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Oblivion: We're Coming For You.

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Oblivion: We're Coming For You.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Trix on Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:59 pm





<run program dataremoval.exe@location:file44563>




<run program clearlog.exe@location:log>




<run program closeterminal@terminal:8374>


The old desktop computer whirred furiously, and bleeped angrily before resuming a quiet hum, joining the quiet symphony of evelen other humming computers. Some showed blurry black and white security camera footage, whilst others ran programs, listing pages and pages of obscure grey code on black backgrounds. All twelve were being watched by one man, who stood alone in the dim room. He clicked his tounge, and sat back down in a desk chair, leaving the old machine to return to it's regular duties. He closed his eyes, enjoying the peaceful blanket of electronic humming, before it was shattered by three clear knocks. "Is it done? Has the record been removed?" He turned to look at the young woman who stood in the light of the door, casting a long shadow across the floor. "Yes, Zephie. It's gone." She nodded, and smiled. "Thanks. They'll be grateful. Can I get you anything?" The older man shook his head. "No, thank you. I'd hate to keep the elusive Zephyr from her work." The woman laughed. "Thank you. I suppose I shall see you at dinner."

Zephyr sat in a small white room, watching the steady rise and fall of a figure's chest as they lay in the white metal cot. This was the first anyone saw of their hidden base; the old sick bay of an old high school. She drummed her fingers on her lap, impatience eating at her nerve. It had been exactly five hours and seventeen minutes since they'd taken the newest recruit, but they were taking a hell of a time to wake up. Of course, Zephyr had drawn the short straw to sit with them, and to keep them from totally freaking out when they awoke. If they wouldn't calm down... well, dead men tell no tales. Zephyr rested her hand on the smooth silver of the pistol besides her. If worst came to worst, it became her best friend. Of course, that was only if worst came to worst. It wasn't the ideal course of action for anyone, but it happened occassionally. Dirty, fading red stains up the wall behind the cot was proof of this.

Zephyr turned her head to look at the gun itself. She knew for a fact that it was a Desert Eagle 44 Magnum; a style of gun that was over a hundred years old. The piece of metal itself was friendly and familiar to Zephyr; she'd used it before. Not below, not down here, but above the ground, protecting. She picked it up. It fitted her hand naturally; she rested her finger on the trigger and stroked it fondly. She smiled softly, before gently placing the firearm. Zephyr looked back to the figure in the cot, and allowed her mind to wander somewhat. 'It's funny how your next words can be your last.'

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Re: Oblivion: We're Coming For You.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kroenan on Thu Jun 11, 2009 3:23 pm

His eyes opened slowly, and immediately he felt a strong feeling of confusion and disorientation He sat Bolt upright feeling scared and confused, had they found him? was he about to become another 'mysterious disappearance' that the city newspapers reported about so often?
"You're Finally Awake, good." A woman said only now he noticed her looking at her, she was very pretty he might have tried a pass at her if he wasn't so damn confused.
"What the fuck am I doing down here?!" he said, his voice shaking with anxiety
"What? Down here?" the pretty woman replied casually "We're about 50 miles below ground in an abandoned school, anything else you want to know?"
"Two things..." He replied thoughtfully "One who the hell are you people, I assume we're not alone?" he questioned and got a nod in reply "and how did I get here?"
"Well" she sighed "We found you where we find most of the others, a couple miles outta the city and to answer you're other question we're a rebel movement known as Oblivion which, if you so choose, you can become a member of" she looked at him with a slight smile
"Wow..." he looked incredulously at her " 1 more question okay?"
"Okay." She replied
"Who am I?" he asked quietly
"Honestly we don't know, none of us know for sure Oblivion Operatives are outcasts we've all banded together to try and find who we are I suppose" she said thoughtfully
"Okay, I'm in" he replied "What'll I need?"
"Two things" The girl replied " A codename and a weapon. Armoury's down the hall go and pick out something that suits you"
"Zephyr" the girl replied "and you?"
"Scapegoat... call me Scapegoat" Scapegoat hoisted himself off the bed and walked down the hall until he saw the armoury and a rack labelled 'recruits'
he scanned the weapon rack until he found something he liked the twin raging bull pistols "Nice" he muttered spinning them around and placing them in the holsters now fastened around his waist It's gonna be a long road ahead... he thought to himself wearily

