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a topic in Fantasy Roleplay, a part of the RPG forum.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Heaven on Fri Oct 03, 2008 4:25 pm


OOC forum link: dragon-reborn-t11566.html

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Mia was in the garden when her mother walked up and said,” Mia, darling when you are done watering the garden could you go out to the field and pick the weeds from the crops?”

“Sure mom.” Replied Mia as she got to her fee and pulled her hat up to see her mom,” I’m finished here so I will do that now, I guess.”

“Oh honey, why don’t you come in first and have some tea.” Her mother insisted.

Mia smiled and walked with her mother back up to the house. Once she was inside Mia sat down at the table and her mother poured her a glass of tea. Her mother then sat down and watched Mia drink it down and she said,” You know you are becoming a fine young women these days, and it will almost be time for you to find someone to marry.”

Mia spit out what tea she had in her mouth and said,” What? Wait momma I have not found anyone yet. I don’t even think he is in this town.”

“What do you mean? Reese Town is very big.”

“Momma this big town has one church that everyone attends, I have already met every young man here and I don’t like any of them.”

“Well what about Jeff’s kid?”


“Yeah you two go out a lot.”

“Billy is my friend momma nothing more…Plus he and I fight too much to be lovers. I’m sorry but I could not live under the same roof as that man.”

Her mother sighed,” Ok have it your way, your lucky Grandma is not still around because if she was she would have arranged a marriage for you already.”

Mia rolled her eye’s then stood up and grabbed a large basket that was by the door and said,” Ima go pick weeds now.” Then she walked out the door.

Mia looked up into the sky and smiled as the sun hit her face. It was October now and the snow was just starting to show itself. She could have picked the weeds before the snow hit the ground but she had put it off.

When Mia bent down and started picking the weeds she heard a *thump* She turned around and saw nothing. She looked all around and saw nothing but snow and small pumpkins that were starting to grow. She continued to shuffle through the green weeds and brush all around.

After some time went by Mia made her way down the rows of crops. Suddenly she saw something blue in the dirt. The snow had all been pushed away from the crops every morning by her dad. She only saw about a dime size amount of blue but it beam of light shun off of it that had caught her eye. Mia dusted the dirt off of it more and more, until she found herself digging it out of the dirt. Finally she had gotten it out of the ground. It was about as big as a pumpkin. It was hard and heavy, Mia rolled it around a little to see it from every angel. Then she rolled it into her basket and pulled some shrub over it and brought it back to the house. There was a note on the table telling her that her mother went to give her father some Tea at his stand. Mia had left the basket by the door and brought the egg to her room and set it on her bed.

She figured it was an egg by the shape, and then she wondered how much she could sell it for in the town. Mia stopped and finally asked herself “What kind of egg is it?” Then it clicked in her head and she gasped and backed away from it. “Dragon”, she thought. “You’re a? It’s a? Oh my god….” Her face got red as she began to panic.

Then Suddenly the Egg moved and made a loud *Thump* Mia gasped again started to pace. As she paced she let her mind race of what she was going to do. Her mind was so busy she did not even notice the egg was hatching. A piece of the egg fell to the floor and out popped a baby dragon head. I loud sound came from it’s mouth almost like a baby roar. Mia then stopped and looked at it, “This is not happening…Is this happening?”

The baby dragon looked at her and said,” Uh…no.”

“I didn’t think so thank you for that.” Said Mia a little on the delusional side

“Sure thing.” Said the dragon as he continued to try to break through his egg.

Mia then watched him with unblinking eyes. The dragon rolled off the bed and hit the ground causing the egg to bust and let him free. Mia still did not move or blink. The baby dragon then looked at her and said, “Well now I just feel naked…”

“It talks…you talk?” Mia whispered.

“Yes actually I do.” Replied the dragon.

Then Mia heard the front door open and her mother walk in. “You have to hide, like now” Mia then grabbed the dragon, but the moment she touched him she felt a pain go up her right arm. She dropped the dragon and looked at her hand and saw an imprint of a dragon on her hand that would stay there forever. The dragon stumbled on the ground and looked up at her.

“ I have touched your soul, now I’m yours forever.” Said the baby dragon with a smile.

Mia gave him a mean look then kicked the dragon under her bed as the door to her room swung open. Her mother stood in the door way and said,” What on earth is all this noise?”

“ Oh I-“ Mia started.

“And what is all this all over your floor.” Her mother continued.

“ Oh I found it all in the weeds I think I might see what it is all worth in town.”

“Mia I think those are egg pieces from a dragons egg…Did you really find these”


“Hmm we must burry the pieces before the dragon riders find out there is a baby dragon near by.” Her mother then grabbed the pieces off the ground and hid them in her dress,” Tell no one of this do you understand me Mia?”

“Yes mother.”

“Ok and stay away from any dragons you might see.” Her mother then rushed out and shut the door.

Mia exhaled and sat down on the floor. The baby dragon crawled out from under the bed and sat next to her." What am I going to do?"Asked Mia talked to herself.

"Find the others." Replied the hatchling.
Last edited by Heaven on Fri Oct 03, 2008 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Xersist on Fri Oct 03, 2008 4:58 pm

(this is going to be a long one so just bear with me, I dont want to interact with anyone till my dragon is fully developed)

Teralis’ Prologue

Teralis sat quietly alone streets. A cold winds swept up through the Northern town of White-port. The winter weather was not kind to those who could not afford a place to stay. Teralis was no different. The town of White-port was small, but big enough to have its own guard and stores. The houses in center of the town were built out of cold gray stones and the roofs were tinted with black and cobalt tiles. Wind was the demon that held this town to grips, as the high rocky shores pushed in currents of frozen air into the town. Snow and Ice came like the turning of pages. Warmth and not come to this small town for an age. White-port was famous for Creature that gave life to this town, Sometimes called the Everlasting Dragon. The beast would stand at the highest tower of the chapel and shoot fire over the town. From Dawn until Dusk the dragon would warm the town and bring new life. Trees grew high and powerful. Crops would grow with uncountable number. The Dragon was recorded as having white scales and eyes as black as coals. Every night the great lizard would go down into the town and be praised by villagers, by song and dance it was be worshiped. Almost like a god, but who would not? For such a creature to be so strong as to give everlasting warmth and life into the town and never ask for anything.

The Since the rise of the Dragon Riders the town has fallen under hard times. One-summer night, two riders came to the town looking for the White Dragon, telling him to either join the riders or be killed. He refused to leave his village. Therefore, with a great battle that seemed to never end, the beast was destroyed. His body buried and his scales taken. The village fell into an age of darkness, and no longer did the Everlasting flame light the tiny village of White-port.

This is where we find Teralis, a broken young-man, who lived by the name of the White Dragon. He now eats off the feet of this bitter town, with no place to go and no one for him to be cared for.

Teralis sat half-awake as the frozen winds of White-port hit his face. A bowl lay in front of him, hoping that someone in this god-forsaken place could give him something to eat.
His eyes shut, tired and hunger he though that this was the end of his life.
He heard footsteps, he keep his eyes closed and the assumed person passed by. He slowly rubbed his eyes and looked at the bowl again. He could not believe what he saw. In the bowl lied a loaf of bread and a wrapped black cloak. He grabbed the bowl as quick as he could and laid it on his lap. He grabbed the loaf and ate it as quick as his jaws would allow. He finished it quite soundly, only a bum would eat the way Teralis did, with no manners and little care if anyone was watching.
He looked down again to see the wrapped cloak in bowl, he picked it up, and surprised it was heaver that expected and warm. He quickly unraveled it. As a “black stone” came out of cloak and fell to his lap. It rolled down and lightly landed on the stone paved street.
He quickly rushed up and grabbed it. It was warm, but it was hard like a rock, or so he though. Maybe it is a gem. He tapped it. No, it’s hollow, gems are as thick on the inside as they are on the outside. Then what is it?. He held it one hand and studied it. Then its gotta be an egg, but what kind? He tapped it again, putting his ear next to the egg. The egg tapped back. Teralis jerked his head away in shock. Well whatever it is, it is still ticking. A cold wind rushed again trough the town. “But not for long.” He said as he got up holding up the black egg against his chest. “I got to get thing out of here.” He picked up the black cloak and ran off into the woods. He found some sticks and made a shabby fire. He put the egg close to it and tried to keep it warm. The same wind rushed up and blew the fire out. Teralis was freezing as night soon came. He picked up the egg and put it under his shirt as he laid down on the snow. He curled into in a ball around the egg trying to keep it warm. HE felt the warmth coming off of the egg, it heat was very relaxing as Teralis fell asleep in the dark night.
When he awoke, the egg was gone. Only the broken shell remanded. He dug through his shirt to see if there was anything left. His hand touched something. He touched a scaly tail. He grabbed it and pulled it. He felt something at back of his shirt move. He pulled the tail out of his shirt slowly. He felt the claws scratching his skin. “What-in-Hell is this!?”
He looked inside his shirt to see a small black lizard scratching his chest to his gut. He used his other hand and pulled it out of his shirt.
He was amazed to find a baby Dragon in his hand, squirming around. He turned it around to look at its face. It was a wind dragon, just like the famed dragon of the Ahite-shore. Except it was black and its eyes were white. The dragon cuddled and cooed, as Teralis held it in his hands. “I wonder where you came from?” The tiny dragon lurched out at Teralis’ hand and bit it. He felt a quick pain rush all over his body as His soul and the Dragon united. Teralis’ mind became blurry and passed out.
He awoke to see the baby dragon resting at his side. He looked at his hand as it burned. “What in the world?” he could see an image of a dragon imprinted on his hand.
“Man you are full of surprises.”
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We will fight our country's battles in air, on land and sea

First to fight for right and freedom, and to keep our honor clean
We are proud to claim the title of United States Marine

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AliceInWonderland on Sat Oct 04, 2008 1:27 am

Sadie stood on the muddy banks of the creek that ran parallel to the city that she was born and raised in. The name Oakarie would become a fitting name for the town once the snow arrived. One look at the looming clouds would tell that snow would be here much sooner then later.

The town had been very good to Sadie, a hard-working girl who taught the children of the town how to fight and hunt amongst other survival skills. She was an excellent hunter herself who loved to fish and practice martial arts on the roof top of her house. The house was much too large for single female such as Sadie; it was close by with a beautiful view from the master bedroom of the surrounding forest and the creek, three other bedrooms, a dining area meant for entertaining along with a den, and two studies amongst other rooms. It had been left to her by her parents who ventured out after she was old enough to take care of herself to travel the world. The quiet town had lost its charm for the two elders and they packed meagerly and disappeared three years ago.

Today was Sadie's birthday and she stood bundled up in a thick cloak as the brittle wind took out its aggression on her exposed cheeks bringing them to a stinging red color. Her ears, bald head and long legs were all covered underneath the cloak as she wrapped her arms around her waist, staring off into the distance. She sniffled, the tip of her nose giving away to the same hue as her cheeks. She sighed heavily, in hopes that her warm breathe would create a visible cloud of white in front of her face but instead of focusing on such common site, her attention was captured by something else.

