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ℇnchantedly ☾harmed-⌈IC⌋

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ℇnchantedly ☾harmed-⌈IC⌋

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Unicorn Luv on Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:04 pm

"Alright class, I'll only be gone to go get the newt warts for a moment. Please do try to behave this time." the professor sighed after saying this. For a girl's school, the overall population seemed to not know what the words 'well behaved' meant. So he filed out, the little angels witches being left to their own devices.

The first to speak was a tall blonde by the name of Cleo, known throughout the school as the daughter of influential parents in the Magic world "So, did anyone hear the howling last night? Bet it was werewolves." She tossed her long and very much so perfect hair, "And you know what they say about werewolves, they kidnap pretty girls to eat their hearts wouldn't have to worry about that? Would you Spinner?" Cleo had a passion for starting quarrels and asserting her dominance among a group, something Spinner preferred to ignore, but Cleo caught her by surprise.

Spinner, or as she was better known, Charlotte, turned her attention to Cleo, raising an eyebrow in reaction. "I don't suppose I do need to worry, you know, being actually good at magic and all." Charlotte shrugged and went back to peering into her cauldron, adding some mermaid tears to get rid of the smell it started to emanate. She had not said this as an insult at all, but of course, it was taken as such. Charlotte just wanted to do her work, it was all she ever wanted to do, cause no trouble, do her work, have a nice day. In fact her utter mind boggling willful ignorance of socially tense situations was on purpose, Charlotte had not even noticed that she herself was being verbally assaulted. Something which was about to get more intense, since Cleo had become offended and a couple of people in class had gasped and or giggled. Queue the drama.

"Excuse me?!"

"You're excused..." ‘How weird’ thought Charlotte, ‘Cleo didn't even sneeze? Ah well, maybe she farted or something.’ Charlotte was not the type to censor her thoughts.

This perceived as being snarky reply produced a haughty growl from Cleo, "Fine then Spinner, if you're so good at magic. Why don't you go out at night and fend them off! Silence them so we can finally get some sleep. In fact, I dare you." a couple of Cleo’s groupies seemed to back her up on this. The idea delighted almost everyone in the room. Charlotte began to feel more uncomfortable by the second, as even the situation was beginning to break through her thick head.

"I'm sorry, did I offend you? Because you seem a little mad...and you're getting all red." Charlotte asked, a little concerned now; luckily the professor walked in, took one look and shook his head. "Don't you ladies go starting fights now; the year has only just begun! Now, let us get back to the subject of the caravel concoction." and the rest of class quickly went back to normal, until the bell rang and Cleo whispered maliciously to Charlotte. "The dare still stands Charlotte, if you don't do it then I win and I get to pick the terms of my prize."

Charlotte did not really remember agreeing to anything like that, but Cleo was sort of bossy, and Charlotte just sort of nodded; revealing in her dorm room later that night to those who had not heard yet; which was no one, they all knew by now, because somehow it became a school wide rumor that everyone was excited about, even the thirteen year old first years spoke of it.

"So apparently at lunch time it was agreed that I can't use my broom, and I have to go out tonight. And every other night until I find a werewolf…." Charlotte plopped on her bed; the girls from the dorm next door had come over to chat as well, they totaled in number to six. They had all been well acquainted for about a year, "So I figure I should go now, maybe get an autograph or two?" Charlotte sounded serious, even though what she had said would have been taken as a joke.

She gathered her tattered hat and put it on, looking over to the window as yet another howl sounded off. "Or maybe just a photograph would be easier?" Charlotte gulped, why exactly was she doing this? Why exactly had she been forced into everyone’s idea of a joke? “All I wanted to do was get through class, but then I had to go and be stupid and get someone angry!” Charlotte sighed, staring out the window, half listening to the replies she got. But one sentence in particular heartened her. ’We should go with you.’
A soul striking howl ripped through the night, and Ted gave a quip bark as he reared on his hind legs and playfully pounced onto Alex, pushing the shorter wolf to the side a little, he grinned and a rumbling in his chest could be counted as laughter. It was always exhilarating after a good howl. Theodore was jovial tonight, and their continuous howls to the lady moon tickled the lot of them pink in a way. They were teasing who they hoped to be witches, and took much joy in it. Theodore especially found the idea mischievous; he was the one to come up with it. But if they could do more, it would be that much more fun. As it stood, they could not get closer than the gates of the school, some invisible force pushed them back violently if they tried to enter. At any rate, that did not stop them from doing something .

Theodore changed back into his human form, “If only we could get past those gates, we could see some cute scared faces and maybe lay a prank or two for them in the morning; he stretched, it was not terribly late, around ten o’clock maybe, but he had worked all day. In truth he was more interested in the school itself rather than the girls inside, as much as he would never admit it. The very idea of some magical school was exciting, he wanted to explore. The sign on top of the gate that announced the nature of the school was something that stayed frequently in his mind.

“What do you say we circle around it one more time? Surely it couldn’t hurt could it?” Theodore suggested to Lyall, the alpha male and his best bud. So far tonight had been very chill, as most of their nights had been. No hunters had been around their forest in quite some time, and until the school appeared they had gotten a bit bored.

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Re: ℇnchantedly ☾harmed-⌈IC⌋

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DeadlyxSunshine on Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:47 pm

Clare grinned at Charlotte's autograph comment. "Oh yes. We should probably just get them to put their paws in ink and then have them sign a piece of paper." She said with a small laugh. "We should go with you though. I mean, we can't exactly let you go out on your own, now can we?" She asked with a grin, not trying to sound mean. "After all, what are we here for?" Her blue eyes sparkled with mischief and excitement. Clare patted the older girl on the head for a moment. "It's fine. I mean, what can a measly pack of wolves do to six witches, right?" She asked. That might be a little cocky, but Clare could care less at the moment. She grinned and sat down on the bed. "This should be fun anyway to say the least. And who even says we'll see them? Worse comes to worse, we can always come up with something fake." She said with a nod of her head. "And it will be fine." She added with a laugh. "So long as I don't trip and get us all killed while we're running for our lives." She joked with a smile. Clare could be quite the klutz as was proven time and time again.

She had her hair tied up in a loose ponytail, and had her hat atop her head. It was just a plain, ordinary black hat. But still, it was what worked best for her, and she liked it. So long as she didn't trip and it went flying off her head, she should be good. She smiled at Charlotte. "So, how are we going to get out exactly?" Clare loved adventure, and was always looking for a new one. And this? Well, this seemed like fun.
Hey Jerk-FaceYou There

I Effin' Love You

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Re: ℇnchantedly ☾harmed-⌈IC⌋

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ReiRyuusei on Fri Mar 25, 2011 3:05 pm

Lyall stood in his wolf form on a rocky outcrop, watching over his pack on the forest floor just a few metres from the sign which dispelled them with invisible force. His ice blue eyes glistened in the full moonlight which lit the night with impressive majesty. Turning his gaze away the sign he looked up at the glowing orb, as if asking it what he should do. He had never agreed to this.. This... Cub play. He had never wanted to discover the witch school, and even when they had, he had wanted nothing to do with it. But here they were, howling to spook it's inhabitants and messing around.

"What do you say we circle around it one more time? Surely it couldn't hurt could it?" Lyall turned to look down at his beta, Theodore, watching him in his human form with eager eyes. Lyall also changed, shifting from wolf to man to speak back to him and the rest of his pack. He looked at all of them in turn slowly, waiting for them to listen before he spoke. If there was anything that aggitated him the most, it was repeating himself.

"We'll circle one more time, but we won't cause anymore commotion. I think we've done enough to frighten them for now." The Alpha spoke, then jumped down to join his pack on the ground. "For now, we'll wait for a few more minutes. Try to contain yourself, Theodore." Lyall gave his giddy best friend a look and using his full name much like his parents did.
Last edited by ReiRyuusei on Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ℇnchantedly ☾harmed-⌈IC⌋

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aulelei on Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:09 pm

Tatiana Eloise D'Ancanto
Cat Familiar
Tatiana was sitting just by the open window in the corner of the room, away from the girls and away from the conversation. She was enjoying her nightly cigarette, which had turned into a typical routine. Before, the girls would cough because of the smoke but now it seems their lungs had simply adjusted. Her slanted eyes narrowed as she inhaled, holding it in for a few seconds and then exhaling, shifting her shoulders as she continued to stare out to the night sky. Then mention of werewolves and sneaking out caused a smile to tug at the corner of her lips.

"Werewolves, autographs and pictures." she said lowly, but loud enough for her friends to hear as she put out the end of the cigarette, and flung it out the window, "Since when did you become the paparazzi, Char?" she asked as she straightened her back and turned towalk towards her, watching as she grabbed her things and prepared to head out the window, "I don't know why you let that blonde haired nutcase talk you in to things like this." she finished, as she reached and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Charlotte, was particularly one of Tatiana's good friends, and to be honest, she had a soft spot for her, especially when it came to times like this. Don't get her wrong, she was friends with each of the girls, but she often found herself opening up to Charlotte much more than the others.

"-but Clare is right, we can't just let you go on your own." she assured, taking her hand off of her shoulder, "Besides, I need the adventure."

With that said, she walked back to her bed and snatched the sheets off, throwing them towards the floor and then moving to the next bed and grabbing the rest.