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Re: Oblivion: We're Coming For You.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lady Ethereal on Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:12 pm

Amethyst eyes slowly opened as it closed a couple of times adjusting its owner to the view presented before her. The room was not that bright but it was partly illuminated so anyone can tell what kind of room they are in. The owner of the said eyes managed to seat properly on the cot she was laying on a few moments ago. She was a pretty sight to behold, her face showed that she is still young but there is this aura of maturity emitting from her. A hand was raised and placed on her forehead, it was aching and all her memory seemed to be fuzzy to say the least. She tried to recollect everything she can remember before she woke in this dump, as she can only describe it.

"Where the hell am I...?”

She was not sure if anyone would answer her question as far as she can see, she was alone. She stood up and still quite dizzy from whatever treatment was used to subdue her. Her head throbbed in pain as if it was force to forget and forced to sleep. The young woman knew that she needed to get out of this room first. She was not sure if the people who probably took her have nice personalities or not. She did not want to take any chances, she did get a feeling that she should be freaking out but that would be expected of her being in an unknown place. She did not like that at all. She took a deep breath and began to analyze the room she was placed in.

"This is really a dump. I wonder what those people want me for... Ransom? Sacrifice? Fun?"

The young beauty sighed as all the possible scenarios passed through her mind and once in a while her head will ached still not ready for any heavy thinking. She cursed her luck and went to the door that seemed to be the only exit. The only logical option was to get out and if she met someone along the way. She could ask her questions if that is possible and if not she could always run. Her hand touched the knob and slowly turned it hoping it was not lock at all but, what could wait for her at the other side.
"Let me sleep... For when I sleep..."
Image Image
"I will finally see you in my dreams..."

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Re: Oblivion: We're Coming For You.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ayameko on Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:58 am

Dahlia stirred a bit before her aquamarine eyes slowly opened, she laid there for a second. Her mind seemed to be moving slow, as if she had just awoken from a deep sleep. Her eyes stared up at the ceiling as she tried to gather her thoughts. Where was she? Why was she here? Was she going to die? Finally she rose up and twisted her torso, stretching her muscles and allowing them to wake up. She took her left hand and ran it through her raven hair then started rubbing her temples. Her eyes took in the room, she was alone, on an uncomfortable cot, in a place she had never seen before. The first thing she thought was someone had found her and she was going to be killed. Her mind pushed that idea back and urged her to get up and walk around, maybe there would be someone who could give her some answers.

'Is it safe to just up and leave? Should I risk it?'

The question seemed to slow her movement, she wasn't going to start yelling or anything, but she was very confused to say the least. Deciding she should weigh her options, Dahlia started pacing around in circles by the door. 'On one hand, I could try and bust out of here, but they might have someone on guard, in which case I would most likely be killed. On the other hand, I could just wait here until someone comes in, but they might kill me anyway. She stopped pacing and turned around, glancing around the room. There wasn't anything she could use to defend herself with, so she chose her second option. Patience. She walked back over to the cot and sat down, focusing all of her attention on the door. Her mind formed a bunch of assumptions about what would happen next, but she didn't bother thinking about any of that. She really hated being clueless, and right now she just wanted some answers, she would worry about the potential danger afterwards.

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Re: Oblivion: We're Coming For You.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Trix on Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:43 am

Zephyr watched the man leave and turn down the hall. Scapegoat, Scapegoat. He seemed like a typical new operative; confused and mad as fuck. She blinked and shook her head, before leaving the white room. She quickly stopped, turning back into the room to pick up the Desert Eagle. Zephyr was used to dealing with new operatives; she'd been here a good year and a half now. None of this was new. What was new around here were faces. People came and went around Oblivion just like that. One suspicious act against the rebel movement, and you were dealt with as ruthlessly as you were up above; the paradox of Oblivion.

