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Caught Myself

Caught Myself


The world of Cothast is in the middle of a war. What will happen when two unlikely companions are thrust together? Will love flourish? More inside.

998 readers have visited Caught Myself since shatari19 created it.


In Cothast, there are two different warring clans. The Alarcans are a fierce people who live in the lowlands. Their main city is called Wenyandur. It's a giant city near the ocean of Moon. They are strong and tend to be around the height of 5'5 or below. They always have dark hair and dark eyes. They believe in two gods, Selwyn and Kelwyn, twins. Selwyn is the goddess of love and relationships. Kelwyn is the god of war and luck.

The Alarcans:


The Rínandil are quite peaceful people unless they feel they've been wronged in some way. They live high in the mountains, usually upon to top peaks. Their main city is called Naira. A vast city that sits upon the highest mountain, the streets lined with snow and gold. The Rínandil are taller than the Alarcans, standing between 5'7 to 6'1. They tend to have lighter hair and bright, lightly colored eyes. They believe in only one god, Vanyanio, the god of the elements.

The Rínandil:


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The boy said, "You can always leave it upon the edge of camp. The wolves will gladly take it and I won't have you eating it after I've hunted tomorrow." Alissa, then spoke. "If your Planning on even Hunting tomorrow You'll need a Good nights rest, Now come on. Get up" Vani nodded in agreement with Alissa. He smiled and took her outstretched hand. Standing, he said, "Thank you. Now, Do you have anything to sleep upon?" He put the large fire out, making sure that all of the embers were out. He didn't need to be staring any forest fires during the night. He slowly led the way to the cave and the smaller fire. It was quite warm inside the cave, more so that even being near the larger fire. The cave, was home to Vanisailon. He was allowing Alissa to stay there. He was fairly sure that she had no where else to go and he was oddly attracted to the girl. He went to one of the large chests and unlocked the worn thing. He began to pull out his bedding and fixed it near the fire. He then looked back to Alissa.


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Alissa Had ran out towards the Edge of Camp Flicking her Wrist down And out still holding the Skewer to Launch the Meat into The Woods. She ran back into cave and Sat down on the Other side of the Fire from Vanisailon."Nope." She Smiled at Him as She took The blades and Holster Off her Back laying it on the ground beside her. "I think I can Survive the night With out bedding though." Moments later She yawned.Quickly Alissa Pulled The blanket Vanisailon's mom made for him Up and Over her. "Good night Vanisailon." She said happily Rolling over so that her Back was to the Fire. Alissa's Eyes started feeling Heavier and Heavier until She just let them Close. She fell into a Refreshing Sleep, In a Warm cave, Across from someone she Trusted as her Friend. For her, This first day For Adventuring Felt like a Wonderful Accomplishment. Vanisailon Even Shared a Secret with her, This was one of the best Days In years she'd had With anyone and to think her Adventures were just starting, It was Nerve racking for her. But one thought came to Mind before she was Completely Gone and her Brain Shut down to Sleep "Vanisailon.....". Alissa was gone now. Couldn't hear the Outside world. She was Locked in her Head By herself to Sleep and Rest.


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Vanisailon smiled at Alissa. "Goodnight, Alissa." He was still quite surprised that she trusted him enough to let her guard down enough to rest in his presence. He gently removed his weapons, yet left them quite near to where his head would rest. He laid down then, resting his head upon a thick, worn pillow. He kept his dagger beneath the pillow, as usual. One couldn't be too careful out in the wilds. Vani closed his eyes. He was quite tired. It had been such an eventful day. He'd not expected to meet anyone that day, let alone offer them a place to stay the night. The boy was nearly asleep, thoughts of Alissa floating around his head, when he heard, "Vanisailon....." Alissa said. Vain's pale eyes opened and he looked to the girl. He studied her for some time. She was breathing peacefully and seemed to Vani to be asleep. Why would she have said his name in her sleep? He did not understand. The boy fell asleep, wondering these things.

