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This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Pines Academy for the Naturally Gifted”.
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Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ISpeakTheTruth on Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:49 pm

Code: Select all
[center][img]gif of your character here[/img]
[size=300] Characters Name Here [/size] [/center]

[center] [i][size=90]| β™₯ = romantic | ☺ = friends | ☠ = dislike/enemies | β—‘ = neutral |[/i][/size]

[*]  [b]Jennifer Ackley:[/b] Place a symbol, and then a sentence or two regarding your character's relationship with them.

[*]  [b]Derek Peterson:[/b] Place a symbol, and then a sentence or two regarding your character's relationship with them.

[*]  [b]Evan Nichols:[/b] Place a symbol, and then a sentence or two regarding your character's relationship with them.

[*]  [b]Hope Candall:[/b] Place a symbol, and then a sentence or two regarding your character's relationship with them.

[*]  [b]Erin Springs:[/b] Place a symbol, and then a sentence or two regarding your character's relationship with them.

[*]  [b]Alexandra Ross:[/b] Place a symbol, and then a sentence or two regarding your character's relationship with them.

[*]  [b]Felix Compton:[/b] Place a symbol, and then a sentence or two regarding your character's relationship with them.

[*]  [b]Abercrombie Melbourne:[/b] Place a symbol, and then a sentence or two regarding your character's relationship with them.

[*]  [b]Kieran Archer:[/b] Place a symbol, and then a sentence or two regarding your character's relationship with them.

[*]  [b]Carter Bennett :[/b] Place a symbol, and then a sentence or two regarding your character's relationship with them.

[*]  [b]Arden Doherty:[/b] Place a symbol, and then a sentence or two regarding your character's relationship with them.

[*]  [b]Addi Harkon:[/b] Place a symbol, and then a sentence or two regarding your character's relationship with them.[/list]  [/center]
Last edited by ISpeakTheTruth on Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ISpeakTheTruth on Sat Aug 03, 2013 1:01 pm

Jennifer Ackley

| β™₯ = romantic | ☺ = friends | ☠ = dislike/enemies | β—‘ = neutral |

  • Derek Peterson: β—‘ Jennifer has seen Derek around the school a couple of times, but she hasn't really made an effort to get to know any more about him other than he has trouble talking to people.

  • Evan Nichols: ☠ Jennifer doesn't like Evan, simple as that.

  • Hope Candall: β—‘ Jennifer doesn't know Hope very well and hasn't really made an effort to become friends. Maybe sometime in the future they'll get to know each other.

  • Erin Springs: β—‘ Jennifer hasn't talked to Erin much. When she has she's found nothing to hate the other girl for, but the two aren't exactly friends. A random chitchat in the hallway buddy is what Jennifer see's Erin as.

  • Alexandra Ross: β—‘ Alex makes Jennifer nervous. It might be her personality and the way she acts around people, but her entire appearance is a big factor in it, too. She feels somewhat bad about it, but Jennifer tries to avoid the girl.

  • Felix Compton: β—‘ Jennifer likes Felix's sense of style, colours are definitely the way to go. She hasn't actually talked to him, though.

  • Abercrombie Melbourne: ☠ Jennifer doesn't like Abe's attitude. She doesn't know why the girl is the way she is, and frankly she doesn't care.

  • Kieran Archer: β—‘ Jennifer hasn't seen Kieran around the school much and hasn't talked to him.

  • Carter Bennett : ☺ The big idiot is Jennifer's friend, but that in no way means that he doesn't manage to get on her nerves every now and then, because he does. His drawings are also among the list of the worst ones she's ever seen.

  • Arden Doherty: β—‘ Arden's art is painfully terrible to Jennifer, but that's not a good enough reason to hate her. If she asked, Jennifer would gladly teach her how to draw anything better than boring stickmen. If the occasion ever happened, Jennifer would be able to live the rest of her life in peace knowing that stickmen rule one less piece of paper.

  • Addi Harkon: β—‘ Jennifer has barely talked to Addi, and therefore knows barely anything about her.

