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Re: Monster

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Shi-chan on Thu May 26, 2011 12:30 pm

The ceiling in the library had an odd colour. He wouldn't have noticed if he hadn't been staring at it as soon as he had opened his eyes, and in most cases, he would never have cared about the ceiling, and he really didn't know why, but those black spots that showed it had once been a living tree, with branches and leaves, reminded him of buttons. Hundreds of small buttons that he could push if his fingers were only long enough. Where would they lead him? Would each button open a door into a new world? Would each button transform him into a monster? Would each button lead him to Emma, who was really Sidney. Or Sidney who was really Emma? It didn't make sense in his head, and his thoughts kept spinning and spinning, and he couldn't get her face out of his mind. Oh, and how she screamed. The memory of her as the light disappeared from her eyes, and she took one final breath.

Then, just for a moment, the ceiling changed. Just like when the fat rotten pile of flesh had screamed at him, this was only there for a short second. Eyes, beautiful, big blue eyes, all over the ceiling stared right at him. It was the same pair of eyes, just duplicated over and over. They didn't blink at the same time, in fact, he didn't see any of them blink, they just looked at him, calm and unwavering stares.

Then they were gone again, and there was no trace of them.

He lay on his back, stretched out on the floor. He was aware of what had happened, at least he thought he was, but still, he couldn't stop himself from asking, just out in the air, to anyone, "What happened?" he whispered. Finally turning his head, he found that just about every muscle in his body hurt. And it wasn't just a light sting, it wasn't like the pin prick he had felt just a few minutes before. It felt more like he had been forced through a meat grinder, and then left as a nice little pile of bloody pieces. Still, he moved his head to one side, and his gaze fell upon Sidney.

"How nice that you're here." he said, his voice raspy, almost gone in the silence. He then continued while trying hard to keep her in his focus. He wasn't sure why, but this felt an awful lot like some of the pills the doctors had given him whenever they'd have to calm him down. Despite that being a scary thought, he pushed it to the back of his mind, and attempted another smile at her. "I was afraid that I'd never see you again. I'm very sorry for what I did."

Was he babbling? Yes he was. The images of Emma and Sidney kept mixing up in his head, and right now, even Daniel didn't know which one of the two girls he was talking to. He just felt a need to apologise. What if he had scared her? He certainly hadn't meant to, but what's done is done, and he could not do anything else but to try and say sorry.

Then, close to him, he heard a man's voice. He turned his head to the other side, and was met by the kind face of a paramedic. "Where do you live?" he asked Daniel. At first, there was no response from the man on the floor, but slowly as he was able to collect more and more of his own thoughts and put them in line, he realised that he couldn't give them even as much as a street name. He didn't have a place to live. He'd only just gotten out of prison. Or well... He wasn't sure where they'd released him from, but he was pretty damn positive that someone, somewhere had made a really bad decision regarding him.

"I'm not from around here." Daniel then finally confessed. Half a truth is still better than no truth. The paramedic looked at him as if he sensed something was off, but then continued. "Have you been under a lot of stress recently?" He then asked, and to this, Daniel simply nodded. He felt better now, as if his body had gotten used to not trying to kill him.

Then, after a few seconds with silence, the paramedic looked at Daniel with a stern expression on his face. "Go home and rest. Make an appointment with your doctor, and have a talk with him. These things can happen for all sorts of reason. Who was it you called out for before? We could give... Was it a her?" Once more, Daniel responded with a nod. The paramedic then continued talking, while he gathered his things, and signalled for his co-workers that they had nothing more to do here.

"If you remember her phonenumber, or have it written down somewhere, I could give her a call?" he offered, while he flashed a kind smile at Daniel, who, still on the floor, just shook his head and mumbled a reply. "I don't think now is a good time."

With a sigh, the paramedic answered, and then turned to leave the library. "You should be able to manage something. Get something to drink, rest a little, and eat. Take care, now!"

Like that he was gone, and slowly Daniel sat up. He then looked at the librarian, and then Sidney. "I'm sorry I've caused such a fuss. I'll hurry and get out of here, I won't be a bother for much longer. If you could tell me where I could rent a cheap room, that would really help me out though..." He avoided looking any of them straight in the eye, and kept his head low. Once again, he missed the long hair he had once had to hide behind.

