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Looking Glass ((IC))

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Looking Glass ((IC))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ~*~emoneko~*~ on Mon Dec 07, 2009 10:53 pm

"Mad? Who is mad? Oh, everyone! Everyone is mad her. YOU cant escape that."

There are many stories of Wonderland. Some fascinating others horrifying. None true?
Not true.
What will happen when twin Alice's go to Wonderland? With two Alices there must be two of a lot of the other creatures too, correct? Yes. A war has waged within Wonderland. A war of drugs. Human made drugs. Human produced. Now humans are the producers; producing certain emotions that can be turned into pulls or be shot up by citizens of wonderland. Both Queens are dealers, each dealing their own formula of fixation to Wonderland.
What will happen when Alice and Alice go to Wonderland, both searching for different things?
Will they have any help from the people of Wonderland, despite both Queen's orders to capture and bring them in?

~Characters needed/ Characters Taken~
Alice 1 - taken: ~*~Emoneko~*~
Alice 2 -Taken: AyaAmayaMiyu
Mad Hatter 1 - Taken: Baneslayer2
Mad Hatter 2 - Taken: Ragweed
March Hare 1
March Hare 2 - Taken: Baneslayer2
White Rabbit 1
White Rabbit 2 - Taken: Baneslayer2
Cheshire Cat 1
Cheshire Cat 2 - taken: ~*~emoneko~*~*
Dark Queen
White Queen
Dark Knight -
White Knight
Dweedle Dee
Dweedle Dum
((more will be added))

be nice in the OOC
Post at least once every other day
be simi- literate. Post at least a paragraph with every post.
No more then 3 characters each
If one character is male, please make the copy female or visa versa. I would like simi even numbers


The lights of she Dollhouse club flashed blue and red. The moon shown high in the sky above the large club, giving light the the tender. She had many jobs at the place, but tonight she had to tend to the bar. There was a big party tonight, lots would be there. Alice walked inside and behind the bar, slipping on her apron with a smile. "What can I get you?" She asked, tilting her head to the side while looking at the customer.
Ayu Alice McKenle was her birth name, though she would never give it out. she went by Alice. She was 16 but had formed a fake ID to help her get a job. Her job of choice? A club. As a dancer, bartender, and waitress. Yet she didn't get paid much. Odd. Either way, the girl worked hard.
~hours later~
"Alice, go into the back and get some more Vodka." Nik, the head bartender, instructed. She walked to the back room and grabbed a large bottle. As she left, she noticed a large wall mounted mirror. She gazed at herself and laughed. Suddenly she fell forward and into the mirror. There was no crash like she expected. No, there was no pain from hitting the glass and it shattering. No. Nothing normal.
Her body hit the ground but she jumped to her feet as soon as she could. Her green eyes frantically looked around for anything but all she saw was forest. She began to panic, wondering what was happening. "I only took a few XOs and a bit of coke. Not enough for this!" she thought then turned around, hoping to see the store room to the club. Still only forest and trees.
Image Image Image
Wanting to do a onexone rp of these categories: anime, love, movies, Final fantasy, forbidden loves, more. Pm me if you are interested please!!

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Re: Looking Glass ((IC))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AyaAmayaMiyu on Tue Dec 08, 2009 8:14 pm

Sitting down on her plain white desk, with a single white lamp on, Iris or as her teacher called her Alice, read [url]Romeo and Juliet[/url] and wrote in a new notebook about the books characters. She was doing homework for her English class but at the same time silently waiting for any sign her father might be home and she could hide before he came up the stairs to her room. Her turquoise eyes scanned the book in a normal pace and then turned them over to her notebook and kept writing, Iris stopped writing when she heard a noise in the room next to hers, it was loud and as if an animal was there. She stopped writing, the tip of the pencil mid way from the notebook, Iris turned her gaze over to the door and cocked her head curiously, knowing that wasn't her father for he wasn't home yet "I didn't here the door open..." she whispered silently to herself. She placed her pencil down and closed her notebook calmly and placed her book on top of it. Iris got up from her seat pushing the chair back and walking over to her door, opening it and peered her head out to the dark cold hallway.

