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Childeren of the Gods (IC)

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Childeren of the Gods (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nevyn on Sun Oct 25, 2009 12:24 pm



Finally Shaya her father left home to go too the party off Zeus and Hera. She was left together with all the other kids, witch would be more fun then being at that boring party.
She had made herself a promise, never to grow up. Adults were boring and as a kid her clumsiness was seen as normal.

Once all the kids were assembled and they made sure that the adults wouldn’t be coming back soon, they all went towards the vault. Here inside all the magical things, from Apollo’s harp to Zeus his thunderbolts were kept.
It was officially a place they were forbidden to come, but now that the parents are gone, who would stop them?

After playing for an hour, she saw a silver ring laying on a little purple bed. It looked really simple and she didn’t knew what the powers off the ring was.
There was a little card standing for it and Shaya tried to read it, though she really can’t read yet.
“Ma-zi-k W-i-gn; Ra-ts wis-et” She read up out loud. Someone else came to her asking what the ring did.
“It creates wigs from rats!” She shouted out loud as she thought she had figured out the card on witch originally stood: magic ring; grants wishes.

Soon others wanted to play with the ring, because everybody wanted to see how a wig created from a rat would look like.
But because off the people gathering around her, Shaya tried to back up a little, tripped over her own feet and let the ring fall out off her hands.
It immediately fell down trough the clouds towards earth.
“Woops! This isn’t good, right?” She asked with great eyes looking all around her.

Everybody knew immediately in how much trouble they would be if they wouldn’t find the ring and bring it back before their parents where home. So they made a pact to descend towards earth and got back as soon as possible.
As one off them would find the ring and have brought it back, he would blow on the horn of Amalthea, signalling the others that the ring was found.

Shaya used her powers a little and could find out that the ring was located in the country of Isala, witch was a good thing since it was surrounded by high mountains in the north, a large dessert in the west and water in the north and south.
So the chance that people would find the ring and leave the country with it had become a little smaller.

She started her descent towards earth, using her powers locked on to the ring.
When on earth she stood in the middle off a forest, looking around and finding out that she was all alone.
“Where am I?” She asked as she started to wander around, complete lost.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Adira was flying around a newly discovered flowerbed when something large fell right next to her.
Both scared and surprised of what the item could be, she flew towards it. Then she saw something shiny flickering from below one off the flowers. She flew towards it and was happily surprised to find out it was a silver ring.

Even as it looked pretty normal, it was shiny and that was all that mattered to her. Changing from her little fairy form towards her large human form (it looks exactly the same as her fairy form only as tall as a human), she picked up the ring.
“So beautiful! And mine!” She started to laugh and dance as she put the ring around her right ring finger.

Flying around happily and humming a little song, she came across a little town.
“So ugly!” She said as she looked at the streets and houses. “It should be more beautiful and covered with flowers. Then I would understand why people would want to live there.”
As soon as she had spoken, her ring began to shine bright white and soon all the rooftops from the town where covered with flowers.

Adira couldn’t believe what she saw and rubbed a few time over her eyes before she actually believed what she was saying.
“What just happened?” She asked herself as she flew a little closer towards the town. The sweet sent off the flowers coming towards her.
She looked surprised towards the ring. “Did you just do that?” She asked as she kept looking from the ring towards the town and back.
A smile finally formed around her as her head felt with thoughts. “This could get interesting.”

- - - - -

A picture of the ring : Image
Dying without achieving your goals or living on for years and realizing you will never achieve them - which is worse?"

the flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all

Be childish, be a god, be a child of a God!

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Re: Childeren of the Gods (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby mummydove on Sun Oct 25, 2009 1:05 pm

Cleo watch her father leave to the party and sighed she was alone with a bunch of little kid. Then let out a small laugh as Rick licked her. “That’s enough Rick” she said in a clam tone and he stopped wagging his tail. She looked up as Shaya picked a ring up. Cleo found the ring pretty and smiled a bit. Then she stood up and went to walk over to the little girl before she did something stupid with the ring but then her eyes widen as the little girl dropped the ring. She blinked and knew what the writing near the ring read and groaned.

