’ll learn quick that you can’t always get what you want, especially if someone is giving you bad luck.
  • Alli Jackson -- Arcana ☺ Alli is really nice and since I came to Arcana, we've gotten along quite well. Hopefully we can become better friends before I graduate.
  • Amber Romano -- Noctrem ☠☠ I really don’t like this girl, if anything because she’s into farming rumors and maliciously spreading gossip. I avoid her, especially after she spread some malicious words about a few of my friends. She’s not nice and her smile is fake. She does a shit job of hiding what she’s up to in my opinion and the conniving side of her – blackmailing especially.
  • Ashleigh Fox -- Arcana ◑ The worrier! She seems sweet but I know the look in her eyes when she starts reacessing some decision she’s made. I don’t really know her, but when I see her I can only shake my head. She’s concerned with too much. I used to be like her and it was nearly crippling. Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to just let go. But who am I to say that, just makes me a hypocrite.
  • Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz -- Noctrem ☠ He annoys me, as he does many others. He talks so fast that I can get dizzy from it. I don’t care for how rude he can be in that respect, just going off some times to check if a person is listening. I always listen and with him, that just gets me a headache.
  • Bethany Phillips -- Arcana ☺ I met Beth shortly after she moved to Washington when we were younger. She had just moved to the area and our school in Clinton when Gray tried to kill me. She was a friend of Jacks but I only knew her in passing. With everything that was going on I didn't really get to know her super well. I went to Noctrem and shortly after I left, Jack started seeing her. When Beth got pregnant, it was a surprise but they were so in love I couldn't be happier for them. But when their daughter died, I had nothing but sympathy. When Beth broke up with Jack, I stayed by my long time friend. I have no hard feelings for her. She was a friendly face at Arcana when the schools merged. We've been catching up ever since.
  • Colby Haskins -- Arcana ◑ I don't know Colby that well, if only in passing and a random hello in the halls. He's nice, seems genuine, but we just run in different social circles.
  • Corentine Quellen -- Noctrem ☠ I resent this girl and I have been fighting with her since the day I walked into Noctrem if only because she's a bully and seems to enjoy wreaking havoc. She seems to be a female version of Gray though she does nothing to charm away the disdain she earns for her actions. After 6 years of being in school, having to deal with her, she may earn herself a curse eventually. If I could figure out how to do it again…
  • Drake Quellen -- Noctrem ☺|♥ I like this guy, even though he’s the very definition of a womanizer given how often he’s got a different girl coming out of his bedroom. At Noctrem I roomed across the hall from him before the fire. I appreciated when he walked around in a towel but needless to say, I had to invest in some sound proofing headphones. Freya has been with him more than a few times even though she knows I like him. I find it amusing to argue with him. He’s not one for daylight, even though the sun and light is what creates those shadows he loves to manipulate. I don’t really know what he thinks of me, especially since his sister and I have had our fair share of fights. He’s entertaining though, and heavenly to look at. Then again everyone likes him. I feel like I’m part of some fan club…
  • Eden Haven[/b] -- Arcana ☺ I liked this guy the moment I met him. He was really sweet and his power is really unique. We've become friends since the schools merged. Hopefully we can hang out more.
  • Eleanor Carson -- Arcana ◑|☺ Eleanor is nice but her power concerns me. My mother was a telepath and mind reader, and she used her powers to ensure that I didn’t think twice about her or my father. She used me and even if I thought once about leaving the family, about trying to get away from either of them, she’d punish me for it. That said, I don’t judge her for it. Eleanor is a much kinder person and I feel like we could be friends. That said, I don’t know her well as she is from Arcana.
  • Elijah Claymore -- Arcana ◑|☺ This guy is nice from afar, definitely going out of his way to help others in class or just around Arcana as a whole. I don’t know him but I feel like we could be friends if I got to know him. That said, he isn’t exactly my type if you know what I mean.
  • Erin Hawthorne -- Noctrem ☠ I lost count of the number of times this girl came barging down the hallway and banging on Drake’s door. She was one the loudest, to say the least. I don’t like how much she uses him for a good time, then again he does it right back to her? I know I'm jealous, I know.
  • Eriol Adelart -- Noctrem ☠ This guy is very mischievous and his charming exterior hides something I don’t like. He walks and talks like Gray did, and tries to prank people to such a degree that it’s almost conniving. I don’t appreciate his antics. If I see him around all I can think of is Gray and how often he was so nice to those he didn’t care for, but was rude and just terrible to those he hated.
  • Freya Mason -- Noctrem ☺ It’s not often that I find someone my age who’s willing to sit down and stomach black and white films. Freya is that person. She’s one of my better friends from Noctrem and I can talk to her about anything, even men and especially sex. She’s more open when it comes to that kind of thing while I’m a little more cautious to let a man get close. I wish I had her guts some days. That and she’s been with Drake on more than one occasion. Makes me a little uncomfortable since I like him and I know what he’s been up to with her…which is a little bit of everything.
  • Hayley Stanhope -- Arcana ◑ This Arcana is a unique one. I’ve never seen someone close to my age act so juvenile. She’s openly kind, something I admire, but I also don’t have patience for her innocent front or those practical jokes.
  • Isabella Dorson -- Noctrem ☠ Practically the leader of the ‘fearsome five,’ this girl has never been a friend of mine. She likes everything I don’t and she can be one of the cruelest people I know if she doesn’t like a person. I’ve been at the other end of her power once and it felt a lot like what my brother used to put me through. She’s gotten a good week of bad luck for it. I think since then we’ve learn not to cross each other.
  • Izaiah Dorson -- Arcana ◑ Isabella’s cousin, ah yes. I’ve heard of this guy and now that I’ve seen him I’ve come to realize he’s the opposite of what I heard him made out to be. He’s nice, and if anything he’s as much a defender of the weak as I am. I can’t stand a bully and neither can he. I feel like we could be friends if I got to know him better.
  • Jackson Murphy -- Arcana ☺ ☺ ☺ I have known Jackson longer than anyone else. He moved to Clinton shortly after I started school and we hit it off in the sandbox when he wanted to borrow my shovel. Jackson is the only person I know now, and am friends with, who knew Gray. He was there for me through the worst of it, through the beatings, the abuse and the pain. When Gray tried to kill me and later died, Jack was there. He came to the funeral, he held my hand and he knows that I feel that I killed my brother by cursing him. After my powers developed he wasn't afraid of me. He was a confidence booster if anything. When I went to Noctrem, he still talked to be every day. We remained close, even when he started dating Beth, a mutual friend of ours from Clinton. When he had his daughter, I was as there for him as I could be. I met her once before she died. I did the best I could to be there for him. I didn't see him until his father died and his relationship with Beth fell apart. I came back to help him with the funeral, to be there. We're still close. He started going to Arcana when we were 17. Now that Noctrem is gone, we're back at school together. I couldn't be happier.
  • Jade Locke -- Noctrem ☠ Another member of the ‘fearsome five.’ I don’t care for her, let’s call them ‘bitchy’ qualities. She loves to make a person feel small and while I stand up to her, her remarks can be quite stabbing. I leave her and her little friends alone most of the time.
  • Jaysin Dennis -- Noctrem ☠|♥ He’s one of the most notorious bullies. I don’t truly understand why he hates the world so much, or why he seems to think others deserve such a beating. I’ve always stood up to him and as we’ve gotten older, I’ve been especially on his tail. That said, the resentment we share for one another brews this intense…thing. But he terrorizes everyone. I don’t think I could ever be with someone like that.
  • Jessica Coleman -- Noctrem ◑ Even though we’ve gone to the same school for years, I don’t know Jess very well. In all honesty I try to avoid her. She’s almost two different people depending on her mood, something I don’t really care for as it only reminds me of my older brother’s very two sided nature, his charming nice side only being a front to hide something much darker.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson -- Arcana ◑ She seems nice but I don’t know her well, if anything because of the separation in schools. She’s a little out there, kind of like Jade in that she seems willing to try or do anything, even if it’s dangerous. I don’t have that kind of guts or fearlessness which makes her almost intimidating.
  • Keirol Rancora -- Arcana ◑ He’s not quite a wallflower but he’s not exactly the most outgoing person I’ve met from Arcana either. He’s mysterious and I sense there’s a story behind him. He seems nice enough but I don’t really know him.
  • Landon Hirst -- Arcana ◑ I don’t know this guy very well but he seems almost too cool for school – or more so that he just could care less that he’s here. To each their own.
  • Lauryn Chase -- Arcana ◑ I feel like we would have been friends had she come to Noctrem, if only because she’s a thinner, more dancier bubblier version of myself. She’s as blunt as I am which to be honest, would seem the likely source of a fight between us in the future. That said, I’m a little scared of her. She can see memories from people and objects if only by touching them. Gray is always on my mind and few people know that he tried to kill me, or that I played a part in his death. If she saw that, I don’t doubt that all of Arcana would soon know and I don’t need the extra pity glances.
  • Lilian Daniels -- Arcana ◑ This one is so shy, I feel like she’s the biggest wallflower I’ve ever met. I feel like if I even approached her, she might freak out. I don’t really have the patience to deal with someone who’s not as outgoing as I am.
  • Loralei Evans -- Arcana ◑|☺ This girl can brew up a wicked thunderstorm, much to the disdain of others but very much to my enjoyment. She’s very much a free spirit. I feel like we could get along well though I made the mistake of calling her out by her full name one day in class when she forgot her notebook. She didn’t seem to appreciate that much.
  • Lulu Allen -- Noctrem ☠|♥ I have a love hate relationship with myself. I feel guilty for what I did to my brother and yet in ways I’m very satisfied that he got was he deserved. My conscience has my mind in a tug of war and it has for the past 6 years without fail. I need to get over it, I know.
  • Marcurio Espenosa -- Noctrem ☺☺ Fortunate for me, I wasn’t the only new kid to Noctrem at 13. Curio was there as well. I met him on my first day and while I was closed off and guarded, he was curious. Eventually we became friends and we’ve been super close ever since. He keeps me upbeat and when I’m around him, I completely forget about my family’s stupid take on life.
  • McKenna Marinos -- Arcana ◑ She is the epitome of an Arcana student – a good student, nice to everyone, smiley and sweet. I don’t know her well but it’s a little unnerving. She’s into school too much for me and her studious side almost makes me guilty for neglecting my work.
  • Morgan Janssen -- Arcana ◑ Another Arcana student. She seems nice but a lot of people don’t think too highly of her. The bubbly personality is something that I find a little irritating, if anything because I live on the more pessimistic side of life.
  • Scott Andrews -- Noctrem ☺ Even though he’s often daydreaming – and I can never get him to tell me about what, Scott and I are good friends. We’ve known each other since I came to Noctrem. He actually reads! On top of partying and having sex like a machine. He’s one of the few people who knows about Gray and he understands it. Not like his life has been a cakewalk either.
  • Skylar Byrnes -- Noctrem ◑ If there’s one person who immediately got blamed for the fire at Noctrem – or at least suspected of being the culprit, it was Skylar. Never blamed him in my opinion. In all honesty I don’t know what to think of him. I’ve never met a guy who spends so much time on his hair. Hell I don’t even spend that much time on my hair!
  • Spencer Oz Jeram -- Noctrem ☺ At one point I found him half a dozen black and white martial arts movies on Ebay. I got them for him, knowing he liked them. He really seemed to appreciate it, even though before he didn’t seem to care that much for me. We’re not exactly best friends if you get what I mean, but I don’t think poorly of him.
  • Theodore McCaffrey -- Noctrem ☺ I stood up for this kid a few times when he was first struggling at Noctrem. He found himself bullied and I ended that as best I could. We became friends after some of the older boys were beating on him and I stopped it but since the fire he's completely withdrawn. I'm still there for him. Don't matter how many times he tried to shove me away. A friend is a friend, even in hard times.
  • William Pond -- Noctrem ☠ I have been told by this young man that I’m old fashioned. I like the old and the ancient stuff. He’s modern. We don’t get along, end of story. He doesn’t know how to appreciate a classic.
  • Yvette Beatrix -- Noctrem ☠ This girl is so self-deprecating that it puts my confidence issues to shame. I don’t truly know much about her, but her pessimism and self-loathing got old really quickly for me. Her power is very consuming, and I’m wary of her myself, if only because she could conjure an illusion of Gray and have me killing myself in a heart beat.
  • Zac Barnes -- Arcana ◑ I don’t really know this kid, if anything because he seems so weary of any student from Noctrem. I hear he can remove memories which, when I heard made me tempted to approach him – if only to forget my brother trying to kill me. But then I thought, if I lost that part of me then I wouldn’t really be me.

