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Blood and Chocolate

Blood and Chocolate


There are many different types of vampires; not all having the same ability, but all wanting to be the most powerful...Wars and fights amongst these different vampires break out, and humans get caught in the middle sometimes...(OPEN)

1,424 readers have visited Blood and Chocolate since ZaBanpaiaNeko created it.


Deep within the tainted streets of Las Vegas lies many dark and dirty secrets...Someone who wishes to hide could easily do so here, and so they do...Vampires, who have long existed, come here to blend in and to survive off the many humans in which inhabit the area. Image But it isn't as the stories foretell. Most all humans believe that every vampire is the same, if they believe in them at all. But truthfully, there are many different types, all holding different abilities....And the first type, is the Mortal vampire. Since the beginning of time, there have always existed mortals whom have had an obsession with blood drinking for whatever reasons. Some portray themselves as real vampires, some use blood drinking as an excitement or as a sexual enhancement. Some may even be from a particular disease which often causes insanity. This disease is often referred to as "Renfield's Syndrome" which is also as you guessed, a character from Dracula who is a Zoophagous, meaning a "life-eater."

Mortal blood drinking is quite a big occurrence now. There has become quite a big community for this sort of thing. Most blood drinkers advertise for blood donors while some purchase the blood from blood banks. Blood bank purchasing is only allowed in some states however and as an added benefit, the blood is thoroughly tested to ensure safety from any sort of known impurities.

But those aren't the real threat; those petty humans who only dream of being a vampire...It's the ones who actually hold the dark curse...These, are the Immortal Blood Drinkers...Although there is over thirty six different kinds, I will be naming only four of the most common ones....

Homo Wampyrus Chiroptera:

These vampires are the rarest of the vampires because they are the "bat" vampires. They are largely found Africa, New Zealand and South America. Most of there population are concentrated in China and India.

These vampires appear to be very human other then a slightly pointy pair of ears and sometimes with a lantern jaw. They socially mix well with humans but hate to be around crowds. These are the most sensitive to sunlight, they experience blisters and pain after some time in the sun. They are the only vampires capable of the shape shifting feature and can even change into vampire bats. They are able to do this by certain factors such as racial origin, length of time as a vampire and even the right food.

Homo Wampyrus Draco:

This is the most well known of the types. Made famous by Bram Stroker, they are more like Counts. They are well documented world wide. They are everywhere with the majority in places like North America, Britain and Western Europe.

They are extremely human in appearance except for their retractable canine teeth in their upper jaws that are hardly noticeable. They have medium to poor tolerance to sunlight and will perish in a couple of hours of direct sunlight. They are very social with humans and often take jobs as night watchmen and club bouncers. They also have the fastest speed.

They often gain there blood through willing donors who think that they are mortal blood drinkers. Some do pleasure in taking blood by force due to the fear factor and the release of adrenaline. It is these vicious vampires that have made movies like "The Lost Boys," "Blade 1 and Blade 2," and many others. They have also put into the heads of humans that it is "cool" to be a vampire.

Homo Wampyrus Nosferatu:

They are often referred to as the "deformed" vampires. They were given their name after the 1922 movie "Nosferatu." They are less common then the Wampyrus Draco but are surprisingly numerous.

Their change into a vampire is not an easy one. The individuals' immune system has fought the virus and the virus is forced to mutate in order to survive. The end result is a twisted and disfigured vampire. Usually it is a high domed head that is bald with a visible network of livid veins; the face is long, thin, drawn, has deep creases; has sunken eyes; the ears are large and pointy or membranous; nose is upwards and revealing the nostrils; the hands have long tapered fingers often with an extra joint with sharp, discolored nails; stands with a hunch because to straighten their back causes extreme pain to their twisted spines and can cause a slipped disc or worse. All of these abnormalities are the reason why they are so anti-social with both humans and vampires a like.

They obtain blood through stealth from sleeping humans, small children or even from farm animals. They are everywhere with large concentrations in Africa, South Africa, The Caribbean and Japan. It has been speculated that the Puerto Rican Chupacabras, Goat Suckers, are excessively deformed Nosferatu vampires.

They are moderately sensitive to sunlight and can tolerate it for hours at a time on a dull day. They can perform certain shape changes but they vary from case to case. They have the greatest ability in stealth and can sense other vampires around easier than most.

Homo Wampyrus Sauria:

They are often known as the "reptile" and/or "lizard" vampire. They get these names because they possess teeth that are all sharply pointed and resemble those of large lizards.

They are the most social of the four main types and are able to withstand extended periods of sunlight or indefinitely with the aid of sunglasses and sunscreen. With the exception of their teeth they are very human in appearance. They tend to be very outgoing and are often business men who have amassed a great deal of wealth through their long lifetime. However they are extremely susceptible to depression and most commonly the victims of suicide.

They are rare in Europe but are common in North America, Central America, South America and Australia with a great concentration in China, Japan and certain parts of the former USSR.

Due to their extreme social abilities, you might think that they are the most considerate feeders, wrong. They are the most brutal of all. They will often rip large pieces of flesh from the victim, usually from the thigh, upper arm or throat. They will devour the flesh and drink the blood from the gaping wound until the victim perishes. This rarely happens now. They take more often to buying blood or obtaining it from willing donors whom are cut with razors rather then teeth. They have the most strength.

Of all these vampires, they have gathered in groups of their own kind. There has been anger and fighting amongst the different types of vampires, and blood is being shed through the streets of Las Vegas, after years of silence from them...What will occur when the vampires begin a full fledged war?...Will the humans be able to stay safe? Stay out of the way? Or will they get caught up in the terror? Only time will tell...

Character Skeleton:

Code: Select all
[center][color=#FF0000][b]FULL NAME HERE[/b][/center][/color]
[left][img](URL of image here! Make it a reasonable size.) [/img][/left]
[b][color=#FF0000]Scars, Piercings and/or Tattoos:[/b][/color] (Here)
[b][color=#FF0000]Height:[/b][/color] (Here)
[b][color=#FF0000]Weight:[/b][/color] (Here)
[b][color=#FF0000]Eyes:[/b][/color] (Here)
[b][color=#FF0000]Body Type:[/b][/color] (Here)

[b][color=#FF0000]Nickname:[/color][/b] (Names they are called besides your real name)
[b][color=#FF0000]Age:[/color][/b] (Actual age and the age they appear)
[b][color=#FF0000]Vampire Type:[/color][/b] (What type? Mortals are simply humans who enjoy blood)
[b][color=#FF0000]Sexuality:[/color][/b] (Bi, Gay, Straight)
[b][color=#FF0000]Personality:[/color][/b] (Make them well-rounded)
[b][color=#FF0000]Dislikes:[/color][/b] (At least five)
[b][color=#FF0000]Likes:[/color][/b] (At least five)
[b][color=#FF0000]History:[/color][/b]( At least a paragraph)

Toggle Rules

1.) I am the goddess of this role play, so whatever I say, goes.
2.) You are allowed to change up the character skeleton only SLIGHTLY, but only if it makes it look better, not if it makes it look worse.
3.) There are unlimited spots, so there are no needs for reservations, but I do want a wide range of different types of vampires, not all one type. So keep that in mind when making your character and check to see what other types already exist.
4.) Romance is encouraged, but to an extent. It is a mature role play, but once things start getting down and dirty, it will be time to black out...
5.) Violence is also greatly encouraged, although people cannot be killed unless they give permission for it to be done.
6.) I want only literate people joining; those who can write good posts that are at least one paragraph and with good grammer.
7.) No god modding! You are not allowed to control other people's characters unless they give you permission to do so.
8.) Vampires CAN eat regular food, it just doesn't do anything to their hunger.
9.) A human can only become a vampire if a vampire mixes their blood in with the human's blood.
10.) Homo Wampyrus Chiroptera vampires can morph small parts of their bodies, making them look slightly different, such as their ears, eyes, skin, etc; sometimes even able to morph themselves to appear like another person if they are skilled enough. But the only thing they can fully morph into is a bat; they cannot morph into any other animals.
11.) Vampires in this role play are NOT effected by garlic, holy water, or crosses, but humans in this role play sometimes believe they are; so it can be used to their advantages to trick and surprise them long enough to easily snag the human. The only thing that truly can kill them is the sun, some taking longer to die than others, and a stake to the heart or decapitation.
12.) The personalities given to these vampires in the description of the role play isn't the end-all-be-all. They can have a different personality contrary to the description, because everyone changes due to events in their life. But if they are different than the description, you must give specific examples as to why they are and what events occurred to make them be that way.
13.) Only post twice per day. That is the limit of posts, and be sure to post at least once every two days.
14.) Other rules may be added at some point, so keep an eye out for that. Have fun~

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


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Character Portrait: Avery Greer
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Amber-like eyes gaze through the shadows, almost looking animal-like instead of human; with small cat slits for pupils. They peered from the dark alley, watching, closely, each step a person took as they walked by; the shaky breathing from within the shadows growing slightly heavier each time with excitement. However, not once did it attack...No, not yet...Wait...for the right one... Avery hisses through her head, her own voice seeming to echo through her mind. Her heart thudded hard against her chest, feeling as if it would burst out; sweat beading on her brow. This was what it was like to be a vampire...To feel the hunt...It was...exhilarating. Avery grins, showing small fangs, licking at her lips happily; her imagination allowing her to taste sweet blood which wasn't there.