Carter Bennett

| β™₯ = romantic | ☺ = friends | ☠ = dislike/enemies | β—‘ = neutral |

  • Jennifer Ackley: ☺ He's not really sure when he and Jennifer became friends, but apparently they haven't hated each other for awhile. Which is good, she scares him whenever he manages to make her mad.

  • Derek Peterson: β—‘ The socially awkward guy? Carter doesn't understand what the heck he's talking about when he gets into all that mathematical business and whatnot. He prefers to avoid confusion by avoiding Derek.

  • Evan Nichols: β—‘ Carter and Evan don't seem to talk that much. He knows only what he's heard about Evan.

  • Hope Candall: β—‘ The two don't know each other very well, but Carter does occasionally try to be all friendly and start up a conversation with her.

  • Erin Springs: β—‘ Instruments and music are all confusing to Carter. He doesn't understand why Erin likes it so much. But then again, he hardly knows her.

  • Alexandra Ross: β—‘ The Alex Carter see's is the Alex Carter knows. She scares him with her black, blue and braided hair and sudden changes in her personality. Carter prefers things simple, Alex isn't simple. In other words, he hasn't made an effort to get to know her.

  • Felix Compton: ☠ Flamboyant. Thats the word that comes to mind when Carter see's him. To get a laugh, Carter makes his thoughts heard whenever he passes Felix in the hall. He knows that the guy doesn't like him, and at first Carter didn't clue in why. He still hasn't, but he now dislikes Felix for him disliking him.

  • Abercrombie Melbourne: β—‘ Carter is quite proud of himself for managing to get on the good side of the legendary Abe Melbourne. Truthfully, he isn't exactly sure how he did it, but it's impressive to him nonetheless. What surprises him is that despite all he's heard, he's never felt that he ever had a disliking towards her.

  • Kieran Archer: β—‘ Carter doesn't know the guy.

  • Arden Doherty: ☠ Truth be told, Carter is annoyed that she's never seemed to notice that he's ever existed. If there's one thing Carter hates, it's being ignored.

  • Addi Harkon: β—‘ Carter hasn't talked to her very much and doesn't know a lot about her.
Last edited by ISpeakTheTruth on Sat Aug 03, 2013 11:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Limepepper on Sat Aug 03, 2013 4:22 pm

Hope Candall

| β™₯ = romantic | ☺ = friends | ☠ = dislike/enemies | β—‘ = neutral |

  • Jennifer Ackley: β—‘ Hope doesn't know Jennifer very well, but has seen her around school before.

  • Derek Peterson:β—‘ Hope has seen Derek someplaces, but only going to the school for a year, she doesn't know him very well, but doesn't think negatively of him.
  • Evan Nichols:☠ Hope hates Evan. She knew him when he was in high school, and he always tried to flirt with her. She has hated him from the start.

  • Erin Springs:☺ Hope thinks of Erin as her best friend. She was her only childhood friend and Hope is glad she's her friend.

  • Alexandra Ross: β—‘ Hope not being a social person, hasn't really talked to Alexandra before.

  • Felix Compton: ☺ Being the only other dancer, they hit it of almost instantly.

  • Abercrombie Melbourne: ☠ Hope thinks that Abercrombie is a spoiled, rude, stupid brat.

  • Kieran Archer:β—‘ Hope never really noticed him.

  • Carter Bennett β—‘ Hope doesn't really know what to think of Carter, not knowing him very well.

  • Arden Doherty: β—‘ Hope has always been concerned for Arden, being that she hung out with Evan.

  • Addi Harkon: β—‘ Like others, Hope doesn't know Addi very well.

Evan Nichols

[center]| β™₯ = romantic | ☺ = friends | ☠ = dislike/enemies | β—‘ = neutral |

[*] Jennifer Ackley β—‘ To him, she's just another girl. Nothing special.

[*] Derek Peterson:☠ Evan thinks he's just another pathetic nerd.

[*] Hope Candall:☠ She was the first girl to reject him, and she's beat him up before.