  • Amalthea Roerig -- Arcana ☺ As a healer, I wouldn’t expect anything but a kind face. She’s a nice person and she’s experienced a lot. Her power helps her give back, something I can only hope to do with mine. She a good role model and while she doesn’t like Cain, she’s still an excellent teacher.
  • Cain Montgomery -- Noctrem ☺☺ Professor Cain is one of the only people who didn't seem keen on telling me that I was better than a mortal. When I arrived he was immediately interested in my powers, not for his own gain but instead in seeing where they can go. He wanted me to grow in skill and I have under his tutelage alone. I truly value him as a mentor, even if we usually end our sessions with me sassing him out and him snapping back at him. He's also hot, so who can complain?
  • Leonardo Marinos -- Arcana ☺☺ This teacher is so different than Cain and battle strategy is a unique class in and of itself. I love history and this guy is a walking and much better encyclopedia than Wikipedia. I enjoy dropping in on his office hours since coming to Arcana. He is genuine and kind hearted, a type of person that I can only wish to emulate and learn from before I graduate.
  • Margaret Eloise Wright -- Noctrem ◑ Professor Wright used to teach History at Noctrem. To be honest I've much preferred Leo's classes ever since. She was always harsh and I didn't like the way she addressed humans. She painted them in the same light as my parents - beneath us - and I disagreed with that idea wholly.
  • Vincent Steele -- Arcana ☺ He’s an Arcana teacher and to be honest it’s nice to have a prof who is more focused on just teaching you English than shoving it down your throat that you’re better than the human race. He’s nice and if this adjustment – to going to Arcana – is as hard as it has been, I may end up in his office at some point…though I’ve always resented counselors.
Last edited by Korrye on Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:58 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Calvazara on Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:24 am