"Here, tie these. We're not using any brooms. It's much too noticeable. If you disagree, take your broom and let the head master spot you." she paused, "Hell he probably already knows whats going on. But I'm going by foot."

She walked to her closet and opened the wooden doors with a soft creak, reaching for her black sweater and her bag. With the things she needed, she walked back towards the window, her hands occupied as they pulled her hair out of her face, and in to a pony tail.

"You'd think being witches, theyre would be an easier way." she said with a smirk, as she looked over to Char, "You can always change your mind."

Alexander Anwell
Alex was in his wolf form, all brown even to the tip of his tail but in the dark, his eyes were a dead give away. He was standing on all threes, one paw near his mouth as his tongue began to coat the fur, cleaning it of a few pieces of leaves. While he was in his own world tending to his own grooming, without warning he was pounced upon and tackled, his frame falling to the side and rolling as he tried to regain his stance. An immediate growl and rumble was heard, which was inevitable after being blind sided. Once he saw Ted scamper off and turn back in to his human form, the wolf shook his head from side to side, walking towards him and then quickly shifting into his human form.

"Prick." he said to himself, a smirk hiding just on the corner of his mouth.

He placed his arms across his chest and folded them, as he stared ahead towards Ted and then up to Lyall, who was just above them, then taking a leap down after changing form. Alex was fine with circling around the school once more and he couldn't deny that he was completely curious of the girls who stayed there. Once the name Theodore was mentioned, his attention quickly shifted back to Ted, as he chuckled and punched him in his arm playfully.

"Yeah, try and contain those hormones, Theodore." he mocked, as he ruffled his hand through his hair, pushing the back of his head lightly as he walked towards the rest of the pack, letting the few minutes tick on by.

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Re: ℇnchantedly ☾harmed-⌈IC⌋

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cure on Fri Mar 25, 2011 10:09 pm


Zennie was sitting in a nearby chair while the girls talked, writing in her journal. Of course it was personal, but she felt comfortable enough around them to write. All of her attention wasn't solely focused on the journal, though. She was listening to her friends carrying on their conversation. Cleo had dared Charlotte to go out into the woods and find a werewolf. Zennie broke full thought when she heard the word. They'd been howling in the nate lately, keeping her up as well as many other girls. She loved animals, adored them, but werewolves were a different story. There were stories about the, terrible stories, and terrible rumors. All of them she'd rather leave a myth than find out and have them proven.

Charlotte stood, looking out the window as the girls replied. Clare mentioned how they weren't going to let her go alone. Of course they wouldn't. Charlotte going alone wasn't even an option. To show this, even though Charlotte's attention was divided between her replies and the outside scenery of the window, Zennie looked up with a smile and nodded once. Tatiana moved from her window seat and spoke her mind as usual. Tatiana was bold, she liked that. Scribbling the last few words into her journal, Zennie sat it on the table and took the sheet from Tatiano, beginning to tie them together. After she finished she put her journal into her hat and pulled out her wand. Time to go for an adventure.

Zennie was already in her pajamas but it didn't really matter since they weren't going to see anybody important. She slid her boots on and a jacket, topping it off with her hat. "I hope this is long enough...if not we could just extend it." With that being said she waved her wand in the air, gesturing. Not that she's as advanced as the older girls, but she knew quite a few spells. Turning to Charlotte she gave her a smile. "Charlotte, we're always going to stick together. We're kind of...bonded to one another, y'know? No worries. If anything goes wrong, all of us have five backup witches."


He could hear the rest of the pack talking and moving. Forin? Well tonight was one of his chill nights. He was tired for some reason and just wanted a quick nap. He was curled next to a nearby tree, one ear loose and the other ear perked up as it listened to the sounds within the forest. He grumbled, "Would you guys quiet down? I'm trying to catch up on my beauty sleep. The sun won't rise if it has nothing to look forward to, and I can't keep holding your hand because you're scared of the dark." A smirk crossed her face as he shuffled a little bit. Tonight was a chill night, but it was also a cocky chill night. He had two different moods when he wanted to rest: calm and cocky. It was obvious how this night was going.

The boys were talking about circling around that stupid witch school one more time. It's true, the school did bring a little bit of excitement but there was nothing to do. Maybe if the girls had recess out in the forest there would be something to do, but that's what dreaming is for and he was trying to get on that imaginary train to Wonderland. A yawn escaped his mouth as he turned onto his back, pawing at the air. "I swear, I could get more sleep with racoons." Forin was only kidding. He loved these guys. The y were the best family he had. He never considered his Aunt and Uncle family or even relatives. The pack was different. They were his home. No doubt he was going to join them on their quick journey.

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Re: ℇnchantedly ☾harmed-⌈IC⌋

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kenzi on Fri Mar 25, 2011 10:56 pm

OOC: Outfit ... 1301110394

Sorry, next chace post will be longer. I'm just falling asleep :P

IC: Evelynne lay stretched out on her bed, her shock of crimson red hair fanning around her in a mess of waves, staring at the ceiling with tired moss-green eyes. The day had been a long one, full of classes and homework, and her body was aching for sleep but an emergency meeting of sorts had been called and she was needed. Her Ipod lay on her chest, one white ear bud hanging beside her so she could hear the conversation, playing Sinatra’s greatest hits album.

The young witch took in the conversation around her, listening quietly without interrupting. She wanted to personally go and tell that self-righteous blonde witch where she could shove her dare, but that wouldn’t help solve anything. Usually she would have been far more upbeat about the situation, but she was too tired for pep talks. So, instead, she offered Charlotte a warm smile and sat up on the bed so that she was cross-legged, “You know I’m coming with you, Char’.” Eve said, as though this should already be known, and slipped off the bed to grab her jacket.

The tall witch tossed her Ipod on the dresser and caught her reflection in the mirror for a split second. She had changed earlier from her normal clothes into a pair of worn and torn black foot-less tights, a black sports bra, and an oversized red plaid long-sleeved shirt. Her hair stood out around her in a mess of waves and static, making her look a little crazed. She stood for a second, staring at the witch looking back at her, then shrugged. Who cared what she looked like? They were looking for werewolves, not going to a ball. So instead of changing she grabbed her black leather bomber jacket and pulled it on (since the nights were often chilly), slipped her feet into an old pair of faded black-grey boots, and finger combed her thick hair into a messy bun.

She could hear Zennie from across the room, assuring Charlotte that they would all come, and smiled to herself. Zennie and her had been best friends for a few years now and she was incredibly fond of her (not to mention protective). Of course she felt that way about all of her friends, but that feeling was particularly strong with Zennie.

“I’ll go first!” Eve declared, plucking her wand from her witch hat that sat next to her bed. She didn’t put it on because she hated wearing it (being 5’11 in a pointy hat made her feel like a Christmas tree) and because she saw no reason that she would need it. She had her wand, what more did she need?

She slipped her wand into the waist band of her tights, so that it wouldn’t fall, and walked towards the window ready to be the first one out. Eve was often the first to volunteer for such things, because she couldn’t bear to see someone she loved hurt. She would rather be victim to an accident than have a friend get hurt.


Chace leaned casually against a tree, observing the pack as they discussed what they were going to do. He was having a fun time howling in the night, racing through the woods as fast as his muscular legs could carry him, but he was starting to feel a little bad about it. His thick mane of sandy gold hair hung around his handsome face as his steel blue eyes watched Lyall as he spoke.

"Sounds good, Chief." Chace said teasingly, his baritone voice smooth and calming in the dark night. He really did respect Lyall, though he often felt he took himself a little too seriously.

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Re: ℇnchantedly ☾harmed-⌈IC⌋

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Unicorn Luv on Sat Mar 26, 2011 10:08 pm


At Clare’s suggestion for ink, which Charlotte actually took as a suggestion rather than a joke, weirdly enough; Charlotte grabbed a note pad and a pen, and shoved it unceremoniously into her hat. Clare was a practical girl in Charlotte’s opinion, and very nice, she was certainly one of Charlotte’s favorite people. Cleo was not even on the list of people Charlotte recognized by the way.

Tatiana finished her smoke and comforted Charlotte in her smooth way, Charlotte was glad to have her as a best friend, a smooth operator who had it all down pat. Charlotte didn’t even mind that the girl smoked, in a way it seemed to fit Tatiana, the smoke winding elegantly in the air, looking nothing but entrancing, it was Tatiana’s style all the way. Though Charlotte was careful when referring to Tatiana as her best friend, as she knew that Tatiana didn’t consider anyone to be best friends, secretly though Charlotte would think of her that way, just a little…or a lot. “I told you, Cleo is bossy, and she’s the paparazzi not me, my name wouldn’t even be on anyone’s lips were it not for that girl.” Charlotte mumbled weakly as an excuse, aware that the excuse was a bogus one. Though what she had said was true, Charlotte was careful to just appear average. Grades all averaged out, she was sure to calculate them that way, and she dressed in a boring manner, she didn’t speak out in class unless called on, and she tried not to cause any conflict. According to this plan she was supposed to be completely in the background, but of course Charlotte had a way of messing things up, in her own view anyway.

