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BioLife "Changed Forever"

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BioLife "Changed Forever"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ArtFreakAngel on Mon May 12, 2008 7:33 pm

This is an In Character thread, but if you want to join, here's the link. Just post your name and bio.

Eric stepped outside of his stone cottage. The sky was gray, just like every other day. The air was tight, and tasted dirty. He looked down the slope towards the nearby village. All of the villagers had their normal depressed faces on. He felt pity for them, but his past experiences with them still lingered in the back of his mind.

He walked over to his tiny garden, there were tiny bean sprouts and jet black tomatoes. When he reached down to feel how one of the bean pods was growing, and vine shot out of the ground and wrapped itself around his wrist. It was a small vine, small enough for him to penetrate it's grip. Eric could see the little droplets of blood dripping off of wrist. The vine must have had thorns attached.

He walked inside and grabbed the bucket of water he had fetched from one of the clean streams nearby. He poured a little bit out of the bucket onto his wrist. It stung for a few seconds, so Eric wrapped a piece of cloth around it. He went back outside and grabbed his other shirt off of the clothesline, the missile catastrophe had rendered all the remaining technologically based equipment inoperable.

He released a sigh, today was going to be another strange day.
I'm collecting moving avatars. If you have one, send it to me in a private message.

If the music moves you, the people care about you, and the place is like home, savor the moment!

Time stands still for no one! What are you standing around for, there's chocolate to be eaten.

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Re: BioLife "Changed Forever"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ShadowWake on Tue May 13, 2008 11:00 am

Crouching low to the ground, Jamie tensed her back legs, muscles trembling with the effort but the rest of her body otherwise motionless. The tiny, limping mouse - not really even worth a meal - continued its slow progress across the dusty ground, only halting when Jamie's paws landed on its fragile form. The mouse was dead before she'd even tried and she gobbled it up instantly, a small pink tounge flicking out to lick her soft nose. Sitting down and head twisting, Jamie ran her tongue down her foreleg, the ginger fur darkening to red, trying once again to rid herself of the seemingly permanent blue streaks embedded within. Giving up the motion as pointless, Jamie stood once more and, within seconds, the only thing left of the ginger tom was the pawprints in the dirt.

Casting her green eyes about the abandoned cottage, Jamie wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, pulling a face. You could virtually taste the radiation in the creatures that were left - not usually enough to make her ill, but enough to make her meals taste bad. Striding over to a small pile of clothes in the corner of the room, she picked up her lab coat, pulling it over her naked form and hiding the tendrils of blue that snaked up her pale skin. It was all she wore recently, finding that shifting was easier without having too many cumbersome clothes; she had even abandoned her boots, finding that walking barefoot gave greater ease of movement.

Turning, Jamie watched the large plant silhouetted in the sunlight that hung from the doorframe, her hand rising to brush a strand of rich red hair from her brow. It seemed to sense her stare, the bright pink flower twisting towards where she stood, and small, yet tangling vines slid through the air, almost like it was reaching for her. Jamie concentrated, feeling her hand change ever-so-slightly, her delicate nails growing longer and curling into razor-sharp points, and then moved slowly towards the carnivorous plant. Reaching the doorframe, Jamie ducked as a tendril whipped past her head and slid to one side, her hand lashing out and slicing through plant tissue. Standing in the heady air of the village, she paused to catch her breath, watching as the flower drifted lazily in the breeze as though it had never been moving at all. For two weeks it had been like this and now the plant had taken up nearly the whole of the doorway. She couldn't stay here any more.

"I hate plants," the doctor muttered before spinning on her heel and striding into the village. It was time again to find a new home.

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Re: BioLife "Changed Forever"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kargoth on Thu May 15, 2008 8:07 pm

Garland sighed as he levitated the piece of heavy machinery towards the rest of his equiptment, he'd managd to build a partially functioa city that remained well protected-albier, at the cost of him having permanent rulership of his city..
He wondered what kind of visitors were around his benevolent dictatorship,and so left the saftey of his hoade fortres and began checking out the local's.

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Re: BioLife "Changed Forever"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ArtFreakAngel on Fri May 16, 2008 6:50 pm

Eric draped his hooded cloak over his head, shielding his face from any onlookers. It was time to go into the village, he desperately needed supplies. He had run out of his meat rations, and he needed to buy some cloth. His secondary shirt had developed a nasty hole in the back. He suspected one of the creatures living in the nearby woods of the shirt's destruction.

He had a few fresh been pods, picked this morning, inside of a basket. He held the basket in his left, and in his right he had some crystallized rocks from he had found in the river. They didn't seem like anything special, but he hoped somebody in the village would find them interesting enough to buy.

