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A Vigil Against the Shadows

A Vigil Against the Shadows


You were once ordinary, blind like the rest of them, but now you see. You see the monsters that take refuge in the shadows, preying on the helpless. You must take up the vigil and take the fight to them

2,772 readers have visited A Vigil Against the Shadows since SRincarnate created it.

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Will you stand against the darkness? Or will you fall before it?

The world is not what you think.

Beneath skyscrapers' leering gargoyles, factories belching smoke and streets packed with the human throng lurk things we are not meant to see.

Creatures dwell in the shadows and hidden places.

They watch you, stalk you and prey upon your body and soul.

The life you lead is a lie. Your darkest fears aren't make-believe.

They're real.


Welcome to the darkness that lurks behind the veil. You now see the world as it truly is, not the lie maintained to keep the masses blissfully unaware. Now you see the monsters lurking within the shadows. To them it doesn't matter how you saw past their deception, there will be no mercy from them. Only further suffering and death. But now you can take the fight to them, you can fight back. You can take up the mantle of "Hunter", a vanguard for humanity against the encroaching darkness. You are not alone in this fight. There are others like you, some who have only recently discovered the monsters from behind the veil and some who have known for years. Men and women of distinguished service, common criminals and drug dealers, young and old, rich and poor. Anyone who is willing to fight can rise to the call.


What we know so far

The time: December 14, 2015, 00:25. The place: Bedford, Pennsylvania; a "beautiful" small town with forest and parks to the west, south, and east. Estimated population: 2,969. Four days earlier the entire town's population just dropped off the grid. Cell phone coverage for up to thirty miles away has been cut off. No word as of yet to the cause of this, no power within that thirty mile dead zone. Curious souls have wandered to this small town, driven by many different purposes. There could even be people still inside that small town, who knows how. Whatever lies in that small town will soon be revealed, a powder keg waiting for one stray spark.

The Hunter's society

Being a hunter isn't easy. You know the constant threat of the creatures that lie in the shadow, you yourself are a prime target for those who would rather be kept in the dark, and the survivability of others like you is almost slim to none. Despite this there is still a silver lining: you're still alive so far. Hunters who survive longer than a few days usually organize on one of three different levels: Cells (Small groups usually from one to twelve hunters pretty much alone, usually taken to protecting a town, a neighborhood, a sacred site and the like), Compacts (Regional "guilds" of hunters who have more resources than cells as well as higher numbers ranging from just a dozen or so to several hundred), and finally the Conspiracies (National or Global groups with considerable amounts of experience and resources to combat the supernatural). Though hunters usually share the same foe Compacts and Conspiracies tend to clash with each other, resulting in more than a few situations of conflict with groups of hunters. Then there are other hunters or mere mortals, those that have been warped by the constant killing. These people have become Slashers, men and women of nightmare who excel in killing, almost as if they are artists of slaughter. These next few sections shall explain various aspects of an average hunter's life.

Opposition and Conflict: A hunter would not be a hunter without prey to follow. Usually hunters focus on one or two of the groups listed but it is not unheard of for hunters to take on another quarry.

The classic creatures of the night. These creatures are of several different ilks. First is the Daeva: a clan of vampires that are known for being emotional, sensual, and desirable. They rely mostly on their natural beauty and wiles, earning them a reputation as Succubi. Failing at natural charm the fall back for a Daeva is their natural speed and grace. The next clan is the Gangrel: Savage warrior like clan, able to physically alter their bodies as well as the ability to command beasts and possess great endurance. Our third clan is the Mekhet: a clan of subtle vampires, moving through the shadow silently and swiftly. The fourth clan on our list is the Nosferatu: typically physically repulsive vampires, appearing as creatures from nightmares. These vampires also possess immense physical strength and can move without attention being drawn to them. Our final clan is the Venture clan: prideful creatures, typically used to power as their abilities allow them to affect the minds of others, bending them to their will. Despite their numerous strengths, they all share several weaknesses. During the daylight hours vampires become catatonic and cannot function as well as they could at night, a stake through the heart paralysis them which can give an opening for a hunter to decapitate it, any fire sends these beasts into a deep state of fear almost impossible to break out of, and sunlight will kill a vampire in a manner of seconds in direct exposure. Be warned, a vampire's bite will render you helpless as the creature regenerates from your blood and turns you into one of them if completely drained.


