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Deus Mortuus

"You wanna fight?"

0 · 253 views · located in New York

a character in “Children”, as played by poeticjustice8012



Deus Mortuus
ā€Just call me Deus.ā€

ā€And I answer to no other name.ā€

ā€I look older, donā€™t I?ā€

ā€Hopefully you have deduced that much already.ā€

ā€I prefer to keep my own company.ā€

Love Interest:
ā€Humans bore me. I kill angels. Vampires hate me.ā€

Daytime Appearance:
Messy black hair that covers his ears and is slightly spiky. He has pale skin and dull brown eyes. Heā€™s a little taller than average, but is very skinny. He walks around with a confident swagger, and usually has a smirk on his face, like he knows something you donā€™t.
ā€Attractive, right?ā€

Night-time Appearance:
At night his hair gets a white streak in the front, and his eyes become bright red. Besides that he is the same, though his skin usually looks paler (itā€™s just a trick of the light).
ā€But I like this look more.ā€

Deus walks like he talks: with confidence, because he just knows he can kick your ass. It doesnā€™t matter who you are, or what species you happen to be. He just views you in the same sense: lower then him. He doesnā€™t care if you hate him or love him, since it really doesnā€™t matter. His confidence gives him all the assurance that he needs, and with it he could conquer the world. Or, well, he feels like he can. Itā€™s not like he canā€™t back it all up, either. Heā€™s just as strong as he says he is, though his real secret is his speed and the fact that he can annoy his opponent(s) enough to distract them. And some people thought his big head and loud mouth werenā€™t going to get him anywhere. They were obviously wrong, something theyā€™ve probably learned quickly, since the nay-sayers were the first to fall to his attacks.

Which is enough explanation onto itself, but the details might as well be explored. Deus really does believe that heā€™s better then everything and everyone, to the point where heā€™s surprised when people arenā€™t scared of him. He likes to say that heā€™s king of the world, except no one realizes it because he hasnā€™t bothered to take his throne yet. His complex and his confidence go hand in hand, and itā€™s pretty much impossible to convince him otherwise. He doesnā€™t really act like heā€™s immortal, more like he can do everything in the world and that everyone should treat him amazingly. As such, he also gets easily offended when people donā€™t act the ā€˜rightā€™ way, and will then proceed to rip their heads off.

Deus likes blood. And death. And generally killing people. Which, in all honesty, makes him an amazing vampire. Heā€™s the guy you read about that goes around ripping people into pieces and throwing said pieces at other people from the top of skyscrapers, just to see what happens. Literally, that was he. Deus has the largest sadistic streak of all the vampires (well, itā€™s arguable) and absolutely no pity for anyone. In fact, he finds it amusing to kill kids in front of their parents, because the best part of killing people is, apparently, other peopleā€™s reactions. He doesnā€™t look super violent, though. He doesnā€™t walk around with a sadistic gleam in his eyes, for example. But itā€™s there, just waiting to burst out and attack in all his fury.

Well, they did say curiosity killed the cat, and you can say that it also killed Deus, but more on that later. Anyway, Deus cannot resist exploring places, or learning new things. He loves spending his days at the library, reading books and looking for new targets. And thatā€™s the tip of the iceberg. As a human, Deus loved exploring the world, traveling all over and learning everything he could. As a vampire, he spends most of his daylight reading and his entire nightlight killing or running around trying to find people to kill. Heā€™s always curious about humans, though. He loves seeing their reactions to things that he does, and his favorite thing to do is explain how heā€™s going to kill them, and just how painful everything is going to be. Letā€™s just say that heā€™s found some very interesting reactionsā€¦

Let no one say that Deus is nice ā€˜deep downā€™, because he really isnā€™t (and heā€™ll probably kill you for saying that). Heā€™ll kill anything that gets in his way, be it fellow vampires, young children, or innocent little puppies. Hearing someone screaming is one of his favorite sounds, and he loves to be the cause of pain. Most of his reading is medical, so then he knows the best way to inflict pain, but he also likes some good olā€™ fashion limb-tearing and flesh-eating. He doesnā€™t mind leaving you alive long enough to feel the pain, and will give you a full narrative of what heā€™s going to do to you, or what he is doing to you. If you hear a large amount of screaming, then sudden silence, followed by evil laughter, it is probably Deus.

