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Dead. I'll try again in a few days.

730 readers have visited Collision since KapugenWolf created it.


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Officially started, although positions are still readily available.

~ Flashback ~

A silver she-wolf stalked through the forest along her territory line. She was on territory watch. She growled, looking up and seeing the enemy guard on the other side of the river, patrolling his own territory line. She stopped and sat down, her paws in the water, watching the darkly colored male wolf sniff around. Suddenly his head snapped up and he caught her eye. They stared for a long moment until suddenly, both wolves sprang forward, clashing above the small river. They slammed down into the water, the water splashing all around them. They fought for a long time until, exhausted, both wolves jumped back and retreated to their own side of the river. With blood spilling from the deep scratches on her sides the she-wolf spoke in a loud, commanding tone, "Stay away from my pack you evil being!"
The male wolf stared for a moment before letting out a loud laugh, then speaking, "Not on my life you pathetic waste of life."
Both wolves stared for another long moment before the male turned around and walked into the tree line on his side of the river. With a sigh the silver wolf collapsed onto her stomach. She lifted her head and let out a long howl. As the sound concluded she dropped her head onto her paws and closed her eyes, exhaustion seeping through her veins. Hearing the sound of a running wolf, she opened her eyes and lifted her head. She turned her head towards the sound in time to see the Alpha Male breaking the tree line and running towards her. She saw the main healer and the champion follow him quickly. With a deep sigh she dropped her head and closed her eyes once again.

~ End Flashback ~

The same she-wolf that had fought with the male wolf is now standing in front of her pack, her wounds now scars, having healed over the past year. She looked down at her pack, scanning her eyes over all the wolves, seeing the elders in the front, the old Alphas in the middle, just in front of her and the rest back behind them. The Alpha Male stood on her right, his head slightly higher than hers, and the beta standing off to his right. And she? She stood in her newly acquired position of Alpha Female. In this position, she now has the power to start a war between the packs.


Okay so this role play is basically how things play out from the end of the above scene forward. I do have an underlying plot that I may or may not put into action. At first I will accept character forms for both packs but once I feel I have enough of one pack I will close it off until they are even, then, if I feel the role play could use more characters, I will have both open.

Elder- The ones that have been in the pack the longest. They offer wisdom to the younger members and Alphas. All in the pack respect the elders and most, excluding the Alphas, must obey the elders.
Alpha Male- The strongest and smartest male wolf in the pack at the time. All must listen to him and he makes the big decisions. His position can be challenged by a newcomer to the pack and depending on my decision, he will win or lose. Basically father of all pups currently in the pack.
Alpha Female- The strongest and smartest female wolf in the pack at the time. All except the Alpha Male listen to her and she helps in making big decisions. She takes charge if the Alpha Male is injured or unable to fulfill the task at hand. Often the mate of the Alpha Male, but not always.
Beta- The second strongest male/female wolf in the pack. Takes the position of Alpha if neither is able to fulfill the task.
Champion- The packs most reliable warrior. Often next in line to take position of Male/Female Alpha if either dies or becomes too old.
Warrior- The packs best group of fighters, beside the Champion. Often the first to fight when the packs collide.
Hunter- The packs main food gatherers. They go into the forest and hunt, bringing it back to the pack. They also serve as scouts, reporting an sign of activity from wolves out of the pack.
Foragers- They find herbs and bring them back to the pack for the healers to use.
Healers- They use herbs and such to help wounds in the healing process. They can also make "supplements" for wolves who are sick.
Guardian- The pack guards. They go out on patrols and watch the territory lines. They also serve as body guards for the higher ranks when they are wounded(Elders, Alphas, Beta).
Pup sitters- The pack's Sitters. They guard and tend to the pups.
Pup- Not really a rank but more of a place in the pack for the pups.
Omegas- The lowest men on the totem pole. They eat last and they have no rights. Often a rank for lone-wolves that are taken in or a punishment rank.

What I want to know about your wolf

Which pack?
Appearance?(an icon is required but in the description box you can put a picture or a description, either is fine. needs to have an icon regardless of which you choose, I won't even look if it doesn't.)
Mate?(yes/no, if yes who?)
History?(either how they came to be in the pack or their history of being in the pack.)
Feelings on the war?(hate the idea or love the idea?)
Rank?(only one of the following for each pack; Alpha Male, Alpha Female, Champion and Beta.)
Pups?(if female; have they had pups, if so, with who?[often the Alpha Male is the father, regardless of the fact he does or doesn't have a mate though I will make a few exceptions])
Parents?(are they in the pack? dead or alive? who?)

