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This Worlds Unlikely Saviors...

This Worlds Unlikely Saviors...

a part of “This Worlds Unlikely Saviors...”, a fictional universe by IceFoxJess.

A world racked by a past war, a Queen who's ruin a once beautiful land, an ambush had lessen the rebels numbers forcing to summon by the strings of fate to save the land...He had to have messed up.

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[OOC] This Worlds Unlikely Saviors...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby IceFoxJess on Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:30 pm

This Worlds Unlikely Saviors...

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*~Table of Content~*
+-Whats in the Tab-+
*~Little On Magic~*
*~Profile Skeleton~*

[font=Palatino Linotype]Hm? Oh your finally here! It took you long enough didn’t it? Eh, save the apologies. Just sit...Go on sit I’m sure you do not want to stay standing for this. It’s quite a long tale...Now where was I?...Oh hang on...Ah! Here it is.....

Once upon a time. there once lived a great man, a great King. His highness King Remeus, was a man know by all creatures, big and small. He was a man of courage, of patience; a ruler with compassion and care for his people, willing to do anything for the good of his people. In the time of his rule the lands prospered. There were non who went hungry, non unjustly punished. Their were no rich and poor. It was what some could call a perfect land...Then one day the king took a bride, the eldest daughter of King Yullen of the Ospren kingdom. Princess Chella, a woman of indescribable beauty, she could make a rose sheath in envy . Her melodious voice as sweet as honey, it could make a song bird hush to hear her. Though underneath all that beauty lied a horrid soul, so vile that a spider would cringe at her presences. Her soul so dark that not even the brightest flames could not find her shriveled heart...But his highness refused to see this, believing in the good he believed he had saw in her before....The poor thing, maybe it truly was his kindness that sealed his fate...It was barely five years after their glories wedding that things went wrong, the day our great king meet his untimely end at the hand of his ‘glorious’ Queen. After that, everything in our once glorious land turned dark. The people lost their kind natures, many striving to protect and do only for themselves, no longer did we all believe in helping one another to achieve a greater good for all, well in all honesty a few did, but us, the ones in fear, turned with our world. The once whole social class divided into three, the poor out weighing the rich and middle. Many a village lost it prosperous glow, turning similar to slums, while others just reverted to quaint, tranquil little villages, if they were lucky, very few cities held that strong prospers, almost glow to them, those the queens influence is strong her generals usually in rule, though few had ruled over those tiny, peaceful villages...

It was hardly a decade later when she took control of the other kingdom, bring the once great world of Dysmas under her terrible rule....This continued on and on for two centuries, not did one creature try to fight back, in the fear of her punishments before they are put to death...But one day a man of almost unmatchable skill in magic, his only rival in such being the dark queen herself, he being the youngest son of the dearly deceased old king Yaminn, the king of the Elvin people. His name, the name of our great leader, the leader of the rebels. Astral. The rebels began as a small prick in the queens side, nothing more then a little annoyance. Though this changed as time grew on, more joined his numbers even a few of her, ‘loyal’ knights joined the resistance. The rebels interfered and enraged her at every turn. Though one day his numbers were greatly diminished...The Queens generals had caught them off guard, they thought they might be facing only one of her Generals if any, as they were returning to base. They were attacked in the dead of night, quite a few escaped but many died that night. It was when Astral began his research into the old tomes, locking himself away in the old library of their base, hardly ever leaving for more to check on his wounded, before returning to his research...Then finally, months latter, he found a way, a way that might help them return control to the only rightful heir to that retched queens throne. He would summon great warriors, people who by the magic essence of the realm dub strong of will, the worlds chosen that could house the essences ‘gifts’...Though what they received was truly unexpected, did he make a mistake? He had to, there was no way they could be the great warriors!....But the contract was signed, the pact made and the soul tie’s made. I don’t believe that the fellow rebels were too glad with this, especially those who, with Astral’s help, and of his choice, made the summon, made the tie’s between the beings...


In Dysmas, a Fantasy past at time close to medieval-sh sort of world that is currently under the rule of a Queen and her minions. The most prosperous and largest towns are called cities while others are just referred to as villages. {All except the nomadic tribes.} Where anything close to anything near technology advancements is made only in the use of magic, and the magic photons, which compared to it’s scares crystallized form is pretty weak.{No cars, no electricity, necessarily, only in cities and in some places of the base the electrical proprieties of wind magic is used to cause light, and fire photons to heat.{Or at lest attempt at times...Been known to break down.}Most traveling, if not on foot is made on some creature...rumors have that the elf's and the queens alchemists are working on more covenant ways to use the magic photons, but knowledge on this is very scarce.}


Q, Where do the summoned come from? (A), They come from a world pretty much exactly like ours, except the sky is a duller blue and clouds usually have a dirty gray tinge to them thanks to pollutants.

