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Hax Infinity


a part of “Hax Infinity”, a fictional universe by ZaBanpaiaNeko.

Computers and the internet have advanced greatly over time. Now people can enter games through the internet as if they were really there. What adventures await you in ĦÅϰ ∞ (Hax Infinity), the coolest online game around (ALWAYS OPEN).

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[OOC] Monsters

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ZaBanpaiaNeko on Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:44 am


Level 1: Poppers- A flower like creature which blends in with it's surroundings and surprise attacks an enemy with poison gas. It has not much for attack or defense besides that. They can be found in the forest. (Give .5 exp) Stats: Health- 10 Attack Damage: 5 damage per second that the poison effects player (Only lasts for 5 seconds).

Aki- A small baby dragon which does not fight at all. It is very weak and very hard to find. It can only be found in Karin Mountains, burried underneath the snow. That is where it stays until it grows older into an Aika. The only thing it can use to attack with is it's small little needles for teeth. It is very quiet and can usually only be spotted because of their tails sticking out from beneath the snow. Once they grow up, they cannot be made into pets, but if you find this baby and make it your pet before it grows up, once it does, it will stay loyal to you. It takes time to grow, but after witnessing a few battles of it's owner, it will. (Give .7 exp) Stats: Health- 11 Attack Damage - 3 per hit.

Level 2: Hippips- small creatures who won't chase after a fight. But if you get them angry, they can give a nasty scratch or bite. They can pretty much be found wondering around anywhere. Some people even keep them as pets. (Give .20 exp) Stats: Health- 40 Attack Damage- 20 per hit.

Kane- Small dinasour like creatures which roam the snow caps of Karin Mountain. They do not fight and mostly run from players and other creatures. However, players usually go after them as a pet, anyways, because they can sniff out other creatures where ever they are (ex. give Kane a harpy feather to smell. They will then be able to track one down anywhere in the game). If they are forced to fight they have a weak bite and sharp claws. (Give .30 exp) Can only be found in Karin Mountain.
Image Stats: Health- 45 Attack Damage- 15 per hit.

Level 3: Kois- A bird-like creature with sharp talons that are strong enough to cut through weak metal. They also have sharp jagged teeth in their beaks and spit saliva which is sticky enough to immobalize a player. They are found only in the forest. (Gives .60 exp) Stats: Health- 70 Attack Damage- 50 per hit. Able to paralyze players with spit for 10 seconds.

Level 4: Curls- This creature is a bit nippy and has a major attitude. It likes to bite at anyone it sees and the hard shell on it's back is great for protection when it rolls into a ball. Curls can usually only be found in the desert. (Give 1.50 exp) Stats: Health- 100 Attack Damage- 80 per hit. ... d_8562.JPG

Level 5: Harpy- Half bird and half human, this creature is very calm. It usually does not attack players and minds it's own business, unless that player begins to tread on it's territory. That is when they become angry and will attack. They use mostly wind based element attacks and can slice open players with their claws. They are usually the ones to call the Akina when they see creatures being attack by players with their loud screeches and cries. They can be found in the forest. (Give 3 exp) Stats: Health- 130 Attack Damage-100 per hit.

Hansuke- A dog like creature which works for the Saru as a gaurd dog. They usually patrol their master's territory for any threats, such as players. Once seeing a threat it will run howling to it's Saru master. It will usually not attack unless forced too or if it's master requires it to fight for it. Hot red laser beams come from it's eyes and it's tails act like whips. It also has a nasty bite. Can only be found in the Forest. (Give 4 exp)
Image Stats: Health- 140 Attack Damage- 80 per hit. Laser Attack Damage- 140 per hit.

Level 6: Yami- A slithery and slimy creature with a hard forehead and spikes down it's back. It will attack a player on sight and will usually use its hard forehead to slam into the player. If that fails, it rolls into a ball and rolls around at high speeds, the spikes acting as it's weapon as it slams around into players. The spike on the end of its tail is filled with poison, as well. This creature can be found in mino cave, hiding in the shadows.
Image (Give 7 exp) Stats: Health- 150 Attack Damage- 130 per hit. Can poison players (10 damage per second. Lasts for 7 seconds).

Level 7: Hibiki- A large bat-like creature which uses it's sound waves to stun it's prey. It attacks with sharp claws and fangs and drinks the blood from anyone it gets the chance to. It lives off blood and it makes it stronger, causing it's sound attacks to become more powerful the more it has. It can be found in the mino caves.
Image (Give 11 exp) Stats: Health- 180 Attack Damage- 110 per hit (Drinking blood raises it's attack damage by 10 points each sip). Sound attack can paralyze a player for five seconds.