Her face softened into a great deal of affection for those present in the room, they were the best, honest. She felt no danger in the first place, simply lack of desire to complete said dare and make Cleo angrier, but now it looked as though she had no choice, everyone was going to go regardless. And marginally, Charlotte was glad for it. The word Adventure implied that they would have fun, and Charlotte loved seeing others have fun. It rubbed off on her and she could pretend the fun was her own.

She watched as sheets were gathered to tie into a knot, “How wonderfully cliché! It’s like we’re in a Spanish soap opera now, maidens whisking away into the night. Or a sisterhood, but not of traveling pants, I don’t think any of us have similar sizes…” Charlotte said bluntly, checking her own pants and shrugging. She was still wearing the jeans that were slightly baggy, and a red plaid button up that was also slightly baggy.

Charlotte took the risk of climbing down after Evelynne was successful, “Ah, sorry Madame, I’ll try to be steady so you may resume your beauty sleep.” Charlotte said aloud, everyone present was aware that when she said ‘Madame’, she was speaking to the black widow that had taken residence in her hat, who was awakened by Charlotte shimmying down the rope. The black widow was rather talkative, and had many simplistic opinions, she often shared them with Charlotte, like the opinion that right now Charlotte should go stuff Cleo’s mouth full of nasty frog puss to teach her a lesson. Charlotte just let those sort of comments slide, you know, pretend you didn’t hear them.

Once everyone was gathered, they made quite a show of sneaking about, sprinting across the wide open grassy grounds when they came to it and giggling like maniacs because they were out in the open. Charlotte made for the east wall. Reaching up into her hat and pulling out her wand. “Hippity hop, don’t let us drop!” She said in a sing song voice, (don’t laugh, a witch’s incantations could sound silly at times) and as each witch made it to the wall, all they had to do was hop, and they were over the wall. Landing slowly and gracefully on the other side; “That…that was….exhilarating!”

Charlotte spoke honestly, standing in a victorious stance with her hands on either hip, she breathed in the night air loudly, smiling a rare smile. “Now, to find us some- oh shit.” Charlotte’s mood changed immediately to fear as huge forms loomed in the distance.

TED, not Theodore

“Oh ho ho ho, hehe, ha ha.” Ted sourly said morosely as he kicked some dirt up in Alexander’s direction. “No bed time story for you tonight pumpkin.” Ted hated being called Theodore, what were his parents thinking! Sure maybe it was cute while he was a toddler, but ages nine and up, all it ever brought him was grief. Though it did help him meet his best friend…maybe it was an ok trade off. His sour face quickly turned into good natured grin though. He never stayed upset for too long, not with these blokes at least. For some reason however, Ted did allow Lyall to use his full name, for reasons that he felt didn’t need explaining. It was sort of an unspoken rule, no one but mommy daddy and alpha get to call him Theodore, the rest of the world got to call him Ted. It was good solid name, Ted; he didn’t see why everyone couldn’t just get with the program damnit.

Everyone poked at him and his hormones, but he knew that they felt the same way, most of them anyway. The girls in their town were boring, the prospect of fresh faces was exciting, he was just the only one honest enough to show it. “Right then, since I’m hormone crazed, then all of you pre-pubescent obviously homo chaps can sulk around, and I’ll be the one to get some fanny…eventually, curse this damn wall. WHY IS IT IN MY WAY.” It was a bit infuriating really, just beyond this wall, so many girls, all of them missing out on him. And he missing out on them. Why doth the world be so unfair?

Ted changed back into a wolf, prancing past the gate, and taking off at a light jog, speeding up steadily as others started to catch up on him. He would out-right sprint, but it was customary to let the Alpha in front, and the Beta let him get ahead quickly, flanking him and taking the easy run opportunity to scan the walls, willing stairs to pop out on them as he passed.

But maybe all was not lost, Ted’s ears perked up as he caught a whiff of air with a scent, a human one. His eyes, which could see with the moon’s illumination, caught forms as they rounded a corner. He went on full alert; his first thought was that they were hunters. And he carefully watched his leader’s body language to see any shifts in formation. These hunters had to be stupid to walk into their forest; didn’t they know that the place was protected? They were about to find out.

Wait, the hunters were rather pretty.

Ted skidded to a stop, as the Alpha did, highly curious now as to what was going on. He counted five girls in total, most of them wearing what looked like witch hats. It clicked in his head what they were now, and it made him produce a bit of a heckle from in his chest. This has to be the cutest thing he had ever witnessed. Here they were, scrutinizing some rebellious Witches who had snuck out at night. So what was Ted going to do? Mess with them of course. How could he resist?

Ignoring any queue to stop from his alpha, Ted stepped forward slowly, not able to hide a grin on his muzzle. He circled around them, so that they had to back up against the wall or dart further back if they wanted to run for it. He watched their reactions to his closer proximity with amusement.


"Um...autograph?" Charlotte pulled out her note pad and pen, not taking off her hat, and gulped nervously, holding the notebook up.

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Re: ℇnchantedly ☾harmed-⌈IC⌋

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aulelei on Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:03 am

Tatiana Eloise D'Ancanto
Cat Familiar
In Tatiana's mind, she was debating on if she should talk them out of going to explore what exactly was keeping them up at night. You know, do the right thing. Be mature and make a 'grown up' decision. She was after all, one of the oldest next to Evelynne. At times she found herself being blamed for small quarrels or verbal arguments with other girls around the school, simply because she was older. She always heard the line, You should be a leading example. It was out of her reach; being an example or being a leader. Hell, she was far from perfect and to be honest, she looked up to these girls more than they probably looked up to her. She could turn around now, and persuade them all to change their minds -But then again, she wasn't going to settle being called a coward by Cleo and her bouncy, bubbly group of barbie friends. She refused.

Taking in a deep breath, she exhaled, letting her breath push back the strands of hair that were hanging just infront of her eyes. She threw her purse over her opposite shoulder, throwing the pouch part behind her hip. She was then straddled on the rope of bed sheets, just above Charlotte as they made there way down, following Evelynne's lead until they were safely to the ground, feet firmly planted. Once they were all safely down, she followed behind the girls, walking at a swift pace instead of running and frolicking with the rest. She took this time to herself to actually collect her thoughts. What exactly are we getting ourselves in to? Ah, theres no turning back now. What would be the point in that..

Once to the east wall, Charlotte said her sweet, simple and interesting chant, and with one hop and a grunt, Tatiana was over the wall, hitting the ground in a sort of a squat, her knees not quite bent to the soil. She rose back upwards, straightening her back as she narrowed her eyes to take a look around in the darkness. In an instant, she felt a chill swiftly make its way up her spine. She remained quiet, pulling the nearest arms that were close to her, keeping them all in a huddled kind of circle. Whatever it was, she knew it was possibly too late to turn and run. They stuck out like sore thumbs, five girls in the middle of a dark and fog filled forest. Tatiana exhaled, her breath more shaky than ever. Frightened? Not really, but intimidated, yes. She wasn't the best spell caster or chant.. chanter. She found herself not being good at many things. She had a persuasive and convincing tongue, that was it. But when it came to magic and all its elements, she found herself as a failure. There best bet of getting out of a sticky situation as this, would be to pray to gods, run or well, sell their souls. Wait- no. What is she even thinking? Their wolfs! Dogs! Canines. One hit in the nose and they should whimper and cower away in fear. Right?

There they stood, all five of them. She heard the rusting in the bushes and the crackling of the branches, and before she knew it they were being approached by large wolves. Very large.

"So this is it. What we snuck out for." she said lowly, almost in a whisper as she clenched her fists, her heart beginning to thump harder against her hollow chest.

She watches as the pack of werewolves came to a stop, but instead there was one who approached them within quite a personal distance. He was surely not afraid or even intimidate. She was almost sure he probably saw them just as helpless young women, and possibly his dessert. Her eyes then shifted to Charlotte, who held out her small notepad and asked for.. an autograph. Tatiana swallowed a large lump of fear and looked back to the werewolf who seemed to get closer by the second. He was now circling around them, his heavy breaths rumbling in his chest and filling their ears. Tatiana nervously licked on her lower lip, and kept her eyes on Charlotte.

"Wheres a cigarette when you really need one." she spoke out, slowly closing her eyes and taking a few steps back, her feet sinking down into the damp dirt, making each time she lifted her food cause for more effort.

"Look, we're not looking for trouble." she said, clearing her throat as she opened her eyes, and looked toward the werewolf before them, and then over to the pack, "-but thats probably irrelevant right now, isn't it." she said, her pale eyes narrowing as she spoke, "Then again, if its trouble that you want, well, we can be quite troublesome." she said, pausing before a smirk crept and tugged at the corner of her lips, "You know for dogs, you don't bark much."

As nervous and intimidated as she was, there was a steady, calm and sultry tone that she always kept. She refused to let an opponent, competition or just anyone else know that she was being shaken out of her box. Then again, dogs can smell that sort of thing. Fear. It was literally leaking from all their pores. How in the hell are they going to get out of this one.