Iris turned her head both ways and then stepped out closing the her room door behind her with a click, Iris walked down to the room she heard the noise coming from and was a bit scared to actually open the door. She took a deep breath and turned the knob and stepped inside silently in tippy toes but saw nothing in the room just a empty room with only a empty bed with a plain mirror next to it. Iris walked around and then approached the mirror wondering what it was doing there, after she sighed lowly, her eyes closed for a second and then opened to see something behind her. Not able to see it clearly, Iris still got scared and turned around holding her hand together on her heart and backed up getting near the mirror. Instead of feeling something behind her Iris felt nothing and then felt a brief cold wind blow around her, she jolted and turned around again and saw a forest before her "what the hell..." she whispered scared and shocked. She turned all four ways and saw nothing and found nothing, Iris got scared and started walking around quickly and hesitantly.
Noble Born in Chaos
~Please join! Two spots currently free. We need Amerigo before we can start.~

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Re: Looking Glass ((IC))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ragweed on Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:46 pm

Akamaru, of course, was sitting in his black cottage at the time. Every door, every wall, every surface was a mirror. Countless Hatters stared back at him, mimicing his every movement. Except only the true Mad Hatter was leaning forward in his black iron and red leather chair. A syringe was in one pale hand, and coming ever closer to his arm each moment. With a slight wence the man stuch the needle tip into the inside of his elbob and pushed the other end of the device, sending pure easiness into his arms. Thats right: Easiness, also known to him as 'E'. It let him unwind; relax.
The male sighed and leaned back in his chair, his pure white eyes misting over, and a smile pulling at one corner of his lips. Damn, he would never grow tired of the feeling.
After a long pause of silence he stood, stumbeling slightly as he made his way to the front door. Now would be a good time for a stroll, no? He opened the heavy black front door, and just before he stepped out, took a red rose in his hand from a vase to the right of the door that was resting on his desk.
With a semi-drunken chuckle, Akamaru closed the door behind him, bringing the rose closer to his face so he could smell it. Nothing. Of course it smelled like nothing. Nothing had a smell, just as everything else did, too. Only this certain flower smelled more like nothing then anything he had ever encountered before. He snorted. Nothing. What was Wonderland comming to?
If the bombs go off
The sun will still be shining
Because I've heard it said that every mushroom cloud
Has a silver lining

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Re: Looking Glass ((IC))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ~*~emoneko~*~ on Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:05 pm

Kit sat outside Akamaru's cottage, wondering when he would come out. Her knees were pulled up to her chest, her tail swishing back and forth against the ground. Suddenly his door opened, causing her to jump to her feet. Her mouth opened, for she was going to speak but he was numb. She sighed, shaking her head. Her neko ears folded down, showing she was upset. "You alright, Hatter?" She asked, using her pet name for him.

Alice had started running. She had no clue were her feet would lead her but it was better than standing there and doing nothing. "Please, let me go back." she whispered over and over until she noticed a black cottage. Outside of it were two figures. She started to run faster until she got to them. "Hey were-" her words stopped. In front of her was a tall woman with purple and pink all over her. More than that, she had cat ears and a bushy tail that flickered back and forth. Next to her was a man with a rose and piercings around his eyes. "Where the hell am I?" she asked out loud before backing away from the two.

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Re: Looking Glass ((IC))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ragweed on Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:16 pm

Akamaru turned his head, his eyes averting to Kit. Ah, Kit. She was beautiful..and sexy. He let that same smile pull at the corner of his lips again.
"Hey, where-"
A voice cut through the air like a newly sharpened knife. The Hatter turned, and his pierced eye met the girls and the entire unviverse seemed to stop. "Well, well." he chided, his steely eyes sparking with mayhem "Aren't you an odd bird?"
He took a step toward her, bending down to be eye to eye with the strange new girl, their noses only centimeters apart. "You're in Wonderland, Lovely. This is where your sanity gives in."

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Re: Looking Glass ((IC))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BaneSlayer2 on Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:23 pm

Gabriel sat perched atop his opposite's black, mirrored home. The Hatter brushed his tawny hair behind his ear from beneath his hat's curled brim. The male walked gracefully on the roof, taking easy, ghost-like steps across it. The Hatter took a small sip He lept lightly down, causing not a sound. The Hatter found himself amist a small gathering of a pair of Wonderlanders, and...what was that? Ooh, a new comer? Lovely. Gabriel let a smirk play on his features as he leaned back silently against the house, noting the terrified expression on this new comers face.

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Re: Looking Glass ((IC))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BaneSlayer2 on Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:30 pm

Stella walked lazily through the forest, her eyes glazed over, a near empty brown glass bottle swinging in her hand. Her black Hare ears dropped, and a smooth expression covered her usually depressed looking face. A sudden rusteling caught her attention. What the hell...? Maybe it was the, there it was. A looming figure in the shadows, pacing rather quickly. As the Hare peered closer, she made out the shape of a girl, a paniced expression on her smooth face. "Whoa....Who..who are you?" Stella asked, her voice lagging a bit from the alcohol.

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Re: Looking Glass ((IC))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ~*~emoneko~*~ on Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:34 pm

Kit sighed and shook her head as the Hatter made his greeting to the strange new girl. Her golden yellow eyes staring at him for a moment before turning to the girl. "Whats your name?" She asked, her tone low. It was obvious she din't like the girl there. She could smell the stench of her perfume, she cigarette she had earlier, and even the smell of alcohol on her clothes. Sure, all those things could be found in Wonderland, but they all had a different smell to them.