Werewolves, a source of fear for those who dare to wander the woods at night. These men and women are cursed to suffer an insatiable bloodlust. The werewolf can change form at any time between five forms. These forms can range anywhere between human and full wolf, their strongest and most recognizable being half human and half wolf. Not much is known of werewolf society due to the isolationist nature of their kind. From what hunters have gathered there are five tribes, names for these tribes is unknown but the tribes are susceptible to infighting and declare war on each other quite regularly. This allows us more room to maneuver but take heed, a werewolf's fangs carry the disease of its kind. Get hurt enough to draw blood and you'll turn in a day. A werewolf does have its weaknesses however, despite being a large hulking beast of considerable speed and strength. The most prominent weakness is an adverse effect from silver, should a werewolf be hit with silver it'll start to burn until the offending silver is removed. If no silver is around to use plenty of bullet holes should take the beast down.

The Fae

The Fae are a mysterious race, secluded and hard to spot. Despite their few numbers several cases of disappearing persons have been linked to these creatures. These creatures will usually flee if engaged, capable of quite a few types of magic focusing mainly on the elements. The cases of the Fae being neutralized has led to one conclusive weakness: That to cold iron. Cold iron is the natural untapped iron, it cannot be forged by a smith or else it loses its properties. This leaves only "lightning made" iron, that which is created by the perfect storm.


These types of people were once human but have been corrupted by a ritual which they call an "Awakening". They are able to tap into the raw destructive force of magic, creating colossal damage to those unaware. Mages are reclusive though, keeping their identities hidden and almost perfectly blending in with human society. Almost. Mages, despite their power, still suffer the weaknesses of mortals, the main one being riddled with bullets.


There is less known of Prometheans than most of the other classes of monster, only topped by the Fae. A Promethean is a creature made from several components into an unliving shell. Nothing can kill a Promethean but destroying its body entirely. There are a few ways to tell if a Promethean is near, if the land itself starts to rot and fester is the surest sign. Another sign is the feeling of hatred and rage festering inside without cause. Should a Promethean be seen, do not engage without back up as these creatures can take on scores of men.

Equipment: A standard hunter's arsenal should be well stocked, weapons and supplies as top priority. Compacts can provide a hunter with more streamlined and specialized supplies, specifics against certain monsters. For example, bullets that inflict heavy damage on a vampire or silver lined knives. Rumors of Conspiracies giving certain "Endowments" which allow a hunter to be on par with several supernatural creatures have floated around, but none have been able to tell.

Professions: No hunter ever to grace a compact has been without a job, everyone before becoming a hunter had a job be it a soldier, a cop, a firefighter, a teacher, or the like. Most hunters retain their job, using excess funds to help in the effort against the creatures of the darkness.

Slashers: Slashers are, for lack of a better phrasing, killers unhinged by the war against the darkness. These men and women have been warped, becoming twisted and molded into the very monsters they fight. There are two main groups of Slashers, Rippers and Scourges. Rippers are the more human of the two, still holding onto one last semblance of humanity while Scourges toss aside everything in the pursuit of slaughter. Five types of Ripper and Scourge shall be listed here as so. Ripper/Scourge
Avenger/Legend: Dedicated killers. Avengers swear themselves to obliterating a certain enemy where as Legends lose their identity and become figures spread from fear of their killings and who must follow their legend to the letter.
Brute/Mask: Killers driven by a lust for a violence. Brutes, while normally unwilling to talk, still possess some semblance of self despite their homicidal rampages. Masks lose themselves completely, unwilling or unable to speak as they kill, silently watching as they end life without mercy.
Charmer/Psycho: Personable and Sociable killers. Both are able to talk anyone off their feet and into their grave, psychos more liberal with their usage of this.
Freak/Mutant: Ugly, ugly people. More monster than man, these creatures attack all of those who even dare to look upon them, mutants even more deformed than their predecessor.
Genius/Manic: Extremely intelligent, highly dangerous. These Slashers are the most formidable, Geniuses able to plot out entire strategies in mere moments while maniacs can shatter the minds of those around him through will alone.