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Re: Monster

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xoxMissClairexox on Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:56 am

As Sidney sat there watching him as he seemed to be struggling to get focused on not only what was around him but also what had happened to him. It was strange and despite him being conscious again Sidney was still worried about him. “You had some kind of attack
” She whispered as he confirmed her suspicions that he was confused. He didn’t seem to be paying attention to her response though as he seemed to still be in pain and began rolling over a little until he was looking at her. Sidney looked back at him with a worried expression, tears still staining her cheeks. She had never seen someone have that happen to them before and especially not something which she had caused. Sidney felt completely responsible for this, it hadn’t been on purpose but it had still been her fault.

As he spoke to her, Sidney just shook her head. She didn’t understand why he was as sorry as he was. All he had done was mixed her up with another girl, it was hardly something to be sorry for. Yes a simple sorry at the time might have been social acceptable but saying it over and over again was a little too much. Sidney didn’t say anything because before she could the paramedic began to question him. She listened to his responses and they seemed as she had guessed. He wasn’t from around here which fitted in with the fact that she had never seen him around before. Sidney also listened as the man gave instructions to go see a doctor and take it easy, which was also to be assumed.

However as the paramedic spoke up about giving a call to the girl who he had called out to, Sidney paid attention to what he was saying. She knew that it was the same girl who he had mistaken her for and for this she was curious. Maybe she had a look alike out there, that would be kind of cool. Sidney however was disappointed when the offer to call her was declined with an expression that although he said not now, he had no intention of making that call. Sidney was curious but she didn’t bring it up and instead watched as the paramedic walked away and her attention was brought back to the man on the ground as he spoke to both her and the librarian who was standing behind her.

Sidney shook her head as the man spoke about getting a cheap hotel room for the night and getting out of their hair. She knew what she was about to do was stupid and that her mother would probably kill her five times over, but before she could stop herself she was speaking and as soon as the words left her mouth she knew that she meant it. “No
 you shouldn’t be alone tonight, I mean what if it happens again?” Sidney said as she watched him. “You can come back to my place. We have a spare room and it would be the least I could do after
 after what happened” Sidney said, clearly blaming herself as she continued to sit next to him. Her voice also showed that she wasn’t going to be talked out of this.

The librarian didn’t look impressed though. “Sidney is that the best idea, I mean I know he is hurt but you can’t just invite him into your home” The lady said in a concerned voice. She didn’t have anything against the man or believe he was a threat but she also knew that a young girl should not be inviting an older man into the house. What would her mother say?

Sidney just shook her head. “I can do what I want
 plus he won’t be a stranger once I know his name” She said as she looked at him, clearing waiting for him to tell her his name. Sidney was not going to let him just go find some hotel to sleep in tonight all by himself, even if she had to drag him home herself. The librarian just sighed. She muttered fine under her breath as she turned to leave the two of them since she still had work to do and as far as she was concerned she had warned the girl. It was her voice if she wished to follow that advice or not. Sidney continued to look at him, still waiting for a response.
Maybe you're going to be the one who saves me...

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Re: Monster

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Shi-chan on Fri Aug 05, 2011 4:07 pm

Dearest Emma...

Didn't your ever hear...

That you must never invite a stranger home?

Daniel stared at her. He just stared. He wasn't quite understanding what was going on. Was this the plot of a sub-par 80's horrorflick? There she was, innocent to the core, and there he was, drenched in the sticky feeling that followed taking a human's life. It was almost like she was an evil angel, flying high above him, pushed about and beaten by the harsh wind. Perhaps she was there to punish him, perhaps she was there to absolve his sins... How could it be that she asked him like that? And why didn't he feel like turning her down. She looked like Emma, an exact copy, and he couldn't get himself to walk away from her.

After all, the last time he had tried, he had fallen victim to a quite gruesome seizure. And big, big eyes had stared down at him from above. Examining his pitiful body, his fragile bones, his thin skin.

He looked at her, at Sidney, and licked his lips quickly before talking. "What about your parents? They'll be mad. You can't just brings strays home." He paused, as if to think about his next words, consider them, and the possible impact they could have. Then again, he really just was trying to build up the courage to speak to her again. He was facing two choices, and he didn't know what would happen no matter what he decided upon. Firstly, he could accept Emm- No, Sidney's offer and see what would happen. Secondly, he could get his things and hurry the hell out of there. Either way, he had a nagging feeling that he was all alone in the world, and that there was only one person who could lead him to answers.