[*] Erin Springs:β—‘ He's not on bad terms with her, but not on good either.

[*] Alexandra Ross:β—‘ Just a girl like almost everyone else.

[*] Felix Compton:☠ He annoys him, he doesn't seem to trust him.

[*] Abercrombie Melbourne:β—‘ It's a pretty girl, that's all it is to him.

[*] Kieran Archer:β—‘ Evan never really noticed him.

[*] Carter Bennett:β—‘ He's a guy, Evan doesn't care much.

[*] Arden Doherty:β—‘ Evan thinks she's special, and considers trying to charm her.

[*] Addi Harkon:β—‘ A girl, nothing else to him.
Last edited by Limepepper on Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Why does everyone have a quote here,"

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nephthys on Sat Aug 03, 2013 5:07 pm

Cerridwen Arden Doherty

| β™₯ = romantic | ☺ = friends | ☠ = dislike/enemies | β—‘ = neutral |

  • Jennifer Ackley: β—‘ Arden hasn't met many people, especially those outside the sciences department of the school. She's had little contact with the arts students so far, although this is likely to change. She does want to start trying to draw, so she might as well get to know the art students before deciding to hang out in their space.

  • Derek Peterson: ☠ Though she hasn't actually interacted with him, Arden has both heard and caught sight of and heard of Derek and feels intimidated by him, fearing he's what she'll be up against trying to 'prove' herself even though she focuses more on sciences than mathematics. She feels like he's someone she could possibly like, but she isn't too keen on conversing with him because she doesn't like feeling weakβ€” even though she's very skilled at math, she's not much compared to him.

  • Evan Nichols: β—‘ If there aren't many people Arden almost never interacts with, the athletic types would encompass almost all of them. Not particularly athletic herself, the general athletic personality intimidates herβ€” yet, somehow, his whole persona's so intriguing. She might say a word or to to him.

  • Hope Candall: β—‘ From an objective standpoint, Arden finds Hope somewhat prettyβ€” the type of person she'd probably draw if she could scratch out anything better than stick figures. Aside from that, however, Arden's only caught sight her in passing long enough to make the observation and wish she knew how to draw.

  • Erin Springs: β—‘ Arden has yet to meet Erin, but she does like the environment of the music department simply for its atmosphere. She hasn't heard anything bad about Erin, but she knows what it's like to be interrupted mid-'composition' and would never approach her when she saw her playing.

  • Alexandra Ross: β—‘ Though the sight of her, as with those of many people, makes Arden somewhat nervous, she hasn't spoken to Alexandra and feels as though she can't make many judgements.

  • Felix Compton: β—‘ She hasn't caught sight of him.

  • Abercrombie Melbourne: ☠ Oh, the stories she's heard about this one. Arden isn't particularly fond of conversing with people in the first place, but Abe absolutely terrifies her.

  • Kieran Archer: β—‘ Arden's heard tale of his knack for videogames and is seriously considering headbutting with him over one of the few things she never loses at. She wonders if he's also into computers.

  • Carter Bennett : β—‘ Though she has seen him around the school, Arden hasn't exactly acknowledged his existence.

  • Addi Harkon: β—‘ Arden doesn't have much to say about her, but she does like her jacket.

Felix Reid Compton

| β™₯ = romantic | ☺ = friends | ☠ = dislike/enemies | β—‘ = neutral |

  • Jennifer Ackley: β—‘ Felix does love art, but he rarely interacts with the material artists. He doesn't do much more than practice outside of school; however, he has seen some of her work, and he does enjoy it, though he does regard art as one of the careers that doesn't take much of anyone anywhere, as with his father.

  • Derek Peterson: β—‘ Felix himself isn't the best at math and, as such, isn't terribly keen on making best buddies with its representative king. That said, it's rare for him to dislike anyone.

  • Evan Nichols: β—‘ In Felix's opinion, he's a bit too much of a personality. With all the tales of the wild child, he has to wonder if he's hiding something.