It was at that moment, a lonely man appeared on the corner of the street, under the dim light from above him. It was like a small circle of protection; but it wouldn't protect him for long...Stepping out of the shadows, her figure appeared. A beautiful, slender body, with a tight bust, wrapped in a small black dress that only barely went past her thick thighs. It had rips in the back, to show off her pale, smooth bare skin. Or, at least, it was supposed to. Strangely, Avery wore another white shirt underneath, hiding the skin from view; not allowing anyone to see it...And there was a reason for that...Her long, iron-flat, chocolate brown hair cascaded down her back; ending at the middle. It looked so soft, it tempted any man or woman to simply reach out and touch it; smell it...

Her lush, pink lips parted slightly, as Avery sighs, gazing with lust towards the man. She gives a grin. "Hello there...What's a fellow like you doing all alone out here?..." She asks, her voice as sweet as honey, but as deadly as poison...Though none knew what was to become of them until it was too late...None picked up on the venom in her voice until they were already breathing their last breath...The man jumps slightly in surprise, turning to gaze at the woman, seeming shocked by her appearance...But she could tell, by what Avery saw in his eyes, that he liked what he saw...And he wanted it...He chuckles nervously; a throaty laugh. "Eh...I work nights...Just waiting for a cab so I can head home..." He mumbles, running his fingers through the back of his greasy looking hair.

Avery steps closer, her black high-heeled boots clicking against the cement below as she does so. But the small circle of light around him seemed to keep her at bay, like a shield. Of course, she could survive a light such as this. This would never hurt her, but it did hurt her eyes, and it was so much fun to seduce them out of their safety...To pull them from their safe world into a world of hell. Having to simply rip them from their safety only dulled the excitement...It was all a game, and Avery played this game well..."What are you doing out this late?..." The man finally asks, thinking he was being cheeky in a way, with that wry, yellow toothed grin. "Oh, I'm just enjoying the night air...It's so nice at night...don't you think?..." She asks, giving a soft, cute giggle. This about sent the man over the edge, and he stepped slightly out of the light to get even a little closer to her...To perhaps even smell the sweet flowery scent of her hair...To feel her warm skin...But she wouldn't make it easy for him; as he stepped forward, Avery stepped back slightly, coaxing him from his haven..."Come play..." She whispers, her voice cool, her eyes gazing at the man seductively. He was almost hypnotized by her beauty, taking her words as an invitation to perhaps get lucky that night...And he finally stepped out of the light...


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex Nightingale
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Alex sighed with boredom. He was sitting on a table inside a nightclub. Despite the fact that his favourite song was on, he was too hungry and bored to give a damn. He scanned the club, looking for a suitable meal. He didn't care for the quiet kills. The noisier, the better. He had to put his hood up for them, though. To make sure nobody would see his face. With great effort, he pushed himself from his comfortable spot.

Slowly, he walked through the club. He spotted a female, looking like she had just turned twenty. A small grin formed on that cheeky face of his, and he put his hood up. "Jackpot." He mumbled. He was striding at this point, next to the girl. He turned, and forcibly pushed her head to the side. He forced all of his teeth into her neck, and slammed his jaw shut. He felt the skin rip, followed by the muscles, and then it was just amazing. He felt the dreamy, crimson liquid flow onto his tounge and down his throat. He started to dribble quite greatly, little blood droplets falling from his chin. A few moments later, everyone in the club started to look in their direction. He quickly drained her of any life, and ran outside. He turned the corner into an alleyway, and slumped against the wall.

"That was a pretty damn good feed.." Alex muttered, licking his lips.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eliza Fran William.
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The bar was filled with music and dancers; men threw money at the girls who where barely dressed- some who where even naked at this point- while they had demanded for alcoholic drinks from the women who where somewhat dressed. The strobe lights that flashed made Eliza's skin just glow a bit more than usual as she strutted across the bar in her tight, small bar-tending uniform the waitresses where required to wear. She held a large and round serving plate that had two or three tall glasses filled with some fruity alcoholic drink; she walked towards a table with a few men, and some girls. Eliza's curves where sharply outlined by her uniform and her legs looked long and lean in her stilettos; her hair was pulled back in a messy, yet sexy bun. She had barely any makeup on, her lips where stained with a red whine color and her eyes where just barely outlined. With a sexy, sly smile, she placed the drinks down, one by one, making sure that her cleavage was in an eye view of the men.

She smiled before slowly standing in an upright posture. "Is there anything else I could do for you?" She had exaggerated on the word, 'anything' and made sure that her attention was on only one of the men. The girls who where seated at the table answered before any of the men.
"No thank you." Her voice was stern and Eliza could tell that the young woman was irritated on how Eliza was acting towards them; this only brought a cocky grin to Eliza's face.
"Alright then. Please enjoy." With that, Eliza turned and walked her way back towards the kitchen to get her next order; she swung her hips back and forth to make sure that the man was watching. Her work had paid off. Within an hour and half, the man she had served came over towards her.
"God, your just so beautiful." Eliza could tell that the man was fishing out pick up lines from the back of his head, which only brought a smile to her lips.
"Why thank you sir." she turned her body so that her front was facing his. His face smiled before he took a step closer to her; placing his hand onto her shoulder.
"What time do you leave?" He asked, rubbing her shoulder. Eliza couldn't help but to force a smile to her lips.
"How about we just caught the chit chat. I get off in ten minutes." She smiled before leaning close to him, placing her lips against his ear. "Promise me that you'll meet me in the front?" Her voice was husky and sexy sounding. All he could do was nodded before watching her walk

With in thirty minutes, Eliza was striding along the streets, having the man's hand intertwined with hers; she was no more in her uniform, but in some jeans and a strapless shirt. He had a grin on his face before Eliza turned the corner to reveal an alley way that was very private. She leaned herself against the wall, grabbing onto his shoulders to pull her closer, his body now leaning against hers. She suddenly planted a deep, empty kiss; he hadn't notice her sharp fangs since every time she had smile, she kept her teeth hidden. His hands trailed up and down her body before she smiled, pricking his bottom lip with her teeth; all he could was smile as she ran her tongue over the small wound she had made on his lip. "So you like biting?"
"You could say that." Eliza said with a bitter smile. She continued to kiss him before she brushed her lips against his neck, running her sharp fangs against his jugular. Even the smell of his blood through his skin made her want to go mad. She hadn't eaten within a few days and she seemed almost starving; she smiled before she reached towards her pocket, pulling out a very small, yet sharp pocket knife.

"I want more~" Her voice sang as she brought up the small knife towards his neck, and resting it against his shoulder so he wouldn't notice. This time, she pushed him against the wall and his hands started to explore her body as they met with another deep, yet meaningless kiss. She flicked out the knife quietly as she pushed her body against his, and without a second warning, she cut the side of his neck. The man stopped and just looked at her, she could tell that he had felt the cold metal go through his skin, and that the hot, sticky blood that started to slightly pour out. Eliza's hands just glided underneath his shirt; she could feel that her warm hands gave him goosebumps. Within a few minutes of her rubbing his chest, he had continued. Stupid human. She thought. Eliza put her mouth against his shoulder, where the blood was now puddling up before she ran her tongue against his neck and to his wound. Around this time, the man seemed a bit panicky, so to help keep him calm, she kept pressing her soft and warm body against his.

Her mouth seemed to wrap around his neck, sucking the blood that just seemed to pour out into her mouth. The blood was thick, and taste as sweet as a honey suckle. The man seemed to get paler and paler, as well as getting weaker as she kept sucking. Soon, he became so weak that he had just passed out; Eliza stopped sucking when the wound started to close up. She went back to her straight up posture, holding the man by the chest as he slid down the wall; she propped him up sideways so it looked like he had just passed out. She wiped her lips with her hand before licking her hand cleaned and turning to walk out of the alley way, leaving the passed out man alone as she started to roam the night streets.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ayena Crosby
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The cold air of the night didn't bother Ayena Crosby as she crouched on the window sill; infact, if anything, she enjoyed the cool breeze on her bare legs. She was wearing a long cloak to hide her face, and underneath a short dress. She used a piece of twisted metal to open the window, and no alarm went off. She wasn't surprised. After all, it was her who had disabled them.

As soon as she stepped into the building, the smell of human blood overwhelmed her. Her mouth watered. Blood Type O. Her favourite, and unfortunately the most rare, too. She whipped her head around at the sound of a beating pulse, to see a baby girl lying in a cot. Her curly blonde hair fell around her heart shaped face, and her thumb sat in her mouth. She stepped Ayena stepped towards the sleeping child, her steps making no noise against the wooden floor. She whisked the baby from her cot, and brought her lips to her neck. She bit into the flesh of the child, and the girl had no time to scream or cry out. In seconds, she was dead.

But of course, that was not enough to keep Ayena at bay. She could never completely sate her thirst, but she definitely needed more blood if she wanted to make sure she didn't go on a killing rampage. She could already sense another beating heart in the building, and was soon on the move.

She followed the scent of the human into the kitchen, where a man and woman were arguing. As soon as they heard the door open, however, they fell silent, looking at the door in fear. Ayena stepped through the door, and dropped her hood, making the man step back a bit, and the woman begin rifling through the kitchen cupboards. Ayena raised an eyebrow at this. What was she looking for?

As soon as the woman found what she was looking for, Ayena knew what it was immediately from the smell. Garlic. She let out a high pitched laugh, which made the woman jump, but turn around, holding the garlic in her shaky hands. How had she known she was a vampire? Possibly the ugly face -- or maybe the blood smears around her mouth. An amused glance crossed Ayena's face, only for a split second, before she turned it into a face of fear. She backed up against the wall, eyes wide. The woman seemed happy with this, holding the garlic higher, as if to make sure Ayena would see it. It was then that Ayena lunged.