After stepping out into the corridor, Zephyr came to another two doors. Instead of going for the second door, Zephyr went for the third; a paranoid habit she'd got into. Never do what people expect, always do the opposite. It had saved her so far, so there was no reason to stop now. However, before opening anything, Zephyr stopped. She stepped back, and went to a small air-vent between the two doors. She pulled the grate away, revealing two small two-way mirrors. Zephyr angled her head to look into the third room first, before the second. In the third room, the girl was sitting on the cot. Zephyr had had nothing to do with the kidnap of this one; she'd saved her expertise to take down the girl in the second room. That had been a right royal mess of a kidnapping. Zephyr had resorted to slamming the girl against the wall to get the needle in; it had probably been a little too forceful, but it had got the job done. The girl in question was standing up, her hand turning the doorkn- "Bollocks." Zephyr left the grate on the floor, clicking the safety off the firearm she held. She pulled on the door, making it open much faster, and grabbing the girl she'd already manhandled six hours ago. She bundled the girl into the third room, deciding that she didn't want to give her speech twice. Plus, she couldn't risk one of them running off, not yet. Letting go of the girl she'd dragged in, Zephyr closed the door.

"My sincere apologies for the whole kidnapping deal, friends." Zephyr sighed, her hand still firmly wrapped around the firearm. "Welcome to the underground, welcome to Oblivion." She smiled, before continuing. "Believe me or not, but we've saved your lives. All we ask in return is the agreement to join us. If you don't agree with joining us, there's one way out." Zephyr lifted to gun to emphasise her point. "And trust me; it's not pretty for anyone, but dead men tell no tales." Zephyr leaned against the door. "Before I go on, do you have any questions? The last guy sure as hell did."

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Re: Oblivion: We're Coming For You.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ayameko on Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:33 pm

Dahlia hadn't taken her eyes off of the door the entire time, she just sat there waiting, knowing eventually someone would come in with some answers. Meanwhile, she wondered what would become of the situation, anything was better than conforming to the new order, even death. Her parents had been killed a while ago, she hadn't been worried about dying, it was something she thought would have happened by now, she was just curious as to why she had been taken to this strange place. She pulled away from her thoughts as she heard footsteps on the other side of the door, followed by the sound of something metal being moved. Dahlia stopped breathing so she could better hear what was going on outside the door. She could hear a female voice, then another door being opened and sat upright when the door leading to where she was waiting opened. In came two females, one with a gun.

Dahlia's eyes narrowed as she took in every word the female said. She asked if they had any questions, instantly a million sprang up in her mind, she picked out the ones that were important and dropped the ones that would most likely get her shot. Rearranging the way she was sitting, Dahlia looked from one girl, to the one with the weapon. "Well," she started, choosing her words carefully, "You could start by telling me what Oblivion is, that would be nice." So far she deduced two things, one, this Oblivion thing must be some kind of underground organization working against something, the government? Two, this girl was serious and if Dahlia decided not to join, her brain matter would most likely be covering the wall behind her.

'This should be interesting'.
Last edited by Ayameko on Fri Jun 12, 2009 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Oblivion: We're Coming For You.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Trix on Fri Jun 12, 2009 2:49 pm

Zephyr observed the speaker. She looked slightly older than Zephyr herself, and there was definitely experience etched in her face. 'Yes, you're a good catch.' Zephyr always found herself analysing new operatives in this way. She'd listen to their voice, observe how they sat, stood, composed themselves. Tiny indicators could, in Zephyr's mind, show you whether someone would make a good operative or not. Zephyr's eyes began to liven up, and her face grew into a dangerous smile. It was time to work out how far she could push the boat out.

"Oblivion is an anti-dictatorship movement. We steal from the rich and steal from the poor, we hack the strong and hack the weak. We blow up small children, we posion hospitals. We make our point, and we make our point well." Zephyr angled the gun so that the barrel pointed directly upwards. "What's more, we make our point so that we, as a group, stay undetected." Zephyr turned around and locked the door, before she lowered the gun, pointing it at the older girl's forehead. Maliciously, Zephyr began taking slow, controlled steps towards her. "To make sure we, as a group, stay undetected, we remove everyone first." Zephyr rested the gun against the girl's temple. She paused for a moment, her facial expression as cold as steel, before relaxing into a power-fuelled smirk. "You no longer exist. Whoever you were before, they're gone." She stepped away, removing the barrel of the gun from the forehead of the other. "Your name means nothing, your thought, feelings and actions of the past are no more. It is as if you never existed." Zephyr meticulously pronounced every consonent, every syllable. "Your past life means nothing. There is nothing stopping me from lodging a small pellet of lead in each of your brains." Zephyr turned around to look at the other girl. "Don't think I forgot you. Don't think I'll ever forget you."