A large chunk of ice was idly floating in the water. It was perfectly smooth with inner facets that reflected the surrounding water's dull blue color. The brilliant tip bobbed dramatically in the easy waters as if the object itself was heavy. Sadie found herself amused, much like a child would be at such a site. She allowed this moment of curiosity to overtake her usually stern composure and crept closer to the water's edge.

Her fur and leather boots protected her delicate feet as she took a step into the chilling waters, hoping that she could a closer look. Thankfully, the slow surge of the water brought the chunk of ice towards her and within her reach. She reached out to touch the surface, wondering if this skull-sized lump of frozen water could be as smooth to the touch as it looked to the eye. She grasped it in her hand, finding it much warmer then expected. It wasn't near as cold as the surrounding waters.

She was pleased to find that not only was this fragment of nature as smooth but it was also silky as if covered in suede. She stooped down as she pulled it out of the water, inspecting its egg-shape it is peculiar feel. Now with both hands on the strange find, holding it inches away from her nose, she felt a push from the inside. The spontaneous movement startled her so much that she dropped it on the ground.

She chuckled, feeling foolish. It must have been her pulse radiating through her finger tips. She reached out to pick it up again but once again, she felt a push against her hand. This time, the force was much stronger and not to be denied. Convince that this was something much more then a chunk of ice, she picked up what she know believed to be an egg and turned to return inside her house.

Once she entered, she placed the now shaking egg on knee high table in front of the fireplace. It was cold inside due to the lack of life within the stone fireplace yet Sadie didn't seem to notice as she pulled off her cloak and threw it on the couch behind her. The egg continued to shake on the table, creating a rhythmic beat as the shell thumbed against the oak wood. She knelt down on her knees, once again pulling her face within inches of the strange object.

She knew almost every animal that called the surrounding forest home. She knew of every beast that laid eggs within 100 mile radius of White-Port and none of them gave unto the world eggs such as this. She restrained herself from touching the surface once again, eager to see the life that struggled within. Eager to help it from its hardened womb. She bit down on her lip in anticipation, forcing herself to breath or otherwise she would forget.

Her eyes widen as the first piece gave away to what looked like opaque jeweled talons. Before long, a light blue furred paw the size of Sadie's fist latched on to the remaining shell, pushing and clawing away at the material. Though less then a minute, it seemed like eternity before the puppy sized creature revealed himself.

What had been the small dragon's home now lay in a shattered mess at his web feet. What had been believed to be fur was only delicately soft scales that covered the four-legged creatures entire body. A pair of webbed wings lay folded on her back, unmoving as if paralyzed. The egg-shaped head wheeled around as if on a swivel before the dark purple eyes focused on Sadie's shocked features. It cooed lovingly, pursed lips releasing a sound so beautiful that only a female dragon could have conjured it.

Sadie swallowed hard. She had heard the stories, had heard the myths and lies but never believed that the tales were true. She didn't believe that the legendary dragon had left behind offsprings but yet truth was staring her in the face. She reached out, stroking the creature between the small knots on top of her head. She figured these small bumps would grow into horns once it was full grown.

"This is..." she sighed heavily, unsure of how she wanted to handle the situation. She covered her face with her hands. She stood and walked to the entry way, through the dining area and into the kitchen, aware that the dragon had followed close behind her. The dragon stumbled often, brain still figuring out the mechanics of movement, but once things became more fluid, she playfully nipped at Sadie's heels. She would jump and squeal with delight as ran to keep up with Sadie's long strides, not at all intimidated by the cold reaction.

Without thinking, Sadie bent down and picked up the creature. Once she felt the warmth of the dragon against her hand, her little beating heart within her palm, a bond was created. Much like a mother holding a child, Sadie felt obliged to take care of the little life she had brought into the world.

"Until I can think of a better name for you, I shall call you Zero." As the words left her mouth, she felt a slight burning sensation. It began to grow rapidly so she switched Zero to other hand, afraid of dropping the tiny creature. Upon expecting her hand, she saw a small scar-like imprint on her palm in the shape of a dragon.

"It's like I'm in one of the sailor's stories," she looked at Zero just as the creatures began to nuzzle herself comfortably against Sadie and close its eyes to sleep.
Last edited by AliceInWonderland on Sat Oct 04, 2008 10:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
(21:15:34) Twilight_Maiya: Alice: I wanna be ya bottom chick o_o demote Saken

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Xersist on Sat Oct 04, 2008 1:57 am

The Dragon’s Den

After learning that Teralis had become a caretaker of a baby dragon, his life became more complicated. Having trouble feeding himself, he now has to feed a growing dragon.

He picked up the dragon after waking up. “I wonder If you are a boy or a girl” he lifted the dragon up looking for any way of telling its gender. There seemed to be no way to tell, (I’m using the idea based on that all reptiles have a flap that covers over there private area, So Teralis doesn’t know that piece of info) “Hmmm, well I’ll find out one of these days.” He puts him back down and looks at the black cloak. He picks it up and studies the cloth. It was still heaver than he expected, even without the dragon egg. He rubbed it one way, and then the other. He discovered that it was soft as silk on one side and coarse as jagged rocks on the other. What kind of material could do that? He could see a small medallion hung on two strings that closed up the hood. The medallion had the same image that was burned into his hand. I wonder if I was meant to have this dragon? He looked down to see that baby dragon sleeping on the snowy floor. Teralis repaired his shabby fireplace and added more wood. It roared through the night as Teralis sat quietly and stared into fire.

The fire always took him back to the day of his father’s death. He could remember the house was engulfed with flames, as two beasts flew into the empty sky. The flames burned everything, little if nothing was left. Teralis looked for days but could not find the body of his father. The only thing that was not touched by the flames was a leather box and his father’s blade. He collected ashes of the house, placed it in an urn, and buried it in the graveyard. With all the remains that he found inside a coffin. His fathers grave was placed aside his mother. Teralis stood still for hours, sinking in that he was alone now. He walked away from the graves and never went back. Still to this day the remains have never been touched.

Teralis came to and noticed that night had left and morning was rising over the Western shores. I guess I was out longer than I thought. He looked around to see where the baby dragon had gone. By the marking on the earth, it had made its way deep into the forest. It seemed to take hours for Teralis find the dragon, as he searched every tree and rock. He eventually found a small cave, The opening could only fit a small wagon. He ducked down and looked inside. A warm rush of air pushed out of the tiny cavern into Teralis’ face. I wonder if this place leads to a hot spring? He made his way inside, finding it was larger that he expected. He could see a large opening and the littlie black dragon leap around cavern nipping at the bats inside. “I’m guessing you’re hungry,” Terlais said as he stepped up to see that the base of the cave was deep and extensive. A small waterfall came in from the far side of the fissure as it poured into pools around the bottom of the cave. The small dragon jumped from island to island trying not to get wet. Teralis opened his hand out and touched the water. It was warm, Wow, this water has to come from the hot springs. He took off his clothes and jumped into one of the many pools.

The Dragon stared at him with curiosity. Leaping from island to island, he made his way toward Teralis. It got close enough for Teralis to pet its head. “I wonder how big you can get?” He rubbed his head until the dragon lost interest. The black dragon looked down at the water, afraid of what lied beneath it. Teralis grabbed the dragon lightly and dipped him in the water. The lizard squealed as Teralis slowly placed him in his lap under the water. Its head stuck over the surface while the rest of his body was submerged. The crying quickly stopped, as the dragon became familiar to the warm water. He let the baby dragon go as it swam quickly through the small pool. “You’re like a fish!” Enjoying itself, it started to blow hot bubbles. The pool started to heat up quickly. “Ah stop it.” Teralis grabbed the dragon and put him in a bigger pool. Teralis jumped back in to his pool, and relaxed. The black dragon swam thru the water, jumping in and out of the water. Teralis watched as the winged lizard, play in the hot springs. “I wonder what you eat?” A small fish swam by the dragon. Taking notice the baby dragon swam after it and bit the fish. Lifting up over the water the dragon quickly gobbled it down. “Well I guess that answer one question. But still, I don’t know your gender, and if you got a name.” The Dragon crawled out of the puddle and looked at Teralis. “Well you got to have a name. Um Seridoa,” The dragon shook its head. “Gershia, Neitru.. No, not that. Meshran. Esialas.” Every time the dragon shook its head. “Well those were girls’ names, so I guess that makes you a boy!” He dragon leapt up in acceptance. “Great now what’s your real name?” The baby dragon scuttled around and drank some of the hot spring water. While Teralis thought up a name. “Let’s see it has to be good, something about a dragon. Um Flyter, no that is dumb.” Suddenly the dragon burped, probably reaction caused to steamy water. A plum of fire came from his mouth and pushed the dragon back a few steps. The dragon squealed with delight. He drank some more water than gave another fiery burp. Teralis chuckled seeing that the dragon had found something that amused him. “I think I got a name for you.” He picked up the dragon and laid him on his lap again. “You like fire, that’s for sure. So its gotta be something about fire. Umm.. Teralis heard a voice in his mind. In was calm, and faint. The only word he could here was "Pyrocelleon”. “Huh, who said that?” he turned his head for side to side, but could not see anyone but the baby dragon. “Whoa, I must out of it.” He scratched his head, the thought burned into his mind, it caused him to feel and new sensation that he had never felt before. He looked down at the baby dragon. “Was it you? No that couldn’t happen. Could it? Well I’ve never met a dragon before.” He picked up the dragon again and stared into its pearl eyes. “Well what ever it was, it sounds like a name that fits you. Pyrocelleon, that gonna be your name.” The dragon squealed with joy as it pissed in Teralis’ face. ‘Aww man…. Well now I know you’re a boy.” He chuckled and put the dragon down. He washed his faced then got out off the pool. “Well I’m hungry, I’d better see if I can get some food.” He put his rags back on, but changed out the dirty grey cloak, for his new black cloak. When he put it on, he noticed that he felt lighter. “Huh, that’s strange; maybe that bath did me some good. I haven’t taken one in a long time.” Teralis walked toward the end of the cavern out into the western forest, Pyro followed him. Teralis took notice to the baby dragon. “Hey! No you stay here; I think now a days you can’t have a dragon with you walking through the streets. I will try to find a way so you go to town with me, without anyone seeing you.” Pyro softly whined, but quickly stopped. “Please, stay here.” He walked out of the cave into the woods.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TowerCorp on Sat Oct 04, 2008 10:56 am

Kerebina Nimraine was a pretty known travelling seller. He never used to be for more than a month in the same city, and the items he sold were rare, interesting and very expensive. He was very proud of his reputation.
He especially loved the fact that people recognized him in the streets. Well, he did everything to be noticeable, but it was always a pleasure to be greeted like he wasn't just a strange man that sold strange things.