She knocked the woman to the floor, and heard a crack as the woman's head hit the floor. "Foolish mortal," she hissed, before biting into her dinner. The sweet blood poured into her mouth, and as soon as she finished, she moved onto the husband. He was easy. Afterall, he had passed out. It was only seconds before he was completely drained.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chinatsu Tomiko
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#, as written by Akantha
Chinatsu stared through the translucent glass in front of her, viewing the city of Las Vegas. It was a busy city, the sprawl of lights always seeming to be on somewhere. Her casual business attire sheathed her lean body. Personally she wished that she could have gained just a bit more weight, after all she was tall and nothing short of having an hourglass figure with her cinched waist and voluptuous hips. The pencil- type skirt curved around her thighs and hips perfectly since she could only have custom made clothing. Nothing in the original stores fit her, and it wasn’t like she didn’t have the cash to buy whatever she desired. She crossed her arms over her soft chest with a sigh, her slender fingers tapping lightly on her elbow.

“Chinatsu.” The voice softly resounded after stepping into the room. Chinatsu didn’t bother to turn around but instead, unfolded her arms and clasped them behind her back. The other woman took this cue to speak. “Your dress is gorgeous today, miss.” Chinatsu turned her head at the comment, and narrowed her gaze.
“Complimenting me won’t get you a bonus, or any extra assignments.” Chinatsu cut in sharply.
The woman visibly hunched over the papers clutched to her chest. “No, ma’am, I didn’t mean it that way. I was just thinking that the way the blue fit over your body was nice. The flowing top part and the sheath part of the skirt is attractive.”
Chinatsu shrugged and turned fully to face the woman in response. “Yes, yes. I’m certain I figured this out when I bought it. I wouldn’t buy it if it didn’t compliment me.”
The woman nodded and went on. “That’s right. Ma’am?” The woman queried. Chinatsu tilted her head ever so slightly to acknowledge the inquiring tone. “I was told to give these folders to you. They’re the profiles for the new upcoming models that are working here in Las Vegas.” Her face brightened just a bit which induced Chinatsu to scoff at her.
“Just set them on the desk next time. Don’t bother telling me about it. I’m CEO of this company for a reason, Lana”
The woman blushed but her expression as taken aback as she rushed forward and set them on the desk. “Sorry. I’ll do better next time.” She scampered towards the door but Chinatsu stopped her with a soft cough.
“It’s okay. You’ll get used to it here. After all, since you’re my new assistant, we need to be on good terms. Are you free tomorrow afternoon?”
Lana brightened once more causing Chinatsu to flinch. “Yes ma’am. I am. What do you have planned?” Chinatsu blinked slowly.
“Nothing. We’ll eat lunch together and head to scope out the area.” Chinatsu waved her off.
“Okay. Well, I guess that’s still great. I’ll be there ma’am.” Lana departed quietly. She was such a soft-spoken and excitable woman. However, she did her job well when she was up to it.

Chinatsu tabbed through the folders before heaving a sigh and turning away from them. She would look through them later.


She slipped the dress over her shoulders and smoothed it over her body. The tight clubbing dress rode high on her legs but enough to give the woman enough elegance not to end up being dubbed a slut. The playful frills at the shoulder gave the dress a lighter meaning. Her short pixie-style hair curls around her sharp cheeks and her full lips curved in a smirk, harsh teeth like a monster’s glinting in the light. Her long legs were perfect if not for the one flaw being how pale she was. She strode over to the other mirror, testing how she walked in the strappy heels. It was sexy, confident, and certainly seductive as she put one foot in front of the other like a model. The CEO of a modeling company was held to even higher standards than the models. Her light blue eyes ran over the features one more time her: hair, eyes, makeup, figure, dress, and legs. “Flawless.”

Chinatsu stepped into the club scene and scanned over the crowd. The mortals were feisty tonight, thrumming along to the beat of the bass in the background. The beat reverberated through her skull, pumping adrenaline through her body. She hissed through her closed lips and chose a seat at the bar, claiming the spot like she owned the place. No one dared to oppose her either. The look in her eye told them not too or they would get into a type of trouble they didn’t like. She looked to the bartender, satisfied with sizing up her prey. “Grasshopper please.” The bartender stared at her and she could tell he wasn’t sure if he liked what he saw or not. Finally he nodded and started on her drink.
She leaned forward; resting her elbows on the bar and watched the mortals dance on the center floor. Some called to her, beckoning her with waving and other gestures but she declined them with a chuckle. Humans were silly and she disliked them. She disliked anyone she didn’t know to begin with. There was no worthy prey here and it was disappointing.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amonsef Mahiriah
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"This is breaking news, coming to you live from News 11 on Terry Street, just four blocks west of Club Sixx. The white-haired young male identified as a serial killer of redheaded women has been detained just behind me, sighted literally red-handed at the scene of his latest crime minutes ago at 1:14AM. This is not the first time he has been caught, having escaped authorities under mysterious circumstances on four other occasions...."

The cameraman focused his lens past the reporter to the scene behind her, where two policemen more or less dragged a scrawny young man to a high-security vehicle. The youth was in handcuffs and gripped securely by his arms, though he was not putting up a fight in the least. His steps seemed weary; he stumbled at the pace the cops pulled him at. The hood he was known to almost always have on was pulled back to reveal a head of choppy white hair, though the bangs hanging in his face were coated in dark red. He was much more than just red-handed - much of his face and torso, his jeans, and his shoes were all covered in blood. The stains included everything from tiny splatters, to long smears, and even some splotches that were absolutely soaked.

The camera panned over to the alleyway the cops had emerged from with the killer. "The murder that led to his capture was of 23-year-old Ingrid Shaw, whose hair was actually dyed a vivid shade of red despite warnings from her friends and family. Like the other murders, the scene was very graphic - Shaw's throat and chest were violently ripped open, and as before no weapon has surfaced even after a search of the killer's person."

Other police at the scene headed back into the alleyway to examine the mess. The girl had been torn open as if by a wild animal, but with only the intention to kill. A pond-sized puddle of her blood was still accumulating across the pavement. Her heart had been pulled out and sat beside her in the pool of blood where it had been dropped.


Glazed, dark brown eyes stared with the vigor of a corpse at the empty bench opposite him in the security vehicle. Amon barely registered where he was. His mind was perfectly blank, like a flat desert as barren and lifeless as far as the eye could see, without even the slightest breeze to disrupt its stillness. With every shallow inhale he could smell blood. An overwhelming odor of it, as if he was breathing blood; it was a calming sensation, that for now helped to keep his mind clear of thoughts or memories.

Sometimes when his kills weren't perfectly discreet and he was left in a daze after the crime, authorities would find him and take him in. But they knew they were in over their head. It didn't take them long to realize questioning the killer was useless. So now, on the occasion they captured him, they only detained him until they could get a hold of someone more qualified to handle him... But usually whoever that someone was, was too slow to pick him up, and he had escaped by the time they got there - under 'mysterious circumstances' as always. Sometimes these circumstances were bloody, sometimes they weren't.... All depending on Amonsef's mood whenever he awoke from his stupor.

The media attention his periodic captures garnered caught the eye of vampires and vampire hunters alike. Only to them - and of course some conspiracy theorists - was it obvious exactly what the killer was. Only they truly grasped just what it meant to call him a monster.


The killer was taken to the police station without incident, where he was deposited into the highest security cell the station had - which was not very impressive. It was a cell with key code lock, a couple of security cameras, and a security guard - who, in this instance, had three partners as an extra precaution. The youth was placed in the cell alone, where he slowly moved to sit in the back corner after being shoved in. The cell beside his contained two prostitutes, who both huddled at the opposite wall of their cell, staring at the blood-covered young man in horror. At the front of the station, the cop there was dialing number after number on the phone, desperate to find somewhere more secure for the killer as soon as possible.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kilana Lorea Ulnen
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0.00 INK

Kilana let out a long breath. The papers in her hand felt flimsy as she organized them, she had never really understood it, but that wasn't her job. Her job was just to help people on the phone, and organize stacks of extremely boring paper. Her office wasn't really a office, more like a little space with a old desk. A creaking chair, cold coffee, squealing filing cabinets, and small gray walls that separated her from the other workers with her same job. Kilana’s medium brown eyes darted to the window for a split second, the sun was starting to set and then she would be able to finally leave. She was scheduled to work from 6am to 8pm, Monday through Friday. It wasn't that bad, in fact it was re leaving that she didn't have to walk out in full blown sunlight. But sometimes, she just liked having the heat engulf her. Warming her cold skin, even though she had to wear slight sun screen, it didn't matter.

A buzzer went off, signaling the end of her daydreaming a the work day for Wing 2. She stood, gathering the rest of her paper into neat files and unwrinkling her creased up knee skirt. Her blouse felt somewhat plastered to her back as she stood. Feeling a bit self-conscious she grabbed her leather jacket, witch did not go very well with the sophisticated outfit she had on. She moved through the walk way, scooting in between people and finally into the parking lot. She moved to her Harley bike. Witch she knew it wasn't very smart to be riding in stiletto heels, long black knee skirt, and light blue blouse. But, what the hell? It wasn't like it was the weirdest thing to see in Las Vegas, right? The sun was still still slightly up, but just setting. Making the sky dance with pinks and light blues. But from the horrible fog from the big city, you could barely enjoy the view. As the last of the workers pulled away in the ranging of sports cars to ban wagons, she pulled up her skirt, revealing long shaved legs. Pulling one leg neatly over the other she hitched onto her bike, and ram the engine. Making a noise so loud it could pop someone's ear drums. But luckily for Kilana, she was quite used to it.