List of known compacts

Ashwood Abbey: Comprised of jaded socialites and devious aristocrats, this Compact is the most infamous of all the hunter organizations. Members of the Abbey often come off as disturbingly amoral even to some of their most inhuman adversaries, what with their preference for torture and... making sport with their prey. This compact will resort to any means to continue the hunt, their members composed usually of brash, rich thrillseekers.
The Long Night: The Tribulation Militia. A collection of various Christian groups, the Long Night holds firm to the belief that the Apocalypse is approaching. Exactly what constitutes Armageddon is not universally agreed upon, though most members believe that for the new dawn will to arrive, they must strive to destroy the many evils in the world.
The Loyalists of Thule: The Indebted. Remnants of the Thule Society predating Nazi Germany, the Loyalists reformed after one of its members had an encounter with a supernatural being. Since then, the Compact has devoted itself to making amends for its (unintended) part in founding the Nazi ideology. Of a scholarly bent, they amass occult lore for use against the minions of darkness, among which they count neo-Nazis and white supremacist groups.
Network Zero: a compact of hunters made up of contacts through an Internet network who do their best to use the media to unveil the truth about the mysterious creatures of the night.
Null Mysteriis: A compact of scientists and other intellectuals who seek determine the truth behind the creatures of darkness.
The Union: The youngest of the compacts, being made of average citizens from all walks of life. What they lack in organization they make up for in numbers and flexibility.

List of Conspiracies

None known

Character Sheet

((Leave Conspiracy as blank for now, it shall be filled in soon should it be needed, in history explain how you came to see past the Masquerade))

Personal History:
Bedford survivor(Y/N):

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Bedford, Pennsylvania

Bedford, Pennsylvania by RolePlayGateway

A seemingly abandoned town. The air is thick with the smell of death

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Sawyer Character Portrait: Eric Donavon Character Portrait: David West Character Portrait: Alec Tauler
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"It's dead... God I hope so at least." Charlotte looked over to the slumping behemoth as Eric gave her a resolute and good enough answer. "Good." she said firmly as she knelt next to Eric. When David spoke and asked if Eric had a first aid kit or knew of one nearby, Charlotte looked up and for the first time saw the gash across his forehead, "Oh David!" she said as she stood up and walked over to him, she examined his forehead and shook her head in a disapproving manner, "You two really did a number on yourselves.." Charlotte then looked herself over once and recoiled in horror as she noticed her palms and trenchcoat were covered in blood. "Ah!" she said and she worked the coat off of her body and threw it to the ground, "I can't wear that" she said with an upturned face and wiped her hands on her jeans.

Suddenly a strange voice filled the cold air and Charlotte's head snapped to it's direction and a strange man spoke "Who are you people? What in God's name happened here?" Charlotte quickly walked back to Eric and helped him properly up as he spoke "We don't want any trouble." he said and Charlotte clenched her teeth, preparing for the worst as it seemed she should. The air was tense and cold. Snow was beginning to fall lightly and Charlotte shivered again, realising she needed more warmth again. Her inner thoughts were broken when Eric whispered "I don't trust him. Do you know him?" Charlotte looked to Eric's eyes then back to the man, "I'm pretty sure he's not from around here.." she said loud enough so it carried to all.

Charlotte moved a few step towards the man, "What are you?" she asked sternly, folding her arms up to keep warmth about her body. Charlotte looked to David, "What can walk in the sunlight?" she asked, then nodding to the slumped monster's body, "Besides him?" Charlotte looked back to the man and spoke more sternly, "What are you? And what's your name? And why are you here?"

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Sawyer Character Portrait: Eric Donavon Character Portrait: David West Character Portrait: Morgan Character Portrait: Alec Tauler
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David stood there as Charlotte examined his forehead. Then when she threw the trenchcoat she'd acquired on the ground, he picked it back up and went to hand it to her when a new voice sounded.

"Who are you people? What in God's name happened here?" Dropping the trenchcoat himself, David drew his pistol and looked at the newcomer... or newcomers. The one who spoke looked like a bad Gabriel Van Helsing costume, but there's was something about him... "By God's name tell me who you people are."

The other one, with long red hair, looked at his companion and shook his head, before the first lowered his rifle. "Apologies, my compatriot and I just got into town. We had no idea if anyone was still human. You've got wounded. What was that? It doesn't look like any werewolf I've seen and vampires can't lurk in the sun." His tone started out like a preacher's, then slowly that relaxed.

