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Assassin's Pledge: War of Attrition

Character Profiles

a part of “Assassin's Pledge: War of Attrition”, a fictional universe by KumoriRyuu.

The Assassins of Te'i Sai have begun to move, and the land is drenched in blood. Do you have what it takes to survive this epic battle of stealth, power and deceit?

Characters Settings Story
This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Assassin's Pledge: War of Attrition”.
Discussions pertaining to roleplay on RPG.

Re: Character Profiles

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Merchant on Thu Nov 15, 2012 4:07 am

Birth Name: Vincent Yondel

Casual wear:
When invited to High Class gatherings

! Written appearance: Vincent doesn't inspire people with his presence. It is more his reputation and when he shows off his talents and skills is when peolple take him seriously. He is nice to look at but tends to down play his appearance preferring to go for a rugged traveller. He likes simple clothes that help him move around and his clothes usually have signs of paint and his fingers are almost always have some form of paint
Home Nation:Gweynura
Current Location/Residence:(Probably somewhere crowded drawing a nice scenic shot of the streets and buildings)
Height: 5'10''
Weight:130 lbs
Hair Color:Black
Eye Color:Emerald Green
Complexion:Slightly tanned skin
! Body Type: Lean Average build. Slight muscles from light training simply to stay in a good running-away condition
Blood Type: O+
! Fighting Style: Soft
Adaptability Ratio**: 2 physically 7 socially
!! Personality: Vincent sees himself as a warrior of freedom of expression. He paints on anything he feels like it not carrying about
! Quirks: His back shows a detailed battle between Angels and Demons fighting on a seemingly endless chessboard while around his shoulders you see mysterious hands with strings attached to the fighters as if they were being controlled by some individual. On his left arm are seemlingly realistic 3D tattoos of bugs, on the left are several snakes also 3D looking snaking down his arm. His chest looks as if six hands have ripped open his chest where ribs are seen but instead organs there seems to be an endless night sky with a distant sun where the heart should be. His neck (all around) is a tattoo that is pitch black, save for numerous inhuman eyes and varied mouths all with several rows of sharp teeth, seeming to appear out of the darkness.
! Likes:
All forms of art

! Dislikes:

!! Special Talents/Skills:
Vincent has an eidetic memory as well as acute senses which has helped him surpass many more talented artists. He can remember anything that his senses have experienced and replicate it if need by and remember it by simply experiencing it again (remembers a person's voice, boots, shouder muscle, every speck of color in ones hair, etc).
With his senses as well as attention to detail he finds he can even mimic movements of other people (as long as it is physically possible for his body (He can copy someone playing a a string instrument or swinging a sword but without practice he would just end up hurting himself with excessive use.
Skills: Painting, Drawing, Sculpting, Wood Carving, Tattoo Artist, Cartography, Acting, Pantomime! Dancing, Plays violin, piano, and several kinds of drums.

Weapon/s of Choice: hidden dagger
Weapon/s of Last Resort: everything else
! Weapons you avoid: Ranged weapons, Heavy weapons, large two handed weapons, whips
!! Weapon/Training History (If applicable): Was given a dagger and told to push the pointy part towards the ones trying to hurt him.
Vincent was the son of an artist and teacher. This was quite common in Gweynura but he showed great promise for the arts. He seemed to be quite gifted and took to things easily. He lived a charmed life as a child. He was doted on and his parents were loving and supportive. He used his talents to paint pictures and craft sculptures of rich people as monuments to their influence. He was taught music and played at high class balls and other gatherings. Despite his parents telling him he didn't have to do so much for their sake, he was happy earning money to help him and his parents live a lot more comfortably.

When he was eight he started being curious about the world. He went to the local library as well as using the books in his mother's study to learn about the other kindgdoms and their cultures. He loved reading about how the people lived and what they did for a living. He was amazed and hoped that one day he would be able to travel and perform for other kindgoms as well a draw the landscape and show his friends what it was like to travel to far off lands.

At the age of fifteen Vincent realized that no one wanted him to leave Gweynura. He started notice the greed of those around him. Especially the rich and affluent individuals. He was a rare star and they believed he might be kidnapped or killed by those that might be jealous. The rich even went as far as to threaten his parents if he ever did leave. He protested and his parents told him not to worry about them, so a month later he tried to leave only to be informed that his parents had been arrested. He remained and continued to their star.

For the next three years, Vincent began painting on whatever he wanted, whether it be a window, building wall, or the very ground itself. His parents continued to plead to let him go and he continued to express his need for freedom by painting pictures prisons and ones of freedom. One day a travelling merchant took notice of the detail of his art and asked where such a place was. He showed the merchant the place and he was impressed by the fact that it was identical to the picture. The merchant helped sneak Vincent out and Vincent became a cartographer for the merchant for food and shelter.

Having obtained freedom he travels from kingdom to kingdom making maps for merchants and travellers as well as painting for anyone that wanted a picture. Though he relunctantly performs at high class gatherings he has gotten to know a lot of people in high positions in many kingdoms. He exchanges works of art and performances for future favors seeing as how he doesn't really struggle for food or shelter as people that recognize him simply let him board there. Vincent travels light with his main supplies being paint brushes and paints, coal pencils, chalk, and rolled up paper as well as a collapsible tripod for portraits when he does them. He has a hidden dagger in his 'favorite' paintbrush as well as a visible dagger hanging from his waist.

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Re: Character Profiles

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby KumoriRyuu on Fri Nov 16, 2012 12:50 am

Alright Merchant, everything looks good. Go ahead and submit the character and we'll get you started... again.

Kumori Ryuu

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Re: Character Profiles

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby zattcatt on Sun Nov 18, 2012 1:11 am

Birth Name: Shinu
Character Alias (If applicable): Dagger; Vampire


! Written appearance: Shinu has black hair which she always keeps in pigtails. Her eyes are a dark blue/gray, and her skin is pale and burns easily. She sharpened her teeth to points for an easy weapon which resulted in her nickname, Vampire. She always wears tight black clothing and blends with the shadows.
Sex: Female
Home Nation:Veilbrand
Current Location/Residence: Shinu is always on the move.
Age: 19
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 121 Lb.
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: dark blue/gray
Complexion: pale
! Body Type: slender, athletic, curvy
Blood Type: O+
! Fighting Style (*Hard or Soft?): hard...Hard...HARD! Shinu is a cold blooded killer and enjoys what she does. Her technique is to seduce them if it's a male, and kill. She mostly attacks the throat, hamstrings, and stomach.
Adaptability Ratio**: 5-10
!! Personality: Shinu has terrible anger issues, often causing fights and earning her enemies. She can hold her own in a battle of strength and is very quick witted when it comes to come-backs.
! Quirks: Shinu has a tribal dragon tattoo that spirals up her arm, resting it's head on her shoulder. Her right eyebrow is pierced, along with her belly button, ears (two piercings each), and top of right ear. She has many noticeably scars which she carries with pride.
! Likes: Shadows; music; killing; silence
! Dislikes: daytime; loud noises; stupidity
!! Special Talents/Skills: Shinu is great at being silent and accurate. She's a lot stronger than she looks, but usually seduces her victims to get close to them instead of force. Her best skill is, of course, assassination.
Weapon/s of Choice: silver moon-crescent blades
Weapon/s of Last Resort: bo staff
! Weapons you avoid: bow and arrows
!! Weapon/Training History (If applicable): Shinu was a warrior in Veilbrand, beginning training at the age of four. Once she turned thirteen, however, she broke away. Shinu was a pupil to a rogue assassin by the name of Satoshi. She murders anyone who gets in her way with pleasure. Shinu was first trained with moon-crescent blades, so she prefers to use them. She learned stealth quickly so she could get in and out of places fast.
Biography: Shinu was born to a small village family in Veilbrand. She always had a gift of managing to somehow destroy everything she played with which gave her father the idea to send her into the military. Once she turned four, she was sent to training camp. She loved it there. All day she got to do what she loved. To break. To destroy. To kill. Eventually the same routine got boring to her so Shinu broke away from the military at age thirteen to find some other occupation. While on the street, she came across a strange man. His name was Satoshi. He trained her in the art of the assassin which she enjoyed more than anything. Now she roams the streets. One young, sexy, brilliant rogue assassin, with teeth like a vampire.

