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The Survival Kit Academy || Mastered

NPC Thread

a part of “The Survival Kit Academy || Mastered”, a fictional universe by Chikka.

Young mages and demons are forced to work together. {Full | Accepting members from the original roleplay.}

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NPC Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chikka on Fri Mar 20, 2015 3:14 pm

Here is the NPC thread, feel free to post about any current or future NPC's you may have.

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[center][img]IMAGE/Gif HERE[/img]

[font=avenir light][b]|Name|[/b]
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-Answer here-


-Who do they know in the roleplay-

-A brief summary about them, what they do, where they come from, or what their purpose is. Entirely up to you-[/font][/center]




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Re: NPC Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cheshire_Girl on Fri Mar 20, 2015 4:28 pm


Tsukuyomi No Mikoto



Celestial Being/God

Sly | Flirty | Loving | Contemplative | Concerned

Kou- His precious little rabbit.

Mikari- A man who intrigues and confuses him.

Ruzik- Although he's never met the incubus, Tsu has had his eye on this kid for a while.

Tsukuyomi No Mikoto, son of the Goddess Izanagi No Mikoto and the God Izanami No Mikoto, was born when Izanagi held a mirror of copper in her right hand. Originally an earthly being, he climbed up a ladder into the heavens and proved his worth as a God before being declared the celestial of the moon. Tsukuyomi rarely ever left the heavens, he was happy in his home in the sky until Amaterasu Omikami, his sister, sent him in her place to a feast presented by Uke Mochi, the Goddess of food. It was during this trip that Tsukuyomi stumbled across a rabbit burrow. There were several rabbits there, all going about their business and when they spotted the God they fled. All except one that is, the smallest who was considered the runt of the litter, curiously came up to Tsukuyomi and began to nibble on his robes. Delighted by the small, fluffy creature, Tsu took it home despite the protest of his mother. He refused to allow the rabbit back on earth, even going so far as to give the little thing a name. At first he called her Shiro, but when Amaterasu heard the name she laughed and said it was too masculine. Tsukuyomi's sister said that Aka would suit her better with Izanami even piping in that Kiiro would be a better fit. The three went back and forth, arguing late into the night until finally Izanagi had, had enough and declared that the rabbit's name would be Kou, as in Akuma. It was supposed to be a joke, but Tsukuyomi loved it.
After about nearly a year of living in her new home in heaven Tsu realized that there was something terribly wrong with his rabbit. She had stopped hopping about, the hay in her food bowl remained unibbled and she had taken to laying on her side, unmoving aside from the twitch of her ears every now and again.
It was heart break, a depressing occurrence that could kill a rabbit if it was not fixed. At first Tsu tried spending more time with her, but he soon realized the only thing that could cure it would be sending her home. Tsu couldn't take her though and she couldn't make the trip down the ladder by herself. Tsukuyomi's abilities had been suspended due to playing a prank on Amaterasu and so he begged his mother to turn Kou into a human and bestow her the gift of teleportation.
He knew the risks, but the possibility that she might die blinded Tsu. He said his goodbyes and watched from the heavens as the rabbit reunited with her family. The happiness didn't last. Tsu could do nothing as Kou watched her family die, one by one they were caught and slaughtered, their blood spilled across the happy meadow where he had first met the Usagi family. It was enough to drive anyone mad so when Kou turned into a demon Tsu wasn't surprised. He cried for the pain his precious rabbit felt and again could do nothing but watch as she destroyed homes, tore families apart and killed innocents as an act of revenge. It wasn't until Kou met Ruzik that Tsu began to really grow concerned, his little rabbit was in love and he was understandably jealous. The creature that had once been his that he could no longer touch or talk to was going on a killing spree with a redheaded beast and so Tsu sicked the hunters on her, dragging his rabbit kicking and screaming to the closest abandoned shrine. He trapped her there, ensuring that she could no longer hurt anyone and kept an eye from above. Occasionally he would travel down to earth to visit her, trying to convince Kou to repent for her sins. Otherwise she would never be allowed back into heaven, they wouldn't be able to live together. The rabbit refused.
Tsu had all but given up when he met Mikari, a dark mage who had done some regrettable things in his past. It was through the mage that he learned about the Survival Kit Academy and begged Mikari to have the mages take Kou there. Once she's finished at the academy he hopes to take Kou back home, to the moon where she belongs.

