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Skyleigh Ravenwood

"You either love me or hate me. My only rule is, don't ever try to change me."

0 · 619 views · located in Black Lotus Cafe

a character in “Black Lotus Cafe”, as played by desire99600



"Close your eyes darling, for tonight, we dance with the devil."

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❝The Basics❞

Image| Full Name |
"Remember it darling. You will hear it again." Her full name is Skyleigh Krystilline Ravenwood [ Sky-lee | Kreh-still-een | Ray-ven-would ]

| Nickname |
"I have many." Skyleigh's name can be shortened many ways, and she doesn't really have a preference, and quite likes nicknames. Some just call her Skye, some Skylar, some Lee, and some just call her Skyleigh. She doesn't mind which you choose. She quite likes nicknames, and if you want to come up with something creative and unique to her, she'll accept it. However, should you call her names like baby, darling, sweetheart, ect. look out. You're in trouble. Names like that bother her, and she very rarely permits them, despite the fact that she uses them often for other people.

| Age |
"I've lost count." She's ageless, having just always existed in some way or another. Skye doesn't know an exact date of birth, she just knows she can't remember a time where she was not living. As for how old she appears, though she may be ageless, she has a physical appearance of 16-20. Don't let this deceive you, her body is very young, but her mind is an eternity old.

| Species |
"My mother and father's love was a forbidden one." Mixed, breed. Half demon, half witch

| Gender |
"All female, darling." Female

| Accent |
"I speak every language there is fluently." Skyleigh, has mastered every language, and could speak with any accent she wishes, but her true accent is, French.

| Occupation |
"I don't need a job to get what I want." Though she could simply use magic to get what she wants, she does still enjoy work, so she works at the Black Lotus Cafe part time, and does other various jobs the the rest of the time. Jobs that don't require her constant attention such as volunteer nursing, or bar-tending. Everyday she has a new job, as she gets rather restless. The only job she's actually kept is her job at the Black Lotus, where she works the night shift.

❝The Disguise❞

Image| Eye color |
"Eh. It varies." Her eye color shifts with her mood, though she doesn't tell people this, as she doesn't like to advertise it. When she's hiding her emotions, they turn black, so they are black most of the time. Only people who are observant, or she knows well, know that her eyes shift color with her mood.

| Hair color |
"I love my hair." Skye's hair is bright icy blonde, almost white. It literally, could not be blonder. People say she needs to lay off the bleach, but this is actually her natural hair. It's soft, and extremely long. Sometimes she straightens it, a process that takes hours, but sometimes she leaves it in natural waves, or curls it. She's very fond of the length of her hair and would never cut it. Naturally, it hangs just past her hips. Her bangs sweep gently across her forehead to the right, framing her face, or hang straight down, depending on how she styles them. Sometimes she'll add things to it, like colored steaks, but she's never fully dyed her hair and never will. She has a flair for the dramatic, and tends to like color, so for it to have bright, hot pink tips one day, and pastel purple streaks the next, is completely normal.

| Skin tone |
"Ice.'" Skyler's skin is smooth, icy perfection. Very pale. It almost matches her hair, though is ever so slightly darker. It makes her eyes pop, as they are the only bit of color present, and makes her look like a snow queen. Her cheeks, however, have the slightest hint of pink to them, and her lips are slightly darker pink.

| Distinct Markings |
"I was born with most of my marks." When it comes to tattoos, piercings, and scars, Skye has several. For tattoos, she has two that she was born with, and one that she went out and got done herself. The first one she was born with is actually on her face. Not a common place to have a tattoo, however it actually looks great on her, and is easy to hide, despit it's location. It's a black butterfly marking, that stands out sharply against her pale skin. It sits on her temple, under her bangs, and kisses the end of her eyebrow, so that it looks as though the butterfly is resting there, on her eyebrow. The second marking she was born with sits on her right hip, the point tilted in, and is a black dagger, with a rose wrapped around it. Her final tattoo, she got herself, and sits between her shoulder blades and reads in simple, small, but readable black print: "Soul of a lion". As for piercings, she has the cartilage of her right ear pierced, and the lobe of both ears pierced three times. Finally, she has no scars. She prefers to keep her skin flawlessly unscarred, and uses magic to heal any wound that may scar.

