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You Know You Love Me. XXX.

YKYLMXXX Relationship Thread

a part of “You Know You Love Me. XXX.”, a fictional universe by RoseAmedori.

Following the death of one of their classmates, the students of Langdon's Correctional Education Facility begin receiving texts and IMs from her phone and online profile. Is the prank of some twisted hacker, or is it really the spirit of their classmate?

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This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “You Know You Love Me. XXX.”.
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YKYLMXXX Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RoseAmedori on Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:53 am

This is the relationship thread for all of the characters. You'll write the name of every other character and then put your characters' relationships/opinions with/of each other character, along with a symbol which gives the basic gist of the relationship.
The symbols are:
♥ (Romantic Interest)|☺(Friends)|◑ (Neutral)|☠ (Enemies)

Last edited by RoseAmedori on Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
And a Chemical Gardener, a Panemaniac, a Morganvillian, a Danosaur, a Zombie, an Undergroundie, an Echelon, a Killjoy and a member of the Undead Army.

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Re: YKYLMXXX Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby YoureStillAnInnocent on Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:39 pm



♥ (Romantic Interest)|☺(Friends)|◑ (Neutral)|☠ (Enemies)

  • Jay Springs: ♥ "Aww, little Jay. He's so shy, which makes a change from all the other guys here...and I kind of like that originality. It's hard to say if I have a crush on him, as such, but...I think he's cute, and I'd probably sleep with him, so...yeah, I guess I do. Although I have to make sure I keep it to myself...I don't want people butting in and trying to set me up with him to give me my happy ending. Ugh, so annoying. But, yeah...I'm kind of into Jay. I won't lie." ♥
  • Emma Nichole Scott: ♥ "Pure and simple, I love myself. And I have every right to, in my opinion. There's nothing wrong with me...I'm a little loud at times, and I'm a little too forward for some people. But fuck being like how other people want me to be...that's just not how I roll." ♥
  • Lissa Marshall: ☺ "Yeah, we clashed a little when she first came here...she was yippy, annoying and way too fucking happy all the time. But she's different now. She's quiet, be honest, in here, that's kind of a refreshing quality. So we're pretty much friends now. I wouldn't say she's like, a minion, or anything like that...but I do kind of like to guide her a little. To be honest, I think she needs to build a little more confidence and self-esteem. 'Cause the fact is, she's beautiful, both inside and out, which isn't something that I say to a lot of people...and she just needs to let that show. If you believe you're beautiful, other people do, too." ☺
  • Zachary James Milburn: ~ "Oh God, him? Ugh. One word to describe that guy...creepy. I caught him watching me in Psychology all the time last term...and I mean literally all term. Every time I looked up, he was just there, staring right at me. And it was one of those piercing stares, you can't tell whether he wants to slice your throat open or you've given him a boner. But once I confronted him about it, he laid off, thank God." ~
  • Jamie Daily: ◑"To be honest, I feel like Jamie and I would make pretty good friends. She's not too mousy but not too gabby and loud, and it's not like she's some ugly bitch with no friends...she's popular enough among our small population. And, as you know, I'm like marmite. You either love me, or you hate me. So we'd probably be an interesting pairing. But, I guess only time will tell..." ◑
  • Logan Ritter: ◑"Logan Ritter is such a flirt. I'm not even kidding. And, y''s not that he isn't cute, because he's just that the last thing I want to be known as is one of the girls who've been under him. And so I'm not usually so responsive to his dirty little comments. Nevertheless, I won't's kind of still nice to have the attention, it bad to say that I like teasing the guy?" ◑
  • Lewis Deacon: ☠ "Okay, so this dude clearly doesn't like me, for whatever reason. Whether it's because I'm not afraid to say it how it is, or because I'm too loud, or because I can be a bitch, I don't know. But to be honest, I don't really give a shit...he can think what he wants. As far as I'm concerned, he's insignificant in the heirarchy of Langdon." ☠
  • Kiera Craton: ◑"Keira's pretty, but I haven't really seen a lot of her. It's like she's a ghost, or something...she's quiet and she just kind of fades. But as far as I'm aware, she hasn't been bitching about me behind my back, so she can't be too bad." ◑
  • Greyson Alexander Reid: ☺ "Funnily enough, I knew Greyson before I transferred to Langdon. We went to the same school, and he started taking Business a year late so he was put into my class. I was pulled out and put into Langdon two months into the course, and he transferred a month later. I used to tease him about it, saying he'd totally followed me because he was obsessed with me, but it was only teasing. In reality, we're pretty good friends now." ☺
  • Conall Harrison: ◑"Ooh, him? Well, he's interesting. I've seen him around Lewis an awful lot, which should make me want to stay away, but...I've heard that he hasn't really passed judgement on me yet, so there's still time to bring him round. Because, let's face it...the more people I have on my team, the easier for me it's going to be to reach the top of this school's leaderboard. Although, if I'm going to plan on doing that, I'll have to buy myself some time alone with the guy. And possibly a few shorter skirts..." ◑
  • Aislin Sinclair: ◑ "That's the vampire wannabe chick, right? The one with the fangs? Yeah, well...she seems...interesting. I'll give her that. I don't really have a problem with her, to be honest...although last year I heard from someone that she was in some wierd group and they used to all drink eachother's blood. Which I personally think is fucking disgusting. each his, or her, own, I guess..." ◑