She sighed then told Rick he had to go back home to the under world for she could find the ring and he listen but was disappointed. She would of brought him along but he was way to big and she knew he end up following her or something. Cleo closed her eyes and appeared on earth. Looking around then she notice she was in a town but the roofs were covered with flowers. She rolled her eyes and ran her fingers threw her hair sighing. The ring must be close she though. After a while of looking around she got bored and walked away to explore earth. She never had been to earth only seen the human’s soul in the under world. So she was curious about earth.
Jake Sliver was on the beach looking around. He had a bucket and was filling it up with shells and anything else he found. When the bucket was full he put the bucket down onto the sand and smiled a bit the sand was warm. Then he sat down and looked threw the bucket. He got took out the things that interested him or pretty. He grinned and pushed all the other things he didn’t need or want away. After a while of thinking on what to make he decide to make a bracelet. The bracelet was a pattern of small white and pink sea shells and he used seaweed as string. Jake Sliver put the bracelet on his wrist to keep it safe.
Last edited by mummydove on Sun Oct 25, 2009 1:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Childeren of the Gods (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SilentButterflies on Sun Oct 25, 2009 1:25 pm


Aido watched as the silver ring fell to Earth. He lent against a wall slightly and glared at Shaya. "Way to go kid." He raised a brow. "You messed that one up." He pushed himself from the wall and looked down to the planet below them. He knew where the ring had landed, he'd watched it fall. The small country of Isala. 'At least it was small.' He thought. 'Finding something as unique as that ring should be a doddle. Well a doddle seeing as they were children of the gods.'

Without hesitating Aido new they'd have to leave. Like now. If the kids's parents found out about one of their missing treasures, they really would go mental. So he grinned at the others. "See you guys later." He saluted and held out his small hand infront of him. A lrage spurt of water burst from his open palm, creating a winding, watery staircase all the way down into one of the moutains. Aido stepped onto it and coolly made his way down to Earth, not even bothering about the consequences of leaving on his own.

Once he arrived, he looked around. It was a beautiful day; The sun was shining, the heavens clear. He couldn't see his home from here, which made him feel slightly uncomfortable. Aside from the cocky exterior of a young teenage boy, inside, Aido was still a child. Shrugging this thought away the teenager began to work his way down the mountainside, heading towards the buildings of Isala.


Miaka sat on the bench in the local park enjoying the weather. It was the warmest day she'd seen in a couple of weeks, so she was outside to make the most it. On her lap, lay her most beloved posession; Her guitar. It's strap hung over her shoulder lightly and it caressed the shape of her body nicely. Every so often, Miaka would hum a melody, strumming the strings gently as she did so. Nothing could beat the feeling that her own music gave her. It made her feel alive, gave her an objective in life. She smiled as her melody came to and end.

With a small wipe of her brow, Miaka rose from the bench, her guitar twizzled around onto her back. She rolled the sleeves of her shirt up and walked silently over to the pond, which was situated in the middle of the park. A few ducks swam gracefully across the water, leaving rippling circles in their wake. Such a touching scene. She watched as the ducks met each other half way and ruffled their feathers.

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Re: Childeren of the Gods (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AyaAmayaMiyu on Sun Oct 25, 2009 6:01 pm

Strawberry & Poison

Maya wrapped a bandage around her head for the second time that day, she was careful on not hurting herself even more. She sighed deepily, once she was down she put the extra white wrap on the wooden kitchen table next to the scissors. Today she had gotten in another fight and she had more bandages then usual, todays fight was over how she dressed and the way she acted. "so stupid what's there problem...why can't they just leave me alone" Maya muttered pissed of as she clipped the bandage with a metal clip to hold it together. Maya got up cursing under her breath every few seconds and putting the first aid away at its proper place on the front door's entrance. Since she always seemed to need it, Maya placed it there so if she ever got super injuried she had the first aid ready at the front door. After Maya placed the first aid at it original spot she walked to her kitchen and pulled out a water bottle from the fridge, she drank a bit and then closed it. "Okay what shall I do know? If I go outside I might get another beating...well those punks will get another beating" she said to herself annoyed. Maya pondered about either staying inside for the rest of the day or go outside, int eh end she decided to go out, she went to her front entrance of her house and put on her brown school shoes and headed out.