❝Getting to know me❞

Image| Likes |
"Best stay on my good side darling."
♥ Having the freedom to do what she wants
♥ Flirting
♥ Feeling needed
♥ Power
♥ Being left alone when she wants to be
♥ Freedom
♥ Success
♥ Attention
♥ Praise
♥ Getting what she wants
♥ Teasing
♥ Cats, her cat specifically
♥ Respect
♥ Magic
♥ Cigarettes
♥ Tea
♥ Warmth

| Dislikes |
"Do not make an enemy of me. You will regret it."
✘ Being told what to do
✘ Being used
✘ Whiny people
✘ Annoying people
✘ Clingy people
✘ Feeling restrained
✘ Being tied down
✘ Losing
✘ People who ask too many questions
✘ Being looked down on
✘ Loneliness, she craves the attention of others

| Fears |
"I don't feel fear."
☠ Loneliness, she fears being alone forever
☠ Love
☠ Thunderstorms
☠ Being tied to one place/person forever.
☠ Losing her freedom and independence

❝Delve a little deeper❞

| Personality |
Sly [ slahy ]

1. Cunning or wily
2. Stealthy, insidious, elusive, or secret.
3. Playfully artful, mischievous, or roguish

"Have you ever heard the term, sly as a fox?" Skylar is the kind of girl you either love, and look up to, or hate, and cannot stand. It's nearly impossible to describe her in one word. The best way to put it, is to say, she merely wants the freedom to do what she wants, to come and go as she pleases, and meddle in the business of others a little too much. She's quite the mischievous one, and does what she wants, when she wants to. No questions asked. She's flighty, unpredictable, and operates solely on whim. She's the type who never really has side, or holds alliances. She simply likes to float between all sides, pitting them against each other and sort of shoving things along in the background.

She may seem completely random, but that is apart of her. If you do not know her, you'll find her ever-shifting personalities and whims strange, and a little mad, but once you get to know her a little, you'll grow used to it. You'll discover that you cannot change her, and you cannot force her, you just have to let her be, and the sooner you realize this, the sooner you'll grow used to her strange ways. Maybe even like having her around.

Skye doesn't hold alliances. She doesn't like to grow emotionally attached to people, places, or things. The only thing she's ever grown attached to is her cat, Shasta, whom follows her everywhere. Other than this though, she makes no attachments. Sure, she makes friends, and she'll grow fond of people, but there are rules to her friendship. The most important being, that you never try to tie her down. She'll tell you straight out, that, going into a friendship with her, don't expect it to be an average friendship. She'll pack up and leave in an instant if she feels like it, and feel nothing. You have to let her do her own thing, be who she is. Trying to change her, or make her do something is just too much of a hassle. If she wants something, she'll get it. If she wants to do something, she'll do it. She hates being in any position of responsibility, hence her new-job-everyday routine. She refuses to be responsible for anything, hating having that pressure on her shoulders.

Still, however much Skye hates being in position of such responsibility, she could not be more cut out for the job. She's never had to be responsible for anyone's wishes, dreams, goals, or lives, but her own, and figures that she never will, however, she has it in her, should he have to be. She has a quick mind, and an eternity of wisdom to back it up, making her tongue a rather dangerous weapon, as she also has quite the silver tongue. She is naturally deceitful and elusive, able to spin words better than a spider can spin a web, and though she tends not to lie, she usually never tells the whole truth either. If she's informing you of something, she may just give you a small piece of the whole puzzle and what you get is what you get. There is no reasoning with her, and if you try to persuade or bribe her, she simply gets angry, and having her as only half an ally is far better than having her as an enemy.

Though she's cunning, Lee is far from perfect. She has a slightly manic and flighty aura about her, leading others to think that it would be better to just leave her alone than be involved with her. And while she may not be completely insane, she has small ways of showing that she's not exactly "all there." One of these ways is her temper. She's extremely easy to anger, and in the middle of a tantrum, there is nothing she won't do. Nothing stops her, and she'll tear down the whole world to get revenge. Another way she shows slight madness is through the way she does things. She makes decisions solely on whim, and, though they're typically good ones, can seem completely random at times, as though they came up from nowhere. Her emotions can shift drastically in seconds. You may meet her one day, and think she's cool, and sophisticated, and the next, she's wild, and rebellious.

Sky also has a roaming heart. She hates being tied down, and comes and goes as she pleases. No one knows where she came from, or where she's going, all they know is what she's doing in that moment. Sometimes, she'll just pack up and leave for anywhere from weeks to months. Don't grow too attached to Sky, for she may disappear out of nowhere, leaving no explanation. She's been everywhere, and seen everything. Staying in one place for too long bores her.