When Charlotte took a step forward and demanded the man's identity, David sheathed his sidearm and picked the trenchcoat back up. "Dark haired one's a hunter. As for what can walk around in sunlight: more things than we'd all care to imagine if some of the stories I've heard are true." He nodded at the dark haired man. "Which group you from? Knights of St George? Malleus Maleficarum? The Long Night? Lucifuge?" He asked listed the few Compacts and conspiracies he knew which would would be most likely to have someone who looked like the man in front of him. He hadn't worked with all of them, but upon being recruited into the Task Force, he made a point to learn of as many different groups as he could... or at least their names and basic philosophies.

Looking at Charlotte he made a move to give her back the trenchcoat. "Here, it's not going to get any better blood-wise. We still have much more work to do in this town."

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Sawyer Character Portrait: Eric Donavon Character Portrait: David West Character Portrait: Morgan Character Portrait: Alec Tauler
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"Which group you from? Knights of St George? Malleus Maleficarum? The Long Night? Lucifuge" Alec nodded at the man, a small grin forming. "The Long Night. I see somebody has done a bit of homework." A quick look around and Alec nodded, focusing on the man addressing him. "Preacher Alec Tauler, werewolf hunter and brother of The Long Night. May I ask your names?" This new group, the man addressing him looked like he had seen his share of monsters while the other two seemed inexperienced. "How long have you two known about the monsters that lurk out there?" Alec addressed the other two people in the group, looking them over and seeing the signs of inexperience. Looking back to Morgan, Alec motioned for him to lower his gun. Three people, better sign of hope than what was first seen. The chill of the air picked up a bit, light snow sticking to his coat as Alec checked his pouch of bullets. First time hunting vampires without the rest of the Clerics. Not quite equipped to deal with them but I'll manage.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Sawyer Character Portrait: Eric Donavon Character Portrait: David West Character Portrait: Morgan Character Portrait: Alec Tauler
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Eric listened as David and the stranger talked, silently thanking Charlotte for helping him to his feet. David listed off groups of people, hunters he called them. The man introduced himself as Alec, a preacher and member of The Long Night. Eric spoke up after a moment, shaking his head a bit. "There are more of you people? How many people know about these things?" Something akin to anger flashed in him, focusing on standing as he spoke. Struggling a bit, he moved closer to Alec and David. "How long? How long have you people known?" Eric waited for an answer, looking around at the bodies lying in town. "All of these people." Eric looked away, looking at Charlotte and looking down at the decapitated behemoth. A heavy sigh and Eric spoke again. "Alec, was it? There's a group of people down at the Grocer's a block away. We've got supplies there if you need." Eric couldn't blame anyone for this, nothing could have been done. He had to focus on the task ahead, they all had to. Yelling and accusations would dissolve the group. All Eric wanted to do now was keep the people safe, no matter what. He turned and started to speak. "We're burning daylight sitting here. We need to get fortifications up, anything to hold these monsters back for at least a few moments."

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Sawyer Character Portrait: Eric Donavon Character Portrait: David West Character Portrait: Morgan Character Portrait: Alec Tauler
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Charlotte looked to David, "Thanks" she said looking to the ground as took the trenchcoat back from David. Putting it on she instantly felt the cold chill of the wind break and a surge of body warmth take hold. "That does feel better" she smiled. Charlotte then snapped back to reality and listened as David and the two men swapped what seemed to be privileged knowledge and the nodded in agreement with Eric when he had an outburst at all the others. "He's right." she thought without hesitation. She then looked around the town around them as Eric spoke out "All of these people." Charlotte gritted her teeth in anger, silently backing Eric up. Then he looked at her then to the decapitated monster they'd barely escaped, and was surprised when Eric offered the two newcomers supplies. Her head snapped to Eric "So we trust them?" she said with scrutiny, then looked to David. Eric continued to speak and made a good point that they'd need to get fortifications up fast and as soon as possible.

Charlotte turned when everybody decided that talking for the moment had ended and made a point of telling no one in particular what she was doing, "I'm going back to my garage. If you need me, I'll be there..." she looked to the two new people and gave a small glare then to David and Eric, "I don't care what organization they're from." she said curtly, "and I don't care if you've heard of them either" she said looking to David, "People who can wander around places like this, without next to fear... including you David, are something to be wary of.." Charlotte looked to Eric to gauge his reaction, then back to David, "I'm not saying you're a bad person... or that they are either... I'm just saying... Well... It's frightening." Charlotte left the conversation at that and made her way back to garage, stopping when she reached the garage door out on to the street.

