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A Single White Rose

A Single White Rose


In a world run by sorcerers, the Resistance is the only fighting chance for the mortal race.

1,400 readers have visited A Single White Rose since Fable created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

the roleplay is based off of the 'skulduggery pleasant' series, regarding the magic and some of the timeline events being similar. however, this story will have its own characters. the story is based around the alternate dimension (also known as mevolent's dimension), mentioned in the last three books of the series (7, 8 and 9). you don't have to have read any of the books to join the roleplay, but i'll put the link to the wikia page if you wish to read more about it:




A little over four centuries previous to our story, mortals were the most dominant race to rule over Earth. They went about their ways, advancing rather slowly, living their tragically insignificant and boring lives, completely unaware that an entire race of sorcerers were living in the shadows.

Lacking order, the sorcerers of the world began arguing amongst themselves, until they eventually grouped into three sides, all opposing each other. These groups fought so long and hard that, after some time, it developed into a full-out war.

The first side were all Mages, ruled by a tyrant named Craven. This man was known for being incredibly powerful, but also completely and utterly insane. He and his followers all worshipped a race of Old Gods, called The Faceless Ones, who were brutal in their intentions to kill and enslave the human race. However, it was unknown whether or not these Gods actually existed. Craven's goal when starting the war was to open a portal to the dimension of the Faceless Ones, in order to bring them into his world, believing that the Old Gods would spare their most dedicated followers' lives.

The second were also Mages, ruled by a fair and just man named Morse. He was a well-known mage, loved by sorcerers far and wide. He stood in a position of power, but it was not of his own choice. When Craven commenced his plans to bring the Faceless Ones back into this reality, Morse's people looked to him for support and leadership. He did not fail to provide. Rallying his forces, he stood against Craven and fought the war with an immense amount of effort, but it was all in vain as they eventually lost the war and Morse's life was taken to scare the remaining Mages into hiding.

The third side were Necromancers, who have since fled into hiding and reside solely in their temples. Those who fought for Craven were taken into his Palace to act as guards, whilst others were too scared to poke their heads out of the holes they lived in. Necromancers deal in death magic and, as such, have never been well-liked. While they did participate in the war, fighting mainly on Morse's side, they settled into a position of neutrality after a few years.

When Craven won the war, he announced his presence to the mortals and so began a second war; now between sorcerers and mortals. Of course, the mortals didn't last long at all. Eventually they were defeated and, soon after, enslaved.

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After the war ended, any sorcerers that Craven could get his hands on were executed for the mortals to see. The ones that hid themselves away stayed in in the shadows for a few centuries, until they felt they were strong enough to fight back against Craven for a second time. They had to wait for their numbers to replenish, and now they're ready.

Over the past century, the Resistance has been someone mortals whisper under their breath. Though they have not done much, there have been times in which the Resistance has done small things in order to assist certain mortals, leaving only a single white rose to mark themselves out.

Leaders of the Resistance have come and gone. Holding such a title makes you an instant target, no matter how much you hide in the shadows. The most recent leader, Wyatt Perish, has been in charge for approximately fifteen years. He currently holds the record for the longest anyone has survived as leader, and he boasts about it constantly. He is childish and unpredictable, but intelligent nonetheless.

The sole purpose of the Resistance is to fight back against Craven. As such, they have spent many years training six individuals. Wyatt calls them the Resistance Fighters, as their main purpose is to lead the fights against Craven's forces, mainly Craven's Generals.

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Craven's Generals are the six most powerful sorcerers that the mad tyrant has within his possession. They are loyal to none but him, to the end of their days.

They were created for the sole purpose of going against the Resistance, namely the four Resistance Fighters that were devised specially in order for Perish to win any war that their uprising might start. Not only are they greatly feared on the battlefield, they also control mortals, enforce laws and train the newbies.

The Generals are feared by mortals for their brutality and mercilessness when dealing with them. They are marked out by a black tattoo of a dragon somewhere on their body; it is almost always visible to the mortals, so that the Generals can be identified immediately.

Craven has enforced many laws since he came into power and, as such, he has many who enforce those laws to the word.

His main force, acting as guards, are the Reapers (left). They are skilled warriors, wielding scythes as weapons. Their armoured clothes are grey and are immune to all types of magic, as well as being able to block most weaponry with minimal injury. It is said that the only way to kill a Reaper is to penetrate it where there is no armour, which is a small gap between the helmet and the torso; a swift blade to the neck.