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Re: ℇnchantedly ☾harmed-⌈IC⌋

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ReiRyuusei on Sun Mar 27, 2011 3:57 am

Lyall rolled his eyes at Theodore’s melodramatic theatrics. He hated to admit it, but his best friend really did seem to think with someone else besides his brain, a trait which usually got him into more trouble than it was worth. Turning back into wolf form, he wandered over and made growling noises at Chace and Alexander, asking if they were ready to go. For Forin, he walked over and started to head-butt the half-sleeping male, urging him to get up. He even promised they could rush back as far as they could without being spotted by humans to get home once they were done.

Too bad those plans were going to come to a grinding halt, just as the pack did when they saw no less than five witches appear out of the school and stop right in their tracks. The group regarded each other for a moment, looking each other over and before Theodore and one witch girl stepped forward. The werewolf began to growl and circle, which gave Lyall an idea. Clearly, if one of them was asking for an autograph, they weren’t as afraid as they were supposed to be. The Alpha raised his head and directed orders to his pack by barking, growling and flicking his ears.

Circle them.

He waited for his pack to comply before letting his eyes roam the small group of girls. He picked out a distinctive one; she was tall with bright red hair and through the moon Lyall could see she had green eyes. Somewhere in the back of his mind, a little voice that sounded a lot like Theodore told him she was smokin’ hot and not an opportunity to miss. The wolf shook his head, dispelling the voice, before speaking to his pack in wolf.

I’m going to take one of them into the woods. After that, do what you want; chase them, corner them. But whatever you do, don’t hurt them.

Waiting for his words to sink in, Lyall let his predatory instincts hone in one of the red head. Crouching, he suddenly leapt forward with a violent bark, using his head to knock her and the girls surrounding her over. Without wasting time he rolled her over, shoving her onto her back with his front paw and hooked his teeth into her leather jacket and lifting her unceremoniously, ran off into the woods.
Last edited by ReiRyuusei on Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ℇnchantedly ☾harmed-⌈IC⌋

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kenzi on Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:16 pm

Evelynne grasped the long chain of tied together sheets and climbed down effortlessly, landing softly on the damp grass below the window of their room. She raised her head, smiling up to the open window where Charlotte stood waiting to go next, and gave a thumbs up to show it was safe. While waiting for Charlotte to climb down, Eve observed that they were wearing almost identical shirts (though her own was partially covered by her bomber jacket) and momentarily felt it odd that what she saw as clothing to be slept in, Charlotte wore around all day.

Charlotte took the risk of climbing down after Evelynne was successful, “Ah, sorry Madame, I’ll try to be steady so you may resume your beauty sleep.” Charlotte said

The tall witch stood to the side, watching as the rest of the girls made their way down the makeshift ladder, ready to try and catch anyone who happened to slip. Luckily, however, everyone made it down safely. Once everyone was gathered, the group made their way across the wide grounds of the school. Charlotte led the way, racing and giggling as they sprinted across the grounds, but Evelynne and Tatiana hung back a bit. The pair was so tall that racing across the open space really wouldn’t have helped conceal them any better. Instead of making conversation, Evelynne stayed quiet sensing that Tatiana was deep in thought.

Charlotte made for the east wall. Reaching up into her hat and pulling out her wand. “Hippity hop, don’t let us drop!” She said in a sing song voice, (don’t laugh, a witch’s incantations could sound silly at times) and as each witch made it to the wall, all they had to do was hop, and they were over the wall. Landing slowly and gracefully on the other side; “That…that was….exhilarating!”
She smiled brightly in amusement at Charlotte’s incantation and waited until the other girls had gone over before hopping over as well. She landed a little awkwardly, not prepared for the feeling of jumping over such a monstrous wall, but caught her balance and stood up straight.
“Char, your incantations are getting much stronger!” She said brightly, wincing as she noticed how loud her whisper was in the dead of the night. The damp fog was drifting around them, clouding any vision of the ground that they may have had. Her mossy green gaze dropped down and she was unnerved to find that she couldn’t see past her knees.

Charlotte spoke honestly, standing in a victorious stance with her hands on either hip, she breathed in the night air loudly, smiling a rare smile. “Now, to find us some- oh shit.” Charlotte’s mood changed immediately to fear as huge forms loomed in the distance.
Eve looked up from the ground quickly and felt her body immediately tense in fear as massive figures appeared slowly out of the thick fog of the night. They were far larger than she thought they would be, and much more dangerous looking. She wasn’t expecting adorable golden retrievers or anything… but these things were beyond anything she could have imagined.


Chace was still leaning against the cool bark of the tree and smiled slightly in response to Lyall’s question of whether or not they were ready to go. He was alright with taking one last lap around, the exercise was inviting, but then he was ready to call it a night. There were no hunters around and he didn’t particularly enjoy the idea of giving young school girls nightmares. That was a tad too perverted and weird for him.

“Right then, since I’m hormone crazed, then all of you pre-pubescent obviously homo chaps can sulk around, and I’ll be the one to get some fanny…eventually, curse this damn wall. WHY IS IT IN MY WAY.”

Chace laughed at Ted and shifted into his wolf form, the laugh changing from his deep baritone voice into an even deeper chest rumble in his massive werewolf form. While he wasn’t as tall as Lyall and Ted, his body was far more muscular and terrifying in a very different way. He looked like he could rip a huge tree in half with one movement.

The pack took off at a light jog, though the looked like they were racing through the woods due to their huge forms, and Chace followed the group near the back of the pack. He had to admit he was curious about the girls from the witch school… maybe they were different from the girls in town. He knew he’d had enough of those superficial women to last an entire lifetime. Perhaps the-
Oh shit.

Chace skidded to a stop behind the rest of the pace, his unnerving ice blue eyes reflecting in the moonlight as he took in five female figures standing next to the massive wall. Some of them wore witch hats and one was even in pajamas. What were they doing? Before he had a chance to do anything, Ted had stepped forward and was circling them. A momentary twinge of annoyance flashed across his face, watching as Ted forced the girls into a closer group. Chace wasn’t exactly on board with scaring these girls, but when one of the smallest members of the group stood forward and asked for an autograph he knew that they had no choice. If word got out that the werewolves in the forest were just big cute puppy dogs willing to give autographs and free rides on their backs then no hunter would take them seriously.

"Um...autograph?" Charlotte pulled out her note pad and pen, not taking off her hat, and gulped nervously, holding the notebook up.
Evelynne stared at Charlotte in disbelief, not noticing that some of the werewolves seemed to do the same, before one of the taller ones slipped from the pack and began circling them. She reached forward, pulling Charlotte slowly back into the group, not wanting to make any sudden movements. This was going from bad to worse really quickly. She glanced around quickly, ensuring that they were all still together. They were, but she wasn’t sure whether that was a good or a bad thing… They needed to get back on the other side of the wall immediately and then throw Cleo over it.

"So this is it. What we snuck out for." she said lowly, almost in a whisper as she clenched her fists, her heart beginning to thump harder against her hollow chest. "Wheres a cigarette when you really need one." she spoke out, slowly closing her eyes and taking a few steps back, her feet sinking down into the damp dirt, making each time she lifted her food cause for more effort.
Instead of following the rest of the girls, who continued to move backwards, Eve stood her ground to ensure that she put herself between the wolves and her friends, mossy green eyes narrowed in concentration. Her wand was still sticking out of the waistband of her tights and if she could only grab it, she might be able to do something to protect them. Unfortunately, she didn’t think she’d have enough time to react before they stopped her… one way or another.

"Look, we're not looking for trouble." she said, clearing her throat as she opened her eyes, and looked toward the werewolf before them, and then over to the pack, "-but thats probably irrelevant right now, isn't it." she said, her pale eyes narrowing as she spoke, "Then again, if its trouble that you want, well, we can be quite troublesome." she said, pausing before a smirk crept and tugged at the corner of her lips, "You know for dogs, you don't bark much."

Circle them

Chace did as he was told, moving forward to circle around the group. The witch who had just spoken was stunning in an almost feline like way, but her beauty and sass reminded him of all the women he had been with in the past. Perhaps it wasn’t fair to categorize her that way, but too much was going on at the moment for him to think too deeply about anything. He was very concerned that this was going to take a turn for the worst, especially since the tall red head at the front of the group looked like she was getting ready to do something drastic. Chace didn’t know much about witches, so he wasn’t sure just how powerful they were, but he didn’t want to find anything out the hard way.

Eve took a cautious step to the side, trying to hide what she was about to do, while keeping her eyes on as many of the wolves as possible. Maybe if she could just make a distraction, then the other girls could get away or—A low growling sound came from one of the wolves, which stood with so much authority that Evelynne was sure he must be the pack leader. She wished she could figure out what they were saying, or know if they could understand what her and her friends were saying. Tatiana was right, they really didn’t want any trouble but it seemed to be going down that path at an alarming rate.

I’m going to take one of them into the woods. After that, do what you want; chase them, corner them. But whatever you do, don’t hurt them.

Chace slowed his movements, looking over one muscular shoulder to look at Lyall, and omitted a low growl in response that showed his hesitant agreement with what Lyall had said. They needed to scare these girls enough that they would never come back, but he didn’t want anyone to get hurt in the process.

Evelynne was about to make her move when she felt one of the wolves eyeing her intensely. She turned her head and met the unnerving gaze of the pack leader, unconsciously throwing one arm out to block Zennie who stood next to her. There was no way in hell that any of them were going to hurt her friends, let alone dear Zennie who was more of a sister to her than a friend. In fact, they all were. They were her family.