Although Sidney seemed as clueless as a puppy dog.

"What if I pay you? Rent the room. That way, I won't feel like I'm intruding. Or maybe, I can help out around the house?" He made another pause, not to let her speak, but more to ponder his words again. Talking with her was electrifying, his pulse was quicker than ever before, and for once, the memories of the past years in confinement faded. He wanted to reach out and touch her, was she as real as she looked? Was her breath warm, and was that lively spark in her eyes actually there.

"I don't have any papers. I don't know if I have a home anywhere, so I don't think anyone will hire me. I don't know how I'm supposed to make money." He looked at her, his expression changing, becoming soft and kind, but he also seemed scared, as if he didn't want to leave. And he didn't.

"I don't want to become a criminal. I never did. Maybe we can make a deal?"

He was so full of hope. It was a new beginning, at least it could be.

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Re: Monster

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xoxMissClairexox on Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:05 am

His gaze was uncomfortable to say the least for Sidney as she stood there looking up at him. She knew it was weird for her to be offering this but she still felt somewhat responsible for him having the attack just a few minutes before. Over emotional and sensitive were two words which could be used to describe Sidney. She seemed to feel things more than others, be it love or hate or compassion. She knew she shouldn’t be inviting him home but she couldn’t put him out on the street after what had happened. Sidney was also over curious as to who Emma was. What Sidney failed to remember was the old saying...Curiosity killed the cat.

Sidney couldn’t help but frown though as he said that she couldn’t bring strays home. The frown fixed itself to her lips for the simple reason that she didn’t like to be told what she could and couldn’t do. It seemed that all throughout her life she was being told just how to do things, as if she didn’t possess the ability to make a decision herself. In her mind she wasn’t some little girl that needed to be taken care of despite how innocent she was in the ways of the world. She didn’t hold this against him though since she knew that the ‘smart’ thing would have not to have invited a stranger home and that he probably was doing the right thing by almost suggesting she get her parents’ permission. At the mention of paying for the room, Sidney shook her head a little. There was no way she was going to allow him to pay her for the room although she could see that he appeared certain to give her something in exchange for using the room.

As she watched him, Sidney noticed how he seemed scared... almost terrified but excited at the same time. She didn’t understand at all where all of this was coming from. All she was doing was offering him the chance to stay in the spare room at her house for the night. It was almost as if he didn’t expect kindness... like there was something which should be stopping her from giving it to him. Needless to say, his next comment explained this clearly.

Sidney was caught off guard as he mentioned that he hadn’t wanted to become a criminal... Did that mean he was a criminal? He didn’t look dangerous, a little different but not dangerous. Also he seemed polite and intent on not putting her out so Sidney didn’t see the harm in it. What was the worst that could happen? It was just for one night until he could get himself on his feet. Her mother wouldn’t even have to know. Well... the librarian was likely to be placing a phone call to her mother at some stage but her Mum didn’t need to know that the man was a criminal. In fact Sidney was positive that her mother would have a heart attack if she found that out so it was best to keep that information to herself or maybe wait until her mother was in a really, really good mood before telling her. Normally she wouldn’t go behind her mother’s back about this but it was something she felt really strongly about.

She sighed softly before smiling at him, appearing to have come to some kind of decision. “If you have no money then how are you meant to get a room for tonight?” Sidney said, pointing out the obvious. “You can come with me... honestly it is no trouble, if anything you will be doing me a favour and giving me someone to talk to” She said with a smile. It wasn’t often that she spoke to people, really spoke to them. Maybe a more mature person was who she needed to be talking to rather than all of those silly boys her own age but that was putting too much thought into it. No, Sidney just wanted to do the right thing and offer him somewhere to sleep.

“Do you know how to cook? If you do, then you can cook me dinner and we can call it even?” She suggested. It wasn’t that Sidney couldn’t cook, in fact she was quite a good cook but she knew that he wasn’t going to agree to come with her if he wasn’t able to repay her in some way. Already Sidney could see that he was too proud for that. It didn’t bother her much since it would be nice to take the night off from cooking, get to enjoy someone else’s company and maybe curl up on the couch with her book at the end of it.

