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H.A.G.S. Academy

Character Relationships

a part of “H.A.G.S. Academy”, a fictional universe by LuckyNumber24.

Hidden in the forests of Goodfellow lies a special school for special children. These gifted youths are the world's next generation of Magick casters and they might be in danger...

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Character Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Vix on Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:05 pm

Character Relationships; We're all familiar with them. I know some people just groan about “Ehhh! Why do we have to do theeeese?” Well, I personally think that doing them is a good thing [though it gets tiring with a large cast] because it's easier for characters to interact when the writers know where their characters stand with the others. So, the relationship chart that I made is pretty basic stuff, nothing too hard. Just put a symbol, a quote, and then something short [or long] on your character's relationship with the one in question. You can even include a brief mentioning of how they met and how they got to where they are now.

Symbol Chart:
♥♥(crush, in a relationship) | ♥( hooked up,flirts etc.) | ☺(friends) | ◑ (neutral)| ☠ (Enemies)

Code: Select all
[center][img]Character Image[/img]
[url=Link to Character Sheet][img]Character Name FontMeme Style[/img][/url]
| Alias | Age | Years at HAGS | Sexuality | Coven |[/center]

Audrey Grey – {Symbol} [TBA] [color=HEX COLOR][i]“Quote”[/i][/color]

Ayman Majid – {Symbol}  [color=HEX COLOR][i]“Quote”[/i][/color]

Avery Hawk – {Symbol}  [color=HEX COLOR][i]“Quote”[/i][/color]

Deseronto Pierce – {Symbol}  [color=HEX COLOR][i]“Quote”[/i][/color]

Divinia Doriano – {Symbol}  [color=HEX COLOR][i]“Quote”[/i][/color]

Erik Odinson – {Symbol}  [color=HEX COLOR][i]“Quote”[/i][/color]

Eros Caballero – {Symbol}  [color=HEX COLOR][i]“Quote”[/i][/color]

Esmeralda North – {Symbol}  [color=HEX COLOR][i]“Quote”[/i][/color]

Evanne Jeansonne – {Symbol}  [color=HEX COLOR][i]“Quote”[/i][/color]

Ivanya Lou – {Symbol}  [color=HEX COLOR][i]“Quote”[/i][/color]

Lisa Jordan – {Symbol}  [color=HEX COLOR][i]“Quote”[/i][/color]

Maeve Brennan – {Symbol}  [color=HEX COLOR][i]“Quote”[/i][/color]

Maisie Hart – {Symbol}  [color=HEX COLOR][i]“Quote”[/i][/color]

Nicholas Everett – {Symbol}  [i][color=HEX COLOR]“”[/i][/color]

Olgues Wesner – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR][i]“Quote”[/i][/color]

Sasha Romanova – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR][i]“Quote”[/i][/color]

Seraphiel Moore – {Symbol}  [color=HEX COLOR][i]“Quote”[/i][/color]

Sophia Divinus – {Symbol}  [color=HEX COLOR][i]“Quote”[/i][/color]
◎!Check it out!◎
◎My Interest Check◎
“All I'm writing is just what I feel, that's all. I just keep it almost naked. And probably the words are so bland.”
― Jimi Hendrix

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Re: Character Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Vix on Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:11 pm

♥♥(crush, in a relationship) | ♥( hooked up,flirts etc.) | ☺(friends) | ◑ (neutral)| ☠ (Enemies)

| Nia/Dimka | 19 | 9 | Sapio | Circe |

“I once had wings as white as virgin snow – Accepting reality has turned them as black as coal.”

Audrey Grey – ☺☺☺ “Quite possibly my favorite, this one.”
Audrey reminds Divinia a lot of herself when she first arrived at Hecate Academy and that's got a lot to do with why she's both tougher and friendlier to her than she is with others, even Ivy. She is always eager to help Audrey further her powers and discover new things about her as well as teach her. She sees a lot of potential in her and simply adores her no-bullshit, straightforward attitude. She sees Audrey very much as a little sister and can be a bit more defensive with her than she is with others. Especially when Deseronto is involved. She feels like Audrey is making great progress with her powers and with Deseronto seeming to lecture her whenever she uses them against other people, it's irritating. She warns Audrey to avoid spending too much time around him and to most definitely not let him get into her head.

Ayman Majid – [TBA] “Quote”

Avery Hawk – [TBA] “Quote”

Deseronto Pierce – ☺/☠☠ “One part brave and three parts fool. But what nice, broad shoulders he has.”
They aren't exactly best friends and Divinia doesn't trust him as far as she can throw him. She finds that he's good for relaxing companionship whenever he isn't preaching his Merlin bullshit and especially good for irritating Professor Everett. Other than that, she does her best to avoid him. He whines too much for her and he's too soft. She doesn't support his belief that the students will grow stronger with constant gentle nurturing and kindness. She's more of an advocate of tough love and often makes her point by beating down anyone she thinks would make an excellent example. She hates it when he says to her or others, even in a joking manner, that he's converting her to good. That's insinuating that she is a bad or evil person. Which, she takes offense to. While physically weaker than him, her magick power and knowledge is by far stronger than his and she isn't afraid to take him down. The only reason she has anything to do with him because he was the first Merlinite to actually ask her why she was "mean" instead of automatically hating her and assuming she was just born a criminal. She hates when newer students of Circe hang around him because of his constant need to preach to them that the way they use their magick is wrong. She doesn't need him guilt tripping those who are making progress and has come to blows with him more than once. Over the years, while she has maintained some sort of loose friendship with him, her respect for him has dwindled as she grows more and more weary of his hero complex. She doesn't like how he befriends Circeans only to turn around and all but brag about how he sees the good in them and he believes that he can get them to be better people. Like Circe and all within is just some broken charity project that only he can fix. She often finds herself almost two seconds away from losing her composure and simply throwing him across a room.

Divinia Doriano

Erik Odinson – ☺☺ “Erik is by far the person that I respect the most at this place. I anxiously await the day that I get to teach alongside him.”
Erik is Divinia's favorite out of all of the staff members even though he is among the youngest. She views him as stronger, wiser, and more practical than the others. Ever since he first started teaching at HAGS, she has always taken delight in attending his lessons and showing off in his class. Well, showing off more than usual. Because of her small size, she takes extra time to attend private lessons so that he can teach her actual physical combat rather than just Battle Magick. It's best to always be prepared, right? She does view him as a father figure, but when she is annoyed or angry with him, she will flirt with him just to make him uncomfortable. In the years when Divinia had grown further away from Nic and a few of the others staff members, absorbed in her studies of Forbidden Magick, she felt a bit alone. The man that once was the Battle Magick teacher wasn't much of a good teacher as far as she was concerned. He was a good teacher in theory, but not much one for application. Erik hadn't come along until Divinia had graduated as a student and decided to stay for a little while longer. She wasn't intending on studying to be a Mentor or Professor, simply needing to get a few things before she went out as a vigilante to hunt down Sons of Eden members. There's a certain room that only the Circe Mentors have [or should have] access to, heavily warded with various curses and hexes, containing various ancient and forbidden scrolls. She happened upon it and decided that she was going to take a few of these scrolls with her, since apparently none of the Circe Mentors would use them. Erik found her breaking into the vault and the two engaged in a fight. She was able to hold her own against him with magick, not wanting to really kill him. When he got in close and got physical, she didn't stand a chance. Physical combat wasn't required curriculum and she wasn't prepared for the headbutt that he sent her way, knocking her out cold. When she woke up in Nurse Gats' office, he was there. A conversation followed and he soon talked her into staying and studying for another four years. The two grew close in a relatively short amount of time and he became many things to her, filling that void that had come when Nic and she parted. Erik has been a father, a brother, a mentor, and more to her.

Eros Caballero – ◑/ ☠ “Like Mentor Everett, all that power is wasted on a child.”
Many people have foolishly dared to claim Eros to be Divinia's male counterpart and they couldn't be any more wrong than a Ke$sha's claim to be talented. The only thing that they have in common without a doubt is their undeniably amazing sense of and love for fashion, whether it's Gucci or Cheap Chic from a thrift shop. It's probably the only thing they can agree on. While Eros uses his powers just to get laid and gather gossip to use for his petty, grade school quarrels, Divinia uses her powers to strengthen herself and others and she never uses lies for gossip. Just a few personal secrets. While he can be fun to be around sometimes, Divinia often doesn't have time for his frivolity. She feels that her time is better spent helping other people who actually have a desire to fight for their survival and dominance against the Sons of Eden and anyone else who stands in their way. She isn't opposed to spending time with him at parties though. She seems to be one of the very few girls swooning over him and plans on keeping it that way. She believes strongly that he needs to toughen up and take the dangers of life seriously, lest he die upon first enemy contact rather than spend his time trying to win votes for prom king and soaking up attention just for the sake of feeling good. She's pretty sure that a guy like him would crumble without having a following of whores and bimbos in general to lather him in attention and affection. At first, he was just a nobody that she didn't care too much to pay attention to. But after he tried using his powers on her to seduce her, easily deflected by the dark Aura around her, she hasn't taken too well to him. Had he been her friend or had a purpose behind besides just wanting a good lay, she wouldn't have minded. But he was a total stranger and she had no problems giving him genital warts for punishment.