♥ (Romantic Interest)|☺(Friends)|◑ (Neutral)|☠ (Enemies)

  • Jay Springs: ◑"I've been told by other people that Jay keeps to himself like I do, and doesn't particularly like to be messed with. So, I tend to stay away. I've also tried to pull Emma away from him a few times out of compassion for the poor guy, but she won't give up. I know her, and I know how stubborn she is. So I'll just let them two get on with it. But all in all, Jay seems like an okay guy." ◑
  • Emma Nichole Scott: ☺ "Emma took Business with me back in our old school, and we both transferred to Langdon within a month of eachother, so we've known eachother for a while. She can be a little overpowering, and she's a tease, but...she's kind of hot, so I don't mind too much. Although I don't think I'd ever really hook up with her...she's not into me like that, and I'm not into her like that either. We're just good friends." ☺
  • Lissa Marshall: ☺ "While in normal circumstances I would have stayed away from a girl like Lissa, or rather, like how she used to be...there was always something about her that made me want to know her...want to see what she was really like. And we kind of became friends once her wild side had died down and she became more timid. But, I can tell something's really eating her up inside...and sometimes, I wish she'd just let me in more than she does so I can help her feel better about herself. She deserves to." ☺
  • Zachary James Milburn: ~ "I think that, while Zac's personality and charisma immediately attract people to him and make him seem like a nice guy, there's something lying there underneath the surface. Nobody knows the reason he was brought into this school, and I plan to find out...but I think he's dangerous." ~
  • Jamie Daily: ◑"Jamie's not really my type when it comes to girls, to be perfectly honest...she's a little too loudish. As far as friendship goes, however, I think, should we ever actually start to talk properly, we may just hit it off. Although, I'm pretty quiet and reserved to most of people, so I guess I might never fully know." ◑
  • Logan Ritter: ◑"Ah...well, I guess when I compare him to Zac, Logan's not that bad...and not as psychotic. But I still don't really like his attitude to women. I'll admit, some people probably don't like my attitude to women, but at least when I'm approached I let them know I'm not interested, rather than think with my dick before my head." ◑
  • Lewis Deacon: ◑ "I don't really spend a lot of time with Lewis, but...I see him through spending time with Lissa, and we'll talk if the social situation requires it. But from what I can tell, he's not a bad guy." ◑
  • Kiera Craton: ◑"I have respect for Kiera...I like that she doesn't push her thoughts forward and demand to be heard, like some people here. But we both have a quiet nature, so I don't know how things'll be for us by the time we leave." ◑
  • Greyson Alexander Reid: ◑ "I think this is a stupid question...I guess I'm...okay, maybe...? I know people think I'm cold and I have no heart, but...I like to think I've grown into a well-rounded individual." ◑
  • Conall Harrison: ◑"Conall's the kind of guy I sometimes wish I could be, rather than who I am. I wouldn't say I'm jealous of him, as such, just...thinking about how I could have been more normal than I am brings back memories about my childhood I'd rather not think about." ◑
  • Aislin Sinclair: ◑ "Um...I'm a little scared of Aislin, to put it frankly. She's a little too forward and overwhelming for me to handle, and I've heard she, literally." ◑