Freya Mason
|Eighteen| Infatuation |Roommate|Noctrem|

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Eleanor Carson:◑ I don't really know Ellie, she seems rather quiet and maybe a little shy, which is the complete opposite to me, I don't know how well we would get on in a social situation, it could be a little awkward. However, i have noticed that she is a genuinely nice and caring person, which is something i can appreciate and respect.
  • Addison Lawler: ☺ Addie's cool, we do have a laugh when we're together and she's always a really hoot at parties, I think she is just as spontaneous as me so she quite often goes along with my crazy, drunken ideas. Although what i don't like is when she shape shifts, although it is a cool power, it freaks me out a little.
  • Ashleigh Fox:☺/◑ Surprisingly we actually like some of the same things although having said that she doesn't like alcohol and i'm a little bit of a piss head so i'm not exactly sure how much she 'approves' of my lifestyle.
  • Corentine Storm Quellen: ☺/◑ Okay so Cor is a bitch with a capital 'B' and i'm pretty sure she has absolutely not morals. Having said that I do actually quite enjoy her company, at parties anyway, we don't socialize much on a daily basis, but at parties she's my shot buddy. I'm not afraid to say she does quite often scare the shit out of me, she once threatened to kill me if I'd ever use my power on her and I have no doubt that she would follow through with that threat.
  • Morgan Janssen: ◑ I quite like Morgan although her power puts me slightly on edge around her, I don't know if shes putting thoughts into my head, i try my best to push the thoughts away when i'm hanging out with her but there's always that thought looming over me. However I don't thing she would do that, it's probably just my own insecurities getting the better of me.
  • Isabella Dorson: ☺☺ I love Bella, who doesn't, we're great friends and shes a a great laugh, especially on a night out. She's probably the only other person at Noctrem I can talk to in confidence, out of the students anyway. A few months back we had this drunken night, where we kissed and I'm slightly worried that she thinks i led her on, i honestly didn't i just get a bit slutty when I'm drunk.
  • Skylar Byrnes: ♥/☺ So we fuck from time to time and it's honestly awesome but aside from that we are quite good friends also, he knows that if he ever need anything I'll always be there for him as I know he will be for me.
  • Lauryn Chase: ◑/☺ Lauryns cool although her powers scares me a little, I wouldn't want to be on her bad side as she would probably then creep inside my head, nobody needs to see how screwed up I really am.
  • Eriol Adelart: ◑ Where the hell do I start with Eriol? I mean he seems to like me but hate me at the same time so I really don't know where I stand with him, I really can't be doing with people who want you to constantly change, if you can accept me for me then we'll get along like a house on fire, if not then well then you can just fuck off.
  • Theodore McCaffrey: ◑/☺ Yeah I like Theodore, he's a nice lad and we kinda bond together in not truly fitting in at Noctrem and I like to think about him as a friend.
  • Drake Quellen: ♥/☺ Drakey...Drakey...Drakey oh lord where do I star with this one? Our relationship is pretty fucked up but it's amazing all the same. I ain't gonna lie I do love Drake, not like that but he's a dear friend and I would anything for him, truly anything. We have sex, a lot and we experiment with different sexual things and it can get a little kinky.
  • Jade Locke: ☺ Oh Jade, I really love this girl, she's probably my oldest friend at the school and we have such a laugh.
  • Zac Barnes: ☺ Zac my main man! Ha! Even if he is a goody-goody, but we share a love of music and pratting around.
  • Izaiah Dorson: ◑/☺ yeah I'm pretty sure he disapproves of my 'morals' or lack of but oh well not everyone is gonna like you, fact of life.
  • William Pond:◑ don't really know much about this guy, he likes to keep himself to himself. Don't blame him really if I wasn't a naurotic blonde I'd probably be the same.
  • Marcurio Espenosa: ☺ my favourite little necromancer! Love this guy, he awesome, plus a fan of older men like myself, we often trade notes.
  • Erin Hawthorne:☠ crazy bitch. Seriously, she hates my guts, I have no idea why but she does and to be frank I really couldn't give a crap. I don't get her at all she goes around saying how in love she is With Keirol yet is still fucking Drake? She really needs to sort her priorities out.
  • Colby Haskins: ☺☺ my brother from another mother, I love him too bits and if he were straight I'd totally tap that, but he ain't so I have to settle for him being my best gay.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ◑ Kal seems nice, well of course she's nice the girl is a born and bred Arcana student.
  • Ben Hershkovitz:☺ Bens a nice guy and we often have a laugh at parties other than that we don't really talk to eachoter.
  • Spencer Jerem : ☠ what a pretentious little prick. Well if you haven't guessed I really don't like him or his plans for world dominations, I have half a mind to make him fall in love with a duck or something.
  • Scott Andrews: ♥♥♥ I can feel myself slowly but surely starting to fall for Scott and that scares the crap out of me because in all honesty I'm terrified that one day he'll wake up and realise he can do so much better, that's why I try to keep things platonic, although that is failing miserably. He accepts me for who I am, he doesn't try to change me and he is incredibly handsome, how can I not fall helplessly head over heels in love with hims
  • Keirol Rancora: ◑ I honestly don't know what to think of him, honestly I think he is a bit of a fool for sharing Erin but who am I to pry into their relationship, if it works it works, good for them. I don't know if he likes me or not, honestly I'm indifferent either way, but I'm not going to be a bitch to him unless he takes a petty stance and hates me because Erin does.
  • Lulu Allen : ☺ Lulu is a great person and we get along so well especially with our love of literature and classic movies. If I need cheering up I'll go to her room with ice cream, a bottle of bourbon and an old movie.
  • Loralei Evans: ☺First of all I can't believe I'm about to say this but, this girl has the potential to be one of the greatest friends ever. I envy her traveller lifestyle and we often talk about the different places she has visited. I also think her power is amazing, I would love to be able to control the weather, I would make it snow all the time. She is a lovely girl and fun to be around, really happy I got to meet her.
  • Elijah Claymore:◑ I have yet to meet this one, he seems okay though.
  • Hayley Stanhope: ◑ I don't really know much about Hayley although from what I've heard she's a nice girls, I'm intrigued to know what sound manipulation can actually do as I'm not really sure what to think of it
  • Lilian Daniels: ☺ okay so I surprise myself saying this but I would go to the ends of the earth to protect this girl, she is just so naive and innocent that's it's almost as if she isn't real, it's hard to think that one person can be so good. I hope she know that I will always have her back, she's like a little sister to me.
  • Jessica Coleman: ◑ it's our very own cyclops, sorry that cruel, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me and my slutty behaviour, oh well no love loss there.
  • Jaysin O. Dennis: ☺/♥ Jay is great and he is who he is and personally wouldn't change a thing, I know how that feels and it's not nice, that's why I accept people for who they are. We sit and get drunk together quite often, only the hard stuff though, I like to think I could drink him under the table. I admire how honest he is even if he can be a bit too honest at time, but you've just got to learn to take it on the chin with him. Probably my guy best friend and I know he will always have my back, like i'd always have his. And that one kiss was absolutely...amazing.
  • Amber Romano:◑ Amber's alright, we don't exactly spend that much time together, i would like to get to know her better.
  • Eden Haven: ☺Haha, I love Eden the guy is a legend and he's a great listener, so i know i can vent to him.
  • Killan Jackson: ☺ Since him and Jay are like a package deal, we were kinda put together, but i'm glad because he's totally awesome and like Jay I know he'll always be there for me, which i appreciate.
  • Eden Haven:


  • Heather Kingsley:
  • Leonardo Marinos:
  • Vincent Steele:
  • Olivia Marwick:
  • Cain Montgomery: ☺ Mr Montgomery is a great man, he is one of the only people I can truly trust and I know he will never let me feel alone. I do feel like we have a father/daughter relationship, which I do secretly love, it's nice having someone care about you and to have someone who will protect you come he'll or high water. I do fear that I will disappoint him, he has such high hopes for me I just don't want to let him down.
  • Character's Name:

