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Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth

Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth

a part of “Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth”, a fictional universe by Cienpher.

Throme: the city with the mask // Itex: a shadowy organization with a goal. // What happens when secrets are finally revealed?

Characters Settings Story
This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth”.
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Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cienpher on Sun Oct 21, 2012 9:34 am

Greetings, Salutations. We, the Trio of GMs, would like to welcome you into our hopefully entertaining world. I am Alasund De'astio, some may know of me as a former Moderator and Mentor, but now I am but a humble Gamesmaster. (Pretentious, yes, but humble I promise you. I hope.) With me, are Cienpher and Nivosity, the original brains behind the first incarnation of this story. Some of you may know them as the most brilliant story creators of the recent history (at least to my knowledge) of Gateway. Some of you may have never seen them before. Let's rectify that, shall we? =P

Cienpher here, and I'll be taking over for this bit. So yes, some of you may know us, but many of you do not (although Alasund is surely far more well-known than I am), but all the same, we thank you for taking the time to look over our roleplay. I suppose it's only fair to warn you now that it's probably different from most of the other roleplays on this site. For one thing, our plot is rather eclectic, our world obsessively embellished, and our characters that inhabit this setting are also far from the norm. We do not regret this. Why?

Because we are weird.
(Cienpher, please speak for yourself. >_< -Niv) (Oh, don't you dare deny it. -Cienpher)

That's really the only explanation I've got for all of you. (All that's really needed though. -Ala)

... As I was saying before being rudely interrupted several times over - we are unique. I think all these little interjections are proof enough of that. However, if you're willing to put up with our idiosyncracies and strange little methods, we can promise you one thing for sure: this will be a once-in-a-lifetime roleplay experience, and we will do everything in our power to make sure that you, our future roleplayers, will have the most fun you could possibly have. We want to immerse you in this world that we have created, help you forge a bond with your character, but in all honesty, that's not about to work if no one joins ^^"

This is Nivosity, and although you've already seen me in action interrupting people, it's really nice to meet you all. It falls on me to do our short little list of stuff that you should keep in the back of your mind - other than Cienpher's weirdness. (Nothing to do with me, okay? Just take my word for it.)

  • Go ahead and reserve roles. We realize that it takes time to make characters all lovely and flawed might take a while, but we have a not-so-strict time limit of 48 hours. But even if you reserve a role, don't take it to mean that you'll get in - these profiles MUST be well-done. Make them so you can show them at people you know and get undiluted awe in return. Ask for extentions if you must, and unless it's your tenth, we'll probably agree to it.

  • If you want any other information, do ask. We are people with very little lives apart from the Internet (or so Niv says -Cienpher), so you won't have to wait an eternity for an answer. Plus, an empty OOC is always boring - and bored people do strange things. Take my word for it. Anyways, we'll try to get an answer to you in 24 hours or less.

  • Respect is the key. We realize that we might be slow at checking over characters or some of our other duties, but harrassment is highly discouraged. This may end in us developing divine powers and taking out our not-so-often-used GM powers. It's unpleasant for all parties - so just remember to be nice and everything will go swimmingly.

  • If you have any ideas or suggestions, we're always happy to collect these. They may not always be included if they don't fit into the storyline well, but feel free to think away. Also, we (well, I personally) have an unhealthy obsession with speculations... and we support any guesses whatsoever.

  • Your character will probably die in the course of this roleplay. If this bugs you in some way, this is probably not a suitable fit for your interests. (As in, 90% of the characters will probably be dead at the end. Some roles WILL also die earlier than others, though the exact date varies depending on how the RP goes. - Ala) So, tough luck for you who are chosen to be our characters in red shirts.

  • Second characters will be...erm... opened up sometime in the future depending on interest. However, if you have a character with an early death, we will probably be nicer in giving you one.

So sign up here and good luck!