♥ (Romantic Interest)|☺(Friends)|◑ (Neutral)|☠ (Enemies)

  • Jay Springs: ◑"I won't come right out and say that I dislike Jay...but I don't like all the time Emma spends with him. Which, even I myself think is a fucking stupid thing for me to say, since...I'm totally fucking over her. I mean...I'm sure I am...
    But, regardless of anything I feel, apparently he's not a bad guy...just a little messed up in the head. Which is something he can't really help, so it doesn't bug me." ◑
  • Emma Nichole Scott: ◑ "I used to find Emma Scott sexy as fuck. And I guess that intimidated her a little. But, I mean...she flirts shamelessly, she radiates confidence, and when she comes to school dressed like she does...well, it can drive a guy crazy. But she basically told me to fuck off in front of everyone when she'd caught me watching her in a lesson after a while, and ever since then I haven't really paid any attention. Although, I've not known many girls to just flat out reject me, so...maybe she likes girls? Probably. But, one thing's for sure...poor girl doesn't know what she's missing..." ◑
  • Lissa Marshall: ◑ "Lissa's cute, but she's a little too plain for me. I like girls with attitude...ones who play hard to get. That being said, I wouldn't waste the opportunity if she was drunk enough, if you know what I mean..." ◑
  • Zachary James Milburn: ♥ "Now who's that sexy-ass motherfucker I can see? Oh,'s me. My bad..." ♥
  • Jamie Daily: ☺ "Jamie and I have been friends for a long time now, and I don't see that friendship deteriorating any time soon. I mean, she's one of my favourite people...along with Aislin and, well, myself. Obviously. So it's kind of like we're the Three Musketeers. Only instead of fighting all this fucked up shit...we fuck it up to begin with." ☺
  • Logan Ritter: ◑"Logan's pretty similar to me, in that he likes to flirt, and he thinks he's awesome. Although...he's probably a little more normal than I am. I mean...if it wasn't for the fact that I know everyone in Langdon has some kind of problem, I'd say he was completely average...although, I guess that's what some people think about me, so..." ◑
  • Lewis Deacon: ☠ "I've heard Lewis likes to start fights, and I don't want any trouble. He's also super protective of his friends, so...I don't think we'll ever get along too great. But, y'know...I just stay out of the guy's way most of the time." ☠
  • Kiera Craton: ◑"I haven't spent a lot of time with Kiera, and I don't really plan to. She's not as quiet and guarded as Lissa, but...she's still too bland, and I don't think she'd put up much of a fight, so I'm not too interested. Pretty, though. Definately pretty." ◑
  • Greyson Alexander Reid: ◑ "From what I've heard, Grey keeps to himself and interacts with only a few people. I've also heard he thinks I'm dangerous...which is pretty funny. I don't know why he'd think that... I wouldn't harm a fly..." ◑
  • Conall Harrison:
  • Aislin Sinclair: ☺ "Aislin partner in crime, best buddy, my twin...she's almost like me in female form. We just clicked when we met, and it's been like that ever since. I'm not normally a protective kind of guy, but...if someone started fucking with her, I'd be right there if she asked me to be. I'd do anything for that bitch." ☺
Last edited by YoureStillAnInnocent on Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:29 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: YKYLMXXX Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby MaliceInWonderland on Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:21 pm

Jamilyn Daily

♥ (Romantic Interest)|☺(Friends)|◑ (Neutral)|☠ (Enemies)

Jay Springs: Uh, No, Just no. He talks to himself routinely.

Emma Nichole Scott: (<3)I have a small crush on her. Yea, I'm bi big deal, she's hot.

Lissa Marshall: Lissa, she...hmm...Quiet little mouse.
Zachary James Milburn: (<3) That is my buddy. Friends with benefits even.

Jamie Daily: ♥ Really...I do have to explain this one

Logan Ritter: ◑ Been there... done that. Not going back....

Lewis Deacon: Lewis..?

Kiera Craton: Who the fuck is she anyway?

Greyson Alexander Reid: He's kinda cute. But I don't think he likes me cuz I hang out with Zach and Aislin.
Conall Harrison: Ehh, moving on.

