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Magus Grex School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Magus Grex Character Relations

a part of “Magus Grex School of Witchcraft and Wizardry”, a fictional universe by ilikepurplezebras.

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Re: Magus Grex Character Relations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Elrith Eldwind on Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:07 am

Sam Halford
Age 17- Loyal, Courageous, and Decisive
♥ = romantic || ☺= friends || ☠ = enemies || ◑ = neutral

*Note: the following views are listed in Sam’s own thoughts presented in third person format.
    Ferre House
  • Lyle Brightham: ◑-a good guy at heart he does seem to be constantly looking for a story that may be scandalous in nature with the Halfords but he’s a good guy all around. Sam has gotten rather talented at avoiding his more scathing questions.
  • Georgie Francis: ☺♥ -She’s pretty and smart, though Sam likes to talk to her he for some reason hasn’t really see her romantically until now, which was fine with him. He’d much rather have her as a friend if nothing else because she’s a great person who will listen if you need her doo. In a word; Dependable.
  • Llyod Vrancing:☺♥-This girl just gets him sometimes, and he doesn’t know why, she’s younger than him but he always seems to be walking by when she plays and it is that music that entrances him like a sirens songs sometimes.
  • Braelyn Tanner:☺☺-Sam’s go to girl for all his girl troubles she speaks the language he doesn’t and thanks to her trustworthy nature and insightful mind he finds her to be a great source of information when he needs it and a better friend.
  • Finn Pollack:☺◑-He’s a nice guy and all but he and Sam never really clicked, perhaps it was that Sam was so closeted in his first few years that he shunned his own dorm mates slightly and the stigma of a loner never washed off between the two. Or that’s how Sam sees it, whether that’s true or not is not his place to know, or really care, unfortunately.
  • Felix Fletcher: ☺◑☠-Ah, the nemesis, they aren’t really hateful towards each other or anything but Sam more sees him as competition than anyone else in Ferre. Sam more thinks of him as healthy competition and knows the boy can handle himself, if he has to pick a fight just to pick a fight he’d probably go for Felix.

    Vulpes House
  • Myra Magaly:☺◑- Myra is a likable enough person and Sam doesn’t make it a point to ignore her but they aren’t in the same house or even the same year. He makes it a point to remember her name and be nice if she ever asks him for something but he can’t lie that others come first.
  • Naire Harth: ◑-He’s not always plotting the downfall of wizard civilization so he can’t be all bad right? Plus he’s a decent photographer and gets great shots at the Quodpot matches.
  • Teiver Morn: ◑-Sam knows her well enough and doesn’t hate her or anything but he also knows she’s dangerous, especially with charms. She’s one of the best at that particular magic in their class so Sam and her have had some dealings, but they might not be considered friends either.
  • Justin Hardy:☺-No one in the whole school would alienate this guy, one he’s decently cool and two he’s the ‘Supplier’ and that’s plenty of reason to be friendly. But mainly, he’s a cool enough guy and dependable which is a trait Sam values.
  • Garrett Flint: ◑-Garret and Sam haven’t really gotten to know one another, Garret was dating Bliss for a while and sure they’ve had classes and bumped into one another every now and then but the bottom line is that Sam never had much motivation to grab a butterbeer with the guy so he didn’t.
  • Bliss Turner: ☺-Ah Bliss, she’s beautiful and smart, but being outside of Sam’s house he never got to know her much better than just a good classmate. He may have once had romantic feelings for her but he wrote those off as teenage hormones long ago and now is content just to be able to have a conversation with her every now and then.