Will finish the rest off later, i need to go out now :)
Last edited by Calvazara on Mon Aug 06, 2012 7:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby alxxxjames on Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:32 pm

Jaysin O. Dennis
|19|Cloning|Roommate (if student)/Classes (if teacher)|Arcana|

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Addison Lawler: ☺♥♥ She'd easily replace Cor if most of my heart didn't belong to her..Then it's the fact that she has probably slept with more guys than Cor has.. What a shame. I want so much of Addison and Cor at the same time. I'm so curious if that'd be an option. I will make my move on Addison soon enough though because I have to get Cor to fuck Skylar or Scott to get some time for Addison. I'm pretty sure she'd be down.
  • Alli Jackson: ☺ I would love to try out her flexibility in the bedroom, but for some reason this little sweetheart gets the best of me.. So I respect her. I don't fucking know why.. But I just do. She reminds me of a little sister I'm suppose to look after.
  • Amber Romano: ◑ She has that look like she sees deep within my soul and that scares the living shit out of me.. I keep my distance for sure.
  • Ashleigh Fox: ◑ I don't know much about this girl, so I shouldn't even bother trying to type up a relation for somebody I don't even care to know.
  • Bells Dorson: ☺◑ Being forced to talk to her at times, I really don't care too much for her. It's nothing personal.. Well, maybe a little.
  • Benjamin Hershkovitz: ☺◑ I enjoy this guy's power over Cor way too much. He makes me laugh when he gets Cor all fired up because I do enjoy taking her to the bedroom to let her get all that frustration out.
  • Bethany Phillips:
  • Colby Haskins: ☠ If I could catch him, I'd beat the shit out of him. If he hits on me one more time, I swear to God I'll fuck him up. Somehow.. I will catch him.
  • Corentine Quellen: ♥♥ I absolutely adore this girl. She has some issues with me, so it's hard to tell her how I really feel about her at times. Of course, we've been fucking quiet frequently, but she still hasn't given up the other billion guys she has on the side. This is becoming such a issue that I've found myself searching for someone else to replace her. She'd never let that happen. At least, I hope she won't let me go that easily.
  • Drakethrean Quellen: ☺◑ We get along because we actually like each other. Cor has nothing to do with it.. She has to due with the strain in our relationship though because it's so fucking awkward to discuss a girl you're fucking when it's the person's sister.
  • Eden Havan: ◑ Stupid fucker.. You never show somebody you are scared of them because then that gives them reason to fuck with you.
  • Elijah Claymore: ☺ I like how he understands where I'm coming from with girls deserving better than fucking every guy on campus. He does however not appreciate me fucking Cor even when she's fucking every other guy, but even he knows Cor is different.. He tries to get me to break it off with Cor, and at times he almost convinces me.
  • Ellie Carson: ◑ Cor scares the shit out of her, so I find it entertaining to watch her run. Though, I do admit she'd be fun to play with on my own.
  • Erin Hawthorne: ☺ Being Cor's best friend, she knew about me and Cor back at Noctrem. Obviously we get along better than I thought we would. Hard feelings aside from me hurting her best friend, we've got a nice little relationship forming.
  • Eriol Adelart: ☺ I like this guy a whole lot. Back at Noctrem, we got along pretty well. I would actually consider him one of my best friends when I went there, but since he's been back it's hard to pick up a friendship that was so long ago.
  • Freya Mason: ☺♥ I enjoy this girl's company more than Killian's. She understands me better than Cor does in all honestly, and I probably shouldn't even say that. We haven't fucked or anything, but my lips have touched hers when we got a little too drunk.
  • Hayley Stanhope: ◑ Anytime I look at her.. All I see is fucking curls and waves and blond.. It's too much hair for one person. Cut that shit.
  • Isabella Dorson: ---------
  • Izaiah Dorson: ◑ He obviously knows I have no desire to know him, so I can't hate him for respecting the space.. Nor can I like him for being respectul. Oh well.
  • Jackson Murphy: ☠ This dude has issues. Issues that he keeps to himself, but when you walk around with that look on your face that says 'I have issues'... It kind of pisses me the fuck off.
  • Jade Locke: ☺ Yet another one of those bitches constantly around Cor. I swear at times I imagine fucking them one by one to piss Cor off, but then again.. She's probably fucked a couple of them. I talk to Jade because of Cor. All the girls are hot as hell, so I have to keep my distance, or I might try to bite.
  • Jessica Coleman: ◑ Am I suppose to remember who this girl is? Well, I don't. Killian is curious about her? If I don't know her, then why the fuck should he want to get to know her.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ◑ She'd have so much potential if she didn't waste it on stupid boys that seem to be distracting her. I admit though.. She's a pretty face.
  • Keirol Rancora: ☺ He is another Arcana I consider a friend. His power is very impressive.. Plus, him and Erin are pretty fucking smitten together, so that required me to talk to him. Of course, I knew him before Arcana/Noctrem combined.. But I hadn't realized how nice it is to actually talk to him.
  • Killian Jackson: ☺ My fucking best friend. I have started turning him into the little playboy I'd like him to be. Though he is still an Arcana at heart, he can't seem to fuck any girl without falling for her. So yes, he is still a virgin. Shit. Did I say that? That sucks so bad that I had to spill the beans on the poor lad.l
  • Landon Hirst: ◑☠ I don't honestly know why I don't like this guy. Oh who am I kidding.. He hangs out with Colby, so I despise the ground he walks on with his little best friend.
  • Lauryn Chase: ◑☺ She is seriously too funny for her own good. Honestly, I've never heard her tell a joke.. But I do see her laughing, so I assume that she's funny in her own way.
  • Lilian Daniels: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Loralei Evans: ◑♥ Such a pretty girl. I seriously send one of my clones to follow her because I like being around her so much. I imagine what she'd be like in bed, and my imagination makes me want her more than ever. Let's just see how far I can take this.
  • Lulu Allen: ☠♥ This love hate thing we have going on is very nice.. I just want her to scream at me then turn around and kiss me.. She needs to grow some balls and jump on it before she loses her chance.
  • Marcurio Espenosa: --------
  • McKenna Marinos: ☠♥ I'd like to give her a piece of me that she'd enjoy. Always complaining about me makes me so sad..
  • Morgan Jannsen: ◑☺ Pretty girl. Good power. She has a lot of potential, so I speak when spoken to.. And I do speak when not spoken to.. Not all the time, but when it counts.
  • Scott Andrews: ☠ Fucking hate him. Fucking Cor is something that will change soon enough. It's funny though that these little pussies can't get her to settle down as fast I could.
  • Skylar Byrnes: ☠ Like the one above, I want to beat the fuck out of them both. I hate their very existence. I wish Cor had never met the dicks.
  • Spencer Jerem: ☺ Dude, I love this fucking guy and his goal to take over the world. I would definitely support the shit out of him. In all honesty, he is probably the one to take over the world. I am friends with him because I want to be.. He could always turn into my best friend over Killian because he's got so much power.
  • Theodore McCaffrey: ☺ Of all the people I give shit to on campus, he isn't one of them. After hearing about Scott, I hadn't realized he had someone in his life until rumors spread over Arcana. I pity the boy, but enjoy him at the same time. I never fucking show sympathy, but he deserves it.
  • William Pond: ----------
  • Yvette Beatrix: ---------
  • Zac Barnes: ◑ Don't care too much about this one, honestly. When he makes a teacher forget something, that's usually when I place a clone and get out of dodge for that period. I try to copy his schedule for this little game I also get to play with the teachers.