Aislin Sinclair: We're cool most days until Zach comes along and she bitches out. I believe frienemies is the best word to describe us. But don't get me wrong. I'd fuck that bitch up if she screws with me,

Logan Ritter

♥ (Romantic Interest)|☺(Friends)|◑ (Neutral)|☠ (Enemies)

Jay Springs: He is the chap that talks to himself. It's strange. I find him rather amusing.He reminds me of my kid sister. sans the talking to himself. The pathologically shy part. I try to bring him into my small group of friends but he seems to be too shy to want to tag along.

Emma Nichole Scott: (<3)
Emmy, Emmy Emmy, Just admit it. You like me. I can the way you blush when I flirt with you. You should never deny yourself the simple pleasures in life my dear it's unhealthy.
Lissa Marshall: Lissa? Lissa...Lissa.. Ah! Yes. I remember now. I think she might actually be afriad of me...How could you be afraid of a face like this?

Zachary James Milburn: Hmm. Some might say he is my Rival. I begged a differ.

Jamie Daily:◑ Yes, We had relations once...

Logan Ritter: ♥ There's not the wrong with a little healthy narcissism

Lewis Deacon: I don't really know him personally. He is friends Conall, so whether or not he is a friend remains to be seen.

Kiera Craton: Ah, sweet Kiera. She's a girl I have persued in the past...while I persued them all at some time or another. But alas I have not taken any further then an innocent flirt. I can not imagine why though?

Greyson Alexander Reid: He doesn't seem to like me much. I can't imagine why though? Ah well, C'est La Vie!

Conall Harrison: He is good friend of mine. He doesn't seem to be bothered by my shameless flirting.

Aislin Sinclair: (<3) Ah yes. The fangs. I never knew how hot fangs were until I met her. She could bite me anytime. Speaking of Which. Oh Aislin, I'd like to make a donation!
Last edited by MaliceInWonderland on Fri Sep 21, 2012 8:06 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: YKYLMXXX Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AvengerSpirit on Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:39 pm

I got nothing fancy, never have so sorry...

- Something to explain about her. All of the relationships are almost purely in her head. She has never acted upon them. So this is how she sees it.

Jay: Could easily see herself being friends with him because they are both similar in the fact that they ‘see’ things that aren’t there. She can relate to him which is something she can’t so easily do with the others.

Emma: While she is rather neutral to the girl, only because she has had little interaction with her. Sitting across the room never talking doesn’t count for anything. Though she figures she will probably want to avoid her just so that nothing bad happens.

Lissa: They could friends because she understands the fall that happened. She knows that if she is near the girl she isn’t going to get picked on her bullied so she’s a safe retreat.

Zachery: There is something about him that sets her on edge. She can’t explain it anymore than what landed her in the school. She typically tries to avoid catching his attention or being around him too often.

Jamie: She doesn’t like her, but that doesn’t make them enemies as Kiera never expresses anything to anyone. She just knows she’s not likely to leave an encounter in one piece, which is how she would like to stay.

Logan: He’s cute, but he can keep his words to himself. She doesn’t mind being around him, but he isn’t the first person she’d go to sit beside if she was given the choice.

Lewis: Because he’s like her in the way of blending into surrounds, she doesn’t mind being around him unless anyone else covers over, then she leaves because she doesn’t want to be caught in the cross fire if something happens between him and whoever else is around.

Conall: He’s a lot like Lewis except for the lists he keeps, mentally and physically. So she knows to avoid him if she can though he does seem protective of the ones who can’t stand up for themselves.

Greyson: So he’s cute too, but she’d never admit that to anyone let alone him. Because he talks even less than she does it makes it so much easier to live with that knowledge. She knows something is very unsettling, but like with Lissa she’s comfortable even to be near him.

Aislin: She’s weird, but okay. One of the closest one’s she would have to a true friend if she ever really made the attempt for it to happen. She’s in for something no mental like Kiera and she can relate extremely knowing that there is nothing wrong with them, but society says there is.


- Has a very small group of ‘friends’. Right now no one is on his shit list, so hopefully it’ll stay that way. Neutral in his book is still a really good thing. His main problem is authority not the kids he’s around.