Charlotte took a deep breath, remembering the events of last night. She shivered but gulped deeply and muttered "Suck it up" to herself as she bent down and crawled under the door into the garage. The smell of charred flesh immediately struck her nose and Charlotte recoiled in disgust. "Oh god... that is awful" she said scrunching her nose up. The charred corpse of a vampire lay in the corner of her garage, Charlotte's homemade flamethrower had worked a treat. "Stupid fuck" she said as she stepped over it's body and went straight to her bench. Charlotte grabbed her mechanics belt and gathered her stuff, then got to work on her own little project.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Sawyer Character Portrait: Eric Donavon Character Portrait: David West Character Portrait: Morgan Character Portrait: Alec Tauler
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"Preacher Alec Tauler, werewolf hunter and brother of The Long Night. May I ask your names?" David nodded at Alec's introduction. And was just about to answer when Eric's anger at both David and Alec got the better of him.

"There are more of you people? How many people know about these things? How long? How long have you people known?" David followed Eric's eyes and felt a stab of pity. "All of these people." Another stab of pity and David pulled out his phone.

"If you don't mind far more civilian casualties, I could put in a call to end this almost immediately. Ignorance has kept you safe until now. It may not seem like it, but incidents like this are not very common. If humanity were forced to recognize the truth... what do you think would happen? What do you think the retaliation from the monsters would be?" David kept his voice calm as he talked. "The life of a person who has taken up the Vigil is difficult. Do you know what the public at large would call us? Murderers. Instead, many of us accept that killing a monster is the only way to keep our families safe... or in my case keep people from feeling the fear and hopelessness that I felt when I was attacked in college."

David put away his phone and shook his head. The Vigil wasn't what Eric and Charlotte seemed to think. It required a lot of a person. And forced one to make decisions that society eschews. Charlotte had a better understanding in David's view because of her brother but she hadn't been truly hunting for any length of time. David gave up his chance at a normal life for the Vigil and now he was just one of many who felt the same burning desire to stop the monsters hiding in the darkness.

In the six years he'd been a hunter, David knew of families torn apart because husbands or wives or even children arrived home in the early hours of morning. David was snapped form his thoughts as Charlotte spoke, glaring at both him and Alec.

"I don't care what organization they're from and I don't care if you've heard of them either." She said. "People who can wander around places like this, without next to fear... including you David, are something to be wary of..." She looked at Eric before looking back at David. "I'm not saying you're a bad person... or that they are either... I'm just saying... Well... It's frightening." That being said she left for her shop and David stood there looking at body of the behemoth he'd just helped kill.

Turning his attention to Alec, he smiled slightly. "I'm David West. I hunt mostly vampires, but have also gone against werewolves and a few other monsters." He told the other hunter, rubbing his neck as the skin he'd once tattooed itched. In the back of his mind he remembered his agenda for the day: lock, food, and some scouting for the vampire haven. Once the vampires in the city were taken care of, David could focus on the rest of the monsters in the area.

"If you want some help, I've set up in the gun store over by the grocer's Eric mentioned." David told Alec. "I just need to get it fortified for the likely attack tonight. Tomorrow... I'm going hunting for the blood-drinkers' haven. The sooner this gets taken care of, the sooner we can all relax." He smiled at the irony behind his statement. There was never any time to relax for those who've taken up the Vigil. Now that the adrenaline of the earlier fight was over, David could feel his eyes getting heavy. He'd been awake for twenty-four hours and spent most of the day before driving or fighting the undead.

In short, he would need to sleep sometime and hope he was awake before night fell again.

Going outside, he looked around and found a hardware store. Drawing his pistol, he tried the door. And sighed in irritation.


Looking in the window, David saw no one and so did what he had to: he kicked the door. There was a crack as the wood holding the lock in place started to break. David kicked again, getting a little closer. A couple of tries later, he threw his full weight behind him and rammed the door with his shoulder, bursting inside. "Hello?" David called, holding his pistol at the ready. "Is there anybody in here?"

Despite the front window and the wide open door, David could hardly see inside the store. Getting out his flashlight, David turned it on and braced his shooting arm with the one now holding the flashlight by crossing his forearms. He was just here a for a replacement lock to take back to the gun store, but this place was giving him the creeps.