  • Almalthea Roerig: ☠ Quit playing the big bitchy teacher on campus.. Get on your knees and suck my dick.
  • Cain Montgomery: ☺ The fucking number one bastard is back, and I couldn't be happier. He is one of the few that push me to use my powers for more than some pussy shit that involves escorting an old woman across the road.. Fuck that. I'm ready for a challenge.
  • Leonardo Marinos: ☠ Stupid fucker thought that Arcana would change me. If he tries talking to me one more time about my attitude I might honestly lose it.
  • Margaret Wright: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Vincent Steele:

Killian Camerson Jackson
|19|Elasticity|Roommate (if student)/Classes (if teacher)|Arcana|

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


  • Addison Lawler: ☺♥ I think I love her before I've even spoke to her. I think she's the most amazing thing I've ever seen. One big problem? She's practically drooling over Jay as we speak. Cor would not be too happy with that.. Maybe somebody should tell Cor.
  • Alli Jackson: ☺ I love Alli. Our powers are very handy and fun to mess with when we are together outside. We like to challenge each other to different ways our power can be pushed. I'm just lucky Jay likes her to.
  • Amber Romano: ◑ She's a very interesting girl, who scares Jay.. So I like her, but don't know her well enough to really like her as a friend.
  • Ashleigh Fox: ◑ She has always went to Arcana? That's odd. She's a pretty girl though. I wish I had gotten to know her.. Maybe there is still a chance.
  • Bells Dorson: ◑ I haven't had the privilege to meet her yet, but when I do.. I'll make an impression. She is around that group of girls from Noctrem, but I have yet to actually speak two words to her.
  • Benjamin Hershkovitz: ◑☠ I don't particularly get along with this guy, and I think it's just him... Not me at all. When you have a douchey tendency that comes out every so often... It makes me mad.
  • Bethany Phillips: ◑ She annoys the fuck out of me with how many guys she seems to be interested in. Like seriously, fucking pick one and settle down young stallion.
  • Colby Haskins: ◑ He doesn't bother me, so I obviously don't bother him. I'm kind of glad my power doesn't make him want to fuck me because I'd honestly just do it for the hell of it.
  • Corentine Quellen: ☺♥ The second she stepped on campus I wanted her.. Then Jay confessed their entire past, so now it's just a huge cluster fuck. I could never fuck her now because I can only imagine how many of Jay's clones have also had her..
  • Drakethrean Quellen: ☺ I definitely like Drake. It seems he hangs with me and Jay when Jay and Cor are hot and heavy.. Probably keeping a hawk eye on him.
  • Eden Havan: ◑ Eden is a guy? I could have sworn Eden was a girl.. This makes things so much more awkward for me.
  • Elijah Claymore: ☺ Definitely an all right guy. He is a breath of fresh air when I've had to deal with Jay's bad side all fucking day long.
  • Ellie Carson: ◑ Sweet girl. I've grown up at Arcana my whole life, so I know mostly everyone. Things changed though when Jaysin showed up, so... I don't know where any of my Arcana relationships stand.
  • Erin Hawthorne: ☺◑ The only reason I see Erin is because she is around Cor, who is around Jay, who is around me.. So yeah. We talk.
  • Eriol Adelart: ◑☺ His power is pretty cool, I guess. Him and Jay seem pretty close from back in their Noctrem days, so we talk on occasion.
  • Freya Mason: ☺ Really fun girl to hang out with. I rarely get the chance to have a close girlfriend, but since she and Jay are close.. I was kind of handed the friendship.
  • Hayley Stanhope: ◑ She catches my eye a time or two, but not enough for me to actually want to talk to her.
  • Isabella Dorson: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Izaiah Dorson: ◑ I honestly don't know who this guy is.. I feel like I should, but I don't.
  • Jackson Murphy: ◑☠ An enemy of Jay's.. Becomes an enemy of mine.. I feel sorry for the dude because he does know the true meaning of loss, but I can't say shit to him because he associates me with Jay and would probably fucking hit me.
  • Jade Locke: ☺♥ So fucking hot. I seriously want to wrap myself around her and make her mine. Of course, I'm never going to voice that because Cor would never let me live it down if I fucked one of her friends..
  • Jaysin Dennis: ☺ Obviously we are best friends. We are around each other most of the time when he isn't fucking Cor or trying to fuck one of her friends. I really need to let Cor know the ass he's became, but then I would lose him as a friend. So yeah. Sorry Cor.
  • Jessica Coleman: ◑☺ I fucking love this girls power. I want to get to know her because she seems quiet different from the other girls that came from Noctrem.
  • Kaliyah Rickerson: ☺ I've always enjoyed Kali through the years at Arcana before Jay showed up. I've been shoved so much into his shadow that I no longer know who my friends are anymore.
  • Keirol Rancora: ☺ I like this dude as a very close ally for now. I don't know what's not to like about him.. Well, maybe a few things, but I like him.
  • Landon Hirst: ◑☺ I like landon and his power, but I stay away from him due to the company he keeps. It's nothing against him, but I honestly don't want Colby messing with me like he does Jay.
  • Lauryn Chase: ◑ Really pretty, but.. Yes, there is a but. I've never spoken to her, so.. yeah.
  • Lilian Daniels: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Loralei Evans: ◑ Another one of Jay's targets.. As I like to call them.. He would probably leave Cor naked on a bed if Lora said she'd fuck him then and there.. Don't tell Cor though. She'd kill the girl, literally.
  • Lulu Allen: ◑ She's.. Idk. Lulu? Yeah, yet again.. Jay has this thing with some other girl on campus. I swear.. When Cor finds out how many girls he has in his book of interest, she's going to flip.
  • Marcurio Espenosa: --------------
  • McKenna Marinos: ◑ Not really that close with her.. So I don't know much to say about her, honestly.
  • Morgan Jannsen: ◑♥♥ She's so beautiful that I respect her from afar. I keep my thoughts to myself because if she could hear the things I say about her in my head, she would know how much I am in love with her. Though, I have many interest at school now.. She somehow comes out on top.
  • Scott Andrews: ◑☠ As much as I'd want to fuck Cor, I'd never do it so publicly. Jay will end up killing him.
  • Skylar Byrnes: ◑☠ Stupid son of a bitch. Thinking he's hot shit to be Cor's little fuck buddy. I want to beat the shit out of him at times.
  • Spencer Jerem: ◑☺ He's got some balls to openly admit that he plans on taking over the world. It kind of scares me, but I like the control he shows over some of the weaker powers. I don't consider mine a weakness because I just don't.. Okay?
  • Theodore McCaffrey: ◑ I don't talk to him at all. I don't really want to talk to him because he's so cute and sad at the same time that I'd probably end up hurting his feelings for not respecting his space. I hate cute boys.
  • William Pond: ----------------
  • Yvette Beatrix: ------------
  • Zac Barnes: ◑ His mood swings make me keep my distance. I don't care too much for the bullshit he throws at people.