A split second later, the massive werewolf launched itself at the group of witches, its huge head crashing into their bodies. Evelynne flew backwards from the force of the blow, crashing into the damp muddy earth, and quickly reaching for her wand but (as she expected) she wasn’t nearly fast enough.

The heavy paw of the werewolf connected with her side, forcing her roughly onto her back so that she lay completely vulnerable under his huge muzzle. Eve quickly tried to roll out of the way, but the werewolf’s teeth ripped into her leather jacket and lifted her off the ground suddenly. Then, not even a second later, the wolf was racing into the forest with her in it’s jaws.

The red headed witch screamed in shock, immediately struggling against the strong jaws and threw a strong kick at the side of the wolf’s head. Her foot throbbed in pain, and she was alarmed to realize that it probably hurt her more than it did the wolf. There was only one option.

Eve struggled in the wolf's grasp as it raced deeper into the forest with her, and managed to grab the wand that stuck out from the waist band of her torn and muddy tights. She had one chance to do this, and she wasn't particularly strong with curses but if she focused then maybe... just maybe...

"Legs race no more, bind and crash to the floor!" Evelynne shouted loudly, pointing the wand determinedly at the wolf's long legs. A blast of bright light flashed from her wand, enveloping the beast's legs. It wasn't the strongest curse she'd ever done, but it did the trick. The curse bound around the animal's legs, causing it to crash to the ground and in the process rip the front of Eve's jacket off completely, freeing her from it's grasp. Unfortunately, Eve was thrown across the grass and into a pile of thorn bushes. They tore at her smooth skin, cutting into her and causing blood to seep from a few of the cuts, but she quickly got to her feet and raised her wand as the curse faded from the wolf's legs.

Now she was completely alone with a werewolf... great.

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Re: ℇnchantedly ☾harmed-⌈IC⌋

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cure on Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:05 pm


Zennie climbed down the knotted sheets smoothly. As soon as her feet touch the ground her adrenaline started coursing through her veins. They sprinted across the open grass and made their way to the east wall. Right now her heart felt like it would beat straight out of her chest. She didn't want to look like a scaredy cat, though. So she just laughed along with these others, which, in truth, actually was fun and eased the tension some. Charlotte pulled out her wand and said a cute little chant. All the witches bounced over the wall effortlessly. Giggles escaped Zennie's lips as she hopped over, landing on her feet. She covered her mouth.

Once they were all over the wall Charlotte smiled. Everything seemed to go well, for like five seconds. In response to Char's remark, Zennie looked up and also saw it...the gigantic forms. A large wolf revealed from the shadows, his booming figure making way through the fog as he began to circle the five girls. Eve was close by, which was good, and she inched closer to her. To much disbelief, Charlotte held out pencil and paper and asked the wolf for an autograph. Zennie tightened her jaw so it wouldn't hit the ground in shock. Her hands had turned cold and sweaty now, cheeks flushed with color. This was going downhill sooner than expected. More wolves had appeared. The sound of another wolf growling filled the night. This time, unlike in her memories, the sound was closer than, say, distantly safe in her bedroom?

In reaction to this big dog barking and growling, the other wolves began to circle the girls just like the first dog. Well. She isn't a genius but she's pretty sure that going on this little adventure wasn't supposed to have an outcome that gave her an eerie Deja Vu feeling of the Lion King. Or that episode she saw on the Animal Planet....but that's another story. Either way, this wasn't supposed to happen. No, no, no. Brave Tatiana spoke out loud. Her voice was smooth and unscathed. Zennie kept her mouth closed because she knew if she talked everything would come out in shaky breaths. Her blue eyes followed the circling wolves, her attention only on them. She didn't notice how Eve was trying to reach for her wand. Completely oblivious. Eve put her arm out in front of Zennie, which broke her trance from the wolves and caused her to look at her non-blood related sister. Eve was watching a particular wolf intensely. She followed this stare until her eyes locked on the same wolf. Zennie glanced at Eve for a second, a little bit confused but she then realized how that wolf was looking at Eve too. He didn't remove his focus.

The bridge of her nose scrunched up into wrinkles, like it usually did whenever she got upset. Oh no. This wolf was not going to mess with Eve, not on her watch. Zennie's wand was in her boot but she didn't want to make any sudden movement, not while that big stupid dog was looking. The wolf growled and another wolf sounded in response. All of a sudden its huge head went flying through the air, knocking the girls like bowling pins. Zennie flew a couple of feet, landing on her stomach. Her red hair was now all over the place, the impact breaking her hair tie. Her left shoulder was aching but that didn't matter right that second. The large wolf had its paw pressed down on Eve. It then tore its razor teeth into her jacket and disappeared behind the fog, the night, the trees.

"Eve!" Zennie shrieked many octaves higher than she would have thought possible. "NO!" Scrambling to her knees, trying to regain her balance, she launched off of them and bolted to her feet as she ran after the two. The wolf and Eve were no where in sight, of course. She had to make an attempt though. Her hand reached down into her shoe and pulled out her wand. As soon as she saw them she'd cast the worst spell in the history or worst spells. But...she had to think of one first. Whatever. That could be dealt with once she actually found them. Twigs and bushes got in her way, but she kept running. All the way she screamed and hollered Eve's name. "Give her back you stupid dog!" Tears stung her eyes, blinding her more than the darkness already was. She'd get Eve back. While she was running she saw a huge red bolt of light and she skidded to a stop in her tracks. Three seconds later she began running, calling to Eve again and again.


A growl escaped his lips as Lyall began head-butting him. He turned over on to his side and stretched his limbs out. "All right, all right." Letting his muscles go completely limp for a while, he sighed inwardly. In his mind he was giving himself a pep talk, like he did every morning when it was time to wake up. A few seconds later Forin hopped to his feet and jogged through the forest with his pack. He nearly camoflaged with the night, his black fur almost completely matching the darkness. Not too much later they all came to a stop. He looked down and supressed a laugh at what his eyes were seeing. Five little witches. They even had their hats. Were they having a slumber party in the woods? Ted, of course, began circling the five girls. They cowered closer to each other and he shook his head at both of them. One of them held out a pencil and paper towards Ted and asked for an autograph. Forin cocked his head to the side a little bit and glanced at Lyall.

Maybe this would be better than sleeping. Maybe. Lyall barked his commands and he obeyed, falling into step right behind Ted and circling the witches. They were kinda cute. All scared and what not. Except for one. She was rather tall, just like the redhead. But this one had a mouth on her. Her mouth was moving, whispering, but there was no use. Didn't she know that they had amazing hearing? He rolled his eyes. "Look, we're not looking for trouble. But thats probably irrelevant right now, isn't it? Then again, if its trouble that you want, well, we can be quite troublesome." A smirk crossed her face. "You know for dogs, you don't bark much."

Oh, is that right? Forin stopped for a few seconds in his tracks. He continued to walk and then growled, barked, and snapped his teeth at the little princess. Someone needed to show her whose forest she was in. Lyall spoke to them again. He glanced at his Alpha and then followed his gaze on one of the redheads. There were two standing side by side. Kind of funny: one tall, one short. He wasn't sure which one he was looking at but he didn't really care. He did care, though, when Lyall bolted into the witches and almost knocked Forin down as well. He stumbled out of the way and barked at him. In a matter of seconds he was gonna with the tall redhead but the shorter one ran after her. Apparently her name was Eve or something like that. It was hard to tell behind all the screaming.

Y'know? Now that he thought about it, he was in a lazy mood. He did feel like being entertained though. Forin craned his neck towards the sky and howled.

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Re: ℇnchantedly ☾harmed-⌈IC⌋

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ReiRyuusei on Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:24 pm

”Legs race no more, bind and crash to the floor!”

What the—

A red bolt shot from the witch's wand, which Lyall had never even known she was carrying. His four limbs were brought painfully together at the foot and he yelped in shock, letting go of the witch in his jaw. Her body was flung away and his came crashing down, smashing down into a fallen log and flipping over, completing the cycle with his back smashing into the ground. The spell suddenly weakened and his limbs came free. Dazed and shocked, the wolf quickly rolled over, his vision blurred and his body throbbing. In his surprised state, he turned back into his human form.

The transformation healed him slightly and his vision returned to normal. The light of the moon enhanced his senses and he could clearly see the tall red head standing by a bush of thorns, wand raised, freshly grazed by the brambles. Lyall hissed in pain and grabbed the left side of his face. During his fall into the log, a stray branch had cut his forehead and the blood was impending his vision, covering half his face. Another had cut his hip and his figure hugging black t-shirt with the white blood splatter motif was torn, revealing his deep gash and real crimson blood spilling into his dark grey jeans. He inspected his wound, his usually stoic faced creased up in pain, giving him the look of someone in rage.

“It seems I underestimated you…” He said softly, lifting his gaze towards the witch. Glowering at her, his super senses suddenly picked up the sound of another, about a hundred yards away, quickly coming closer. She was shouting out a name, over and over. ‘Eve!’ ‘Eve!’ Lyall began to approach the red head.