Red Claw Wolves
Only one of the following:
Alpha Male- Taken by A.C., Midnight
Alpha Female- Taken by KapugenWolf(me), Silver Eclipse
Beta- Taken by Exotic Tangelo, Tundra
Champion- Taken by Emily3456, October Moon
No limit on the following:
TraitorsHand, Gray Mane
Pup Sitters-
Omegas(may or may not change throughout the role play)-

Dark Fang Wolves
Only one of the following:
Alpha Male-Taken by Adig01, Xeo Dark
Alpha Female- Taken by RedWren223, Timber
Champion- Taken by TemplarWarden, Winter Dawn
No limit on the following:
Lady_Vengeance, Aurora Cresent
Pup Sitters-
Omegas(may or may not change throughout the role play)-

If enough people request it in the OOC I will allow were-wolves. It doesn't need to happen but if people want it to then it can.
Also, please, use a drawing instead of a picture of a real wolf. Make an icon and if you want you can describe the wolf in words or use a full picture in the description box.

Toggle Rules

-Up to 3 wolves per person
-No godmodding
-No "automatic hits." Every attack is an attempt, so the defender can choose to dodge, counter it, or take the attack. Please, try to even out the amount of times you dodge, counter and take the attack in a fight.
-No super powers
-Please, use an icon

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

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Starting point: Morning after official war announcement, everyone is waking. These first posts take place in the last few days of winter.


Silver woke suddenly, a sound of growling coming from her. She lifted her head, looking at the rising sun. She shook her head in attempt to get away from the memory of the nightmare. With a sigh, she stood and stretched her long limbs, hearing the occasional pop from the bones beneath her fur. Straightening herself out, she walked out of her den, her shoulders rolling under her fur. When she stepped out into the bright winter sun she closed her eyes, pulling her head back a bit. She opened her eyes to slit, trying to fend off the glare of light from the white snow beneath her feet. With a sigh she continued walking, making sure to make no noise. Once, her claws clicked against the packed snow under her feet. She stopped, her body becoming rigid. She hoped no one could be woken by the sounds that could stir her from slumber.

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Aurora had just woken up from her side of the border. With news of the new war, she riped off an extra piece of meat from her special stash than usual and headed on her way out. She needed all of the energy she needed. Trotting through the forest, she looked for a good place to hide to watch on-comers pass by. Looking around, satisfyed, she spotted a bulky tree that fit her needs perfectly - tall, dark, with lots of leaves and braches for her to hide behind. It should only be expected that she needed a lot of cover because of her snow white furr. "You can do this, Aura." A deep breath was taken into her lungs and she jumped. Her body soared high in the air, her vocal point and focus on a tree branch sturdy enough for her weight. With the grace of a swan, Miss. Cresent landed swiftly on the branch of her choice. A wolfish grin appeared on her face.

"That was easy." The sun was just starting to rise, the rays warming her face and limbs as she jumped from one branch to the next until she got to her perfect spot. She thought of the Alphas of her pack, the Dark Fangs. She could imagine the male waking up with a sly grin on his face. Oh, how she wished to see him again.

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Winter Dawn awoke to his name sake, low in the sky a glowing orb rose. Light filling the grey, dull air. Early winter frost dripped from tree branches, a taster of the white season yet to come. Dawn lifted his head, drawing in a long breath. The crisp, evergreen flavoured wind filled his nostrils and rustled his fur. He rose to his feet, stretching his paws far before him, bowing his head and staining his spine. His jaws opened wide in a silent waking yawn and his yellowed canines bared. His jaw snapped shut and he relaxed into a less strenuous position. He looked around, his amber eyes surveying the rest of his sleeping pack. Today was their first day at war, yet so many of them seemed to sleep so comfortably. He had not suffered such peace. His night was plagued of thoughts of meaningless battle and spilt blood before sleep overcame him. He was the champion of the Dark Fangs, yet he abhorred meaningless war fueled by greed for territory. Which was all that was known to him; a border dispute escalating into a full blown between them and their neighbors. He would fight, and fight with all the skill he could muster. Yet he would fight for the pack; Protecting his own and not to conquer their foes.