Esmeralda North – ☺ “You and I are going to be very good friends, I can already tell...”

Evanne Jeansonne – ☺☺ “You're strange, but I like that. Allow me to broaden your horizons and unlock your potential.”
Divinia finds Evanne to be strange, but in a very alluring way. Romantic feelings? No - Though she does flirt just for the reactions. She enjoys the quiet and peace when she spends time studying with Evanne and likes to watch her work with her magic. Despite what outside appearances would suggest, she and Evanne are actually very close friends though Evanne isn't exactly a "normal" friend. They aren't exactly rushing to copy and compare notes or make sure that they meet each other for lunch every day, but they do speak to each other every day, hardly about any girl stuff. Mostly about magick stuff. Div doesn't like when people pick on Evanne either. She knows Evanne could most likely handle herself but has a quirky personality. As such, she's quick to deck someone in the face for disrespect. Evanne in some ways is closer to her than Ivy. Few have seen her show any sort of emotional vulnerability while those groups are usually divided into two – those who sneer and joke about her having feelings and those who simply stand awkwardly and unsure of what to do – Evanne falls into a special group of people, the people who actually attempt to show her some form of comfort, understanding that despite everything she does she is still a person with feelings.

Harper Lavine – “Aww. Your comebacks are so third grade.”
Harper doesn't like her and she doesn't like Harper. Simple as that. She sees Harper as little more than a child even though Harper's hardly much younger than she is. She doesn't like Harper for the same reason that she doesn't like [most of] the people in Merlin: She sees someone being tough and immediately assumes that they're some kind of bully, criminal, or just plain villainous for the sake of being villainous. She also doesn't like that Harper tries to come off as being some uber wise, mystic, enlightened person but passes instantaneous narrow-minded judgment on people. When it comes down to it, she's not going to specifically target Harper unless Harper does something to make herself a target. However, when the opportunity presents itself, she's not afraid to push Harper around. As Harper seems only capable of tossing around a few [hardly] witty remarks, unable to back herself up with magick or physicality, Divinia is quick to point it out. She knows that Harper doesn't exactly hate her, but she cares little to sit down and talk to her because she simply doesn't have the time. She doesn't have anything personal against Harper except when Harper goes into a tirade which she generally ignores until she goes too far. She doesn't view her as a threat in any way, shape, or form.

Ivanya Lou – ☺☺ “Oh, my darling little Ivy! The fun that we will have when we turn this place upside down! For the common good, of course.”
Ivy is one of Divinia's closest friends, being part of her small inner circle. Divinia took Ivy under her wing during her first year after spotting her power potential and taking a liking to her general attitude. There's a lot different about them when it comes to what they like and don't like, especially in the fashion department, but when it comes down to their core, they're very similar. Divinia is set on making Ivy stronger and will often stand up for her when the younger woman is disrespected. She knows that sometimes Ivy can be a bit childish and petty and she does scold her for it and often does not stand up for her when Ivy brings trouble onto herself. But if she feels that Ivy is being wrongly accused, she is quick to defend.

Lisa Jordan – [TBA] “Quote”

Maeve Brennan – [TBA] “Quote”

Maisie Hart – [TBA] “Quote”

Nicholas Everett – ☠☠☠ “All that power and intelligence wasted on a fool of a manchild.”
She cannot stand Nic. Honestly, she finds him highly attractive and to be very book smart. But that's as far as it goes for her. She doesn't mind his laid-back, fun, and almost teenage personality. It's absolutely adorable and it suits him. What she doesn't like is him pegging her and everyone else in Circe as villains, antagonists, criminals, and bullies without just cause. The two of them are constantly butting heads and she has attacked him physically twice, but she was stopped by Erik before she could attack him with magick. She sees Nic as one of the weaker of the Mentors and holds little respect for him. She doesn't go out of her way to make him angry or uncomfortable, but when the opportunity presents itself, who is she to pass it up? She knows that he has a silly crush on Sophia and isn't above using this later for her own advantage. They used to be close, when she was a child and had first come to HAGS. He healed her soul and he was very much like a big brother to her. But as she delved further into Forbidden Magick, they grew apart.

Olgues Wesner – ☺ “You're not half bad.”
Olgues isn't her favorite teacher, but she respects him. She isn't exactly a religious person, but to each their own. What she does like about him, besides his personality, is that he doesn't mind helping her out with her more harmless pranks and acts of revenge. She does respect that he is strong and enjoys watching him and Sasha work with Fae. She only wishes that she could get anywhere near the Fae that they play with, but her dark Aura frightens them. Still, she appreciates that he at least tried once to get a Fae near her. It was closer than she had ever been to one. It was a good birthday for her. Like Nic once was, Olgues is almost like a big brother to her.

Ryan Hensley – ♥/☺☺ “Australian, amazing body, strong, and in Circe. How do you think I feel?”
Like so many of the others in Circe, Ryan and Div simply clicked as soon as they met. Divinia is definitely all for simply sitting down and allowing herself to just melt into the sound of his voice sometimes. While he is admittedly very delightful to look at with his shirt off, Divinia loves watching him practice the use of his powers possibly just a bit more. She loves discussing the idea of new diseases with him and has even opted to share some of her research and theories with him about new diseases. Despite having a crush on him, she doesn't really show it in the typical fashion. She doesn't swoon over him or suddenly get goofy when he comes around, nor is she any softer on him than she is with others. She does flirt with him a lot though. The two have never dated though many people assume that they are. She knows that she's not his type, between being too tall and “hard to get”, she manages to maintain a close friendship with him while also teasing him with her flirts.

Sasha Romanova – ☺☺ “You so get me.”
Besides Erik, Divinia feels that Sasha just gets her. She understands that there is no right or wrong when it comes to survival. Though she and Sasha do banter every now and then about their opinions on strong versus weak in different aspects, they're still pretty close. Sasha rescued her. Divinia thought that she was going to die until she showed up. She has always been closer to Sasha than with the other teachers and can count on her to keep her secrets. She thinks Ivy's crazy for not liking her but she doesn't plan on getting in between the two when they banter. If she was forced to choose sides, she would choose Sasha. Ivy might be her best friend of two years, but Sasha did save her life and has had her back for nine years no matter what Div's done. Sasha is very much like an older sister.

Seraphiel Moore – ◑ “I know who she is. She's strong. But reserved. All things take time and we will formally meet eventually.”

Sophia Divinus – ☺ “I spend far too much time in your office for no reason. Anyways, when are you going to fire Everett?”
Soph raised her at HAGS and taught her almost everything that she knows. The Head Mistress played a huge part in Div growing stronger and Div holds all the respect in the world for her. Sophia is the only person besides Erik and Sasha that she bothers to really strive not to disappoint. That doesn't mean that she's not going to break a few rules and try her best to be some goody golden child, but she does her best to make sure Soph doesn't have to clean up her messes or catch flak for her actions.

| Mother Nature/Empress | 115 | 41 | Hetero | Puck |

Audrey Grey – [TBA] “Quote”

Ayman Majid – ☺ “Quote”

Avery Hawk – ☺ “Quote”

Deseronto Pierce – ☺ “Quote”

Divinia Doriano – ☺ “You know that I'm always going to be there for you. That's what sisters are for.”
Divinia is very much like a younger sister to Sasha and while many others are disgusted and disappointed in the direction that she's gone with her life, Sasha is proud. Divinia adapted to the dangers of the world and she is a survivor. She's a warrior. While every other person generally has her written off as a petty bully and criminal, Sasha knows her better than anyone else. She is able to separate her personal feelings enough to see that even if she didn't know Divinia as well as she does, she would still like her. Why? Because she reminds her of a predator. A black mamba to be exact. One of her favorite things about Divinia is how honest and polite she is but at the same time she's harsh and deadly. She sees it as an elegance almost lost on the younger generation.

Erik Odinson – ☺ “Quote”

Esmeralda North – ☺ “Quote”

Evanne Jeansonne – ☺ “Quote”

Ivanya Lou – ◑ “Aww, you think you're a threat to me. That's just fucking adorable. Step down before we end up burying another student.”
Sasha doesn't hate people, and certainly not other witches. Even though Ivy seems unable to stand everything about her, Sasha simply smiles and carries on. She wouldn't be very good at her job if she let her feelings get hurt by random students that weren't her charges. The two have yet to do more than simply banter, though Sasha has no doubt that the two of them will eventually reach a point where things get a bit nastier. In that case, she has expressed that she has no problems with handing her ass to her and possibly burying her.