Deus isnā€™t sure what heā€™s doing anymore. Recently killing people hasnā€™t been as much fun, and heā€™s even started to kill less people (and in less bloody ways)! In his confusion he tries to experiment with more violence, more gore, but nothing is working. It recently has come to his attention that heā€™s been keeping away from woman and children, especially blonds. He hates it, but doesnā€™t do anything about it. Heā€™s a naturally curious person, after all, and he would like to know whatā€™s going on with himself. Perhaps itā€™s regret? No, thatā€™s stupid. Heā€™s a vampire, after all.
ā€Go ahead. Try me.ā€

A pure-black flip blade. He likes using pretty much anything with a blade thatā€™s relatively small, but has found that flip blades are better than box cutters (because of their reach and strength). On that note, give him just about anything and heā€™ll find a way to use it as a weapon.
ā€Box cutters will always have a special place in my heart, though.ā€

Deus cannot turn down a challenge. Whether it be a fight or simply a scavenger hunt, Deus will accept it, even if the odds are completely against him (or even if he knows he canā€™t win). He would much rather fail a challenge then turn his back against one, and if someone knows how to use this to their advantage they can take him down rather easily. On another note, Deus is much faster then he is strong, and will probably loose a lot of head-to-head fights.
ā€You wanna go?!ā€

Deus was challenged to a hand-to-hand fight over a particularly cool motorcycle that the gang had stolen from the cops. Despite being fifty pounds lighter, and much weaker, Deus accepted, mostly because he was curious about how well he could fight without a blade. To put it simply, he got his ass kicked and ended up dying from internal bleeding. If asked about the fight, he swears up and down that he could have won ā€˜if he had a weaponā€™.
ā€Grā€¦ It was stupid, ok?! I could have wonā€¦ā€

Deus was born into a family of four children, and was the youngest. His parents were both hard workers, and always followed the rules, but were hardly able to feed themselves, let alone four children. As such the kids were, more or less, allowed to do what they wanted, as long as they stayed alive and didnā€™t cause too much trouble (or cost any money). This included beating the living daylights out of the youngest sibling, who really was unwanted by everyone in the family. Deus grew up in his hostile environment and learned that the best way to keep out of trouble was to run from it. If something bad happened heā€™d disappear. After all, if he wasnā€™t around he could hardly be blamed for anything that happened, even if it was his fault.

Deus was never an amazing up-front fighter. He got pretty good with a box opener when he was young, after stealing it from a store, and used it to keep his siblings away from him (his oldest brother never forgave him for slashing his arm open, leaving an ugly scar). Deus would use his size (smallest child, remember?) and speed (he was very fast from years and years of running for his life) to his advantage. Heā€™d run circles around his opponent before dashing in and cutting said enemy open, then run when the cops showed up. It was a risky life, full of theft and beating up other kids, but something about it was just right. It was all Deus ever wanted to do, and itā€™s not hard to believe that he fell into gang life rather early.

He started off as a drug runner, using an old bike to get him around town and using his handy box opener (well, a different one. The old one had run out of blades from use) to keep himself somewhat safe. Not to say that Deus didnā€™t get beaten up from time to time, but he knew the town and every single alleyway was a portal to somewhere different. It helped that he was already starting to get a reputation of being blood thirsty and downright insane. Even the ā€˜cleanā€™ kids knew to keep far, far away from him and his box cutter. They had seen what he did to the idiots who got in his way.

So really, it shouldnā€™t have been a surprise when his older brother almost killed him, and would have, except for the fact that his older hadnā€™t expected his younger brother to kick him there. Really, how stupid do you have to be? Deus had cut all ties to his family when he joined his gang, and when his brother tried to extract revenge was the final snip and the small strand of string. Deus cut his brotherā€™s neck, and then stabbed him multiple times in a fewā€¦. Certain areas. Leaving the body, covered in blood, Deus felt a rush of something new. He liked this feeling. He liked to kill.

Deus rose fast. When the cops came, it didnā€™t matter what they wanted, Deus would have their heads blown off with shotguns. Or, if he were really annoyed, heā€™d tie them in sacks and have them drown at the bottom of the river. The city lost plenty of good cops that way. He wasnā€™t loved by any means. No, people followed him because he knew what he was doing, and he was feared. He wasnā€™t even the top, either. He followed his leader to the death, and the two were thick as thieves. Heck, they could have been brothers. But no, Deus had his family killed quickly after his brother. All of his siblings, and his pathetic mother and father. He enjoyed hearing their screams the most.

The only thing Deus ever regretted was killing this one girl. She had been his friend, back when he was attempting to just not get himself killed. They were in elementary, he was cute, and she was pretty. It was stupid, thatā€™s what Deus told himself when, years later, he watched her getting thrown into the river. She had become a cop, his natural enemy. Yet her kindness would haunt him forever.
ā€How would you like me to kill you?ā€

Deus needs to find someone that can stand him. His whole life was spent alone because he couldnā€™t get anyone to like him, and that has followed him to his vampirism.

As said before, Deus is must better with speed and skill then strength and sheer power. Also, Deus is pretty violent, but he never eats his victims. Never. He finds it pretty gross, actually. Doesnā€™t stop him from eating meat all the time, though. Lastly, the guy is almost constantly on some kind of energy drink; they help him stay awake for so long. When he crashes heā€™ll usually just curl up into a ball and sleep for a while, then wake up and the cycle repeats.


So begins...

Deus Mortuus's Story