Accompanying the Reapers on their missions out of the Palace are Sensitives (psychics) that are able to read people's minds in order to find out if they have committed crimes or even had anti-Craven thoughts. These psychics wear black robes with their hoods up so that their faces are hidden from the public and they rarely speak.

Craven's laws are as follows:
- All mortals live outside the city walls.
- They do not drink or smoke.
- They do not show joy in public.
- They must only speak in hushed voices, no shouting is tolerated.
- They are only allowed to wear brown, plain clothing.
- They keep their eyes down when they're outside.
- When Reapers are in the area, they must stand still for examination.
- Every mortal, including women and children, must work to pay for their lives.
- No hats or accessories of any sort.

All these crimes result in imprisonment or death, depending on the crime.

Extra: Since Craven has imprisoned humans, most things have not yet been invented by them. No phones, no internet, no computers, no televisions. These things only exist inside the walls, where times are much more advanced than they are in our modern world. A Resistance fighter would only have these things if their Teleporter were to sneak into the city to get them such things. Mortals get around by horses and carts, and they have little to no luxuries at all.

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In the world of sorcerers, think of magic as a tree. The trunk splits in two halfway up; on the left there is Elemental magic, and on the right is Adept. From each of these two magic types are countless branches of other disciplines, and even smaller skills that branch from those.

As a result of their magic, all sorcerers age much slower than mortals; a 200-year-old sorcerer may only appear to be twenty years of age. A 400-year-old sorcerer might appear to be in their thirties/forties. And so on.

Elemental magic is, quite obviously, the mastery of all four natural elements. Fire is the most used of all the elements; the user is able to cup flames in their palm, throw balls of fire or even envelop their body in flames (though this is rare). Flames can be decreased in size and intensified in heat in order to cut through materials accurately. Occasionally, the user may be able to send twin flames (like a flamethrower) towards a target.

Down from this is Air manipulation, which is not to be confused with telekinesis. The user may push at the air, usually with his or her own hand, from the angle which he or she is standing. This can be used to propel a person over a wall or, if controlled properly, can be used to allow the user to fly. This ability has incredible offensive capabilities; the user can deprive their target of air, create powerful whirlwinds or send gusts so intense that they can knock down entire walls. In a more sensory regard, the user can read disturbances in the air, contain explosions in bubbles of air or to levitate certain objects in mid-air.

Water is one of the rarely used applications of Elemental magic. It is rarely used for offensive purposes, other than the ability to maybe throw balls of water in the same way as the fire power. Manipulating snow or ice is also a variation of the water power. The power's main use is to manipulate the moisture in the air, causing small pockets of clean water; in a similar way, one might use this power to remove moisture from their person until they are completely dry. When submerged in water, the user can propel themselves through it or lift themselves out of water; they can also walk on water without sinking into it.

Earth, unlike its elemental counterparts, is almost never used, mainly because it is a last-resort power. The user is able to turn their entire body into stone when they are in a life or death situation, but they cannot return from this state immediately afterwards; it can take a few days to a few centuries for the user to recover from this power. However, there have been a rare few who have trained themselves to use this power for other purposes. For example: one may mimic the Adept tunnelling power by causing the earth to shift around them, though it is not quite as advanced as the original power, or they can cause the earth around their feet to shatter and crack. This only used by the most skilled of Elementals.

Adept Mages have an easier time of learning their magical disciplines, in the sense that they only have to put their focus into one branch of magic, whereas Elementals have to focus on quite a few at once. However, there are countless types of Adept magic available to sorcerers, much more than Elemental, and it is one of the most commonly chosen disciplines to follow.

There may be many types of Adept magic, but there are only a few that are considered incredibly common whilst others are more rare to come across. The more rare disciplines include: wall-walking, bone-breaking, warlocks (solitary), shunting, tunnelling, healing, kineticists and magiphage. Some of the more common disciplines are as follows:

Energy-Throwing - This is one of the most popular Adept disciplines. The user is able to turn raw energy into projectiles from their open palms, almost always used for offensive purposes. The colour and intensity varies depending on the sorcerer, and the time it takes to charge the energy prior to firing it also depends solely upon the skill of the user.