Princess Nivosity, Weirdo Cienpher, and Pretentious Humblebug Alasund De'astio. (And that was Niv showing she's weird with us. ;D - Ala) (*cough* Care to say that again?! -Niv) (Niv's weird with us~ -Ala) (I am not! -Niv)

Cienpher, the Dictatress, and the Wizard Pony

Ala, Nivy and Cici. =P
(I like mine best.)

PS: If you haven't noticed, we are a wordy bunch.

Relevant RP Notes
Masked Information:
  • The Masked do not know each other by name. Only by codename and Masked Form. They all know Liesel Moringmer.
  • They communicate via wristwatch things which they were all given by Torrings. Other Masked Members come up as their title when they send messages to other Masked.
  • The King is, when on a mission, equal in authority to Liesel, as much as she might dislike this.

Itex Information:
  • Itex, as Masked, don't know each other except by codenames. There is no figure, though, that they all know.
  • They all have connections, via privatized anonymous voice chat. Again, they know each other only by title and encrypted connection information. Their conversation is always hosted by the mysterious figure, 'Judgement'. He is the one who gives orders.
  • Chariot generally leads on missions where he is assigned and others are with him - otherwise Judgement chooses the leader when he gives the assignment./list]

    True and False Mask Information:
    • When one simply dons the mask without transformation, the personality will change along with minor physical skill development. The physique itself will remain the same, unlike in transformation. The mask is visible on the face.
    • When used in transformation, the wearer's personality, skill-set, and physical characteristics will all change to accommodate the nature of the mask, and they will even develop inhuman magical abilities. The mask is, in such a case, not visible, but it is still there - should one reach up to grasp it, it will flash-appear with a thin veil of light. The transformation is undone when the mask is taken off.
Last edited by Cienpher on Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:14 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Vexilous on Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:24 am

Wow, it looks like you guys put a lot of work into this. Very detailed and interesting indeed. I'd like to reserve the Jack role, please.

Also, are the pictures supposed to be realistic, or anime?

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Re: Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cienpher on Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:41 am

We would like either anime/illustrated pictures or very detailed written descriptions ^^ (due to us not feeling comfortable with stealing real people's appearances for creative identities...) and yes, there was a lot of work and other stuff involved. We should have a sample profile up soon - just please keep in mind that all three of us GMs are in the Eastern Hemisphere and I really should not be up at 12:40AM on a Monday XD

Oh, and consider the Jack role reserved!

If you feel you need a standard to go by, any of the characters by Alasund, Nivosity, or I should provide a general guide (especially our characters from the former incarnation of this roleplay).

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Re: Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Vexilous on Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:03 am

Absolutely, I feel the same way, I was hoping it would be anime/illustrated. I'll take a look at the previous characters, and have my character up as soon as possible.

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Re: Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Horseygirl on Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:18 am

I would love to reserve the Ace role. About what age would she be?
I was your cure, but you were my disease. I was saving you, while you were killing me.

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Re: Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cienpher on Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:28 am

If you are confused by the word 'junior', it simply means that she was the newest recruit to the team. The age is irrelevant.

Also, a note to all potential RPers - we have been told before that our reference character profiles are somewhat intimidating in terms of quality ^^"
All we ask of you is a little extra effort so that you can help contribute to the story and essence of the roleplay in a positive way - after all, a roleplay is only as good as its characters XP

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Re: Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby X64 on Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:27 pm


*ahem* I mean, nice to see you ^^ I really love how organized and in-depth this RP is! May I please reserve the Joker?

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Re: Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cienpher on Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:33 pm

Holy crow, X!!! Hello!!! *is glomped*
Yes, I am back after things finally settled down on my end, and oh wow this is awesome!

One tiny problem: I forgot that the Joker was taken by someone from the previous incarnation of this and didn't write it on the front page >< *goes to fix*

Would you mind taking a different role?

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Re: Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby X64 on Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:41 pm

Welp, darn. It's good to hear you're doing well, but WTF CIEN. Y U DO DIS. I THOUGHT WHAT WE HAD WAS SPECIAL. Just kidding, just kidding.

Those things do happen....

Oh, Oh! Maybe we could have....a SECOND Joker? DUN DUN DUN, WHAT A TWEEST! If that's not possible though, I have a question before choosing a different role. Are the Lower Class allowed to have masks, or is that something only the Masked have?