In the early morning, Vani awoke. He lay in his bedding for a bit longer, not wishing to remove himself from the heat. He turned his head to look at Alissa. He couldn't get over her beauty. Of all the things that he'd heard of the Alarcans, it was everything but what he'd experienced with Alissa. He could not understand. Sighing softly, he crawled out of his makeshift bed. He closed his eyes, and stretched happily. He quickly placed his weapons upon himself, as usual. He looked to Alissa before making his way out of the cave. It was still dark out. Vani hoped to be able to catch something before too long as he'd have to ready the animal for eating. He made his way through the forest, silently. He kept this up until he was a good distance away from his camp and made his way up a tree. He sat there for at least an hour. A large deer like creature appeared. His waiting had paid off. kill the creature. Vani silently pulled an arrow from his quiver and notched it. Slowly, he pulled the arrow back, waiting for the right moment to let it fly. The creature seemed to not notice that he was being hunted. All the better for Vani. Finally, after waiting a few long moments, he let the arrow fly. It hit the creature in the eye, killing it instantly. Vani dropped from the tree and walked to the creature. He lifted the creature and made his way to the spot that he usually readied any of his kills at. He spent another hour there before making his way back to camp.

As he entered, he gently all of the meat down and began skewering all of it. He usually at least partially cooked everything he brought into his camp. It always seemed to last longer that way. After a while, he'd finished with his task and stuck every skewer into the ground so that he could let the food cook as he did other things that he wanted to do. He started a large fire and went back into the cave. The smaller fire had almost gone out so he restoked the small flames. He gently sat back down upon his bed. He rested his back against the wall and closed his eyes. He would wait a few moments before heading back out to check the food once again.


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It seemed like forever Trapped in her Dreams of Places Better and Beyond the Stars in the sky. Some how she Felt like she was Falling, falling from the Sky back into the Forest. Her eyes shot back open As she spoke, "Weird Dreams I swear." She Muttered to herself, sitting up into a Stretch. "Agh" She stretched and Twisted Cracking Most of her Bones Before Standing up. Alissa Noticed her Shirt was Slightly Titled Showing more Skin than she'd Be glad to show she adjusted it, The fire was Restocked and Vanisailon was Siting across the Fire Again. "Morning Vanisailon." After Finishing she received a Good morning from a Cold Breeze that found it's way into the Cave. Her voice was Soft and quite."Chilly this morni-" Alissa stopped, seeing his Eyes Closed. While Grinning she Sighed Softly. "Only you I swear." She Crept her way outside, There was a Bright light in the sky when she exited. The sun was out and shining brightly with no clouds in sight, then again there were tree tops in the way but eh? Can't judge a person who just woke up. Slowly she made her way to where another fire was, The fire had Skewered food in the ground for the food to cook. "Just like a Boy to leave the Food untended" She joked with herself a little as she watched the food cook. With Her back to the cave, the warmth of the fire protected her body from the Chilly air Around her.


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Vani had been dozing lightly when Alissa had decided to leave the cave. He decided to wait a few moments before moving. He slowly stood, stretched and made his way out of the warmth. He slowly walked towards Alissa, glad to see her still in the camp. He had to admit that it was nice having someone else around. Living alone was nice except you had noone to converse with. Vani gently sat beside of Alissa, watching to food. "You slept well?" he asked the girl at his side. Vani smiled gently at Alissa. He was glad to have met her. He didn't want her to leave. No. He enjoyed her companionship and she was so very kind to him. Most people that he'd ever been around had always made fun of him or called him awful names. Vanisailon had never been popular back in his home. He'd always been a loner though not by choice. So now, being faced with having someone acting as if they at least liked him, he was so very happy. He checked the food, seeing that the food he'd save for the next couple of days was partially cooked. He stood, took those skewers and went back to the cave. He unlocked the chest that he kept his food in, placed the meat in and locked the box once again. Vani went back to his place by Alissa's side. He'd not said much to her this morning. He wasn't sure what to say, to be honest. "I must be honest with you. It is quite refreshing to be in the company of someone who does not find my misfortune their humor." he said to her a long last. Vani wondered what she would think of what he'd just said.


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"You slept well?" A Familiar Voice Chimed From beside Alissa, Shocking her Slightly. Alissa was going to answer him in words but was Now had the Hiccups. She managed to Partially silence them by keeping her mouth shut and responded to Vanisailon with a Nod. Things were quite for awhile other than her Hiccups then Vanisailon broke the Silence once more."I must be honest with you. It is quite refreshing to be in the company of someone who does not find my misfortune their humor." Alissa turned to look at Vanisailon to the surprise of her neck cracking more.