Lisa Jordan – ☺ “Quote”

Maeve Brennan – ☺ “Quote”

Maisie Hart – ☺ “Quote”

Nicholas Everett – ♥/♥♥/☺☺☺ “A sweet and forbidden fruit that I must have.”
From the moment they met, the two instantly got along. In all of her 115 years, there aren't many people that she considers to be close friends. Of course the two of them butt heads every now and then, though that's mostly on her part when she's in a bad mood. But other than that, the two get along just fine and he's always on the top of the list of people to invite to parties. She does really like him and enjoys hanging out with him whenever she can, though she'd never ask him to go out with her because if he rejects her and she takes it badly, the effects could be absolutely disastrous. She's content with thinly veiled shows of affection. It's not she thinks he's her one true love or anything, but he was her first kiss and she definitely could see a future with him. It's not like she has their kids named already though.

Olgues Wesner – ♥/♥♥/☺☺☺ “Imagine how beautiful the complexion of a child we could have together!”
She and Olgues get along like two peas in the proverbial pod. They share a similar power set and mentor the same Coven. She absolutely adores him to no end. The two flirt quite a bit, though it's never gone past that. She enjoys dancing with him and getting together for meals with him to go over lesson plans because she hates doing lesson plans by herself because they are so beyond boring. She doesn't know how he feels about her and she's not about to ask, though she does know that Banzi doesn't seem to like how close she is to Olgues. It's to be expected though – Most Familiars are very protective over their wards even into their adult years. Olgues is one of her best friends and she would do just about anything for him.

Seraphiel Moore – ☺ “Quote”

Sophia Divinus – ☺☺☺ “Quote”
Last edited by Vix on Thu Mar 06, 2014 2:20 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Character Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Purpl3_Flam3s on Thu Feb 27, 2014 8:37 pm


{| Ivy | 18 | 2 Years | Heterosexual | Circe |}
♥♥(crush, in a relationship) | ♥( hooked up,flirts etc.) | ☺(friends) | ◑ (neutral)| ☠ (Enemies)

"You know what they say, keep you friends close and your enemies closer."

Audrey Grey – {◑/☺}
"I guess you can say where friends. Well it's more like I tolerate her."
Audrey is probably the only Circe member who she doesn't have a decent friendship with. Ivy doesn't go seeking Audrey for anything and they don't have anything in common. When they are left alone together it takes them a while to come up with a decent conversation. And even then the conversation ends short. Some of the things Audrey does kind of pisses her off. Like the fact that she hates the kind of fun Ivy's into. She's a joy kill really.

Ayman Majid – {☺}
'Hey this guy is hilarious with his jokes an all. He's got a banging personality too.'
Ayman is one of the people who Ivy consider a genuine friend. Meaning she actually loosens up around him and can actually have fun. When it comes to these two they become two typical tricksters. Coming up with the latest pranks and ways to get other people in trouble for things they clearly didn't do. That's just how they are. If you're looking for a god prank you go to these two. You'll have a hell of a good time.

Avery Hawk – {Symbol}

Deseronto Pierce – {☺/◑}
'He actually 'believes' that I can be a better person. I really want to see him try.'
Deseronto is constantly cleaning up Ivy's messes. When she gets into a sticky situation she can literally count on him to be there in two seconds flat coming up with an excuse that gets her out of trouble. Sometimes it works. The weird thing is that Ivy has never called him out for it nor make his life a living hell for bothering her. She lets him watch over her and to be honest, she almost rely's on him. Almost.

Divinia Doriano – {☺☺}
'Look out the terrible two's are coming through.'
Together these two make chaos. On a scale to one to ten it's like a 30 on how much damage they do. Div is more like an older sister to Ivy kind of looking out for her and guiding her through things that frustrate or confuse her. They are alike in so many ways it's pretty scary. Div sometimes get annoying when she constantly bugs Ivy about her lack of color in her wardrobe. But really, these two get along like butter on a biscuit.

Erik Odinson – {☺}
“The best teacher out of the bunch.”
Ivy likes Erik because of his personality and how he acts towards others. A fun loving guy without acting like a child but demands respect from all. A trait that every teacher should have. Also the fact that his familiar is a wolf just adds as a bonus seeing as Ivy also has a wolf familiar. Ivy learns a lot from Erik and sees him as a father and mentor when she needs help with something.

Eros Caballero – {Symbol}

Esmeralda North – {Symbol}

Evanne Jeansonne – {◑☺}
'When it's time to get serious and life is getting to hard, I have her on speed dial.'
Evanne and Ivy have this very weird relationship. They don't talk to each other and basically ignore each other like they were complete strangers. But when times get rough they are running to each other ready to spill whatever it is on their mind without hesitation. There is just some things you can't tell your friends. Ivy trust Evanne with a lot of secrets which is more than what Div knows. Another scary factor.

Harper Valine – {☠}
“I find her amusing. Her pathetic remarks entertain me. Please, go on.”
Harper and Ivy are like two dominate bulls. Always going at each other and not holding anything back. Harper assumes that Ivy is a bully and that pisses her off just a little. If it weren't for Harper's bad reactions to every sarcastic comment Ivy says, Ivy wouldn't even have bothered with someone like her. Why waste her time unless the situation appeased to her in some type of way. Harper does that all by herself. Not trying to be mean. Okay that's a lie.

Ivanya Lou – {☺/◑}
'I'm not going to lie, I'm a child with serious problems.'
Ivy isn't a normal child. She has her problems and she knows she needs to work on them. Ivy attempts to keep her sadistic nature and bullying at bay but old habits die hard. Very hard.

Leonardo Gats – {◑}
“I can't wrap my head around it. One minute he's a kid, the next second he's a father.”
Mr.Gats. A weird teacher. He's almost as childish as Mr.Everett and that's never a good thing. But like he's making up for it, he acts like a fatherly figure. Maybe he has kids? Ivy doesn't really know, just that fact that his mood can switch really quickly and sometimes that catches her off guard. When Mr.Gats is in his 'child like state' Ivy get's easily frustrated with him and tends to be cruel.But when's becomes the man he's suppose to be, all is forgiven.

Lisa Jordan – {Symbol}

Lucian Black – {Symbol}

Maeve Brennan – {Symbol}

Maisie Hart – {◑}
“Oh Maisie, my lovely victim. She makes it easy when she acts nice to everyone like that.
Ivy get's on Maisie's case often. Enough that Maisie has been labeled 'The Victim'. Ivy isn't really brutal when it comes to Maisie. Ivy has her boundaries and can sense when someone is about to snap. So she just goes for the embarrassing points like pointing out that she has something on her face or calling her out when she does something wrong and tries to hide it. The small stuff really.

Nicholas Everett – {☠}
“What''s with the teacher behaviors? Your 40 years old, not 17. Grow up will ya?”
Ivy hates Mr. Everett's childish behavior and can bee seen casting him a disgusted look or a sneer whenever his around. She can't stand the fact that he flirts and does teenage things with other teachers. Just do your job! She also hates that he labels ever Circe member as a villain and the Merlin the heroes. This isn't a freaking comic book. If Ivy was truly a villain as well as other Circe's, Merlin would be terminated for good.

Olgues Wesner – {Symbol}

Ryan Hensley – {☺}
“Cool dude, very cocky and annoying but he's fun to hang with.”
Ryan and Ivy have a good friendship. They can talk to each other and start a conversation almost every day. They can even stand in silence together and it'll still be comfortable. They can usually be seen together in the office (in trouble) or just roaming the hallways making wide gestures trying to get their point across. Ryan has this weird thing that makes her laugh loudly and almost instantly. It's usually at his attempt at flirting or how silly he's being at that point. Ivy actually feels normal around him.

Ryan Simpson – {☠}
“Him and his lover needs to get off my ass it's annoying”
Ivy thinks that Ryan doesn't really hate her. Just that fact that Ivy's always butting heads with Harper(his crush). Ryan doesn't now that Harper always starts the arguments. Ivy doesn't even acknowledge Harper half the time only when's she shouting nonsense. Ryan thinks her attitude is childish and that she should grow up. Ivy believes that he can jump off a cliff. Ivy knows she isn't childish, because she speaks the truth. Just because she bullies a couple of kids does not make her 'childish'.

Sasha Romanova – {☠}
"I don't want to look at her, smell her, or hear her. If I do, I'm not responsible for my actions.'
Ivy doesn't care if she's a teacher. All Ivy wants to do is strangle her. For a teacher's she's very...shameful. She's a child in a woman's body. Flirtatious, preppy, and can't stay on a topic for her life. The only thing she's good for is producing children, which will most likely put a bad impact in the generations gene pool. She is literally Ivy's opposite. Ivy knows that a fight with a teacher(especially one as old as her) will end badly but Ivy refuses to hide her feelings for anyone.

