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Black Secrets

Black Secrets


Every family has it's secrets...but these families are beyond trivial secrets.

1,900 readers have visited Black Secrets since StillDoll created it.


Warning Adult Content

Itโ€™s the year 2315, the beginning of the 24th century. Humanity has reverted back to a Medieval-like era, the world and kingdoms within it have been at peace for some time now. Though there is one kingdom above all, Edanthy, ruled by the KnightBlood Family, believed to be purest of blood. A family held in the highest of respects throughout all off the kingdoms. But every family has their secrets right? This oneโ€™s just happens to be darker and more twisted then anyone could have fathomed. Though the KnightBloods arenโ€™t the only families keeping secretsโ€ฆ.

The KnightBlood Family
(Rulers of Edanthy)
King Augustine KnightBlood
FC Rufus Sewell
The greatest king of his time is what heโ€™s been called. He believes in freedom and second chances. Though heโ€™s Hard to get along with and very strong willed.

Queen Helena KnightBlood
FC Rachel Weisz
The marriage between her and the King was arranged. She tends to drink until she passes out. She hates Bayard, because he is from the kings previous marriage.

Bayard KnightBlood
FC Henry Cavill
He could care less what his step mother has to say. Heโ€™s very strong willed like his father and has a bad temper. He is the only person who knows what happen to his real mother. He is also very possessive of his younger sister and a little to close to Arabella.

Arabella KnightBlood
FC Odette Annable
Sheโ€™s a power hungry bitch, she fills she deserves the thorn more than her older brother, even though she is slightly obsessed with him. She has yet to find out she is betrothed to the oldest Hillstrong.-Take by StillDoll

Cristiana KnightBlood
FC Ryan Newman
The youngest of the KnightBlood family, she gets away with more than her other two siblings. She has dark disturbing thoughts, most consist of murdering her whole family. She may look normal on the outside, but heโ€™s horrible twisted on the inside.Taken by DreamerOnTheStars

The Hillstrong Family
(Rulers of Deramitia)
Duke Clifton Hillstrong
FC Josh Holloway
He is very family oriented, his wife and his kids mean the world to him and he will protect them at any cost necessary.

Duchess Beatrix Hillstrong
FC Gwyneth Paltrow
Almost ten years younger than her husband, she was kidnaped and forced to marry the Duke against her will. She has an unhealthy obsession with sex, it doesnโ€™t matter who or where she gets it from. She has yet to tell anyone that her daughter Margret is actually Terrin Ulrics daughter.

Peter Hillstrong
FC Asher Book
not very fond of his family he tends to stay away practicing archery or sneaking to the Ulric castle where him and Emeline get their fill of each other quite often. Lately though he seems to be spending more time with the younger Ulric sister Mirabelle.

Margaret Hillstrong
FC Chloe Moretz
Shy and calm she doesnโ€™t tend to come out of her room unless she has to. She is very observant and knows a lot more then she lets on. She recently found out that her and they youngest KnightBlood would be considered for betrothal to the youngest Ulric. But, she may have feelings for the youngest KnightBlood instead.

The Ulric Family
(Rulers of Wenfall)
Earl Terrin Ulric
FC David Boreanaz
An abusive drunk he doesnโ€™t care much about anything but his money and royal standings. He sleeps around on his wife and has countless children who he refuses to claim. He is very abusive to his sons and sexually abusive to his daughters.

Countess Gwendolynn Ulric
FC Nicole Kidman
She is a very strong women but you would have to be to be married to the Earl. She is never without bruises or broken bones, Itโ€™s a miracle he hasnโ€™t killed her yet. She loves her kids and is very close with her eldest daughter.

Emeline Ulric
FC Jennifer Lawrence
Sexually abused by her father, she doesnโ€™t feel like she is worth much sheโ€™s sleeps around with any guy who will take her, though she is deeply in love with Peter. She and her mother have been planning to get rid of her father.-Reseved by youloveme?

Frederick Ulric
FC Jamie Bell
He kills for sport and knows how to get away with it there is no telling how many women heโ€™s raped and killed. Heโ€™s blood thirsty and his newest obsession is Arabella KnightBlood. This murder would be his greatest yetโ€ฆbut it will take time.