Zephyr relaxed her muscles, and smiled. Her smile was warmer, but still had a malicious undertone to it. "Of course, killing either you is of no benefit to anyone. In fact, it creates more unneccesary work for someone." She placed one hand gently on her hip, and scratched her head with the barrel of the gun. "No, what is of benefit to us is if you agree to join us. Ignore any flaws you find with us; we're a better life that either of you would have up there, in society." Zephyr placed the gun down on a small table, and rested both hands on her own upper thighs. "Join us, and you're free. Run, and you'll never see anything again." She shrugged, bringing her arms out to the side and turning her palms to the ceiling. "Your choice entirely. But, hopefully, you're going to need a codename. That is, if you join us." Zephyr stepped back towards the gun. "I trust I won't be needing this firearm today, yes?" Zephyr replaced her hand around the gun. "Have no fear, of course; I meant every word I said about using it. I've done it before; there's nothing stopping me from doing it again."

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Re: Oblivion: We're Coming For You.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lady Ethereal on Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:40 pm

Aeon was startled at the opening of the door to the room she was placed in. She was quickly and efficiently dragged out and cannot help but recognize this force from before she was knocked out cold. She had put it in her head that this person was the perpetrator of her kidnapping. She was not sure what was going on as she was finally thrown literally to another room. She quickly assessed her situation and noticed a woman that was definitely older than her and armed as she gazed at the gun. Aeon was sure she was the one who took her and she took noticed of the other woman who was sitting on the cot that appeared to be calm. She deduced that she might have entered the place the same way as she did but probably not the same method of being obtained. There was no sign of pain or slight injuries on her actions and form which was the proof of that. Aeon snapped out of her thoughts as heard the woman spoke.

My sincere apologies for the whole kidnapping deal, friends." Zephyr sighed, her hand still firmly wrapped around the firearm. "Welcome to the underground, welcome to Oblivion." She smiled, before continuing. "Believe me or not, but we've saved your lives. All we ask in return is the agreement to join us. If you don't agree with joining us, there's one way out." Zephyr lifted to gun to emphasize her point. "And trust me; it's not pretty for anyone, but dead men tell no tales." Zephyr leaned against the door. "Before I go on, do you have any questions? The last guy sure as hell did."

The woman sitting on the cot spoke to accept Zephyr's invitation of inquiries. She decided to listen for now as she knew that whatever Dahlia was thinking would be the same as hers. There is no point asking the same questions. She had already two conclusions at the moment. One is that Oblivion could be a rebel group or a government agency under secrecy. Second, the woman with the gun will not hesitate to kill them if they do not speak the words that would be music to her ears. She straightened herself and dusted her attire in the process as she listened to the conversation.

"Have no fear, of course; I meant every word I said about using it. I've done it before; there's nothing stopping me from doing it again."

Aeon knew that for a fact. She can see it in the female' stature and slightest movements. It is one of her habits to study every person she can some in contact with. She can remember even the slightest details that would overlooked by others. Her amethyst eyes looked at Dahlia to assess what would be her answer. It would be a yes. She was sure of that and then to Zephyr. She was not afraid of dying but it does not mean she would let it overcome her without a fight. She knew well that she does not want her blood to be scattered across the walls here, it was not good for the decor. She never wanted to see her demise in such a dump. Aeon had nothing to lose now as the woman had said except her life. It would be interesting to find what would happen next.

"That was a wonderful speech. Aeon. I think i deserve to know the name who knocked me out cold."