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Re: NPC Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby chrian. on Fri Mar 20, 2015 10:09 pm



Isolde Esphire



Water Mage

Fearless | Intelligent | Blunt | Caring (towards those who close to her) | A bit sadistic | Prideful

Midora Kurayami - Isolde's senpai during the time they're just students. He is the most powerful Dark Mage she's ever seen and for that she holds high respect for him. She once developed a gigantic crush on him and tried to hit on him whenever she can in the past, but has given up knowing that her effort were in vain. Both of them are also fellow Sages and work well together.

Mikari Akigawa - He's also her senior and also someone Isolde is closed to. She often find him to ask for advice about love stuffs.

Isolde was born in Germany and has quite a painful past. Her family was poor, so poor that she has to sold herself as a slave so that she can get money to save her dying father. At first, Isolde is just a weak Water Mage who could only control a small quantity of water. Her childhood is full of misery. She was always being tortured by her master. But one day, when Isolde is almost being raped by her master, her true power awaken. She somehow managed to create a spear of ice and impaled her master, killing him for good.

When Isolde was found, they sold her to a colosseum where slaves that are sold will compete against high-class monsters for the entertainment of the nobles. Upon getting there, she was forced to take extreme training every day which helps her to have exceptionally strength, dexterity, flexibility and endurance, even when she isn't using her power. Combine with her unusual gift for Water and Ice Magic, she has taken down hundreds of high-class monsters, including the ones that no one has managed to defeated. Those years being a gladiator had shaped Isolde into what she is today. Not a single monster or any Mages were able to defeat her, which is why, she lacks of sympathy towards whoever she considers as weak.

And then another fateful day, Isolde has managed to earn her freedom by the legendary Celestial Mage, Hirukawa D. Faustian, in exchange that she would travel with him to Japan and enroll his Academy in order to train her power to its full extent. Upon getting there, she was put in a class consists of another 6 individuals whose the lead teacher was Hirukawa himself. During time at school, she developed a big crush for Midora Kurayami, her fellow classmate who was 2 years older than her. Although she knows that Midora has already had his eyes on someone else, Isolde still trying to hit on him, only to be constantly rejected.

After graduation, Isolde, along with her classmates, was entitled to be the next generation of The Seven Elemental Sages, who were considered the strongest of Mages in the world. She became the Sage of Water along with the alias "The Ace in Ice." She earned one of the highest ranks in the government and has a small group consists of elite Mages for her own.

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Esdeath | Akame ga Kill!
Last edited by chrian. on Mon Mar 23, 2015 12:45 am, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: NPC Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby VincentRayne on Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:50 am

sorry i haven't replied lately. the site has been down for me for the past couple of days so i couldn't add anything when I wanted to. but now it's back up so i'll get something up when I can soon.

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Re: NPC Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby VincentRayne on Sun Mar 22, 2015 7:33 am

update: still running into issues. lost writing and am super tired and really out of energy to remember what i wrote. it's 5:30 in the morning now. so i'll most likely just be making post on this website only using my laptop from now on so i can use microsoft work to save my stuff before i post it here. so i'll make attempt No. too many tomorrow. expect something probably around 10pm pacific time. cause i got a report to finish up and a portrait and a test due for classes next week. so those have first priority.

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Re: NPC Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby chrian. on Sun Mar 22, 2015 7:48 am



Raiden Eristocath



Celestial Mage

Charismatic | Mature | Patient | Kind | Observant

Memphis - Before Midora, Raiden is the only person to have known about the red-head Demon due to him working as an assistant of his Master. Although they've never met (directly) but Raiden can say that Memphis interests him greatly. He wasn't sure how'd the Demon feels towards him, but perhaps his bite couldn't have been worse than his bark

Midora Kurayami - It can be said that both of them are considered to have high positions among the current Sages. Raiden held high respects for the Dark Mage and the two of them can get along quite well, despite the fact that he was the youngest of the Sages while Midora is the oldest. They get on well as classmates when they're still just students. Although Raiden is quite a clever man, he often seek the older man advice when needed. Though most people say that in terms of power, Raiden is stronger than Midora but the young man knows that his fellow Dark Mage was merely holding back his strength, for some unknown reasons.