Mirabelle Ulric
FC Sarah Bolger
She hates her mother and sister, mostly her sister, the rival between the two girls is very obvious. She plans on still Peter away from her sister she know that would be the ultimate betrayal, even though she could care less about the boy. She would rather be with the oldest KnightBloodโ€ฆandโ€ฆshe will be.-Taken by CuteAsKaylah

Viktor Ulric
FC Hayden Menard
Heโ€™s liar and a thief, heโ€™s a smooth talker and knows how to get what he wants and what he wants is the thorn and both Margaret and CristianaTaken by Dante Angelico

Character Skelton
Full name:
Age: (13-22)
Secrets: (add to the ones given if you want, Vampires, Werewolves, Mermaids excโ€ฆ are acceptable)


- This Roleplay will not start until most characters are filled
- First names may be changed but please stick with older names. (Please inform me)
- NO changing FC (Unless permitted, so ask first)
- All Parents are NPCโ€™s (None playing characters, they can be controlled by any player, unless you request a parent, which is fine!)
- This will have adult content so be warned
- Not killing off characters unless asked to
- HAVE FUN!!!!

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Hillstrong Character Portrait: Arabella KnightBlood Character Portrait: Cristiana KnightBlood Character Portrait: Bayard Knightblood
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0.00 INK

Arabellaโ€™s hazel eyes glanced up at the dark clouds. There was a storm coming in which meant it would be prime time for her to make a few dark potions that she had been needing. She stood from her pervious laying position in the field as she yawned softly. She loved coming out here and getting away from everything back at the castle. โ€œTime to go Harlequinโ€ she said kissing the large black horses noseโ€™s as she jumped on its bare back. As she took off back towards the castle at a soft run. It was something she had been going since she was very young. She didnโ€™t bother saying anything to the stable hand she simply handed him the reins as she headed inside the castle.

โ€œThere you are dear, you know you do have lessons todayโ€ the Queen sighed

โ€œNo. Iโ€™m busyโ€ Arabella replied boredly as she made her way to her room.

She passed her sisters room seeing it slightly cracked, she always worried about her sister though she would never admit it. She knocked on the door lightly before peeking in

โ€œHey Cristyโ€ she said softly seeing her sister on the bed โ€œYou should be outside, itโ€™s nice, a storms coming inโ€ she smiled gently before feeling someone behind her.

She turned seeing her older brother smirking a bit โ€œWhere have you been all day?โ€ she asked bluntly

โ€œWell father sent me to speak with Peter about youโ€ he said though not returning a playful smirk his tone was quite serious.

โ€œWhat the hell forโ€ she narrowed her eyes

โ€œYouโ€™ll find out soon enoughโ€ he chuckled walking off though she chased after him.

The youngest Hillstrong sat in front of her vanity as one of the servantโ€™s brushed threw her long blonde hair. She gently shooed her away as she stood up to go find her brother. The two were fairly close, she was protective of her older brother, because that was the only person she really had to talk to. She walked around for a bit before finally finding him.
โ€œWant to go for a ride?โ€ she asked casually, it was something she always did with her brother from the time they were little.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viktor Ulric
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0.00 INK


Viktor had woken up to the sounds of knocking on his heavy, oak door. Damn, what time is it?, he thought and got out of bed rather groggy and walked to the source of the noise. He opened it and saw it was one of his man servants holding a sealed letter in an outstretched hand. "A letter came for you, sir." The man servant curtsied as Viktor took the letter, looking it over noticing the seal of his organisation, it was simply a hand embedded in black wax, which in itself was also a sign as to who it was from as every candle maker would always tell you how unlucky it was to own a black candle. "Thank you my good man, here for your trouble." The youngest of the Ulrics said, a fake smile on his lips, flipping the elderly,man infront of him a coin and watched him catch it while his eyes lit up. "Why thank you sir, you really are a gracious gentleman." This brought a more sincere smile to Viktor's face even if it was a sly one. "You're too kind, now good day to you my good man." Giving a polite wave of his hands to show the sercants service was no longer needed. "And to you, Master Viktor." The old man replied, gave him a curtsie and walked away to do his daily duties.