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Re: Oblivion: We're Coming For You.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ayameko on Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:13 pm

Dahlia kept calm, listening intently to the words that Zephyr was speaking; occasionally her eyes would drift to the other female. Bingo. She thought as the puzzle peices started to fall into place. Oblivion was what she had assumed it to be earlier, an organization formed against the government. Dahlia watched as Zephyr raised the gun, then pointed it at her, she felt it on the side of her face. The entire time she kept her face as emotionless as possible, still thinking over the information she had just attained. It was interesting, Dahlia had read books about various topics such as spies or assassins, actually having a chance at being a part of some underground group seemed fun to say the least, but it would obviously be dangerous, and brushes with death might become common, it sparked excitement in Dahlia, but she controlled it. Something like this wasn't to be looked at as a game, it could be over in an instant because of one small error.

"You no longer exist. Whoever you were before, they're gone." She heard Zephyr say. It impressed her, while she was unconcious they managed to completely erase her past. The more she heard about this group, the more she shifted towards them. She hated the government, and if this group was against them then Dahlia would gladly back them up. Her previous thought of trying to escape was gone, besides, she would be shot before she could even get to the door, especially since it was locked. And she believed Zephyr when she said running would result in their deaths, she looked like the type that wouldn't hesitate to shoot, Dahlia couldn't see any falseness in her eyes, only hard honesty. Dahlia's palms pushed down on the hard mattress as she leaned back against her arms and crossed her legs on the cot. She gave everything another quick thought. Joining Oblivion ment she would get a chance to take down the goverment she grew to hate, especially after her parent's untimely deaths. Trying to escape was pointless, she wouldn't make it out of the room alive. There really was no need to think about what she should do, there was only one logical thing to do.

"Okay, sounds like you aren't bullshitting." Dahlia pushed off her wrist and walked toward Zephyr, staring directly into her eyes to get across how serious she was being. "All right, I'll join. Its not like I really have a choice anyway, denying would only lead to a quicker death for me." She glanced to Zephyr's gun then back to her eyes. "Just tell me what I have to do." Dahlia shoved her hands into her empty pockets, and shifted all of her weight onto her right leg before letting out a sigh.

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Re: Oblivion: We're Coming For You.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cambons on Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:37 pm

Eagle Woke up to the lights in his cell flickering, abruptly he woke up and ran toward the door. Scared out of his mind He pushed on the door "Damit its locked" he said to himself. Well looks like i have to find another way out of here, looking around he saw an air vent just big enough for him to fit though. He pushed his cot toward the vent climb up on it and began to unscrew the screws.

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Re: Oblivion: We're Coming For You.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kroenan on Sat Jun 13, 2009 5:08 am

Scapegoat returned from the weapons room to where he'd woken up to find several more people looking puzzled to be honest he was confused as hell, thoughts were whizzing through his head at the speed of light but they all came to the same end: these people were trying to overthrow the government it seemed crazy to believe such a thing but these people were dead serious as if he needed more proof the second he walked in the room Zephyr began talking about stealing from the rich the poor and being willing to do anything, even killing children! This was too much to handle was he really this kind of person? could he do these horrible things to people who didn't deserve it? Well, he thought there's only one way to find out.
"Zephyr, I'm in..." he muttered
Scapegoat hoped harder than ever that he'd made the right decision.

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Re: Oblivion: We're Coming For You.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Trix on Sat Jun 13, 2009 7:22 am

"Good." Zephyr turned around to see Scapegoat standing in the doorway, before turning back to the two females. "The door only locks one way. For emergancies." She smirked. "So that we can get you in, and so you can't get out. Hardly use the locks though."

Zephyr scanned the three operatives with her eyes, before nodding her head. "You've made the right decision to join us." She picked up the Desert Eagle, clicked the safety back on and 'holstered' it in her pocket. The metal still felt as cold as ice; a welcome feeling of reassurance in Zephyr's hand. She looked at Aeon. "Aeon, my name is Zephyr. This is Scapegoat; he's also new." She looked over at Scapegoat. "I hope you found a weapon you liked." Turning back to face the other two, she sniffed before speaking again. "Down here, we are all armed, twenty-four seven. Down the hall is a make-shift armoury. Scapegoat, I want you to take these guys down there so they can choose weapons too." Zephyr ran a hand through her fine, brown hair. "I have one more new operative to take care of. Then, I'd like to meet you all in the atrium, just down the hall. It's signposted."