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Re: Character Profiles

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby KumoriRyuu on Mon Nov 19, 2012 1:03 pm

Zattcatt, I'm sorry but I'm not really looking for new players. Plus, the profile is rather weak and doesn't follow all of the guidelines that were specified in the character skeleton at the bottom of the RP's main page. Thank you for your interest, but please find another RP to join.

Thank you.

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Re: Character Profiles

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby XianEvermor on Tue Nov 20, 2012 12:43 am

It looks like you have a group of fine players for your RP here. I'm very interested in the setting, and I see from your latest post that you're not looking for new players, but do you mind if I post a character anyway?

I've been working on my own stuff for months and the words are all starting to blur together. Shaking up the routine sometimes helps :) I noticed that most of the combat bases have already been covered, but there isn't like... a thief-type in the group. If I came up with something stunning would you consider it? :D

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Re: Character Profiles

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby KumoriRyuu on Tue Nov 20, 2012 1:03 am

I'm not really averse to new characters, but I am becoming leery of them. The last few who said they'd post characters ended up disappointing me in a BIG way so right now I'm a little... on the fence about new characters.

If you fill in the character skeleton in full, I'll be happy. If you go above and beyond what I have asked for and create a character who is well thought out, has a well established history and personality, and above all is believable as a person, then I will seriously consider the character for the RP. The only other requirement is that you need to tell me now, before you make the profile, whether or not you'd be capable of posting at least twice a week. If that requirement cannot be met, then don't make the profile. ((And for the love of all things that help keep me sane, do NOT make a teenaged character. Something a lot of people don't understand is that teens aren't fully developed and therefore cannot fully achieve their potential as far as musculature, speed and reflexes, and their senses.))

Sound fair?

And by the way, if you could stay away from a thief type character I'd really appreciate it. I don't really have anything against thieves, but at the same time I really don't like them as a character archetype, and also they're just not a strong enough type of character to survive what's to come in the RP. They're too light, lithe, and they're skills will not help them against the enemies which have made themselves known in this RP because they too have the same skills as thieves and know exactly what to do to counteract them and kill them with ease. If you could come up with something else, that'd be great.
Last edited by KumoriRyuu on Tue Nov 20, 2012 2:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Character Profiles

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby rinrinlen12 on Tue Nov 20, 2012 1:58 am

Birth Name: Chouko Masumoto
Character Alias (If applicable): ??? [what is an alias again?]


! Written appearance: Chouko has short purple hair with clear orange eyes. She is a very experienced archer who wears a short purple kimono with flowers. She wears little armor, one on the right hand and a loosely hanging armor covering her chest. She always wear a dark purple cape with gold borders. The blue ropes tied around her are for the sword and the bows. The sword is just for decoration. She wears purple gloves, so her hands won't get cut from the string of the bow.

Sex: Female
Home Nation: Triveila
Current Location/Residence: Traveling
Age: 18
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 130 pounds
Hair Color: Purple
Eye Color: Orange
Complexion: Fair
! Body Type: Average
Blood Type: O
! Fighting Style (*Hard or Soft?): Soft
Adaptability Ratio**: 2/10
!! Personality: Chouko is a lady that loves to play pranks on others. She loves to agitate people that she doesn't like, but she can get along very well with the people she does like. Chouko is a type of person that can blend in with the crowd easily. She doesn't like to meddle with other people affairs. She thinks that it is a waste of her time. That's why, even if she is a elegant lady, she doesn't have any friends. Men, to Chouko, is ridiculous. She can flirt with men at times, but she can never actually go that far with men. Chouko doesn't hesitate to bring down the enemy. She doesn't care if her allies were killed in a battle. To her, it just meant "I need to get more people to defend me then." She loves using people. She plays with them like puppets. Nothing really makes her sad or angry. If something does, it usually means that she was acting.
! Quirks: Chouko doesn't have any scars, but she has a tattoo on her shoulder. [more like a burn on her shoulder]
! Likes: Purple, sakura trees, gold, money, her master
! Dislikes: Her parents.
!! Special Talents/Skills:
~Despite her dress, Chouko hides very well. Usually she hides in sakura trees [because of her kimono], but she can sometimes mix in with the shadows too. [for combat]
~Chouko can have a peaceful side to her at times.
Weapon/s of Choice: Chouko's weapon is a bow. She got the bow when she was 12, a sakura designed bow, from her master at her deathbed.
Weapon/s of Last Resort: Chouko doesn't really have a "last resort" Because she stays away in farther places, she sneaks away from the battle if she runs out of arrows. But if she WAS in close quarter combat, then she would use her short katana. It usually for decoration, but if she HAD to, she would use it.
! Weapons you avoid: Chouko hates axes and clubs or huge hammers, because she can never carry them.
!! Weapon/Training History (If applicable):
Chouko was taught by her master Shirashi, to become a very good archer. Given a small wooden bow when she was 9, she practiced every single day aiming for the target. Even though her master wasn't very harsh, Chouko was determined to learn. At the age of 10, Chouko can hit her target perfectly, even when moving.
Chouko's master was also a person who wasn't very sociable. Shirashi passed all her techniques and ways of betraying to Chouko. She was the one who taught Chouko that she should have a good and nice look when meeting people, so that they would easily think that you are a nice person. At the age of 14, Chouko learned how to blend in with the environment. She also started carrying a sword everywhere, even if she has no experience. At the age of 16, Chouko learned that Shirashi was a part of the assassins. She killed her in the end, even if she was reluctant.
In the end, Shirashi gave her a purple metal bow decorated with golden sakuras, rewarding Chouko for killing her without fail. At age 17, she decided to explore the lands, and made sure that she would destroy the assassins' group. Chouko's happy memories with her master were torn into shreds and covered by bloody sakura petals...

Chouko is a small girl that lives in a mansion at Triveila. She was the daughter of a wealthy family that had high expectations from her. Happy and loving, Chouko was very lucky. Not until her 8th birthday. On her 8th birthday, Chouko discovered that her mother and father were going to send her away. Seems like the news of the assassins got to them and they were afraid. Somehow, they thought that the assassins were after Chouko.
But instead of protecting their daughter like real parents should, they decided to send her to the orphanage. Chouko was sent to the orphanage. Her days there were brutal. Because she was the newest, she was bullied a lot by the other kids. Also, the orphanage branded her on the shoulder #345. She lived at the orphanage for a while.
But Chouko couldn't stand it any more. She sneaked out of the orphanage. When the people found out, they searched for her immediately. Chouko finally bumped into her master at the age 9. Her master took her in gladly. She treated Chouko like she was her own mother. Chouko loved her master very much. But... in the end, when she found out her master was an assassin, she was torn apart. Two betrayals. Both by the people she loved.
Chouko never wanted to love or trust anyone again. Never wanted, and never will.

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Re: Character Profiles

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby KumoriRyuu on Tue Nov 20, 2012 2:55 am

I checked your profile and saw that you are new, so I'll say what I have to say and while I won't really be sugar coating anything, I'll be as delicate as I can.

And an alias is a nickname or moniker that your character goes by. In Shadow's case, his name is his alias.

Anyway, I digress.

There are numerous details in your profile which caught my eye, and not in a good way, so I'll list those out for you.

First, the height to weight ratio is unrealistic. "Average" is not the word to use to describe a 6' 1", 130 lbs girl. Anorexic is the word to use in that scenario, as she'd be a walking stick with that ratio. Also, the character is a teenager which I specifically asked everyone, in bold letters just above the character skeleton on the RP's main page, to avoid. Something that a lot of people don't seem to understand, not just you, is that teenagers are incapable of reaching their full potential as far as physical, mental and spirituality is concerned because their bodies are constantly growing and changing still. Once a person has stopped growing around the ages of 21-25, that's when a person's full potential can be reached and it is then and only then that they can reach the peak of how powerful and dangerous they can be.