  • Almalthea Roerig: ☺ I definitely like her as a teacher, but it sucks that I can't just openly talk to her with Jay around. He hates her, and I'm pretty sure she'd kick him out if she could.
  • Cain Montgomery: ☺ I like it. He isn't like any of the Arcana teachers, obviously. His class will have most of my attention for the remainder of my existence until I get away from here.
  • Leonardo Marinos: ☺☠ I had so much respect for him until he pulled me aside to tell me that I need to make better decisions about the friends in my life. That isn't his place, so he needs to realize his boundaries.
  • Margaret Wright: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Vincent Steele:
Last edited by alxxxjames on Sun Aug 05, 2012 8:17 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LuckyNumber24 on Wed Aug 01, 2012 1:56 am

Sky Byrnes
|18|Fire Manipulation|Roommate|Noctrem|

♥ = Romantic Interest/ Finds very attracive/Sleeping with/Wants to Sleep with
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


    •Addison Lawler: ☺/♥ My little Vixen. We flirt back and forth, but it's never really gone beyond that. She's a very good friend, but sometimes I have trouble seeing her as just that.
    •Alli Jackson: ◑ We don't have much in common and we don't often find ourselves talking.
    •Amber Romano: ☺ Amber and I have been friends for a while, even before we both started going to Noctrem. I guess her dad and my aunt go way back or something. We dated for a bit, but that didn't turn out to well. We're still good friends though.
    •Ashleigh Fox: ☺ This girl is very sweet and I'm sure she could be a great friend if she came out of her shell a little. I don't care if she comes out by herself, or if I have to crack that shell with a sledge hammer, she's going to open up and SHE'S GOING TO HAVE FUN!
    Beth Phillips: ◑ Cute girl. We haven't talked much but she seems like she'd be fun to hang out with.
    Benjamin Hershkovitz: ☺He's just a fun guy to be around. He knows how to have a good time and I have to respect that. I kinda feel bad for him too. A lot of kids don't really pay much attention to him just because of his power. That's messed up.
    Colby Haskins: ☺/♥♥♥ Well, Colby and I mess around a lot. We're also pretty good friends, but as hard as I'm trying to keep things casual, I can't help but think that I may be falling for him.
    Corentine Quellen: ♥/☺ Some people look at Cor and see a bitch. I look at Cor and see a girl who's fun at parties and likes to flirt...who also happens to be a bitch. But overall, I like Cor and she's pretty good in bed. ;)
    Drakethrean Quellen: ☺ So Drake's a cool guy. We're friends, but I always get the feeling he just want to get in my head. Eh, I'm probably just being paranoid.
    Eden Haven: ☺/♥ The things I'd do with this kid. Mmmm....
    Elijah Claymore: ◑ I honestly think he avoids me a little bit. I guess because I break a few rules he thinks I'm a bad guy.
    Ellie Carson: ☺ I really thought she was a tight-ass when I met her, but when I got to know Ellie, I found out how much fun she can be. And even though she's super nice, her power kinda freaks me out. I don't want her to see one of my flashbacks.
    Erin Hawthorne: ☺ She's another Noctrem party girl, but she's one I actually don't enjoy getting a rise out of. I know she feels like crap after she She-Hulks out and I honestly hate seeing anyone like that. So I try to make her happy when she's around.
    Eriol Adelart: ☺ He's a fun guy and he loves to pull pranks. But I think that there might be more to him than he's showing...
    Freya Mason: ☺/♥ My dear Freya. She's a friend. A friends with certain benefits when we're both alone and bored. Or drunk. She's not the worst person to talk to either.
    Hayley Stanhope: ◑ This one's kinda quiet isn't she? I don't think I've spoken to her yet.
    Isabella Dorson: ☺ Bells and I are pretty good friends. She's a fun girl to be around and I love the way she just says what she wants.
    Izaiah Dorson: ◑/♥ I understand that I don't know him well and he's a bit of a goody-good, but I'd hit that. There's just something so intriguing about him.
    Jackson Murphy: ◑ Sooooo....I'm only allowed to go to his parties on one condition. No showing off my power and no fire tricks. I guess I'm fine with that?
    Jade Locke: ☺ Extremely hot and fun at parties? She's get's two thumbs up. And there's something else I have for her if she wants it. ;)
    Jaysin Dennis: ◑/☠ If I avoid anyone, it's this guy. He just seems like one angry asshole who likes to beat everyone up. Not really my cup of tea. I'm more of a lover, not a fighter. But if he tries to fuck with me, he's going up in flames.
    Jessica Coleman: ☺/♥ I love Jess. This girl is just a sweetheart on her good days. I love hanging out with her . I also like that she respects herself enough to not jump in bed with any guy she meets. Is it weird that that's kinda a turn on? Well, alot of things about this girl are and I kinda have a crush on her.
    Kaliyah Rickerson: ☺ Kali's my girl! She's just so chill and easy to hang out with. She loves trying new things, as do I, but she's a real daredevil.
    Keirol Rancora: ◑ He's a strange little guy. Freaks me out a little, but he's fun to spar and I have to admit he's kinda cute.
    Killian Jackson: ◑/☠ Urgh. This guy's just Jay's little bitch. He doesn't like me, I don't really like him.
    Landon Hirst: ☺/◑ We're not best friends or anything, but I guess I can see why him and Colby are close. Like really close. But I'm not jealous or anything. Not at all.
    Lauryn Chase: ◑ She's hot, but I haven't talked to her alot.
    Lilian Daniels: ☺/◑ She seems like a nice girl, but she's so shy. I'm not sure what to make of her.
    Loralei Evans: ☺ This girl is adorable. She's so much fun to be around and she's not to bad in the looks department either.
    Lulu Allen: ◑ She seems like a nice enough girl, but I kinda worry about her safety sometimes. She's made some enemies out of some people I wouldn't want to fuck with.
    Marcurio Espenosa: ☺☺☺- He's surely my best friend. We enjoy the same things and we can just hang out together. I love this guy like a brother and I tell him everything. And I do mean everything. He knows my whole past, even my sexual history.
    McKenna Marinos: ☺ She's a beautiful young lady and she isn't afraid to relax and have fun. I like taking her to parties with me and I flirt with her a lot, but it's innocent.
    Morgan Jannsen: ◑ She seems to be really nice, but we don't find ourselves talking a lot.
    Scott Andrews: ☺ We're friends and he's extremely fun to flirt with. If he was in to guys, I'd be all over that. Would that be dangerous though? Think about it. Fire and electricity? Maybe I'm just being weird.
    Skylar Byrnes: ♥♥♥♥♥♥- Who's this hottie? I'm like 50 shades of Fucking Sexy.
    Spencer Jerem: ◑/☺- We're on friendly terms I guess. He kinda treats me like I'm dumb. And I'm not...I think.
    Theodore McCaffrey: ◑ I'm not sure about Theo. Sometimes he treats me like and idiot, sometimes I catch him laughing at my jokes.
    William Pond: ☺ He's a nice guy once you get to know him. A little quiet with a kinda cynical sense of humor, but you just have to warm up to him.
    Yvette Beatrix: ◑ She's hard on herself huh? We don't talk, but I can spot her insecurity from a mile away.
    Zac Barnes: ☠ He hates me. And I'm fine with that. He thinks that I'm going to get Ashy into trouble, but she's just having a little fun. It's nothing crazy.


    Almalthea Roerig: ◑/☺- Though I haven't had the pleasure to speak with her one on one, I really enjoy her class.
    Cain Montgomery: ◑ I feel conflicted about Mr. M. He's a good teacher and everything, but it always feels like he tries to single me out. He makes fun of me a lot and makes jokes about my hair. My hair! That's one of my top ten favorite things that I love about myself! Sometimes he just crosses the line.
    Leonardo Marinos: ◑/☺ I think he thinks I'm vain (Like he's the only one) but he's still pretty nice to me.
    Margaret Wright: ◑ She kinda scares me...just a little bit though. I like her still though, especially how straight forward she can be.
    Vincent Steele: ♥/◑/☺/♥- Oh Mr. Steele. It's so easy to talk to him and I can't help the fact I'm crushing. Like big time. I know he's straight of course and a teacher, so I would think twice before trying anything with him. But I just wish he could see me as more than a student.