Kilana drove a few miles north, turning ever so often until she reached her street. Not to bad for Las Vegas, but not one of the “best” neighborhoods around. She pulled out her key to her studio apartment, unlocking the door with a click, she heard Dracula's meow. Her black tom cat sat on the couch, waiting for her as he usually did whenever she came home for her to feed him. It had taken a total of three cats for her to control her will power to not “feast”, but she has had Dracula for about three years now. And was very proud of that. After filling up his bowl and taking a nap on the couch with the radio on, it was about 12am. Las Vegas had just became the full blown sin city. She usually fasted for about three days, but then she couldn't stand the hunger cramps, and then she would take herself “out to eat” to a local club or casino.

Tonight she decided to go to a club, the bartender there was actually quite nice and never really told her to leave whenever she would just order water. She moved to her rooms, glancing at her neatly made bed that Dracula had claimed. Who was now looking up with his amber eyes at who had disrupted his sleep. Usually cats would always hiss at Kilana, and to tell the truth, she would hiss back with her teeth. But Dracula was probably one of the calmest cats she had had before. She picked out a black dress that went about halfway down her thigh then stopped. Making her legs look much longer then what they were, her black stilettos witch stilettos were very normal on her feet now, and her black cross necklace that she would always wear. She went into the bathroom, brushing out the very few knots from her short layered brown, black, and red hair. Teasing it slightly, knowing it would probably just get ruined on the car ride there. Well not exactly ruined, it gave her the “sexy bedhead look”, witch looked better on her then on most guys. She put on light red lipstick and thin black eye-liner. And headed for the club. Her stomach rumbling in anticipation.

When she got there, she noticed that the club was already packed more than usual, witch was always easier to hunt in. Moving her legs, making her hips move in a swaying motion, she entered the club. A few men glanced up to look at her, and a few woman. It didn't really matter to Kilana, as long as they gave her what nutrition’s she needed. She glanced around for a moment, spotting a woman with long blonde hair. No, it looks as though she might “not be clean”, Kilana thought to herself and spotted a nerdy looking guy. A very protrusive Adam’s apple, overly thin body, short curly red hair, and freckles. How he got in this club, she had no idea. Just that she had found her next meal. She made a quick gesture by rubbing her thumb along her sharp lizard teeth and moved forward. Lightly sitting beside the man.

“Hi, I'm Amy.” Kilana lied, glancing at the red head. She had learned many times, never tell prey your name, or if you do, tell them a fake one. She gave a flirty smile, being sure not to show her lizard teeth. The man slightly blushed. “I-I'm Eric.” He stuttered, looking at the Kilana's lips. She thought for a split second that her teeth were showing, but dismissed it. She would notice, and he would of already said something. He must be looking at my lips... She thought to herself, making her lips move into a very soft smile. “Are you here with someone?” She asked, cocking her head. “Well... I- Uh... I'm supposed to meet my sister...” He trailed off as another girl walked in. Long, pretty red hair, not like Eric's. A petite nose and full lips. She was pretty. “Eric, come one, were going to be late!” She exclaimed and grabbed Eric's hand. Not paying any attention to the pretty biker girl beside him. “I- Uh, s-sorry!” He called back, obviously not used to girl talking to him. “Ugh!” Kilana exclaimed, annoyed that her dinner got away. Her stomach made out a very loud protest but she hushed it in he mind. There were still many different meals here. She looked up at James who made a wide smile. “Got brushed off again?” He asked and chuckled. Used to the girl coming here ever so often.

“Eh, he wasn't that much of a looker anyway...” Kilana trailed off, wishing she had a drink in her hand. As if reading her mind, James got out a liquor bottle and poured her a shot. “On the house.” He said with a smirk. She had never really thought about ever really “eating” James, but now that she was hungry, and he seemed hungry in his own ways, it seemed like maybe it was a good idea. But she knew better, and that her instincts would most likely win over. She shrugged and quickly drank it, letting the liquid burn her throat she stood. “I couldn't of come anyway, I got work tomorrow.” Kilana exclaimed, turning around so that James knew she was talking to him. “Before you leave Kilana, could I get your number. You know, just in case the red head comes to ask for it.” James slily asked, with a smirk at his own joke. “Very funny.” Kilana said. “And just for that, you don't get it.” She said with a fake evil smirk and walked out. She was hungry, yes. She had a horrible need for flesh at this moment, yes. But she didn't want to kill the bartender.

Instead a drunk that stumbled out of the bar caught her attention. Her muscles rippled beneath her skin, and for a moment she didn't know what she was doing. All of her muscle controls were out of her handle. She shoved the drunk up against the front of the bar. His eyes had a glint of wonder, as if he were debating on whether to be scared or turned on. With the little sense she had left, she took his collar in her hand and shoved him into the alley with little strength. He tumbled to the ground. He started to get a bit scared now, she could see it in his eyes. But she couldn't stop, her vampire senses have kicked in, and she couldn't stop them, for the life of her. She jumped on him, and with little mercy lunged at his throat. Her razor sharp teeth embedded themselves into his soft flesh, feeling like a knife through butter. And with one thrust, his throat was fully ripped out. Blood covering the pavement before the man could scream.

By the time her vampire senses were completely tapped out, and her own senses had come back. She couldn't help but cry. Not a huge balling wail, but just silently cry. She didn't know what time it was, just that she didn't really care. She had already cleaned up the alley, but her black dress had blood splattered all over it, some one her skin as well. Even though she was stuffed, she felt horrible. She usually just ate from blood banks and flesh doners, but that wasn't always enough to satisfy the hunter in her vampire form. It would just randomly take charge and attack, and there was nothing she really could do about it. She moved from out of the alley, and into the street. The club was still packed, so it couldn't of been that long she was in that state. She wiped her face, and fixed her hair. But all she could think about was that man. And the most haunting question on her mind was; Did he even have a family expecting him to be home?


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amonsef Mahiriah Character Portrait: Chinatsu Tomiko
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#, as written by Akantha
Chinatsu sipped the grasshopper, having to correct the bartender and remind him that this was a club, and as such would have alcoholic drinks. The “flying” grasshopper contained vodka and it only warmed her throat and made the drink more pleasurable compared to the previous version. The mint tingled on her tongue and green color was bright in the dim lighting of the club. She eyed the young male who was watching her drink it. He flushed and ducked his head as if realizing that she had noticed him before striding over confidently.
“Hey. Name’s Tom.” He brushed a hand through his hair and offered a boyishly cute smile.
“And?” Chinatsu responded briskly. Even if her thirst for blood had risen because he was quite charming, didn’t mean she would accept his inclinations.
“Well. I was wondering what a lovely lady like yourself was doing sitting here all alone? No handsome stud?” He leaned closer, eyes glittering playfully.
Chinatsu leaned back and crossed her legs the other way and took another sip of the drink. “No. I don’t need a man.”
“Lesbian, then?” The man inquired.
Chinatsu spluttered, choking on her drink and causing her to cough. She stared at him incredulously. “H-How dare you say that!” Her voice lowered but was shrill.
“Finally! An expression.” He chuckled.
“Whatever.” She searched her mind for a reason to leave but a piercing ring from her cell made her sigh. “One moment.” She slid off the seat and turned her back on the man. The cell phone quieted when she pulled it from her purse and she flipped it open. “Hello?”
“Ma’am?” The thick southern accent on the other line was no other than Lana. “Is that you?”
“Yes?” Chinatsu prompted.
“Sorry. I was watching the news and I was wondering if you were safe. You’re at that night club, aren’t ya?” Lana hurriedly responded.
“Yes I am. First, why are you sorry? Second, what are you worrying about?” Chinatsu fidgeted feeling the man’s gaze on her shoulders and his hears perked.
“Well.” Lana drawled on, “I was watching the news and it said some serial killer got picked up a few blocks down. Your okay right?”
Chinatsu sighed, even though she was partly endeared that the poor woman cared. “I’m fine. Thank you for your concern.” A slight smile appeared on her lips only to be broken.
“No, thank you! Just doing my job ma’am.” Lana responded happily. Chinatsu frowned and snapped the phone shut. She scowled at her phone before remembering the man from earlier.
“Ah, Tom, was it?” She turned, questioning him.
“Yes. That’s is my name.” He responded, frowning a bit.
“I have to go. I have someplace to be.” Tom’s light blue eyes darkened sadly but he called the bartender over and asked for a piece of paper. “This is for you then,” He scrawled his number across the paper and looked up at her hopefully “Maybe you can call me sometime.” He murmured softly.
Chinatsu placed the paper in her pocket and nodded. “Sometime, perhaps.” She then spun and headed for the door.


She paused a few blocks away from the club, hours later because she had procrastinated knowing that the officers and forensic investigates would have still been there. Chinatsu looked down at the ground, nose twitching. “Blood?” She whispered and leaned down to touch the ground with her fingers. “This must be where they got him.” She looked around. Darkness was starting to cover the area as it got darker and she assumed they had been heading to the station. Chinatsu blinked at the scents below the humans sweat. It smelled just a bit like her scent. She stiffened and stood up punctually. “I will not go anywhere. This is asking for trouble.” She closed her hands into fists. “Tomiko.” She repeated her name as if to convince herself of some idea in her head. She let out a growl and pulled out her cell phone, dialing some number on her contact list. “Lana. Pull a car around to my location and bring my identification. I’ll send it to you through text.” She hung up and slipped her phone into her purse and then waited, leaning on a building nearby.