Seraphiel Moore – {Symbol}

Sophia Divinus – {Symbol}
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Re: Character Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby bfb_monster on Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:50 pm

| Alex/Mr.Odinson| 32 | 4 | Straight | Circe |

(gonna fill out later)
♥♥ ♥ ☺ ◑ ☠
Audrey Grey – ◑[TBA] “Quote”

Ayman Majid – ◑ [color=crimson“Quote”[/color]

Avery Hawk – ◑ [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Deseronto Pierce – ◑ [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Divinia Doriano – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Erik Odinson – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Eros Caballero – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Esmeralda North – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Evanne Jeansonne – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Ivanya Lou – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Lisa Jordan – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Maeve Brennan – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Maisie Hart – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Nicholas Everett – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“”[/color]

Olgues Wesner – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Sasha Romanova – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Seraphiel Moore – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Sophia Divinus – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

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Re: Character Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby PanDorable on Fri Feb 28, 2014 12:22 am

Harper Elle Valine
| Harpy | 17 | 0 | Bi-Sexual | Laveau |

" Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world."

Audrey Grey – {◑} "Come not between the dragon and his wraith."
Harper is simply happy to admire Audrey from afar. She may not have been at the school long, but she knows a ticking time bomb when she sees one and she knows not to mess with her. She can appreciate Audrey's abilities and boldness, but doesn't want to cross her or end up on her bad side. They do have one thing in common: coffee. Sometimes Harper sees her in the local cafe' on the weekends, but only nods her way and moves on. She stays neutral to Audrey as much as she can to avoid any possible confrontation. It isn't that she dislikes Audrey, it's just that she's cautious. Harper doesn't exactly want to join "the dark side" (though she's curious on some things), but she wants friends that no matter what they do or where they belong, they respect her stand on things and not push her one direction or the other.

Aurelia Sharpe - {☺☺} "To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful."
Dance is one of the most spontaneous and carefree things that Harper does. She loves it, and when she joined Sasha's dance classes she quickly made a friend who was just as passionate for dance as she is. Aurelia not only became Harper's friend, but her choreography practice buddy. Harper surprisingly took incredibly well to her. They've talked, laughed, and danced their way through the school together ever since.

Ayman Majid – {♥♥,☺} “Boldness, be my friend.”
Harper and Ayman have become very good friends in just a short amount of time. He's attractive, likeable, and of course is gay. So, it goes to say, Harper's second big crush of the school is yet again going nowhere, and he just thinks it's hilarious. Despite this, she calls him friend. They share a lot of laughs and witty banter, and they occasionally go to the cafe' together in town, her grabbing coffee, him digging into some gooey sweet. He picks on her about her crush on him constantly in a teasing way, but Harper doesn't mind so much, because she enjoys his company too much to get pissed about it. She hates when people say rude things to or about him, and reacts with a fury similar to a yapping chihuahua to defend him. She might just be about the only person who does. She likes to think that he appreciates it, or at the very least, it amuses him.

Avery Hawk – {◑} “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”
Avery seems nice and all, but Harper just hasn't really talked to her enough to pass judgment. In Harper's eyes, Avery is pretty and makes really cool jewelry (that Harper sometimes wonders if they're for sale), but other than that Harper doesn't know that much about the chick.

Deseronto Pierce – {◑} “Anger itself does more harm than the condition which aroused anger.”
Harper's opinion of Deseronto is pretty simple: He is stuck up. He takes the whole being a hero thing too far. Be a hero, cool, but don't brag about it so much. She just avoids him as much as she can.

Divinia Doriano – {☠,◑} “I would challenge you to a battle of wits, but I see you are unarmed.”
Div is half of what makes up the terrible two. Her and Ivy together. To Harper, they seem like tyrants. She can appreciate Div's raw power and ability, and she likes her a little more than Ivy, but not by much. The best she can say is, she is more live and let live to her than her smaller, younger half.

Erik Odinson – {◑} “Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”
While many people, teachers and students alike, see Mr. Odinson as frightening, Harper just sees him as an awesome and slightly intimidating force to be reckoned with. Despite his strict personality towards his students and his rough mannerisms, Harper can't help but sort of like the big viking. She doesn't exactly understand what it is about him, but she can't seem to find herself cowering in a corner like other students do. She meets his direct approach calmly and takes his antics in stride, though admittedly he could pommel her.

Eros Caballero – {♥♥} "When I saw you I fell in love, And you smiled because you knew."
Harper has a major crush on Eros, though he probably doesn't know it, nor does he probably even acknowledge her existence. He's older, cool, and so out of her league, and, of course, it seems Harper has a running trend for liking guys who lean more towards falling for other guys. Harper definitely wouldn't mind if Eros would like to enchant her...If he would ever notice her that is.

Esmeralda North – {◑} “Have more than you show, speak less than you know.”
Harper sees Esmeralda as one of those girls who has everything. She's "good". Too good for Harpy anyways. It's not like she hates her, it's just that she irritates her when she sees her around. She feels like she's a know-it-all show off that has more than she needs in life, but lacks appreciation for it. Maybe Harper just doesn't know her that well, or maybe she's being judgmental, but Harpy can't help it. The girls just raises her hackles.

Evanne Jeansonne – {◑} “Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.”
Harper has seen Evanne around the school some, and of course they are in the same coven, but so far they just don't really interact. Harper would like to think they might could become at least acquaintances. Harper will admit to herself, on a very basic level, she does find Evanne quite attractive.

Ivanya Lou – {☠} "Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
In Harper's opinion, Ivy is a downright bitch. Harper steers clear of Ivy and her cronies, Including Div, for the most part, but when she does encounter the terrible two, she responds with just as much hostility as is dished out. Harper hates bullies and that is exactly what Ivy and Div are, picking on students that they think are just easy to push around. Just seeing the two pisses Harper off. She combats Ivy's sarcasm with her own sarcastic, witty remarks, and wonders why they haven't actually come to blows yet.

Leonardo Gats - {◑,☺} "The world we live in is an illusion, and you are the magician...Don't get lost in your own magic!"
Harper likes to refer to Leo and "The Illusionist" in her head. He's pretty cool and can do some really neat things with his magic. Oh, and he is her other current mentor, dealing also with empathy and with her medium abilities. Despite the fact that he is known for creating things that aren't real, she finds that she trusts him.

Lisa Jordan – {◑} “Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice.”
Harper sees Lisa as the picture of innocence. She neither likes nor dislikes her. She's just to pink and frilly for Harper, and seems to be an all around perky person. Harper just doesn't really talk to her.

Maeve Brennan – {◑} “If you forgive the fox for stealing your chickens, he will steal your sheep.”
In a general sense, Harper's pretty okay with Maeve. She's an alright girl, maybe a little conniving, but hey, who isn't these days? It's really more that raccoon of hers that Harper's wary of and dislikes. She takes anything she comes to like! Makes it difficult to learn in classes when your writing utensils randomly disappear. Harper really liked that pen too...

Maisie Hart – {◑} “Words without thought never to heaven go.”
Maisie is an okay girl and all, but Harper steers clear of her because her memory manipulation weirds her out. She hopes to never to get on the wrong end of that power, because Harper appreciates her memories and would like them not to be messed with.

Nicholas Everett – {◑} “Honesty is the best policy.”
Nic is like the definition of a ladies man. Harper thinks he's a little over the top when it comes to trying to be hot and all, but he's a pretty nice teacher. Everyone knows him and Ms. Romanova have a thing going on, who could miss the flirting? Harper thinks it is kinda fun to watch.

Olgues Wesner – {☺,◑} "We know what we are, but know not what we may be."
Olgues Wesner is such a likable, laid back guy and Harper can't resist that kind of personality. She greatly enjoys his class and does well in it. He's very down to earth, and often she finds him amusing. She appreciates Olgues because he truly seems to genuinely care for other people.

Ryan Hensley - {◑} "Health is not valued til sickness comes."
Harper kind of has this slight fear of being sick. She can't stand hearing or seeing someone heave, much less have to do it herself. She doesn't even want to know about it. Because of this, she finds Ry's ability to mimmick viruses and stuff really creepy and gross, and she will not just avoid being in contact with Ry, she literally runs the opposite way when she can. Sure, he's probable an okay guy and all. Probably.

Ryan Simpson- {☺☺☺} "The course of love never did run smooth."
Ryan has always been Harper's best friend of all time. Until this year Harper thought he was off at some boarding school, turns out he has been at Hecate all along. It was a shock to walk up on campus, go through all the newbie stuff, and then run smack into him in the hall. Harper officially couldn't breath for practically a whole minute. Thankfully, having her best friend here has made the transition so much easier. She knows he has her back through thick and thin.

Sasha Romanova – {☺,◑} “To unpathed waters, to undreamed shores.”
Sashe is one of Harper's mentors. She's the go to gal for questions on empathy, and she's great at teaching all the elemental control. Harper learns how to control her air abilities from Sasha, and see's her as a sort of surrogate mom figure while she's at the school. Harper has never told her this, but it's how Harper see's it.