"No one should find Misfortune Humorous. And It's just that Simp-YUP" Alissa had just Hiccuped and her head now hung from her Neck because she was Embarrassed. But she was Persistent with talking.
"I really do Hate T-ICUP!...The Hiccups." She managed to say Through the Hiccup attack, Chuckling Silently for a Moment.
Oddly the Sun was Still shining in through the Tree tops as Bright as Spring. with few chilly Gusts of wind.

"Vanisailon... Please don't take this the Wrong way...." She started.
"But do you r-HICUP!"That one was the Loudest By far.
Alissa's heart was beating so fast already and now that she was Stopped by a Hiccup, She didn't think she could Continue. It's not like she wanted to be mean or anything it's just she Had no clue to how about it was he'd Respond to her question. She could hear hear heart beat and The Silence with the Exception of the Fire Crackling. Her Question Puzzled her more than the reason people said everything tastes like Chicken but... For now she didn't want to ask thinking it would lead to trouble.


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Vanisailon smiled as the girl seemed to have the hiccups. It was..cute. Wait..did he just think that? He gave his head a small shake. He shouldn't be thinking such things. "No one should find Misfortune Humorous. And It's just that Simp-YUP" she was trying to speak, even through the hiccups. Vani smiled at the girl, checking the food. Just a few more minutes and they would be able to eat. "I really do Hate T-ICUP!...The Hiccups." , Alissa tried again. "Yes, they can be quite annoying when you have them. It's usually best to try to calm yourself. They will usually go away quickly if you do." the boy said, smiling still. He wasn't sure why he was smiling so much. He really didn't mind but it was strange for him. He'd gone so long without do it. "Vanisailon... Please don't take this the Wrong way...." , the girl started. Vani's heart almost dropped. He wasn't sure why..she hadn't even finished her sentence yet. "But do you r-HICUP!" The boy looked at Alissa from the corner of his eye. He waited a moment to see if she would finish her question. "Please, you have sparked my curiosity. Continue your question?" he finally said when he realized that Alissa wasn't going to continue. He couldn't imagine what she would ask him. Was it something bad? Was that why she didn't want to continue with the question? He wasn't sure. He did want her to go ahead and ask him.


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The Hiccups Continued without end as her heart kept a steady mile per minute pace."Please, you have sparked my curiosity. Continue your question?" Alissa's head stayed low as she Drew her hand through her hair attempting to think of a new Topic in hopes of changing the topic. "Do you plan on staying out here for the rest of your life?I mean It is a Huge world with lots to explore." Wait. WHAT? I DIDN'T JUST SAY- OH UGH WHY WOULD EVEN I ASK SOMETHING SO STUPID THAT- NO UGH JUST NO! I ONLY REPHRASED IT, HE'LL THINK I... Her thoughts became silent, Alissa wanted to vanish from the world right now. She had only reworded her question after all, Possibly making Vanisailon ask questions that she wouldn't want to answer.
Alissa now wanted to say more, to make her question smaller but she couldn't. Her heart felt like it was going to burst. I think I like having him to talk to... She finally admitted to herself...Well Sorta, it was more of a Guess.

Noticing that she must had looked terribly Embarrassed Alissa Snapped back to siting up with her head held high.
She was running out of things to say and Excuse's by the second as her voice volume dropped Drastically even before she used it.


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Vani watched as Alissa seemed to think for a brief moment. "Do you plan on staying out here for the rest of your life?I mean It is a Huge world with lots to explore." ,Alissa said. The boy just eyed Alissa for a long moment, trying to think of the best way to answer her. "I don't expect you to understand. I love it here, more than anywhere else that I have ever been. Besides, if I were to leave, the more likely that Alarcans would find me. Which is not something that I'm particularly wishing to happen. Just what are you planning on doing?" he said, watching the girl for her reaction. He'd probably made her mad. It wasn't that he didn't want to leave, it was more the fact that he would seem much more alone in the large world. An unnerving thought. He stood then, walking away from the girl. He felt the need for space. Now he had thoughts of leaving his comfortable life here. If only Alissa hadn't said anything. He was feeling bad for walking off. He slowly mad his way back to the large fire and sat back down. He decided not to say anything, but instead watched Alissa.