Symbol Magic - Symbol magic, much like Energy-Throwing, is also a very common disciple of magic. The user draws a variety of different symbols on objects, whether it be on a person in the form of a tattoo or on a solid object (wall, floor, furniture) with chalk/pen. Each symbol has its individual use; some can create force fields, others can create energy for the user to throw, some may create wings or allow the user to escape a situation. It varies from such offensive tactics to such simple, everyday life uses such as making tea or charging a phone. All it takes is a series of taps upon the symbol. Because all you need is chalk and a fluent knowledge of magical language, anyone can learn this discipline, even if they are studying another discipline (even elemental).

Necromancy - Necromancy is death magic, to be put simply. A Necromancer's power is to manipulate shadows, as if they were solid. Their power is in them at all times but never within their reach, until they channel that power into an object; it can be anything from a sword to a gun or even a plain old stick (though this is strongly unadvised). The power of a Necromancer is immense, but they are nothing without their objects. However, if their object were to be broken, all magic would flood back to them until they chose another object to place it all back into. No one else is able to use the power of this object; it would attack anyone who tried, giving the impression that the shadows have a mind of their own.

Sensitivity - A Sensitive is a sorcerer who has gained any sort of psychic power. The applications of which are as follows: telepathy (to read minds), prophecies/divination/visions (to see into the future), psychokinesis (similar, in a way, to telekinesis - to move objects with the mind), and aura viewing (to view the life energy surrounding a person). This power has its many limitations. For example: knowing the future changes certain factors of it, and a Sensitive never knows when they are going to have a vision unless it has been self-induced (which is incredibly hard). Not only this, but opening one's mind allows for easy possession, meaning that a Sensitive's mind is much more vulnerable to damage than anyone else's. Some psychics have been known to quit their discipline as a whole after being briefly possessed by powerful spirits. Also, much like teleportation, Sensitivity is not something anyone can learn; it must be a natural talent.

Teleportation - A rare discipline. Teleporters are hard to find, and even harder to kill; somehow, there are only a few who have mastered this discipline, presumably because the user is required to have the natural talent for it, which few seem to possess. Teleportation is the ability to transport one's self to any location, simply by picturing it in his or her mind. It is important for the teleporter to have been to this location beforehand, because otherwise they run the risk of teleporting into a wall or underground somewhere. Teleporters are able to teleport groups of people as well as themselves, simply by picturing the earth moving around their location to take them where they want to go.


Controllable by - Craven's Generals



Wyatt Perish

Controllable by - Resistance Fighters

Ryder Wolf | 3+ Centuries | Male | Elemental | Taken - Fable

Kenji "Ash" Luzio | Near 2 Centuries | Male | Elemental | Taken - Zoey26123

White Lotus | 2+ Centuries | Female | Teleporter | Taken - Zoey26123

Seishin-tekina | 23 | Female | Sensitive | Taken - Alliqua_Dark

Siren | 2+ Centuries | Female | Tunneler | Taken - Fable

Name | Age | Gender | Necromancer | Reserved - RubyTuesday

Kiyoto "Day" Luzio | Near 2 Centuries | Male | Elemental | Taken - Zoey26123

Name | Age | Gender | Elemental | Reserved - Fabricator

Zena Rie | 4+ Centuries | Female | Symbol Magic | Taken - Ruth Soul <3

Kurai Ryujin | Approx. 2/3 Centuries | Male | Teleporter | Taken - moahi

Zane Tigre | 4+ Centuries | Male | Energy-Throwing | Taken - Bugbuster

Khione Muertes | 2+ Centuries | Female | Necromancer | Taken - toajojo


More characters may be added, if absolutely necessary, but they'd have to be mortals or non-combatant/non-important characters.


Code: Select all
Given Name: (The name your character was given at birth, by his or her parents - their first name)
Taken Name: (The name they took upon discovering their magic: must be something creative and awesome)
Nicknames: (Any pet names that people might refer to them as - optional)
Apparent Age:
True Age:
Voice Type: (Can either be a sample or a simple description)
Role: (A Resistance Fighter or one of Craven's Generals?)
Place of Residence: (If a Resistance Fighter, it must be somewhere low-key)
Face Claim: (Anime only, please. No CGI or human)
Theme Song(s): (As many as you'd like - but it's optional)

Likes: (At least four)
Dislikes: (At least four)
Habits: (At least two)
Fears: (At least two)
Personality: (With at least four or five traits mentioned)

Strengths/Skills: (At least four)
Weaknesses/Flaws: (At least four)
Weaponry: (Optional)

Hair Colour:
Hair Style:
Eye Colour:
Skin Type:
Body Build:
Birthmarks/Scars: (Optional)
Piercings: (Optional)
Distinguishable Features: (Optional)
Colour Scheme: (Regarding both own clothes. For uniform: RF usually wear lighter colours, whereas CG wear darker colour).