Tsuno- A horse-like creature which some people have as a pet so that they can move across areas at faster speeds. It is usually hard for a player to capture one as a pet, or too even attack one, because they will usually run away at any sight or sound of a player. If trapped, they will ram at enemies with their large horns and kick with their hooves. The light balls down the side of their back end can send small balls of magical white energy which explodes on impact with an enemy. It can be found in the forest. When this creature dies it turns into an Uma, although it takes time to change. Players are warned to cut it's head off if killing one or having one that is killed to avoid the dangers of it changing. (Give 13 exp)
ImageStats: Health- 150 Attack Damage- 110 per hit. Magical Attack Damage- 190 per hit. Great amount of speed when running.

Level 8: Derz- A blind and deaf creature, it uses it's sense of feel to figure out where it is going. It can feel vibrations in the ground from movement and can usually sense a player this way, but will not attack. They usually only attack when a player attacks it, and will try to run away if snuck up upon. It claws are sharp and it is very hard to kill. It is slow but it's long tongue can be used to wrap around an attacker and imobalize them. They usually dig underground for protection and attack from below. Can be found only in the desert and in mino caves.
Image (Give 16 exp) Stats: Health- 210 Attack Damage- 160 per hit. Can paralyze players with tongue for 10 seconds.

Blitz- A shadow wolf-like creature which is usually hard to spot. It stays hidden in the shadows and hidden from players until it can find the right time to attack. It is very fast and hard to slow down. Usually being exposed to light stuns it long enough for a player to be able to attack. It can only be found in Mino Caves. (Give 17 exp) Stats: Health-230 Attack Damage- 150 per hit.

Rena- This creature has different forms depending on it's gender. The males are more wolf-like, while the females are more tiger-like. They can usually be found together and rarely are alone. Using their combined powers they can usually take down any enemy that comes at them. They use blizzards to blind players so that they can attack with ease and with other ice attacks. They can only be found in Karin Mountains. (Give 18 exp)
Image Stats: Health- 200 Attack Damage- 140 per hit. Ice Attack Damage- 200 per hit. Can blind players momentarily with blizzards.

Level 9: Golem- This rock monster is very slow. It uses ground based attacks on its enemies and can be found in either the forest, desert, or in mino caves. They are found mostly in the desert, however.
Image (Give 24 exp) Stats: Health- 300 Attack Damage- 200 per hit.

Level 10: Uma- What Tsuna turn into when they die; a horse corpse gone wrong. This living dead creature attacks players and other creatures at random, only wanting to devour whatever it can. The green orbs down it's neck ooze poison, which rubs into it's body, making it so that anything that touches it becomes poisoned. It strong back hooves can break bones if kicked with. This creature has the ability to raise other dead corpses to aid it in it's battle against enemies and can be found in mino cave and the forest.
Image (Give 30 exp) Stats: Health-210 Attack Damage- 100 per hit. Can raise as many dead corpses as it please with equal stats. If touched the player will be poised for 10 seconds, doing 2 damage per second.

Kaya- Fairy creatures which give off magical dust when flying. They do not fight, themselves, but each fair has a magical creature (looking like a rock dragon) which fights for them. If the magical creature is killed, so is the fairy, for they are connected in mind and soul. (Give 32 exp) Can only be found in Forest.
Image Stats: Health- 200 Attack Damage- 300 per hit.

Level 11: Daiki- A giant tree which is hard to spot due to it's natural blend with the other trees. Players have said that you can tell when one is near by the unnatural groans it makes. It likes to surprise it's victims, using thorny arms and jagged wood to hurt it's enemies. It is said that it is very stubborn and will continue to fight even until it's last breath. It's very weak against fire and is found in the forest.
Image (Give 34 exp) Stats: Health- 400 Attack Damage- 300 per hit

Level 12: Orochi- Soft skinned and easy to kill it usually goes for distant attacks; attacking from under water so it cannot be hit. It can cause giant waves and hurricanes and will usually only come up onto land to snatch a victim and drag them down into the depths of their under water lair. This water creature, strangely, is made of rubber, so electric attacks do not work on them. Found only in the lakes in the forest.
Image (Give 40 exp) Stats: Health- 100 Attack Damage- 400 per hit. Electric attacks do not effect.

Aika- A water dragon which swims in the clear waters of the lakes in the Forest. It cannot be turned into a pet itself, but if you are able to obtain it as a baby for a pet, when it grows up it will stay as your pet. It has razor sharp claws and teeth and very strong water-like attacks. It cannot fly, but the "wings" on it's back does allow it to swim faster through the waters. It can only be found in the lakes of the Forest area, but usually won't attack a player unless provoked.
Image (Give 43 exp) Stats: Health- 400 Attack Damage- 400 per hit.

Level 13: Saru- A monkey-like creature which rules the forest as their kings. Advanced in fighting styles, it uses multiple different weapons, such as swords, hammers, etc. It's a very hard creature to defeat in hand-to-hand combat or close combat. It can be found only in the forest, but they are never in groups, being that they fight over territory. So they are spread throughout the area.
Image (Give 45 exp) Stats: Health- 600 Attack Damge- 400 per hit.

