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Reegan Stevens


0 · 412 views · located in Meanwhile on planet Earth....

a character in “Blurry Line”, as played by Rispetto


Officer Stevens
⌈I decided that if the police couldn't catch the criminals, I'd create a fellow who could.⌋

Reegan Stevens


Tresses of light brown hair fall down the back of his head and neck, coming to a rest just above his shoulders. The tresses around the front of his head and by his ears are a bit shorter and come to a stop just below his earlobes. The hair lines a fine featured face, including a sharp chin and nose, giving him a quite handsome appearance. His eyes are a sapphire blue with a hint of teal. His body frame is lithe, with most of his muscle lying in his abdomen, torso, and legs. He usual attire consists of a black, skin tight shirt with a collar that rests halfway up his neck. The shirt is complimented by a synthetic leather trench coat that is comprised of mostly kevlar. Black gloves also cling to his hands tightly, stopping where his sleeves end. His skin is of a creamy complexion, lightly tanned by his times spent out in the sun. He stands at a mere six feet and weighs in at only one hundred and seventy three pounds.


√Dressing fast
√Being a tease
√Getting what he wants

✗Not getting his way
✗Being blue balled
✗Being ordered
✗Being treated coldly
✗Holier than thou attitudes

Reegan is a very smooth operator, and takes most things with cool precision. He's used to getting what he wants, and he works hard towards the things he does want. He's painfully honest with people, and won't hesitate to say wants on his mind nor will he try to butter up the truth. He's very tactful when it comes to expressing how he feels. When it comes to personal life, he's a rather huge tease with his lover, Caramel. He believes that Caramel truly loves him despite how coldly he treats him. Despite disliking people who treat him coldly, he looks past it for him, for Caramel is whom he truly wants. And he will stop at -nothing- until he gets him. Due to his harsh honesty, most call him unsympathetic, but they couldn't be more wrong. He just has an odd way of going about expressing his feelings.

Reegan believes he has a relationship with Caramel. He thinks him his true love and is specifically devoted to only him.


Probability Manipulation (Super Luck)- Ability to alter probability, causing unlikely things to happen or likely things not to happen. Reegan uses this to alter his chances of getting what he wants.

Superhuman Speed- Ability to move at speeds much faster than a normal human. Reegan uses this much to his advantage out on the field, as well as uses it to get get dressed fast to fuck with Caramel.

Omni-linguism- Ability to understand and speak any form of language.

The 9mm Beretta Model 92 SB pistol; 9mm rounds. Always on his person, kept in a holster behind his trench coat. Used when dire to apprehend, halt, or kill a target.
Mossberg 590 pump-action riot shotgun with 20-inch barrel; 12-gauge non-lethal bean bag ammo. Not always on his person, usually kept in his vehicle. Used for close-ranged targets, meant to halt not kill.

Due to his powers, Reegan is an excellent officer. He's skilled in parkour, and utilizes it to chase after any criminals he needs. His Super Luck aids him in getting what he wants, and works 9 times out of 10. He is omni-linguistic, which means he can speak and understand any form of language.

Due to being both stubborn and a smart ass, Reegan doesn't -always- think straight at times. His cocky retorts are a problem most of the time, especially when it's said to the wrong person. He has very few means of defending himself if his weapons are not on him, so he solely relies on the Super Luck to turn out fights for him. He also has a soft spot for Caramel, and will do anything the man asks him to do.


Reegan lives in a decent apartment conveniently located between the police precinct and the Yoebe's whore house.

Reegan was born in the city, and discovered his powers at a relatively young age. Super Luck being discovered first, then Super Speed, then his ability to understand any language. He first discovered his Luck when his father had entered the lottery. Reegan had hoped for them to win and they had, soon moving to a higher up class of housing. After that, things he hoped for would occur, no matter how unlikely they were. He discovered his speed nearly a year after this, racing after a kid who had stole his bike and soon overtaking him by miles in the matter of seconds. Reegan let the kid have his bike after this, figuring he wouldn't need it because of his speed. As he grew older, and neared high school years, Reegan discovered that he could understand and communicate with the foreign exchange students perfectly. Including the Japanese, German, and Russians. After he graduated Reegan finally came out of the closet to his parents, which resulted in his father kicking him out of the house, claiming him a devil child. After that Reegan used his luck to come across some money and get a solid living place, soon enrolling in a police academy and graduating at the top of his class. He became well know rather quick, being promoted many times in his career in the matter of weeks. It provides good enough funding for him, and he just uses his luck for wheneveer he's short on cash.

So begins...

Reegan Stevens's Story