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Another Chance

Another Chance


Not many get a second chance after it feels like your life has been ruined. But when you are handed the opportunity do you use it to your advantage or slip back into to old habits.

2,288 readers have visited Another Chance since pandalover created it.


What happens when life as you know it turns upside down. Your boyfriend left you for another girl and now you have no where to go. You loose your job and house. Your parents disown you. For what ever reason you decide to pack up and move to a new city. There is a special apartment complex in California called "Getting on your feet!" They come fully furnished and the rent is cheap. It is made for people like you, who need a fresh start. But do you risk living with people who you know nothing about? What paths will life lead you on now? All I have to say is Good Luck.

The Apartments: Image

The Lobby: Image

The Rooms: Image

Character Sheet:
Looks: (Real pictures please)
Home town:
Reason for leaving:
A little background on your self:

Female 1: Danni Winsor
Female 2:
Female 3:
Male 1: Jude Asher
Male 2:
Male 3:

Toggle Rules

1. Be respectful
2. Have fun
3. Post at least once a day, we want this to last
4. Romance is allowed and encouraged but don't let it get to graphic
5. I'm not asking for super long posts and I understand that sometimes you get writers block but don't have every be one liners
6. NO RESERVATIONS! Its first come.
7. Put the name of your favorite move at the bottom of you character sheet if you read the rules.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amory Hoffmann Character Portrait: Leslie Parker
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Just as he was sure no one was coming to help and the overly made-up woman began to try and pull him down to her for a kiss- her breathe causing him to wrinkle his nose in disgust-, a strong hand grabbed him by the collar of his black jacket while the other pried the woman off of him. Standing between them now was a muscle-bound man that couldn't have been anything other than a bouncer; Amory was certain this is where he normally should have made his escape, but right now this man was his savior and he was just too relieved to do anything other than stand there as the other man forced the drunk woman to back off. Before he'd had a moment to catch his breath he was being drug off through the crowd after the other man, forced to lean down because although the bouncer was bulkier he was several inches shorter than Amory.

As they walked-or stumbled-the bouncer pulled Amory down to yell into his ear over the pumping bass, "The boss sent me to save you. Then he told me to bring you up there." With that he pointed upwards were the tall teen could just spot the top of John's head as he chatted away with two girls that Amory could only assume must be from the apartment complex. Just as they reached the bottom of the steps a second bouncer followed by yet a third appeared from the second level. "Boss needs us to go sort out some trouble at the bar," the first one jerked his thumb in the direction of the conflict, indicating that the man holding Amory's collar should follow him. Without thinking the teen's captor-savior followed the other man, not releasing the boy as he walked.

"Umm...." the small objection was swallowed up by the crowd and the music as the group of men wove their way through the flailing bodies toward the man and woman at the bar. As they approached closer Amory used his superior height to get a good look at the two people they were headed too; suddenly he jerked out of the bigger man's grasp as he realized he knew the girl from earlier in the day, although he couldn't quite recall her name. Before the bouncer could grab him again he was gone in the crowd- slinking through the last few bodies to reach Leslie and the man that was tugging hard on her wrist.

"Um- hi! Fancy seeing you here... of all places..." his voice was loud enough to be heard over the booming music, but was stilted awkwardly as he wasn't really sure how to introduce himself in this kind of situation. Without further adue he gazed meaningfully down at the painful-looking death-grip the man had on Leslie's arm. "Ah- I may be mistaken," here he paused, because it was entirely possible as he was generally clueless with women- given that once he'd gone out with a girl without knowing they were a couple for two weeks. However, he was pretty certain based on all the evidence he was correct in this instance, so he plunged ahead, "But I don't think that's how you get a girl to like you." Here he pointed at the man's hand.

"Shut up and back off- you're not needed here!" the obviously drunk man railed at him as he continued to try and pull Leslie closer. When Amory didn't immediately back off, actually electing to move closer instead, the man balled his other hand into a fist and threw it wildly at the wiry teen. Instinct and training took over and Amory brought his hands up into a boxing stance, first dodging the wide swing and then responding with a quick one-two to the other man's abdomen. Gasping for air the assailant went down just as the three bouncers arrived. Unsure of what to do next Amory sidled over to stand beside Leslie, fidgeting awkwardly.