Viktor walked to his study desk and casually chucked the letter onto it's surface. It can wait for now I need to get dressed first. He thought as he walked over to his dresser and chose his usual public attire, a white silk shirt under a golden embroided leather vest top, tight fitting leather trousers and shin high, leather boots that had a slight heel on them, as was the fashion of the province. "There we go, I look presentable now." He beamed to himself but remembered he had forgotten one important thing, his blade. Walking to his grand vookshelf, full to the brim with books unlike his brother's that lay bare and gathering dust. His interest in the bookshelf was not just the knowledge that were buried in them but the secrets he kept in them. He picked one which seemed to be at random but he had memorised every book on the numerous shelves and this one in particular held one of the many secrets in his room let alone this entire castle. The book he had picked out was an encylopedia of the various wildlife and plants of the region but instead of pages of knowledges it was hollowed out and held two engraved metal bracers, the left one was simply decorative armour while the right one held a concealed blade to which no one but himself knew about. He slipped each one on and tightened them to his wrists and even tested the mechanisn of the blade, flexing his hand releasing the blade and he ran his fingers across the blade cutting his left index finger. "Shit!" He mumbled and turned towards th desk.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arabella KnightBlood Character Portrait: Cristiana KnightBlood
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0.00 INK

Cristina watched the dark clouds loom around from her opened window. Dispite the door opening, she still looked ahead, knowing instantly who it was.
โ€œHey Cristyโ€ she said softly seeing her sister on the bed โ€œYou should be outside, itโ€™s nice, a storms coming inโ€
The said girl, peers over her shoulder and looked back out the window. A trillion thoughts came to her mind, conflicting wither to follow her sister.
Finally deciding that she was bored, she sat up and walked slowly towards the closet, ready to wash up. Today she chose a simple dress, silky to the touch and was made with the lightest material. The color was a creamy white, that seemed to go nicely with her brown locks. Washing up, she brushed her hair and braided her bangs to the side. She nods, pleased and before she left, she grabbed a little...item and tucked it into her thigh, where a little pouch was tied. Stepping outside, she was greeted by the maids. A little and innocent smile played at her lips and she curtsied politely. But when the maids turned their backs, the whole act disappeared. "hm..." Cristina merely shrugs and twirled back to her walk. She made it down the halls and to the entrance of their lovely home. Looking around, she opened the door slowly, knowing of everyone's schedule, dispite it changing everyday. She was that smart, and that sly. This is how she got what she wanted, and how she got away with everything. Knowledge is key. For instance, when she murdered that one maid, no one could figure it out who did it or why they did it in such a cruel way.

Stepping into the garden, she stopped to notice a little loop of rope hanging from a tree. It was normally used for a game, where you shoot a little rock into the loop. But she couldnt help but think of putting her father in it instead. A bell-like giggle rang through the air, and she smiles happily. What a sight that would be~ She giggles once more, before leaving the garden and towards the nearby town, where many go to buy. She got her money with her, but all she needed now was a cover... Her grey eyes darted around and stopped on a clock which was foolishly left on a chair. Passing by, she easily took it without notice and slipped it on. 'Little big...' She rummaged through the pockets and felt the cool surfaces of coins. 'but it'll work...' She looks around, wondering if anyone saw and saw no one. Slowly Cristina pulled the hood over her head, and headed towards the market place for anything that interest her. Her eyes scanned around before entering an ally way, a tall man awaits. The man observed her and smirks. "Came again did cha' and in a new disguise too..." She simply looks at him and back at the merchandise. The man sniffed, "What a twisted girl you are...luckily enough your my best customer so I'll keep your little secret, now what cha' lookin for, poison? Sleeping powder..?" Instead of answering, she starts to point at a couple of vials, before placing down some money. The man blinks and picked up the exact vials. He scanned their effects and rose an eyebrow. "What cha' doing now...?" Cristina swipped the bag full of vials and started to walk off. "Secret eh! Well make sure to tell me later!" He waves, but noticed she was gone already. "What a strange, and twisted child..."
Cristina pulled down her hood, and looked through the bag. All the vials were there, the sleeping powder, paralyzing powder, and the Aphrodite Powder. She nods, and looks around. She needed one more thing. Needles. Special needles. She spotted a little stall with a gypsy looking women attending it. She stepped close and looked over the goods. A little box caught her eye and she opened it with the ladies permission. Inside was two long and thin sticks, that were decorated with chinese characters and designs. "Are you interested into buying this lovely item Miss..?" Cristina smiles brightly and nods. "Yes please~" She stuffed her hands in her clock and rummaged around cutely. "Here you go!" She dropped a couple of gold coins into the ladies palm and took the box happily. Within a couple of meters, she slowly stops, her innocent look going away once again. 'Finished shopping...'