Seraphiel Moore – {☺☺} “Some are born great, some achieve greatness,, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em.”
Seraphiel is Harper's friend in a "I'm not sure if I trust you yet" kind of way. It's not that Harper feels like Seraphiel couldn't trust her, it's just that Harper thinks Seraphiel doesn't trust much of anyone. They met in class, a group project to be specific, an being in the same coven they actually have quite a lot in common, but the two aren't exactly inseparable. In fact, both enjoy their alone time too much to crowd each other. Harper just finds Seraphiel to be one of those friends that's easy company.

Sophia Divinus – {☺☺☺} "A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still gently allows you to grow."
Harper really like the headmistress of the school. She kind of looks up to her and feels a sort of understanding between them. Though some may think Sophia is too flashy, Harper finds her boldness refreshing. She sees her as a nurturing force and as an archive of knowledge to be tapped into. Harper also finds her office fascinating as it contains many unknown objects and wonderfully old books just begging to be read. She hopes that Sophia will one day allow Harper to read one of her precious books.
Last edited by PanDorable on Mon Mar 03, 2014 4:55 am, edited 8 times in total.
"Do what makes you happy."

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Re: Character Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Terraformer on Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:29 am

| Evanne Jeansonne | Evvy/Metalhead | 19 | 2 | Hetero | Laveau |

Audrey Grey– [TBA] “Quote”

Ayman Majid – [TBA] “Quote”

Avery Hawk – [TBA] “Quote”

Deseronto Pierce {"He's not interested in my past, or my personality. Just in sparing. Fine by me."}
Des and Evanne practice their electricity manipulation together and occasionally talk. Neither have been much interested beyond that but still consider each other good friends.

Divinia Doriano – [TBA] “Sometimes you really can't pick your friends.”
Evanne never had any doubts that, at the beginning of the friendship, Divina saw her as more of an ally than a friend. A person that she wanted on her side, mostly for the uniqueness of Evanne's ability. But as time when on and the two girls learned more about each other, the closer they became. When they are together they equal each other out. Evanne helps her be more mellow and Divina has always pushed and prodded at Evanne barely-there wild side.

Erik Odinson – [TBA] “Quote”

Esmeralda North – [TBA] “Quote”

Ivanya Lou – [TBA] “I always be there. You know that.”
Ivy and Evanne are an unlikely pair, as with most of her relationships because she can make even the most bland look unique. They aren't much in the way of small talk or gossip like most female friendships, but the trust they have between each other is palpable and is only called upon if the situation is dire. While Evanne is lacking in the emotional and life-altering events in her life, what she encounters she shares with Ivy. She enjoys it when she is approached by Ivy, even if it's just to listen or (on those rare occasions) give advice.

Lisa Jordan – [TBA] “Quote”

Maeve Brennan – [TBA] “Quote”

Maisie Hart – [TBA] “Quote”

Nicholas Everett – [TBA] "Quote"

Olgues Wesner – [TBA] "Quote"

Sash Romanova – [TBA] “Quote”

Seraphiel Moore – [TBA] “Quote”

Sophia Divinus – {TBA} “Quote”

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Re: Character Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Miss_Dreamer on Fri Feb 28, 2014 3:47 pm

|Dawn | Age | 2 | Heterosexual | Circe |

Audrey Grey – {☺♥☺♥☺} [TBA]
“I'm nice once you get past all the cold-hearted secretive parts of me. ”

Ayman Majid – {Symbol} “Quote”

Avery Hawk – {Symbol} “Quote”

Deseronto Pierce – {☺☯}
“We met when he caught me practicing spells on people without permission. In my defense, how else am I suppose to enhance my skills. Any way. I swear he watches me sometimes. Guess he doesn't like what I do. But we have had our fair share of conversations though. I like him though when he isn't scolding me.”

Divinia Doriano – {☺☺☺}
“We are beyond close. Almost sisters. She helps me with my abilities and encourages bad behavior as well. I try and keep her in control because by herself she is a force to be reckon with. Div knows things about me that I would possibly deny if other people confronted me about it. Hellion doesn't like or trust her of course, but he doesn't trust anyone.”

Erik Odinson – {Symbol} “Quote”

Eros Caballero – {Symbol} “Quote”

Esmeralda North – {Symbol} “Quote”

Evanne Jeansonne – {Symbol} “Quote”

Ivanya Lou – {☺☯} “I only hang out with her or even talk to her because of Div. If it wasn't for her we probably wouldn't have made any contact. We tolerate each other and sometimes it's hard. We share nothing in common except for our friendship with Div.”

Lisa Jordan – {Symbol} “Quote”

Lucian Black - {♥♥☺}
"Lucian is my best friend beside Div. I talk to him about everything and he is very good at listening. Which can sometimes be hard to believe. He can get a bit harsh around others which I find rather funny. He is protective of me. Sometimes it gets annoying, other times it is really cute. Also I like him. really like him. I don't think he likes me, but I can crush from afar and hope for the best."

Maeve Brennan – {Symbol} “Quote”

Maisie Hart – {Symbol} “Quote”

Nicholas Everett – {Symbol} “Quote”

Olgues Wesner – {Symbol} “Quote”

Sasha Romanova – {☯}
“She is cool and super nice. Of course she isn't a normal teacher. But even thought a lot of people like her because of that, i don't find her that interesting. I will say hi in the hallway, but I won't attempt to make conversation.”

Seraphiel Moore – {Symbol} “Quote”

Sophia Divinus – {Symbol} “Quote”
Last edited by Miss_Dreamer on Mon Mar 03, 2014 10:04 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Gir ♥

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Re: Character Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Temperance on Fri Feb 28, 2014 8:46 pm

| Phi (Seraphiel) | 19 | 3 | Pansexual | Laveau |

♥♥(crush, in a relationship) | ♥( hooked up,flirts etc.) | ☻ (friends) ☺(potential friends) | ◑ (neutral)| ☠ (Enemies) | | ♫ Potential Romantic Interest, attraction to, intrigued by

Audrey Grey – {◑☠} [TBA] “Quote”

Ayman Majid – {◑} “Quote”

Avery Hawk – {☻☻☻☻} “I would like to thank you, for being the best thing that's ever happened to me.”

Deseronto Pierce – {☻☻} “Quote”

Divinia Doriano – {◑☠☠☠☠☠} “Divinia, corrupting the youths of society, one day at time.”

Erik Odinson – {◑☺} “Quote”

Eros Caballero – {◑◑☠♫} “If it has a pulse he'll probably sleep with it.”
The way Eros carries himself, I have always found rather off putting. It's that I want to get my way all the time, and be the center of attention thing that rather gets under my skin. He is more childish, than anything. I feel like he needs to grow up a bit. I don't have to be told to know that he uses his powers to get his way, its disgusting, and people should have a right to their own emotions. Especially with love or attraction, you don't play with that. I personally think his need for attention, and constant casual companions comes from this yearning for something more. I don't recall him in many if any serious relationships. I feel bad for him in a way, I wonder what he lacked that made him this way. I usually stay away from him, though he is part of my coven and doesn't seem like an overall bad person, if ever something happened I would stick up for him.

Esmeralda North – {◑} “This is the real world, only those not worthy of your friendship will put you on the same pedestal.”
I don't know her well, but she comes off as a bit fake or rehearsed. Rumors go around about her about who she is, which is not so much rumor as it is true. However, I can tell by the way she carries herself she has been spoiled. She does have this modesty to her, that seems more like it was drilled into her, than anything. I think it would be good for her to be around people that treated her just like everyone else. It's not always the power of the magic but how the magic is used, and the person who is using it. I do find her to be an interesting one, she doesn't seem to know many people, and she has that massive familiar walking beside her all the time. It makes me giggle inside a bit, just a bit.

Evanne Jeansonne – {◑☺} “Quote”
Evanne is a different individual, she seems to be very cold, and you can never tell how she is feeling. I think there is more to her, than even she is aware of currently. I also think she is absolutely beautiful, I wonder of anyone has ever told her that. I don't think those words would matter to her much though. I've always been curious about her...

Ivanya Lou – {◑} “Quote”

I don't really think she's this terrible person people make her out to be. She seems to me to be more than anything, someone who likes to mess around a cause trouble, but that isn't to say she is heartless or to the extent of others at this school. She could probably get there, though. Her future likely depends on the company she keeps. To me she is a bit of a breath of fresh air, she is purely herself - regardless if she is what is thought of as acceptable. Never really talked to her, but don't mind her being around. When she causes problems though, another story.

Lisa Jordan – {◑} “Quote”

Maeve Brennan – {Symbol} “Quote”

Maisie Hart – {◑} “Quote”

Nicholas Everett – {◑} “”

Olgues Wesner – {◑} “Quote”

Sasha Romanova – {☻} “Quote”

Sophia Divinus – {☻☻☻} “Quote”

Harper Elle Valine – {☻☻♫} “I love that sarcastic wit of yours, don't ever change.”