Raiden once wished that his childhood would be normal and happy, but life was never kind with anyone, was it? Both of his parents were elite Mages and held high positions in society. When Raiden was born, his parents had had high hopes for him, but it turned out not to be so well. They could only sigh in depression because their son show absolutely no potential for magic. Although he was a clever boy, being a powerless person in the middle of the Mages' community was hard to imagine. Ever since he was 5, Raiden's always been the topic to be make fun of. He could only remembers how much he's bully at school. Everyone has turned their backs on him and his parents almost did the same thing with him. Always feeling alone, always feeling isolated, Raiden could only cry and cry but feel helpless.

But, what he never expects is that his life will soon turn over a new leaf. One day when, when Raiden was walking back home, he was chased after by a rogue Mages. He kept running and running as they were shooting energy beams behind his back, feeling helpless because he couldn't fight back. And eventually, Raiden ran into a dead end and was cornered. As the rogue Mages all aimed their beams at him, he thought that his life was going to end there. But in that moment, Raiden still hoped that his life will change. And miraculously, a barrier appeared and shielded him. Right after that, somehow he felt more energetic than ever and took down the gang with little effort.

An old man who was walking by the alley where Raiden was cornered has been observing the whole fight walked to him. He introduced himself to be Hirukawa D. Faustian, the Legendary Celestial Mage, someone that Raiden has always admires. The man said that Raiden hold an unusual gift that far surpasses even his parents. It is then that he realized he has the affinity for magic after all and it's far more than what he could have ever imagined. Raiden is a Celestial Mage, one of the rarest kin of Mage. Hirukawa then asked Raiden to joined his Academy, so that he can personally train him to his fullest potential, in which Raiden agreed.

During the time at the special classroom, Raiden was chosen to be the class' representative and get on well with the other 6 of his classmates, although he was the youngest one of them. He studied diligently and trained under the supervision of the elderly Mage himself and was able to reach his strongest form, eventually becoming the person whom he is today.

After their graduation, Raiden was entitled to be one of the second-generation Seven Elemental Sages along with the other 6 and was chosen to be their leader. He became the Sage of Ether with the alias of "The Astral Regulator". Although he works for the Ministry of Magic, he wasn't often called unless there are problems that needed his power and is currently assigned to work as Hirukawa's assistant.

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Harutora Tsuchimikado | Tokyo Ravens
Last edited by chrian. on Mon Mar 23, 2015 12:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: NPC Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chikka on Sun Mar 22, 2015 10:52 pm


Hirukawa D. Faustian



Celestial Mage

Wise | Kind-Hearted | Strict | Patient | Valiant

Memphis – Although their meeting was by accident, Hirukawa has since dedicated the rest of his life to raising Memphis and even views the temperamental demon as his beloved son. Albeit the demon is not perfect, the man would not change Memphis in any way and loves the demon for who he is. Likewise Hirukawa has earned the respect and loyalty, and even love of Memphis in return. Although the mage can be playful and affectionate to Memphis that doesn’t mean Hirukawa won’t hesitate to punish the fire demon severely for his wrongdoings, which he often has to do! Their relationship is both a loving and troubled one, and only Hirukawa can see through his demons sullenness and knows how to entice Memphis’s sweeter nature out more willingly than anyone else.

Midora Kurayami – One of his old students who Hirukawa still keeps in contact with and trusts dearly, especially as he has tasked Midora with keeping an eye on Memphis and more importantly, has entrusted the mage with temporary ownership of the pendant which houses the demons true powers. Hirukawa can only hope his beloved son can find a way to get along with Midora and not let his emotions get in the way, though the elderly mage is confident in believing that his former student can hand the demon’s ways.

Mikari Akigawa – Another of his former students who Hirukawa was fond of and enjoyed being around, though often wonders what the blue-haired mage is up to. However, he is rest assured knowing that both Mikari and Midora are content at their new academy and so he doesn’t worry too much.

Isolde Esphire – A powerful mage in her own right, Hirukawa is proud in knowing he had a helping hand in shaping Isolde into the woman she is today. Now a high ranking mage as well, the elderly man likes to keep in touch and hear of what his once-student is up to occasionally. Although he can’t deny his anxiety in knowing both Isolde and Memphis may come into contact with one another, more so as to how his demon will react as he knows how Memphis is towards water.

Raiden Eristocath – A former student who now acts as an assistant to the elderly mage, generally offering aid and support should the man require it as well as being a bit of company to the old mage now that his demon is currently occupied with his duties as Headmaster. Hirukawa is very fond of the young man and likes having him around.