Amber Romano
|18|Appearance Alteration|Roommate|Noctrem|

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies


    •Addison Lawler: ]☺ I can honestly say I like Addison. She's a smart girl, but she still doesn't let that prevent her from having fun. We're also both pretty fashionable and used to the high life, though I'm sure her parents made a more honest living. And if you didn't know this, the girl can SING. She's amazing. If I was going into a singing competition, like America's Got Talent or X Factor, she'd be at the top of my list of people to beg to sing a duet with me. All in all, I love this girl and I think this friendship will last for a while.
    •Alli Jackson: ◑ I don't really concern myself with her. Though I must admit, I'm slightly jealous of her gymnastic skills. Her floorwork is A-MAZ-ING and I have no problem saying that.
    •Amber Romano: ☺ Beautiful, intelligent, and cunning? Why yes, I am. A little manipulative and greedy as well? Of course.
    •Ashleigh Fox: ◑/☠ I talk to her sometimes, but I can tell she feels uncomfortable around me. She's one of those people who assume that I'm a bad person, but I don't mind.
    Beth Phillips: ◑ She's alright. I do like that our powers have a familiar feel to them. We both can blend in.
    Benjamin Hershkovitz: ◑ Eeh. He never really crosses my mind. I guess he has a cool power...wait, what's his power? Does he have one? Oxygen Independence? So he doesn't have to breath? Wow. Impressive.
    Colby Haskins: ☠ Don't even get me started with this asshole. Being the good person I am, I offered to tutor him, but he REJECTED me! And he wasn't too gentle with it either when he said that what I was doing was immoral and wrong. Psh, what the fuck ever. I payed 20 bucks for his last progress report. That fucker should get help from where ever he could get it!
    Corentine Quellen: ◑/☠ We tend to stay away from each other. She's one of those types that thinks she can just walk over everyone. So simply put, she's a bitch. And unlike most bitches, she has no secrets, which bugs the shit out of me. Cor is actually unashamed of everything she does, which is surprising when you look at the list of things (or people) she's done. I'm serious, this girl gets around. Have fun getting pregnant, Bitch.
    Drakethrean Quellen: ☺ He's a self absorbed and apathetic bastard that only really cares about his own goals and entertainment. I respect that. He's a smart guy and he helps me out every now and then. We enjoy finding things out and putting them together. I consider him an equal when it comes to intelligence and we're alike in many senses of the word. He's earned my respect and access to some of the biggest secrets I have.
    Eden Haven: ◑/☺ He's a nice kid and he has a cool power. Actually, his statues remember stuff they see right? Interesting. Just a second, let me write this down.
    Elijah Claymore: ◑ He's fine. I respect him, but I think he's been avoiding me since he found out what I do.
    Ellie Carson: ◑/☺ She seems like a nice girl and she has a very interesting power. I asked if she'd join my little buissness, but she said no. It's not a big deal. I know she'll come to her senses soon. When she does, there will be no secret safe from us.
    Erin Hawthorne: ◑ We don't talk much. I personally wouldn't want to make her angry. Being torn to pieces by a killer blonde isn't on my list of things to do before college.
    Eriol Adelart: ☺ He's an interesting boy isn't he? There's more to his whole trickster persona than he let's on, but I don't have a problem with that. He could be a useful ally, but he's a bit of a loose cannon. He's still earned my respect though.
    Freya Mason: ◑ I see potential in her power. It would be great from causing some trouble and making some juicy gossip for the school.
    Hayley Stanhope: ◑ Which one is this? The skinny blonde with the curly hair? Oh alright. I honestly don't care about her.
    Isabella Dorson: ☺ Bells is a cool girl and she's easy to work with every once in a while. She great at gathering information, but I like her on a personal level. There's also the fact that she's also a virgin. I was surprised when I found out (don't ask how) but she makes me feel like I'm not completely insane for waiting until I meet the right person. Overall, I respect her.
    Izaiah Dorson: ☠ He seems like a nice kid, but it seems like he's already made up his mind about me. I wonder if there's something underneath the Golden Boy front. I doubt it, but it would be fun to investigate.
    Jackson Murphy: ◑/☺/♥ You see, I honestly have a bit of a crush on Jackson. He seems so much different than most of the guys from Arcana and Noctrem. He's a perfect gentleman who thinks with his head and not his prick, but he still has a mysterious edge to him that makes me want to figure him out. I swear it's almost enough to make me swoon. Almost.
    Jade Locke: ◑ Sometimes we're good friends, sometimes we're at each other's throats. It's complicated.
    Jaysin Dennis: ◑ Though we don't talk much, I have an inkling there's something complicated going on with him and a specific blonde psycho. Don't ask me why I think that, but when I have a feeling, I investigate.
    Jessica Coleman: ◑ Sweet girl. We've had a few short conversations, but nothing to interesting. I do hear some things about her, but one can never be sure unless they find out themselves.
    Kaliyah Rickerson: ◑ This daredevil knows to stay off my badside, but we're not exactly friends.
    Keirol Rancora: ☺ He comes to me every once in a while for some information. He's one of my favorite clients actually, because he keeps everything simple. He understands buissness.
    Killian Jackson:
    Landon Hirst: ☺/◑ - We're friendly, but he's a friend of the asshole. He's not scared of me, which is refreshing, but I have the desire to investigate him. Call me crazy.
    Lauryn Chase: ◑ She seems nice, but we don't speak much.
    Lilian Daniels: ◑ Extremely quiet. I'm nice to her when we speak, which isn't often. She's to much of a wall flower for my taste, but I find her power intriguing. She could be of use to me.
    Loralei Evans: ☺ This girl is just a peach. She's so nice to me and she kinda helps me feel at home. She reminds me of a younger version of my mom and we talk about gyspy stuff every now and then.
    Lulu Allen: ☠ This girl....She gets on my nerves. I tried being nice to her, but she's convinced that I'm fake. Which is partially accurate, but she needs to understand that most of what I do isn't personal. It's just buissness.
    Marcurio Espenosa: ◑ He seems like an alright kid. Him and Sky are good friends so he can't be too bad. I just think he could ease up on the profanity. I like cursing as much as the next teenager, but Jesus. Does it have to be every other word out of your fucking mouth?
    McKenna Marinos: ☺/◑ She seems like she has her stuff together. She's got good grades, she's got an optimistic look on life, and she's cute as a button. You don't see a lot of those girls when you go to Noctrem for a few years. Her power is pretty cool too. And her last name is the same as Leo's. Hmmm...I'm going to have to look into that.
    Morgan Jannsen: ☺ Sweet girl. Most likely one of the friendliest people I've ever met.
    Scott Andrews: ◑/☠ I usually write this boy off as a dumb jock. But something tells me there's a little more to the picture. I'll keep my eyes on him.
    Skylar Byrnes: ☺ Gotta love Sky, despite how immature he is. His aunt and my dad are old friends so we've known each other for a while. We even dated for a bit, but that went down in flames. (Get it? I thought it was pretty clever.)
    Spencer Jerem: ◑/☺- He's got the mad scientist type vibe going on, which is respectable. He freaks me out a little bit, but I never let it show.
    Theodore McCaffrey: ◑ Theo seems like an interesting person. His power could be valuble to me. There's a lot of secrets hidden in dreams. Maybe I'll make an offer to him soon.
    William Pond: ◑ He's a little to quiet so I haven't really formed an opinion about him.
    Yvette Beatrix: ◑ I'm not quite sure about this one. Not much else to say.
    Zac Barnes: ☺ Zacky-poo. Sweet kid. Being that we're both smart people, we have little debates every once in a while, or we just chill out and listen to music.