Maya walked through the street, with her head held high with a sour like face, who wouldn't be after getting jumped right after school in the front door. She got stares from the adults, as always, due to her bandages on her head and hands, Maya was used to this already and didn't care. But she didn't get this from every adult many adults knew her and knew she was very kind and sweet, she was standing up for herself but because she was a vampire many automatically assume she was bad. They even gave her a nickname Strawberry and Poison, strawberry because of herr pink hair and poison because where ever she went she left a trail of injuried kids. "Hey what are you staring at?" Maya stated to an dult that was giving her a dirty look, she said it in a dark evil like voice but with a softness of that of a sweet strawberry. The adult flinched and walked quickly away "coward" Maya muttered and kept walking again heading to the flower shop of the village.


Amadour said go bye to his mother before she left to go join the other gods at the party "be good" she whispered to him and then left with a wave through th elarge doors. Amadour waved weakly back and then turned a it to see all the other kids there, he felt really scared and shy around them so he walked over to wall and leaned against it he petted his white stuffed bunny with sapphire colored eyes. Yes, Amadour was at the age of not playing with such things but he couldn't help it, it was his personality to have stuffed animals always with him and this one was very special to him, it was the only gift his father had left him before disappearing and before he was born. Amadour then heard as the kids were talking about going into the vault of where the most powerful weapons were held. He wanted to say something against it but couldn't, he felt it would make everyone angry at him, so he held his bunny close and followed everyone to the vault.

Amadour watched as everyone played and had fun but he instead stood back and watched them with his big innocent blue eyes, he stood there not say anything like a ghost. Then he heard someone finding ring, and got urious about it so he got near everyone just a bit but before he could take a look the girl holding the ring tripped and the silver ring went down to where the humans lived. Amadour felt scared, he held his bunny tightly he knew they'd get in trouble if their paents found out. He knew his mother would be so disappointed in him for getting in such trouble, Amadour had a few tears streaming down his eyes on how frightened he was. He back up from everyone and went to a corner and crouched down and cried quietly, he hated making his mother upset or worried. Amadour stayed there not seeing as others were going down below to find the ring, he knew he had to help but he had never left the heavens and he was to scared to go alone. He held his bunny close to him, his shine blonde colored hair was over his face, he rubbed his eyes trying trying to stop crying but couldn't.
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Re: Childeren of the Gods (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BoyKagome on Tue Oct 27, 2009 7:09 pm


Why why why did kids have to be sooooo stupid! Shay knew better than to get into the adults crap. They make one simple rule and the first thing these guys do is bend it! Wait, this was his chance though... If Deimos followed these guys into the room and could emerge with evidence they had been there, the adults would finally move him up the hierarchy of Olympus. In truth the god of fear was just as much into mischievousness and pranks as Hermes had been, however unlike Hermes Deimos did not posses the testicular fortitude to actually do it against sitting gods. Demons, monsters, humans, elves whatever yeah... but other gods? No no, bad idea! Just like his father this kid had a agenda to become part of the elite and most well known. In order for that to happen, he needed to get recognition. Shay had just opened that opportunity.

So while in the back area he looked about in hopes of gaining some kind of physical evidence. Maybe spotting one of these guys stealing something, or maybe finding some kind of alarm to set off that would bring the adults here... Well what happened next wasn't a alarm, but it sure as hell wasn't welcomed either. "You brat don't touch that, you're just asking for trou-..." before the words could even be finished, the silver circlet disappeared. "... Oh for the love of Zues that did not just happen!"Face...palm, check.