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Hillstrong
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Peter Hillstrong

Peter had been getting ready for archery practice despite the risk of a storm outside, it merely made archery more challenging. He had been walking through the corridors to find his baby sister, since he would normally ask her to come on a ride with him as he went to his favourite spot in the forest a few miles away; he didn't have to search for long as she seemed to have the same idea. "Want to go for a ride?" She asked him casually, causing a rare smile to form on his lips. "Why speak of the devil and they will no doubtidly find you, of course I would baby sister, I had been looking for some time now but I was also planning on some archery practice so you can stay and watch if you want." Shifting his bow and quiver over his left shoulder in a comfatble position as he took her petite hand in his free gloved one and began to lead her to the stable where their horses would be kept, a thought had come to his mind as they walked but did not know how to word it for his little sister but finally decided he would have to ve blunt about it. "What are your opinion on your arrange marriage to my dear friend Viktor?" He felt awkward asking it but was too curious to not have and besides it would give them something to talk about on the ride.


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Emeline glanced up at the clear sky above her head. It was a beautiful day really, a nice one to lie out on the grass and soak up the sun. Sunlight was her savior. Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring, she could always count on it to make her skin a crispy brown and to send a warm tingle all the way down to her toes.

"Emeline, sweetie!"

The blonde looked up from the grass just in time to see her maid servant run across the field

"What are you doing out here? You're covered in mud again! And that's a new dress, too!"

She bit her lip, ducking a little deeper into the grass. Although she had already been seen, she wanted to at least try to avoid the woman a little longer. It took a good 5 minutes for her to make her way over, another fact perfectly planned by the young heiress. She picked the muddiest field in the whole grounds, knowing of the female's paranoia with being clean. Apparently a bit of mud would make you sick. The thought of the plumper lady stumbling and flushing, huffing and all was in reality, Quite funny, really.

When she finally reached her, she stood before her, covered just as thoroughly as the girl, herself.

"Get up." She said, pulling the girl to her feet, "We've got to get you changed before your mother sees you. Your mother won't take too well to having a muddy daughter."

Emeline nodded, allowing the woman to pick a piece of leaf from her hair. An impossible task, however, especially when said hair is knotted with dirt.

"What's the hurry?" The girl couldn't help but ask, as her hand was held by the maid and she was being quickly lead across the field, "breakfast isn't for another hour. I still have plenty of time to bathe."

The older lady shook her head, pulling her that extra bit faster.

"I apologize young mistress." She said, opening the large, wooden door and pulling her inside, "but you won't be having breakfast today."

Emeline paused. No breakfast? Surely she would be starved by lunch!

"Why?" They had reached the washroom now, complete with over flowing tub.

"Because," the maid continued, as she rushed to check the temperature, "you are to be taking riding lessons from the Hillstrong's instructor."

Emeline looked at her blankly. Okay, so her last 3 instructors had given up because apparently she wasn't coordinated enough to ride, the last ending in the horse freaking out and bucking her off onto the poor man. But really, she was to go all the way to the Hillstrong's stable to ride? That was taking it a bit far. Reluctantly, she slipped off her dress and stepped into the tub.

The Hillstrongs seeing her fail at the simple act of riding a horse...

Peter seeing her fail at the simple act of riding a horse...

This was going to be some morning.