Today was Kerebina's last day in town, because he just sold the last item in his listing, a shiny green gem, to a local rich man. With nothing to sell or to do, he was walking around, and he had lots of money to do what he wanted. He decided to buy new supplies of food for his journey, but, heading towards a shop, something interesting caught his eye not far from where he was. It was a destroyed house covered in plants, simple, but the place had a strange atmosphere. Hoping that nobody noticed him, Kerebina sneaked near the house. There was actually something strange. Between two rocks, there was a weak light, that seemed to come from a white, strange, egg shaped object.

He pulled the rocks away and revealed that the object looked like it was emitting light from inside. -strange...- he muttered. He was going to put the egg shaped thing in his bag, when he heard a creaking sound coming from it. He put it back on the ground, puzzled, as crackings started to appear on the smooth surface of the egg. He grabbed it before people could come and investigate and ran inside the destroyed house just seconds before the egg broke and a pair of little white horns appeared, followed by a small head with a long neck and wings, and a long tail. The creature was white, with pale yellow shades, and little black eyes. After a little of hesitation, the little creature walked off the egg and looked up at Kerebina, opening the mouth and making a little sound. He sighed. -Great! now this... thing thinks that i am his or her mother. Good job, Kerebina, good job.- The little creature cling ed o his clothes with its little claws still looking at him. He sighed and opened his empty bag, making sign to the strange animal to climb inside it, then he walked outside the destroyed house, heading to the nearest inn.
i was really, really hoping i didn't have to state this, but i see no one actually uses the brain here, so...
i'm a foreign. english is NOT my language.
i'm just 16 years old, and i learned it alone.
so please, before rating my posts with low grades, think about how difficult is for me to rp in a language that is not my language.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Xersist on Sat Oct 04, 2008 4:52 pm

The Eye of the Lord

Teralis slowly walked out of the cave. He could hear Pyrocelleon whining in the cavern bellow. “Don’t worry after I find something to eat, I'll figure a way so you can come out. Just stay there for now.” Teralis hoped that he understood as he walked out of the cave. We walk back into the town. The place was at a slow bustle, as workers and artisans walked from here to there. Merchants sold what they could, and there buyers haggled there prices. Teralis walked amongst the crowd slowly pacing himself, thinking how to get something to eat. Teralis had lived on the streets all his life since his father’s death. He had no mother as she died of a foul sickness at an early age.

Teralis had always lived off of other lives, like a parasite. Jumping from one host to another taking what he could.
He wound up walking into the farmers’ market, as this was his hunting ground. He would steal from shop to shop, and taking anything. He was good at talking to a shopkeepers and stealing their products when they were not looking. Guards knew about Teralis’ stealing, but felt it to be in bad taste if they put a homeless orphan in the dungeon. Just as long as he did not take too much, there was no problem. Even if Teralis was caught by one of the shopkeepers, the local guards would take him in, Tell him not to do it again, and then let him go. Through his many encounters with the guards, he found a friend in the Captain of the Guard. Resamius, A tall man, with long brown hair and grey eyes that seem to hold authority when he spoke. He wore the usual armor for the White-shore guard. An Iron chest plate, with all the trimmings, covering over it was a surcoat, which carried the emblem of the White dragon, laced in gold. He carried the a common shield, with the White Dragon upon it. On his back carried a bastard sword, but never once has Reamius used it in the public's eye.

Resamius slowly walked up with another guard at his side toward Teralis, with his arms crossed. “So, Teralis, I haven’t seen you in while, staying out of trouble.” Teralis looked at him with a tired face.
“Just working with the best I got.”
“You know you can always join the guard, your old enough now. You’ll be fed every night and have a place to stay.” That would have been tempting to Teralis, if Pryocelleon hadn’t came his way.
“Id rather Jump off the Devil’s Edge.” He said to him with a grin on his face. The Devil’s Edge was the highest cliff in White-shore, at the bottom lays jagged rocks, Someone who usual made such a comment, meant it. Ever since the overthrow of the kingdom it has been a place of morning. During the great upheaval the dragon riders had forced any soul in White-shore that stayed loyal to the former kingdom, to be pushed off the cliff’s face.
“Hmm, so proud… Well I can understand. Well speaking of brash actions, I was wondering, where ever did you get that cloak?” he grabbed the cloak studying the fabric. Teralis pulled it out of his grips.
“Someone gave it to me.”
“Gave, or stole?”
“Shut-up! You know I would never steal anything that wasn’t for my survival.” Resamius stood back and chuckled.
“We’ll one thing I do know about you is that you are a terrible liar, but right now you don’t seem to be lying.” Teralis gave him a glaring stair, hoping that he would just shut-up. “So, if you didn’t steal it then how did you come across it?”
“I told you, someone gave it to me, and I know what you are gonna ask me. No, I don’t know who gave it to me; someone just put it in my bowl while I was resting.”
“Hmm I see. Well so you don’t cause trouble.” He pulled a couple of coins out of his coin purse. Teralis took the coins from his hand and turned around to face the food stalls.
“You know you don’t have to watch me.”
“I know, but the way you act in normal society is just so damn funny.”
“Ahh shut up, you….” Teralis’ rude comment was cut off, as screaming could be heard from the distance.
“Great.” Resamius racing off with the other guard beside him. Teralis followed behind, being that he always was a curious person.

Resamuis could see a small group of thugs holding down a young woman dressed in normal rags. All the thugs were dressed in dark red coats, with black bottoms. On the back of the coats was a black eye, with dragon wings coming from either side. Reasmuis and Teralis knew who they were. The regular brand goons of a society called the Lord’s Eye; a form of Gaelrouse’s hand to keep the populous under control. By acting as a constant physical force, that is not bound by local laws. The Lord’s Eye works in cells through out the empire. Holding major units inside large towns and cities. The Lord’s Eye acts alone. Using whatever means they see fit to find any rebellious figures and take them out. This has also caused a rise in organized crime. By a form of ‘Funding’ the gang has used, litigation and extortion and several other means. Since the Lord’s Eye is a form of the Emperor’s rule, the local guards have little or no power against them.

One of the thugs held down the young woman, as the rest agged him on.
“Come on love, please, I don’t want to do this.” He said with a fake voice. “Either pay the money that you owe, or were going to... Well lets just say were going to have a few problems.” Resamuis walked up to the group. With his hand on his sword. The thug leader turned to him. “Resamuis, Captain of the Guard, I’m glad you’re here.” Resamuis stood still, keeping a cold face to thugs.
“What’s the problem here?”
“Problem, No Problem just that this lady here hasn’t paid her due to Lord’s Eye. She bought a mule from us awhile back, we asked that she pay it later since she didn’t have the money, or we would have to take it back. Sadly, we can’t take the mule back now, since it die of old age. So the only way to even things out is for her to pay us.”
“So, you gave her a lame mule.”
“No,” he lied “She just didn’t take proper care of it. So we have no other choice, but for her to pay her debt.”
“Is this true?” He looked at the young woman who lay on the dirt floor. She shook her head in fear, knowing that she would be struck again, if she said different.
“So if you wouldn’t mind telling this girl that, we need the money now.”
“How about this, I pay for part of the price of the mule, and she can pay later.”
“Alright, she has three months from today to pay the due,” he turned to the woman. “,Remember, that its 20 dragons and 3 wreks.”
“I’ll give you 5 dragons.” Resamuis said as he pulled the money out of his coin purse. The thug ripped the money out of his hand. Teralis then rushed up and pulled some of the money he had gotten from Resamuis. “Ill give you 2 dragons and 4 wreks” Resamuis rushed up to stop him “Teralis, stay out of this.”
“Why the hell cant I help?”
“Just shut-up.”, the thug leader took notice of Teralis’ outburst.
“So who is this little shit?” The thug said as he walked up to Teralis.
“This is just Teralis, he’s on orphan, living on the streets.”
“Is he? Well I think that this little bastard needs to learn his place.” The thug raised his leg back and kicked Teralis in the gut. Teralis fell over, as pain filled his body. He heard a scream come form his head yet he didn’t know where. It sounded the same as when he heard Pyro’s name called out to him. His mind seemed to freeze as he watch the thugs laugh in his face. “All talk is he.” The thug raised Teralis up and punched him in the chest. The same scream could be heard from inside his head. Teralis fell over and coughed up some blood. “Hey I like that cloak that you’re wearing, maybe I’ll take it.” He ripped the cloak off him and walked away. The thugs turned back to the woman with an evil smile. “And thanks to your friend’s outburst expect to pay 10 more dragons.”

Resamuis tried his best to help but Teralis shoved him away. The two guards walked off and leaving Teralis alone with the young woman. She walked up slowly to see if she could help.
“Are you alright.” She asked, but her words were blurred in Teralis ears, as the screaming in his head, would not stop. His eyes grew heavy and he soon passed out.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chronepsis on Sat Oct 04, 2008 10:30 pm

Wiping sweat off his brow with his forearm, Gabriel looks up to the sun, now half it's own height from the horizon. Daylight was fading, and he needed to rest the wagon team. He hated living a full day's travel from Foriil, the closest town, but he really enjoyed the books his father let him bring home with him. Leading the duns to a small clearing just off the path, he unhitches them and uses the hitch and wagon to make a small enclosure for them, not that they would run off. His father raised gentle horses, but the way his luck seemed to be running lately, it would be this, Gabriel's first solitary trip to the town for market that one of the duns would escape, and he would be accompanied by his father until the old man couldn't physically make the trip anymore.

As he often did, Gabriel let his mind wander as he brushed down the mares' coats and he began to think on all that had happened in the past week. First the old well had fallen in on itself while he was trying to draw water from it. Then the wagon broke an axle from one of the duns he was trying to shoe kicking the wheel joint. Finally, a new plow his father had just obtained from a neighboring farm had cracked on a rock Gabriel could have sworn he moved to the wall lining the edge of his family's land. Maybe his father was just trying to get him away from the farm before something serious happened.

Finishing with settling the horses for the night, Gabriel takes a roll of canvas from the wagon and is in the process of building a lean-to when he hears one of the mares whinny in terror. Moving through instinct, he sprints to the enclosure to calm the horses before they have a chance to bolt. He quiets the dun that whinnied and is looking around for the source of the disturbance when he noticed a rather large stone at the base of the tree nearest the enclosure. His eyes almost pass over it without notice, but his brain marks an incongruence and brings his eyes back to the stone.

I have never seen a rock the color of the midnight sky... Approaching slowly, he sees a small crack running down the surface of it, and jumps back when he sees a claw the size of his pinky tear through the outer surface. Watching in amazement, he sees a creature slowly emerge from what he now realized to be an egg, though what creature laid an egg that large, he had no idea. The thing looked reptilian in nature, but the thin wings that spread from it's back spoke of more. With wide eyes, Gabriel crawls closer to get a better look at the creature now unfurling itself in the fading evening sun.

