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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ShadeYuka on Wed Apr 14, 2010 5:33 pm

((Exilence OOC/Sign ups))

It was night when we first heard the choppers flying over. My brother and I shouted, screamed even, as we threw lit sticks up in the air attempting to get the attention of the US Military. It wasn't the first time we've seen them, nor was it the last, and like every zombie survival game or zombie movie, the Military can't control the infection.

Now, I'm not an expert in the living dead, nor is my brother, Trent Vile, but being in this hellhole for a total year and having to kill our father in the process, somethings just lead to another. I'm surprised we've lived this long, actually. Though, at this time that didn't matter, for the choppers that flew over had brought a loud, loud, roar throughout the forest. A place you didn't want to be with zombies roaming around, and I didn't mean one or two, it seemed like an entire army. Well, let's just say, my brother and I are pretty screwed at the moment. Stuck up in this hunting tower...

"Uh, Bro?" Ethan said, pointing into the darkness, or rather twilight as the sun was rising. "I do hate the Military now. See how many damn zombies they brought with us?" He said, half expecting his brother to say something smart, or something that didn't even matter at the moment, hopefully he had some sleep. "I'm just glad they can't climb yet." Ethan chuckled and went to nudge his brother.

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Re: Exilence

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mr_Bama on Wed Apr 14, 2010 6:52 pm

It has been so long since all of this began, I figured it was time to start a journal. Well, my brother has decided to do the same so I guess now you will have two different point of views, interesting isn't it? Spotlights from the Helicopters never ceased pouring in to our windows as if we were the glass it decided to occupy, which shouldn't be something to complain about right? I mean helicopters search for the living. For the survivors, for people to rescue... Well in normal scenarios, yes, of course they were used for that very thing. Sadly though, this was not a normal scenario. Their search was not for the living, instead for the dead. They had given up searches for survivors. Now they were taking count of the infected individuals.

If they had a good enough report, well then, that meant they could destroy everything that was even close to being infected. Americans, we are too bomb happy sometimes. My hand searched my face, fuzz, I hated this. The last time I shaved? I can't remember, and the hair from my head is now too shaggy and long. This isn't even close to being my style, thankfully though, being on the run and scaveging for food has kept us both in shape, so we won't fall behind anytime soon to become zombie food. The last time I had a real decent shower? Well that wasn't something that was fresh in the memory bank either. I herd my brother talk, and then he began to nudge me.

"I'm just glad they can't climb yet."

For the first time in nearly three days, I actually looked out the window to observe. Of course my brother had a habit of saying things when he shouldn't, because they ended up occuring. Sure enough, when I looked down a zombie began to get a slight grasp and started to climb. It fell in a matter of seconds after starting, nothing to be worried about yet. "Man, look what you did. You jinxed us, now those zombies are going to become half monkey and climb up here to eat us. And we don't have any tea to greet them with! My God! And I havn't even shaved recently, I don't look the least bit presentable!" I couldn't help myself after that. I had to laugh, I had to make fun of myself and this situation.

I had to turn these scenarios in to my satire of the world. To laugh is to live, you can not keep all the stress, pain, and agony bottled up. Though we were safe for a limited time still, who knows how long which is why I used the word limited, our things needed to be packed. A different route needed to be found so we could head out and bunker down again. Did the military have any patrols that went around to kill anything that moved? It was possible, I guess so we had to be extra careful. "Let's go ahead and start getting ready. Sound good?"

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Re: Exilence

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ShadeYuka on Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:11 pm

It was true, my brother and I were keeping journals. It keeps someone sane in a situation like what we're in. In the distance we could hear explosions, though I guess they were carpet bombing or something, I could see some smoke rising from the west, which is in the general direction of said explosions. My brother said something and I was half listening. Though that ended up with me getting a wack in the back of the head and my Special forces hat nearly falling. "Yeah! Right! Packing!" I shouted, merely out of the sudden fright of what my brother had just did.

"So, in what direction are we planning on heading? We came from the east, and we were originally heading towards the west but it seems theres explosions or something down there. Maybe some survivors blowing zombies up?" I said, smiling half heartedly.

Of course, I don't know if that was true or not. It could've been the Military carpet bombing, it could be zombies getting blown up by some survivors that managed to hold that area down, and judging by how far they, I probably couldn't make it without having to stop for a while. The trip looked like it could be made in a day and a half, or maybe a good days worth of running if we felt like being stupid.

Oh, hey I just remembered, my birth is coming up in a few days! Haha, the irony of the situation, no? I'm stuck out here with my melancholy of an older brother, some zombies that want nothing more than to limp around and eat brains, and a Military out to kill anything that moves. Hopefully, I'll get a shower for a birthday present. Could use one.