The reason I say all that is because there are enemies in this RP that will turn a character like the one you created inside out without breaking a sweat. If you're going to design a character for this RP, it'll have to be an adult.

That said, I'll provide some advice and helpful hints to make sure that you can make thorough and detailed characters in the future whether you want to join this RP or not when I'm done. So here goes.

1)[/b} Try to avoid common character "cliches". Such examples are: the orphan, the femme fatale, the mary sue, the nice guy, and the reluctant hero. Such character designs are overused, and they are so often poorly done that whenever I see them I'm immediately turned off by them even before I read the entire bio. In your case you have mixed the orphan and the femme fatale into one in that she's an orphan who's not afraid to do whatever she has to in order to get her way and accomplish her goals.

Next up is make sure to do a little research about height and weight ratios and maybe some basic musculature. As I explained before, at 6' 1" and 130 lbs, she's a walking stick figure. If you like taller characters, then a suggestion for a woman who's 6' 1" and well muscled to the point where she can use a complicated and powerful bow, as well as a decent amount of athleticism and stealth capabilities would be about 150 lbs at minimum.

3) Third is how to put together a more detailed biography. Take into account the following questions when designing a history to a character:

Who are their parents/guardians and what were they like? How did growing up with these individuals influence your character? What other influences were around during the early years of your character? During the more important developmental years, what happened in your characters life to change/influence your character's behavioral, mental, and physical development? Were they involved in any kind of physical activity to develop physical skills such as reflexes, hand to eye coordination, sense of timing and distancing, combative skills and possibly some other kind of related skill set? Or were they involved in more passive activities such as art, scholastic activity, or such?

Those questions are just basic questions, and there are many more you can ask yourself to help create a thorough and detailed biography for your character.

4) Next detail is the training history of your character. This is a very sensitive area for combat oriented characters, as it's not as simple as saying "He/She learned how to use a bow/dagger/sword/gun/whatever". There's A LOT more that goes into it. How and why did your character end up with that particular weapon? There are people out there who are just wired to use swords, while others are wired for the bow or gun. Their other physical skills and assets, such as hand/eye coordination and their eyesight, reflexes and senses of timing and distancing all influence what kinds of weapons they are and are not capable of using.

Another detail for the training history is musculature. How did your character develop the strength and dexterity necessary to use their weapons? Nobody just learns how to use a weapon, they have to have been trained for it at some point. So some details to cover are: Who introduced your character to the weapon and why? How were they trained for it? Saying "they were trained from an early age to use the weapon" just doesn't cut it. What kind of routines did they have to go through to develop the skill sets necessary to use the weapon and how long did it take to master the basics? How long did it take to master the finer details and what details are yet to be mastered with this weapon? What other skills did your character develop and how did they do so?

5) And finally, the last detail I'll mention, is the ability to talk with your GM (Game Master). No matter what the RP is, sending a pm to the GM asking for details about what kind of characters they want and how best to design them is probably the most important skill you could learn as an RPer anywhere, not just on roleplaygateway. The GM will never be upset with you for asking questions, and if they do get mad then they are a poor excuse for a GM and they should be avoided at all costs.

In your case, if you are still interested in this RP, then talk to me about a new character design and we'll work on the details together. I can help you design almost any kind of character with any kind of weapon specialty if you ask me, so don't be afraid to do so. However, before you do (if you choose to try again for this RP), I need to ask you this: If you were to stick around and join, would you be able to consistently post at least twice a week (preferably more often)? If you can't commit to that, then I will say now that it would be wise to find another RP. If I can't get at least two posts a week out of those players who have joined or those who wish to join, I don't allow them to join/continue in the RP.

So let me know what you would like to do.

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Re: Character Profiles

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby XianEvermor on Tue Nov 20, 2012 3:18 am

Twice a week is doable for me :) No thief types huh? Poo, I had a good idea for one. Alright, well Rome wasn't built in a day, I'll post my profile once I'm finished.

I do have a question: the main page description doesn't give Shaharan a military, although I assume they must have at least a police force if they are ruled by a benevolent but iron fist... royal guard... or something. Could you sum it up for me? Specifically what happens to deserters :D

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Re: Character Profiles

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby KumoriRyuu on Tue Nov 20, 2012 3:31 am

Good question. Shaharan does in fact have a military and royal guard. Deserters are hunted down and brought to justice, and are rarely killed unless they have proven themselves a viable and truly dangerous threats to the Royal Family. Otherwise, prison is the primary form of punishment.

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Re: Character Profiles

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby XianEvermor on Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:08 am

(This is wordy, I apologize. I also had to kind of wing it when it came to Kiba's history since I only know what's on the front page and what little I skimmed out of the posts about the nations so... if this treads on any of your lore please tell me and I'll change it. Also... I just happened to be looking at my l5r character sheet before I wrote this... hence the name... it kind of stuck in my head. It's like 7am, I am going to bed now, lol)

Birth Name: Bayushi, Kiba
Character Alias (If applicable): Fang

Appearance: Image

(Finding this was hard. Maybe next time I'll start with the picture :P Same general build, skin tone, and hair. Kiba is a little shorter.)

Written appearance: Kiba is a little squat for his frame at a mere five feet and change, broad through his muscular shoulders and barrel chest... in fact, Kiba is rather shaped like a barrel. His upper body is toned and muscular through years of hard labor and training, and he'd have a rock solid six pack... if you could pick it out beneath that layer of flab. He's not fat, by any means just... round about the middle. Kiba was one of those kids that stopped growing up, and instead began to grow out as he reached the end of his adolescence, and it's a losing battle he's fought for his entire life. It was a rather disappointing turn since his father was basically a human "V" and looked like he could kill a man with a folded napkin. He probably inherited his shape from his mother who was a little plump, politely speaking of course. Needless to say, however, Kiba is built like a tree, and strong as an ox.

His face is a little round about the cheeks, though not heavyset and he keeps a kind of rugged handsomeness, with that perpetual scruff he sports. His black hair is shaggy but not long and hangs in his eyes on occasion. His eyes are striking, almost unforgettable and probably his most prominent feature, since heterochromia of the eyes is rare in Shaharan: his right eye is as blue as a clear sunny day on the beach, and his left is green like a freshly polished emerald. On his left shoulder is a tattoo bearing the crest for the Shaharan royal guard, and across his back angled up across his right shoulder is a spectacular tattoo of a white wolf springing through the flames of a bellowing forge.

Kiba normally wears a sand colored tunic with loose sleeves and a hood, belted at the waist by a worn leather belt with a silver clasp, black breeches and sturdy leather boots. A second strap crosses his back, loops over his right shoulder and then ties in to the buckle at his waist. Hung on the back of this harness is the baldric for his unusually shaped broadsword, the tip of which pokes out over his right shoulder and the handle, which is held in place by a leather snap hangs against his waist near his left hand. The sword itself was obviously crafted by a master smith, and though the scabbard has seen much wear, the sword itself is immaculate. The weapon is nearly forty inches in length from tip to pommel, with a grip designed for one handed use with the option to wield it with two. At the top of the handle is a simple cross guard with a trigger indentation for his index finger. The blade itself is three inches wide and made of fine Shaharan steel and has a gentle curve to it to facilitate slashing. It has a sharp point that can be used for stabbing, but ends in a wicked looking hook designed to trap and disarm opponents. The unsharpened edge has a serrated finish that will swiftly ruin an opponent's weapon. Underneath his tunic he's been known to wear a lightweight vest of lamellar plates hammered from Shaharan steel. Rumor has it, he also keeps a length of Shaharan steel chain weighted at both ends wrapped around his right forearm.