Large, dark eyes look at Gabriel from an elongated face, and the sense of wonder seems to somehow grow, as though this were a very rare opportunity. The creature opens it's mouth to reveal rows of tiny, dangerous looking teeth, and lets out a yawn that very nearly pushes Gabriel back a pace. Chuckling, Gabriel smiles at the thing and moves right up next to it, placing his chin in his hand and looking directly into it's deep eyes. "You're a special little fellow, aren't you?" He tickles the dragon under it's chin and it makes a mid-pitched rumbling sound in it's throat, almost like a cat purring. Looking around, Gabriel sees no creature around that might offer this newborn protection, and so decides to keep it safe himself. "How would you like to be my new traveling companion, hmm? I can't very well talk to you without knowing what to call you. Lets see, what should it be..." Gabriel gets a sudden flash in his head. He didn't know what exactly it was, but he looked curiously at his newfound friend. "Rhavin?" The dark eyes seem to smile and he laughs and pats Rhavin on the head. "Alright then, Rhavin. Well, lets get some rest. We've got quite a distance to cover tomorrow."

Taking off his coat, Gabriel wraps Rhavin in it, and the dragon promptly falls asleep. He smiles at Rhavin and beds himself down for the night, curling his body around his coat and the dragon and quickly falling into a deep, and very odd sleep.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Driney on Sun Oct 05, 2008 7:31 am

"Come on. Just once." A man said in the background. Ariandra shook her head. "Please? Come on Ari, you know what I want. It's harmless. I wouldn't ever hurt you." The man kept coaxing, his voice as thick as honey. And about as thick with lies. Ari shook her head again and looked down the alley. She was cornered. Stuck. Ari's cat like green eyes stung with tears, and her chest felt heavy. She leaned against the wall, the fear spreading across her face as the man came nearer still. "Come on honey." The man resumed his coaxing.
"No! Stop!" Ari screamed, her lyrical voice breaking on the sound that came out of her mouth.
The man sighed, knowing that he was getting no where with her by coaxing. He sprinted lightly up to Ari and wrapped his grubby arms around. Ari sobbed as the man held her closer trying to bring his face closer to hers. She wailed, an unearthly sound coming out of her mouth.
"Come on Ari. Quiet now." He coaxed. Seeing as that wasn't going to happen he wrapped his hands in her hair and was about to kiss her as he heard feet rumble on the ground. "We'll start this again, later." His voice now rusty with lust whispered into her ear. Then he ran, out of the alley, two men behind him quickly catching up. When the two men reached him, they punched him angrily. The coward went down with one blow. Then the two men retraced their steps. They looked down the alleyway, and noticing Ari they ran towards her.
"Ari!" One of the men yelled. Ari broke into sobs, as her brothers came towards her. They watched in silence as she slid down the wall. Then they sat next to her as she cried. "It's okay now." Her oldest brother crooned, used to dealing with his own wife. Her brothers each placed an arm around her and lifted her scant weight off the ground. Then they walked, holding her up. When they got to the house in the country, a few miles away from White-port they set her down. Still holding her up, the escorted her into the house and transferred her into the hands of their mother. Then they quickly kissed their mother goodbye and went into the part of the house where their father was.

Ari cried as her mother held her, her warm hands rubbing her back. She was too old for this, at 17, but this was special. From over her sobs she heard angry words of her brothers.
"That pig..." Floated out along with a, "how can you...At night? Why would you make her... that pig?" Soon Ari quieted and she slid out of her mother's arms and onto a heavily upholstered . Her mother stood up from her chair and rang a bell. Then a maid wandered in with tea. She quickly served Ari and her mother before backing out of the room. Ari sipped her tea, calming down a little. "Okay Araindra. You shall take a bath and and then go for a short walk outside." Her mother ordered, treating Ari like a child. Ari just nodded. Ari finished her tea just when a maid stepped in.
"The bath is drawn." She said before pulling out of the room. Ari stood up, and nodded to her mother before walking out of the tea room into a long hall. She turned into her room and then into the bathroom adjoining it. Shedding her clothes and standing naked in the large steamy room she shivered before slowly climbing into the large bath. The water sunk over her shoulders, changing the shape of the scar that scraped along from under her right breast, to her sharp left hip. Ari leaned her head back, her long brown hair floated in the water. She submerged it, scrubbing the dirt away. Then once she was done with her hair she washed her body, then washed her face, until her skin was milky white again. She then stood up and a maid ran forward, wrapping a robe around her small, thin body. Ari sat down, and the maid worked the thick tangles out of her hair, made by the man attempting to kiss her. When the tangles were out, the maid picked a flowing white gown and put it next to Ari. The maid then left the room. Ari took a deep breath before stepping into the fresh gown. She tied a white cloak around her throat before stepping outside from her room. She breathed in the air and slowly started walking, Ari was looking up at the sky, when she tripped. She fell on her knees, and looked around for the cause of her fall. Her eyes fell on a large deep blue. She sat up breathing heavily. She gasped as she saw a deep crack in it. She'd broken it. How careless could she get, hurting a little defenseless egg. She picked it up, her eyes watering. Suddenly a dark blue scaly tail bunched out from in the egg. Ari gasped again and dropped the egg, widening the crack. She watched in slight horror and amazement as a baby dragon popped out.
"Wha... Wha... What?" She stuttered like an idiot. The blue dragon cocked his head at her. She didn't know why but she could tell that this dragon was a he. The Dragon then climbed onto her hand. Her eyes widened and he nuzzled her. She didn't know why but she felt the need to keep him hidden, and to take care of him. Swiftly she picked him up and walked back to her room. The dragon hidden in her large sleeve. Then she locked herself into her room.
Last edited by Driney on Sun Oct 05, 2008 10:51 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Xersist on Sun Oct 05, 2008 7:42 am

(Hey just to let everyone know that Heaven will be having trouble with her internet, and she will not be on for some time, so she asked me to take care of the site until she gets back. Please read my posts, if you have any questions on what the dragons are meant to do, and what each rider should learn in time.)

Touching into the Mind

Teralis awoke lying on a wide bed, tucked in tightly. He found himself in a small bedroom. Pulling the covers back, Teralis studied the room. A warm grey brick fireplace was at his side. Embers burned like sleeping fires. The walls were paneled with cherry wood. The floor was matted with dirt and fur. It had been awhile since Teralis had stayed inside of a home. He did not like the idea of living where he was not wanted, or felt to be a burden. Teralis got of the bed pushing the sheets further down. He looked down on his clothes, to see that his black cloak was hanging by his shoulders. “How did happen, I thought that thug had taken it.” He grabbed the cloak and studied the fabric again. It still had the same feel, with the coarse and soft cloths on separate sides. As Teralis studied the cloak, he could hear the sound of the bedroom door opening. He turned to see the young woman standing in the doorway. She smiled as she walked into the room. She had a wet rag in her hands as she stepped up to Teralis. She was about the same height as him and had blonde hair. A rare site in the northern regions, as it was more often to find brown and black haired people living in this area. Her eyes were light brown and soft, and so was her skin.

She lifted the rag up to rub Teralis face. He felt it to be weird at first, but then relaxed, knowing that she meant no harm. As she rubbed the dirt of Teralis’ face, he wondered who she was and how she was able to carry to him all the way to her.
“My name is Kasira.” She said bluntly. Terlais was taken back, about how she knew what he was thinking.
“How did you know what I was thinking?” he asked as he stood back near the bed.
“I learned from my brother. He taught me how to listen to thing that I could not hear by normal ears.”
“Wait, your brother?” She gestured her head to a nearby window. Teralis looked outside to see a strong built man sat on a bench gazing out into the farm fields. “How did he teach you?”
“He didn’t really teach me, He sat still like he is right now and told me to listen, and I did. He told me to sit still, and feel the world around me. Feel every rock and pebble. Understand that the world has a motion all its own.”
“How did that teach you?”
“I guess over time while I sat there I learned to reach out for something that wasn’t really there.”
“That sounds kind of silly. I mean reaching for something that’s not there.”
“That’s not what I meant. I mean as if something that you cannot touch. It’s more like an idea or belief.”
“An idea?’
“Yes, when you reach for something beyond yourself, you start to become something more.”
“That sounds pretty philosophical if you ask me,” Teralis said as he sat on the bed. “Well then what happened next?” Kasira sat down beside him with her index finger on her chin, thinking.
“Well, I guess my brother knew when I was ready, so he touched my wrist, and like that I could hear his voice in my head. I thought I was going crazy. But then my brother said he was glad to hear my voice again…”
“Wait? What do you mean ‘glad to hear your voice again?’ ”
“Oh... well my brother has been deaf for some time now, and ever sense he has been born he was blind. His hearing was taken after the kingdom was overthrown, by the dragon riders.”
“What happened?”
“Well before all this it wasn’t just my brother. I had another brother, and my mother and father were here too. After the kingdom was overthrown, my brother and my parents help rebel against the dragon riders. They fought along side the White dragon to keep this place free of Gaelrouse's rule. However, they ended up failing. They were imprisoned until they there execution day. All three of them were pushed off the cliff of Devil’s Edge. I never saw them after they were captured, but even as a young girl, I knew that they were going to be killed.”
“What did you and your brother do.”
“What could we do, I was ten and my brother was only sixteen when they took his hearing!” She covered her mouth and sat quietly on the bed. Teralis body seemed to fill with anger. Wondering who could do something like that.
“Who did that?”
“Two dragon riders, they used some kind of spell on him. They came after they killed the White Dragon.” Teralis could remember that day as well as anybody. His house was encircled in flames as two dragons flew off into the night sky.
“, They thought that my brother knew something about the rebellion. Where they were hiding, or where the rebels’ supplies were coming from. He did know anything, but still they tortured him. Since he had lost his sight, they attacked what he loved the most, his ability hear extremely well. Every day the riders would cast the spell, slowly taking away his hearing, until he became completely deaf. After that, they left my bother. Leaving him with nothing. No sight, no hearing. He is trapped inside his own body. The only way he could understand the world around him was touch. He could talk to me, but he could never hear what I was saying. I guess over time he learned how to hear thoughts, well at least mine.”
“So I’m guessing that he’s the one who brought me here.”
“Yes, I lead him to you and he took you back here.” Teralis stood up and walked toward the window staring at the man.
“What’s his name?”
‘You’re brother, what’s his name?”
“Oh, it’s Mikalo.”
“Can I see him?”
“Uhh, sure.” Kasira got up off the bed, and escorted Teralis outside.