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"I don't expect you to understand. I love it here, more than anywhere else that I have ever been. Besides, if I were to leave, the more likely that Alarcans would find me. Which is not something that I'm particularly wishing to happen. Just what are you planning on doing?" Alissa's heart felt like it was skipping beats through out all of Vani's Sentences. Quickly Vani Left and Returned.
"Well, I've Planned on." Alissa hesitated Maybe he'll think my plans are Childish.... A frown came across her Face and instead of looking at the Fire her eyes fell to her feet. "Following my dreams and Exactly what I want to do with my life. You followed your dreams and Those led you here. I planned on Traveling to see the World, To make friends and have Fun along the way."" I EXPECT you to understand. She finished not caring if he Approved of her Dreams and wanting to Say that he could Probably pass as a Alarcan if he wanted to.

"It's not like anyone wants to have to bear the weight of the past on their Shoulders. It just happens, But for you to decide to take it back and move Forward. Thats another thing." Alissa then Rose from beside Vanisailon and Walked up to a Tree, Climbing it to put a Good distance between the two and Walked along the Branches. Until a spot she liked came along where she sat and Closed her Eyes, Back against the Tree and a Gentle Breeze Blowing her hair around. "It is Beautiful here, But he mistook my question. Just as I was Afraid he would." Another breezed past taking her by Surprise, because it was Colder than the rest by FAR. Alissa's mind was Still Dwindling on the the thought of what she really wanted to do with her life.


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Vani tilted his head to the side as he listened to Alissa. "Well, I've Planned on..."Following my dreams and Exactly what I want to do with my life. You followed your dreams and Those led you here. I planned on Traveling to see the World, To make friends and have Fun along the way." He couldn't help but wonder why Alissa would want to travel for the rest of her life. He just couldn't see the appeal of it..and yet he found himself quite curious. What would it be like to not have a permanent place to live? He didn't like these thoughts running through his mind. Luckily, Alissa was speaking again. "It's not like anyone wants to have to bear the weight of the past on their Shoulders. It just happens, But for you to decide to take it back and move Forward. Thats another thing." Before Vani was able to reply, Alissa had stood and left him. He'd most likely upset her. He hadn't meant to. He wondered if perhaps she'd not meant her question how he'd taken it. The boy decided to allow Alissa some time to herself. He hoped that she would not stay angry.

Vanisailon silently stared into the great flames of the fire. He'd never been good with girls and he was quite sure that Alissa could tell. He turned his gaze up towards the tree that the girl had disappeared into. He sighed softly. "I'm sorry if I've upset you. I'm...I believe that perhaps I've mistaken you question. Will you please explain to me what it is that you meant?" he asked, hoping that the girl could hear him and would answer him.


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Alissa was Dozing off a little when she heard a Small voice. It had Brought her back into reality but she didn't hear what it said. So instead of Completely ignoring it like a Rude person she Jumped down branch to branch Until they got weak. From there she climbed down the tree and landed safely on the ground just outside the Camp. Quickly she walked her way back into camp knowing she didn't have her Weapons with her. Alissa noticed Vanisailon was Still at the Big fire when she entered Camp. It probably was him seeing as how him and I are most likely the only people here. "Pardon me, I didn't hear what you said." She said in a Manner that was Most polite, Pleasant, and Truthful, Sitting down across the Fire from him. Don't get her Rouge Wrong, she is Still Upset with Him but just bottled it up and Hid it from the world like most of her Emotions and Ideas. Her face was Straight and Almost looked Displeased, but Rather than Just shutting her self off From Vanisailon and withdrawing to herself like she did with everyone back home she reproached and Contained her Emotions.

"If there's something you've said I ask you repeat it because I didn't hear You"


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Vanisailon heard Alissa making her way down the tree. His golden eyes found her form as she entered camp. "Pardon me, I didn't hear what you said.", the girl said. She sat across from him looking almost seemed upset still. Vani said nothing, sighing softly. Had she been ignoring him? If so it would be better not to lupset her further. "If there's something you've said I ask you repeat it because I didn't hear You", Alissa said. Vani eyed the girl for a moment longer. He looked away from Alissa, looking deep into the fire's flames. "I'm sorry if I've upset you. I'm...I believe that perhaps I've mistaken you question. Will you please explain to me what it is that you meant?", he said. He'd repeated exactly what he'd said before. He hoped that Alissa would not be angry with him. He was a curious person, by nature and was wondering what Alissa had truly meant with her question. She made him feel so silly. He wasn't stupid..he'd been educated greatly when he had been still been living with his parents. Why, then, wasn't he able to figure out exactly what Alissa had meant?