Sex: Male
Home Nation: Shaharan
Current Location/Residence: Veilbrand (which is where the party currently is if I skimmed correctly?)
Age: 31
Height: 5' 10''
Weight: 191 lbs
Hair Color: Black, with very... very... very slight, hardly noticeable graying about his temples. (It's a touchy subject for him)
Eye Color: Blue / Green
Complexion: Copper
! Body Type: Heavy
Blood Type: B-

! Fighting Style (*Hard or Soft?): Kiba is familiar with both styles of fighting. His build, brute strength, and heavyweight sword keep his fighting style hard and aggressive, however. Used properly, his broadsword can trap blades, spears, and shields, pull them out of position, or even break them. His sword is also not his only weapon: Kiba weighs close to two-hundred pounds and is mostly muscle. He fights using his entire body, including his mass to his advantage. Fists, elbows, knees, his head, crushing an opponent into a wall with his body, anything is fair game. While Kiba is naturally left handed, he trained himself to be ambidextrous after breaking his hand in a smithing accident. Though he is merely adequate with his off-hand, being able to grab and swing a chair or stool, or flip a table, or even land an old fashioned knuckle sandwich without lowering his sword is a huge boon... especially in bar fights.

Adaptability Ratio**: 7/10 (I gave Kiba a 7 for his unorthodox fighting style. In social situations he's more of a 3 or a 4... closer to a 3. :D)

!! Personality: Charming, a little brusque, a hit with the ladies, or he'd like to think so. Kiba is what happens when you give the gift of gab to someone who has trouble tying his metaphorical shoes in a social situation. He would LOVE to think that he has a silver tongue, but his real skill is finding exactly the wrong thing to say at exactly the right moment to get himself in trouble. As you can imagine, this has lead to a long history of bar fights and duels. Being a fine purveyor of the brew hasn't helped much either, rather it's led to more than one fine night of reflection in the drunk tank. He's quick to champion a cause, and always tries to do the right thing, but more often than not ends up causing more chaos than was intended. Sometimes he firmly believes that he was born under an unlucky star...

! Quirks: Heterochromia of the eyes, and his pair of tattoos of course. Kiba's hands are strong and rough from working the forge, as well as many small burn scars along his hands and forearms... and he has a crippling handshake.

! Likes:
*The very occasional friendly bar scrap
*Defending the weak
*Contests of strength
*Fine crafts, forging, sword making
! Dislikes:
*Girly drinks... (Only women and effeminate men drink that fruity stuff)
*Squirrely assassins... especially those dodgy ones.
*Hiding in the shadows
*Being quiet in general

!! Special Talents/Skills: Kiba isn't a master swordsmith, but he's right handy with a hammer and a forge and can repair damn near anything. The weapons he's made are of good quality, great for bounty hunters, soldiers, or generally anyone who uses a standard run of the mill weapon. A master crafted assassin's blade would be way beyond him. As mentioned, he's ambidextrous and quite strong, and if you count being able to chug a pint of beer in under fifteen seconds as a "special talent," there's that too.

Weapon/s of Choice: His broadsword, Manrikikusari (weighted chain), whip, rope, his body, the environment.
Weapon/s of Last Resort: Whatever is heavy and not bolted down... have you ever tried to parry a chair with a sword?
! Weapons you avoid: Small, lightweight weapons, those flimsy katana things, daggers etc.

!! Weapon/Training History (If applicable): "I'm gonna be a great warrior! A hero who defends the weak and 'whack, whack!' kills the bad guy!"

"Excellent, Kiba... a great warrior needs a weapon," his father exclaimed.

"Yeah, a mighty sword and a sturdy shield!"

"Here is your weapon, hero," his father said, thrusting a heavy stick into Kiba's hand.

"But, it's a stick," Kiba whined with a note of obvious disappointment.

"Yes, a stick. Every hero starts somewhere," his father explained as a length of rope with a small iron weight stuck on the end whipped around the end of Kiba's stick and it was suddenly ripped from his grasp, leaving him with empty hands and a startled look of wonder. "And when you can best this rope with your stick, I will give you the rope. When you can best the whip with your rope, I will give you the whip. When you can best the chain with your whip, I will give you the chain, and finally when you can best the sword with the chain, you and I will forge a sword worthy of a true hero together. Until then, you'll work this hammer at the forge: down on their luck heroes need to earn a living somehow and no son of mine will be a slacker!"

This was Kiba's childhood. He worked his body at the forge, learned metallurgy, proper care of his equipment and handy trade skills like shoeing horses, repairing pots and pans, and forging kitchen knives. In his free time he studied with his stick. Kiba's father was once part of the Royal Guard, and since he was little Kiba wanted nothing more than to be a great soldier and a hero like his dad... because what good father isn't their child's hero? His father found love fairly young, and retired once his wife was with child to pursue a safer career... though not before he absorbed years of training and service at the guard. He hadn't any non-martial skills, save some natural strength and an impeccable work ethic which was good enough to land him an apprentice position with a local swordsmith.

Kiba was raised in this manner, training his body and muscles at the forge from a young age, and honing his hand-eye coordination with the hammer at the anvil. Smithing was hard work, and Kiba grew up to be a promisingly large and strong youth, much larger than the other kids his age... though his height stopped increasing in his early adolescence and the other children quickly outstripped him. Instead Kiba's girth increased in spite of his many hours of hard labor at the forge. Nobody dare tease him, however, since he could pick up and throw a fifty pound bag of sand fifteen yards over his head. As his skill with the stick and his father's strict training increased, he eventually graduated to the rope, which took him years and many black eyes to master. It wasn't until his early twenties that he graduated from rope to whip, and then whip to chain... ah that age they start letting fresh young whelps into bars. The training and work weren't enough for Kiba, and in spite of being a little heavy, he always had plenty of energy to burn at the end of the day and chose to refine his art in bar brawls. There's no substitute for experience as they say. When Kiba was twenty-three he finally graduated to the sword, which Kiba designed himself to fit his unique fighting style, and his father forged from the finest materials as project to finally graduate to master swordsmith.

Biography: Well, a life of cheap booze, women, and bar fights only get a man so far. Kiba spent two years further honing his training and applying to the Shaharan military schools for service before a freak accident burned down his home with his parents inside. Or what he thought was a freak accident anyway, an investigation uncovered evidence of arson, and the people responsible for the death of his parents were never found. Kiba found his comfort at the bottom of a bottle, and quickly racked up a record which disqualified him from military service. When he wasn't working for a local smith repairing pots for beer money, he was fighting in bars or spending his nights in the drunk tank. The local guards even knew him by name.

It was such a day that his life changed. Drunk (again), it was no surprise that he ended up in a bar fight when someone accused him of... something: that detail was probably lost to the minor concussion he suffered after the local guard became involved. When he awoke in the drunk tank there was someone waiting for him and, much to his surprise, it wasn't the bailiff with a bucket of cold water. This man was much too well dressed to be a grunt, he had to be a merchant or something, or so Kiba thought at first.

"Good morning, large one!" the man exclaimed cheerily, to which Kiba could only grunt... the morning light stabbed his eyes painfully and the sound of the man's voice made his head pound.

"Rgh," Kiba grunted again as he hauled himself into a sitting position against the cell wall... what he meant was 'Top of the morning, good sir! And how are you today?' though the muffled grunt was the only thing that would leave his lips as he pressed his palms into his eyes. Thankfully the man seemed to speak "hangover."

"Oh, I'm quite fine, thanks to you in fact," he explained, leaning back in the roughshod stool the bailiff had provided him with.

"Rraagh?" Kiba grunted in approximation of 'I'm sorry, what?'

"Well, you see I'm not really supposed to leave Court, but it gets so dull up there... and it's not like I'm next in line or anything so sneaking out to enjoy the town is something of a guilty pleasure of mine. Blah blah blah politics, blah blah mathematics, and blah blah lectures is enough to drive a man crazy after a few weeks," the man explained.