Eric made sure his grip was firm, and then began to descend the tiny knoll. He hadn't gone very far, when he heard a small growling sound. He took a few more steps, and then heard it again. It sounded angrier the second time. He looked around, fearing for his beans, and for his life itself.

While examining a nearby ditch, he noticed a print in the dirt. It wasn't very large, but whatever creature had made it, obviously had claws. He turned around and saw two eyes peering out of a bush behind him. The pupils were slanted, like a cat's, but the rest was jet black.

Eric could feel his legs wobbling, and a bead of sweat slowly made it's way down the side of his face. Suddenly the creature lunged, it's claws the first part of it's body to come out of the bush. Eric dropped to the ground, narrowly dodging a lethel swipe. He turned around and saw the creature for what it was. It had obviously been some sort of cat before the missiles. But the resulting radiation had made it scaly, and Eric noticed that it had gills on the side of it face.

Panicing, Eric threw the stones at the creature. One of the pieces hit it on the head, and the other hit the ground and shattered.

"Dang it!"

The creature looked up at Eric, and then collapsed. Eric took a few moments, making sure the creature would not suddenly come back alive and make sure Eric didn't stay that way. After a few moments, he bent down and picked up the non-shattered crystal, the other was unusable. He let out a frustrated sigh and picked up the fragments, he had learned to never waste anything.

He picked the creature up, and let out a squeal when he felt the scales. He carried it to the nearby river, it was only a short journey, and dropped it near the water. He tried to stop thinking about it, and resumed his journey to the village.

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Re: BioLife "Changed Forever"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ohhhhhallibaba on Sat May 17, 2008 8:19 am

((I hope it isn't to late to join))

Standing outside of a small book shop of this new village, Vincent lit the end of his finger and with the flame lit a cigarette(sp?). Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out the new novel he had just "purchased" and began to read it. Finding a nice little cafe` to sit down at, Vincent did just that. Sitting down inside, he found the table closest to one of the large windows and began to read. Glancing outside, he soaked in the sunlight and closed his eyes.

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Re: BioLife "Changed Forever"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yora on Sat Jun 07, 2008 6:46 pm

( my bio is on the OOC forum)

Zyta walked through the forest, her barefeet were cut and bruised from the stones and dirt had begun to make them sting. She knew if she didn't find water fast she could get an infection. Plants around her would strike out at her but with a wave of her hand the vines would miss her and then allow her to continue on her way. She cowered every now and then hearing a creatures howl, or the deadly screaming. Zyta began to run fearing she was being followed and soon broke free from the forest seeing a small village. A river was nearby and she knelt on her knees thankful for finding this place. It was like a Utopia for her.

Zyta had followed a small path leading to the river and stuck her feet in it. She sighed with relieve, taking her petite hands and rubbing them with the clean water. Her hair color changed to a honey blonde, a sure sign that she was happy. She turned her head to the left and saw a man figure walking away from the river, probably towards the village. She stood up and raced as fast as she could towards him calling out, "Excuse me!"
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Re: BioLife "Changed Forever"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ArtFreakAngel on Sat Jun 07, 2008 10:28 pm

Eric jumped a little when he heard someone else.
"Excuse me!"

Eric turned and saw a girl. She looked pretty, but was fairly beat up. She had some dirt on her clothing, and her feet had some bad cuts and scrapes. Eric spoke up, this girl looked like she could use some help. "Are you okay? Do you need some help?"

Eric hoped that his invitation wasn't too forward. He slowly made his way towards the girl, trying to show that he wasn't going to harm her. Nowadays, a person had to be very careful before dealing with a stranger, you never knew their true intentions.

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Re: BioLife "Changed Forever"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yora on Sun Jun 08, 2008 11:32 am

Zyta stopped running when she realized she had caught his attention. She put her hands on her knees taking in large intakes of breath before looking up. She smiled at him, her hair changing to a light brown color. "Yes, please, I need a place where people are.. friendly towards... well.." she didn't want to admit that she was different. She wanted to be normal but after all the radioactivity it was impossible to return to that state. She looked up at him again her smile had wavered a little and tears were forming in her eyes but none fell down her cheeks. "I just need a place to stay.. to heal.."

Zyta looked down, noticing a small plant growing on the road. It grew at a rapid pace and a flower bud seemed to open. Carnivorous teeth were on the petals and a vine suddenly reached out and grabbed her wrist. Zyta took her finger and rubbed it gently and it slowly released her then disappeared into the soil. Zyta looked up at the man realizing she had basically showed her ability to him. 'He'd never help me now,' she thought.