I don't know Haper all too well, I cannot be sure how much I trust her just yet, but I do enjoy her company and I'd always be there for her - I just keep her at an arms reach. She has her own opinion, and a sharp tongue, and I like it. But she's also spontaneous in a way, and its adorable. She's easy to get along with and seems to get how I operate.

Ryan Aron Simpson – {◑☺♫} “Quote”

Ryan Hensley - {◑☠☠} “Quote”

Leonardo Gats - {☺☺} “Something about him reminds me of the dad I should have had.”
Last edited by Temperance on Sat Mar 01, 2014 5:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Character Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby MrGr1nch on Sat Mar 01, 2014 9:04 am

| Des / Alex | 19| Years at Hecate 4 |Heterosexual | Merlin|
❤︎❤︎ = Crush/In Relationship ❤︎ = Attraction ★ = Friends ☯ = Neutral ☠ = Enemies ❤︎❤︎❤︎ = Sophia

Audrey Grey – {☯★} Des met Audrey or better put caught Audrey practicing her spells on other students without their permission. she swears its the only way to practice her powers but Des has a hard time wrapping his head around that. This results in him usually keeping an eye out for her, so that she doesn't make any one her victim. The two do share of conversations though occasionally which more times than not is actually quite pleasant. Des knows that Audrey has a kind heart and because of this tries not to give her to much of a hassle.”
“A little inconsiderate of other people but she's mostly harmless, Still keep my eye on her though every now and then.”

Ayman Majid – {★} Des and Ayman's relationship centers around their mutual love for sports and being out doors in general, they both share a connection to nature and enjoy friendly competition every now and then. They usually can be found on the field kicking a ball around when the the weather allows it, which with Des translates to whenever he wants it too. The first time Des and Ayman decided to play a game neither specified the no powers rule, the end result of their game was a field riddled with risen earth, scorched grass, gale force winds, and a tree struck by lightning. Needless to say they are much more cautious now but often laugh about that event. “Hey man, you up for a pick up game? First one to five wins but no powers this time.”

Avery Hawk – {❤︎★} Avery and Des met before they even got to Hecate, they actually met on the train from Arizona to Washington and finding out that they were classmates brought joy to what was at the beginning a sad trip. The two talked almost the whole way leaving time for a short nap before arriving. Being in different covens, the two do their best to have a nice conversation every now and then but what they miss during the year they make up when they go back home, often visiting each other during the summer to escape their boredom.
“Travel Buddy! If not for her that train ride from Arizona to Washington would be a lot worse.”

Deseronto Pierce – {★} “I believe the world should be a safe place for everyone not just the strong.”

Divinia Doriano
– {☯★☠} Using the word 'friends' for these two would require a complete rewriting of the definition one that read "Two people who are complete opposites and have clashing ideologies but share a common goal and understanding for one another." After hearing stories surrounding Divinia's past at Hecate Des couldn't help but speak to her himself to try and filter the lies from the truth. To his dismay the part about her killing several students was true but after further conversation Des was able to comprehend her mindset and the way she views life. Des share a mutual respect for Divinia but on many occasions has voiced his disapproval of her methods. She hates it when he says to her or others, in a joking manner, that he's converting her to good and he knows this and does it just to spite her even though he understands that she is set in her ways. For the most part he has given up on trying to convert her two his way of thing, and instead now stands at the ready to stand up to her when she goes on her 'weakness cleansing streaks' in which she makes an example out of anyone one she deems weak. Other than that, they stay away from each other. She believes he's soft and he happily allows her to think this. Deseronto being physically more imposing completely understand that her magical strength and knowledge far exceeds his but he only uses this as a motivator to become stronger in his abilities in the hopes that one day he can be as powerful as her but help other instead of bully them.
“What do you get when an immovable object meets and unstoppable force... us”

Erik Odinson – {★} Des approached Mr. Odinson after a year of training with Sasha looking for a specialist tutor, Someone to help master a specific aspect of his abilities. This particular aspect of his abilities was Storms and Mr. Odinson was the best teacher to ask for help from. His no nonsense attitude forced Jin to learn quickly and efficiently. Des will often run errands for Mr. Odinson as payment for his private lessons and over the course of two years he considered Mr. Odinson to be not only another mentor but also a reliable friend.
“This man is the definition of no nonsense but he's a great teacher non the less and an even better friend to have on your side.”

Eros Caballero – {★] Des and Eros entered hecate the same year but in different covens and completely un-aware of each other, that is until Eros made his move on Des unaware of his sexual preference or simply not caring. Either way the two managed to resolve the awkward issue and are now close friends. Des comes to Eros for advice ever so often especailly when he was contemplating asking Maisie out. In fact it was Eros who convinced Des to take the chance and for that he owes him a great debt. Eros is always trying to push Deseronto into the spot light typically using the line "God gave you a pretty face! Use it!" but no matter how hard Eros pesters him about the subject Des has done his best to stay out of the it.
“Love is naturally good, more people should love each other, then there would be less problems.”

Esmeralda North – {☯} “One of the new girls right? Im sure we'll have our chance to meet soon enough.”

Evanne Jeansonne – {★} Evanne and Des only met through weird coincidence, due to her reserved nature they do not come into contact often. The two met while Evanne was in a training room, Des unknowingly entered and almost fell victim to one of her attacks. After narrowly dodging the her unintentional attack Des extend an offer to practice together since the other practice rooms where also occupied. After having one of the best practice sessions either of them had ever had due the complementariness of their abilities they decided to sit for a nice chat afterwards. Evanne and Des agreed that this would be the scope of their friendship. Now a couple times a month the two meet and hone their abilities with the aid of one another, usually followed a nice conversation. Des continually does his best to keep the other students off her back due to their lack of understanding about her nature.
“NO for the hundredth time she's not a robot, or a zombie, she's a normal person like you and me.....okay maybe not exactly like you and me but similar.... yea similar works.”

Ivanya Lou – {☯★} Des met Ivy his second year at Hecate and ever since then he has constantly been cleaning up her messes. She seems to revel in causing trouble for everyone around her but she's not malicious and this is why he chooses to help her out. The two in no way roam in the same circles so oddly enough the main time these two begin conversation is after he's gotten her out of whatever mess she's caused. The weird thing is that Ivy never stops Des from meddling in her life, she just lets him watch over her, and to be honest Des doesn't mind. He hopes hat one day if he helps her enough shell eventually stop causing people trouble and actually start helping them with their problems like he does with her.
“Some would say she's evil, I says she's good.... in training.... and needs a lot of work.”

Lisa Jordan – {❤︎★} Des first met Lisa his second year a Hecate he saw the familiar look of being lost and alone in a new place and decided to be her guide, introducing her to the school and the coven. In return for his kindness Lisa decided to share her passion with Des, teaching him how to surf on their days off. Over the last two years Lisa and Des have become close friends and surfing buddies. “Who new surfing could be so fun, but what about sharks?”

Maeve Brennan – {Symbol} “Quote”

Maisie Hart – {★❤︎❤︎} The two met during Des' first year at hecate (Maisie's second) being in the same coven she offered to be his guide, naturally forming a close bond of friendship. After one year Des and Maisie were like 'two peas in a pod' people began to joke that they made a cute couple and should actually go out, but both of them had never actually had a relationship in their lives and were nervous about how they felt about one another, so they dismissed the jokes and remained best-friends. During the spring semester of Des' third year he decided to put his nervousness aside and awkwardly asked Maisie to be his 'Sweethart' attempting a play on words with her name while also asking to become more than friends. They now come into the the new year hand and hand as a Merlin couple although not many people know.
“I could go on for days about Mazy, but one thing I will say is meeting her was a dream come true.”

Nicholas Everett – {★} Deseronto and Nicholas' relationship grew due to Des failing his class at the beginning of his first year, but after spending extra time together he was able to radically change that, and the two found out that they were very much alike. Des now excels in Professor Everett's class and fills the position of student aid when his free time allows it. Both Nic and Des can usually be found discussing women or joking around after class and their closeness is know school wide.
“Nic not only teaches me about runes and protection magic he also teaches me how to enjoy life.”

Olgues Wesner – {☯} Professor Wesner and Deseronto's relationship doesn't extend past the classroom doors, Neither of them has a problem with the other, and Des attempts to do the best he can in his class, but neither has taken the chance to get to know the other on a more personal level. “I do my best in his class and he gets that.”

Sasha Romanova – {❤︎★} Sasha sought Des out after he accidentally changed the weather into a stormy tornado which if she had not stopped would have ravaged the school. It was Des' first year at hecate and the Anniversary of his mother's death. Memories of his mother caused his emotions to run high and this caused him to change the forecast from a bright and sunny day to a stormy nightmare. Sasha was furious at first but after talking it over and finding out the reason, for his weather disturbance she pitied him and decided to become his weather manipulation tutor. Thanks to her intense emotional control training and mentorship Des has yet to cause another unintended storm and has actually gained some control over his weather manipulation powers.
“Sasha is by far the coolest teacher, you'll ever meet, she's also a great mentor too if you can stop staring at her looks and actually listen to what she's saying.”