Jay: He talks to himself. Okay, while sure there are weirder things like the vamp chick, he doesn’t know what the boy could do, so he’s a bit weary.

Emma: She’s a bit full of herself, but if she leaves me alone and my friends I’m fine with it.

Lissa: She’s one of the only girls he’s really friends with. He has this need to want to protect her that he can’t explain, but hey everyone needs that sometimes right?

Zachery: He’s actually friends with him though he knows something is odd. He hasn’t done anything to tick him off so why bother trying to figure it out.

Jamie: She’s a bit rough around the edges, who isn’t given the situation that they’re all in. She could rein it in a little bit and might be a bit better off with everyone.

Logan: Another friend, in his group of three guys. While he is a major flirt it doesn’t bother him. He knows what would make his friend cross the line and he hopes that Logan never does it.

Lewis: They’re so much alike that they’re friends. Though Conall isn’t on meds just a lot of counseling, he understands the fury and rage behind the male. So long as they don’t blow up at each other, they should be fine.

Kiera: She’s the girl that sits in the corner, right? He rarely notices her, but he feels bad that she doesn’t seem to really have anyone to hang out with.

Greyson: Okay, I feel sorry for Kiera, but not for Grey. He could at least attempt something like talking. Stay in the corner, we’ll be here when you’re ready.

Aislin: The vamp chick. She’s really weird. But hey, we’ve all got our problems. Maybe it’s her’s, or her coping. Whichever, keep teeth to yourself and we’ll be good.
May your blessings outnumber
The shamrocks that grow,
And may trouble avoid you
Wherever you go.
-Irish blessing

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Re: YKYLMXXX Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RoseAmedori on Tue Sep 18, 2012 2:02 pm

♥ (Romantic Interest)|☺(Friends)|◑ (Neutral)|☠ (Enemies)


Jay Springs: "I don't know that much about Jay, really...I know he's quiet and tries to keep to himself, like me, but he's friends with Lewis so he can't be a bad guy."

Emma Nichole Scott: “Emma and I didn‘t really get along at first, but since the change, we‘ve actually become kind of close…I have no idea why she‘d suddenly want to become BFFs with me, but hey, it never hurts to have more people on your side in a place like this.”

Lissa Marshall: “I am not a fan of myself at all, and I honestly don‘t know what to do about that…I have my reasons - being confident only caused problems, and how I am now isn‘t doing me any favours either…But it‘s better than the alternative, I guess.”

Zachary James Milburn: “Zachary is probably the one person that terrifies me the most in this school. He doesn‘t seem interested in me, though…So I‘ll just count my blessings and hope that doesn‘t change.”

Jamie Daily: “I tend to stay away from people like Jamie, they‘re no friends to me. And Jamie herself is friends with the two people in the school I would rather never come into contact with. Ever. But I don‘t really have any personal problems with her, I‘d just rather avoid any interaction.”

Logan Ritter: “Logan kind of scares me, to be perfectly honest. He flirts with just about every girl in the year, bar me, and you have no idea how grateful I am for that. He seems pretty harmless, but still…”

Lewis Deacon: “Lewis only really started talking to me after the change, no surprise there…But he is a pretty good friend to have. I‘m not always around him like I am with Greyson, but - like Conall - he‘s good to talk to and he‘s pretty protective”

Kiera Craton: “I don’t really see all that much of Kiera…She‘s like me, in the respect that she just keeps herself to herself and blends into the background. I don‘t mind her, though. She‘s never done or said anything to me or my friends, so she can’t be that bad of a person.”

Greyson Alexander Reid: “I guess I‘d say Greyson’s the closest friend I have here…I mean, he‘s the person I probably spend the most time around in school, and he doesn‘t seem like the rest of the guys here. When I first came to the school, I never even noticed him, being as loud as I was and him being so quiet, and after the change, everyone intimidated me. Especially him. But then he just starting talking to me one day, which was just shocking, and after that we kind of just kept together. We‘ve become closer as time‘s gone on, and now he‘s the first person I‘d go to if I ever needed help or just someone to talk to, but there‘s still something there inside me that stops me from trusting him entirely…” ☺☺

Conall Harrison: “Conall‘s another person I‘d guess I call my friend…We don‘t really hang around all the time, but he‘s nice and kind of protective of me. I don‘t really understand why, though. I was sure I was the type of person he didn‘t want to be around when I first came here, but after the change it just seems like people - him included - are more interested by me. But I‘m not complaining, not at all…It‘s good to have a friend like Conall.”