The car ride to the station was quiet as Chinatsu lounged in the passenger seat. Lana was surprisingly silent, letting the radio fill the silence. This comforted Chinatsu, however, as she was content to keep her mouth shut. The plain building came up soon on her left and she frowned, starting to regret her decision to get her kind out of trouble. She could sense that a lot of strings would have to be pulled for this one.

Chinatsu stepped into the building with Lana by her side holding the folders carrying her legal information. She glanced around at the drab couches and flowers that seemed to be lifeless. They probably were. She stepped across the distance to the reception and watched the small old woman behind the desk. After a few minutes of her messing around on her desk, Chinatsu tapped on the window. “Excuse me?” Her voice had taken on a sharp tone after waiting so long.
“What?” The woman snapped, throwing her folders down.
Chinatsu stared at the woman in shock before recovering. “I have come to speak with the chief about a person that was taken in,” She paused and glanced to Lana to speak.
“Uh, we’re here for the supposed killer on the news tonight..” She swallowed heavily as if under some sort of unknown pressure.
“Yes, that's correct.” Chinatsu gestured for Lana to hand her the folders and the woman obeyed silently, starting to understand the situation. She was smart if not a little slow sometimes.
“Sorry, visiting hours are over and you don’t have an appointment so far that I have seen.” The woman looked back down at her work and huffed.
“No, excuse me? Look here, I’m right here. Thank you,” Chinatsu snapped when the woman looked up in irritation. “I came to speak with your chief. Not you.” The woman stared disbelievingly. “I’m Tomiko Chinatsu from Natsu Corporations. A modeling company, if you don’t know.” She let her eyes travel over the womans flowery dress. “I’m sure you didn’t, so here.” She pushed her information through the hole in the window. “You can check that.” The woman snatched the folders over and perused through them, mumbling to herself.
“Fine. Just go through the door on the right and down the hall.” The woman sighed. Chinatsu nodded and headed towards the chief’s office.

When she entered the office a bald-headed man looked up happily but upon seeing Chinatsu, glowered. “Yes, how may I help you?” The man chirped.
“I need to see the young man that was taken in a while ago released. Now.” Chinatsu placed her identification on the desk and smiled, tightlipped.
“Now, look here. I can’t do that.” The man started to speak but Chinatsu cut him off.
“He’s my model and I don’t think you want a lawsuit on your hands.” She grinned but kept her lips covering her fangs.
“You have no right to come in my office and threaten me. Secondly, you have no basis for a lawsuit.” He sweated and stood up from his chair, glaring at her.
“I think I do. So to say, I’ve done some investigating. Go ahead and take a look through that folder. Even if I’m wrong, whose side will the law take?” She gestured at the manila folders she had placed on his desk earlier.
The man glanced through them and his jaw clenched. “I still can’t release him.” He muttered.
Chinatsu shook her head. “Yes you can. You see, I have all the resources to keep you out of a job, and out on the street. Your family wouldn’t like that would they?” The man stiffened and looked away before nodding gently. He pulled the keys from his pocket and tossed them over his desk.
“If anyone questions why we let him go, I’m going to say that I had no part in this.” The man spoke softly, looking up at Chinatsu seriously.
“Understood.” With that curt comment, she strode off with Lana in tow.

Once they were safely away, Lana spoke up. “That was amazing!” Chinatsu blushed just slightly.
“Thank you.” She murmured, glancing back at the shorter southern woman. Lana skipped at her side, blond curls bouncing at her step. Chinatsu strode through the lobby and held the key up at the receptionist. “Where?” The woman pointed to the left door, not bothering to look up and Chinatsu followed.

She went through the door and after passing a few doors on both sides she came to a cell that looked thoroughly locked. She held the key up and looked down at the keypad before noticing the numbers on it with a shy smile. “Oh.” She stepped in front of Lana and unlocked the cell but stood in front of the doorway, turning her gaze on the huddled figure in the corner. “I’m here to let you out. So come with me.” She didn’t bother with any pleasantries.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amonsef Mahiriah Character Portrait: Chinatsu Tomiko
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0.00 INK

Through the thick odor of the blood still coating his face and clothes, Amon dimly detected another scent. Another vampire... A Sauria. Despite his clinging to keep his mind empty, the thought of another vampire's presence persisted. Slowly, he lifted his head a little, the small movement making the two prostitutes in the cell next door jump. But his gaze was not directed their way, only staring gloss-eyed out the bars of his cell. What was another vampire doing here? Probably some power-hungry maniac wanting trouble... Or otherwise a low-life feral who caught the scent of all the human blood on him.

When the vampire made her appearance, his verdict leaned toward the former. She did not appear mad with hunger, but perfectly calm and collected, and approached to open the cell without any force invested. Absently, Amon wondered how she knew the key code... and then how many people she had killed on her way in, or if she had coaxed her way in... Could Saurians even persuade humans as Dracos could...? He wasn't sure; he couldn't remember. Come to think of it... I don't recall why I'm.. here... His dark eyes flickered to the two women in the cell next to his, who shuddered at his gaze. A short vision of the crime scene he had created flashed through his mind: a mangled, female body in a pool of blood, and a warm, red heart in his hand... .... Oh. His brows knit at the memory, but thankfully he seemed to think no more of it.

He looked up at the other vampire as if just remembering she was there. It occurred to him she hadn't attacked yet.
"I'm here to let you out. So come with me." The woman said flatly.
Amon stared at her for a moment, his face blank at first, like he might not have heard her at all. His gaze then slowly shifted to skim over the bare cement of his cell. ".... I don't need letting out," he answered quietly. His tone was empty of any actual argument though, and regardless, after another minute the white-haired young man stood. His hand lifted to his head like he might have a headache. He studied the blonde woman beside his apparent rescuer; she looked rather cheerful, albeit slightly nervous, for assisting a vampire in freeing a violent, blood-covered serial killer. ".... Where are we going?" He asked softly after a minute. There was no hint of protest in the question, suggesting he would be perfectly compliant with wherever the other vampire intended to take him. And for the moment, he was. Amon certainly didn't have anything better to do.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eliza Fran William. Character Portrait: Kilana Lorea Ulnen
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0.00 INK

 Kilana let out a long sigh. She straightened her dress over her slight curves. All she wanted to do now was sleep. That's all she ever really wanted to do when she was done eating. But instead of that, she had a sudden urge to walk around. Not because she wanted to really, mostly because she thought that if she went home her vampire form, no matter how satisfied, would lose control and eat Dracula. So instead she decided to walk it all off. Let the beast get lulled back to sleep.

Kilana re-checked her bike, making sure it was locked. She rubbed her face with her hands making sure her make-up wasn't running. She made a quick glance down the alley, making sure no blood was left, and walked a bit. Letting the air fill her lungs. The warm air was replaced by cold air. A short burst that was rare in a fogged up place like sin city. The tang of blood wafted into her nose, smelling of cinnamon and honey. That way A- blood smelled like. A sudden breath moved into her lungs and she almost felt her eyes shift to a dark red. The way her brown ones did when blood teases her. She shook her head to clear the blurriness of the blood. 

"Just ignore it." She mumbled to herself and continued walking down the path. Kilana messed with her hair for a bit, surprised that the place wasn't crawling with home less and crack heads hanging around the streets. Scratch that... She thought to herself as a guy sat on the side of the street, eyes shot red and gritty yellow teeth when he smiled at Kilana as she walked by. "Whats a sweet li-"                       

Kilana stopped abruptly, swishing her side to face him. "Shut it, ya old perv. Before I rip you a new one." She hissed at him. His face had shock ripped across it. He looked back down at his hands and mumbled something unpleasant that Kilana couldn't quite make out. 

She hated it when people disrupt her daydreaming, she bit her upper lip. A habit that should've died a long time ago. Considering whenever she did hit her lip, blood was instantly drawn. Her disgusting undead blood seeped into her mouth and she almost gagged at the taste. Putrid and unappetizing. Specially Sauria blood. She continued walking down the path, glancing ever so often behind her. In case the guy wanted to follow her. She glanced back in front of her. Was that someone?

A figure moved in the distance slightly. A woman, Kilana could tell by the way the figure carried itself. Tall and lithe as the figure came into view. A specific smell hit Kilana so hard it almost knocked her off her feet. The woman smelled of blood, not on the inside like most humans do, but a faint smell on the outside. Like it had been feasting recently... This woman was a vampire. Kilana didn't know what type, but she figured it would either be a Draco or a Sauria. Considering know that she squinted her eyes, the vampire looked human. Very human at that. Maybe she was just a human... She thought to herself for a moment. Than she remembered herself in the mirror. She looked completely mortal. And with her dress caked in blood, it would be hard for the vampire not to notice. That she herself was a Homo Wampyrus Sauria. 

As the figure passed, Kilana smelt Sauria on her. Most Sauria's are territorial, but considering she didn't really mind if someone hunted on her turf. Or maybe this wa the other vampires turf. Kilana had to make up her mind quick, " Sauria?" She half asked half said to the woman passing her. That way of it as just a woman with Sauria smell, she would think she was being mistakin for someone else. But if it was a Sauria, then the vampire would know what she meant. And if it as a hunter, she'd be damned out of luck. 