“So I take it your name is Eve. Nice to meet you. I’m Lyall. I would love to let you go, Eve, but unfortunately you’ve seen my human form…” Suddenly he was rushing at her, moving with the speed and strength of wolf on all fours, but as a human. He darted from side to side, before leaping to be directly at her side, stepping into a two legged position and grabbing the wrist which held her wand. He got up behind her and covered her mouth with his bloodied hand and then began to walk backwards into a large shrubbery.

“Make a sound and you’ll regret it.” He whispered in her ear, his voice toneless. He stopped once they were suitable hidden and stood still, pressing Eve against his body and holding her with his strong grip. “You wouldn’t want her to get hurt, right? The one who’s coming after you. She must be very close to you if she’s not afraid to confront a werewolf in order to save you.”
Last edited by ReiRyuusei on Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ℇnchantedly ☾harmed-⌈IC⌋

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DeadlyxSunshine on Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:53 pm

Clare was the last to come down. Of course, her clumsiness kicked in right as she made her way over the wall. She fell down, flat on her stomach with a small, "Oof." She quickly got up and her eyes widened in pure shock. There were actually werewolves. She let out a slightly nervous giggle as she sat on her knees, watching everything happen. When Eve was taken, her eyes widened further and she quickly stood up. "EVE!" She shouted, and watched as Zennie made her way after the girl. "Oh crap." She whispered. Her hat had fallen off her head when she fell, and she let out a sigh of frustration.

The short girl was not in a happy mood. She stood by the others for a moment. She then turned to the reddish brown wolf, eyes narrowed. She took a few steps closer to him. "What in the world is the big idea?!" She demanded, her anger bubbling over inside of her, causing her to lose it slightly. "Just where did he take her?!" She demanded, pushing out of the group. "How dare you!" She added. "If this is some kind of prank, it needs to end. Right now." She would say angrily.

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Re: ℇnchantedly ☾harmed-⌈IC⌋

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kenzi on Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:33 pm

"Eve!" Zennie shrieked many octaves higher than she would have thought possible. "NO!" Scrambling to her knees, trying to regain her balance, she launched off of them and bolted to her feet as she ran after the two.

Chace’s massive body of gold and snow white fur stopped pacing as the shorter red head burst out of the circle after her friend. The look on her face was a mixture of horror and determination, clearly willing to do anything to get the other witch, Eve, back.

Forin howled loudly next to him, breaking Chace’s concentration for a moment. He wasn’t sure what Lyall wanted with the other girl, but he was the alpha and the rest of the pack needed to make sure his plans weren’t ruined due to this girl.

I’ll stop her.

He said in wolf, his low rumbling growl echoing in the still night. In the distance he could make out the sobbing calls of “Eve! Eve!” and felt his stomach turn uncomfortably. He was the stereotypical looking macho male of the group, but he often felt like he had the softest heart and it was beating uncomfortably in his chest at the moment.

Without wasting another moment, he took off into the night after the witch. The other three could handle the remaining three girls, he was sure. His muscular legs took him swiftly through the woods, crushing stray branches and ripping through thick bushes like they were nothing. Within seconds he caught up to the petite red headed witch. With one great leap, a deep howl emitting from his throat, he leapt her running body and came to a stop on her other side. He spread his four legs in a strong stance, blocking her way after the other girl, and stared into her baby blue eyes. She was crying, he could see the tears glassing over her eyes in the bright moonlight, and his stance faltered slightly. His large golden ears twitched, picking up on the voice of Lyall in the distance. It was much too quiet for a human to hear, but Chace could hear it just fine.

He looked at the witch, his icy blue gaze meeting her soft blue one, and whined deeply at her. It wasn’t a threatening sound, more of a pleading sound. He hoped she would stop and just give Lyall the time he needed to do whatever it was he planned on doing.


Evelynne watched in shock as the massive wolf transformed into a tall and incredibly handsome boy around her own age. His forehead was bleeding profusely, spilling down onto his t-shirt, and there was another deep cut in his hip. Her terrified expressed quickly shifted into one of concern and guilt. Now that he was no longer in his wolf form, she felt less afraid and very sorry to have hurt him so much. She lowered her wand slightly and took a hesitant step foreword, “I-I’m sorry. Are you-“ Eve began but shut her mouth as the handsome stranger raised his gaze to meet her own. He looked furious but also somewhat detached in an incredibly unnerving way. Her grip on her wand tightened, stepping further away from him, as her torn bomber jacket hung in tatters on her tall thin frame.

“It seems I underestimated you…” He said softly, lifting his gaze towards the witch. Glowering at her, his super senses suddenly picked up the sound of another, about a hundred yards away, quickly coming closer. She was shouting out a name, over and over. ‘Eve!’ ‘Eve!’ Lyall began to approach the red head.

Her feminine features changed ever so slightly, a look of annoyance briefly shadowing her face. Had he underestimated her because she was a woman, or simply because she just didn’t look strong to him? Regardless, Evelynne was mildly annoyed at the comment and would have usually snapped back, but her survival instincts were taking over her body and she was completely focused on getting out of this mess.

“So I take it your name is Eve. Nice to meet you. I’m Lyall. I would love to let you go, Eve, but unfortunately you’ve seen my human form…” Suddenly he was rushing at her, moving with the speed and strength of wolf on all fours, but as a human. He darted from side to side, before leaping to be directly at her side, stepping into a two legged position and grabbing the wrist which held her wand. He got up behind her and covered her mouth with his bloodied hand and then began to walk backwards into a large shrubbery.

How did he know her name? She couldn’t hear anyone calling her, but- Before she could even respond or finish her train of thought, he was in front of her. Lyall grabbed her wand hand, forcing it into the air so she couldn’t move, and swiftly covered her mouth with a bloody hand. The blood slipped against her face, filling her nose and mouth with the over whelming smell and taste of iron. He dragged her quickly and strongly into a bush, never once loosening his grip on her. She felt an overwhelming sense of déjà view, memories of James beating her as he clasped a hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming came flooding to the front of her mind. Unwillingly, hot tears began to blur her vision and splash down onto the large bloodied hand that covered her mouth.

“Make a sound and you’ll regret it.” He whispered in her ear, his voice toneless. He stopped once they were suitable hidden and stood still, pressing Eve against his body and holding her with his strong grip. “You wouldn’t want her to get hurt, right? The one who’s coming after you. She must be very close to you if she’s not afraid to confront a werewolf in order to save you.”

Zennie. It had to be Zennie. Eve stood completely still, willing her body to stop struggling against his grip, in order to make as little sound as possible. She didn’t want to do anything for this animal of a human being, but she didn’t want Zennie to be hurt either. So, instead of fighting against him she shut her eyes and tried not to make any noise.

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Re: ℇnchantedly ☾harmed-⌈IC⌋

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aulelei on Mon Mar 28, 2011 12:46 am

Alexander Anwell
"Would you guys quiet down? I'm trying to catch up on my beauty sleep. The sun won't rise if it has nothing to look forward to, and I can't keep holding your hand because you're scared of the dark."
The comment coming from behind him as Forin arose from his slumber caused his body to jerk in laughter as he shook his head, unfolding his arms from across his chest.

"Yeah, you need all the beauty sleep you can get, princess." he teased as he rolled his eyes and kicked up a few twigs.

"No bed time story for you tonight pumpkin."

Another chuckle filled the brisk air as their boyish conversations continued on. Alex saw the thrill of scaring a few teenage girls, but then again it was a thrill he only wanted to seek once in a blue moon. After a while, the joke got a bit tiring but hey, he just wasn't the type to ever complain. Instead, he found himself conforming to everyone else's opinion, and simple tag along for the ride. Not to say at all he was a follower, but instead he refused to bicker or argue about a situation as this. Once Ted changed back in to his canine form, he took off in a light put swiftly paced job towards the school. Alex walked slowly behind, and when he was ready he shifted back into his wolf form, following after the rest of the back. The pattering and thumbing of their paws filled the silent air, their limbs lightly brushing against the branches and bushes as they made their way through the forest. He began to pant, his speed kicking up but then- coming to a sudden stop. A low growl could be heard, as he walked around the pack with a curious intention.

-and there they were. Five of them. Five uncomfortable expressions. Five beautiful girls. His bright blue eyes narrowed as they fell on Ted, who began to circle the group of girls, with all intentions to scare them back into their castle. Though, he had a gut feeling that some things might just go not as planned.


His gaze instantly moved from Ted and to the girl who had courageously, and almost without hesitating, held out a small notepad towards the wolf. Another rumbling sound could be heard, similar to a growl as Ted seemed to have been getting closer and closer to the group of girls. Alex surely knew how Ted could get, not that he would hurt any one of them, but his tricks, pranks and ways of scaring could have their possibility of getting out of a hand. -and who knows what witches are truly capable of.

Circle them.

-and as ordered, he did so, following behind Chace. His paws sunk down into the wet dirt with each sticky step, his eyes never moving off of the small crowd of girls, his gaze shifting back and forth from one to the other.

I’m going to take one of them into the woods. After that, do what you want; chase them, corner them. But whatever you do, don’t hurt them.

Alex growled in response, beginning to corner in on the group of girls, and without warning he heard the loud bark from Lyall as he charged himself into them, grabbing a hold of the one he intentionally was aiming for. Once Lyall had her in his grasp, he ran off into the forest.