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Re: BioLife "Changed Forever"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ArtFreakAngel on Sun Jun 08, 2008 1:54 pm

Eric noticed the urgency in the girls voice. There was something about strange about her. It wasn't menacing, it was just different. He slowly approached the girl, reaching out his hand. Before he made contact, a huge flower sprung at her. Eric jumped back and shivered a bit when he noticed the giant teeth bared and ready to strike.

Before the plant could do any damage, the girl reached out to the plant. She rubbed the plant's bud, and, against all odds, the plant descended back into the soil. Eric knew that the plant hadn't acted that way of it's own accord. The girl had somehow managed to get the plant to go back.

Eric looked at the girl with a serious face. "How did you do that?" Despite the question, Eric already knew the answer. The girl was able to manipulate plants. He would have been more scared, if he himself wasn't different.

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Re: BioLife "Changed Forever"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yora on Sun Jun 08, 2008 2:00 pm

Zyta looked up at him before standing upright. "Oh, uh, that? well, I was just always good with plants I guess you could say."

'He thinks I'm strange. He'll never help me." she thought. Her hair changed to a grey blue color. She fiddled with the hem of her ragged dress. It was falling apart and she knew she would need help soon.

"I'm Zyta.." she said. She thought maybe if she introduced herself, he would be more likely to be kind.

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Re: BioLife "Changed Forever"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ArtFreakAngel on Sun Jun 08, 2008 2:05 pm

"Oh, uh, that? well, I was just always good with plants I guess you could say."

Eric could tell by the tone of the girl's voice that it was a little more complex then that. He approached the girl again, in an attempt to actually be help. She definately needed some help.
"I'm Zyta.."

Zyta, the name sent a little shiver down Eric's voice. After she said it, he noticed that her hair had changed it's color. It surprised him, but he quickly got over it. He smiled at her, "Would you like me to take you back to the village? There are some people there that would be able to help you."

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Re: BioLife "Changed Forever"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yora on Sun Jun 08, 2008 2:10 pm

Zyta looked up, her face seemed to evolve and she smiled. "That would be wonderful!" she said. Her hair changed to a honeysuckle gold, it always changed with her mood. She continued to fiddle with the strands of cloth that seemed to be coming apart. Zyta reached into her pocket, removing a intricately detailed golden necklace.

"Do you think I'd be able to sell this?" she asked.

It was her mother's golden necklace. It was all she had left of her even if she didn't care for Zyta. She was willing to give it up, for food, some cloth to make herself a new dress.

"I need some new fabric. This dress is falling apart. OH! what's your name?"

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Re: BioLife "Changed Forever"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ArtFreakAngel on Sun Jun 08, 2008 2:17 pm

When the girl pulled out an intricate, golden necklace, Eric's jaw dropped. Nowadays, it was rare to find something of such value. Many precious metals had been corroded by the explosions and radiation. He noticed the necklace seemed old, much older then the girl.
"I need some new fabric. This dress is falling apart. OH! what's your name?"

Eric could tell the girl wasn't joking. Her dress was ragged and torn. It looked like she had been wearing it for days, and had the smell to match. He chuckled a little at the girls enthusiasm. "My name's Eric. By the way, where are you from? I only ask because we never get newcomers in the village. Well we did once, but the man died the next day from infec....., nevermind. Needless to say, new people are rare."

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Re: BioLife "Changed Forever"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yora on Sun Jun 08, 2008 2:22 pm

Zyta had been looking around at her new surroundings. She then looked at Eric. "Well, I come from far away. I'm not quite sure from where anymore, so much has changed." Her mind drifted to her family that had left her. They were probably dead now, or aged greatly.

"I just need to sell this, get some fabric, make new clothes, and rest. Then I guess I'll be out of here before anyone could reject me again." Sadness seeped into her voice. Her hair slowly dimmed in color.

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Re: BioLife "Changed Forever"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ShadowWake on Mon Jun 09, 2008 4:49 am

Jamie sniffed again, her wet, black nose pressed close against the ground as her rich red fur shimmered in the sunlight, catching upon the odd blue stripe down her Red Setter spine. There we people; their scent clung to the earth, buryed within the murky soil, and she lifted her head, ears pricked for any sound.


Trotting at a swift pace, Dr Aaron loped casually towards the soft murmur of voices, spotting the two conversing within minutes. One was male - that she could tell from his voice alone, his hooded cloak shielding his features from view - and the other was a youngish girl, her dress torn and tattered and her hair switching between a myriad of rainbow colours as she spoke.

Deciding to stay in her canine form for now, Jamie barked loudly for attention, her long, red feathery tail wagging behind her.

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