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eliza Fran William. Character Portrait: Kilana Lorea Ulnen
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0.00 INK

(oh, sorry, I didn't know you post! >o<;)
It was a nice night; as Eliza realized that the night was extremely beautiful, she had just passed by another female. It was only a matter of time before the words that seeped out of the woman's mouth had came across her ears, making her stop into a full halt, spinning on her heals. Her eyes looked at the woman, up and down as if she was examining her; it was a long, and silent stare, but finally, Eliza broke it. "Yes." It was a simple word, and Eliza herself could tell that the woman was no ordinary human- if she was human. She may not have that special blood scent on her, but it was another scent that wavered around her; one Eliza could not just put her finger on.
"Are you a hunter?" It was a blunt question, but her eyes meant business. Eliza didn't want to play tonight, and if it had so happened been a hunter, it would just make everything more difficult than it had to be. Her body leaned towards the right, her hands propped onto her hips as she leaned against a near by lamp post, her reddish-auburn eyes glinted against the dull lights. "Or a vampire?" Her voice was smooth, but dangerous- almost as if she gave the woman a hidden warning only vampires can sense.

(Once again, I'm super sorry, I hadn't realize that you posted. >o<; Also, I'm sorry for it being so short. xO )


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Kilana tensed slightly at the girls response. Kilana had just been a bit curious, and now hopefully the Sauria didn't think she was lying when she responded, "I'm also a Sauria." She paused slightly, glancing up at the night sky. It wouldn't surprise Kilana if hunters weren't about. Searching for a beast to slay with a knife of some sort. Its just a shame they know all of the tricks that vampires play. 

She turned her attention back to the pretty dark haired vampire. Hands on her hips and in a slight defensive posture. Well, I would be a but defensive to if a random vampire on the street asked me what type I was. She thought to herself for a split second. 

Feeling a bit dumbfounded at the thought of actually being friends with someone like her.. She trailed off in her head. How the hell could she know? They could very well turn out to be bitter enemies..... "S-sorry. I'm just not that used to speaking with someone..." she trailed off slightly. "Like me." She finished. 

"I really don't know if I should be territorial or friendly. I've just never really met any other vampire." She repeated herself and felt somewhat stupid. Damnit, why did she have to always have to yammer when she became nervous?


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eliza Fran William. Character Portrait: Kilana Lorea Ulnen
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Eliza looked at her before releasing a cold chuckle- loving the nervousness that had built up inside the girl. Her eyes narrowed as she smiled at the girl, the light causing her auburn eyes glow. "Well, that's fine. It's quite alright for you to be confused, and since your obviously nervous, I'll treat you kindly." Her hand waved in the air before she bent downwards, her hair falling along her shoulders. "My name is Eliza. My last name should not concern at the moment." Her hand reached out, and she had an expression on her face that seemed as if she was distrustful. "Nice to meet ya."

Before the girl could grab her hand, she pulled it away quickly, and turned around. "Too slow." She said, her back facing the girl. Eliza waited until the girl responded and introduced herself to Eliza before she turned back around. "Shall we walk together to enjoy the sites?" Her eyes seemed sadistic and she looked almost like a conniving coyote that had sneaked into a group of sheep. "Why don't we enjoy the illusion?" Her words where chose carefully, but had no feeling to them. Eliza's beliefs towards the humans where much deeper than had been first thought. Sure, from someone who didn't know Eliza might point out that she was some sadistic bitch who just liked to torture others, but it wasn't entirely true.

Her ideas was that humans had created society so they could create an illusion, therefore seeing the world to only what they want to see; and shunning those around them. Society was basically a barrier to 'protect' the humans from the outside world; from the real reality they hated so much. Being founded in 1736, she should know more about a human's so called society than anyone else (or so she thinks). Eliza looked at the girl with a slight smile, waiting patiently for her answer.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amonsef Mahiriah Character Portrait: Chinatsu Tomiko
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#, as written by Akantha
Chinatsu was tempted to roll her eyes as the boy seemed to be absent and lost in his own world. He needed a decent bath and probably some food. He looked so scrawny. Probably had been having his meals interrupted by the police.
Wait. That’s a bad thing.
She scowled, brow furrowing deeply in disgust at her helpful attitude. ".... I don't need letting out," The boy responded quietly. Chinatsu felt her lips begin to curl up to show her fangs and she flinched upon the realization. She had forgotten how it felt to be around another of her kind. She could call the feeling almost primal and she would have accepted the feeling if not for having Lana, a human, standing behind her. She glanced over her shoulder at Lana who had turned pale and seemed to be struggling to hold her straight posture. The woman was going to need a martini after this. Chinatsu turned her attention back to the boy as he moved to stand. Perhaps he had understood her, since she hadn’t been asking him to come with her. She had told him too; she was always the CEO. ".... Where are we going?"
“Home.” Chinatsu snapped but raised her hand, palm out, as if to steady her mind. “We are going to my home.” She lowered her hand upon speaking with her softer tone.
“Your bringing ’em home?” Lana cut in worriedly. “I don’t think that would be wise.”
Chinatsu didn’t turn to look at her but her intent was recognized. “I didn’t ask your opinions Lana.” She spoke intensely without raising her voice. Lana ducked her head and took a step back.
“Yes ma’am.” Lana responded softly as if trying to earn back Chinatsu’s favor.
Chinatsu strode over to the boy and looked him in the eye, however fairly emotionless it was. “I’m Chinatsu Tomiko. Not so much of a pleasure to meet you.” She didn’t extend a hand to him figuring he wouldn’t take it anyways ands headed towards the door, motioning Lana to move ahead of her. “Lana. Stay in front of me and make sure you get home safely. Your family is waiting. Thank you for the help.” Lana smiled although is looked a bit stressed at the edges.
“No problem Miss Chinatsu. It was…” The woman paused. “, Interesting tonight.” Lana waved and hurried towards the exit as if thrilled to be free. Chinatsu watched her go, standing in the hall now.
“Let’s go.” Chinatsu murmured after a few seconds. She exhaled gently, resisting a yawn in its place. It had been a long day and even she liked to sleep when she could. She gestured for him to follow and started towards the back of the station. She wasn't going to take him out the front way because of the receptionist. They would slip out and head home in a taxi. Chinatsu pulled out her cell and speed-dialed a taxi and quickly ordered one to the location. She reached the back door and glanced back. "I have three rules. Stay in sight and don't act reckless. Also, warn me if you’re hungry." With that she opened the door and moved out onto the sidewalk in front of the station hoping he had understood.


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Character Portrait: Amonsef Mahiriah Character Portrait: Chinatsu Tomiko
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The youth's gaze was downcast, focused on the floor as if he couldn't see anything else. It didn't look like he was listening much, but - surprisingly enough - he was. His face remained flawlessly deadpan even as thoughts sifted lazily through his head. Home... Was she serious? She planned on taking him to her house? Surely she had a less personal place she would want to stash a mentally unsound serial killer... But perhaps her home was the safest place she could think of. But why would she want to bring him somewhere safe, anyways? She wasn't even Draco...

His eyes drifted toward the blonde woman's feet when she piped up. Her wisdom was quickly shot down by the Sauria. By the impatience in the vampire's tone, it was a wonder her human companion was still alive, let alone around.

Finally, Amon was driven to lift his gaze when he felt the other vampire's stare reaching through his blood-tipped bangs. Chinatsu Tomiko. She looked Japanese enough in ethnicity, but he wondered if she had ever lived there. She felt young - at least by his standards. Still, it certainly seemed possible. He glanced for a moment at the cameras in the room; unsure if they were equipped with sound, he neglected to offer his name, deciding it would wait for later. It wasn't long before he picked up the blonde woman's name as Lana, and soon after the human was dismissed, he trailed after Chinatsu when prompted. His gaze wandered slowly across the rooms they traversed, as if he was walking through a dream he held no attachment to whatsoever, until they stood outside awaiting a taxi. He wondered if the Sauria was not very fast, if she could not race home herself... Maybe she was not sure he could keep up. He didn't blame her; it was obvious he was out of it.

".... I'll try." He sounded sincere enough, despite his hollow expression and largely empty tone. It was doubtful Amon would run into anything tempting enough to rouse his hunger - he had barely eaten any of his latest victim as it was. The only threat to his contented appetite, of course, would be what was also the biggest threat to his mental stability.


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Kilana somewhat liked this girl. It was mostly her attitude that intrigued her the most and she couldn't help but smile at the girls comment. She moved her hand as if to shake it, hut pulled it away quickly saying, "Too slow. and she turned away. It reminded Kilana of what a younger hold would do to a friend. She said her name was Eliza, witch the time she was most likely born in was probably a suitable name. 

"I'm Kilana." She said in responce to the last name does not concern you comment. To tell the truth, she would of just told her an entire fake name if she didn't somewhat like her. I probably should of though… she thought to herself and chuckled a bit. She turned around with a smile, and asked if they wanted to walk around. Enjoy the views and keep the illusion. Her voice seemed as though no emotion had laced it. 

Kilana had went walking to let the beast calm the hell down. Maybe walking with another vampire would help. Or make it worse, either one. "But quick question, his old are you. And I meen actual years?" Kilana asked. She had always been a bit curious as to how old a vampire could live
to. So far she was 269 yeas old and didn't feel a tad bit weak. 


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Character Portrait: Eliza Fran William. Character Portrait: Kilana Lorea Ulnen
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"But quick question, his old are you. And I meen actual years?" Eliza turned her head, her auburn eyes examining Kilana as if she herself was the question. Suddenly, Eliza shrugged her shoulders before turning back around; her finger shooting to her lip. "I believe I am 276 years old..." Her finger tapped her lip as if she looked like she was thinking, pondering about her own age that had been lost with numbers. "My oldest memory was when I was on a ship. It was a French ship I believe, and it was heading towards Canada." Her head came back down, along with her hand. "It was so dark, and I could remember I was so hungry- I believe I was near death..." Eliza stopped herself there, keeping her lips shut from rambling on more than she had too.

