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Winter's Bounty

World Religions

a part of “Winter's Bounty”, a fictional universe by The Adversary.

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World Religions

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby The Adversary on Thu Aug 20, 2015 2:26 pm

World Religions

Church of the Will
The principal system of belief in St. Daré's Empire is fundamentally similar to the Tenants of Existence in many respects. However, they begin to diverge in regards to their holy figures. Whereas the Tenants uplift the Batheon Empresses, the Church contends that the only human worthy of veneration is St. Daré himself. They believe, teach, and stringently enforce that he is, and was, the living will of a deity. Not a mere prophet, but the word of a god made flesh and blood for humanity's benefit. As such, his teachings form a cardinal basis behind life in Aron. Nominally, these include universal freedom and love for all races. However, behind closed doors is a different matter, and Aron has garnered a reputation for its forked silver tongue as a result.

Elven Faiths
The elves possessed many different religions, but most have been lost to time and cultural purges. The predominant faith was a rare monotheistic religion. It proscribed to the belief that there was one genderless entity that constantly shifted its form. All gods were mere instances of this one force. This allowed Batheon to easily convert the elves over time, as every other religion in the world preaches that the gods are but facets of a much larger being. Unlike contemporary religions however, this faith taught that the mortal realm was a mistake. It fatalistically held that all would eventually wither away into nothingness. The only way to find salvation was by giving your life away to their god as its eternal servant, which is better than nonexistence. Less than thirty percent of elves practice this religion in modern times. Like all thing elven, it has also been merged with various human faiths. Some, both elves and humans, have even used this as an example to justify the elf's current lot in life. From the more racist pulpit spouting, “You are meant to be owned,” to the more repentant, “This is our punishment for our sins.”

Nou Jai – The Natural Path
The dominant religion of the Golden Lands does not hinge on deities as many eastern beliefs do. The role of gods is complex, and they are neither wholly loved nor hated. This topic shall be discussed in depth later. It should also be mentioned that the positivity and self-affirmation of Nou Jai sharply contrasts with the average citizen's standard of living in the Golden Lands. Most importantly, Nou Jai emphasizes the individual; the temporal human and its place in the universe. Ideally, humans are not to conform with the whims of the heavens. There are no temples, no holy grounds, no sacred sites for use in pilgrimage, worship or anything of that nature. The world itself is seen as precious in all its respects, not placing more importance upon one location than another. It is also important to understand that the 'enlightenment' sought through Nou Jai has varied forms, and that 'spirituality' affects both the temporal and eternal.

According to the Hao Xi – a collection of texts written by the religion's founders – man is his own god, and it is both the duty and the birthright of man to ascend beyond his fragile state. Not merely for the individual, but to serve as a compass for all of humanity. In an effort to reach this state, adherents (known as Jain Bo, literally meaning 'of the path' but indicative of actively treading) are taught to follow in the examples of the old masters. Some of the precepts are deceptively simple, such as the dual-edged sword of living your life 'naturally'. On the one hand, it is an eventual manifestation of Nou Jai that cannot actively be sought. On the other, it means to appreciate simplicity and spontaneity; living life without the burden of cultural conformity. Being true to oneself, as the universe is true to itself. Others are more straight-forward, such as humility and compassion. Then there is moderation; to never do more than what is required – a doctrine that also extends to sexual practices. Tending to oneself is also edified, basically meaning that one should strive to be of sound body and mind. Exercising and meditation are not required, but are the most popular means of achieving these ends.