Seraphiel Moore – {❤︎★} Seraphiel and Deseronto came to Hecate the same year but for the better part of a year they had no contact, When Des sought to change this, he was repeatedly shot down and ignored until finally the two struck a deal. If Des could solve one of her puzzles she would spend time with him if not he would be forbidden from talking to her again. After presenting him with the puzzle Seraphiel was sure he would fail unaware of his abilities. Taking advantage of Seraphiel lack of rules Des used his power to have the mechanical puzzle solve it self and the two (After about a week of Seraphiel not speaking to him) finally spent some time together sowing the seeds for a friendship to sprout
“A little persistence goes a long way.”

Harper Elle Valine – {◑} “Quote”

Ryan Aron Simpson – {◑} “Quote”

Ryan Hensley - {◑} Ryan and Des aren't friends per say they get into it every now and then, usually over Ryan harassing other students especially Maisie, but they do have their good moments. The two can sometimes be seen together joking around when their not at each others throats.
“Peter likes to eat bats remember that next time you wanna pick on someone.”

Leonardo Gats - {◑} “Sometimes i find myself thinking man i wanna be like Mr. Gats when I get older but then I realize even his life's not perfect.”

Sophia Divinus – {❤︎❤︎❤︎} Des has only seen the Headmistress at school wide events and has never once needed to go see meet her personally but he's considered causing trouble multiple times to get this opportunity. Never actually following through with his plans due to his good hearted nature and over nervousness. Des now just admires her beauty in silence when she's around and does whatever she requires.
“So every year I ask the guys, "If it could get you one date with the headmistress would you give up your powers for a year?", In 3 years I have yet to receive a no, and a few have offered their limbs aswell to see if it would raise their chances.”
Last edited by MrGr1nch on Thu Mar 06, 2014 4:11 pm, edited 7 times in total.
“Who’s your Jedi master? WHO’S your Jedi Master?”
- Yoda

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Re: Character Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zoey26123 on Sat Mar 01, 2014 2:47 pm

| Lisa | 16 | 2 | Heterosexual | Merlin |

Audrey Grey – {Symbol} [TBA] [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Ayman Majid – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Avery Hawk – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Deseronto Pierce – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Divinia Doriano – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Erik Odinson – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Eros Caballero – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Esmeralda North – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Evanne Jeansonne – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Ivanya Lou – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Maeve Brennan – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Maisie Hart – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Nicholas Everett – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“”[/color]

Olgues Wesner – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Sasha Romanova – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Seraphiel Moore – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Sophia Divinus – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

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Re: Character Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby .euphoria. on Sat Mar 01, 2014 4:58 pm

❤︎❤︎ = Crush/In Relationship ❤︎ = Attraction ★ = Friends ☯ = Neutral ☠ = Enemies
Maise Hart| Sweethart and/or Mazy| Eighteen| Four years | Heterosexual | Merlin|

Audrey Grey – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Ayman Majid – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Avery Hawk – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Deseronto Pierce – {❤︎❤︎★} Des and Maisie first met when she offered to show him around the academy, seeing that they both were in Merlin. As the year went on, she began finding herself falling more and more for him but, she couldn't bring herself to face it or tell anyone. And it didn't help that they became best friend during her third year, in all honesty she though that she was 'friendzoned' by him. People always told them that they should go out and giving them little 'shipping' names and the two just nervously brushed it off like it didn't bug them. And it wasn't until the springtime that Des pulled her aside to ask, in his own cute way if she would be his girlfriend. At first, she was nervous but, she said yes. They are now entering to the new year as one of those couples everyone thought would happen sooner or later.
“I adore Des, I can't let me jealousy get in the way this time.”

Divinia Doriano – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Erik Odinson – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Eros Caballero – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Esmeralda North – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Evanne Jeansonne – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Ivanya Lou – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Lisa Jordan – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Leonardo Gats – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Maeve Brennan – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Nicholas Everett – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“”[/color]

Olgues Wesner – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Harper Elle Valine– {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Ryan Aron Simpson – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Ryan Hensley – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Sasha Romanova – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Seraphiel Moore – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Sophia Divinus – {☠} Maisie is very jealous of Sophia and for good reasons. She's everything Maisie wants/wishes she could be; beautiful, bold, confident, and has the ability to wrap any guy of her choosing around her little finger. Which she knows includes Mazy's boyfriend, Des. While she doesn't know the woman personally, she does know that if given the chance, Maisie wouldn't accept getting to know her.
[color=C5E3BF]“I don't trust her as far as I could throw her.”[/color]
Last edited by .euphoria. on Sun Mar 02, 2014 10:50 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Character Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Purpl3_Flam3s on Sat Mar 01, 2014 7:22 pm


{ | Ry/Nix | 18 | 3 Years | Heterosexual | Circe | }
♥♥(crush, in a relationship) | ♥( hooked up,flirts etc.) | ☺(friends) | ◑ (neutral)| ☠ (Enemies)

"I don't hate people, wait never mind that's a total lie."

Audrey Grey – {Symbol}

Ayman Majid – {Symbol}

Avery Hawk – {Symbol}

Deseronto Pierce – {☺/◑}
“Let's be honest. He scares the hell out of me. Well not really get what I mean.”
Des is another one of Ryan's joking around friends. They would be closer if it weren't for the fact Des doesn't tolerate bullying. Like at all. When Des catches Ryan messing with another student he threatens him with his familiar Peter the Falcon. Ryan isn't afraid of the Falcon but bats are lunch to Falcon's. Ryan loves his familiar. Ryan tries to be good around Des so it doesn't kindle their friendship but when he's gone, it's on like Donkey Kong.

Divinia Doriano – {☺}
“A hard to get kind of gal. I hate those. But none the less, she's one of my friends.”
Div and Ryan are good friends. They laugh, they hang, and do other fun activities that would seem dangerous and illegal to normal people. The only thing that unnerves Ryan is Div's almost sadistic nature. Like dayum girl! Whatchu hitting those kids fo? But Ryan doesn't really complain about that too much knowing he would get the same answer every time. Other than that Ryan and Div are close.

Erik Odinson – {Symbol}

Eros Caballero – {Symbol}

Esmeralda North – {Symbol}

Evanne Jeansonne – {Symbol}

Harper Valine – {◑/☠}
“She seems to be the only person smart enough to steer clear from me.”
I guess you can say that Harper and Ryan got off on the wrong foot. Harper heard about Ryan's ability to manipulate virus. That same day he used his power on a plant to see how far it would go. On one side Ryan doesn't care, but on the other he's pissed off. Oh so you heard he has a ability to make someone sick. That doesn't give her the right to just judge him and never even once talk to him. That's pathetic.

Ivanya Lou – {☺}
“I have seen a side of her no one even dreamed about.”
Ryan has the world record of annoying Ivy and has yet to be lashed at. That has probably something to due with the fact that their almost compatible personality wise. Ryan constantly makes jokes and flirts with her just to see her reaction. They range from a twitch of the lips to a full blown out laugh. Usually when Ryan is around Ivy you can guarantee you'll see a legit smile from her. And from good reasons.

Leonardo Gats – {Symbol}

Lisa Jordan – {Symbol}

Lucian Black – {Symbol}

Maeve Brennan – {Symbol}

Maisie Hart – {◑}
“My little snowflake Maisie. She's so fun to tease.”
Almost like Ivy, Ryan likes to seek out Maisie and put her on the spot most days. Kind of like embarrass her to the point where she blushes uncontrollably. Ryan finds it adorable and really that's all he does to her. She does have the label as"The Victim' but that's mostly for Ivy. Ryan has labeled her as 'My little snowflake.' Which embarrasses her even more. Ryan is fully aware that Maisie is taken but that doesn't stop him from doing what he does.

Nicholas Everett – {◑/☠}
“Ah yes the perverted joker. I have heard of you.”
Ryan doesn't really have anything against Nic except for the fact that he is a pervert. Ryan first handled seen Mr.Everett flirt with a female student. I'm pretty sure that's illegal somewhere. But past his perverted side he is funny and very realistic. When he's late for class he doesn't come up with an excuse or anything, just says "I'm late so what. So where some of you." And class would begin that way. These two traits kind of cancel out each other.

Olgues Wesner – {Symbol}

Ryan Hensley – {♥☺♥☺}
“Every ounce of my fiber screams sexy and awesome”
Ryan definitely thinks highly of himself and shows it off sometimes. Most of the time is to get on someone's nerves and the other times is to prove someone something or to impress a certain someone.

Ryan Simpson – {Symbol}

Sasha Romanova – {Symbol}

Seraphiel Moore – {Symbol}

Sophia Divinus – {Symbol}
Last edited by Purpl3_Flam3s on Wed Mar 05, 2014 6:07 pm, edited 12 times in total.

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Re: Character Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby PanDorable on Sat Mar 01, 2014 11:23 pm


Ryan Aron Simpson

| Aro/Arrow | 18 | 1 | Hetero | Laveau |

"The best of us can find happiness in misery."