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Officially Tesla could call herself drunk. As Danni mentioned that she too was a dancer, Tesla squealed with excitement. "Oh I should've known! Your legs are so sexy they have to be dancer legs!" She said flirtatiously, brazenly running her hand up Danny's thigh. She giggled, winking flirtatiously at Danni.
John recaptured her attention as he began answering her questions, but only to frustrate her further. His answers were vague and didn't even explain why he was at Another Chance. But somehow Tesla could understand. She didn't want to share too many details about her past, perhaps he wanted to share no details. 'Damn my curiosity' Tesla thought, the mystery that is John Holden had just caught her interest. He probably worked the mysterious angle on purpose, Tesla decided, watching him closely as he scolded his employee. Perhaps she didn't want to work here.
But now her mind was back to her drink. Secretly she wished she had some bud at the moment. Glancing at the other two, Tesla wondered if they smoked weed too. But that was a conversation for another day. John seemed to rush out for a phone call, a distressed expression on his face. Tesla looked to Danni with a confuse look on her face, "Can you believe this guy? There has to be something wrong," she joked, "there is no way someone is that charming, sauve, successful, and handsome and not be a problem. Either he's a phycopath or a felon." Tesla laughed, shaking her head.
As she looked at Danni, it was all Tesla could do to not throw herself at her. The girl was just so damn cute, but Tesla still didn't know the girl too much, she could get mad if Tesla crossed the line- which she did often. Tesla grabbed her purse, putting down her cup. "I'll be right back, I'm going to get a drink from the bar." She slurred.
Checking her balance, Tesla was careful as she walked. She could walk straight, but not effortlessly. Eyes trained at the ground as she prepared to go down the stairs, Tesla didn't see John until she ran face first into him.
"Oh!" She said, startled. She jumped belatedly, wobbling slightly. Her fingertips reached out, spreading across his chest as she regained her balance. Tesla looked up at him, smiling in a mischevious sort of way. "Sorry, I just was going to the drink for a bar." She gestured down the stairs, her eyes wandering from his gaze to his lips. Suddenly she was just staring at his lips, tilting her head as if in contemplation. If he had said anything she didn't hear him, but after about 10 seconds Tesla closed the distance between them. She wasnt sure if she was thinking at this point, or if her body was on autopilot again. She swayed her hips against his, "I'm having a great time tonight, thanks for inviting us out." She put her face by his so her could hear her better, her lips moving against his jaw bone as she spoke. Her hands ran down his torso, then grabbing ahold of his suit jacket. She pulled him toward her, kissing him without the slightest hesitation. She was gentle as she initiated the kiss, tenderly caressing his lips. As he began to respond she became more aggressive- lightly biting his lips and pushing him against the wall. At the moment it just seemed to make sense.
As she thought she heard someone approach them, Tesla jumped back. Leaning against the opposite wall she looked across to John, giggling softly followed by a drunken hiccup. She took it as a reminder for her drink. "Oh! I'm going to get my drink." Before he could say anything she headed down the stairs successfully. It was no small feat. It didn't take long to get another dirty martini, although this time the bartender made her take two shots with him.
Her limit was about two glasses of champagne ago. At this point her inhibitions were at a dangerously low level, drinking her martini as she walked back up the stairs, she wondered what time it was.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amory Hoffmann Character Portrait: Leslie Parker
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The man's grip on her wrist tightened as he started to pull her closer to him. She kept pushing away from him but his firm grip never lessened. Leslie started to panic as the memories from her past, that she thought she finally left behind, seemed to come to life again. She looked around frighteningly trying to ask help from somebody, but everyone around them seemed to be preoccupied with having fun to even realize what was happening. She was about to lose all her composure as her breathing became faster and faster due to the panic she was feeling, when she noticed somebody approached them.
"Um- hi! Fancy seeing you here... of all places..." Amory's voice was loud enough to be heard over the booming music, and Leslie felt relived to see him. "Ah- I may be mistaken, but I don't think that's how you get a girl to like you." Amory said pointing to the man's hand still griping on her wrist.
"Shut up and back off- you're not needed here!" the man railed at Amory as he continued to try and pull Leslie closer. Leslie now felt scared again but this time not for herself but Amory, as he didn't back down but instead inched closer to them and the man, who was taller and looked stronger than Amory, throw a punch at him. Leslie gasped in shock, but Amory didn't even flinch as he stood in a boxing stance and with ease avoided the punch, than punching the man who was sent flying down to the floor. Three bouncers arrived and escorted the man outside. All the drowsiness Leslie was feeling has disappeared as she stood there still slightly shaking from fear. "Thank you...for helping me." She said with a weak smile to Amory who was standing next to her. She tried hard not to break into tears right there in the middle of the crowed as some people who actually noticed what was happening, but didn't move a finger to save her, stared.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amory Hoffmann Character Portrait: Leslie Parker Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov
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Danni was flattered by Tesla's flirting. She had never been with a girl before but she wasn't against it. Besides she felt like Tesla knew what she was doing. When John stepped out of the room and Tesla started questioning him, Danni couldn't help but agree. When Tesla left to get another drink Danni left the room as well. She walked over to the balcony just in time to see what was going on with Lesli and the guy, as she was going to walk down the stairs she say the art boy, she couldn't remember his name, walk over and be the hero. She smiled and made her way down to them. She saw how distraught Leslie was. "Are you okay?" She said hugging her. She then turned to Armory and ruffled his hair. "Good job kid."