Aislin Sinclair: ~ “I try to stay far, far, far away from Aislin. She‘s friends with Zachary, and together they‘re just terrifying. It doesn‘t help that the rumour for the reason she‘s here is that she went crazy and started drinking people‘s blood, and, what makes things so much worse about her is that she‘s way too interested in Greyson. I don‘t want her anywhere near him, or me, or any of my other friends.”



Jay Springs: "Jay's probably my best friend here, along with Conall. We have a similar kind of condition, so I know what the guy's going through, and...I don't know...Maybe it's because of that, and the fact he's so much quieter than me makes me wanna look out for him."

Emma Nichole Scott: “I don‘t like Emma. At all. To put it simply, she‘s a bitch, and they‘re the worst kind of people. But she‘s friends with Lissa, somehow, so I try to be civil for her sake. I never can make any promises, though.”

Lissa Marshall: “I wasn‘t too fond of Lissa when I first met her. I had pretty bad experiences with girls like her in my old school, and I didn‘t want any of my history to repeat itself, so I steered clear. But one day she just came in and was like a completely different person…a person that, back in the days of normal, I‘d be likely to hang around with. So I gave her the benefit of the doubt and talked to her, and yep, she was nothing like the loud, prissy little Barbie doll she was before. I just kept talking to her after that, and eventually we became friends - not best buddies, or anything…But I‘d like to think that, should I ever need it, she‘d be there for me just as much as I‘d be for her.”

Zachary James Milburn: “There‘s something that‘s just off about this guy. He‘s not quite as loud as the dickholes back in my old school, but I do know I don‘t trust him, and that I don’t want a single fucking thing to do with him, and if he ever makes even the slightest move against me or any of my friends, shit will get serious.”

Jamie Daily: “A friend of Zachary and crazy vampire bitch. Rather not, thank you very much.”

Logan Ritter: “He‘s friends with Conall, so we do see each other quite a bit, seeing as we hang around with the same crowd…But, I guess Conall doesn‘t have a problem with the way he is with girls, but I do. He doesn‘t actually seem like the type to be too forceful about that kind of thing, and that‘s good, but I‘m still not all that keen. I will make nice if I have to, though.”

Lewis Deacon: “I‘m a pretty alright guy, or at least I like to think I am. I don‘t think I‘m God‘s gift to the earth like some people in this school think about themselves, but I do have pretty good self esteem. So actually…Go me, I‘m awesome.”

Kiera Craton: “At the risk of sounding like an ass, Kiera‘s kind of just scenery at Langdon. I don‘t mean that she isn‘t interesting or worth being noticed, she just doesn‘t really make herself known. Hell, I‘d probably be exactly the same if people didn‘t bother with me.”

Greyson Alexander Reid: “Greyson‘s an alright guy from what I can tell. He takes pretty good care of Lissa, so that makes him okay in my books. We‘re not friends, exactly…I mean, I‘ll act friendly towards him if the situation calls for it, but I don‘t know…I guess we just never kind of clicked…”

Conall Harrison: “Conall is an absolute dude, seriously. I have mad respect for the guy, and hey, maybe that‘s just because he‘s so much like me and shares in my awesomeness, but part of it is because loyalty goes pretty far with me, and he definitely has it. I might even go as far to say that Conall just might be my best friend in this place. We may butt heads from time to time, but that‘s just what comes with the territory of two hotheads being so close.”

Aislin Sinclair: “Aislin is just plain fucking creepy…I get that some people here because they have real conditions, like me, but she‘s just twisted in the head. I guess no one told her that vampires don‘t exist…But they seriously fucking need to, before she ends up taking this fucked up fantasy shit too far. She‘s friends with Zachary, too, which makes me trust her even less.”



Jay Springs: "Who's that again? Oh, the mousy little thing who talks to himself? Yeah, he's not horrible looks-wise, but...he's a little too vanilla for me."