Alex turned his attention to the red head girl who managed to pick herself up, and without hesitation ran off after Lyall and the other red headed girl.

I’ll stop her.

Alex howled in response, looking back over to the three girls who were left behind. The girl who's idea this probably was, with very interesting green eyes. A very petite brunette girl who was now threatening Ted, and then a fairly tall and slender girl who's mouth was running more than it needed to. A rumbling noise filled the air as he growled, barked and then made his way closer to the girl who was now running her mouth significantly the most.

If this is some kind of prank, it needs to end. Right now!

Alex gave a glance towards Ted, and then a glance over to Forin. He knew they both weren't just quite ready to retire from the small bit of 'fun' they were having. Then again, he only wanted to shake these girls just a little, not leave them scarred for life. Alex continued on with his occasionally barks and snarls, while Forin could be heard in the midst of it all, howling away at the full moons rise.

Tatiana Eloise D'Ancanto
Cat Familiar
The wolf approaching her was all black and maybe his bark was worse than his bite after all. She knew the barking, snapping and growling was a negative response to her comment, referring that for dogs, they sure didn't bark much. But in an instant, her mind wasn't so much changed, but she was now assured that they did understand each word from their mouths and that they weren't afraid at all to stand their own ground. Well, neither are they. Tatiana jumped a bit, noticeable but nothing too out of the ordinary. It was the kind of jumping reaction when someone yells too loud or when you spill just a dab of piping hot tea on your lap. She continued to retreat, her steps moving backwards until she came to a comfortable spot. There was either the option of left or right. Either way, she knew she wouldn't get too far. -and then again, she wasn't the type to run out on trouble anyway.

She wasn't aware of what was to happen next. She was a witch; not telepathic. The force from the wolf who pushed his body towards them, separated each of the girls in opposite directions. Tatiana, wasn't pushed too far, her frame fumbling to the right, rolling into the mud and grass, a omph sound escaping her mouth as her hands planted themselves firmly in the earth so that she would roll any further. Her head immediately rose, strands of hair scattered in front of her view, but she was able to get a good enough sight of the wolf taking a hold of Eve, and carrying her in to the forest.

"Hey!" she shouted, scampering to her feet, the mud making a bit hard at first to regain her stance.

Once she did, Zennie was already off after her, and then, another wolf followed after the three of them. Her mind was completely spinning in circles and what she thought might be a not so harmful encounter, might actually be turning in to blood shed. She reached her hand towards her head, but realized her hat had been knocked off from atop her crown. With a worried expression, she turned in a circle to look for her pointed hat, but it was awfully hard when everything around was pretty dark. With a hiss of anger, she turned her sight back to Clare, who was now approaching the reddish brown wolf, with quite a few words of anger and demand. Tatiana reached for her bag that was just near her feet, and began to ball up the strap around her wrist and getting a good enough clutch with her fist. She scampered and slid towards Clare and the wolf, her sight turning to the black furred wolf from before who was now howling away towards the sky. One distracted, two to go.

"You flea infested mongrols!" she shouted, throwing the pouch part of her back just above her shoulder, and without much effort, she swung the bag directly to the wolfs muzzle, hopefully with a result of knocking him back just a few inches out of Clare's way.

Without waiting for a whimper, she threw down her back and turned to look over her shoulder towards Charlotte, pacefully heading towards her with her arm extended.

"Clare do something and make it quick I can't find my hat!" she shouted, her feet stopping just on the side of Charlotte, her arm still extended and her breathing a bit shaky.

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Re: ℇnchantedly ☾harmed-⌈IC⌋

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ReiRyuusei on Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:01 am

{ OOC;; I'll wait for Unicorn Luv to join us in posting, then I'll repost afterwards. }

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Re: ℇnchantedly ☾harmed-⌈IC⌋

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Unicorn Luv on Mon Mar 28, 2011 2:02 pm


In closely examined retrospect, perhaps what Charlotte had said was not the smart thing to do, but it certainly broke the ice right? With her comment, she had found that the werewolves were not exactly friendly. And Charlotte was very grateful that hands reached out to pull her back, her arms unconsciously groped for the touch of others, out of want for comfort in the face of vicious puppies who were possibly hungry.

Charlotte was not the sort to start shaking in fear of even make a noise for that matter, she froze. Her sense became hyper aware as her heart beat in her ears, going what must have been a thousand miles per hour. Tatiana gave the wolves a bit of a tongue lashing, but it seemed to do no good unfortunately. As one of the dogs started to bark, and then Eve was kidnapped; oh god, Cleo was right! Werewolves DID kidnap beautiful girls and run off with them, oh no! Eve was definitely beautiful! Oh no oh no oh no! Charlotte’s mind whimpered she didn’t want this to happen; her friends were going to get hurt, all because of her. She had to do something, she knew that, but her mind suddenly went blank, Charlottes started to breath uneasily now, and her mind got blurry, a mist started to go over her mind. What was that?

A little and short scream escaped her as she jumped to the side while staying pin straight, they were being corralled and now huddled together, what was left of them at least, which now consisted of herself and Tatiana, as Clare had stepped forward. It was Clare’s turn to be pulled back, and Charlotte took the liberty. “Clare! You’re a pretty girl! They might kidnap you like Eve, remember the rumors?!” Charlotte spoke in a strained whisper. But Clare had a point, she could not allow this to happen, what would they do if they survived? Run back to school without their friend? Cry in the Headmaster’s office?...Wait, they were forgetting something, the Headmaster!

“We are witches you dumb m-mutts! And this here.” Charlotte stuttered a bit, but she was getting better at her ‘assertive voice’, she pointed at the brick wall they were flush up against. “Is a witches school, equipped with a Headmaster and chock full of other witches who will hunt you down and use you as throw rugs in a moments notice if we aren’t all found back in our beds by morning! S-so you! Um, we…logically it would be in your best interest to hand us b-back our-our…friends?” Charlotte was sinking back, a tear rolling down her face as her voice withered under the growls of the wolves surrounding them.

Then all noise went silent, Charlotte could hear nothing anymore, and it was getting harder to see, all she heard was a whispering in her mind. And she steadied, straitening up and holding up a limp wrist, her wand hanging from its fingertips. Her hand did not look like her own to her, but she could barely think, so it didn’t matter. Her mouth was about to open, but she jerked her head to the side, as if slapping herself out of it. What in the world was that? Charlotte pulled Clare and Tatiana closer (if that was possible) to her as she sank to a slump, suddenly tired. It seemed one of the wolves was a bit angry, as he was rubbing his muzzle with his paw. What had gone on?


Ted was pleased at the order they were given and mentally took back all he had thought about Lyall possibly being asexual; it appeared the man had a thing for redheads. Ted certainly did not blame him, but he was a bit worried behind the surprise, why would he want to take the redhead off? To scare them maybe, most likely he was just taking her for a run around in a circle, and he’d come right back with her; at least that was what he hoped. But it was Lyall they were talking about, he’d never do anything like that, he was softy underneath in Ted’s opinion.

The second redhead had gone off after Lyall, and Chace fallowed to cut her off. That left the tall smooth talker, a rather petite girl, and the one who had asked for an autograph of all things. He couldn’t tell whether it had been intended to mock them or not, but she had sounded serious. Certainly her friend was out to lash at them with her tongue, but that was alright, he enjoyed spunk. And the girls surprisingly started to actually show a bit of that as the smallest out of all of them stepped forward to tell him off. At first his ears went back and his head slinked up in surprise, was she serious? She was like a little hamster of something! He could knock her over with his paw if wanted to, in fact he had half a mind to do it. But instead he gave a vicious growl in response, baring his teeth in a good show of fury. Honestly however, it was all show, and inside he was still highly amused.

The amusement soon stopped when something hit his snout. “OOOWWWW.” He whined in sudden shock, he was not prepared for that at all. Understand something if you will, a wolf’s nose is a very sensitive instrument, used for smelling not only scent, but emotions and things as ornate as diseases afflicting the body. The snout is a fleshy part that is kept wet and tender by mucus, and being hit there is not under any circumstances funny; maybe to others present, but not to him.

He sat down right then and there and covered his nose with his paw, waiting for the shock of the impact to allow his nose to stop twitching so he could smell right already. Was Ted being a bit of a baby, you would to, so shut up.

The girls huddled close again as the tall one shouted for someone named Clare to do something. Perhaps he had allowed this to get out of hand, he didn’t want to be marred for life by a wicked spell or anything, and the girls were getting a little too scared. “Alright alright, calm down already.”

Ted got up, holding his nose still, but this time in his human form. “Guys, quit it. I think we went a little too far. Me mostly, but if anyone asks I’ll blame you…” He took an eased stance as he let his nose go and sniffled, his nose somewhat back to normal now. He glanced over at the girls and winked, “Gotcha didn’t we? Sorry about that ladies, just having a touch of fun you see.” His tone was his usual charming velvet that he saved for speaking to the womanly sort of people. He acted as though his offense had been nothing at all, as if it was just some harmless prank. “He cupped his hands and howled to the sky out of showmanship, but also to sort of signal to Lyall, who was too far for normal human ears to hear (but he definitely could), that he was in his human form. He had made the decision to shift perhaps out of turn, but the situation warranted it.