  • Hope Candall: ☺ Felix admires her as a dancer and would love to cast her if he ever choreographed a ballet. What with their being the only two dancers around, he feels a bit of solidarity much like a very watered-down sibling relationship, complete with the playful rivalry. He does feel like they don't synch too well when partnering, though.

  • Erin Springs: β—‘ Felix wants to hunt down Erin and get her to compose a ballet with him. A huge fan of piano and Erin's hair, he'd be ridiculously excited if it ever happens even though he knows it probably won't. Until then, he'll just spend his breaks in the music room until he can find someone to compose something. He really does have his ideas...

  • Alexandra Ross: β—‘ No matter what she might do, Felix doesn't think her work has enough color in it. He does have this idea for a ballet, though... and a good ballet needs a director.

  • Arden Doherty: β—‘ He hasn't caught sight of her.

  • Abercrombie Melbourne: β—‘ Felix tries his hardest to just ignore what he hears about her. He's never spoken to her, and he doesn't exactly plan on doing so, but he feels as though she doesn't deserve all the verbal abuse he hears about her. That said, he's never talked to her, either.

  • Kieran Archer: β—‘ If he had more time to 'have fun,' maybe he'd like him, but for now, Felix just feels that he's too busy wasting time to do anything useful with his life. He does seem like an alright guy, though.

  • Carter Bennett : ☠ For some reason, Carter just annoys Felix. He feels bad about it and wants to at least try to get to know him better so he'll stop feeling like that for no good reason. Maybe it's just his cynical side rearing its head when it shouldn'tβ€” that and the obnoxious things he keeps on saying. Do people really question his sexuality, or is it just Carter?

  • Addi Harkon: β—‘ Felix socializes little during his school life due to its inherent lack of free time (really, a school for the gifted? With all the practice, who's socializing? Hmph.), but he doesn't mind Addi.

(PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU OBJECT TO ANYTHING ON HERE! I was sort of just bumbling around. Thanks :) And if you want to change something, for better or for worse, just PM me before we get started.)
Last edited by Nephthys on Sun Aug 04, 2013 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ShaShaBoomStar on Sat Aug 03, 2013 7:41 pm

Abercrombie "Abe" Melbourne

| β™₯ = romantic | ☺ = friends | ☠ = dislike/enemies | β—‘ = neutral |

  • Jennifer Ackley: β—‘ Abe has seen Jennifer around school, though she never bothered to talk to her, just like all the other art students. Avoiding any classmates interested in art, Abe doesn't plan to start any sort of friendships with them, thinking that art is a waste of time.

  • Derek Peterson: β—‘ His awkwardness has always turned Abe away from socializing with Derek, though she never has the urge to tease him of his poor social skills, unlike most of the other shy students.

  • Evan Nichols: β—‘ Despite being known for her promiscuous tendencies, Abe thinks of Evan as a bit of an annoying person who wishes he could have all the girls in the world. However, this doesn't stop her from sending him mixed signals, switching between flirting with Evan to being an absolutely bully to him.

  • Hope Candall: ☠ Something about Hope just frustrates Abe to her wit's ends. Whatever it is, Abe isn't afraid to let her intense hatred for the dancer show.

  • Erin Springs: ☠ Abe couldn't remember the last time she didn't want to just slap Erin as hard as she could. She thinks of her as a complete idiot whose music skills couldn't be any more useless.

  • Alexandra Ross: β—‘ Alex's sudden changes in personality scares Abe away from socializing with her. Abe rarely ever sees Alex around school anyway, so their current acquaintance level relationship doesn't seem like it'll ever boost up to friendship status.

  • Felix Compton: β—‘ The two have never spoken to each other and Abe has heard many debates of Felix's sexuality among her own group of peers. Unlike them, Abe doesn't actually hold any meaningless grudge against Felix and actually thinks that he would be a great friend, but once again, the two have never talked to each other.

  • Kieran Archer: β—‘ Abe has never noticed Kieran.