Character Relationships: ([b]Important, not optional![/b] - Only for fellow Resistance Fighters or fellow Craven's Generals, but you may mention your relationships with the current/late leaders of each side)

Story Arcs will be created when the previous has been completed. Each person involved in the roleplay will contribute to ideas for each story arc, so that the story doesn't head in a completely different direction to how people want it. We want to make this as fair as possible for everyone.

|| 1st Story Arch ||
The Resistance are making their first stand against Craven and his forces, having been hiding in the shadows for too long. Perish clearly knows he is at a disadvantage against the tyrant, what with the Repository under strict watch within the Palace walls. It holds weapons that, if placed into the eager hands of his Generals, could wipe the Resistance Fighters out without effort. However, lately there have been rumours that a mortal archaeologist has discovered a secret set of tunnels, leading to a spacious cavern. While he could never get close enough due to the countless 'creatures' that dwell within, he has spoken of glowing crystals embedded into the walls of the cavern. Perish, while under Morse's care, had heard the man talk endlessly of such crystals. If the crystal is placed into a weapon, it would contain enough magical power to rival the four God-killer weapons (a sword, a dagger, a spear and a bow - all can kill with a single touch). However, Craven has also heard such stories and is planning to send his Generals in search of enough to equip and entire army of Reapers. The question at hand is, who will reach them first - if at all?

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ryder Wolf
Character Portrait: Zena Rie
Character Portrait: Kenji "Ash" Luzio
Character Portrait: Kiyoto "Day" Luzio
Character Portrait: Kurai Ryujin
Character Portrait: Zane Tigre
Character Portrait: Casey "White Lotus" Kingsley
Character Portrait: Siren Bespoke


Character Portrait: Siren Bespoke
Siren Bespoke

"Quote." (WIP)

Character Portrait: Casey "White Lotus" Kingsley
Casey "White Lotus" Kingsley

"We'll get through this, all of us."

Character Portrait: Kiyoto "Day" Luzio
Kiyoto "Day" Luzio

"Yeah guess what, I don't really care if you're against me, or with me, if I dislike you, you'll know it."

Character Portrait: Kenji "Ash" Luzio
Kenji "Ash" Luzio

"I'm not a sob story to feel bad for. I'll do what I can now to prevent things that I couldn't before."

Character Portrait: Zena Rie
Zena Rie

"Oh, this is getting so awfully boring. When does the violence start?" {WIP}

Character Portrait: Ryder Wolf
Ryder Wolf

"White is the colour of purity and innocence."


Character Portrait: Ryder Wolf
Ryder Wolf

"White is the colour of purity and innocence."

Character Portrait: Kiyoto "Day" Luzio
Kiyoto "Day" Luzio

"Yeah guess what, I don't really care if you're against me, or with me, if I dislike you, you'll know it."

Character Portrait: Siren Bespoke
Siren Bespoke

"Quote." (WIP)

Character Portrait: Zena Rie
Zena Rie

"Oh, this is getting so awfully boring. When does the violence start?" {WIP}

Character Portrait: Casey "White Lotus" Kingsley
Casey "White Lotus" Kingsley

"We'll get through this, all of us."

Character Portrait: Kenji "Ash" Luzio
Kenji "Ash" Luzio

"I'm not a sob story to feel bad for. I'll do what I can now to prevent things that I couldn't before."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Zena Rie
Zena Rie

"Oh, this is getting so awfully boring. When does the violence start?" {WIP}

Character Portrait: Ryder Wolf
Ryder Wolf

"White is the colour of purity and innocence."

Character Portrait: Kenji "Ash" Luzio
Kenji "Ash" Luzio

"I'm not a sob story to feel bad for. I'll do what I can now to prevent things that I couldn't before."

Character Portrait: Siren Bespoke
Siren Bespoke

"Quote." (WIP)

Character Portrait: Kiyoto "Day" Luzio
Kiyoto "Day" Luzio

"Yeah guess what, I don't really care if you're against me, or with me, if I dislike you, you'll know it."

Character Portrait: Casey "White Lotus" Kingsley
Casey "White Lotus" Kingsley

"We'll get through this, all of us."

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