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Re: Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cienpher on Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:45 pm

Ah, I wasn't aware that wasn't clear ^^" All the roles but the neutrals at this point have masks. It's pretty much the whole battle, so yes - lower Itex do have masks.

On that note, I should also point out (darn it, we were too excited and posted the RP at 1AM >...>) that at this point, only Itex would have false masks, if that's of interest to anyone. The only difference is that whereas a True Mask grows, and a person will eventually be able to gain control over it, a False Mask's personality will always be stronger than the wearer's original one.

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Re: Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby X64 on Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:51 pm

Alright, awesome! So, to reiterate, False Masks don't grow (and therefore cannot be controlled) but are stronger than True Masks?

Anywho, I would like the Hanged Man role, please!

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Re: Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Vexilous on Sun Oct 21, 2012 5:03 pm

I've made some progress on my character (Super extra-special-awesome acrobat >:D) But I think I'll wait until the example(s) are up, just to get a feel for the character style, if that makes any sense :B

Also I have a couple of questions;

Is it alright that my character kinda has a weapon outside of his transformed state? He carries around a light (but extremely durable) ice axe on the job, and uses mostly for climbing purposes, like hooking it on to ledges and stuff, but it could be used as a pretty deadly weapon too.

Is it alright for my character to be diabetic? Like type 1 insulin dependent? I only ask because it was specified that the characters should be healthy, and I don't know if you would classify this as making someone unhealthy.

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Re: Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cienpher on Sun Oct 21, 2012 5:04 pm

'Stronger' is a fickle word - they can't be controlled, but whether it's more versatile or useful or not is really just up to what the RPers do with the options available.

Hanged Man is reserved ^^

Edit: Vexilous, I will get back to you once either of my co-GMs are awake and online (lazy people XP)

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Re: Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nivosity on Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:55 pm

I'm ALIVE okay, Cici? XD I'm not that lazy - just... later in a timezone than you. See you on MSN~

Let's see, I'll have the example up in a sec. I'm just working on the coding part of affairs, so it should be up in like 20 minutes.


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Re: Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Alasund on Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:02 pm

So, remind me again why we decided to put it up when all but one of us was about to head to sleep? ^^''

I'm up and about. My profile's probably not going to be up for a while though, got Studies to do... =_=
Verdant plains and cold dark night. I have nothing more but silence.

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Re: Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby The Black Death on Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:29 pm

I am very interesting in this roleplay. May I reserve the role Hermit? I will try to work on my character sheet as soon as possible.

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Re: Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cienpher on Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:34 pm

Yes you may - consider it reserved ^^

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Re: Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cienpher on Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:58 pm

Notice: Example profile is now up, as is the first post. This first post holds little relevance to the characters as a whole - it just sets the scene for some interesting dynamics ^^

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Re: Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nivosity on Sun Oct 21, 2012 9:01 pm

@Pretentious Humblebug Alasund
Because apparently, I lack patience and for a good reason too.

Okay, other than that, Aki is up - although he's going to be tweaked repeatedly until I'm finally happy. There were a few coding errors in our character sheet, so I'll see 'bout fixing them. -- First post is mine, so I'm a bit overexcited right now

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Re: Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cienpher on Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:10 am

Vexilous wrote:Is it alright that my character kinda has a weapon outside of his transformed state? He carries around a light (but extremely durable) ice axe on the job, and uses mostly for climbing purposes, like hooking it on to ledges and stuff, but it could be used as a pretty deadly weapon too.

Is it alright for my character to be diabetic? Like type 1 insulin dependent? I only ask because it was specified that the characters should be healthy, and I don't know if you would classify this as making someone unhealthy.

A weapon outside of his transformed state is no problem, but we're kind of iffy on someone carrying an ice-pick/axe (I'm assuming you mean the tool and not an axe made out of ice? XD) around unless you can give us a convincing explanation as to why.

And as for diabetes, go ahead! Please just make sure to portray it realistically ^^

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