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John just stayed leaning against the wall ignoring the world around him, he was thinking about how he could get out of this situation. Maybe it would just disappear like he did from London, but it was never that easy, these people wouldn't stop even if it took years for them to find him they wouldn't give up. He thought about going on the run again, maybe that was his only way out, but then he thought, I cant run my whole life, I've got a good thing going here, im not going to just let them take it away from me.

All of a sudden someone had walked straight into him, it wasn't enough to knock John over but it brought him back to reality. It was Tesla, she was drunk and couldn't stand up straight, John put his hands on her waist so she didn't fall over after she walked into him. She was leaning on him so she didn't fall and said "Sorry, I just was going to the drink for a bar." She was getting her words mixed up she was so drunk, then all of a sudden she was just looking into Johns eyes and was getting closer. "I'm having a great time tonight, thanks for inviting us out." she said. John replied with "Anytime. Its been fun but I think you've had a bit to much to..." Then before he could finish his sentence she pulled him towards her and kissed him softly. John was shocked but for some reason he didn't pull back, it felt right, it felt like all his stresses had gone away for those few seconds. Then she was becoming more aggressive with the kiss but she quickly pulled back when someone appeared down the hall. John tried to speak to her but she had already stumbled off to get another drink. Then all of a sudden the consequences of the kiss came into Johns head, he had to live with her, it would make things so awkward now and with his other stresses he didn't need this as well. John went to check if she was okay because she had way to much to drink. John checked his watch, it was almost 3am, which was closing time.

When John had gotten down to the bar he saw Tesla taking a shot with the bar man, he then felt his professional side come over and rushed to the bar. He leaned over the bar and said to the barman's ear, "if I see you giving out anymore free drinks, your out of a job." John then checked to see if Tesla was okay, and took her outside to put her in a cab. Then John saw Michael the supervisor. "Michael give my friends some more free drinks and pay for their cabs." he said. He then put Tesla into a cab and took her back to the apartments. John helped her up to her room when they got back, she was rambling on about different things, John couldn't really make much sense of what she was talking about. He let her into her room and laid Tesla on the bed, John quickly left the room and went to his own room. "Well that was eventful" he said to himself. Then John just laid in his bed thinking about everything had happened and couldn't believe how the night went for him. He eventually fell asleep after a couple of hours of thought.


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Everything around her seemed to be passing so fast. Tesla still had wanted to dance with Danni, find some drugs and maybe have an after party. But as John took her unfinished drink and guided her out the door, Tesla felt her hopes for the night be crushed. "How come everyone else gets to stay?" She grumbled, already knowing the answer. No one was wasted like she was, and she was underage. Even if it was by only a few months, and that her fake ID said otherwise, Tesla still was a liability.
As they were in the cab she was barely aware of what she was saying, but she was sure she didn't keep her hands to herself. She never could. Yet John didn't seem to be responding much. He showed indifference and disinterest in the drunk and available girl, which angered Tesla to a certain extent. Isn't this what he did? Take his pick and take her home? Tesla had never been rejected before, her inflated ego made her sure that it was because there was something wrong with him. After that she sort of drifted off the rest of the cab ride until John roused her from the drunken nap.
"Room 11!" Tesla shouted, as a random burst of energy caused her to thrust a fist in the air. As she headed in the wrong direction, John's arm wrapped around her waist, pulling he into the last direction. "Humph" Tesla ran her fingers through her hair and bit the inside of her cheek, trying to focus her mind. Surprisingly all night she had yet to have fallen, but she still had to make it to the door. John at this point was just angering by being there. "Fucking Brits, maybe if my teeth were fucked up I'd be more your type." She slurred under her breath. Luckily her room was on the first floor, "I was just thinking about that earlier." She thought out loud, giggling to herself. If John didn't think she was crazy before, he sure did now.
She felt like he was coddling her like she was a child. Damnit she was a woman! She had been foolish tonight, sure, but if anyone were to understand about someone wanting a good time it would be someone who helps run a club, right? Tesla fumbled to fetch her keys from her bag, opening her door after she attempted a few times and instead John just grabbed the keys from her. Immediately she stepped out her heels, stumbling slightly once she was on her two feet.
Throwing her purse on the couch, she saw John had come inside. Great now he wanted to tuck her in, like she was a responsibility. "I'm not a child." She mumbled, stripping down to her bra and panties as she walked to her bedroom. Needless to say, Tesla had intended to get laid that night, so her undergarments were anything but modest. Slipping into the plush white sheets, pulling them over her face. "Thanks for taking care of me, see you." She said absently. Tesla waited until she heard him leave. She absolutely detested being treated like a child.
She got out of bed, grabbing an oversized tee and flip flops.
Now was not the time to sleep. She remembered a hot tub by the pool, surely. No one crossed her path as she raced to the pool area, feeling like a child sneaking around a hotel. As she neared, she could see steam rising for the hot tub. Mentally she cheered, stripping just before she reached the tub, abandoning her undergarments and the tee at the poolside and fully submerging herself.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amory Hoffmann Character Portrait: Leslie Parker Character Portrait: Danni Winsor
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The second that the massive, boulder-esque security guards were gone Amory relaxed a little- glad that he hadn't been thrown out for fighting. As he turned his gaze back from where the guards had disappeared to they cast over Leslie, who stood shivering slightly beside him. At this point Amory was completely lost, almost as unsure of how to deal with her as he had been the older woman who was cleaning to him drunkenly earlier in the night. When she thanked him he nodded hastily, reassuring her, "Oh no- no problem. I didn't do much..." These words the only thing he could think of to say in order to make her feel better, but he felt that they were still lacking- as she was obviously still shaken. Just when he was about to reach over and pat her awkwardly on the shoulder-the only other option he could think of-his savior arrived in the form of another of his new neighbors.