  • Carter Bennett : β—‘ Whenever Abe found herself near Carter, she always smiled, thinking that his absent-mindedness is quite adorable. How friendly he is to other people also amazes Abe and therefore never found a reason to bully him.

  • Arden Doherty: ☠ The two have never really socialized with each other, though Abe feels as if Arden is intimidated by her. This irritated Abe for some reason and now feels a sense of hate whenever near Arden.

  • Addi Harkon: ☠ Both Addi and Abe have been known for being bitchy to other people. Their rude tendencies were often the reason people hated them. Abe hates how Addi isn't afraid to act out on her harsh views and secretly despises her.
ShaShaBoomStar! This is ShaSha, and I'm going to Boom your Star! Wait, no. Gtfo.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Possibility on Sat Aug 03, 2013 11:34 pm

Erin Springs

| β™₯ = romantic | ☺ = friends | ☠ = dislike/enemies | β—‘ = neutral |

  • Jennifer Ackley: β—‘ "She's an art prodigy. I've never bothered with her, not because I think ill of her or anything, but because I just never have. I suppose she could be a wonderful person, but I've never talked to her other than the occasional 'Excuse me' or 'thanks'. Maybe I'll talk to her, eventually."

  • Derek Peterson: β—‘ "He doesn't socialize much, does he? I don't know. He's very math-y, and that's really all I know of him. I've seen him around, sometimes. I've always assumed he would be very clinical and logical, what with his love of math and it's unwavering tendency to be those things, and so I never talked to him. Two things I'm not good with- Logical and Clinical."

  • Evan Nichols: β˜ β—‘ "Hope doesn't like him, so I don't either. He seems very... playerish. While flirting is all well and good, you can take it too far, and from what I've heard he really has. I've seen him around, and tried to avoid him as best I can. From gossip and just seeing him around, he seems lazy. Lazy has never helped anyone, as far as I'm concerned"

  • Hope Candall: ☺ "Oh she is my best friend! Our talents go hand and hand as well. I have so much fun just talking to her, and composing music for her ballets is a joy I have yet to find surpassed. Of course, composing music in general, and playing it, gives me a joy I have not surpassed yet as well, so there as that. Anyway, I love her like a sister."

  • Alexandra Ross: β—‘ "I've seen her around, of course, and she sure does look scary. Though, I have also seen her laugh and giggle and have a fun looking time, so I suppose she can't be that bad. She's a bit bipolar, from what I've heard and seen. But then again, she seems like she would be a fun, exiting friend."

  • Felix Compton: β˜Ίβ—‘ "He's a dancer, like Hope, and she likes him, so I suppose I would like him if I found time to speak with him. Maybe compose a ballet sometime for him. That would be fun. Anyway, I like his style. It's flashy and fun and colorful. Who wouldn't love that?"

  • Abercrombie Melbourne: ☠ "Oh she sure is a bitchy one, that's for sure. I don't know what crawled up her butt, but it must have lodged there and set up camp. I don't know why she is so mean, but I want nothing to do with her. She is a no talent (and that's saying something, considering everyone has something they are talented at to some extent ) ass who has a massive superiority complex. Also, who in the hell give a child the name Abercrombie? Recipe for a bitchy disaster she turned out as. That's all I'm going to say."

  • Kieran Archer: β—‘ "I don't have an opinion on him yet- never seen him around. I suppose he has just as much of a chance at being a good person and possible good friend as anyone I don't know does, as I have yet to hear anything that would prove otherwise."

  • Carter Bennett : β—‘ "He doesn't seem to understand much, that's for sure. Though, you really don't have to know much to enjoy music, so I bet he could be a friend of mine. I've not approached him though, so maybe he wouldn't like music? I wouldn't know, would I?"

  • Arden Doherty: β—‘ "Oh, she seems like the 'strong but silent' type. She is always on her computer, tapping away. She seems pretty smart- I wonder why the scouts didn't identify that as a talent? Well, I'm not the employer of the scouts, so I don't know what standards they have to hold to when it comes to recruiting. Anyway, I spend all of my time at the keys as well, so that's a trait we share."