    Almalthea Roerig: ◑ I really like Ms. Roerig. She's friendly to me, though I'm sure she thinks I'm a tad irresponsible with my powers. But I honestly don't know how a woman of her age and beauty is single. Maybe she has a lover? Perhaps, but then again I might be over thinking it.
    Cain Montgomery: ☺ Mr. M. is by far one of my favorite teachers. He's a cool guy and he supports my entrepreneurial spirit. He even pays me for some of my information sometimes! Best.Teacher.Ever.
    Leonardo Marinos: ◑ I respect Leo. He's lived for such a long time and he probably has some great stories to tell. Sure, I get in trouble with him a lot, but that's his job I suppose. On a sidenote, I promised Mr. Montgomery that if I found out anything on Leo, he'd be the first to know.
    Margaret Wright: ☺ This woman is my hero. Honestly, there's no better role model for me. There's not much else to say. I worship the floor she walks on, but don't think I'm kissing her ass.
    Vincent Steele: ☺ Mr. Steele is a good man to talk to, but that's it. Up until now I've been trying to get into his head, trying to find out if there's any secrets in there, but there's not. That man's an open book, but he's still fun to have a friendly arguement with.


Eden Haven

♥ = Romantic Interest
☺ = Friends
◑ = Neutral
☠ = Enemies

(Eden has given each of the students and teachers a codename that he uses for them in his comic strips about the schools.)


    •Addison Lawler: ◑ I like her, even though we don't know each other too much. She seems like a fun girl. I've named her Skinwalker in my comic strips, after the Native American legend of people who could turn into animals.
    •Alli Jackson: ☺ I like her. She's not afraid to tell people what she think and I really have to admire that. Her character in my comic strips is Olympic because let's face it, she could be in it and bring home, like, tons of gold medals.
    •Amber Romano: ◑/☺ Though I don't really like what she does with her powers, she's friendly enough. I gave her the name Anonymous or A because of her ability to be anyone. And because Mary was walking Pretty Little Liars when I was coming up with her character.
    •Ashleigh Fox:
    Benjamin Hershkovitz: ◑ He seems like a really nice guy, but we just don't find ourselves talking alot. Gills is what I call him in my comics, even though I know he doesn't have them. But it sound cool right?
    Beth Phillips: ◑ I don't think we're really friends, but we get along. I call her Miss Unseen, both because of her power and her tenancy to not draw attention to herself.
    Colby Haskins: ☺ I consider Colby to be a friend of mine, though he's tried to get into my pants on several occasions. He seems like a model superhero and I admire how he wants to help people. He's the main hero in my comics and he's made it pretty clear that his name is going to be Redline when he becomes a real superhero, so that's what I named him.
    Corentine Quellen: ◑/ (☺?) I've seen the way Cor acts with other people and she scares me a little, but I think she likes making me blush. Everytime we talk she starts flirting with me. I swear she's doing it to just see how red I can get. Because of her power over air, I named her Whisp. It's feminine, but still has a eerie/scary vibe to it, kinda like Cor.
    Drakethrean Quellen: ◑ Drake and I are on very neutral grounds. We don't speak much, but when we do it's very brief and not very deep. When I see him, I see him as Shade, one of the supervillains in my comic strips.
    Eden Haven: ◑ Well. It's me, I guess. Sometimes I like myself, sometimes I don't. I labelled myself Malion (short for Pygmalion) after the Roman myth about a man who prayed to Venus to bring his statue to life.
    Elijah Claymore: ☺(Secretly ♥) Elijah and I are great friends. He's just a great guy and he had his head on straight. I may or may not have a slight crush on him. His hero name is Copycat. I was running low on creative juices that day.
    Ellie Carson: ☺ I love Ellie. We're really good friends and she's just the sweetest.
    Erin Hawthorne: ◑ She doesn't seem like a horrible person and I would really hate to have her power. The thought of not being able to control yourself...I don't like it. She's named Feral in my comics for obvious reason.
    Eriol Adelart: ☺ So I don't think he cares for me, but I consider him a friend. I'm always nice to him, because I see potential in him. I don't know why, but I feel like he could be so good. Well, his name is my comics is Clockwork because he works with time, obviously.
    Freya Mason: ☺ Freya's the best. She talks about sex alot but I think I've gotten used to her talking about it. I call her Venus because of her power over love.
    Hayley Stanhope: ◑ Our paths don't cross often, which is surprising, but she seems like a sweet girl. I'd stand up for her if anyone picked on her. In her appearances in my comics, she's known as Echo because she messes with sound.
    Isabella Dorson: ◑ I don't think she really cares about me. I call her Fury in my comics because I get the feeling you do NOT want to face her fury.
    Izaiah Dorson: ◑/☺ We're friendly, but I would call us friends exactly. I can see us hanging out in the future though. My codename for him is Casper because he's so nice and he can walk through walls.
    Jackson Murphy: ◑/☺ I like Jackson, cause he seems like a nice guy. I think my statues creep him out a bit, but I think he's gotten over it. His name is simply Mr. Murphy in my sketches. It's simple, yet formal and I think it fits Jackson well. Well, maybe that's because it's his name but...whatever.
    Jade Locke: ◑ (♥) I try to stay out of her way. Not just because she's a little threatening, but just cause she's really...pretty. I call her Lockdown in my little comic world. I don't know why, but it seemed to work.
    Jaysin Dennis: ◑ I try my best to stay away from him. I just don't like being around someone who's angry all the time. It can't be healthy. Mary and the other angels really don't like him. I call him The Jay Team in my comics, because there's always more than one of him.
    Jessica Coleman:
    Kaliyah Rickerson: ☺/(Develops ♥) Kali and I are really good friends but lately, I've been starting to see her differently. Do I have a crus- No. Not with Kali. We're just friends. Her name is Kali in my comics, but she's named after Kali, the Hindi goddess.
    Keirol Rancora:
    Killian Jackson:
    Landon Hirst:
    Lauryn Chase:
    Lilian Daniels:
    Loralei Evans:
    Lulu Allen: ☺ I like Lulu. She's been really nice to me ever since we've met and we're pretty good friends now. Her name is Miss Fortune in my little universe.
    Marcurio Espenosa:
    McKenna Marinos: ☺ Super sweet. She's great to hang out with and just overall a nice girl. And how cool is her power? She can just heal almost any wound! Awesome.
    Morgan Jannsen:
    Scott Andrews:
    Skylar Byrnes:
    Spencer Jerem: ☺ I think he's a pretty good guy when you get to know him. Hanging out with him is awesome, because I always learn something new. I assume he doesn't agree with my religious views (due to his scientific view of the world) but I'm really happy he doesn't like to argue with me about it. I call him Dr. J. in my comics.
    Theodore McCaffrey:
    William Pond:
    Yvette Beatrix:
    Zac Barnes:


    Almalthea Roerig:
    Cain Montgomery:
    Leonardo Marinos:
    Margaret Wright:
    Vincent Steele:
Last edited by LuckyNumber24 on Sat Aug 11, 2012 1:01 am, edited 15 times in total.

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