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Demeter Tordai

"Help me or hurt me. I really don't know anymore."

0 · 299 views · located in St. Francis Insane Asylum

a character in “Beyond Insane”, as played by Leon21


Full Name: Demeter Tordai
Nickname: Deme, Demeter
Age: Twenty-five
Birthdate: November 14th
Role: Insane
Reason for Admission: The main reason Demeter is here is for post-traumatic stress disorder. He was abused by his parents throughout most of his childhood, often having been brought within an inch of his life. Demeter still remembers almost every event that happened, often experiencing them through nightmares and flashbacks. He still cannot go around any older Caucasian male with balding blonde hair and brown eyes without being absolutely terrified. Despite his PTSD, there is also another reason why Deme is here at St. Frances. He suffers from severe self-defeating personality disorder (also known as masochistic personality disorder), which means that he tries to keep others from helping him and is drawn to situations that make him suffer. Demeter is drawn to people who willingly hurt him - both physically or mentally - and dislikes anyone who is caring and tries to help him. If he completes a positive personal achievement, Deme often gets depressed and angry at himself. He avoids any situations where he would enjoy himself, and refuses to admit he is enjoying himself even if he is. He is always willing to sacrifice himself for the good of others, but will refuse to do anything for his own good. He suffers from a few minor syndromes as well, including self-harm and a very mild case of anorexia (purely because eating could be seen as a way to make yourself feel good, and feeling good is the last thing Deme wants). Neither of those are actually severe enough to cause the need for hospitalization on their own, although they certainly aren't helping in making him recover.
-Warm weather. Especially when he's wearing his overcoat.
-Pain. This goes hand in hand with his self-defeating personality disorder.
-Gothic fashion. Most people think Deme dresses in the way he does purely because he is depressed, when the cause is actually just the fact that he finds the gothic fashion elegant looking and generally stylish. It is not unusual for him to have exercise-related injuries.
-Exercise. Demeter will often overexercise, in fact, purely because eventually, too much exercise begins to hurt his body, and that is what he likes.
-Listening to music. It's not the music he likes - in fact, Demeter absolutely hates almost all music - but it's listening to it, purely because he finds music uncomfortable, almost painful to listen to.
-Kind and caring people. After all, it's difficult to make your life as miserable as possible when someone is being nice to you.
-Sleeping. Deme is often plagued by nightmares about his childhood whenever he sleeps, so he tries to sleep as little as possible.
-Eating. Generally, eating makes you feel better and feel good about yourself, so Deme tries to avoid eating. Obviously, not the healthiest of decisions.
-Control; power. Any situation that puts him into a position where he has power or where he has to make decisions terrifies Demeter.
-Art; beauty. Demeter has natural talent at drawing - although nothing near his full potential, since he never practises - so he dislikes anything that is art related, especially if it is his own work. He hates it even more if people compliment him on any things he does draw.
-Men. Specifically, older, balding, Caucasian men. Basically, anyone who looks like his father.
-Pleasure. Demeter refuses to admit that he can actually be happy, and avoids any situation where he would have to admit that.
Description: Certainly not a small man, Demeter stands at 6'1" and weighs around 180 pounds. It's not that he's fat, but instead he is incredibly muscular from overexercising. Still, despite his large build, Deme does not seem like a very imposing figure. He walks with a noticeable slouch, and often keeps his head down, staring at the ground. When he sits, he will keep his legs cross and arms tucked close to his body, as if he is trying to take up as little space as possible, in contrast to the way most males sit: spreading their arms over the back of the chair and generally looking like they're trying to take up all the space. This makes Demeter appear as if he is much smaller than he actually is.

He dresses in a clearly gothic style, and while people have tried to associate this with his mental state, he actually only likes the style purely because he finds it looks elegant and it allows him to wear sleeves covering his arms year round. His hair is long, reaching halfway down his chest, and dyed black. When his hair isn't dyed, it is dirty blond in colour, although Demeter rarely lets it get to that colour. His large, dark hazel eyes are often lined with thick eyeshadow and eyeliner, and he often colours his eyebrows black as well. Deme has naturally pale skin that is made even paler from him refusing his body the nutrients it needs. He has surprisingly long nails that are well-kept, although they are occasionally a bit chewed. There are multiple scars on his arms, some fresher than others. While most of them are cutting scars, a few are burn marks.

Deme's clothing choice is dark and elegant. Most of the time, he is wearing black dress pants made of a silky fabric that isn't quite fine enough to be silk and a black long sleeved shirt made of a cotton blend. Often, Demeter is also wearing a thick black wool overcoat, one that reaches to nearly his ankles in length. He gets cold very easily, so he is wearing it on all but the warmest of days. Sometimes, he'll actually even wear it on days where the weather is rising over eighty degrees Fahrenheit, purely because of the fact that it stops him from enjoying the day. Of course, this is also an easy way for him to get heat stroke, but Demeter chooses to ignore that fact. His shoes are black lace up boots that reach his knees in length. Deme is often tucking his pants into them. He refuses to wear short sleeved shirts purely to avoid showing the scars on his arms.
Personality: Demeter is strange, to say the least. Upon first meeting him, he seems like a completely nice guy, one who is always willing to do anything, literally anything, for someone. Upon getting to know him better, it is clear that Deme is only willing to bend over backwards for someone if that 'someone' doesn't include himself. Demeter refuses to do anything, anything at all, that would make him feel happy or enjoy himself, and this is where his true personality begins to show through. Deme loves pain and general feelings of sadness or dissatisfaction.

He will often do things that make him suffer, and has often entered abusive relationships. This could be seen as rather ironic, considering abusive relationships are what caused him to arrive at St. Frances in the first place. Some people suspect that the fact that he was always made to feel like he was less than dirt throughout his childhood was what made Deme so masochistic now, but that is just a theory, and he will not give his opinion on it. Still, despite his tendencies to make himself feel worthless and depressed, Demeter is actually a fairly nice man, at least when it comes to other people.

So begins...

Demeter Tordai's Story