Indeed, the atrium was signposted; on a piece of broken white plastic, nailed to the wall with the word 'ATRIUM' written in thick, black lettering and a thick, black arrow pointing left at the end of the corridor, past the armoury. Zephyr saw this sign at the end of the corridor and nodded, relieved that it was still there. No good having these new operatives not trust her, now.

She opened a fourth door, expecting to see a male occupant to the room. Instead, she was met with an empty room, with an air vent grate open. "Fucking bollocks." She stood on the cot that now stood below the air vent and hoisted herself in. Thankfully, the escapee hadn't gotten far, and Zephyr grabbed his ankle. Then she slid out, pulling back the fourth new operative. "Where the fuck are you going?" Zephyr pulled the guy down onto the cot. She stepped off, and pulled out the gun from her pocket, removing the safety. "Welcome to Oblivion. We saved your life. If you don't want to be grateful, leave. But, I warn you. There's only one way of leaving, and it involved this gun, my hand and your brains flying all over that nice clean wall." The wall in question was a dirty grey, compared to the white it had once been. "So, if you think you're quite finished escaping, then I want to know if you're up for helping to kick the government in the balls, or whether I'm going to have to blast your balls to kingdom come."

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Re: Oblivion: We're Coming For You.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lady Ethereal on Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:17 am

"Aeon, my name is Zephyr. This is Scapegoat; he's also new."

Aeon looked at the man that is known to her as Scapegoat. She studied the man; there was hesitation in his actions. But, he made a decision and that was the only available one if you have the instinct to live. He was definitely older than her. Now, that she thought about it. It seems among all the people in the room, she was the youngest. She did not mind as long as she would not be treated as a child. In her mind, she doubted she would be treated as such anyway. Her violet eyes looked at the woman who kidnapped her who goes by the name, Zephyr. It was good that her head was not aching anymore, so she can think uninterrupted.

"Down here, we are all armed, twenty-four seven. Down the hall is a make-shift armory. Scapegoat, I want you to take these guys down there so they can choose weapons too." Zephyr ran a hand through her fine, brown hair. "I have one more new operative to take care of. Then, I'd like to meet you all in the atrium, just down the hall. It's signposted."

Aeon cannot help but raised an eyebrow at that statement. They would choose weapons to use. Zephyr said that they would do all the possible way to go against the government. The end justifies the means, how fitting it is for someone like her. In all honesty, she did not care on what she should do, whether it is good or not. She had no life to return to and before that she even did not have a life. Aeon had nothing lose; to her this is simply for the fun of it. She flipped her hair as a habit and looked at Dahlia.

“Who are you.”

She said with complete ease as if talking to a person she had already met. Aeon crossed her arms before her chest and waited for the unknown woman to answer her. Before she would follow Scapegoat lead them to the armory.

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Re: Oblivion: We're Coming For You.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cambons on Sat Jun 13, 2009 4:08 pm

Eagle quickly took of the grate and crawled in, "if i follow this i should be able to find a way out" He said to himself. The he heard the door open he crawled as fast as he could but then, whoever or whatever had grabbed him and ripped him out of the vent.

"Welcome to Oblivion. We saved your life. If you do not want to be grateful, leave. But, I warn you. There is only one way of leaving, and it involved this gun, my hand and your brains flying all over that nice clean wall."So, if you think you are quite finished escaping, then I want to know if you are up for helping to kick the government in the balls, or whether I am going to have to blast your balls to kingdom come."

"Dam It who are you?" He questioned the lady "additionally how do i know that your not the government pretending not to be the government so you can see if i am for the government?" Also i do not wanna die well not yet".

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Re: Oblivion: We're Coming For You.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ayameko on Sat Jun 13, 2009 7:41 pm

Dahlia watched as Zephyr walked out of the room, then turned to the man called Scapegoat, then to Aeon. Choices for a codename were almost endless, but she chose to use the first one that came to mind. Looking at Aeon she answered her question with the same tone of voice she had used, "Just call me Dahlia." She liked the way it sounded when it was said outloud, it wasn't something you would hear on a regular basis. "I hope we can all get to know eachother a little more." She looked at both of them this time, then to the door. She imagined what kinds of options she would have for a weapon, she didn't want anything flashy, just something that would get the job done. In the past she had some experience with using certain guns, and such, so she already knew how to handle some weapons. 'This just keeps getting better and better. The excitement that Dahlia had contained earlier was on the verge of breaking through the expression on her face, but as she had before, she controlled it and kept her face calm like she had since she woke up.