Teralis could see Mikalo still sitting at the bench staring into the open blue. His eyes where baby blue, probably form the lack of sight. He was a blonde haired as her sister. He had a strong built, with muscles surrounding him from head to toe. He sat quietly as Teralis and Kasira walked up to him.
“Who’s there?” Even tough he looked tough, his voice was soft and kind. Teralis looked surprised that the man could tell that there was someone coming.
“I thought you said he was deaf?”
“He is, but his sense of touch has is very advanced, he can feel things that you and could never notice. Come sit by him.” She gestured him sit at spot by Mikalo
“Answer me? Sister is that you?” the large man said as he turned his head in different directions. She placed her hand upon his and sat by him.
“Ahh sister, I glad it is you. Has the visitor awoken? He must be as he is sitting by me.” Teralis was amazed by how well the man knew his surrounds without seeing or hearing.
“What’s his name…Teralis…Hmm.” He turned his head toward Teralis. His blue eyes even though could not see, seamed to stare into his soul. “Thank you for saving my sister, I hope that you are doing well… Whats that?” While Teralis sat he could see Kasira and Mikalo communicating in way he could never understand. He would node his head and so would she. Each responding to one another without a word spoken. “So my sister says that you want to understand how I can communicate, just give me shake of your head telling me yes or no, I can tell what you are saying.” Teralis nodded his head; he wanted to understand what could let the power to speak into ones mind. “Well my sister has already told you my story of how I lost my hearing. Well ever since the contact with the Riders, have been able to sense energy. Normal or Magical. I learned over time that the riders would speak to each other through thought, and so the same with there dragon.” Teralis held that to his mind. So riders can speak to their dragon through thought. That’s what I heard in the cave. That was not just me thinking, that was Pryocelleon calling out to me. Teralis felt dumb, he lead to the assumption that what ever he feels, so does Pryo. That’s why I heard screaming! I have to go back to the cave as soon as I can. However, I can’t leave these people right now. Hold on Pyro.
“Teralis are you alright.” Kasira said looking at him strangely.
“Maybe he just a little dazed after getting hit in the gut. Ha ha ha” Mikalo said as he got up form the bench. Kasira keep her hand on her brother as they walked into the fields.
Teralis walked up beside Kasira. “Does he need help walking around?”
“Not at all. Though it is a lot easer” Mikalo interjected.
“But I thought you couldn’t hear?”
“I can’t, but my sister can. Your thoughts give out more than you think. Once she holds me or I hold her, our minds become linked. Whatever she sees, I see. What ever she hears I hear. It is a bond that few have ever felt, besides the dragon riders.”
“So dragon riders and their dragon sense what each other are sensing at ever moment.”
“Well not completely. See if I let go.” He lets go of Kasira and walked over to him slowly. “I break that bond, and I am as lame as any bat. So goes the same for the riders, except our bonds do not match the power of the dragons. They can communicate from miles away. If their senses are strong enough.” Kasira walked up to Mikalo, for him to hear Teralis.
“How do you know so much about dragons?”
“As you can tell I’m a very perceptive person.” He laughed to himself and walked over to the house, With Kasira holding on to his arm. Mikalo looked up at the house and gazed a few minutes until Teralis walked beside him. “I think word can not express my gratitude for you saving my sister. She is every thing to me, not that she is my eyes and ears. But that we are the only ones left here, And she seem to be the only one that really cares for me. However, you have shown that same kindness. You offered to help, when no one asked for it, you wanted to do what ever you could to help. Even if you failed. Hold on I want to give you something.” He let go of Kisira and walked into the house. Teralis looked at Kisira.
“Is he going to be ok?”
“Like I said he has an advanced level of touch. He knows his way around this farm better than I do.”
“I really don’t want you guys to waste things on me; really I don’t need any thanks.”
“Don’t worry about it, and no you are not a waste. Any person who is willing to help another is not a waste. Anyways if my brother offers something you’d better accept it.”
Teralis sighed and did not try to make things a big deal, so he sat down by the bench and waited for Mikalo to return.

Mikalo came back; in his arms was a large assortment of clothes. “Here,” He said as he handed them to Teralis. “I Hope you take use to these.” Teralis studied his gifts. He could see two fur blankets. A white shirt and blue bottoms, and a pair of leather working gauntlets. In addition, at the bottom, he could see a dark brown leather vest, with iron bolts, and upon the breast was an Iron imprint of White Dragon. Teralis could find that on the back were five belts that came across the vest. The belts were sown on the right side, swung over the back, and tied down on the left side. The color was impressive alone, It was dark almost auburn. Teralis looked back up to Mikalo with a face gratitude. “Thank you, but I don’t deserve these gifts; I caused you guys a lot of trouble. Now you have to pay 10 more dragons to pay off the mule. You should sell these things to a merchant; he would give a pretty penny for this stuff.

“No, no… that would have no point to it. I feel it is better to give than trade. Anyways no one would buy from a blind man and his sister. They would probably take advantage of us anyway. No, I rather give these things and put them to good use, rather than a con man take from me. Keep them. Besides, that vest is too small for me. Just make sure you take care of it. It was my brother’s. It means a lot to me.”

“I sure will.” Teralis said with confidence. Kisira walked up slowly to the men.
“Let me take your things, I want to see you try on that vest.”
“Uhh, alright.” He gave her the clothes and blankets, but kept the vest. He took of his cloak and put the vest over his shirt. Kisira ran up to him after she put the things on the bench.
“No, no. That is not how you do it. The vest is suppose to be put on the inside your shirt when you are in White-port. When you leave, you put it on the outside. That is the tradition.”
“Oh, well, alright then.” He took of his shirt and put on the vest. She ran back to the pile, grabbed the leather gauntlets, and handed them to Teralis. This vest would be a prefect way for Pryocelleon to get around. He could just hang on the back; these belts will help him stay on. He put them on and got a feel for the new material. It was light, yet sturdy. He jumped up and down and lean for side to side. Getting use to feel of the leather, Kisira sat down and stared at Teralis.
“You look just like my eldest brother. Well, if he had black hair.” Mikalo walked up and touched her hand. “He sure does.” Teralis turned around with a tiny grin on his face.
“No Problem.” Mikalo looked at him a smiled.
“Well I have to get going.”
“Why, you don’t have anywhere to stay. Do you?”
“Well yes and no. Anyways I got to go and meet someone.”
“Alright then, just come back ok.”
“I Will, and I promise that I will help you pay off your debt.”
“You don’t have to do that.” Mikalo said as her lifted up his free hand
“I know, but I’ll do it anyway.” He smirked as he grabbed his clothes and his gifts and walked back toward the Western Woods.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TowerCorp on Mon Oct 06, 2008 10:17 am

As soon as kerebina entered in the inn, he realized that the little creature was probably ripping his backpack from the inside. Despise its cute look, it had incredibly sharp claws.
He paid for the best room and walked up the stairs. The room was sunny, with a big window, a comfy looking bed, a soft carpet and some plants hanging from the ceiling. He closed the door behind him and let the creature roll out of the backpack on the carpet. It looked very confused, and strangely, Kerebina felt the same way. He patted the creature's head and knee led down next to it. -I'm sure i know what kind of creature you are, but i can't remember...- He tried to recall the book where he saw an illustration that reminded of the little creature he found. The unnatural confusion in his head didn't helped until he looked at the creature's little black eyes and realized. -A dragon... You're a dragon child...- He panted. The creature looked more confused, and he realized that they were just scaring each other. He patted its head and held the creature close to him, speaking with a reassuring voice. -I'm sorry that i scared you, little one, i was just...very surprised.- After a little, they both calmed down. He tried to put the little dragon down, but it grabbed his shirt with the claws and didn't let him go. He took advantage of the situation to look at its underbelly. -So you're a female, huh? I guess it's appropriate... I'll have to find you a name...- He crossed his legs and the dragon sat on his lap. -What about Sasha?- She didn't looked enthusiast about it, so he decided it wasn't OK. -Rocky, then?- she made a screeching sound of disapproval. He sighed. -Listen, if you was human like me, you'd have to accept every name i want to give you. Look at me, do you think i deserved being called with a girl's name? Kerebina ISN'T a manly name, OK?- The dragon looked very amused by the situation. He sighed. -What about Nadira?-
the dragon looked up at him. Kerebina felt suddenly happier. -So from now on you'll be Nadira. I have to sleep now, then I'll go and buy some food for us both. OK?- He laid down on the bed and Nadira curled up in a ball under his armpit. Their breathe harmonized while they fell asleep in the same moment.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Heaven on Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:31 pm

Mia looked down and said to the hatchling," Others? As in there are more of you?"

The baby dragon stood up and looked at her," Well yeah, dragon's don't just lay one egg.Hopefully my brothers and sisters have found riders...."

"Riders?"Asked Mia.

The baby dragon ignored her and climbed up her bed post and looked out of the window,"What are you doing?" Asked Mia.

" lets go outside." Said the dragon.

Mia shrugged and got up,She got on the bed and opened the window. Mia then climbed out the window and grabbed the baby dragon.Once they were both outside she set the dragon down on the ground," What am I going to call you?" She said as she followed the baby dragon out to the field.

" I don't know what should my name be?"Asked the baby dragon.

Mia continued to follow the dragon to the field watching him jump on rocks and stumble around. His feet seemed to be a bit to big for him. Mia could hear every time he took a step." How about Drake?"

" Sure." Replied the dragon as he stopped and got low to the ground.

Mia stopped and stood still.Drake gave off a low rumble in his throat that sounded like a growl in the development. Then suddenly he ran into the bushed out of sight. Mia stayed where she was and watched the bush wiggle for a moment and heard a squeal that sounded like to was Drake.Then Drake came out from the bush licking his lips," Mmmm..." He walked over to Mia and continued," That was good."

"Eeew, what was that?"Asked Mia.

"A rat who I been itching to eat ever since I been in the field, he pooped on my egg twice..."Said Drake as he laid in the dirt and yawned.

Mia sat down and said," Well I guess I don't have to worry about feeding you." She noticed Drake had yawned and said," Where will you sleep?"

"Well your bed is really soft..." Drake then got up and looked up at the sky as night started to take it's place in the sky.He then started to walk back up to the house. Mia's father could be seen far off in the distance with his horse and supplies.Mia got up and followed Drake back up to her window. She picked him up and set him back on her bed then she climbed back in on her own.

Mia sat at the dinner table thinking about what Drake was getting into in her room and how long she would be able to keep this secret from her parents.Her parents passed the food around the table taking their share, when they were done her father set the salad bowl down and watched Mia take the first few bites of her food both her parents said nothing and watched her. They quickly glanced at each other for a moment then her father cleared his throat," Mia, I found you a suitable husband for you."

Mia spit her food out and said," What?!"

Her father closed his eyes for a moment and then said," His name is Lucas. His father owns a farm up north of here."

"Dad you can't be serious..."

" Yes Mia I am, you will like him once you meet him."

"No I know who he is and he is a very arrogant boy who likes to make fun of people who are different then him. There is no way I am marrying him."Protested Mia.