Alice looked at the man who advanced towards her and was about to push him away when the woman spoke. "Alice. What does it matter?" she snapped, stepping back from them some more. "And what do you mean Wonderland? Thats just a place in a stupid kids book." she asked, turning around and looking around a little more. "Really, where am I?"

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Re: Looking Glass ((IC))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BaneSlayer2 on Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:48 pm

Gabriel walked up gracefully, causing no noise whatso ever, a grim smirk playing at his lips. He walked up behind this new comer, Alice, creating somewhat of a wall between her and the rest of Wonderland. "Lovely, no need to get worked up...hmm, unless you're afraid of being mad. But no one can stop can't.." The Hatter's eyes glazed over momentarily, before looking back down at the girl, watching her closely. How odd she was.

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Re: Looking Glass ((IC))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ragweed on Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:12 pm

Akamaru frowned, then backed away to Kit's side. Hid eyes were still glazed and shaking. Damn, this girl had some bite..But so did Kit. The Mad hatter grinned drunkenly at this thought..Ah, Kit.
When Gabriel appeared, akamaru's face lit up. "Gabe Riel!" he yelled, launching himself at his counter part. He blushed and hugged the other male. Of course he was high and had pronounced his friends name wrong, but hey, things were looking brighter already. As he hugged the other Hatter, he glared at the stranger girl from over his friends shoulder, his pierced eyes seeming to shoot daggers at the girl. That, again, was cause of the Easiness he had shot up a moment ago.
"Stupid? My Dear are you calling us stupid?" he inquired sharply, leaning closer to the girls house again. Oh how he longed to take the girl right then and there..She would make a lovely partner..The same impassible smile tugged at his lips.

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Re: Looking Glass ((IC))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AyaAmayaMiyu on Wed Dec 09, 2009 12:07 am

Alice jolted up stopping in her tracks, been as clumsy as she was she tripped over her own feet falling right down on her butt. "Ouch..." she whimpered, she looked at her hands they had a few scratches but nothing to bad. Alice looked up and saw a girl with black...bunny ears?, her eyes grew a bit wide in shock and started to push back on her hands trying to get as much distance from this weird person before her. "Did I drink something?...did I smoke I didn't then why I'm I seeing this...bunny girl?" she whispered scared, her turquoise eyes filled with confusion and fright. Alice kept staring at her not saying anything, but to her now as the girl was still there Alice could smell alcohol, she's...drunk?... she questioned in her mind totally confused again. "Where...Where I'm I...who who are you?" Alice asked sort of calmly to her.

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Re: Looking Glass ((IC))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BaneSlayer2 on Wed Dec 09, 2009 3:56 pm

Stella shook her head fiercly to clear her thoughts a bit before answering. "Stella.....I'm Stella. I'm a March Hare, we're in Wonderland of course." Stelle peered through drunken eyes to study the other girl, "And what about you? What are you? I've never seen your species around here." Confused, Stella took another srink from her bottle, wiping her mouth on the back of her hand, her eye lids drooping.

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Re: Looking Glass ((IC))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ~*~emoneko~*~ on Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:05 pm

Kit glared at Akamaru and his display of affection to the other Hatter. "Hatter." She called then winced at the fact there were two of them. "Amaru." she sighed, his other pet name. "She is obviously lost and confused." She stated then looked at the girl with a glare, even more so than she had with Amaru. Suddenly she jerked him from Gabe and held him in a hug. "Her name is Alice. Sober up and think for a second, love. Alice. She is legend." She whispered in his ear then kissed his cheek, hoping he would indeed sober up.

"No, your not stupid." She snapped to the hatter before sighing. Her hands went to her head, as she could feel a nasty headache comming on. "I don't understand this. Its just a story!" she told herself before looking to both the hatters and then the neko girl. She sighed then rolled her eyes. "Fine, even if this is Wonderland. I have to wake up eventually." She said in a sneer before frowning. "Whats your names?"

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Re: Looking Glass ((IC))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BaneSlayer2 on Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:10 pm

The oppisite Hatter looked at his double and at Kit, a smirk featuring itself on his pale skin. He turned to this Alice girl, taking his top hat off and bowing slightly, "Gabriel. I'm one of the Mad Hatter's. It's good that you've decided to come here. You are quite the legend." The Hatter replaced his pale blue top hat, his faded brown colored hair blocking parts of his eyes, though he watched her intently, but not hungrily as his 'clone' did.