Anyways, we had to get things packed, so I handed my brother his colt 45 and one of the last of our spare clips, now we only have two clips. Two already in both of our colts and one spare each. I reached for mine, still surprised that my brother trusted me with this, and slid it into the holster I managed to borrow with the intent of keeping. What?! The guy was a zombie already! So I called dibs.

Either way, I had to start packing, and we have to leave, before these damn things, I mean zombies, learn how to climb.

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Re: Exilence

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mr_Bama on Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:54 pm

There was only one problem that I was currently facing, what exactly was our next destination? I mean, I had no where to go... We had no where to go. I kept a firm grip on the weapon I had. A Colt 45, well after a year it was nice to finally have something to help us in the fight. I walked to the door that led to stairs, "Well... I am not even sure where to head bro. Do you have any idea?" why did I even bother to ask? My brother rarely knew of any places to go. I guess I only asked so I could hear myself talk, to keep myself from going insane. A reminder that w were still alive and the threat of being forced in to an after life was hanging in the air, and I didn't want to accept it.

In the major disaster that was going on now, panic spread. Everyone seperated and began to exile anyone they could. Rejecting the pleas for help if they could, dooming those injured by natural conditions rather than zombies. Weakened by a cold or some other illness rather than the disease the infected carried. We could have all joined together, well not all that would be a way too populated area making us too much of an easy target, but many of us could have joined up. Stayed by each other's sides and tried to help, watched each other's backs.

That way the number of deaths may have been reduced. There is no telling though, people can sometimes have fragile minds, they can snap at the little things. If too any of us banded together and one or two snapped, it isn't crazy to say none would have lived to tell what made the person lose it. The people who were safe in their cozy homes still probably judged us an blamed the infected on th people living on this side. Saying we were trashy, we bred it through our bad, sinful habits. Because as a person, we love to blame anything on anyone but ourselves. And thus my brother and I became part of the social class that were truly exiles. If this did somehow blow over, and we did somehow survive, do you really think we would be accepted in to anyone's home? Even close friends we have known forever?

Of course not. We would be turned down without a second thought. Distracting myself from the thoughts, I slid the pistol in to the back of my waist band. We had a lot here, and probably three days or so before the zombies could get anywhere close to us, we would rest tonight, finish packing and then head out. I could have voiced this but I was sure my brother was thinking the same thing I was, so my steps took me back to the window to observe the chaotic world outside. Where to go? That was the question of the following days, where to go? Where was safe?

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Re: Exilence

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ShadeYuka on Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:10 pm

"I don't know this area that well, hell I don't even know what state we're in anymore." I said, scrambling things together, the few things that we had.

I know this is not on topic or even part of the story, but I'm decided to tell it anyways. I'll freely admit that, I've never had a girlfriend, never been laid, nothing. So, in theory, I still had something to hold onto. You can call me a player, or whatever, but I feel that being alive and managing to marry a girl that you truly do love, is something worth staying alive for.

Then again so is family, and I only have one family member left, well immediate family anyways. It is true my brothers thoughts on how we'll be casted out of society, and anyone else that makes it out alive. Knowing the Government we'll be placed in a contamination zone or whatever for a few weeks, and anyone else there would probably be susceptible or infected with the virus.

So, I'll admit another thing, that my brother doesn't know. While we were apart for a couple hours, I got caught in a little situation. Was nearly pinned down by two, three zombies, I managed to escape but not without a scratch. Have no idea how it happened but I do have a rather, decent scratch on my back. I figured one of the zombies caught me but I'm not sure, and I rather not bring the attention to my brother. It's been about three days since that as well. So, maybe I'm immune, or something.

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Re: Exilence

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mr_Bama on Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:59 pm

Where was safe? That question continually played in my head until my brother said something that caught me off guard. Like it was a hidden blade injected in to my rib cage, or a blind shot that planted itself on my jaw. I hadn't taken the time to really think about it, I mean the general area was slightly known for sure. What he said though, was accurate for his known thoughts and mine, combined. Neither of us really knew exactly what state we were in. Oh... We had been running and running, how could we keep track of something like that?

How were we even to find our way in this area, for we didn't even know where this area would be located on a map. Of course give us a few minutes to walk around and we would surely find something to inform us of where we were. Did we have those few minutes to waste though? Not really. We would surely try to head out soon anyways. I looked at my brother and an idea popped in to my head, it wasn't a great oe that would save us, but an idea none the less.

"We should head to a store, gather some razors and other things and then find a hotel or something with water still running and clean up. Enjoy a night or day of relaxing, what do you think?" personally, I felt that was someting we did deserve. Achieving that wouldn't be close to easy. Not only would we have to make it past any military personel, we would also have to find a place that had running water, power, and all that jazz. Not to mention the act of running in a story then out, and surviving. Also the places would have to be zombie free or atleast not too filled. It was going to be like a scavenger hunt, oh fun.

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