Amory easily watched her wade through the crowd toward them, and stepped to the side as she wrapped her arms almost protectively around Leslie. Standing beside them he swept his gaze over the other customers near them; suddenly wary of the other men, he gave the closest pair what he hoped was an intimidating glare so he wouldn't have to hit someone else again tonight. His fists were slightly sore from hitting the man so hard, and he chastised himself silently for having been so long from boxing practice- he could only imagine what his old coach would say had he seen him tonight. The thought made him flinch a little, the verbal scolding resounding in his brain.

He was shaken from his own thoughts when the girl- Danni his mind suddenly supplied- reached up and ruffled his hair affectionately, "Good job kid." The sentiment caught him off-guard initially, but quickly brought a bright smile to his face and he stepped closer to the pair of girls, "Thank you!" A movement off in the corner of his eye caught his attention and he noticed the older woman he'd just been thinking of stumbling clumsily through what was left of the crowd in their direction. Without thinking he stepped behind Leslie and Danni, crouching slightly- even though he was still taller than them- and said as persuasively as possible, "Umm... don't you think we've had enough fun for tonight? How about going home?"

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Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov
13 sightings Tesla Marie Basov played by leisurelyatwar
"Let's Just keep this between you and me."

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Re: Another Chance

Woohoo! I'm going to post later I'm working all night.

Re: Another Chance

YUS! Gii is back! Welcome back Gii :)

Re: Another Chance

Im probably going to post tomorrow night, bit busy tonight

Re: Another Chance

Just wanted to say I will be posting and having forgotten. I have to go to work but will have a post up by tonight.

Re: Another Chance

I'm going to try and post something now to get Tesla upstairs with Danni and John

Re: Another Chance

Hm probably will start at the club she's a pretty forward person so she'll end up going for it

Re: Another Chance

Should we have it happen at the club like your character gets drunk and tries to kiss johnor somthing later happens an you just get a little crush at the club at first?

Re: Another Chance

I see it! Unfortunately I mostly rp off my iPhone and weirdly enough it doesn't let me pm you back. I totally agree though! I adore spicing up a roleplay.

Also I edited my last post to make more sense :3

Re: Another Chance

Btw, ive sent you a message Rosa :)

Re: Another Chance

I do too. Its nice to have everyone come form a different background. And I apologize I skipped the story along and now I am not sure how to respond to your last post.

Re: Another Chance

Aww :( Hope you're not in pain Gii! You shall be missed during your absence.

And I just want to say I like this group of characters! They're all so different from one another.

Re: Another Chance

Get better soon Gii :)

Re: Another Chance

Just so everyone knows, Gii_the_fallen had surgery on her arm and can't get on to post for a couple days. She gave us permission to use Leslie as an NPC until she returns.

Re: Another Chance

Congratulations Gii_the_fallen, boultinator93,RPGRosa, and ThrillerNight! Welcome to the roleplay!

As for lifebird, and Chris1993 I said it was first come first serve and I accepted the characters in the order I received them. Thanks for the interest though.

Alright guys now that we have everyone let's get started!!

Re: Another Chance

Ill get working on it asap

Re: Another Chance

I sent in a male role~! ^^

Re: Another Chance

Ive sent my character, hope you like him

Re: Another Chance

Yes, there are two female roles left.

Re: Another Chance

Is a female still available? It says it is but I had to make sure.

Re: Another Chance

Yeah I would like to wait but if no one else joins we can start.