Her father slammed his fist down on the table and said," Damn it Mia you are to old to be feeding off of us! You need to find your own family! You will marry him and you will make us proud."

Mia threw her plate of food and said," Fine! I won't feed off of you anymore! I will never marry him!"Mia stopped off to her room and slammed the door. Drake was sound asleep in her bed, he jumped as the door shut.Mia threw herself on the bed forcing Drake to move over, she then grabbed a pillow and screamed.Drake carefully walked up the bed and over to her and nudged her," Go away..." She said to him.

"What is wrong?" He asked.

Mia took her face out of the pillow and tears could be seen falling from her eyes," They want me to marry a boy I don't love, My father is forcing it...He said I can't keep feeding off of them any longer and that I need to find my own family."As Mia repeated the events she started to get angry.She jumped up and grabbed her shoulder bag and started to stuff if full of clothes and anything else she might need.

"What are you doing?"Asked Drake.

"We are leaving this place now." Drake scrambled around trying to keep up with her.He reach the window the same time she did.Mia jumped out of the window then grabbed Drake and set him in her bad. He laid in the bad with his head poking out," Hold on this will be a long walk."

"Where are we going?"Asked Drake.

"Not sure yet."Replied Mia as she made her way across the field and into the woods.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Xersist on Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:39 pm

(This one is shorter than the rest, but its my fav so far)


Teralis walked through the brush and bushes of the Western Forest. A burst of artic wind pushed into frozen trees and bark. Hitting his face, the wind blew hard and fast, keeping Teralis at an angle, trying to move forward. “One of these days I’ll be your master.” He said in spite. Teralis was cold, rather yet annoyed. Living on the Northern Spike, Teralis has gotten us to the cold. With his thick skin and ability to endure, the only thing he hated was the angry coastal winds. It was early fall surprisingly, in southern regions leaves would change from Green to Red and Yellow. However, in White Port, the trees stayed either green or black all year round.

During the years of the White dragon, its fiery flames would warm this harsh land. Trees and plants of every class and breed would grow in this ever-thriving land. However, since the death of White Dragon, the land has suffered. They say the day the Dragon died, the Earth wept the only way it knew how. The Trees died, Flowers weltered and never grew again. Grass became hard and an ugly yellow. Most of the trees of Western Woods, in White Port died and there bark turned to a bleak black. The only trees that survived were the Evergreens; keeping a constant depressing mood, much like the town itself.

As Teralis made is way to the cave his torso started to hurt, the more he stepped his body ached, gradually he made his way to the cave, but his body could take it no longer, pushing thru the pain he made it to the opening where he left Pyrocelleon. He could hear faint murmurs in his head calling his name. ‘Teralis…Teralis…please...’ he walked faster toward the middle of the cave looking around for the baby black dragon. He saw Pyro laying on the bare rock, whimpering. His wings were opened out as he lay there in what looked to be a great deal of pain. Teralis slowly worked his way toward the dragon, knelling down almost collapsing as he picked up the dragon in his arms. Pyro whimpered as it shook, Teralis eyes darted trying to find the problem. He lifted his free had up and placed upon on the dragons back. He eyes burned and watered as the pain seem to last forever. He keep pressing, looking for the source of the pain. He made his way to the dragon’s underbelly. He slowly pushed down as a surge of pain struck stuck his stomach, and the baby dragon squealed as well. Pyro stared at Teralis hoping for some help. “What…What is this Teralis…?” the dragon said to Teralis’ mind. “What…is this thing I’m feeling?”, Teralis quietly panted as he spoke
“That’s...that’s… pain…ugghh.. You will feel that a lot in lif…ugh life…”
‘Why? Why do we have to feel this…pain?’
“Its…the thing…that tells us …a lot of things…ughh... tells us to stop when doing something…wrong… something that we might regret…ahh…things we shouldn’t…shouldn’t do…and some… sometimes it tells us when we need...need to grow up. Tells us that life is all about pain, and hurting… but the way we grow up is to… is to… Get up!” Teralis stepped up; although his body ached, he kept his focus. “And…get over…this pain that we feel…ughh.” Teralis knee feel to the floor, he looked at the wall, keeping his mind set on standing. “We…need to get up and...Get over this pain, that’s what growing up is all about… Getting over the things that hurt...getting over the things you fear…getting over the things you regret!” He rose up screaming, as the pain surge through his body. He finally got up painting heavily “That’s what pain…pain…is” he quickly dropped to the floor while keeping Pryo from being crushed. “But right not, the best way to get over this is just to rest.” He quietly panted as Pyro crawled to him.
‘What’s is regret, Teralis?’ Teralis could only chuckle hearing the dragon naive question.
“It a thing that you know you shouldn’t have done.” He chuckled some more. “Just like right now.”
‘Like meeting me?’ Pyro said to him sadly, Teralis chuckled again.
“No, no never. I would never regret a person who cared for me, or needed me. No one has done that for me in…a long time.”
‘I care about you.’ The dragon said as he walked up to him
‘I know…I know.’ He thought quietly as he drifted of in to a heavy sleep. Pryo looked at him then licked his face, he did not respond, so the dragon crawled under Teralis and fell asleep as well.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TowerCorp on Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:59 pm

The first time Kerebina heard the voice he thought he was dreaming. It was a shy, little voice sounding in the bottom of his mind. It was completely strange, yet somewhat familiar. He realized that he was just half asleep. He could feel Nadira's warm body next to him, and her small head peacefully placed on his chest.
the voice talked again, shy.

hold me...

He opened his eyes, completely waking up. Nadira moved her head and stretched her wings, scratching his cheek.
-Did you heard it?- he asked without a real reason. The dragon looked up at him with her little smart eyes.
Is Ker-Re-Bi-Na afraid?
He looked around confused. It was like the voice came from inside his head. -T...this voice... Where is it coming from?- He felt his senses tingling and looked at Nadira, still curled up on the bed. She was looking at him.
You can hear me. We're linked now.
He almost screamed. The dragon talked to him. The little white creature curled on his bed was the source of the voice.'s impossible! You're... I mean, not even humans can do those things!- He felt incredibly confused.
Do you think that humans are so superior to us? They make us dragons slaves.
Kerebina sighed. -I see now. I won't leave you alone, but... I mean... What can i do? I mean, it's not safe to go around with a dragon... And I'm sure you won't take too much time to grow like other dragons.-
Agreed. The time we take to reach the adult form is shorter than you humans. But we aren't so much different from human childrens.
-What do you mean?- he asked. He was sitting on the carpet, and Nadira jumped down the bed and crouched down at his feets. He noticed that her scales seemed longer from the day before, but maybe it was just his impression.
I mean that we need care. Love. Protection. Everything human children's needs.
-You sure speak very well for being just a day old. I learned to speak when i was two years old...-
I said that. We grow faster. But i admit that i might be an exception even among other dragons, for this.
-This makes me think of something...- He said, walking to the window. He remembered the book about dragons he read when he was living in the desert. -Usually, newborn dragons are bigger than you. So, maybe, you were gifted with a great intelligence, but in return you have a smaller and maybe weaker body than the other dragons. I think.-
Nadira nodded. You're right. I may be more intelligent than the average dragons, but i am weak. You see, i even have troubles walking. She moved towards him and fell pathetically. This is why i need you. Why I don't want you to leave me. I would die alone. Kerebina smiled and wrapped his arms areound the dragon's little body. -Of course i'll protect you. You probably are the most interesting thing that happened in my life, and i sure don't have a boring life!- He sighed and looked at her. Thank you, kerebina Nimraine, great merchant, proud heart. He smiled. -Don't call me like that. We're friends, aren't we?- Nadira looked up at him. That's right. We're friends.
He smiled again. -And now, let's get some food! jump in the backpack!- He said.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Xersist on Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:58 am

A Baker’s Barter

Teralis rolled of, his body still filling heavy. His eyes peaked open once again. “Ugh, what happened?” The hatchling jumped down from a small rock, leaning his head down to Teralis.
‘You fell asleep.’
“I see.” The young man got up and sat his legs crossed over. The hatchling jumped up into his lap, while Teralis scratched his head, the baby dragon cuddled and cooed, as the boy’s finger traveling up and down its neck. “How long was I asleep?”
“The sun set two times, and so did the moon.”
“Two whole days!” Teralis yelled as he slapped his head.
“Is that what they call them?”
“Yes.” Teralis said with a chuckle, before his stomach started to growl. Two days of sleep, meant two whole days without eating.
‘I see you’re hungry.’
“Ya,” The boy still couldn’t get over the fact that he was talking to this little black creature, bur he assumed that over time he would adjust. The boy got up, picking up the dragon, carting it over to look at the bundle that Mikalo gave him.
“Whats this?”
“Some gifts from friends.”
“So I see.”
“Come look at this.” Teralis put the hatchling down on a rock, putting them eye level with one another. Teralis pulled out the leather vest,
“What is it?” The baby asked leaning forward. Teralis smiled as he opened the belts, and then took off his shirt. He then put the vest on. He turned his back toward the dragon,
“Alright now, jump on my back.”
“What?’ the black lizard ask turning its head to the side.
“Just jump on.”
“Ok,” The baby dragon leapt forward and clung to Teralis’ back. The boy was expecting tiny claws to come in and stink into his sink. But thankfully he didn’t feel anything, only that the dragon put a slight amount of weight on his shoulder. The baby lifted up his head, and looked around Teralis’ shoulders. “What is this suppose to do?”

“Hold on.” Teralis then grabbed the belts one at a time, tying the hatchling down to his back, while also letting the dragon’s wings poke out so they could hang freely.
“So you’re going to carry me.” The dragon asked, looking around from Teralis’ height.
“So you can come with me to town.”
“Ahh, I see.” The baby squealed with joy knowing that he could leave the cave now. Teralis put on his black shirt over the vest and the dragon. The hatchling poked its head out of the neck hole, still looking about.
Lastly the boy put the black cloak on, covering his head, and the dragon. “Now don’t let anyone see you, stay down. If we are caught, I might not see you again.” Those were the boy’s nice words, meaning that they would be killed.
“Alright.” The Pyro lowered his head down, so where it sunk back down into the shirt.
Before walking out of the cave, the boy grabbed the leather gauntlets and fastened them to his hands. He placed his hand firmly on a stalactite, looking out to the Western Ocean. Wind gusts pushed from the shore and into the cave, throwing Teralis’ cloak upwards.

Setting out towards the town, he made a B line to the market place. He kept his hood up while he browsed the stands, looking for new faces, that he could con off some food from. Pyro peeked his head out, looking around at the stores.
‘So many people.’
‘Where should we go.’
‘We, I thought you ate in the cave.’
‘I did, but I’m still hungry.’
‘You’re always hungry.’ The hatchling squeaked quietly, and smiled.

Teralis eyes glanced at a bread stand not too far, of from the nearby bakery. But the dragon had other plains, glaring at the meat stand.