Audrey Grey – {☺☺} “If you don't have any shadows, then you're not in the light.”
Despite Audrey's life among the shadows, Ryan pretty much thinks the sun shines out her ass. Back when they met during Ryan's first year they toyed around for a while with trying to decide whether they wanted to hate each other or be friends, but soon decided that they just couldn't quite find anyone else that could insult them the way they did to each other and still be able to stand being around them. So they quickly became close friends. Ever since then, there's not a day that goes by that they don't at least check in with each other.

Aurelia Sharpe - {☺☺} "Innocence tinctures all things with brightest hues."
Ryan has this image of Aurelia in his mind of a little bouncy multicolored flower. Like a dip-dyed daisy or something. She seems bright and full of innocence, and her aura matches. It's full of these swirling pastel colors when Ryan looks at her. He can always tell when she's coming down the hall from the opposite end. As her close friend, Ryan knows she is more than just a bouncy rainbow, he knows she is also intelligent, funny, quirky, and easy to get along with. They met in the library in fact. His first week at the school, she came across him hiding out in the back corner of the enormous building, lounging in an over-stuffed chair, reading a novel, and she asked him about the book. Normally he wouldn't have answered, but she was genuinely interested, and from there they became friends. He suspects she might have a bit of a crush on him, but it doesn't bother him despite his feelings for Harper because he finds it sweet.

Ayman Majid – {☠◑☺} “Idiocy: Crudeness' intellectual equivalent.”
Ryan's relationship with Aymon is kind of hard to explain. He like/hates the guy. Okay maybe hate is a strong word. He kinda dislikes him. It's Harper's fault really. If she didn't have a crush on him, then he would just flat like him. He doesn't exactly blame him, except maybe a little. Maybe he could be a little less charming? He thinks his relationship with Eros is great, he likes seeing them both happy, he just wishes the jealousy at Harper's affections wasn't happening.

Avery Hawk – {} “Quote”

Deseronto Pierce – {} “Quote”

Divinia Doriano – {◑} “People who demand neutrality in any situation are usually not neutral, but in favor of the status quo.”
Personally Ryan doesn't particularly having anything personal against Divinia. Whether she knows it or not, he does look at her like a real person. Oh he knows she has faults, sometimes major ones, but who doesn't? He knows she has more going on than what she shows on the outside, and on occasion he even tries to defend her name. But as far as a personal relationship, they don't exactly talk. Ryan supposes in that, he's sort of like a quiet vigilante for her.

Erik Odinson – {} “Quote”

Eros Caballero – {☺☺} “Friends give us the courage to lift the blinds on our hearts.”
Ryan and Eros have been friends for quite a while now. They had a class together about halfway through Ryan's first year, and Ryan just found the guy hilarious. He's the one Ryan talks to about all the guy stuff, and so it's only natural the Eros has been trying to guide Ryan into asking Harper out since she got to the school. He's encouraged Ryan from the start, and Ryan isn't bothered by Eros' playful flirting. He knows the guy genuinely cares for Aymon, and he knows it's all in good fun. All around he thinks the guy is pretty great.

Esmeralda North – {} “Quote”

Evanne Jeansonne – {} “Quote”

Harper Valine - {♥♥,☺☺☺} "When you truly love someone you give everything you can and don't expect a return..."
Harper and Ryan grew up together, living in the same neighborhood, going to the same school, having the same little group of misfit friends, and walking through the same average parks together just talking for hours. He never told her about the magick. He couldn't have stood it if she had looked at him differently, and he left her thinking he was being shipped off to some foreign boarding school 'cause his dad finally got fed up with him, but only part of that was true. He's been at Hecate for going on his second year now, and he hasn't seen her in that long. Truth be told, he's been missing her, and regretted never telling her how he really felt. If she could only know, that he fell for her the first time he ever saw her....maybe now he will get the chance.

Ivanya Lou – {☠} “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”
Okay, so she's never done anything to him directly, but her insulting demeanor and the mean tricks she tries to play on Harper really pisses him off. Ryan just thinks she needs to grow up, focus on what's really important, and quit playing petty games. Really, in Ryan's eyes, anyone focused on the trivial needs to stop that mess. The students of Hecate have bigger fish to fry, meaning the Sons of Eros, that's the real enemy, not each other.

Leonardo Gats - {} "Quote"

Lisa Jordan – {} “Quote”

Maeve Brennan – {} “Quote”

Maisie Hart – {} “Quote”

Nicholas Everett – {} “”

Olgues Wesner – {} “Quote”

Ryan Hensley - {} "Quote"

Sasha Romanova – {☺} “And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.”
Sasha shows Ryan what he has only read about in the books Sophia has given him. Ryan is sure Sophia would show him herself if she wasn't so busy keeping the school running smoothly, but Sasha has the time, and takes Ryan out to the forest to show him the creatures he adores reading about. Getting to study them in their habitat is something that is priceless for Ryan. They are both fairly good in the woods, and Ryan likes to believe they both enjoy the weekly outings.

Seraphiel Moore – {} “Quote”

Sophia Divinus – {☺☺} “There are no mythical creatures, just creatures man ran into hiding.”
Sophia is the one Ryan goes to feed his ever growing desire to learn about supernatural and mystical creatures and she gladly indulges him. She's constantly loaning him books from her personal collection on them, and he couldn't be more honored because he knows she doesn't loan them lightly. He finds her to be such a kind, mothering type, but yet strong. Strong like he wished his own mother had been when it came to his father. He likes knowing that no one will ever push Sophia around.
Last edited by PanDorable on Tue Mar 04, 2014 5:05 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Character Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LuckyNumber24 on Sun Mar 02, 2014 6:38 pm

[url=Link to Character Sheet][img]Character%20Name%20FontMeme%20Style[/img][/url]
| Alias | Age | Years at HAGS | Sexuality | Coven |

Audrey Grey – {Symbol} [TBA] [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Ayman Majid – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Avery Hawk – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Deseronto Pierce – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Divinia Doriano – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Erik Odinson – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Eros Caballero – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Esmeralda North – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Evanne Jeansonne – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Ivanya Lou – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Lisa Jordan – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Maeve Brennan – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Maisie Hart – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Nicholas Everett – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“”[/color]

Olgues Wesner – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Sasha Romanova – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Seraphiel Moore – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Sophia Divinus – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

[url=Link to Character Sheet][img]Character%20Name%20FontMeme%20Style[/img][/url]
| Alias | Age | Years at HAGS | Sexuality | Coven |

Audrey Grey – {Symbol} [TBA] [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Ayman Majid – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Avery Hawk – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Deseronto Pierce – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Divinia Doriano – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Erik Odinson – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Eros Caballero – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Esmeralda North – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Evanne Jeansonne – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Ivanya Lou – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Lisa Jordan – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Maeve Brennan – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Maisie Hart – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Nicholas Everett – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“”[/color]

Olgues Wesner – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Sasha Romanova – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Seraphiel Moore – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

Sophia Divinus – {Symbol} [color=HEX COLOR]“Quote”[/color]

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Re: Character Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby dreammuffin on Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:54 pm

| Ari/Aura | 18 | 3 | Heterosexual | Merlin |

Audrey Grey – {Symbol} [TBA] “Quote”

Ayman Majid – {Symbol} “Quote”

Avery Hawk – {Symbol} “Quote”

Deseronto Pierce – {Symbol} “Quote”

Divinia Doriano – {Symbol} “Quote”

Erik Odinson – {Symbol} “Quote”

Eros Caballero – {Symbol} “Quote”

Esmeralda North – {Symbol} “Quote”

Evanne Jeansonne – {Symbol} “Quote”

Ivanya Lou – {Symbol} “Quote”

Lisa Jordan – {Symbol} “Quote”

Maeve Brennan – {Symbol} “Quote”

Maisie Hart – {Symbol} “Quote”

Nicholas Everett – {Symbol} “”

Olgues Wesner – {Symbol} “Quote”

Sasha Romanova – {Symbol} “Quote”

Seraphiel Moore – {Symbol} “Quote”

Sophia Divinus – {Symbol} “Quote”

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Re: Character Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby .euphoria. on Sun Mar 02, 2014 9:44 pm

❤︎❤︎ = Crush/In Relationship ❤︎ = Attraction ★ = Friends ☯ = Neutral ☠ = Enemies
Leonardo Gats| Gatsby and/or Leo| Forty seven | Twenty four years | Heterosexual | Laveau |

Audrey Grey – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Ayman Majid – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Avery Hawk – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Deseronto Pierce – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Divinia Doriano – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Erik Odinson – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Eros Caballero – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Esmeralda North – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Evanne Jeansonne – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Ivanya Lou – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Lisa Jordan – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Maisie Hart– {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Maeve Brennan – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“Quote”[/color]

Nicholas Everett – {Symbol} [color=C5E3BF]“”[/color]

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