Q, How did the summoned get there? (A), Well other then the incantation in Celesten? And the crystallized elemental photons that aided in successfully at causing a dimensional rift with out imploding the are within one thousand yards of the summoned area, which was in the crystal cave, located a good deal below the underground base of the rebels? Well their souls were ripped from there bodies, leaving said bodies in a coma like state where ever they were during the summoning.

Q, How does the summon work/How does it affect the rebels chosen by Astral ? (A), Well how it was done is mentioned in the Q,A, above, except for the summon circle carved into the floor, it took a good month to get the symbols carved into stone and crystal. How it affects them is, the summon was forbidden for two reasons. One, the pact, which is usually done by an oath or proving of worth between summon and summoned, which is usually symbolized by an object that acts as the summoning tool, so that summon can be summoned. Though upon this summon, a pact of souls is made, connecting the summon and summoner’s souls, automatically as soon as the summon is complete. Meaning if summon or summoner was to die, the other will die as well, which rather they like it or not they are stuck keeping the other alive, unless they don‘t mind dieing that is.

Q, Soooo...Where did their souls go? Are they like ghost now? (A), Well yes you see- I’ll take this one Jess, why don’t you go get a drink or something? Roji?! Your going to help me?! Hn, why not, I’m sure these questions are getting tiresome for you, and the fact you have the attention spend of a gerbil on caffeine probably doesn't help either......I’ll just take this as you being nice...So Thank you Astral! Hn...Anyways on to explanation. The souls were each transferred into life sized, clay dolls of sorts that the best crafters at our disposal spent countless days and nights on, to the finest detail. The descriptions of our, so called warriors was fallowed to the letter of Astrals translation from that old book, though I personally think a few details might have been miss translated. Oh well, they’ll learn to live with it. Anyways once the souls are tied with those four that Astral chose to help summon and unfortunately be bound to the summoned, the souls are transferred and bound to the clay doll with there symbol carved into it. It will turn into flesh and blood, they feel pain, they feel hot and cold and so on, just like there body given at birth, though some might have a little trouble at first but it will be fine. I personally blame the shock...And before anyone asks, the summoner has the symbol somewhere on there body as well after the summoning

Q, Uh, who‘s Roji? You see that cut fuzzy animal up top in the picture with the book? Well that's our little Roji-kins here~ -Glares at me- Watch it, I can tear you to shreds... Whatever Roji-bear...Any ways he is Astrals first summon, he has been with Astral since Astral was barely nine years old. He has a second form much like a Kitsumes, or Inus, but he prefers his more animal form...I think he just enjoys the facts girls all want to cuddle his adorable fluffiness. -gets beand by a throw pillow.-...Okay I kinda’ deserve that...Anyways why is he important you ask? Wellll he‘s sort of the...Babysitter character of sorts. Have fun with that~...Wait how the hell did you throw a pillow at me when you just have paws...Oh...Throw on some pants please..-blushes while hiding face with pillow-

Q, How long has it been since the group of rebels were ambushed by the queens men?{This is in the intro, didn‘t see it, reread.} Well it was a group of fifty....forty died, only ten survived. This was just the immediate ones that helped scout, fight and help restored freed village{Though lately those get put back under control by the Queens men, seven times out of ten, they are working on a city or two right now, they‘ve made some progress getting some moles and underground assistance, but still work to go.}They were on there way back to base, they were a good two days from the base before...before they were attacked. This has happened a month and a half before this starts.

{If you have anymore questions, please ask me! these are just ones off the top of my head.}[/center]


Summoned “Warrior/Shape shifting/Vive Oreson played by IceFoxJess

Summoned “Warrior/Shadow Walk/Jericho Walker played by Eisenhorn

Summoned “Warrior/Return spell/Phileo Arentus played by souloe

Summoned “Warrior/Kinetic Manipulation /Markus Deritas played by Infernoxx


Summoner of the “Warrior" gifted with Shape Shifting...Vive?/{OPEN!}

Summoner of the “Warrior" gifted with Shadow Walk....Jericho? /Drake Sinclair played by Demon of Bereavement

Summoner of the “Warrior" gifted with Return spell....Phileo? /{OPEN!}

Summoner of the “Warrior" gifted with Kinetic Manipulation...Markus?/{OPEN!}
Last edited by IceFoxJess on Tue Aug 10, 2010 1:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Schools back in, so I'm gonna take a bit longer then usual, sorry.
I'm sorry to everyone I've faild so far...Life is hetic lately...I'm so tierd anymore. Please don't be mad at me I'm sure I'll fix everything soon. If you want to yell at me feel free.