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Character Portrait: Caleb Grant
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The overcast above and the chill in the air gave no sign of life, the town of Bedford showing no signs of life. A single figure donned in high grade gear, the sound of breathing under a heavy mask bellowed as the figure stepped forward. The heavy sound of boots disturbing the ground was the only sound in the air. A blare of static drew the figure's attention to his shoulder, taking a small device and speaking. "Caleb Grant signing in." "Status?" "So far nothing. Orders?" "Continue as directed." With that, communication was terminated. Caleb trudged forward, expecting nothing inside. The company sent him in for a simple scouting run. Nothing major. Nearing town the first signs of death came into sight. Bodies littered the streets, drained and left to rot. "Never heard of anything that would leave bodies around." Several homes and shops had been broken into, some by supernatural force and others by normal means. Signs that people were still alive, at least as of the night before. Focusing, Caleb drew out his rifle and focused as he moved down the street. Nothing could be left to chance. There were many factors Caleb could piece together. Mages, werewolves, vampires. None of it looked good for the people. Peaking inside a two story home, blood adorned the walls as Caleb scouted around. One door in particular caught his interest, one barricaded then hastily left. Listening close, the sounds of rage and hunger emanated. A heavy sigh and Caleb hit against the door once. The sounds moved closer as the sound of nails dug against the wooden door. This wasn't a vampire. Or at least not one of the more able-bodied ones. Two shots through the door, piercing the wood just enough to peak inside. A single bedroom, adorned with achievements and trophies. Upon the bed was a lingering stain of blood. The clawing at the door was slowing, almost tiring. Something spoke from inside the room, murmuring and sobbing a bit. "Please. Leave me alone." A ghoul, abandoned by his Domitor. To the company this wasn't enough for a call. Caleb stepped out of the house and left, a cruel thing but he couldn't waste his supplies. Caleb saw a nearby grocer's, seeing something off. This place looked fortified. Looking around, Caleb started to draw closer as he kept his rifle trained.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Sawyer Character Portrait: Eric Donavon Character Portrait: David West Character Portrait: Morgan Character Portrait: Alec Tauler
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Alec remained silent as the injured man ranted, keeping his attention strictly focused. Hard times must have fallen the night before. Nothing Alec could say would calm this rant. As the man calmed he looked back at Alec and told him about the supplies at the Grocer's. Alec nodded, silently thanking the man. "I'm David West. I hunt mostly vampires, but have also gone against werewolves and a few other monsters." Alec smiled a bit, nodding and speaking. "A pleasure." Alec watched as David started to enter a hardware store and looked back towards the Grocer's. A simple thing to do would be to start work on organizing people and forming barricades. Alec looked at the sorry state of the survivors in the Grocer's, looking from man to woman and seeing the despair. Alec began work at barring windows, placing several candles under each one. Easily extinguished but a good temporary defense. Muttering a few verses, Alec nodded and continued the monotonous work.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eric Donavon Character Portrait: Caleb Grant
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Eric soon stood alone as the others dispersed to complete their own tasks. A heavy sigh escaped his lungs and he thought of preparations. Starting to move, Eric hobbled to the gun store where David and Charlotte held out. Before he could look inside, a figure caught his eye. A man, heavily armed and focused as he moved towards the grocer's. Eric raised his gun, training it but keeping silent. He'd have to be careful on the approach. Stepping close Eric finally spoke, his voice firm despite the dulled pain. "Don't move." His body tensed, focusing on the stranger before him. Another hunter investigating? No, too heavily armed. Soldier? Possibly. Eric stepped closer, the figure was dressed in heavy gear. Too well stocked. Eric kept his gun trained on the man, waiting for him to strike or to identify himself. The seconds melted together, a blur as the very air around them stilled.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Sawyer Character Portrait: Eric Donavon Character Portrait: Caleb Grant Character Portrait: David West
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Charlotte was tinkering away for the most part. Not sure what would work and what would make the monsters that she now fought laugh in arrogance. "Damn it" she hissed as a spark forced her to back away in surprise. Charlotte gritted her teeth and held the welder in hand up high and flashed it's flame as she finished the final touch on her home-made weapon. "I'm not goin' down without a damn good fight" she smirked as she held out her newly made saw-blade. Charlotte picked the foot long blade up and felt the weight behind the weapon as she swung it around here and there, getting a feel for it. She had managed to take a small battery and attach it to a rotating mechanism, she then managed to take a saw-like chain she had laying about and attach it, creating, essentially, a hand held, foot long, chainsaw.