"Uhhhgh," replied Kiba, to which he meant 'Well of course, good sir, I do understand people need some excitement in their life,' as he draped one of his tree-like arms over his eyes. He was beginning to wish the bailiff would storm in with the bucket.

"Well, your brawl interrupted an, admittedly clumsy, attempt on my life... or at least that's what the Royal Guard believe: I think he was just looking to cut my purse. Anyway, the way you threw a table across the room to take him out (which was quite impressive), and then proceeded to knock two of the Royal Guardsmen senseless when they came in looking for me turned quite a few heads."

"Mm-hmm," Kiba replied, though he'd stopped paying attention at the mention of his brawl.

"Which is why I'd like you to be my personal bodyguard!" the man exclaimed cheerily.

"Uh," said Kiba, as he cracked his blue eye open and lifted his arm to look at the man in disbelief.

"Excellent! I knew you'd agree," he said, slapping his knees and getting to his feet. "I'll be waiting outside for you to get cleaned up."

As it turned out, Kiba had unwittingly performed a "heroic rescue" of a royal prince who was in apparent and mortal danger. So his record was expunged and he was allowed into the Royal Guard as the prince's personal escort, which was trying and thrilling at the same. Kiba and the prince became fast friends, and he often helped the prince escape his lectures so they could ride the countryside together... or what countryside there was on the edge of a vast and dangerous desert anyway. They spent a great deal of time wandering the local tavern scene and protecting one another from drunk women. See, the prince already had two brothers and was in no danger of assuming the throne being the middle child.

That was until his older brother became ill, at least. After years of enjoying a carefree lifestyle on the Palace dime it was time to mature a little. The prince did double duty, caring for his ill brother and assuming all the duties that were left open. It had been a fun few years, but they were both approaching their thirties and the Prince's father was showing his age. Finally, a life of waste, friendship, booze, and adventure was coming to a close, and Kiba would be the personal escort of a king! He finally felt like he was doing his father's name justice, and in celebration they had one last night of excess... within the palace, because it would be irresponsible to allow the crown prince to wander the dangerous streets of the city.

Kiba awoke to a vicious hangover, much like the one he'd had when he met the prince, and the many he'd had since their friendship began. The night was a blur, which wasn't unusual... what was unusual was the cool steel in his hand when he went to press his palms to his eyes against the morning light. It was his chain. Only the prince and one or two others even knew he had the weapon, since it was frowned upon for a Royal Guardsman to employ such "brutish lowbrow tactics." With a sigh he tugged on it to find the other end to be surprised by the thud of dead weight on the stone floor. The other end was stuck to something!

"Giragh," he swore, shaking the chain to try and free it without standing and wondered if he'd been using it to swing from the chandelier like some swashbuckling buccaneer.

When it didn't come free he stood and followed the length to find, to his dismay and horror, that the other end was wrapped securely about the prince's throat. The prince stared back at him with empty eyes, his blue lips agape and gasping. What do you do when you find the strangled corpse of your best friend (who happens to be the crown prince) at the end of a murder weapon you happen to be holding? Well, try and free him of course! In a haze, Kiba hoisted the prince off the floor and tried to loosen the chain... which was how the Royal Guards found him when they burst through the galley door.

Kiba wasn't going to get a chance to rot in prison. With the death of a Prince on his hands, it would have been straight to execution: do not pass "Go," do not collect 200 coins. He'd never once raised a hand against the prince, even in the myriad of drunken bar brawls they both got into. Kiba was sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that he didn't kill the prince... okay with his memory of the previous night blank there were some definite holes in his defense, but with him dead who would look for the real killer? Certainly not the youngest brother who was now in line for the throne instead of his slothful, trouble making older sibling and that pesky bodyguard. Certainly not any of the Royal Guardsmen who'd just been presented with an orgy of evidence: Kiba with the murder weapon and dead prince in hand.

Hands started moving towards sword hilts, and still groggy from booze and whatever he was sure had drugged him, Kiba did the only thing he could think of: he threw the prince at the surprised guards. Of course he immediately regretted shaming his friend's memory in such a manner, but the added benefit was that his chain came free and the door was blocked by a Guardsman fumbling to keep from dropping a corpse (a harder task than you might think). Kiba followed closely: two hundred pounds of charging blacksmith's son with a length of chain and a chair smashed through the blockade and scattered soldiers like bowling pins. Escaping the castle before the alarm was officially raised through one of their usual routes wasn't entirely difficult... it was escaping the city with the entire Shaharan military searching for him that was the real challenge. Kiba couldn't go by boat, since crossing the entire city without being seen was near impossible and he couldn't run all nimbly bimbly from rooftop to rooftop like some assassin out of the storybooks. Not with his girth: he'd fall through the first ceiling for sure!

So Kiba followed his gut, trusting his blind luck and braved the desert, hoping to reach the mountains.
Last edited by XianEvermor on Tue Nov 20, 2012 8:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Character Profiles

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RichterGotz on Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:30 am

I have a feeling that Kiba and Dietrich will get along just fine if he gets accepted. I was worried Dietrich would be the only heavyweight on the team; now the two of them can cover these ectomorphic, free-running assassins together.

"I have learned that Anger and Will, joined together, are the greatest Power. I have learned to meditate Anger and Will with clarity and precision, and I have learned to open the hidden reservoirs of Dark Side Power." ―Palpatine, from The Book of Anger

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Re: Character Profiles

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby rinrinlen12 on Tue Nov 20, 2012 3:51 pm

Uh huh~ I see I see~
Sorry, I'm not much of a writer~ ^w^;;;
And I'm not specific enough~ =w= But if you can help me please do!! OwO
So basically, the first thing I have to change is... the weight. And the age. So if I make her 6'1" and 170 lbs, and I make her a 21 year old, then it would be good?
And then the history of the training~ Hmmm~
Lets seee.
I still want my character to be an archer, so to be an archer, she has to build up her arm strength. Should I make the training history like a story? :3
So then I should do the same with the Biography right?
Also, the personality is fine right? Just wondering... =w= Because I'm still new, so I want to make my character as good as I can.
Please teach me master!!!

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Re: Character Profiles

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby XianEvermor on Tue Nov 20, 2012 4:44 pm


Well, after my first idea was shot down I took a closer look at the group spread and figured it would benefit having a second roadblock :) No substitute for mass, right? lol

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Re: Character Profiles

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Reaper2707 on Thu Nov 22, 2012 2:26 am

(Here e go I fixed some things, I might have been a bit metaphorical when I first made this. I hope my second attempt is better!)
Birth Name: Jovik Hirotashi
Alias: Guardian of War (War for short)

Appearance (ignore the magic hand thing he has going on) Image

! Written appearance: Jovik is an average size male at the height of 6’0. He has a round barrel chest and is lean to the point where you can see his six pack clearly through his skin. His arms are covered in lean muscle which may give him the appearance of being scrawny from far away but up close you can see the well defined muscle tissue. His eyes are a dark brown that almost seem black and strike fear into the hearts of many who have looked into them.

His hair is jet black and kept at a length just high enough so that he can push it back in a spike like manner. His K-9 teeth are abnormally long and sharp, giving him an almost dog like appearance when he grins or smiles. He has a healthy proportion of fat all over his body and nothing has too little or too much fat. His nose is slightly pointed and his eye brows are about average in thickness. Years of travel and battle have hardened Joviks features and have left small scars that litter his arms and abdomen.