“What’s your name?” She asked as an afterthought since he hadn’t really answered her indirect question earlier on, her eyes looking up at him as she held onto her books close to her chest.

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Re: Monster

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Shi-chan on Sat Aug 20, 2011 6:12 am

He stared on, his eyes widening in joy. Had it always been this easy? Had it always been like this. Thinking back to his school years, he knew that people being kind had been a rare thing. It was always about watching your back, and making sure you had something to offer to those kids who were in charge, socially. Otherwise, you could get banned from ever making friends. Had he chosen for himself, or had they chosen for him? Having been so lonely, yet not wanting to admit it had been one of the emotions that had defined his teenage years, but in that moment, in the fateful second she decided upon what to do about him, his emotional luggage was hurled out the window.

He was like an outcast-child, who finally found a friend. A friend he would fight to his death for. Someone as beautiful as her, someone as kind, someone as pure...

As she asked for his name, he couldn't help but to be brought back to reality. Where he had a name, an identity, and then had lost both. He could be anyone. Any rockstar, any actor, any random stranger. And he could be himself. The number of decisions he had to make was impressive, there were so many things to get used to, and a part of him was afraid that maybe, just maybe, the eyes and the fat corpse had been signs. Signs that the insane man was going to wrong way. But who could tell, who could know?

He got himself off the floor, and rose to his full height. He was a head or two higher than Sidney, and naturally came to look down at her. "Okay. I'll cook. And then we're even." That was it, their deal. It felt ominous, foreboding even, to stand there with her, the girl who looked just like Emma. The girl who would be his redemption. "My name is Daniel." he then continued, Bowing his head slightly as a greeting. Just for the sake of being polite.

"You just let me know when we can leave. If there's anything I can help you with, let me know." He sounded so kind. Yet still, he couldn't get his thoughts from his strange visions. Both of them had been so vivid, they hadn't seemed like it was just something he imagined. "Maybe,if I make you a dessert too, you'll give me a tour of the important places in town? Sounds fair, doesn't it? Not that you need the exercise, in fact, I think putting on a little weight might suit you..." It was then he realised his mistake. Never talk before thinking, especially when talking to the person who just agreed to let you stay in their home over night. Silly, silly Daniel.

"I'm sorry, don't take that the wrong way, please." He said, holding up his hands to signal that he meant no harm.

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Re: Monster

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xoxMissClairexox on Sun Sep 11, 2011 7:56 pm

Daniel... Somehow the name suited him but it certainly wouldn’t have been the first name that would have popped into her head if she had been required to guess. Looking up at him Sidney was struck by his height and now as she glanced up into his face the age difference between them. He seemed much older than her, yet his actions and the way he spoke could have indicated them being the same age. That would have to be another of her questions for him once they got to know each other a little better.

At the mention of desert Sidney nodded her head. She had been more than willing to show him around town if he had asked so as to get him settled in or even just as a way to get to know him better if he was moving on to another location. She wasn’t about to pass down the offer of a home cooked desert that she didn’t have to lift a finger to make. It was fair to say that Sidney did have a sweet tooth. It was then that Daniel began to comment on her weight. Awkwardness set amongst them for a moment as Sidney looked at him with a confused expression and then down at her body. It felt weird for someone to be commenting on her like that. People had called her fat before despite her petite frame but never had someone said in almost a caring way that she would look good with a little more weight. Not for a second did Sidney take offence to what he said but it certainly caught her off guard and she shook her head as he apologized and held his hands up.

“You are not used to this are you Daniel?” Sidney said with a small smile after taking a deep breath. “The whole talking to people thing... Just relax, I’m not that easy to offend” She stated as she looked up at him for a minute. There was something about him, something she still couldn’t quite put her finger on but for some reason she felt the need to be kind to him and help him. It was if there was a connection between them, a history but one Sidney was unaware of since this was the first time she had met Daniel... wasn’t it?

“I mean, I go to high school so I hear a lot worse on a daily basis” Sidney explained as if it was normal. School certainly wasn’t something she enjoyed, well not the social side of things anyway. With a sigh and a small shrug of her shoulders it was clear Sidney was dismissing the thought. Even though she had just told Daniel to relax about speaking to her that didn’t mean that Sidney was a great talker. He certainly didn’t need to know all of her troubles and secrets.