"Shall we?" She questioned, moving closer to the door. She was ready to get her weapon and head to the atrium. Dahlia thought back to what she was doing before she was bought to Oblivion, it was clearly better to be where she was currently, she just never thought she would get the chance to do something like this. Her blue eyes glanced from Scapegoat to Aeon, then to the hallway.

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Re: Oblivion: We're Coming For You.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Oblenator on Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:23 pm

Deep Cut bent over, looking at the new knives they had stolen from various government convoys,
"Hmm, so many to choose from" He murmered to himself
He stood back up after deciding to forgo anything there and just keep what he had, they sure didn't make them like they used to.
He heard footsteps in the corridor, from the direction of the 'Newb Corner' and fondly remembered how he had cut the straws in order to get out of having to watch the new operatives wake.
Who cares if they tear each other to shreds, only the strongest survive, and thats what we want right? he thought
The footsteps came closer.
"Well, bout time I make myself known, and," he said with a chuckle, "test their reflexes while I'm at it"
He stepped out of the armoury and began down the corridor, pondering how he should do it, last time he wired alarms across the hallway,
They shat themselves he remembered with a hint of a smile
He decided on coming out plain and simple.
Deep Cut stuck his head out slightly from the bend in the corridor and spotted two females and a male making their way towards him, they had just passed through the first door, he waited until they where around 5 steps away from the end of the corridor and stepped out infront of them.
"Time for your second test, before you ask, your first was not getting your brains splattered arcross the wall by that trigger happy girl Zephyr." He started pacing
"Your second will be to get past me, I don't care how you do it or if you even manage, it just helps us determine your role here in Oblivion."
He stopped pacing and scratched his jaw
"After all, we don't want someone with the reflexes of a two year old out in the field. Now get ready."
Deep Cut cracked his wrists and waited.
Joker - "This is all Joker's fault. What a tool he was. I have to spend all day computing pi because he plugged in the Overlord."
EDI - Ah, I have access to the defensive systems. Thank you, Mr. Moreau. Now you must reactivate the primary drive in engineering.
Joker - Argh! You want me to go crawling through the ducts again.
EDI - I enjoy the sight of humans on their knees.
Joker - *Blank Stare*
EDI - That is a joke.

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Re: Oblivion: We're Coming For You.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lady Ethereal on Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:01 pm

"Just call me Dahlia.I hope we can all get to know each other a little more. Shall we?""

Aeon acknowledged what the woman said who is now known as Dahlia, it had a nice ring to it, feminine, yet manipulative in a way. From her observations earlier, she can pull off those adjectives quite well. She looked at Scapegoat with platonic face and stood properly with her arms falling to her sides. She was quite sure that the surprises would not end just quite yet. She had always trusted her instincts; it had not let her down. She thought about the possibilities of a weapon that would be waiting in atrium. She had the experience in any arsenal because of her origins but it was not something she was proud of. She would prefer a gun to ease killing but for the thrill a knife would be perfect.

"Lead the way."

She said to the man that would serve as their guide as they were all out now the room. She took notice of every detail that they passed by. It appeared similar but to Aeon something is always different. She was not sure when she went over-analyzing about everything around her, well it did not matter. It was useful to her in a way to assess her situation and to keep her breathing. She had heard voices from the other room. It seems Zephyr is making another 'man' join this Oblivion. She had determined that by the pitch and tone. Aeon stopped mid-way and had a raised eyebrow as her reaction. She believed someone was waiting for them

"We have another host."

The moment she said that a man near his thirties she presumed appeared in front of them. She was not yet sure what the man's intentions but she can safely concluded that he is a member of Oblivion. He studied the man as her habit and cannot help but shook her head in what he said after wards to them.

"Time for your second test, before you ask, your first was not getting your brains splattered across the wall by that trigger happy girl Zephyr. Your second will be to get past me, I don't care how you do it or if you even manage, it just helps us determine your role here in Oblivion. After all, we don't want someone with the reflexes of a two year old out in the field. Now get ready."