Jovik where’s a long black cloak that obscures everything except a small portion of his eyes along with the entirety of the lower half of his face, his hands poke out slightly from the sleeves and a staff is strapped to his back. The staff is strapped on by a single tear away leather strap that hooks over his right shoulder, extends to his left hip and attaches to the other side of the staffs sheath. The staff is two sided; the side that protrudes from the sheath has a large metal wrecking ball like piece of metal attached to a long, thin silver staff. The end obscured by the tanned hide sheath is adorned with a two foot curved Iron blade that is serrated on one side and designed to cut right through bone and muscle tissue with a single stroke (Much like a Japanese Katana). Under the cloak Jovik wears a black T-shirt and black pants. His shins, forearms, shoulders, chest, groin, wrists, and fists are covered by a light armor designed to resist arrows and small blades. On his feet he usual wears armored combat boots that are about as high as his lower shins. On his left arm is a strange device that runs from his wrist right about the beginning of his elbow and has what looks to be ejection ports for something.
Sex: Male
Home Nation: Veilbrand
Current Location/Residence: Sky Dome temple (Veilbrand).
Age: 26
Height: 6’0
Weight: without armor 170pounds, in armor 185pounds
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: dark brown
Complexion: white/fair
! Body Type: Medium, between heavy and light.
Blood Type: A+
! Fighting Style (*Hard or Soft?): The Sentinels of Sky Dome teach all their members both defensive and offensive fighting techniques. All of the sentinels are masters of the Shadow Serpent hand to hand fighting style unique to the Sentinels of Sky Dome. The fighting style targets the joints of the opponents with procession so that they can disable the body. All disciples of this technique can dislocate almost anybody part and know every pressure point and weak spots of the average human body. He also specializes with the sentinel weapon the “War Bird Staff”. Jovik fights hard and fast, every move leading right into the next, never letting up his attack until his opponent is dead. But his other weapon is his keen intellect, he will often lead an opponent into a situation where he has no cards in his favor, if his opponent is four steps behind Jovik then he isn’t working hard enough.
Adaptability Ratio**: 9/10 (Jovik is always thinking ten moves ahead and is rarely caught off guard. He can talk to nearly anyone, even if he hates too. His training at the Sky Dome Temple was always emphasizing on “Adapt and overcome”)

!! Personality: Jovik doesn’t concern himself with much outside of the realm of his never ending mission to bring balance to the world. He can be cold and unfeeling and has close to no sense of humor. Ignorance and obnoxiousness anger Jovik to the point of rage that has caused more then one beat down to occur. He doesn’t mind traveling with company, as long as that company remains useful to him and his mission. He calculates almost every little thing and can persuade people like no other, but in the rare event it does he is known to become very violent to solve the matter. Although he tries not to concern himself with the lives of anyone around him if it suddenly disrupts his day in anyway he will get involved. He once was sitting quietly on a porch drinking while a murderous gang battle took place in front of him. He paid it no mind until a gang members blood got splattered on his face as he was taking a drink. Every gang member at the fight turned up dead. He is madly devoted to the teachings of Sky Dome and looks down on every other religion in the world as stupid.

! Quirks: Jovik possess a standard tattoo of the Sky Dome Temple on his right arms. It depicts a ring with seven columns extending from it in a circular shape; his however also has the ancient hieroglyphic for the word war in the middle of the ring. He has a multiple scars scattered across his body but nothing that is always able to bee seen.
! Likes:
*The occasional drink
*Studying the ancient texts of the Sky Dome sentinels
*Working towards the ultimate goal of the sentinels, to bring permanent balance to *the world
*Though sentinels are supposed to keep themselves from getting entangled in the lives of others where they are not needed, Jorvik enjoys the occasional one night stand with the ladies.
*writing poetry and short fiction stories

! Dislikes:
*Obnoxiousness and ignorance
*Those who work to bring unbalance to the world
*organized religion other then the teaching of Sky Dome
*Bad poetry and short stories

!! Special Talents/Skills: He can play a mean game of chess and remembers important details no matter how small they are. He is a master in the Shadow Serpent hand to hand fighting style and has a knack for writing fiction and poetry though he has little time too. He carries around a journal that he writes he work in.

Weapon/s of Choice: A “War Bird” staff that has sharp serrated blade side and a weighted ball side that can be pulled out three feet and used as a mace of sorts. He wears a device on his arm called a “Sky Dome Knife Spiter”. When a lever in the back of the device is released it launches four Kuni Blades from four separate ejection ports. It can fire twice before being reloaded and can also be loaded with poison darts, smoke bombs or explosive.

Weapon/s of Last Resort: The blades located in the soles of his shoes, mostly because the only way to use them is by using toe kicks. He will use the environment and his body (Teeth, spit etc.) to survive. If all else fails and the battle seems lost he will use a detonator to set off a series of explosives hidden in his armor to hid the Sky Dome sentinels secrets.

! Weapons you avoid: Bows, broad swords, battle axes anything heavy. Jovik likes his weapons light and fast like Katanas or hidden blades.

!! Weapon/Training History (If applicable): At the age of ten Jovik was taken under the wing of the sentinels of Sky Dome. Since then he has dedicated his entire life to learning the arts of war, fighting and killing. The sentinels operate as lone wolves so he is no stranger to working alone and can take on groups of enemies all at one time. His training emphasized on speed and tactics, learning to predict an opponent’s move before he makes it and the arts of killing targets quickly and without much of a fight. He knows every joint to hit, ever artery to severe and every bone to break.

He has an uncanny ability to predict events and guess with great accuracy what an opponent is going to do. Throughout his training he was given multiple classes by the sentinels that ranged from the psychology during battle, too the various fighting styles of different nations and most common fighting styles used in the world. At the time of his training the sentinels saw the biggest threat to global balance as being the multiple assassin organizations. So during his multiple years of training he studied the art of the assassins through both hired teachers from various organizations, and the personal experiences from the other sentinels. From this he learned how to spot the smallest hints of abnormal behavior so that he could detect assassin’s plots before they happened. Though he can not always predict these attacks or spot assassins, he is probably the best at it, aside from assassins themselves.

Being the Guardian of War he would be tasked with the most killing out of any of the sentinels. Therefore he has been lectured extensively on how to keep opponents from fleeing and deal non fatal, but disabling blows so that he can interrogate or capture near anyone he wants to. He focused much of his life on perfecting his hand to hand combat and the use of his staff and is considered among the sentinels to be the best wielder of a War Bird staff in the history of their order. His body is in good shape but he focused largely on his cardiovascular and endurance skills more then anything else. He may not be able to lift much, but he can keep fighting for long periods of time. The longest he has gone is about 25 minutes before reaching his absolute limit.

Biography: Jovik was born into a family of warriors who lived outside a remote village in Veilbrand. The village lay in the shadow of a massive mountain that was known to the residents as Sky Dome Mountain. Atop the mountain was a small, walled city with a massive temple at its center known as the Temple of Sky Dome. In the temple lived a secret society of religious warriors who called themselves the sentinels of Sky Dome. Little was, and still is, known about the sentinels other then they are blindly devoted to their faith. They only allowed those who they deemed worthy to live in the city surrounding Sky Dome temple, which is rumored to be an utter paradise.

Jovik’s father was a hard line military man and told his son from a very young age that he was destined to follow in his fathers footsteps and become a warrior of Veilbrand. However, Jovik was never interested in the warrior’s life and would rather sit alone and write stories or poetry. This got him a bad reputation with the children of his village who were all set on being great warriors for Veilbrand. He was constantly bullied at school and his father branded him a disappointment and a lost cause. His mother had died at a young age and never knew a mothers love. With his father wanting nothing to do with him and the children around him hating him he was already contemplating suicide at the young age of nine.

It was at the age of ten that his life changed forever. He celebrated his birthday alone on the stone steps that led to the top of Sky Dome. He had a great deal of hate in his heart and spent the better part of the day praying to the God of War to smite the people down who treated him so badly. He stayed on the steps all alone until night had fallen upon the village, he contemplated running away, and who would miss him? His father was probably wishing he was gone forever. Just as he was about to turn and leave the village forever he was approached by a man wearing a red cloak “What are you doing here young boy?”

“I’m going to run away, and leave this stupid village forever.”

“Why is that?” The man asked. Jovik was astonished; nobody had ever shown even the slightest amount of interest in him.

“Everybody hates me; my dad doesn’t even love me. Today was my birthday and no one even cares.”