“I am fine to leave now... Sorry we have to walk, I don’t have a car or anything” Sidney explained to him. She had her driver’s licence but because of a lack of funds and saving every cent to get out of this town, she didn’t have the money to buy a car. Also everything was within walking distance so there really was no great desire or need to get one, except when you want to drive home a guy who has just had some sort of fit and an ambulance was called. “It’s not too far, just like two blocks away” She tried to reassure him. Normally it was only a five minute walk but she would walk at whatever pace he was comfortable with.

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Re: Monster

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Shi-chan on Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:13 am

"Really? I'm fine with walking. I feel like moving around in a non-seizure like way, so I'm all for walking." He said, a smile on his lips as he grabbed a hold of his suitcase and moved towards the doors. He turned and looked at the kind lady who had helped out, the librarian. "I'm sorry for causing such a fuss. I hope I didn't ruin your day." Then, with a slight nod of his head, and him sporting his most charming of smiles, he looked back to Sidney. "Let's go then." was all he said before finally walking out the door.

He stood there for a little, mostly to smell the air, and assure himself that there weren't any more strange fat zombies and ceiling eyes. He figured that seeing just one of them was a sign that you needed to get your head checked. His problem was just that he didn't have money, and he didn't have any identity cards or anything like that. He was in quite a pickle. Maybe the hospital had made an error and would come to pick him up, or hand him back his identity any moment now? Well... Probably not. But still, he had to stay nearby, just in case they came back for him. They couldn't have left him like this.

Even though he was a sick and disgusting murderer who had raped and killed the only person who had really ever seemed to care about him.

He looked from left to right, and his gaze just ended up falling on his shoes. Worn and torn, they weren't that impressive. Emma would never forgive him when he had such ugly shoes. He then stopped himself, and his eyes widened in confusion. What on earth did his shoes have to do with anything? He then dared peek at the road, and found that it was really quite empty. No one was around, no cars drove by, there was just the wind blowing by. There weren't even any hallucinations or anything, not that he missed it. For god's sakes, he'd much rather be without those things. Maybe if he just got some rest, and got that tour around town, and maybe found a shop or something where he could get some work. Illegal work, that is. If he just got his life kickstarted and got into a daily routine, then he could make it.

But then the image of her face popped up in his mind. Emma and Sidney. He wouldn't be able to relocate himself now. He just wanted to be close to her, he just wanted her forgiveness, he would have to stay. He would just have to. He then remembered what she had said, it had just been a comment of hers, but it had seemed honest, as if she had wanted him to notice it, but wouldn't bring it up directly. He knew that method. It was called beating around the bush. "What do you mean," he started, his voice a little hesitant at first, but then picking up strength. "What do you mean you hear a lot worse in school? You're a nice kid. I hope they treat you good. Otherwise, I might have to teach 'em a lesson." He said, his voice giving away that he was just joking. Right in that moment, he felt ok. He felt like he didn't have to die.

"Lead the way." He told her.

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Re: Monster

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xoxMissClairexox on Tue Oct 11, 2011 5:11 am

A small laugh left her lips when he mentioned that he would like to walk in a non-seizure way. Normally that wouldn’t be quite so funny after what had just happened but it was more the way he said it and the lightness in his tone which made her smile. Sidney watched the brief exchange between Daniel and the Librarian. The old lady just nodded her head slightly in an approving way. She didn’t hold what happened against him, the whole event had given her a small fright. However she clearly did not approve of him going home with Sidney but kept her lips shut since her opinion was not wanted and clearly not needed.

Following him outside, she watched his reaction to the outdoors. Sidney wondered what it would have been like to be locked up for years on end. She couldn’t imagine living a life without freedom and without the ability to walk outside into the fresh air or just simply wonder the streets. Sidney continued to watch him as he looked around before looking down at his feet. In her mind she assumed that he felt overwhelmed by it all. After all, being exposed to such a big open space after being confined for so long must be a little daunting. In truth though Sidney had no idea what was going through his mind.