Hibiki- A cat-like creature which stands on it's hind legs. It was once a creature who was very wise; having many psychic abilities. This creature used to take refuge in the desert, but the Suna cast a hallucination on it's entire clan, causing them to go insane. They began to kill each other and any other creature who they layed their eyes on. Now taking refuge in the darkness of mino cave, not many of them can be found. They can become pets, but only if a player has one of the Hibiki's bell; meaning they have to kill one and get its bell before they can find another and make it a pet. Can be found in mino cave and desert. (Give 46 exp)
Image Stats: Health- 500 Attack Damage- 200 per hit. Psychic Attack Damage- 400 per hit.

Level 14: Romaji- A monster with advanced abilities in fire magic. It's long arms can stretch and strike enemies from far away. It is very silent and usually will not attack unless provoked to do so. This creature can be found in the desert only.
Image (Give 50 exp) Stats: Health- 400 Attack Damage with stretchy arms- 300 per hit. Attack Damage with fire magic- 400 per hit.

Level 15: San- A creature which can morph into any of the other creatures within its area; like a copy-cat. It mimicks their appearances and moves. When in it's normal form, it's spine is lined with large spikes and it drools a thick acid. This creature can be found in the forest, mino cave, or desert.
Image (Give 55 exp) Stats: Health- 200 in original state Attack Damage- 300 per hit. Acid Damage- 500 per hit.

Rui- A giant ice worm which usually doesn't come out from underneath the snow. Burried underneath the snow, it will only come out to attack players if hungry; which rarely happens being that months can go by without it having to eat. If this is so, it will wait until a player walks over it before leaping out and sending them flying and slamming into a rock. Therefore weakening them before the battle even begins so that they have an easier chance of winning. Can only be found in Karin Mountains. (Give 58 exp)
Image Stats: Health- 600 Attack Damage- 760 per hit (If player is slammed into rock it does an automatic 300 damage).

Level 16: Glocks- A horrid and ugly creature which has a very soft, fleshy skin. But don't let that fool you; it is able to regenerate body parts, including it's head. The only way to kill it is by destroying it's heart, which it is able to move to any part within it's body. Glocks prey on players for their flesh and blood. They can be found in mino caves and the desert. ... 00h305.jpg (Give 60 exp) Stats: Health- None (can only kill if destroy heart). Attack Damage: 600 per hit.

Level 17:Suna- A sand creature which has the ability to make players hallucinate and see things which arn't actually there. They usually stay underground, hidden, but if they are able to be forced out they arn't much for fighting. They tend to cause players to go crazy and kill themselves or other players. They can be found only in the desert.
Image (Give 65 exp) Stats: Health- 300 Causes players to hallucinate and is hard to drag out from hiding.

Sato- A giant snow monster which lives in small caves within the Karin Mountain. It will usually come charging out of its cave if seeing a player, ramming into them with it's body. Large ice spikes line it's back and it can shoot those spikes at players. It's giant claws and teeth can shatter bones and tear limbs apart. Can only be found in Karin Mountain. (Give 67 exp)
Image Stats: Health-800 Attack Damage- 600 per hit. Ice spikes- 300 per hit. If player is rammed when monster is charging out of it's cave, it does an automatic 300 damage.

Level 18: Akina- Imp looking nature spirits which roam the forest to protect it's inhabitants. They are mostly invisable, but will sometimes appear if one of the creatures in the forest are being attacked. They are very hard too kill, being that they are really only balls of energy, but will sometimes take on some sort of form. Mages and Magicians sometimes use their magic to trap the Akina spirits because they give off an energy which boosts their magic abilities, and can heal the player who uses it. Akane can control all of nature, from plants to other creatures. They can only be found in the forest.
Image (Give 70 exp) Stats: Health- 900 Attack Damage- 700 per hit (If captured they give magic users +10 magic damaging attack. But only last for 4 battles).

Level 19: Kani- This water serpent is very difficult to kill, being that it is able to control water and form shield around it's body. It hypnotizes it's victims with sweet vocal music, allowing it to easily kill it's prey without much of a fight. It's skin is strong against physical weapons like swords and claws. Mages and Magicians are usually the only ones that are able to kill this creature, but it isn't entirely impossible for other characters. It can be found in the waters of the forest.
Image (Give 75 exp) Stats: Health- 1000 Attack Damage- 700 per hit. Hypnotizes it's prey with singing.

Level 20: Akane- The most vicious creature in Hax Infinity. It's body is covered in heavy armored scales and it is able to spit fire and ice. It has the ability to turn invisible and has a great amount of speed. The chance of finding it is very rare but the few who have seen it said that it was in the desert.
Image (Give 80 exp) Stats: Health- 1500 Attack Damage fire- 600 per hit. Attack Damage ice- 400 Normal Attack Damage- 500 per hit. Very fast and can turn invisible.

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