Teralis looked walked up to the stand looking up at the breads. The hatchling leaned his body around and snuck his head through Teralis’ shirt sleeve. Peaking his head through the cloak, Pyro eyes filled with greed as saw the slab of sheep lying on the stand.
The baby dragon lunged out and snagged a bite from the slab. The shopkeeper glanced down to see the black muzzle bite off the chuck of meat.
“What tha.” The head quickly traveled back behind Teralis’ shoulder. “Hey you.” The Butcher said, pulling Teralis over. “What’s the big idea, your hand just bit some of my meat.”
“Huh?” Teralis said, with a confused look on his face.
“Don’t play dumb.” The shopkeeper reached out for the boy’s hand. “You stole some of my meat.” Pulling the hand from out under the cloak, the butcher was surprised to find it to be a normal, and with nothing inside of it.
“What is your problem,” Teralis said pushing the man away. The shop keep replied,
“I’m sorry, please do not be mad, I am old and I guess I was seeing things. Here.” The butcher pulled out a knife and cut the piece of the meat that was bitten off. He wrapped it up in paper and handed it to the boy. “Here, looks like some dog bit this piece anyways; I couldn’t sell it if I tried, here.”
“Thanks.” Teralis took the meat and put into a bag that was tied to his belt. The baby dragon moaned wanting another piece.
‘Awh. I wanted some more’
‘I saw what you did.’ He closed the bag up and then looked at the bakery again. “Three loafs please.”

The baker turned around, looking at Teralis. “Ah, I see the beggar boy has come to steal from me again.”
“No, I got money.” Teralis said pulling out some coin from his pocket.
“I bet you stole that too. And whats with the nice clothes, did you steal them aswell.”
“Shut-up and take the money, I didn’t steal any of it.”
“Alright that will be one dragon and two wreks.” The boy payed up and took the loafs of bread and shoved them in his bags. “So how did you get those nice piece of wool on you, and that leather couldn’t have been cheap either.”
“Got it from Milako.”
“The crippled lad, the one that lost his hearing since the…. Well you know.”
“The same.”
“I was wondering how he was doing.” The baker talked on about how he knew of the sister and the family, while Teralis looked on. As they talked, a small gang of the Lord’s Eye walked by taking notice of Teralis and the bakery.

One of the beastly thugs shoved the boy into stand, as he reached to grab a bagel. “Street Rat!” the man said, as he took a bite of the bread and walked on. Teralis dropped to the ground, filling with the same pain that he did before. As well as Pyro.

The baker rushed down and helped Teralis up. “Are you alright.”
“Ya, I’m fine.”
“Damn Red Demons, their sucking away what little life this town has.”
“So I’m guessing you hate them too.”
“Hate is too kind of a word for what I feel inside.” Teralis whipped the dirt on his shoulder, as the baker picked up some of the fallen loafs.
“What did they do to you.”
“It’s what they stole. They stole a medallion from me, which was my father’s. It meant everything to me. But now it’s in the hand of Yugan, the man that knocked you out a while back, when you tired to protect Mikalo’s sister.”
“You saw that?”
“Heard about it, your act seemed to stir up the town.”
“Why?” Teralis looked surprised; He never knew that he was noticed because of his act.
“Ya did what many of us wanted to do, stand up and face those monsters.”
“Well, at it did was get me passed out, knocked out on the ground.”
“Ya, maybe your right.” The baker picked up the last loaf, and placed it on the stand. Teralis thought for a moment, thinking about how maybe he could help again.
“So what do you know about Yugen, and his men?”
“He patrols around the market, it’s his area of control. You see there are about 10 gang leaders for each area of the town. Each one takes up control of a part of a town. Some are larger than others. There is a interior power struggle for territory. Yugen has one of the most profitable territories in White-port, being that he can subjugate the traders and merchants here.”
“I see. So is there a leader of these gangs.”
“Of course, He’s an Earl by the name of Jeral. No one sees him much, though, but he basically controls the Lords Hand in White Port. But he’s none of my worries; I just want revenge on that Yugen, and get mi medallion back.” Teralis smiled as he heard the baker speak in anguish.
“What would you be willing to do if I get your medallion, and get back at Yugen.” The baker started to laugh hysterically as he listened to the boy proposal
“You, you . ha ha ha. You, you little thing, you think you could take down Yugen, and get my medallion back.”
“What if I can chicken-shit” The young man said with anger as he pulled his fist back.
“Then I guess I’ll have to give you bread whenever you like, until the day I die. You just go to bring the gang leader’s ring and the medallion to prove me that you actually beat him.” The baker started to laugh even more. Teralis growled as he walked away.
‘You wanna bet, you got it.’ The boy said in his head, walking back toward the forest.
‘You can’t be serious Teralis. That man could crush you.’
‘I’m not running away. I already said that I would pay off the other debt. I’m just making this thing worth my wild.’
‘So you were planning on fighting them all along.’
‘No exactly, no one said I couldn’t fight a little dirty.’

The boy made his way back toward the bleak western forest, pushing back branches that were rubbing against his face.

As they made it into the cave, Teralis untied the Dragon from his back, and let Pryo run about.
‘So what are you going to do?’ The dragon said as he crawled below him.
‘Don’t know yet, but I’ve got 3 weeks to figure that out.’ Teralis took off his cloak, bag and shirt down on a rock, while the dragon lept for the bag, wanting a nibble of the lamb
‘No not now’ Teralis leaned down and picked Pyro up
‘Ah, then what are we gonna do?’
‘First thing we are going to do is get you to fly.’ The baby dragon was shocked at first, but then squealed with joy, in the boy’s arms.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Heaven on Mon Oct 13, 2008 1:57 am

"Welcome to Whiteport" Read a beat up old sign. Mia had a thick sweater on and a hood over her head. her messenger bad started to grumble," My God Drake is that your stomach?"
Drake poked his head out and looked up at her," Yes...I'm hungry..."
"Alright we will hit the market first I guess. Say out of sight til afterwords." Said Mia as she pushed his head back into her bad.
Suddenly a three boys about Mia's age jumped out from the sides of the road," Well, well look what we have hear boys...Fresh meat."They slowly started to surround her as she backed up a few steps.One boy behind her grabbed her hood along with some of her hair and pulled back causing her hood to fall off and her hair to fall down.He let o and laughed.
Mia grabbed a knife from her bad and pulled it out," Back off!"
The boys laughed harder.Drake soon stared to growl," Drake hush stay down and quiet." SHe said in her mind. Drake did as he was told, but Mia still felt his growing anxiety.Mia quickly ran threw the boys and ran as fast as she could towards the market.The boys were hoot on her trail," Get her!"
"Don't let her get away!"
As Mia ran she started to panic. One of the boys caught up to her and grabbed her hood and pulled her down. She screamed briefly as she hit the ground and scrambled back up holding her bag tightly.The boy then smiled and grabbed her shoulders. Mia screamed again and did the only thing that came to mind and punched him in the face," Run now!" screamed Drake in her head. Mia watched the boy slowly recover from her hit then ran as fast as she could to hit the crowded market.

Finaly she reached the market and walked up to the butcher panting looked back at where she came from," Are you ok darn?" He asked looking back trying to see what she was looking at.
"Yeah I'm fine..." She looked down at the meat and saw a big piece and smiled," Can I have that one?"
"Sure." He wrapped it up and she gave him a few coins from her bad.
"Thank you sir."Mia said as the butcher nodded his head and watched her walk off.

Mia then found her way over to a tavern. She walked in and up to the bar," Excuse me sir but do you have any rooms available?"
"Always lil missy." Said the tender who was quite an old man." It's 30 Dragons a night."
Mia paid the man," Whats good to eat here?"
"I will fix you up something little missy." Said the old man as he wabbled around and handed her a key to a room," Room 4, I will let you get unpacked and when you come down it will be ready for you."
Mia smiled and said," Thank you for your kindness."The old man nodded.
Mia went up stairs and found room 4. She unlocked it and walked in, it was very nice and well kept.Drake jumped out of her bad as soon as he heard the door shut.Mia grabbed the meat and tossed it on the bed.Drake tore the paper off and started to eat." Are you ok?"He asked in his mind to her as he eat.Mia sat down on the bed next to him and said,"Yeah just a little shook up is all."

Mia watched Drake eat the rest of his meat and laid down on the bed. Drake crawled up to her and fell asleep. Mia the drifted off herself even though she was hungry she was more tired and sleep took over.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby sin sin on Mon Oct 13, 2008 3:05 am

Miden stretches herself as she walked out of the tailor's shop with a quiver of arrows sling across her chest, landing behind her back and a white-slivery colored long bow near her right shoulder. With a small bag of money in her other, "this isn't all that bad is it Xeno? Those top quality fur sold for quite a good price" whispered Miden to her invisible whelping whom is sat on top on of her head. Xeno shuffled his wings a bit before replying Why didn't you sell it to that shop down the road... they gave a even better price. Miden only gave soft chuckles as answers back to Xeno, and continued with her way, as she made her way back into the inn Miden heard a scream, just as she was about to turn to the direction of the scream, Xeno said, this in her mind was that... a dragon's head? it bit off a piece of the lamb... Maybe it was my imagination... Miden giggled at her invisible companion, and continued her way towards the inn and up to the 2nd floor and stood in front of the door 7, jingling out the key she opened the door silently and went inside closing it with almost no sound at all, putting down her quiver of arrows and long bow onto the table she tossed herself onto the bed, as Xeno made himself visible again.

Xeno a white-sliverish and looking a bit furless as his fur are actually growing out of the gap between his scales, moved towards Miden and laid near her, curled up with a small piece of bear furr underneath him. Your hunting ways always makes you so stealthy, huntress... Miden turned her head to look at Xeno, "so... can you repeat it again? you said you can use your powers earlier then most dragons because it's not munch of a real use in combat?" she questioned, as Miden pats Xeno's furless head and scratching behind his ears, Xeno cooed for a bit and enjoying the treatment before answering, Yes because of that I have to be very physically fit... if we want to survive combat... my fur will allow me to hide how fit I exactly will be when I grow up. answered Xeno as he flapped his feathered wings for a while and settled down. Miden smiled at Xeno and remembered the day she... 'Found’ him

~Flash back~

After a whole morning of hunting her prize... 2 antelopes and a bear, Miden looks at her reward as she carried them home, as skins tanned and dry the various parts of the kill to sell for money, just as she was almost done with the antelopes, she walked over to the dead brown bear reaching out to it... she expect to feel fur... not some kind of smooth surface, surprised she quickly turned her head to look at what she was touching... but there was nothing there... she went closer to take another look, as her bloody right hand touches the unknown object... blood was smeared onto... air "huh? what the..." question Miden as she continued to rub some blood onto the unseen object.