Hirukawa has always been a highly regarded Celestial mage, some would even say a legend as many of the younger generations look up to the man as inspiration and even a few seek to be like him one day. Although not one to talk much of his past, one thing that many come to know is that he had an academy for mages and would encourage all mages no matter how skilled or poor, in hopes of bettering them and assisting in bringing a better future for all. Similarly, Hirukawa is known to be the founder of The Seven Elemental Sages though has since retired, and it was also him who saw fit to personally train the second generation Sages. However, a part of him that is not so well known by anyone bar a very slim few, is the demon he had came into possession of one night that would change his life.

Accidently summoning the fire demon who had somehow found himself drifting in the Celestial Nexus beyond the rift, Hirukawa was amazed when such a creature appeared before him unharmed, if not a little startled by the child-like redhead. Though smaller, the little demon showed no fear and set the room ablaze upon realizing someone was near him. Whether it was out of ill-nature or panic was hard to tell but Hirukawa had to act fast and without thinking quickly embraced the child and ran his hand through the boy’s hair to calm him down and reassure he meant no harm to the demon. Miraculously, the fire dulled down and faded out. As Hirukawa looked down at the small child all he was met with was a rather disgruntled redhead who looked not at all best pleased at the man, which caused Hirukawa to laugh much to the demons apparent displeasure. With no way of returning the demon to where he came from the man saw no other alternative beyond keeping the boy for the time being, which was what he did from that night onward.

Over the coming days it was noticed that the demon couldn’t walk but rather stumbled about aimlessly, and he couldn’t talk either, instead making noises to vent out his frustration. Though finding this both amusing and rather adorable Hirukawa knew educating the demon would prove beneficial if he was capable of retaining knowledge – which he surprisingly was. Though that didn’t mean he was willing. Hirukawa’s patience’s were put to the test as the fire demon did all that he could to make the man feel as if he were in hell. Whenever he got a chance the boy would burn various things and cause small fires, as well as forever be in a sulky mood as he out-right refused just about every effort the man made towards him out of sheer stubbornness.

Over the following few years the demon was at some point named Memphis, purely because the only thing he could say was ’Meh’ which sounded similar to the name and made it easier for the demon to pronounce over time. By then Hirukawa had also managed to get the boy to sit for longer than five minutes and actually motive the demon to read, though at the cost of the occasional book being burned to ashes sadly. Although Memphis wasn’t intentionally meaning to cause damage his power was uncontrolled and a bit reckless, and considering his element was fire, without proper control he’d only continue to destroy things around him.

However Hirukawa had no idea of the extent to which the demon’s power held, and he only found out after one fateful day that came about two years later. Their home was attacked by a group of rogue mages who held some kind of grudge against Hirukawa, striking the man with a surprise ambush whilst unbeknownst to them of the fire menace who resided with the mage. When hearing the violent struggles Memphis immediately came to Hirukawa’s defense and struck one of the mages down with apparent ease. Within a split second a fierce flame erupted from the demon and consumed the attackers before burning their flesh alive. But before anyone knew it the whole room was engulfed in the fire and when Hirukawa tried to control Memphis the demon knocked the man to the ground without a second thought. Only then and there did the man come to the quick decision that he had to seal away Memphis’s power, not only for his own safety but because it was clear than even Memphis could not handle his full power just yet. When their home was beginning to burn away the mage then managed to rip the demon of only half his power and contained the force inside of a special pendant, forcing the demon to cease his fire and drop to the ground in an unconscious state.

With their home truly obliterated Hirukawa had no choice but to move away, somewhere more secluded and apart from the outside world to ensure the pair wouldn’t be disturbed. A few days later and Memphis finally awoke from his unconscious state, having regained his strength from losing half his powers. Hirukawa has never forgotten the moment the demon awakened as Memphis uncharacteristically smiled at the mage, for whatever reason even Hirukawa doesn't know. In the years that followed they lived together in their new home and not long after Memphis had asked the mage to be his master, as then it would officially allow Memphis to freely protect the man and give a more meaningful reason to stay together. Hirukawa agreed for the sake of pleasing the demon and in time began to view Memphis more as a son than anything else, though the demon was reluctant to reciprocate the feeling early on before eventually giving in and embracing the man’s love, and expressing it back in his own odd way whilst trying to become a better demon for his master. In time of course Memphis eventually took the role as Headmaster, much to his masters appreciation.

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