    Cervus House
  • Summer Turner: ◑-Bliss’ sister and partner in crime, She’s a nice girl and a good looking one at that but she’s not in his house or year and if he ever got too close to her he feared Bliss might hex him for getting any ideas. In Sam’s view not a farfetched prospect.
  • Demetrio Magallón: ◑-This guy isn’t a bad person or anything but he just gets on Sam’s nerves sometimes. He doesn’t really have a reason for it, it’s just he can’t hold a conversation with the guy and so he just never really cared to get to know him as well as others. Pity really but there it is…
  • Rosina Garenne:☺-Ah, a lovely flower she’s a brilliant conversationalist and Sam loves to hang out with her but he never saw her romantically primarily because while pretty she’s just not his type nor is she really into what he is.
  • Emerson Caldwell:☺-Sam and Emerson share a lot of common interests and more than that he seems like he’d be fun to Duel. Sam hopes he might join the duelling club if Sam can manage to get it going.
  • Micah Jeffers: ◑-Sam knows him well enough but the two of them never really hung out at all socially. Micah was a decent person still so Sam would still take his side over anyone he thinks is in the wrong.
  • Savant Portridge: ◑- This is another case of a classmate that Sam is aware of and will hang out with socially but he really doesn’t know what makes him tick yet. Maybe the two will get along better now as previously Sam avoided those who outwardly opposed Vance, but since Sam slugged Vance last year that has changed.

    Arietem House
  • Bellona Venator:☠◑♥-Sam dislikes this lovely creature for the same yet opposite reason he is attracted. She is lovely and he can’t deny he likes her style but he can easily tell that she’s malicious and as deviant as she is smart, which is actually pretty sexy.
  • Lee Beauregard:☺->☠-Previously Sam got along alright with Lee, both being form southern families. Sam knows the Beauregard family very well and they were always on the guest list to his father’s Christmas get together… in fact Lee and his remaining family still are on that list. But Lee is fiercely loyal to Vance and the fall out between the two last year broke Sam’s connection to most of those in Arietem House. Sam considers him a foe now as he knows Vance wouldn’t hesitate to use the younger boy as a weapon against Sam in one form or another.
  • Gwendolyn Riviera:☠-this beautiful bombshell is a danger to everyone, as brilliant as any Vulpes and one of the more cunning of the Arietem the main thing that attracts Sam to her is their similar ties to Britain. He can actually talk Quiddich with her, which is a plus.
  • Zackariah Everett: ☠-Sam is at least civil with most of Arietem, or at least was, but this guy just rubs him wrong. Everything that Sam was taught to never become is what this guy is in his eyes, hell when in Britain this summer he was told the qualities of a Death Eater… and Zackariah seems to really fit that mould in Sam’s mind.
  • Îrem Şentürk: ♥♥-Now this girl is the one who could have Sam on a leash even with her Housemates always being on Sam’s least liked list. Though he’s not sure if it will ever go anywhere despite his flirting now that he’s made an enemy of the self-proclaimed King of Arietem.
  • Priscilla Barsotti: ♥☠-Now this girl is again one that Sam wouldn’t mind spending some time with but he has to be careful around. He wouldn’t really date her, primarily because the two would probably constantly be dueling for fun and he wouldn’t be able to go all out, but he can see the appeal. He sees her as an enemy like the rest of Arietem because of the fight last year but she’s not the typical Vance tote so he is more civil with her and less suspicious.
  • Vance Abernathy:☺☺->☠☠-This is the true contention that Sam faces at this school. He and Vance were once very good friends growing up, very good friends, and even when his mother died they remained decently close but after that Vance became more pushy and Sam pushed back leading their friendship down a dark rode. Sam is often called out on his past and his family as he really probably should have been in Arietem house from the get go but he ended up being more like his Mother and father than his grandparents. This too levied the two old friends apart and finally things came to a head at the end of term last year. Vance made a slight on Sam’s mother and Sam retaliated by slugging the prep in the mouth. A Full out duel erupted between the two and now they are cold as ice to one another. But still, this is putting it simply, as Sam can’t quite place it but he knows that there is still something more than enemies here.

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Elrith Eldwind
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Re: Magus Grex Character Relations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BrandedOne on Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:58 pm

Felix Weyard
16 - Quiet, Compassionate, Helpful
♥ = romantic || ☺= friends || ☠ = enemies || ◑ = neutral

[*]Note: These are Felix's thoughts on each person. The codes are his general opinion of you.