It was oval in shape... like some kind of egg, knocking it... giving out a metallic and hollow reply, Miden looked at the egg confusingly before she noticed she hear a sound... a tapping sound coming from inside the egg, at the 3rd tapping a small sliverishy head popped out of the egg shell and stared at Miden straight into her eyes, surprised at the sudden intrusion she fall behind and landed on a tree stump, sitting upright she stared at the little creature freed itself easily, simply by biting the egg shell and giving it a simple push a whole piece of the shell was taken off, as it rolled out of the empty egg when it have bitten enough parts off and onto the dead bear's neck, staring straight at Miden once again.

Miden felt as if like she was attracted to this thing, as she finds herself moving slowly towards it, reaching her hand out to the creature, it bit her right hand, withdrawing her hand quickly, to examine her palm if it's injured... instead of seeing bite marks she sees a dragon's mark on her right hand, she recognized this mark. It’s a rider's mark, both of her elder brothers had this mark, but they are no longer in this world... and so does their dragons, or that is what she was told by the guards who patrolled the forest which her family owned, but deep down inside she knows that... they are alive... somewhere.

Turning her attention back to the sliver dragon she asked, "I’m a dragon rider with this mark?" pointing to the mark on her right hand, the whelping nodded, will you give me a name?, said a male voice in her head, Miden nodded, and whispered "Xeno, if you wouldn't mind, I used to have an eagle named Xeno... he was my best partner in hunting these grounds but he died a few years ago... I’ve been living alone ever since." Xeno it shall be

~end of flashback~

so... why didn't you sell the fur to the higher biding shop? Question Xeno again, Miden giggled again but answered him this time, "that leather shop only said 250... but he didn't say anything else, with no currency named... I wouldn't want to make dealings with a shady buyer, anyway" she giggled, laying on the bed and pulling the fur out from under xeno, she strentches it out to cover the rest of her body to keep her warm, Xeno too snuggled, under the blanket with leaving his head visible next to Midens' as they slept silently, through the afternoon as they only reached the town of white port this morning and have been busy ever since.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Driney on Mon Oct 13, 2008 7:39 am

Where are we? Ariandra heard echo through her mind. Her eyes widened and she looked down at the dragon in her sleeve.
"D...D...Did you just think?" She asked, the surprise showing on her face.
Nifty isn't it? The dark blue dragon let out a small tinkling sound. Now, since I guess I must stay with you. What's your name?
"S...Staying?" Ari asked. Thoughts, this time her own, bounced around in her head. "Stay quiet now, I'm heading home and I don't want to be caught talking to nothing." The small dragon in her pocket let out a exasperated sigh but said nothing. Ari walked quickly into her bedroom, depositing the small dragon into her wardrobe. "Don't burn anything." She added quickly. "I'll be right back." Then she walked out of her room and back through the hallway into the tea room. Her mother was sitting there, calmly.
"Your father wants to see you." Was all her mother said. She nodded to the door and Ari went through it. Ari stepped into the room. Her father looked at her through his beady little eyes.
"Your getting married tomorrow." Was all he said. Ari gasped, she'd been hoping to have more time at least.
"No! I'd rather leave." Was her response, and she meant it. Her father just nodded and waved his hand for her to leave. She stormed out of the room and spun on her heels back towards her room. She slammed the door to her room shut, letting out a scream. She grabbed a large drawstring bag from inside her wardrobe, glaring at the little dragon before he tried to say anything. He glared back.
What are you doing? He asked. You look like your packing. Are we going on a trip?
"Well I am, I don't know about you." Ari said this although she knew that he'd come anyway. Then she went ahead packing, throwing in things she might need. Quickly she grabbed another small drawstring bag. "In." She ordered the little dragon. As the dragon glared at her she added, "If you're coming with me you can't be seen." The dragon let up a sigh and hopped.
Oh, call me Blesky. Ari shut the bag and put it around her waist. Then she stormed out of the house and started walking on a dirt road, not knowing where to go.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Heaven on Mon Oct 13, 2008 1:16 pm

Mia woke up to the sound of her door being opened. She opened her eyes and didn't see Drake anywhere," Drake?"
" I'm here."He assured her.
Mia then turned in her bed to see the old man setting up a little table and try with food on it." Oh, thank you.How much will this be?"
"This be no charge little missy."Replied the old man as he poured her water.
"Thank you so much."
"Don't you mention it just promise you will join me for dinner."Said the old man as he shuffled to the door and waited her reply.
"Deal." She said with a smile.The old man nodded and shut the door.

Drake came crawling out from under the bed and looked up at Mia and her food,"Smells good."
Mia looked down at him and said," I thought you only eat meat?"
"What? I'm a scavenger, I can live off anything. I only like meat better then most"Drake said as he made his way up the bed and in her lap." Mia I want to talk to you about something..."
"Ok what is it?"
" Well remember today and the boys who made you scared?"
" Yeah what about them? Their just a bunch of street rats out to beg and steal."
Drake gave her a weird look," Sorry but I on't know what street rat and everything else you said..."
"Meaning take things from others without asking."
"Oh well I want to be able to defend you if it ever happens again, because you were really scared and that made me feel...not happy."
"Yeah it would be pretty cool if you can like through fire at them or fly me away."
"Or just kill them..."
" Drake that's not very nice, you should not say things like that."
"Well I know I could if I knew how to breath fire and fly and fight."
"Ok fine we will practice tomorrow morning we will go out and see what you can do ok?"
"Ok." Drake jumped from her lap to the floor flapping his little wings as much as he could but only fell. He then got up and turned to face Mia and said," I will teach them a thing or two." Drake then made a strange growling noise and started to bite into the air and swing his tail around.
Mia started to laugh," Go get em tiger."

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chronepsis on Tue Oct 14, 2008 1:51 am

The wind whipped past him at such a great velocity, Gabriel's first thought was of falling, however the earth in front of him was not flat and impending, but rather jagged and surmountable. He was flying. Looking down, his breath nearly caught in his throat at what he saw. He was riding on the back of a large, obsidian scaled creature, both imposing and majestic. It took him a considerable number of moments before he realized the creature atop which he was sitting was in fact Rhavin, the little one now wrapped snugly in both his coat and arms. Then this must be a dream... The dragon's large head swivels back towards the rider, and the knowing eyes sparkle with an intensity of meaning so grand that, for a moment, Gabriel thought that the images and words streaming through his mind were yet all his own. When his eyes widened at the realization that Rhavin had been sending, the great beast threw back his head and roared a laughter that echoed off the mountain range through which they were passing. "I am sorry, friend. I did not realize you were communicating with me."

"Either learn to yell louder than the wind or leave your sending to your thoughts. I only know what I caught through the brief glimpse of your mind before you began shouting. Yes, we can speak through our minds. It is quite handy when flying, for as you see, the wind makes such a cacophony as to be nigh impossible to communicate elseways." During that short message, all had seemed to fall silent, save the deep rumbling that his mind perceived as Rhavin's voice. Now, however, the howling of the wind tearing past his head and snapping his shirt about seemed to fill his ears till he could barely think to respond.

So if this is a dream, and I know it to be so, why am I still here? Would I not normally awaken back before the doused fire, or stumble into another?

"If this were a normal dream, yes. But I have something I must show you, and until I do, I will not let you float off to another. This is far too important to let you wander off before learning what you must."

Well, if you know what I must learn, why not simply tell me? Why go through all this trouble of finding my dreams to tell me? Gabriel throws himself forward and clings to Rhavin's neck as the latter begins winding his way through snow capped peaks, clearly looking for something.

"Because, father, one remembers best what one sees, not what one we are." With that last, Rhavin dips his left wingtip and circles into a valley, barren save for a small, crystalline lake in the center. The lake, however is not what holds Gabriel's rapt attention, but rather the six men and women, standing beside six equally majestic beings as Rhavin. The people seem to be hazy, as though seen through a mist, and Gabriel cannot make out any specific details about any of them, small features seeming to change from one glance to the next, but the dragons remain stolid and glorious, great sentries of hope awaiting their moment of action.

"Rhavin, who are these people? Who are these other Dragons? Where have you brought me to?" Having slid rather unceremoniously off of Rhavin's back, Gabriel walks about the lake, examining each dragon in turn, running fingers over the occasional smooth scale. He does not bother with the riders, as the identities cannot be determined from the ever changing, yet rather plain faces. Rhavin lays his head on his front claws and wraps his tail about himself, reminding Gabriel of nothing more than a contented dog, settling himself down before the hearth after supper. Giving Gabriel a bemused look, Rhavin sends his thoughts again, as if he had not yet learned to speak. "These are my siblings. My brothers and sisters. These people are the ones we must find. We need to find these people and my siblings, somehow, and we must do so quickly. As for this place..." Rhavin looks about with only his eyes, bemusement quickly becoming amusement. "This is what your mind finds to be the most serene environment. I thought finding my brethren in such a place would put your mind at ease."

Gabriel returns his attention to the last dragon he had yet to examine, a deep red with imposing spikes running along his spine. As he touches one, he pricks his finger on the tip and begins to bleed, a small trickle, but painful nonetheless. He sticks his finger in his mouth and begins sucking on it, and the landscape about him begins to melt away, the only thing remaining solid Rhavin. Gabriel opens his mouth to ask what was happening, but Rhavin cuts him short. "It is morning. We must be going..." With that the great dragon himself begins to melt away, leaving only the memory of what Gabriel had seen planted firmly in his mind.

He opens his eyes to find Rhavin, once more the tiny, just hatched creature staring directly into his eyes with an innocence so great he might as well have screamed his guilt. Chuckling, Gabriel rubs Rhavin's head playfully and sits up. "Well, I guess we'd better get to work on finding your siblings, huh little buddy?" Stretching, he looks about and sees the sun just peaking over the treetops to the east, the first rays casting everything in a gilded hue. Gabriel jerks as his eyes fall on the wagon and team, and he sighs resignedly. Pushing himself to his feet, he trudges over to the front of the wagon, stepping carefully over the hitch, and lifts the worn cushion of the driver's seat to reveal a small ink bottle and some paper meant for recording all of his purchases in town. Gabriel pens a short note in small, blocky letters before returning the bottle to the compartment. He bends to the ground and scoops up a handful of loose soil to blot the letter, then places it alongside the ink, atop the rest of the pages.

Gabriel turns to the horse team, all of whom seem to be dancing with anticipation of the travel to come, and begins hitching them to the wagon, whispering softly to each in turn. Upon reaching the lead horse, he leads the team in a half-circle, turning them to face the direction they had come from the previous day. Swatting the lead on the rump, he watches as the wagon trundles away back towards the farm. Gabriel had no doubts about them returning to his father. They knew the way home almost better than he did.

Returning to Rhavin, Gabriel slides into his coat and perches his new friend on his shoulder. "Shall we get going then?" He looks down the hard packed road after the disappearing wagon for a long moment before turning back towards Foriil. Gabriel begins strolling down the rutted road towards town.

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