As Daniel spoke up, asking for a clarification Sidney glanced over at him. She was silent for a moment, indicating with her hand that they were headed to the right before she began walking. “Oh...” Sidney said as she moved, she hadn’t been expecting him to bring it up. She hadn’t meant to draw attention to it but instead had just been stating it as if it was a fact. Most people who knew her already understood that Sidney did not fit in with people. She didn’t make friends easily and high school therefore had its challenges. “Lots of people struggle through high school” Sidney said in a quiet voice but with a shrug of her shoulders. “I guess I just don't really fit in, which is fine... it just makes school a little difficult since the other kids tend to think I am weird” Sidney said although not going into much detail in her answer. Sometimes she really did believe that she was simply just borne too late, that she belonged to another era.

“You don't need to teach anyone a lesson” Sidney said as she smiled at him, knowing that he was only joking. “Only a few more years and I am out of this town” She explained. “I want to see the world” Sidney was trying to bring the mood back up between them to something pleasant. It then occurred to her that he had just got out of prison and had chosen to come somewhere new, he had chosen to come here. “Why did you come here?” Sidney asked as they walked, turning down one of the streets and making sure that he was keeping pace with her. “Like... I mean you can go anywhere right? Why did you come here?”

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Re: Monster

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Shi-chan on Mon Nov 07, 2011 8:38 am

He didn't really know how to answer her question. He pressed his lips together as he thought about it, and the more he did that, the more it occurred to him that he simply didn't know.

"You can go anywhere, right?"

Those words made him feel strange about himself. He walked beside her, as if it was something they did often. Maybe a stranger would have thought them to be friends? If he had gone anywhere else, he wouldn't have met Sidney, that much was for sure. "I don't know." He finally answered. "You're right, I could have gone anywhere, but I didn't. I can't remember when I got on the bus, and I can't remember what made me get off the bus when I got here. That's a little scary now that I think about it..."

Just about as scary as ceiling eyes and fat zombies.

Her question had brought on so many more, what the hell was he supposed to do? Right now, he could only take things one day at a time. Anything else would be daring, and he was not in the mood for that. "But that's not important!" He continued, trying to flash a smile at her. "Where are you going to go? In a few years, you'll be in the same position as me, you'll stand here and have the world at your feet. But I have a feeling that you'll know where to begin, unlike me." They continued along, and he allowed her to lead the way. He followed her like a love-sick puppy, not wanting to let her out of his sight for just a moment. To be smitten with someone so quickly after meeting them could only be a bad thing.

The scenery around them changed as they moved on. It didn't take many steps before it felt like they were in a completely different town. Soon he could see both houses and apartment buildings, and it didn't take him long to begin to wonder how and where Sidney lived. "You know, in high school, I wasn't the most popular kid around either. You might be a little young for it, but have you ever heard about grunge? I was the embodiment of that back then. Maybe there's pictures left..." He paused shortly, and then added, almost desperately, as if he had realised a mistake. "But don't google it, okay?" He laughed a little, hoping she hadn't noticed the change in his voice. He was almost sure she had though, she seemed like a very sensitive person. "I never struggled though. I had a friend, until the very end of it all." He then added under his breath. Sure, he hadn't struggled in school. He struggled with everything else.

"Do you have any pets?" He then asked, completely changing the subject. "I like dogs, but I'm not a big fan of cats. I hope you don't have a cat..."

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Re: Monster

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xoxMissClairexox on Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:39 pm

The way he spoke about not remembering when he got on the bus and why he got off the bus both scared and confused Sidney. In her mind one of the scariest things in the world would be to loose bits of your memory or not to be conscious of what was going on around you. Memories were so important, or at least Sidney believed, because they were your past and your history. They made you and without your memories you simply became a shell. Daniel however seemed to quickly change the topic and continued to smile along side of her.

“I want to go everywhere” Sidney said in a wishful voice. So much of her wanted to get out and explore the world that her face had simply lit up at the thought. “I want to see everything and then I want to settle down in a fast paced city
 somewhere where you can be whoever you want without fear and where no one knows your name or every little detail of your life” It was clear that she wanted to get away from all of the qualities that a small town possessed. Some people found it comforting and a sense of security that everyone knew everyone else and looked out for one another but Sidney just wanted to be able to discover and to be herself without judgement.