  • Addi Harkon: β—‘ "She's very rude, from what I've heard. She acts a bit bitchy, but not nearly as much as Abrocrombie does. I stay away from her, she from me. She seems a bit icy though, and a tad lonely. Maybe there is more to meets the eye.. However, I'm not going to be the one to try and find out. I get the feeling it would be more bruises than fun, and I don't know anyone that likes bruises more than fun"

*Of course, these opinions are subject to change, and if I messed up horribly or the opinions are wonky, don't hesitate to shoot me a PM.*
Last edited by Possibility on Sun Aug 04, 2013 2:02 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby tigerz on Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:19 am

Derek Peterson

| β™₯ = romantic | ☺ = friends | ☠ = dislike/enemies | β—‘ = neutral |

  • Jennifer Ackley: β—‘ Like most people at his school, Derek has never really talked to her. He does admire her work though even if he doesn't entirely understand it.

  • Evan Nichols: ☠ Derek doesn't like Evan at all. He's always calling Derek a nerd and it makes him really upset. Derek also doesn't like how he always is flirting with girls. To him it makes it seem like Evan doesn't actually care for them.

  • Hope Candall: β—‘ Derek doesn't talk to her really. She does seem nice to him though. They've met briefly and Derek awkwardly left the conversation.

  • Erin Springs: β—‘ Derek has wanted to talk to her but hasn't worked up the nerve yet. It's just too hard for him. Derek loves the way she thinks and how it's come rely different from him. There's just something fascinating about that for him.

  • Alexandra Ross: ☠Even though she sticks up for him he still doesn't like her. Alex would tease him and he hates when she takes pictures of him working on a problem. He especially hates when she video tapes him explaining something math related to her.

  • Felix Compton: β—‘ Derek has heard a lot of people question his sexuality. Derek doesn't really care though. He hasn't taken the time to talk to him really but he seems like an okay guy.

  • Abercrombie Melbourne: β—‘
    Derek doesn't really talk to her. He does like the fact that she isn't afraid to speak her mind though.
  • Kieran Archer: β—‘ Hasn't actually met him really. Only heard some talk but didn't really care.

  • Carter Bennett : ☠ Derek thinks Carter is a complete moron and hates how he acts around people.

  • Arden Doherty: ☠ There's something competitive about her that he doesn't like. He thinks she's trying to upper hand him and Derek doesn't want that happening at all.

  • Addi Harkon:β—‘ Like most people at school he's never talked to her.

Alex Ross

| β™₯ = romantic | ☺ = friends | ☠ = dislike/enemies | β—‘ = neutral |

  • Jennifer Ackley: β—‘ Alex and her don't really talk but she loves her artwork. She's been trying to film her as she works lately for a project Alex is working on.

  • Derek Peterson: ☺ Alex thinks that they're friends even though Derek hates her. She won't stop being there for him. Eventually he'll stop hating her... Right?

  • Evan Nichols: ☠ Alex thinks he's a pig and doesn't even bother to talk to him.

  • Hope Candall: β—‘ They've seen each other in the hallways and don't say much but hi. Alex has sneaked into the dance room to videotape and take pictures of her and Felix.

  • Erin Springs: β—‘ They've only talked a few times. Alex enjoys hearing her play and seeing how Erin gets sucked into the music.

  • Felix Compton: β—‘ He has her very confused but does love his taste in clothes. Alex especially loves how much color he uses as well as how he dances. She sees real passion in him.

  • Abercrombie Melbourne: ☠ Alex hates her attitude towards people.

  • Kieran Archer: β—‘ Seen him around and really can't decide anything good or bad about him.

  • Carter Bennett : ☠ There's just something about him that really gets on her nerves.

  • Arden Doherty: β—‘ Alex hasn't talked to her yet.

  • Addi Harkon: β—‘ Alex has seen her around. She loves her eyes and really wants to use her as a model. She seems like someone she could get along with despite what other people think.

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