Winter padded away from his sleeping patch. Heading to the split rock; An outcrop composed of twin peaks of weathered stone. It was a little way outside the camp, the preordained place for the hunters to gather. He was one of the earliest risers and the wind whistled around the lonely peaks as he approached. The hunters would be waking soon and join him for the morning hunt, war or not the pack needed to eat.

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#, as written by Adig01
Xeo awoke silently next to Timber, the warm glow of the sun softly bringing him out of his slumber. From his side, he rolled onto his stomach quietly, bringing his paw up to his face and rubbing across his eyes and muzzle, shaking his head afterwards. Xeo looked down at Timber and gently licked behind her ear, before standing and stretching out his body, letting his muscles ease themselves into comfort. He let his eyes scan the area after stepping out of his den, looking around at the rest of the sleeping pack. Xeo then looked at the sky, a clear blue sheet of pure ice painted with white swirls and blotches. It must have been late morning, the perfect time to wake the rest of the pack and begin the working day of hunting and patrol.

Walking away slowly, Xeo headed up to the nearby peak, perching himself up it and looking out over the vast land. Any other day, and this would have been such an amazing sight to see, yet today, all Xeo saw was a battlefield, one that would cause much bloodshed. Suddenly standing tall, Xeo lifted his head high and howled incredibly loud, a stern look fixed upon his face as he awoke his pack, letting them all know their jobs were important with one simple form of communication. He let the howl continue for a few more seconds, before stopping, and hearing the echo of his powerful signal. Before too long, Xeo heard returning howls from many places and knew the day had truely begun for the Dark Fangs. Taking one last look over the land, he turned slowly and made his way back.

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Traxan awoke to cold water droplets, dripping on to his muzzle from the cave ceiling. He didn't get much sleep last night, only about three hours, as he was up late tending to a young pup who had a large gash on his stomach from falling off of a tall tree and landing on a sharp rock. They got the wound cleaned, and it had started to close up, but the pup would need to stay for a couple days for it to fully heal. He got up, stretched, and walked over to the infermary, where the pup was laying on a soft bed of caribou fur. The pup lifted his head up just enough to see Traxan, and whined. "It hurts.." he moaned. Traxan chuckled. "You'll be fine. I've seen much worse little guy. Just chew on these, they'll numb the pain a bit, but do not swallow them, alright?" Traxan said, as he pointed to small pile of medicinal herbs. The pup nodded and put his head down. He walked out of the cave, deciding to take a quick stroll through the forest. He walked slowly, taking in the Pine scented winter air. "This is about as calm as it's going to get today." he thought. He had heard of the official announcement of war last night from one of the elder healers, as Traxan wasn't there for the announcement.

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As usual, Fang was awake early wandering here and there. Of course he stayed near the den, sensing that the adults seemed... more tense nowadays. The young pup tilted his head from side to side, watching as a bird sat on a tree branch. "Hey hey, come down here and play with me." the pup barked jumping up and down. Though on his fifth jump, he lost his balance, making him tumble backwards. Fang sneezed in surprise before getting back. "Didnt see that one coming." he whined before shaking his fur. His ears perked as the other wolves started to wake up, doing their usual things. When he heard the familiar howl, the pup tried his best to imitate it. Although it was rather very short, and high pitched, the pup felt proud of himself.

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Character Portrait: Gray Mane
0 sightings Gray Mane played by TraitorsHand
Elder of the Red Claw

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Timber
Character Portrait: Tundra
Character Portrait: October Moon
Character Portrait: Xeo Dark


Character Portrait: Xeo Dark
Xeo Dark

Alpha Male of the Dark Fang.

Character Portrait: October Moon
October Moon

The Red Claw Champion

Character Portrait: Timber

Dont mess with my family!


Character Portrait: Xeo Dark
Xeo Dark

Alpha Male of the Dark Fang.

Character Portrait: October Moon
October Moon

The Red Claw Champion

Character Portrait: Timber

Dont mess with my family!

Most Followed

Character Portrait: October Moon
October Moon

The Red Claw Champion

Character Portrait: Timber

Dont mess with my family!

Character Portrait: Xeo Dark
Xeo Dark

Alpha Male of the Dark Fang.

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