As they neared her street Sidney listened as Daniel explained what it had been like for him in high school and what sort of person he was. Despite him telling her otherwise Sidney planned on googling grunge when she arrived home and had a moment to herself. She thought that she had an idea of what it was, the dark kind of gothic or dirty clothes with the heavy music but she wanted to be sure. After all this was only one of the details about Daniels past which he had given her. Also the way he had quickly changed his mind and told her not to, made her curious. What could searching the internet tell her? Everything

Before she could agree or disagree with him Daniel was once more changing the topic. Sidney just smiled and allowed it, after all she didn’t plan on telling him what she was going to do. “No, no pets
 Mum works odd hours and with me at school it has never really been a good time to have one. It wouldn’t be fair to the animal for it to be locked up all day” Sidney explained as they turned into her street.

“We are almost there” She told Daniel, realising he probably had no idea where they now were. The two of them had only been walking for about ten minutes and in truth it wasn’t all that far. As they approached the third house along the street Sidney stopped and pushed the small metal gate, holding it open for Daniel. “Welcome” A smile on her lips as she waited for him to at least step inside and onto the path.

The house that stood in front of the pair was two stories and had an old Victorian feel to it. It was made of bricks and had historical trimmings around the doors and windows which added to the sense of it being from times gone by. The upkeep however was immaculate and made one question whether the house was indeed old or whether it had just been designed to appear that way.

Sidney led Daniel down the short garden path towards the front porch where she began to rummage in her bag for the keys to the front door. As her fingers felt the bumpy edge of the key she smiled with triumph and pulled the silver key which was attached to a silver S and put it into the lock. Twisting the key and pushing the door open Sidney stepped inside and instantly went over to the wall and pressed a few numbers into the alarm system
. Seven
 and there was a beep of success showing it had been accepted. From here Sidney let the bag just fall onto the floor next to the door beside her and she turned to look at Daniel.

 do you want me to show you to the spare room and you can freshen up or I can give you a tour?” She asked, not sure what he expected of her at this stage. It wasn’t all that often that Sidney actually had people over, let alone a man.

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Re: Monster

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Shi-chan on Sat Mar 17, 2012 12:39 pm

Daniel had been busy taking in all the details of the garden. The grass was well-kept, and appeared to have been mowed not that long ago, and here and there, there were flowerbeds, aglow with colour from the many petals. He had never considered himself a romantic kind of dude, but discovered in that moment that he quite liked flowers. Especially the purple ones. Oh well, men weren't supposed to like flowers, were they? He was actually a bit confused about that, but figured that it didn't matter. Perhaps, in the few years he had been... "Away", the world had changed. Perhaps people weren't judged on whether or not they liked flowers.

He followed her inside, and discreetly watched as she pressed the code to disable the alarm. It wasn't that he was planning to let himself in the house or something like that, it was just in case of an emergency. He quickly looked away, and instead pretended to be very focused on the coat hanger. Slowly, he slipped out of his jacket, and while doing so, listened to what Sidney asked him. He thought about it for a short while, and then answered. "I'd like a tour." He smiled at her, the look on his face solemn. He had forgotten how it felt to be inside someone's home, and much to his surprise, it felt very cosy. The house, despite having a slightly ominous-looking front, made him feel calm inside. He felt a jab of hunger, small, and thought that, if an opportune moment arrived, he'd ask for something to eat.

"Maybe you can even give me a tour of the town soon. Not today, but," He hesitated slightly, and then continued "Maybe in the weekend? You don't have school on saturdays, right?" He laughed shortly, taking a step forward, to see if he could peek trough a crack where a door didn't quite close. He hoped he wasn't being too pushy, he just felt like the worst thing that could happen was for an uncomfortable silence to fall between them. What if she decided she didn't want him to stay in the house anyway? That would certainly make his day worse. He had a feeling that strange visions wouldn't reach him in Sidney's house.

An offbeat thought strayed his mind, as he for a short moment wondered if there, in Sidney's school was a guy who'd remind him of himself. "Also, I thought that since your mom might say no to me staying here, you could tell her that I'm willing to clean the house a couple a' times a week. Or however long I'll be... Hopefully staying here." He slid his hands in his pockets, unsure of what to do or say.

"Where's the stairs?" He finally asked, figuring that they'd have to be somewhere. Unless they had an elevator. Perhaps Sidney's mom was really rich? The questions buzzed around his head, making him feel more and more foolish by the second. He wished that they could quickly move out of the slightly uncomfortable space he had placed them in.

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