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Re: Looking Glass ((IC))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ragweed on Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:21 pm

Akamaru sighed and rolled his eyes dramatically. Of course, he was always like this when he went on Easiness. Damn, what wa swith the tension? His hands rubbed Gabriels back for a moments before Kit jerked him away. Ooh, how he liked this a bit more. Kit and he had been seing more and more of each other lately. The Hatter grinned at the thought. "Mmm, Alice." he cooed into Kit's ear. "Legend..?" Sober up..Kit asked the strangest things for him to do sometimes. "Alright, alright..-" he grumbeled, then was cut off by Kit's kiss. He grinned drunkely again. Ah yes, Kit..

As the strange new girl 'Alice' snapped at him, Akamaru put one hand on his hip and took the girls chin in the other. He eyed her closely. Yes, indeed, she looked human. But, of course, they all were not human. They were Wonderlanders, and nothing less. But a bit more then that too..They were high Wonderlanders. Or at least, He was a drunk Wonderlander. His voice took on a very aroggant, cocky tone. "Love, this will not be a dream you'll be waking up from anytime soon. So, I propose you leave your sanity at this very spot, because where you'll be going, there'll be no need for it." He grinned devilishly, his pale eyes glancing Alice up and down quickly before returning to her face. "Akamaru." he answered. "Wonderlands only Madder Hatter, at your..service." He held the girls gaze, his expression sly.

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Re: Looking Glass ((IC))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ~*~emoneko~*~ on Wed Dec 09, 2009 11:35 pm

Alice was taken by surprise when Akamaru placed his hand on her chin. For a second, she didn't know how to react. She took in his words, wondering how true each of them were. Suddenly she pulled away. "Fine, Hatter." She sighed then looked to the other Mad Hatter. "I guess you are right. From what I can see, there is nothing normal about this place." she said, mainly to herself. Her eyes turned to Gabriel and then to the neko who had not responded. She couldn't help but to wonder how her mind cooked up such creatures. Suddenly, a word came to mind. "Legend?" She asked out loud. She couldn't help but to wonder what the /Madder/ Hatter had meant by this. "What kind of legend?" she asked, her voice low and curious now.

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Re: Looking Glass ((IC))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ragweed on Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:03 am

Akamaru had turned back to Kit, and was trying to make another move on her, but was once again interupted. He winced, then turned around to face the girl, Alice. "What kind of Legend?" He cocked his head to the left. "My Dear, don't tell me you've never heard of 'Alice in Wonderland'. That is your legend." He smirked, glancing over at Gabriel. His eyes sent all the message he needed- 'Is this girl serious?' But of course he kept it well hidden from Alice. "Now tell me, being as there are two of each in this world, where is your twice?"Akamaru's eyes darted around quizzicly. Every twin had a twin, or else they wouldn't be twins of course. They would just be something un-twins.

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Re: Looking Glass ((IC))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AyaAmayaMiyu on Thu Dec 10, 2009 8:44 pm

"Stella.....I'm Stella. I'm a March Hare, we're in Wonderland of course. And what about you? What are you? I've never seen your species around here."

Alice felt a bit scared at how the girl was, it reminded her of her father but shook her head sending that thought right out of her head as soon as she thought it. "I' father calls me Alice..." she murmured softly, she started to stand up calmly dusting of her dress but kept her eyes on Stella. "An..I'm..human...What are you?" Alice asked curiously, shyly and a bit frightened. "And...were..exactly I'm I?...this place looks familiar but I'm not sure..." Alice stated sweetly but whispered the last parts in her sentence. She shyly started to walk near Stella, her turquoise eyes shimmering a bit of curiosity.

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Re: Looking Glass ((IC))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BaneSlayer2 on Fri Dec 11, 2009 5:23 pm

Stella glazed and drunken eyes widened immediatlly, "Alice you say?" she murmured. Alice....could it be the Alice form the legend? If she was, there had to be another Alic around here somewhere. Stella looked back up, dropping the clouded brown colored bottle. "I'm a March Hare, that's what I am, and sometime what the other call me." Stella's mind wandered to Akamaru....with a sudden shake of her head, the Hare cleared the image. "We are in Wonderland, a place where your insanity finally decides to take over, so I suggest you leave all your human reasoning behind. It's useless here....Follow me." Stella grabbed Alice's hand, dragging her off in the direction of Akamaru'a home.

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Re: Looking Glass ((IC))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ~*~emoneko~*~ on Mon Dec 14, 2009 9:54 pm

"I have no clue what your talking about." Alice replied, rolling her eyes. Her have a twin? Not in that lifetime. She looked around for a moment then signed. "Even if I did have a twin, what does it matter? Is it part of the legend or something too?" Again rolling her eyes. She couldn't believe all this legend stuff anfd twin stuff. It just didn't make any since.

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