“You were born today?” The man asked with a hint of excitement in his voice

“Yeah why do you care?” Jovik asked

The man smiled and put a hand on the child’s back and pointed to the stars “You see that star formation right there?” Jovik looked up and saw a constellation of stars that looked like a pillar

“Yeah so?”

“Well that is the pillar of Balance. It is there every night, but tonight is a special night of the year. You see how that one star at the very top is red?”

“Yeah.” Jovik said with curiosity

“Well once every year a planet passes in between us and the star that is usually there. That’s why it is red. Today is a very special day of the year for us at the Sky Dome temple.”

‘You’re from Sky Dome!”

“Yes, my name is Toshobi, and I am one of the five sentinels of the Sky Dome temple. What is your name young boy?”

“My name is Jovik sir.”

“Well Jovik, you say you have no one here for you. How would you like to come with me to the temple? You can live there with us, and we can teach you our ways. You won’t have to be alone anymore.”

“You…you mean it.”

Toshobi smiled and picked up Jovik by his arm “I do. Now do you wish to accompany back to the temple?” Jovik smiled with delight and nodded his head. “Good then let us go; we have a long walk ahead.”

Toshobi had taken Jovik under his wing because the Sky Dome prophecy foretold that on the day of the burning column (September 12th) a boy would be found who would fill the last spot in the order of the Sky Dome Sentinels. Jovik was taught the beliefs of the sentinels. They believe that one day the world will find a perfect balance of peace and war, wealth and poverty, hope and dismay etc. and that this balance must be pushed along by the sentinels. They rely on an oracle, currently the oracle is Misi Yoto. The oracles come from a long line of people who are believed to be embodiments of the Gods will on the planet and this bloodline has been recorded and maintained for hundreds of years. The oracle will tell the sentinels of places where the world can not balance itself through supernatural means and requires the intervention of the sentinels. The imbalance can be anything from too much war, to too little war. Too much wealth, or too little wealth, and so on and so forth, and the way to go about balancing the world depends on what the situation is. The sentinels believe that after the world has found perfect balance that the gods will come to the planet in human form and lead mankind to eternal salvation. Currently there are six sentinels (known as guardians of balance) War, Prosperity, sorrow, faith, famine and nature. Each sentinel (or guardian) is tasked with balancing different aspects of the world. Jovik is tasked with all things related to war, peace and death. When rumors of a war between the assassins reached Sky Dome the oracle prophesied that once the war was stopped and the assassins were either wiped out or forced to make peace then the balance of war in the world would forever. Jovik believes he can end this conflict by reasoning with the assassins to and making them see the error of their ways. If need be he will use others to his advantage to kill whoever he needs to so that he can bring balance to the world.

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Re: Character Profiles

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Reaper2707 on Thu Nov 22, 2012 2:35 am

Iron blade is supposed to say steel (Sorry I only have time to do these at night and i'm always a bit tired when I do so)

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Re: Character Profiles

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby OrphicTrumpeter on Fri Dec 28, 2012 6:14 am

You said to contact you first, but normally when I read that I think I have to PM people? I think I'm doing this right. But I mean... if I'm not, just let me know. Or remove my character. xD Also, I think you said you weren't looking for new characters... not 100% on that, so I figured I'd just post and deal with the consequences afterwards. I also realize my character is like, nowhere near the action. @_@

**EDIT: I was re-reading after the fact and I noticed that some of the places were spelled wrong... I tried to go back through and spell everything correctly-- I thought it was pronounced in a particular way and I spelled the name phonetically.**

Birth Name: Freya Fuchs
Character Alias (If applicable):N/A

Appearance: Image

! Written appearance: Freya is rather small with dark, cocoa colored skin. Due to her current location, she ties her hair beneath turbans, but her hair is quite long. She normally ties the ends into pony tails or braids it. Her eyes are green and often seem half closed, as though she is about to fall asleep. When she speaks, in a calm sleepy sounding voice, often her eyes will wander from her target audience.

Freya's clothes are louder than she is. She wears bright, noticable colors when she is at home. When she's on the move, she picks colors that blend with her surroundings. As an archer with few options for close combat, she tends to wear looser fitting clothing that seems to be hiding weaponry-- but she cannot fight well up close.

She wears excessive amounts of jewelry, most of it worthless objects that she created herself. In her current home in the desert area of Shaharan, Freya often finds herself wearing a thin vest with rings around her midsection.

Freya's body is petite and as such, she doesn't have a noticeable chest. From a distance, she looks like a boy.
Sex: Female
Home Nation: Gweynura
Current Location/Residence: Shaharan, Hut at the Desert's Edge
Age: 29
Height: 5ft
Weight: 120lb
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Complexion: Dark skin
! Body Type: Slender, petite. Looks boyish.
Blood Type: O
! Fighting Style (*Hard or Soft?): Soft. As an archer, Freya was taught a hard, attacking fighting style. She found that she is better off evading than she is blocking. Her main fighting technique is to only attack when absolutely necessary at extremely vulnerable or weak areas and then putting distance between herself and her target. She will use poison whenever she has the chance. Freya's weaponry is often designed to be lightweight for the purpose of speed, but she occasionally carries around heavier weaponry. As she doesn't have very much experience killing people, she doesn't stick around to kill.
Adaptability Ratio**: 5
!! Personality: Freya is a quiet, thoughtful woman. Even-tempered and good natured, she tends to dislike fighting and wants more to focus on her hobbies of engineering and metalworking. She is well read, but tends to keep to herself. Her calm, laid-back nature makes it difficult for her to fully understand when she upsets other people and often things don't faze her as much as they should, which leads to confusion. Freya seldom gets angry or upset, seeming almost blank or poker faced a good portion of the time, but this lack of emotion is just an effect of her alexithymia. Her emotions, while blunted, are difficult for her to place into words.
! Quirks: Freya has some burn marks on her arms. She normally covers them up.
! Likes:
- Solitude. She enjoys her time alone and likes the quiet and calm that comes with it.
- Reading/Books. Her home is stuffed full of them.
- Metalworks. She sees it as a creative outlet.
- Engineering. She sees it as a creative outlet.
- Gardening and herbology. She isn't able to really do much now, but when she was in her homeland, she grew a fantastic garden.
- Foxes. She owns one and believes them to be wise creatures. She didn't bring it with her to the desert.
! Dislikes:
- Alcohol/Drugs. She thinks of them as mind altering substances and worries they ruin the mind's capabilities.
- Loudness/Brashness/Rudeness. She expects people to treat her fairly and to argue reasonably.
- Swords. She doesn't know how to deal with them. She thinks of them as instruments of death and grows wary upon sight of them.
- Talking. She dislikes having to talk much or being with people who constantly talk.
- Religion. She doesn't like being told what she believes is wrong and she doesn't appreciate being told what to believe.
- Terrible writing. She will flat out destroy works that she thinks are subpar.
!! Special Talents/Skills: Her special abilities are her hobbies. An excellent metalsmith, Freya tries to build whatever she can from her imagination. It requires she have a forge and some time, but fixing weaponry and creating new weaponry is no issue for her. She is not as well versed in engineering, but it is possible for her to create weaponry using very basic engineering principles. Also, Freya's knowledge of plants is also very exhaustive. She synthesizes poisons for her dart weaponry.
Weapon/s of Choice:
- Normal Bow And Arrow: A standard bow and arrow set. She carries a regular sized quiver for it. Mid-range weapon.
- Slingshot: A small weapon that fits small rocks and so forth. Not very accurate, but can fire pellets of sand or stones in a wide range. She usually doesn't carry ammunition for it. Short-range weapon.
- Thunder Bow: A customizable special bow. The size of this bow can change from large to small easily. She needs to carry extra strings for it. It allows her to use arrows that either can't fit in her normal bow and arrow set or need more or less tension than what her normal bow allows. As it is one of her creations, when it breaks, she must fix it. Long- mid- short-range weapon.
- Heavy Arrow: A special arrow used in her Thunder Bow. Can't fly far, but is very accurate. Short-range only.
- Shrapnel Arrow: A special arrow used in her Thunder Bow. It can't fly far and she normally fires it at trees and not people. The tip has a very small amount of explosive in it that causes it to create distractions. She can't make many of these. Short-range only.
- Spear Arrow: A special arrow used in her Thunder Bow. Modeled after a spear and flies extremely far. Long range only.
- Metal Arrow: A special arrow used in her Thunder Bow. It's hollow metal. Requires very little tension. Mid-range only.
Weapon/s of Last Resort:
- Auto-Reload Bow: If she runs out of ammo, this bow fires nails only. It can carry seven nails at a time and will automatically set up the next nail to be fired. Can't be used like a nail gun. As it is one of her creations, when it breaks, she must fix it. Mid-range weapon.
- Sniper-shot Bow: A bow that uses a scope device. It takes a long time to load and fire. It requires her to be almost perfectly still. It is accurate, but jams often. She barely carries it, but when she does it's a last resort weapon. As it is one of her creations, when it breaks, she must fix it. Long-range weapon.
- Dart Blower: Fires small, needle-like darts quickly. She poisons the darts. Very fast, not extremely accurate. Short-range weapon.
! Weapons you avoid:
- Swords: Freya is incapable of defending against any type of sword.
- Heavy Melee Weapons: Freya is unable to wield extremely heavy weaponry. She must be able to move quickly to balance out her lack of melee training, and as such heavy melee weaponry is difficult for her to use. She dodges them well enough, but cannot use them.
!! Weapon/Training History (If applicable): Freya spent her childhood learning archery from her older brothers. She is best at extremely long ranged shots, having trained in this from the age of 7 to 15. When she was 15, her brothers changed her bow to a standard one and had her shoot mid-range only. She trained in long- and mid-range shots from 15 to 25. Though she is capable of making short range shots, they aren't nearly as accurate as her long- and mid-range shots.