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Re: ℇnchantedly ☾harmed-⌈IC⌋

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ReiRyuusei on Mon Mar 28, 2011 2:55 pm

{ Eh, my post kinda works with a few minor alterations anyway. Let the story continue~ }

Lyall could hear a wolf pounce in front of the girl who was chasing after them and he could tell from the faint scent and the deep tone of the growls it was Chace. He let out a quite but relieved sighed, when suddenly he felt something hot and watery on the hand he was using to cover Eve’s mouth. At first he thought it was blood, but then he realized it could be, and when he glanced over her shoulder, seeing the diluted blood streaks of tears, he realized the girl in his grasp was crying. It was like being punched in the chest. He hadn’t meant to make her cry, but then he realized what this must feel like to her. To her, he was either going to hurt her or rape her, or worse, and the sudden thought og himself doing that to a girl made the Alpha want to be sick.

“…That’s enough…” He said softly, although in the silence she may have been able to hear. He was tired of this fooling around, tired of being the villian. It was a chore at first, a game to some of the others, but now someone was truly terrified and hurting. Without thinking, Lyall let Eve go, taking a step back into the shrubbery clearing. It was then he heard the howl and realized what had happened. He could only sigh, glad it had turned out this way. But maybe all of their plans didn't need to be revealed just yet... Well, even if Theodore did reveal them, the red head would find out later.

“Eve, I’m about to tell you something you probably won’t believe but… I don’t want to hurt you. Feel free to curse me and run to help your friends if you wish, but just listen to me for a moment.” He walked forward, stepping past her out of the large bush and into the clearing they had fought before. He turned around to walk backwards, watching her as he reached out behind him to touch a large flat stone. He sat down, hissing in pain as more blood oozed from the wound at his hip. He knew it wouldn’t take long to begin the healing process, especially in the light of the moon. He could only hope no spilinters of wood remained stuck within his flesh.

“We’re not here to hurt anyone, we just want to scare you. I can’t tell you why but… Please believe me when I say that your friends won’t get hurt by my pack, and I won’t lay a hand on you to harm you… Here.” The Alpha suddenly reached under a small hole beneath the rock to pull out a bag and his own leather jacket. He put the jacket down and produced a fresh t-shirt and a water bottle from the bag, folding up the shirt and wetting it significantly before standing up with much pain effort and walking towards her, the wet t-shirt outstretched.

“Let me clean your face. It’s covered in blood and most of it isn’t even yours…” The Alpha stopped just a few feet away from her, wanting her to take the next few steps towards him. He tried to crack a smile, and although it only twitched at one side of his lips, he hoped it was clear he meant it.

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Re: ℇnchantedly ☾harmed-⌈IC⌋

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cure on Mon Mar 28, 2011 3:11 pm


There was a burning sensation inside her throat as she inhaled only to exhale screams and hollers. While she was running, refusing to let her body get tired, she saw a shadow cast over her for just a second and then it landed right in front of her. A howl silenced her shrills as it cast through the night. It happened so quickly she had no time to react to the flying figure above her which is exactly why her feet skidded to a stop and she toppled over onto her belly. There it was. Big. Golden and white. Ice blue eyes. Big. Huge. A gigantic dog. Her hat fell off her head, only a few feet away, but that wasn't too relevant since she had her wand tightly held in her hand. Zennie prayed that the dirt covered her well. Maybe if she laid still for a little bit, he would just go away. But she didn't have time to wait and count her chances. Eve was in trouble! Zennie stared at the werewolf, her shaky breaths causing her body to tremble. "You're not going to stop me."

Making up her mind, she pushed off the ground and got onto her feet, running as soon as she was up. She sprinted across the foggy soil and ran straight into the wolves front leg closest to her. She pulled at his fur, beating and screaming at him. "Give her back you evil thing, you!" This wasn't the plan. She didn't plan on running to the wolf and start hitting it. She didn't even want to make direct contact with it. Her body just took control of her and now here she was. Crying and yelling at it when it probably had no idea what she was saying. "Tell your friend to give her back! She didn't do anything. You know that!" Her first kept hitting his leg. Zennie turned and ran the opposite direction she was coming but then pivoted and came running back. She tried running past the dog but it was no use. He was a thousand sizes bigger than her, quicker than her. Zennie tried this many times. The last time she just ran straight to his leg, her palms pressed against it, trying to push him out the way. "Move! Move! MOVEMOVEMOVEMOVEMOVE!"

Where could Evelynne be now? That other wolf was probably long gone. Oh no. This couldn't be it. This couldn't be. It couldn't be. Zennie stepped back, shaking her head. The tears pouring down her cheeks faster than before. The only air was coming through her mouth since her nose was stuffy. She flopped right onto her butt and sobbed. "Eve! Answer me!" The wand was still in her hand but she had no idea what to do with it. Her mind was completely empty. Maybe if Eve was still near by, alive of course, she just needed to find a way back. Yeah that's it! She's lost. That's exactly it. Zennie raised her hand to the sky, forcing the sobs behind her words. "Guide with light through the night. Bring the witch to my sight!" A beam of light shot through her wand and into the night like a solar flare. She waited. Nothing. Again. "Guide with light through the night. Bring the witch to my sight!" Zennie yelled her chant, turning into tears again. She threw her wand towards the werewolf. "There! Just take it! I don't want it anymore. I just want my friend. You have friends. How would you feel...if-if we took one of your friends?" She didn't want to hurt the werewolf. Hurting animals was only the last resort, and looking into his eyes, it looked as if he was pleading. He even whimpered.

"Will you just tell your friend something? Tell him that we came out because we needed to find a werewolf because our friend got into a dare and she needed to get an autograph from a werewolf. That's all. We weren't going to hurt you or anything. I'm not leaving alone. Eve is coming with me. Tell your friend don't hurt her. Please? Please don't hurt her."


Forin never wanted to have kids. Specifically daughters. These witches were a prime example as to why. After Chace had left off to chase, he smiled to himself at the pun, the other redhead a smaller one of the remaining witches started barking, he smiled again, angrily. He watched as she, who turned to be the one called 'Clare', fussed at Ted. Whoa now. Weren't they just cowering within each other? And now all of a sudden they decided they ran the forest? Oh no. That's not how it goes. And you definitely don't yell at his Beta. The taller girl, the one with the mouth, began yelling also. Forin glanced at Alex for second then continued to watch the girls. He kept a special eye on the tall girl who balled up the strap of her purse into her wrist and rammed it right into Ted's snout. Forin turned away, trying not to laugh. Oh man. That was kind of funny. If he ever tried to do that...well he preferred to leave that thought incomplete. Ted hollered in pain as he sat down, covering his snouth with his paw.

He would be okay, but now back to a serious note. That girl needed to be put back into place. Forin bared his teeth, a growl rumbling in his chest and he leaped toward both of the three girls. He snapped his jaw once, not touching them of course, then moved back. Next time he'd go for their neck. Little witches. Forin looked at Ted as he spoke. “Guys, quit it. I think we went a little too far. Me mostly, but if anyone asks I’ll blame you…” Forin would have rolled his eyes except the fact that he turned into his human form. What the hell? He growled and barked. What was he doing?

To show he didn't comply, Forin patted each paw into the soil one by one and held his stance. In Wolf he spoke: Are you crazy? Turn back before all three of them take you out. They're already on an emotional high." To make sure the girls didn't get any idea, now that Ted was closer to their proximity and doing the calculations with their fiestiness and emotional unstability, he casually yawned lifting his paw to his mouth. He pawed at his ear, yeah that felt nice. As he brought it back down he swept it under the girls feet so they fell over like bowling pins. Nothing too bad. Just a simple fall. Maybe a few boo-boos, a few scared. They'd be okay though. He eyed them all, basically implying that if any of them tried to attack him, he would not be soft. He would take them out. Forin snapped his jaw one more time to make sure the message was clear, afterwards turning his head somewhat as if he were in a daze, completely dismissing what he did.

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Re: ℇnchantedly ☾harmed-⌈IC⌋

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DeadlyxSunshine on Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:36 pm

Clare rolled her eyes. "Char," She whispered, "I don't quite think that's the reason they kidnapped her! And don't say that." She said with a small frown. Yes, Clare had some self-esteem issues. After all, she didn't believe she was that pretty. Somehow it had been knocked into her head she wasn't, but she wasn't about to get into that at the moment. She sighed softly as she was pulled back, but didn't do anything to shake the taller girl off. She then let out a slight cry as they fell.

Clare was the first to get up, glaring at the wolf. That did it. She was upset. No, beyond upset was more like it. "What in the world is your problem?!" She seethed at the wolf who had knocked them down. She took a few steps towards him, eyes full of rage. "If you think that just because you're some big idiotic mutt, that I'll be afraid, you're severely messed up in the head!" She snapped angrily as she was only a few inches from him. "I am not afraid of you, or anything else." She snapped. Well, that was a lie. She was afraid of a few things, but... That was another story for another day. "You need to back off. Now. And while you're at it, bring our friends back!" She wasn't shouting, but instead, it was a whisper. A whisper filled with intense rage and frustration.

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