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Re: [OOC] This Worlds Unlikely Saviors...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Soviet Rei on Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:13 pm

I take it my character was not acceptable? :/

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Re: [OOC] This Worlds Unlikely Saviors...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Statement on Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:00 pm

Good day, Icefoxjess. I have submitted my character although I am willing to change anything to him if need be. I was pretty much making him up as I go along but all I new was I wanted to be somewhat vague about him.

I understand if he is too random or need balancing. I did spellcheck the piece and proofread it but I was rather tired when I typed this up, so I am sorry if there is any mistakes.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Edit: Oh, by the way. The picture I drew. It sort of sucks, sorry about that. I did it in paint pretty quickly, just to skecth it up and I can't use the paint programe to save my life.

to Totally forgot about the PM, sorry about that.

From you're unkown freind, Statement.
Last edited by Statement on Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [OOC] This Worlds Unlikely Saviors...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cheeseymonkey on Mon Aug 09, 2010 6:28 pm

Wait i sended you the charactersheet but not the PM.... do i need the pM absolutely?
Duranin battle poem from Tales of the past 3:
When shadow comes to claim our souls,
Some must rise - the light of old.

Names in stone, spirits of legend.
Deeds unknown, yet never forgotten.

These are the Duranin!

Of honor within and of fear without.
Remember them, when in hope you doubt.

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Re: [OOC] This Worlds Unlikely Saviors...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby IceFoxJess on Tue Aug 10, 2010 2:00 pm

Yeah, I'm really sorry Rei, I really hope there's no hard feelings! Please don't be mad, it's nothing personal.

I'll go check it out Statement. =)

Monkey it was pretty much a thing to make sure if you read the rules or not.

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Re: [OOC] This Worlds Unlikely Saviors...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cheeseymonkey on Tue Aug 10, 2010 3:37 pm

I did i just forgot and after that all places where taken :/ oh well. Looks like im off for this rp. I tell you good luck and have fun.

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Re: [OOC] This Worlds Unlikely Saviors...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Statement on Wed Aug 11, 2010 4:26 pm

I was not really sure who to pick when making Soma, especially since no one had really joined yet when I was writing him up. I still can't choose to be honest. I guess I should.

Hope you enjoyed reading my character sheet, Icefoxjess. I know the manadaku's are really vague in origins and such. I thought twists would be easier and improvising would be swifter with it that way.

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Re: [OOC] This Worlds Unlikely Saviors...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby IceFoxJess on Sat Aug 14, 2010 5:26 pm

I did Statement, first time I ever saw that race used. ^_^ It's pretty intresting.

Also great knews everyone, since all the spots are filled, guess what that means~ I'm gonna be starting this as son as I get the starter post typed up. It's going to take me a bit. {The life draning powers of school.} But I'll get it up as soon as I can. {Have to respond to two other RP's before hand but I am determind to get thing up. =) }

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Re: [OOC] This Worlds Unlikely Saviors...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby souloe on Sun Aug 15, 2010 12:36 pm

wonderful, definitely looking forward to this rp ^^

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Re: [OOC] This Worlds Unlikely Saviors...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby IceFoxJess on Mon Aug 16, 2010 4:54 pm

Okay guys I have some bad news at the moment this dosen't mean I've given up though.

Okay, everyone, like I’ve said I would if I might not be on for a couple of days, I'm gona tell you. I might not be on tomorrow and Wednesday. Kind of a family and school thing slash writers block. TT^TT {Tears for writers block, happens every year when school starts back.} I’m sorry all, I know I’ve been annoyingly slow as it is and probaly ticking you all off. This is probably just a stress induced type of writers block, which is reason two why I’m going to be gone for a couple of days, just to make my self loosen up before I make it worse. {I think I tried pushing it last year, when the same block hit and...Well I was gone for a month and the stress got to me bad enough that I was light headed at times...Sooo before I end up killing this I’m gona make myself unwind and hopefully have a good idea....I’d understand if your mad....}But I should have myself good enough by Thursday

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Re: [OOC] This Worlds Unlikely Saviors...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Statement on Mon Aug 16, 2010 5:40 pm

IcefoxJess, you try too hard. Just chhhiiil, Role Play is meant to be fun, not a mission or an art project, just randomly imporvise everything and all of you're ideas will fall into place, that's what I do and all my stories-pictures-races makes sense. Hell, I would honestly say 95% and above of all my creation are randomly pulled out of my backside with no more than a few minutes max planing time.

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Re: [OOC] This Worlds Unlikely Saviors...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby IceFoxJess on Mon Aug 23, 2010 7:07 pm

I guess I do...It's one of the more stresful part of how I am. ^_^; Though good point, I just hate to disapoint. ^_^; Which is why I'm sorry it's taking so long. I'm working on it. {I'm proud of myself though got my responses to two of my RP's up today, so this is next on my list!}

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