Skylar also has an immense need for affection. She could never be alone, or she would go ballistic. For this reason, she chose favorites, and just kind of hangs around them. True attachment is never really seen, as it is always possible that, at any moment, she could disappear as fast as she appeared and move on to find a new favorite. She's impossible to predict, as she could appear at any moment. Once she's chosen you as her favorite, there's almost no way to get rid of her, unless you're downright cruel to her, but this would make you her enemy, for she can hold a grudge. This is something you certainly don't want, so most people just let her hang around and find that they generally enjoy her company and attention anyway while they have it.

Skye has a horrible time taking orders, and nearly every time a job is assigned to her, she does what she wants anyway. Though she is not irresponsible for she has been taking care of herself for years, but if she doesn't see the sense in things, or doesn't want to, she doesn't bother to follow through. You have to pick and chose your rules for her carefully because she will always bend them. She's is a sneaky girl who always has a habit of getting around rules and retrieving what she wants. She can lie better then anyone, spinning her words expertly, knowing how to slip in and out of tricky situations with ease. She has an exceptional talent for reading people and an immense attitude. Skylar is very cunning and clever and can talk her way out of any situation.

❝Welcome to my life❞

Image| History |
"I tell no one my life." Skyleigh's history remains a mystery, known only by her. No one knows where she came from, or what made her who she is today, and should they push her to find out, she grows angry. It would be pointless to recount everything that's happened to her for an eternity.

Her mother was a witch, her father, a demon. Both were of high standing, and their families refused to let them be together. In the end, they ran away together, and had Skye. Soon after though, her fathers family, the demons, found them, and killed her mother, taking Skye and her father back with them.

She was raised among demons, though her nurse, the woman who'd all but raised her in her mother's absence, was a witch, and taught her how to use her powers. Her father, after his wife's death, became desolate, and would rarely look her in the eye. Skye was utterly alone in the world, all because of her father's demon family. They raised her as though she was a demon, refusing to acknowledge the witch side of her, as though it didn't exist. Only her nurse brought out the witch in her.

When she was old enough, and powerful enough, she wanted to leave, but they wouldn't let her. They were afraid. They thought that she was too dangerous, and wanted to keep her on a leash. So she killed them all, and left anyway.

| Abilities |
Her father was an incubus, a certain type of demon, that feeds off of the sexual energy of others. An incubus has the power to seduce humans with nothing more than a glance. Humans find incubus's irresistible, and, once they kiss an incubus, they become obsessed with them, and crave them so wildly, it drives them to madness, and, ultimately death. Skye inherited this from her father, as well as her mother's ability to perform witchcraft.

| Crush | Relationship Status |
"Me? In love?" Skyleigh doesn't believe love exists, and she certainly doesn't believe in relationships. At least, not the way a normal person does. She currently is single, and has no crush, though this may change.

| Other |
"I think I've told you enough." Her cat, (the first row of pictures) Shasta, is her eternal companion. (part of the witch side of her). Shasta is more than just a pet. The creature is connected to her. They can speak telepathically, and neither can die.

❝Theme Song❞


Kill Your Heros - Awolnation
Well, I met an old man
Dying on a train.
No more destination,
No more pain.
Well, he said
"One thing before I graduate
Never let your fear decide your fate."

I say ya kill your heroes and
Fly, fly, baby don't cry.
No need to worry cause
Everybody will die.
Every day we just
Go, go, baby don't go.
Don't you worry we
Love you more than you know.

Well, the sun one day will
Leave us all behind.
Unexplainable sightings
In the sky.
Well, I hate to be
The one to ruin the night.
Right before your, right before your eyes.

I say ya kill your heroes and
Fly, fly, baby don't cry.
No need to worry cause
Everybody will die.
Every day we just
Go, go, baby don't go.
Don't you worry we
Love you more than you know.

Well, I met an old man
Dying on a train.
No more destination,
No more pain.
Well he said
"One thing, before I graduate
Never let your fear decide your fate."

I say ya kill your heroes and
Fly, fly, baby don't cry.
No need to worry cause
Everybody will die.
Every day we just
Go, go, baby don't go.
Don't you worry we
Love you more than you know.

I say ya kill your heroes and
Fly, fly, baby don't cry.
Don't you worry cause
Everybody will die.
Every day we just
Go, go, baby don't go.
Don't you worry we
Love you more than you know.


So begins...

Skyleigh Ravenwood's Story