Her head turned towards Kilana once more; a curious smile crept onto her face. "How about you?" Eliza was indeed curious about this woman, but at the same time, was careful not to let her guard down. Her steps where small, but fast; covering a bit more ground than a normal person would. She would dodge the lights, almost as if Eliza was playing a game of catch with it, but her movements where subtle and very quick.


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Character Portrait: Amonsef Mahiriah Character Portrait: Chinatsu Tomiko
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#, as written by Akantha
Chinatsu waved a dismissing hand at his comment to try and be good. Her gaze watched the street eagerly. She wanted to get home, take a long bath and perhaps sip some wine. Visitor or not she was going to enjoy this long life because if she let the downs get to her, she wouldn't be here today. She smirked sardonically at her naivety. Everything seemed so black and white nowadays and the gray areas were monstrosities like the kid standing behind her. Chinatsu blinked in apprehension and turned to consider the boy again. Even though he looked like a kid, perhaps he was much older than even she was.

“We can get acquainted later at the apartment.” She spoke briskly, cutting off her own thought train. “I believe that’s suitable.” Chinatsu stared at him for a moment more but turned when a taxi stopped in front of the station. The man inside gave them a goofy smile and waved them forth. Chinatsu analyzed him as she proceeded to get inside the car and make room for the boy. The man was stout, and a bit sweaty. His mustache had graying tips as well as the curly wisps that fluffed out from his head. His neck was meaty and in no way appetizing although it wasn’t she didn’t like meaty people sometimes. Then again, Chinatsu rarely drank from humans. She preferred a classier approach to eating, like blood packets, easily attained from a nearby hospital. The price for it was high and it took a lot of covering up to keep the news quiet but she had money to spend. The man turned in the seat, his belly stretching taut under his musty shirt.
“Name’s Thomas. Where to?” The man’s beady eyes didn’t turn once to the boy beside Chinatsu. She figured that he was used to strange sights.
“To the Foreman Hotel. It’s beside Natsu Corporations building if you know where that is.” Chinatsu gestured towards the general direction. Thomas’s brow furrowed deeply and he nodded.
“I think I know where. That model company. Right? No problem.” He straightened in his seat and cranked the taxi up, speeding off down the dusty street.


The taxi stopped in front of the hotel and Chinatsu snapped out of her haze. She had been lost in the scenery, thinking about how to handle the draco beside her. She opened the door and stepped out. “Thank you Thomas.” The man nodded and gestured towards the meter on the dash. “Ah, yes. One moment.” She reached into the pocket that she kept her phone in and pulled out her credit card. She tossed it to the man. “You take cards?” The man stared at it then nodded again.
“Yeah.” He pulled out a small device and slid the card through then reset the meter. After getting her card back, she didn’t bother to see him speed off or wait there because she was already striding towards the front of the hotel. The sliding glass doors opened and the receptionist bowed politely.

“Welcome back.” The tall woman behind the counter smiled charmingly and Chinatsu almost smiled back if not for her cold exterior. She nodded and continued on. It was a pleasure to be surrounded by beautiful people. The female saurian stopped at the elevator door and pressed to go up. Her foot tapped on the linoleum floor, hasty to get up to her room. The doors opened with a high ring and she stepped inside, holding the door for the boy. She didn’t say a word because she dreaded that she might snap at him. The metal doors closed and she pressed herself into the corner, relaxing by folding her arms across her chest. When the doors opened again, they opened to a contemporary penthouse that was spacious and very neat.

Two white sofas surrounded a quaint coffee table that had the latest fashion magazines splayed across it. The kitchen was off to the right with a window bar set up to eat breakfast at. Although, the kitchen didn’t look like it was used too much. A LCD television rested on the wall opposite the sofas and the rest opened up to a glass wall behind the couches. The view provided a nice scene of Las Vegas at its prime. A wine cellar rested in the corner of the glass wall as if ready to be tasted while viewing the scenery. Apart from this, a hall cut off from the rest leading to the master bedroom and the grand bathroom. Inside the bathroom, was a Jacuzzi bathtub with a showerhead to wash off. The sink and mirror sat opposite this and it was cleanly polished and immaculate. The bedroom had a large queen-sized bed with a mounted television on the wall at the end of the bed and a small footlocker in front of the television. The dresser rested off to the side. Various posters and paintings depicting models could be seen throughout the penthouse.

Chinatsu paused once inside, simply breathing the cold air inside her home before she turned to the male saurian. “Welcome to my abode. First off, take a shower. I’m not going to have smudges of blood anywhere on my nice furniture.” She pointed toward the hall as she made her way into the kitchen to grab a wine glass. “If you need help call for me,” She lowered her gaze darkly. “Although I don’t know if I would come to help.” Chinatsu mumbled under her breath crossly but raised her voice again to continue. “Otherwise finish up and come out here so we can discuss your arrangements.” She analyzed the spotless glass as if searching it for a hint of dirt before heading over to the small cellar to pick out a white wine and calm down for the night. She would mix blood in the wine as a kind of topping and smear it around the rim like rock salt. From there she could watch the city and enjoy the night quietly or she hoped so.


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Character Portrait: Amonsef Mahiriah Character Portrait: Chinatsu Tomiko
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(( Amonsef is Draco, not Sauria~ ))

Amon glanced only briefly at Chinatsu when she spoke again, as if nervous that staring at her too long might irritate her. Though she certainly didn't look like the type to mind being stared at. He thought it was strange she wanted to 'get acquainted'... He still wasn't sure what all this was about, and the more he thought about it, the more it made him anxious - so he tried not to dwell on it for fear of setting off some kind of episode as he was prone to. Instead, he tried to focus again on the odor of the blood coating his face... though he quickly realized that was also a bad idea, as it only brought to mind where the blood had come from and how it gotten on his face. His hands began to fidget anxiously at his sides.

Rather hesitantly, he followed the Sauria into the taxi that arrived, eyeing its driver not without some concern. With his sudden onset of self-consciousness, the youth realized his hood was still down, and somewhat hastily pulled it back over his head. He slumped in his seat, turning his face down toward the car door in the hopes that the driver wouldn't notice the mess of blood, not to mention his infamous white hair.

Natsu Corporations... A model company... It sounded vaguely familiar. Amon tended to avoid all things 'vaguely familiar' like a plague, but he had probably only heard the name in passing, he decided.

He only exited the taxi once Chinatsu did, but then he hesitated, gazing up at the building before them as the Sauria strode ahead to enter. Anxiety flickered through his dark, sleepless eyes. It was awfully well-lit inside. Regardless, he followed after Chinatsu after a minute, though his thin frame seemed to cower somewhat in the lighting indoors. Consciously, he tugged his hood over his head some more, feeling terribly exposed in a level of lighting he just about never found himself in anymore.

When they made it to the woman's home, he continued to cower slightly inside, his arms wrapped around himself as he looked around. It looked so clean and, not surprisingly, wealthy. Chinatsu... Natsu Corporation. Perhaps she was its owner, then. But she was Sauria. If she didn't want to kill him, what could she possibly want from him? His eyes followed her pointing toward the bathroom. Amon couldn't remember the last time he had a shower in an actual shower and not a lake or river. When he wasn't covered in blood, there would occasionally be the kind soul from out of town who would not recognize him and who would want to take him in and let him spend the night. But it wasn't often he accepted such offers.

He watched Chinatsu move off for what looked to be a cellar. The Draco took a moment to push off his sneakers, knowing the bottoms might still be sticky with blood. He glanced toward the bathroom, then at Chinatsu, then back toward the bathroom, and then at her once more, but finally turned to shuffle rather timidly down the hall, eyeing the walls like they might close in on him. Arrangements... He paused halfway down the hall though, glancing back for Chinatsu again. ".... Amonsef," he said softly. He knew she would hear him no matter his volume. "... My name is Amonsef." He turned to continue for the bathroom.

Without thinking about the fact there would undoubtedly be a mirror in the bathroom, he flinched upon finding it before a scowl crept over his features. I look awful. Shit, I-... Shit. He was quick to turn away from the mirror, then studying the bathtub that was as luxurious as the rest of the home. He glanced down at his clothes thoughtfully. If anything was going to get blood on Chinatsu's furniture, it would more likely be his clothes than the rest of him. But he couldn't wash them now; he didn't have anything else to wear. His gaze shifted anxiously toward the bathroom door as he wondered if the Sauria might be angry if he didn't take a shower as instructed. Already, he could tell she had restrained being any more harsh with him. But he shook it off, and leaned toward the sink, struggling to keep his eyes off the mirror.

After turning the water on, he leaned down closer to splash some against his face, wiping furiously and checking only for seconds at a time to monitor his progress in washing the blood off of his mouth. When his face was clean, he moved on to wetting strands of his bangs to wash the blood out, and once he was sure his hair was clean he did his best to try drying the soaked ends with a towel. When he had finished so his face, hair, and hands were clean, his gaze drifted up toward the mirror. The youth began to tremble, and his hands clenched into fists. Stop it. Shut up. "Shut up.." He murmured. "Shut up." His quivering hand raised to press against the mirror, which he still gazed at as if his eyes were trapped there. His hand continued to tense on and off in and out of a fist, raising periodically as if to smash the mirror, but he refrained, albeit with obvious difficulty... Though after a few minutes his hand was pressing so hard against the glass that cracks began crawling out from under his fingertips. He withdrew then, stumbling back and moving briskly out the door.