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Alissa sighed Quietly. I shouldn't had Expected that a person with a Personality like his to dig deep into the Question and Understand what I meant...Then again, his personality probably was why I expected him to. Like really, a Girl he met just asked his if he planned on staying out HERE all his life and this is the Response she gets? Then again he most likely didn't talk with many Females other than his mother. She had been so deep in thought her eye's might as well had been closed. Should I tell him what I really meant? NAH, Better yet I could make him think I'm really REALLY angry at him and make him figure it out for himself.

"NO! I will not explain what I meant until you figure it out for yourself. That will at least give you a better understanding of Females, and show how me much time you can figure it out in. SOOOOOO, until then I request you don't speak to me...Or ells." Alissa Challengingly Smirked at Vani and then Crossed Her legs Wondering away at what kind of response he'd give. This should be fun... And Educational for Vanisailon. She giggled a little and then Closed her eyes awaiting an Answer.


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Vani couldn't seem to do anything but stare at Alissa. "NO! I will not explain what I meant until you figure it out for yourself. That will at least give you a better understanding of Females, and show how me much time you can figure it out in. SOOOOOO, until then I request you don't speak to me...Or ells." ,Alissa said. She seemed quite angry with him. Vani thought for a long moment. He wasn't quite sure what to do. She'd told him not to speak to her until he had figured out what she'd really been asking him. He was just at a loss. He was sure that deep frustration and confusion were written upon his face. He remained silent. Vanisailon didn't want to risk angering Alissa further. He gently rose from his seat and made his way back into the cave. He sat down, upon his bedding, against the wall. He closed his golden eyes and allowed his thoughts to roam. He could see his parents' smiling faces. They still cared for him, even though he'd broken their hearts. How he wished that they approved of his lifestyle and wouldn't care if he visited or not. He recalled many of the cruel faces that had always been taunting him. He could see perfectly his former home. The many streets and buildings. Perhaps..perhaps Alissa wanted him to go with her. Though, that wouldn't quite explain her anger at him. He sighed softly. He remained sitting, looking quite forlorn.


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I got him Good, Didn't I? A Smile Came across Alissa's face as she saw Vanisailon Disappear into the Cave. She had a little victory dance in her seat on her but while she thought of the music playing back home. She didn't miss it AT ALL! In fact she was a little happy to be gone from it. All those people always stopping and Starring at her like she was a Monster. It was just Madness. A memory of her Father and her Dancing came into her head. That's right! You'll always be in my Memories if I don't find you. Strong, Compassionate, Not to mention a Great Dancer and a Great Dad. I Miss You... Where are you? Growing a Little Impatient and Eager to hear what Vanisailon would say, she called out to him "Have You Figured it Out Yet?" Alissa knew she sounded Impatient and Upset, But that's Exactly what she wanted.


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His eyes snapped open as he heard Alissa. "Have You Figured it Out Yet?" She sounded impatient and upset. Vanisailon hesitated. He was unfamiliar with this. How was he supposed to react. What was it he was supposed to do? He wasn't sure. He gently rose from his seat. He looked out of the cave at Alissa. She was still sitting at the larger fire. "The only thing that I can come up that perhaps you were trying to ask me to travel with you." he said, eyeing the girl from the mouth of the cave. He really hoped that he'd figured it out. If not, Alissa would never speak with him again. He sighed softly to himself. Girls were trouble and it was times like this that he didn't mind living by himself.


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"Perhaps you were trying to ask me to travel with you" Alissa couldn't help but Smile at Vanisailon as she stood up. "Would You?" She whispered at Vanisailon Walking Towards him With a Smile. Well, he Figured that out Faster than Expected... Sorta. I have to give it to him though, he got the Just of it. That I was going to see how he felt about this Place, and Ask if he'd like to Travel with me. I really would like him to come with me but I wont force his Hand. She Promised herself stopping Half way Between The fire and The caves mouth.


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Vani watched as Alissa smiled, standing. "Would You?" she asked the boy. He noted that she had stopped halfway between Vani and the fire. The boy thought for a long moment. Could he leave his home? The thought frightened him. He'd never been past the large forest that they were in and he wasn't sure that he liked not knowing what lay beyond. Yes, he'd studied the great maps of the world when he'd still been living at home, but this was different. He'd actually be there. Perhaps...he shouldn't think. Perhaps..he should just do what he wanted to do. Shutting off his mind, he allowed himself to speak. "Yes." he said. He couldn't believe that he'd just said that. He eyed Alissa closely. He would protect her in the wilds. Nothing would harm her while he was around.