Deimos didn't have any choice, the other gods were pursued as they went down to earth. Yeah he'd wanted to find some evidence against the other kids, but that ring disappearing to earth? They'd blame him for not stopping a 5 year old from touching it! Or they'd accuse him of putting her up to it, son of a... Manifesting in a thick forest making sure to keep his own spirit separate from the other gods, Deimos began searching about for that ring. "Can we say... needle in a hay stack? Goooooood."


"Wait wait wait, not there not there!" The cerulean haired boy came out from the left side of Cleo momentarily catching her shoulders in order to pause her progressive steps forward. After she'd been forced to stop, he'd slightly kneel down before the flower that the Underworld goddess was about to trample giving a couple of packs against its soil with his palm. Tray had to admit that it seemed rude to stop someone from walking, but shoot the flower didn't have much choice; it could only grow in this one spot. Life deemed it to have that kind of bad luck. So if Intrayni didn't protect it, who would?

Standing himself up to have a bit of height on the dark haired woman, the water nymph noted that this was his first time ever seeing this girl. She seemed kind of soulless from the sight of her. Those darker colors definitely had a much more depressing feel to them. But nature had to be protected at all cost, so this boy harbored no regrets about his actions. Even still it wasn't best to just leave Cleo in suspense like this. " Sorry about that, it's just that..." Couldn't really think of anything to say that wasn't completely rude, so his sentence went unfinished.

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Re: Childeren of the Gods (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby mummydove on Tue Oct 27, 2009 7:34 pm

Cleo jumped up a bit and looked at Intrayni and stopped walking. She was glad her powers didn’t kick in. Then a small smile came to her lips. “Its fine I understand sorry I was careless and curious but now you interest me because you’re a water nymph
” she said in a gentle voice touching her mouth a bit shy but not showing it really. Cleo laughed a bit. “It’s fine I understand you don't have to explainto me so what is your name?” she said still talking in a gentle voice. She never seen any kind of nymph before but knew they were females she never heard of a male one before only knew they were mostly females.
Last edited by mummydove on Tue Oct 27, 2009 7:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Childeren of the Gods (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BoyKagome on Tue Oct 27, 2009 7:53 pm


She.... SHE COULD TELL THAT?! How, how in Tarterus did she figure out his species so quick? Did the flower react to the moisture on his palm? That was one expect about his presence, there was always a thin coat of water about his body but... it was just a layer over the skin. In fact it operated as a form of embryonic protection layer from becoming over heated. A far more advanced form of sweating was a good way to look at it. But this water was far more refreshing and cooler to the touch. Still Intrayni was completely baffled she knew his species. Most of the village didn't even know, like she'd assumed; all Nymphs were female... and for the most part she was 100% correct. "Uh well, you see... the thing is."

Thinking of something to say to a girl that randomly knew his species type was a lot harder than he could of imagined it would be. Trying to clear his throat, he'd just let Cleo control the conversation. This girl was pretty light on the eyes for someone so dark looking, Intrayni could feel that his cheeks were starting to burn up a little so in reaction, he'd turn his back on her. " I'm uh, Intrayni... Most people just call me Tray, Trayni, Ontray....bumbling fool..." The nymph was keeping track of all of these titles on his hand and it seemed as he went on, they got less and less flattering. " Clumsy idiot, light hearted clown, tree hugging loser, blue haired freak..."

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Re: Childeren of the Gods (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby mummydove on Tue Oct 27, 2009 8:19 pm

Cleo watched him and smiled a bit. “You don’t have to tell me” she said. Then she sighed when he turned around. Her eyes flicker with a blue flames but they went back to normal after a while. She wiped her eyes as tears filled them thinking about Rick her three-head dog he was the only one who stayed with her no matter what and never looked away because he loved her to much. So she cleared her throat. “Which name would you like me to call you by? Because I find some of those names offence” she said her voice thick with sorrow. Then wiped her eyes once more and the tears finally stop. Her face was back to being a blank expression. Cleo knew she would stay being the goddess of death and had to deal with everything that others gave her. So she stood up straight and held her head up he was still a bit taller than her everyone was expect for those who were younger than her but she didn’t mind.

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