    Ferre House
  • Melvin Magaly: ◑☺-His energy is kind of infectious. The guy is pretty ok, I don't mind him at all.
  • Lyle Brightham: ◑☺ This guy has WAY too much energy. His ideals have merit though, and I admire his enthusiasm.
  • Lloyd Vrancing: ◑☺-The music she makes is beautiful. The only bad thing is I can hear the scratching between the bow and the strings of her violin.
  • Georgie Francis: ◑☺-She's nice, and outgoing. Likes to help others. Good traits to have, and I admire that.
  • Sam Halford: ◑-I wonder what's wrong? He fights a lot...that isn't healthy.
  • Braelyn Tanner: ◑-She seems nice. Likes animals, dislikes confrontation. We'd get along at least.
  • Finn Pollack: ◑☺-A little idealistic, but his heart is in the right place. We'd get along well.
  • Felix Fletcher: ◑☺-Huh, share the same name. He's got a mouth to be sure, but he's got heart.

    Vulpes House
  • Myra Magaly: ◑-I haven't really talked to her much, if at all. She seems nice enough though.
  • Naire Harth: ◑-Quiet guy. Nice, but quiet. I could do without the constant slapping of cards all day though.
  • Teiver Morn: ◑-She's quite intelligent, but a little too...booky I think. Still, she's a good person, so we'd get along.
  • Justin Hardy: ☺-He always seems to know what's going on, but he helps me out every three weeks with my he's a really good friend.
  • Garrett Flint: ◑☺-He's just got this way of making the day more enjoyable. Not a bad guy at all.
  • Victor Calza: ◑-I don't know what to make of him. He's cold, and just
  • Bliss Turner: ☺-We get along well. Her intellegence is certainly a good trait. Perhaps she could help me...

    Cervus House
  • Summer Turner: ☺-She's a sweet and caring girl. This place is a little brighter with her around.
  • Demetrio Magallón: ◑☺-Well, he's a little excentric, but he's pretty cool. I don't mind having him around.
  • Rosina Garenne: ☺♥-She's a nice girl, beautiful too. We're very close friends, but she doesn't see me...really see me...
  • Felix Weyard: ◑☠-Why do I bear this curse. I want it gone! I hate what it's made me!
  • Emerson Caldwell: ◑-I just don't know what to say about this man. He's...odd.
  • Delilah Noire: ☺-There's just something about her...something that calms me. I enjoy her presence.
  • Micah Jeffers: ◑-Well...he's certainly inventive with how he uses magic. I'm not sure about friends, but we'd get along.
  • Savant Portridge: ◑-An enigma to be certain. He's alone a lot, but I don't see a way to approach him. Perhaps acquiantances will suffice.

    Arietem House
  • Bellona Venator: ◑-I just don't know what to make of her. She's arrogant, but I think there's a drive to keep those she trusts close. A mystery for certain.
  • Lee Beauregard: ◑☠-No, just no. That way of thinking is wrong. Blood or birth does not a person make, but by their actions they define themselves.
  • Caden Wahl: ◑-He seems rather out-of-sorts with the rest of his house. He's ok though, so getting along at least shouldn't be a problem.
  • Gwendolyn Riviera: ◑☠-She's used people...used them. That's not right. Her redeeming trait is her honesty she's...tolerable.
  • Zackariah Everett: ◑☠-Weath doesn't define a's your actions. And they speak rather loudly for you.
  • Îrem Şentürk: ◑☺- I enjoy being around her when we bump into each other in the halls. She's a good person, a far cry from the other members of her house that I know.
  • Priscilla Barsotti: ◑-I'm not sure what to make of her. She's odd, and uses people on occasion, but ok.
  • Vance Abernathy: ◑☠-He's just...I can't really stand to be around him for long periods of time. Why is he this way?

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