Aeon looked at his hands and knew he was the type of guy who wanted action and violence in anyway possible. He seemed to be the brawn all the way. She glanced at her companions. She was pretty sure that Scapegoat had already some sort of weapon at his disposal. Dahlia and her was just about to get some. She wondered how well she would do with a more experienced and older man. Well in a fight, age does not matter at all. It is just the victory that counts in the end. She flipped her ebony hair and stretched her arms for good measure as she waited for the others to react.

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Re: Oblivion: We're Coming For You.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kroenan on Sun Jun 14, 2009 4:49 pm

Scapegoat pondered the man for a second, he was big and tough, compared to him at least. He was going to have to be practical

"Time for your second test, before you ask, your first was not getting your brains splattered across the wall by that trigger happy girl Zephyr. Your second will be to get past me, I don't care how you do it or if you even manage, it just helps us determine your role here in Oblivion. After all, we don't want someone with the reflexes of a two year old out in the field. Now get ready."

From the corner of his eyes he saw Dahlia and Aeon tense, he decided he would go first
"Aeon, Dahlia let me try this first" he said to the two beside him stepping forward "Your name?" he enquired politely to the man
"Deepcut, that's all you need to know" the man replied
"Well then give me a few seconds"Scapegoat replied still keeping up the illusion of pleasantness . He stretched out scanning the room for a possible way around the man blocking his freedom his size would be a double edged sword he was undoubtedly faster than Deep Cut but if he got pinned, that was it for him.
"Alright, then" he said calmly I'm ready
"3" Deep cut said
Scapegoat flexed his fingers, this was going to be hard
Scapegoat exhaled anxiously
Scapegoat reacted instantaneously drawing his pistols he quickly did a double tap, knocking out the lights and throwing the room into darkness the playing field was now level Deep Cut Couldn't see him, of course this worked both ways he had to rely on his senses. Now he had to wait, holding his breath and staying statue still until he heard it, a Heavy breath to his left. Gotcha, he thought leaping to the right on one foot sensing Deep Cut diving for him, with that he spun leaping by Deep cut's bewildered frame, at that point Auxilary power fired up bathing the room in a dim red light with that he grinned.
"Do i pass?"

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Re: Oblivion: We're Coming For You.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Oblenator on Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:39 pm

Deep Cut chuckled quitely
"Look at your left arm, maybe next time you won't be so cocky"
It was a shallow cut, but that was all he needed to disract the other man, he walked to the end of the hallway, purposely taking big steps, when he got there he turned around to look back at the man,
"Ok, you can be our bullet shield, you're dumb, cocky and even though you're fast you still soak up alot of hurt... Now, unless you want to be throw infront of convoys, I suggest you forgo what you just did and try again"
Deep cut twirled a knife and balanced the tip perfectly on one finger
"I won't soften my blows this time and neither would a real opponent, so try again"
He paced slowely left to right, trying not to eye the fish wire running along the floor, attached to a flash bang hidden in a small dug out hole, impossible to spot unless you knew exactly where it was, and he was sure none of these recruits knew where it was.
It's a shame we can only use one of those beauties a month, we're running low on everything, but still, it's my job to make sure these rookies are prepared. he thought
Deep Cut settled back into a fighting stance and hoped that he put the corks in his ears right.

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Re: Oblivion: We're Coming For You.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TemplarWarden on Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:23 am

Razer sit on a dingy cot, necklace in his hands, draping thorugh his fingers. His green eyes stared holes in the wall opposite before shifting to another wall. He often sat like this, a scar from when he was on the run, brought back by the fact that even in Oblivion followers of forbidden religions are shunned.
Suddenly he stood, taking the necklace and dropping it around his neck. He picked up a matte black shotgun and harness, straped it on and left gripping the handle of the the curved knive he keep on his belt.
He surveyed the corridor, eyes narrowed. once he was comfortable he strode down towards the cells. 'Time to see the newbies' he thought.
The Spice Melange occurs on only one planet in the entire universe.
The Planet Arrakis, also known as Dune.
He who controls Arrakis, controls the Spice. He who controls the Spice, controls the universe.


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