Charlotte clicked the button to the side of her weapon and her eyes lit up in triumph as the weapon whirred loudly to life, "Fuck. Yes." she grinned as she turned it off and slung it to the side of her mechanic's belt. Charlotte did always have a knack for tinkering, hence why she became a mechanic. She cracked the knuckles in her hand and wiped the sweat from her brow, deciding she needed to go show David or Eric her masterpiece she'd been working on for the last twenty minutes.

As Charlotte crawled out from under her garage door onto the street, she saw people gathering at the grocers, Charlotte took note of the small amassing group, but turned down towards the gun shop she and David had holed up in. She took a few steps down the street when she saw Eric, gun trailing to something just out of sight of Charlotte. A discarded bus blocked a portion of the street, it had a little leeway to get around it's back, but essentially cut off some of the street, and the damned thing was blocking Charlotte's view of whatever Eric had his gun pointed at, but she noticed as Eric's gun was trained towards whatever, the unease and tension that began to feel the air "Eric..." Charlotte said trailing off, "Eric! What's going on!?" She shouted down the street.

Charlotte stepped forward, to get a better view around the bus and saw the man before them. He was moving with determination towards Charlotte's direction, "Eric... who is that?" Charlotte asked nervously. When Eric stepped closer Charlotte stopped breathing and her hand flashed towards her newly made mini-chainsaw. Charlotte quickly flashed her head down the street, trying to see if anyone she knew was nearby, her head flashed back to Eric, "Eric, what's going on?" she asked, thick tension filling the air.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Sawyer Character Portrait: Eric Donavon Character Portrait: Caleb Grant Character Portrait: David West
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0.00 INK

David continued walking through the hardware store, listening carefully as he walked. The aisles were narrow and the shelves full of nuts, bolts, screws, hinges, and anything else he could possibly need. Even though he heard and saw nothing, David still couldn't shake the feeling of there being something in here. He found the lock he was looking for and silently grabbed it as he then checked the tool section.

He stopped dead when he saw what was in the aisle: a trail of blood leading from the back of the aisle to a body laying in the middle. Whether it was a store employee or a customer, David didn't know and he didn't care to. He stepped around the body and grabbed a boxed set of tools before leaving the store quickly and heading back to the gun store. He didn't know how much time he had until night and the moment night fell David needed to have the lock replaced, traps set, and some sleep.

And before he went to sleep he would need to bring in his grenade and sungun.

He arrived at the gun store just in time to see the scene of Eric, Charlotte, and a new figure, this one holding a rifle. David shook his head and figured that he would know soon enough if this new figure meant harm. Until then, he had things he needed to do before sleep took him. Setting down the tool set, David opened the plastics contained the new lock with his knife. Taking care to put the key in a pocket, David opened the tool set and unscrewed the broken lock from the door.

Lining up the holes between the new lock and the door, David began the slow process of screwing them in and keeping everything on straight. He was used to smaller screws not used in carpentry but technology. after a few minutes he finished and started placing the four sun grenades he had on him around the store. One went by the door, the second went just behind the edge of the counter if someone were to walk around, and the third behind the counter itself. The store's interior was to small to need to place four, so David kept that on the grenade belt. He'd set up the tripwires for the grenades before he went to sleep.

Walking out of the store, David went over to the grocers to see about getting some food for the day at least.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Sawyer Character Portrait: Eric Donavon Character Portrait: Caleb Grant
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0.00 INK

"Eric, what's going on?" Eric glanced over at Charlotte, tense as he kept his gun trained on the stranger. "No idea. Some stranger, looks like a man sent to 'clean up'." Eric focused on the stranger again, hearing the crowd gather around as he spoke, a demanding tone of voice. "I would put the guns down if I were you. We've got plenty of people armed here." Eric stepped forward a bit, ready for whatever happened next. All it would take was one shot. One shot and it would be over, no trouble. But he hesitated, the stranger just watching him as he stepped closer, focusing entirely on this newcomer. He could distinguish several features under the gas mask, though this dehumanized the man more, an air of a man who has seen horrors beyond imagining stood. This man looked to be prepared for the worst, what ever that could be. An almost military look about him shook Eric to his core. Unnerving, ready to strike with no hint of remorse. This man drew fear into him, unease and distrust grew as he looked around at the group amassing around them. Eric waited before speaking in a low growl. "Who are you? And what connection do you have with all of this?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Sawyer Character Portrait: Eric Donavon Character Portrait: Caleb Grant Character Portrait: David West
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0.00 INK