He glanced at Chinatsu reluctantly, like a child who knew he had done something wrong. "... I-.... My clothes...." He looked down at his clean hands, and then past them over his still-bloodied hoodie and jeans.


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Character Portrait: Amonsef Mahiriah Character Portrait: Chinatsu Tomiko
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#, as written by Akantha
Chinatsu sipped the fruity white wine she had finally chosen and made suited to her tastes. Las Vegas was still busy near the casinos and other bars. The lights sprawled across the scene creating some sort of illusion of a grid. She allowed the Draco to stand at her doorway figuring that he would do as she said eventually and as long as he didn’t displease her it was okay. She ran her tongue over the blood on the rim of the wine glass while the boy made it down the hall to the bathroom. She heard his footsteps paused halfway down the hall and she glanced up sensing something important.
".... Amonsef," he said softly, “... My name is Amonsef." She then heard his footsteps resume and she turned back to the view of the city thinking upon his name. The ring to it sounded older or foreign, such that it wasn’t a typical American name nor did it seem to have Japanese origin like her name. She strode towards the breakfast bar and set the wine glass down gently on the marble surface. This encounter had caused a lot of trouble and would continue to cause trouble. Chinatsu stared at the dark smear of blood on the wine glass and the imprint of where her lips had touched it. Self-consciously, she licked her bottom lip searching for any blood. She could still remember the days as a young vampire, new to the society and just beginning life as such. The scene flashed before her eyes just briefly but it was almost like she was there.

“Wait…” The gargled words appeared to seep out of the teenage girl’s throat. Chinatsu frowned realizing her mistake but it just barely registered.
“I shouldn’t have done this. Father will be mad at me again. I’ll be locked in my room again. Stupid girl. You tempted me. This is why I don’t like humans. They are so very deceitful.” She continued to lick the warm blood off her lips considering her attitude towards the situation. “Especially you. You’re unkind to try and burden me with your feelings. I have enough trouble with my own. Shame on you.” The girl faintly pushed at Chinatsu but she was too far captured in the taste of food, especially the kind she liked. The small playground on the outskirts of town was a frequent place for drug users and runaways. It was easy to catch a meal here and Chinatsu was smart enough to know it. Also, considering her new thirst and how long her parents went without feeding her by trying to keep up the semblance that their daughter was still normal, she had grown hungry. Plus, no one had yet to teach her about how to control the hunger. Chinatsu glanced up to see that the moon was starting to fall and sunrise would come soon. The sun didn’t burn her or really even harm her but it definitely made her uncomfortable. Chinatsu frowned, her brow furrowing in concentration.
“I need to get home.” She mumbled quietly but another twitch from the girl made her growl, breaking her concentration. She bit down into the girl’s soft flesh letting it rip from the other tissue with a wet sound. Blood gushed from the wound and spilled onto Chinatsu’s uniform. After another hour of destroying the corpse she released the girl. The blood had gone completely cold and it had begun to taste sour.

Chinatsu raised her hand to rub her left temple anxiously. After that she remembered going home and being scolded only to face the horror of her murder later. Her father had given her ten immediate blows to the face after finding out and that had been the point where they really stopped trying to care. The sting of her cheeks had been the only thing to stop her crying at that time. She hated them and she was sure that they hated her too, although had the truth been exposed that the thing she wanted most was their love, Chinatsu was sure she would have been far more hurt.

Chinatsu felt the presence behind her at the last second and flinched away, quite startled. Amonsef’s expression looked so child-like and timid that she almost backed away from him. After remembering the time when she had been so young, seeing that expression was like a reflection of what she had felt back then. Chinatsu calmed herself while silently pushing the wine glass away. "... I-.... My clothes...." She watched his gesture at his bloody clothes and laughed grimly.
“Sorry for that. I shouldn’t drink any more wine, hm?” She spoke sarcastically, knowing full well that the wine didn’t do anything to intoxicate her. “I think I can get some clothes for you but they will be bigger than your actual size.” Chinatsu walked towards the bedroom to find a soft button up shirt and pajama pants. She return with light blue pajamas and stopped in front of him, offering them gently. “You can wear these and if needed I might have some pins to pull up the length of the sleeves and pants. Although it shouldn’t matter since you’ll just rest in them. Tomorrow we can get you a nice suit.” She paused and looked down at him, becoming wearier.
“I’ll discuss with you as to why we’ll need to get you an outfit when you get changed.” Chinatsu glanced down at her dress. “I think I’ll change into something comfortable too. I need to relax.” She let her right hand flutter over her neck as if to finger away the tension. “I’ll be out here in a minute. If you need me or need help… I’ll be in my room getting undressed.” Chinatsu didn’t bother to be modest and left him there, headed to the bedroom to pull on a warm nightgown.

Many minutes later she stepped into the living room with a black silk nightgown with red lace trim on the sleeves, neck, and bottom. The way the silk smoothed over her body gave her a quaint elegance that suited her. She clapped her hands twice and the lighting dimmed significantly to where she preferred it. She picked up the wine glass she had left on the breakfast bar and resumed drinking it. The taste hadn’t changed with the only exception being that the blood had completely dried and was flaking away from the rim. Nevertheless, all the blood needed was a little saliva and it was as good as new even though the flavor had faded just slightly. She had grown used to drinking from the packet of cold blood. The taste was accustomed and it never satisfied her the way it did whenever she drank from humans but it was safer than sorry in this situation. Conversely, she figured that adding wine to the equation made it much more satiable than before. She raised her gaze prepared to talk about the arrangements now that she was settled in.


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Character Portrait: Amonsef Mahiriah Character Portrait: Chinatsu Tomiko
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He stared at Chinatsu blankly, watching her move to find a change of clothes and then gazing down at those she offered. He gave a small nod if only as a sign he understood, though his brows knit slightly at mention of a suit. ".... I-... I don't.... I don't need.. a... suit. I... like my clothes. I just-..." He paused, wondering for a moment if the woman wanted him for a model as he recalled the mentioning of a model company. Not in four thousand more years was that happening. "... I just.. need them.. washed."

As soon as the Sauria had left to change, Amon used the time to change, too. The pajamas were too big as promised... but only the pants really needed any adjusting. He didn't mind the shirt being too big - in fact, he rather preferred it, as Amon liked his sleeves to end at his knuckles. He tugged one of the oversized sleeves down consciously, then feeling up his wrist for the bandages coating the entire length of his forearm beneath. Though Amon's rapid healing made the use of bandages rather a moot point, he still liked to have something on over the web of scars wrought across his wrists and forearms... but then he generally needed something to cover the bandages, too. The black T-shirt he had on underneath his hoodie was not half as bloodstained as his other clothes; he could have worn it instead of the pajama shirt... But it was short-sleeved. His bandages would be exposed. And the shirt needed to be washed anyways, bloodstained or not - it wasn't often he got the chance to wash his clothes, after all. They carried the odor of garbage from the grimiest of the city's alleyways.

He stood staring out the window until Chinatsu had finished changing and returned. Considering the sleek nightgown that hugged the woman's curved form in all the right places, the very brief amount of time Amon spared a glance at her was almost enough to suggest he was asexual. He felt a small sense of relief when the lights were dimmed, so some of the tension he had barely been aware of seemed to slip off down his shoulders. He did not move from where he stood in the living room as the woman retrieved her wine glass. Amon couldn't help looking at the glass with subtle distaste. He had never taken to blood that wasn't fresh, and didn't understand how any vampire could.

His gaze met hers only fleetingly before his eyes shifted back to the window. "... Why am I here?" He asked quietly. There was no venom in his tone, only a timid curiosity.

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Character Portrait: Avery Greer
1 sightings Avery Greer played by ZaBanpaiaNeko
"What are you looking at?..."
Character Portrait: Kilana Lorea Ulnen
5 sightings Kilana Lorea Ulnen played by Sullenkiller
"I can't wait to bite into you flesh."

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Character Portrait: Alex Nightingale
Character Portrait: Amonsef Mahiriah
Character Portrait: Ayena Crosby
Character Portrait: Eliza Fran William.


Character Portrait: Eliza Fran William.
Eliza Fran William.

"Blood is such a lovely color, isn't it?"

Character Portrait: Ayena Crosby
Ayena Crosby

"A wise girl kisses, but doesn't love, Listens but doesn't believe, And leaves before she is left."

Character Portrait: Amonsef Mahiriah
Amonsef Mahiriah

With age comes wisdom.... and a significant deterioration in mental health.

Character Portrait: Alex Nightingale
Alex Nightingale

"Don't worry, i don't bite... Much. Hehe! ~"


Character Portrait: Amonsef Mahiriah
Amonsef Mahiriah

With age comes wisdom.... and a significant deterioration in mental health.

Character Portrait: Eliza Fran William.
Eliza Fran William.

"Blood is such a lovely color, isn't it?"

Character Portrait: Ayena Crosby
Ayena Crosby

"A wise girl kisses, but doesn't love, Listens but doesn't believe, And leaves before she is left."

Character Portrait: Alex Nightingale
Alex Nightingale

"Don't worry, i don't bite... Much. Hehe! ~"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Amonsef Mahiriah
Amonsef Mahiriah

With age comes wisdom.... and a significant deterioration in mental health.

Character Portrait: Eliza Fran William.
Eliza Fran William.

"Blood is such a lovely color, isn't it?"

Character Portrait: Ayena Crosby
Ayena Crosby

"A wise girl kisses, but doesn't love, Listens but doesn't believe, And leaves before she is left."

Character Portrait: Alex Nightingale
Alex Nightingale

"Don't worry, i don't bite... Much. Hehe! ~"

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