Her father was a mason and because of this she learned about what metalworking was. She did not pick up her father's craft, instead picking up her mother and sister's gardening skills. She was in charge of caring for a garden when she was 7 and continued to be until she left home with her oldest brothers at 16. She tended to get in trouble for breeding poisonous plants, but learned how to grow all sorts of plants. Her mother and sisters also taught her about different types of plants.

When she was sixteen and left home with her brothers, she traveled with them to Shaharan. They left her in the care of a metalsmith who taught her his craft when she expressed interest in it. Her brothers, who work as mercenaries, often returned to visit her and the old metalsmith. Currently, she is still an apprentice, but her current objective, set by her master, is to make a name for herself in crafting. She is ignoring this goal in order to focus on engineering. In Shaharan, while working with her master, she met a young artist who engineered for a living. He lived with her for a while and taught her his meager knowledge, as well as directed her to the books she would come to possess and horde. When he left, she continued to study his art while continuing to practice hers.

Biography: Freya was the ninth and final child of Agnarr and Hildi. She has six older brothers and three older sisters. Her eldest brothers are twins, Anselm and Ansem, and the four afterwards (in order) are Dieter, Friedhelm, Egon, and Hildebert. Her sisters are Hlokk and the twin girls, Hrist and Mist. The order of birth was Anselm and Ansem, Hlokk, Friedhelm, Hrist and Mist, Egon, Hildebert, and Freya.

As a child, Freya was doted on by her mother, who created medicine for a doctor in their village. Hildi allowed Freya to spend most of her childhood with Anselm and Ansem. The boys, who were 21 upon Freya's birth, spent most of her childhood home working on weaponry. Ansem, the quieter one, spent most of his time watching her. Anselm, a more excitable sort of man, normally only played with Freya and left other duties up to Ansem. Ansem, who suffered from the same emotion-less disorder that she did, was the first to teach her how to use a bow. When Anselm saw how good she was getting, he turned it into a game. As she spent most of her time in the company of her quiet older brother, she became quiet herself.

The twins weren't always busy, but when they got a job they left their quaint mountain village home. When the twins had to leave home, they left Freya in the care of Hlokk, who was serious and straightforward. At 19 at the time of Freya's birth, Hlokk was looking to take over her mother's job. She taught Freya about poisons as a preventative measure, but Hrist and Mist, 13 at Freya's birth, showed Freya the lethality of poisons by using them to kill rabbits and other animals that ate their crops. The twin girls also gave Freya a small plot in their gardens to grow her own crop in. To Hildi's displeasure, Freya was mostly interested in growing poisons.

Agnarr, a mason, spent most of his time teaching Friedhelm and Egon his craft. The two boys were 12 and 11 at Freya's birth and she didn't interact with them as much as she did with her other brothers. She did interact very often with her father, who found her often found her actions quite funny (Hildi did not approve). Despite scolding from his wife, Agnarr rewarded Freya if she managed to kill any small animals. When Freya turned 10, he gave her her pet fox, whom she called Skold.

Freya and her other brother, Hildebert, were closest in age, he being only two years older than she. They played together everyday until Hildebert turned 10, when he decided he wanted to be a doctor. Freya didn't see him nearly as much afterwards, but he taught her very basic first aid and played with her if she begged hard enough.

When Freya turned 16, Anselm and Ansem requested from their parents to be able to take her along with them on a few missions. Agnarr and Hildi were firmly against it initially, but after much petitioning (and the heckling of Hrist and Mist), they hesitantly allowed her to go. Freya mostly went along to administer first aid and cook for the older boys, but eventually they gave her a bow and arrows and allowed her to take up watch at night when they were between towns. Their travels lead them to Shaharan, where Freya met the old metalsmith Aristides.

Aristides offered Freya an apprenticeship after constant questioning by the curious young girl and requested that her brothers leave her with him. Anselm was all for her learning metalwork, but Ansem, unable to properly word how he felt leaving his sister behind, bluntly said that he would return every month to ensure that she was unharmed. Aristides, mostly offended by the comment, thereafter didn't speak much with Ansem. Despite this hiccup, Freya got along well with Aristides and learned his craft slowly. She still practiced her archery and took part in competitions. In order to win in the competitions, she began crafting new bows. She won a contest with her sniper-shot bow after multiple tries with different versions of the bow. Her Thunder Bow was the result of a competition as well.

When she turned 25, Aristides told her to go out and practice on her own. She figured she would wait for her brothers to return and then travel with them back home, but instead found herself in the company of a Shaharaian young man named Felix. Felix was a struggling engineer and found Freya's knowledge in metalworks extremely helpful. Freya often tried to be rid of him, to no avail. She did eventually grow interested in his art and, when her brothers came back to Shaharan when she was 28, finally was rid of Felix when Ansem scared him off. Her brothers offered to take her back home, but Freya declined. She wished to study a little longer on her own, so her brothers let her be.
High up past dizzy vacua above the spheres of light and darkness
Their eyes are upon us, we who are the people of the city on the hill
Those who are greedy and hungry have seized upon our world
Come, chosen ones, take the fate of the world in your hands
The sky is falling, the wind is calling, stand for something or die in the morning
Asphodel Meadows is calling!

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Re: Character Profiles

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby KumoriRyuu on Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:30 pm

This is actually a fairly impressive profile, but it is true, unfortunately, that I am not looking for any new characters. I'm sorry. It is a nice profile, so I have no doubt that you'd do well were I in the market for more people. If you've any interest in Ace Combat, I have an RP on that which needs characters. Otherwise, I wish you luck on finding another RP to join.

Thank you for your interest.

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Re: Character Profiles

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby OrphicTrumpeter on Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:51 am

xD I actually am pretty into Ace Combat, so I might join that one instead! Thanks for reading this profile anyway :D

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Re: Character Profiles

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby KumoriRyuu on Sat Dec 29, 2012 3:41 am

You're very welcome, and I hope to see you around in the Ace Combat RP soon.

If you need help finding it, just check the "Role Players Wanted" forum or just click here

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