"Who are you? And what connection do you have with all of this?" Caleb chuckled a bit, looking at the group of people who have amassed around them. A grin stayed on his face as he removed his mask, taking in a breath of fresh air before speaking. "I would keep your people back. We can keep things civil. Or at the very least nonviolent." Caleb lowered his rifle, looking around at the group of people around them. "Caleb Grant." If he made one wrong move he would get gunned down in a heartbeat. "I am here to investigate." A few steps to the left, if he could just get close enough he could have an escape if things turned for the worst. "I'm going to tell you people now since you're still here, these attacks aren't going to stop." Drawing focus away from his movements he inched more away. "The best thing people in your place can do is either push back or flee to the next town." A quick glance, Caleb caught sight of a man from the gunstore, someone who seemed a bit too prepared. His interest peaked, a quick look around as he backed up a bit. "Seems someone else was sent to investigate." Looking at the man who started waving his gun at him Caleb spoke again. "If we all put our guns down we can all talk about this like adults. I might be able to help you people out, if I may." Caleb kept his guard, ready to flee if he needed to. Quick glances out of the corner of his eye, no movements now to betray his intention. He waited for a response. Any response.

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Bedford, Pennsylvania

Bedford, Pennsylvania by RolePlayGateway

A seemingly abandoned town. The air is thick with the smell of death

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Character Portrait: Morgan
18 sightings Morgan played by CNAGamer
"This world is shadowed by darkness. And I thrive in that darkness."

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Eric Donavon
Character Portrait: Alec Tauler
Character Portrait: David West
Character Portrait: Charlotte Sawyer
Character Portrait: Caleb Grant


Character Portrait: Caleb Grant
Caleb Grant

"Primary objective: collection and extraction."

Character Portrait: Charlotte Sawyer
Charlotte Sawyer

I won't forget what happened, and I won't stop until they're all dead.

Character Portrait: David West
David West

"These things we're hunting are deadly. So we just have to be more so. Remember to turn on the frequency when in combat and off when you're out."

Character Portrait: Alec Tauler
Alec Tauler

"These Beasts of the night shall not harm the innocent, not while the sword of God strikes true."

Character Portrait: Eric Donavon
Eric Donavon

"If these monsters want to take over, then they'll have to go through me"


Character Portrait: Eric Donavon
Eric Donavon

"If these monsters want to take over, then they'll have to go through me"

Character Portrait: David West
David West

"These things we're hunting are deadly. So we just have to be more so. Remember to turn on the frequency when in combat and off when you're out."

Character Portrait: Caleb Grant
Caleb Grant

"Primary objective: collection and extraction."

Character Portrait: Charlotte Sawyer
Charlotte Sawyer

I won't forget what happened, and I won't stop until they're all dead.

Character Portrait: Alec Tauler
Alec Tauler

"These Beasts of the night shall not harm the innocent, not while the sword of God strikes true."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Eric Donavon
Eric Donavon

"If these monsters want to take over, then they'll have to go through me"

Character Portrait: Caleb Grant
Caleb Grant

"Primary objective: collection and extraction."

Character Portrait: David West
David West

"These things we're hunting are deadly. So we just have to be more so. Remember to turn on the frequency when in combat and off when you're out."

Character Portrait: Alec Tauler
Alec Tauler

"These Beasts of the night shall not harm the innocent, not while the sword of God strikes true."

Character Portrait: Charlotte Sawyer
Charlotte Sawyer

I won't forget what happened, and I won't stop until they're all dead.

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Bedford, Pennsylvania

Bedford, Pennsylvania by RolePlayGateway

A seemingly abandoned town. The air is thick with the smell of death

Bedford, Pennsylvania

Bedford, Pennsylvania Owner: RolePlayGateway

A seemingly abandoned town. The air is thick with the smell of death

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