Finally, on the subject of gods. The relationship between divinities and Nou Jai is as divisive intellectually as it is often perceived to be spiritually. According to the masters, the timeless gods served their purpose in creating temporal species and guiding them in their early development. However, as time went on they became detrimental to mortals, and so they must be shirked in favor of what is best for humanity. Lines begin to be drawn in the area of how gods should currently be perceived. Some contend they are to be hated; vilified for stunting mankind's spiritual growth. Others believe some deities deserve respect for their their role in humanity's past, fewer still are even elevated as examples due to past deeds. Contrarily the utterly malignant gods must simply be ignored. A small outlying sect ineffectually maintains a few traditional gods must be worshiped. The closest figures within mainstream Nou Jai to truly venerated gods are the Five Virtuous Bells. Five of the most ancient masters, upon attaining enlightenment, enshrined their souls within five of nine bells housed within a nearly abandoned monastery. From now until their purpose is served, they act as symbols and anchors for Jain Bo. Worship of these souls is discouraged, with contemporary teachers reminding that they are merely an example of what all humans may become. In keeping with the precepts, the monastery is not a 'holy' place and no one is expected to make pilgrimage and visit it.

A native esoteric religion that dominates historical Baijat and its southern neighbors. Sometimes known as 'the Mysteries” by outsiders, it has never spread any farther than the lands of its origin (or 'regions of revelation', as adherents claim) largely in part to the belief that you must be born into it. It has also never survived colonization efforts, with detachment from the homeland always bringing about its eventual downfall. It is highly ritualistic, involving daily ceremonies of prayer, bodily cleansing, and the barring of certain forms of food and drink. Temples can be visited by nonbelievers, which is widely considered something one must do if ever in a nation where this religion exists. Sermons are delivered entirely in song by a collection of exactly seven priests: one standing as the remaining six kneel around him, their hands held open with palms skyward. Whether gods are worshiped or not is unknown, as are many specifics regarding their tenants and traditions, though it is assumed they at least acknowledge the entity upon which all reality is based.

Tenants of Existence
The commonly accepted view of the world is that there is one entity beyond all others, a metaphysical culmination from which all things are derived. The exact nature of this existence is debated between philosophies. Nou Jai maintains it is the over-soul Huvasht; ultimate reality itself, from which the universe stems. The relationship between individual souls and Huvasht is typically represented though the analogy of a drop of water into water. The Tenants hold that it is Chaos, an infinite well of creative energy. Both systems coincide in that they believe the gods are merely emanations of this eternal genderless being, various aspects of the world made manifest. The Tenants teach that through worship of the gods, any and all of them, respect may be paid to the universe. Mortals are also said to be aspects of the gods, and that if any gods were to cease in their existence then a strand of the fabric of reality would cease in turn. Simple actions, an emotion, knowledge, all are elements of the divine, and thus extensions of the universe.

The Tenants form the fundamental basis behind faith in Batheon, and indeed for much of the eastern world. Aside from its religious elements, the Tenants also possess a more secular edge. According to these teachings, learning of the natural world is as much a form of appreciation of the universe as prayer. On the subject of prayer, it is said that any god is acceptable for worship. However, one must always do so in temperance. It is not wise to assume that mortals know the will of the gods, and such hubris would lead invariably to ruin. Humility, respect, and enlightenment are the keys of the Tenants.

The Empresses of Batheon are treated as holy figures, though they are not viewed as prophets, nor do they assume to be. Instead, they are considered to be messengers. Not voicing the word of the gods, but rather helping mortal prayers be heard. The holiest place in Batheon is no temple, though they are certainly revered. It is a vast gardened courtyard, which serves as the entrance to the Empress' palace. Any and all are welcomed to roam this garden. At its nucleus rests a white marble stone of prayer. No mortal alive can lift it but the Empress, who may hold it aloft as if it weighed nothing. The Empress often prays with people whilst holding this stone, beseeching whichever god the other desires so that their message may certainly be heard.

Imperial Waltz made me do it.

"Okay, look. We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us.. for science.. you monster." ~ GLaDOS, Portal 2

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The Adversary
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Re: World Religions

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby The Adversary on Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:15 pm


List will be expanded.

Attributes: Ocean. God of the sea, and all within it.

Attributes: Winter. Patron goddess of the Cradle.

Males (môl-ēz)
Attributes: Carnage, ruin, war and oppression. Patron goddess of warlords and tyrants.

Attributes: Strategy and the art of war. Patron god of tacticians and rule by merciful forbearance.

Attributes: Sailors, seafaring and good fortune. Trickster deity of ocean travel.

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The Adversary
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