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"Yes." Vanisailon said watching Alissa closely. Wait? WHAT? He- Really? Are you Serious? I Alissa was just flat out Stunned with her thoughts locked away and her facial Expression looking Amazed. Never in a Infinite Time circle did Alissa think He would Actually Say yes. She was So happy, but Confused at the same time that it was like her brain was fighting it's self, not knowing which emotion she should confront. All she could say was "You really want to?" She said it in a way that would Seem Confused....But Happy. It was Hard to Explain because she never would had imagined this happening on her "ADVENTURES" or Exploration of the World.

Alissa shook her head and stopped quickly enough to be Left Staring at Vanisailon in almost disbelief.


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"You really want to?" Alissa said. Vani eyed the girl for a moment. "Yes. I really want to. Besides, it would be awful of me to allow a Lady to travel alone." he was smiling brightly at Alissa, quite obviously serious about his decision. "Where were you planning on going?" he asked. Knowing their destination would allow Vanisailon to be able to bring with him the things that they would need. The boy slowly made his way out of the cave and walked towards Alissa. "We should probably leave in the morning? That will give us plenty of time to rest up and be well stocked for the journey." he said, stopping near the girl.


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"Ahhh Yes and I suppose you should Know That I ugh.....I lied to you when I first met you. I was Walking Aimlessly And had Something Weird happen and then I Found myself Here in this forest."Alissa said Shamefully, Changing the topic without hesitation. "Ummmmm..... Maybe the Town Of StoneWall Or Maybe EverBrick Would be a Good First Stop." Agh Shit. I'm Useless, His People Probably have Different Names for the places. And Talking about Different..... "And What's With the Sudden Change of Heart Lance a Lot?" She joked but Unknowingly Bombarded him with Questions. "And Lady? Come on, I thought you knew me Better. I'm not a Lady, I'm a tad bit to good with Bladed Weapons to be a Ordinary Lady" "Whats your Favorite color and which Town do you think we should go to. KEEP IN MIND it can be any Town that you can Think of." Whether it was an Attempt to make Vanisailon to forget about her little Momentary White Lie or to Whatever she was Just Hoping she Didn't over whelm him.


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Character Portrait: Vanisailon Character Portrait: Alissa SilverFang
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Vani was listening intently as Alissa spoke to him. "Ahhh Yes and I suppose you should Know That I ugh.....I lied to you when I first met you. I was Walking Aimlessly And had Something Weird happen and then I Found myself Here in this forest." His brows knitted together in slight confusion. Why had she lied to him? "Ummmmm..... Maybe the Town Of StoneWall Or Maybe EverBrick Would be a Good First Stop." He tilted his head to the side. StoneWall or EverBrick..they sounded familiar yet not. He thought for a moment but Alissa was already speaking again. "And What's With the Sudden Change of Heart Lance a Lot?" And Lady? Come on, I thought you knew me Better. I'm not a Lady, I'm a tad bit to good with Bladed Weapons to be a Ordinary Lady. Whats your Favorite color and which Town do you think we should go to. KEEP IN MIND it can be any Town that you can Think of." Vani eyed Alissa thinking upon all of her questions. He wasn't used to being asked so many questions. He smiled at the girl. "I'm not familiar with StoneWall or EverBrick, I'm afraid." He laughed lightly. "I've decided that I'd like to see the world. Forgive me for referring to you as Lady. Old habits, I'm afraid. My favorite color is green and maybe we could head towards Mindimst or Sundastnya. Mindimst is near the Chadagi Ocean. It's supposed to be beautiful though, it is full of Alarcans. I'm not sure how well I'll blend in there. Anyway, Sundastnya is in the plains and still flowing with your people. Though you are more tolerant that most, I fear that if someone discovers what I am..well let's just say that you would be leaving alone. I'll allow you to decide though. I'm not to particular as to our destination." he said smiling brightly.

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Cothast by shatari19


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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Vanisailon
Character Portrait: Alissa SilverFang


Character Portrait: Alissa SilverFang
Alissa SilverFang

*Silent Stare*

Character Portrait: Vanisailon

Rínandil Hunter


Character Portrait: Alissa SilverFang
Alissa SilverFang

*Silent Stare*

Character Portrait: Vanisailon

Rínandil Hunter

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Character Portrait: Alissa SilverFang
Alissa SilverFang

*Silent Stare*

Character Portrait: Vanisailon

Rínandil Hunter

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