Emma Nichole Scott: “Emma…Wow, she is definitely a looker. I would not pass that opportunity up if it ever came around. But, alas, I don‘t think she‘s batting for my team, so I‘ll leave her be.”

Lissa Marshall: “Cute, but boring. Next?”

Zachary James Milburn: “Zachary? Oh THAT sexy beast? Y‘know, for someone who isn‘t into the whole night walking business, he‘s a pretty fucking awesome guy. I mean, Jesus, the guy‘s ME with a dick, and we all know how amazing I am. And honestly, I don‘t even think I was this close to any of my old friends. I wouldn‘t say he‘s my rock, exactly, but I really can‘t imagine doing without him now.” ☺☺

Jamie Daily: “Ah, Jamie…We hang out, exchange pleasantries, share a few laughs…But don‘t think for a second that I wouldn‘t turn on that bitch the moment I feel it‘d be in my best interest. And it really wouldn‘t surprise me if she felt the same about me.” ☺ ☠

Logan Ritter: “Well, he‘s fun to play with, I will say that. He flirts with me quite a bit, and at first I‘d just glare and walk away, but after a while I discovered that I get more out of flirting back a little. As to if it‘ll ever lead anywhere…Maybe. He‘s definitely cute enough.” ◑ ♥

Lewis Deacon: “He‘s a little cutie, but I think everyone in the school‘s figured out it‘s best not to fuck around with him. Which is sad, really…He could‘ve been so much fun…”

Kiera Craton: “I don‘t really see that much of Kiera, but from what I have seen, there are quite a few similarities to me in there. She‘s quiet, closed off, a little bit weird, which is always a good thing, and my, she is a pretty one…”

Greyson Alexander Reid: “Mm, Greyson…That boy is a hell of a lot of fine. He can resist me now, but it won‘t be too long before I wear him down. And once I sink my teeth into a guy, there is no going back.”

Conall Harrison: “He‘s hot, but…The same rules apply to him as with Lewis. Best to keep my distance.”

Aislin Sinclair: “Well, well, well…Who the fuck says nobody‘s perfect? Bitch, I‘m the fucking definition. Bow the fuck down, whores.” ♥♥
Last edited by RoseAmedori on Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: YKYLMXXX Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ThornGood on Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:16 pm


♥ (Romantic Interest)|☺(Friends)|◑ (Neutral)|☠ (Enemies)

Emma Nichole Scott:♥ She's pretty, but what would she want from me? ♥

Lissa Marshall:◑ Another like me, quiet and secluded. ◑

Zachary James Milburn:◑ I don't think I've ever talked to him. ◑

Jamie Daily:◑ Another that I've never talked to or paid attention to. ◑

Logan Ritter:☠ Don't like him, I wouldn't have gotten along with him when they thought I was sane. ☠

Lewis Deacon:☺ We're friends, he is cool. ☺

Kiera Craton:◑ She seems pretty cool ◑

Greyson Alexander Reid:◑ Same as Jamie and Zachary. ◑

Conall Harrison:◑ He's okay, I suppose, I've never really talked to him before to know him and judge him enough. ◑

Aislin Sinclair:☠ She doesn't even see me, she is quite anti-social. ☠

♥ (Romantic Interest)|☺(Friends)|◑ (Neutral)|☠ (Enemies)

Emma Nichole Scott:☠ The bitch was looking a slap. ☠

Lissa Marshall:◑ She backed off at the right time. ◑

Zachary James Milburn:◑ A girl has eyes and they are on her head, not her chest, but a compliment doesn't go unnoticed. ◑

Jamie Daily:☺ That girl made me laugh, she knew how to play. ☺

Logan Ritter:♥ Ah Logan, he certainly moaned a lot. It was a good moan, if I recall. ♥

Lewis Deacon:◑ He certainly seemed cool, coming her because he stuck up for his sister. Seal of Approval. ◑

Kiera Craton:◑ Was that the girl that sat on her own? ◑

Greyson Alexander Reid:◑ He was sweet, no problems. ◑

Conall Harrison:◑ He was just stubborn. ◑

Aislin Sinclair:☠ Who did she think she was Sookie? Elena? Bella?! Don't tell her but I didn't really like her. ☠

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