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Edanthy by StillDoll


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Character Portrait: Arabella KnightBlood
2 sightings Arabella KnightBlood played by StillDoll
Once the Throne is mine, he'll be mine.
Character Portrait: Mirabelle Ulric
0 sightings Mirabelle Ulric played by CuteAsKaylah
Character Portrait: Bayard Knightblood
1 sightings Bayard Knightblood played by StillDoll
Once my father is out of the way, this kingdom will be ruled my way.
Character Portrait: Emeline Licrecia Ulric
0 sightings Emeline Licrecia Ulric played by AshleighC

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Viktor Ulric
Character Portrait: Cristiana KnightBlood
Character Portrait: Peter Hillstrong
Character Portrait: Frederick Ulric


Character Portrait: Frederick Ulric
Frederick Ulric

"The feeling when you hold another mans throat in your hands and you feel the life leaving his body. Nothing can match that feeling."

Character Portrait: Peter Hillstrong
Peter Hillstrong

"Run away with me....."

Character Portrait: Cristiana KnightBlood
Cristiana KnightBlood

"Don't judge a book by its cover.." WIP [needs a little clean up]

Character Portrait: Viktor Ulric
Viktor Ulric

"How do I know everything that's going on? Well my dear, that's my little secret."


Character Portrait: Cristiana KnightBlood
Cristiana KnightBlood

"Don't judge a book by its cover.." WIP [needs a little clean up]

Character Portrait: Peter Hillstrong
Peter Hillstrong

"Run away with me....."

Character Portrait: Frederick Ulric
Frederick Ulric

"The feeling when you hold another mans throat in your hands and you feel the life leaving his body. Nothing can match that feeling."

Character Portrait: Viktor Ulric
Viktor Ulric

"How do I know everything that's going on? Well my dear, that's my little secret."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Cristiana KnightBlood
Cristiana KnightBlood

"Don't judge a book by its cover.." WIP [needs a little clean up]

Character Portrait: Viktor Ulric
Viktor Ulric

"How do I know everything that's going on? Well my dear, that's my little secret."

Character Portrait: Frederick Ulric
Frederick Ulric

"The feeling when you hold another mans throat in your hands and you feel the life leaving his body. Nothing can match that feeling."

Character Portrait: Peter Hillstrong
Peter Hillstrong

"Run away with me....."

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Re: Black Secrets

Which characters are open?

Re: Black Secrets

Hi! Is it possible to join as Frederick Ulric?

Re: Black Secrets

Sure am =) I ended up emailing StillDoll because I got impatient... haha. Thanks mate =p

Re: Black Secrets

Looks like you're in :D

Re: Black Secrets

Okay! thank you =) I'll wait until I get the all good from the creator

Re: Black Secrets

@AshleighC She's been reserved for a while now abd we've heard nothing from the person who reserced her so I think Doll will let you

Re: Black Secrets

Hi! Is Emeline Ulric taken? If not, can I please reserve her?

I think she already is though =s

Re: Black Secrets

Yay new person! :D

Re: Black Secrets

Yes! Thank you!

Re: Black Secrets

May I reserve Margaret Hillstrong? Thanks!(:

Re: Black Secrets

Don't worry Peter will be finished later today

*EDIT Finally submitted Peter just need to add pictures.

Re: Black Secrets

Alright Can't wait to start tomorrow! May even lae this evening! Please Get other characters in if you offered to play them! If you decided you can't just let me know!

Re: Black Secrets

I'll be peter as well then but I'm waiting as well.

Re: Black Secrets

Oh well Ill take Fredrick. But ill wait for a bit since we have to Thursday

Re: Black Secrets

Aww thank you guys, that would be really helpful!!! If someone could take the Bayard and someone could take either one of the Hillstrongs, I'll do the other Hillstrong and Fredrick!

Re: Black Secrets

I'll take some of the load off as well, I don't mind.Op

Re: Black Secrets

Whoa the remaining? That would be alot! Umm if you like Ill take some of the characters. Ill leave it to you to choose which ones though.

Re: Black Secrets

This RolePlay will start on Thursday and if all characters are not filled I will play the remaining!

Re: Black Secrets

Is it possible for me to change the face claim to Jennifer Lawrence her looks seem too fit the characters personality a bit better.

Re: Black Secrets

@youloveme? Yes of course!