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Conward Academy

Conward Academy


Teens with power, they can not control.. come here to Conward Academy...

719 readers have visited Conward Academy since Xx_amke_xX created it.


Welcome to Conward Academy, We Awelcome you to join us.


Conward Academy is a place where teens go, to learn how to control their powers. It is also a place to make friends, find romance, and a make a new emeny? Come and join us at Conward Academy.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


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The halls of Conward Academy were empty at this time of day, when the sun is setting and the sky is set ablaze with color. Yes, the academy was still as a church mouse, except for one hall in the dormitories. In this hall there was a boy, a young man in fact, walking to his new room in this unfamiliar setting of Conward's campus. He had yet to see another student in the sprawling compound that made up the school. There weren't any faculty member present either. Although he was informed that the faculty would formally arrive one day after the students in his invitational letter, he was sure that there would be at least one administrator to make sure the students didn't wreck the place. He had grown tired of scouring the school for it's occupants and decided to finally get settled into his new living arrangements. The young-adult trudged up three flights of stairs to his room. On the door was a brass plaque engraved with a few short lines of text, #3-01 Valentine, Emmerich Logan. Emmerich's eyebrow raised, "Well, that's different." At his old school there was a slot beside the door for the occupants to put cheap plastic signs denoting their names. An Engraved plaque seemed like a waste of money, even at a boarding school. Emmerich unlocked the door with his key, which he obtained with his invitation, and another thought voiced itself, "A single occupancy? Nice." Apparently the room was all his, judging from there only being one bed in the room. The room itself was rather spacious, but spartan in decoration. The walls were a soothing shade of light-blue which complemented the off white trim around the two windows in the room as well as the white ceiling and tan carpet. A full-size bed was in the far left corner, in relation to the door, and was covered in navy blue sheets. At the foot of the bed was a wooden trunk and near the head of the bed was a small end-table, both made from dark colored wood. Taking up the space beween the two windows was a medium sized dresser, also made of dark wood. On the right wall, which was closest to the door, was a desk that matched the rest of the wooden furniture in the room. It was quite large, full of drawers and the top had rows of racks to hold all sorts of scholastic supplies and to top it off there was a rather cushy, black leather computer chair tucked underneath. On the same wall as the door and to the left of said entrance was a flat screen television, which covered the the rest of the wall space, which resulted in the television being a appreciable 30" display, beneath which was a low table made from black plastic and metal. Emmerich closed the door behind him, revealing the full length mirror attached to the door, and began to unpack. He started with his suitcase that held his clothes, he put his everyday attire into the dresser and stowed the nicer articles in the trunk under the spare bedding. He then moved on to the bag filled with items regarding personal hygiene, placing it on top of his dresser. He leaned his guitar case against the wall beside his desk and placed his laptop bag on top of the aforementioned furnishing. He sat down on his bed and began unpacking his backpack which contained a few personal items. He set a framed picture of his parents on his bed-side table, a Playstation 3 found it's home on top of the table beneath the T.V. along with a few games and controllers, a tall stack books was placed on top of his dresser, and another picture of his friend and himself was set reverently next to the one of his parents. With a sigh Emmerich took in his new room. After a moment he grinned in silent approval to himself. He lazily picked himself up off his bed and exited his room, deciding to look around the dorms and try and find other students. After an hour of fruitless searching he looked out the window and saw that night had fallen. With a sigh of irritation he ventured into the common room of the dorms. A combination library, lounge, game room, kitchen and dining room, the room was all comfy couches, lounge chairs, dark tables, and bookcases to the ceiling. Off to the side was a modest open kitchen, which sported hard-wood floors unlike the dark carpeting in the rest of the room. the centerpiece of the room was the enormous fireplace, which upon further inspection was a gas-burning model, framed by an ebony mantle, above which was a massive 60" flat-screen television. Feeling drained from all the searching and the labor of hauling his stuff around campus, Emmerich lit the fireplace with a flick of a switch and plopped himself down on the cushy leather sofa in front of it. He lowered and unzipped his hoodie, the garment no longer required for warmth or comfort, and sunk into the couch. He starred at the flames and began to think to himself. 'An invitation only boarding school with no students or faculty. If the school didn't mention it's purpose I might have thought this was some sick joke. Conward Academy, a school for those with superhuman abilities with the purpose of helping it's students control these abilities. A place where those who are tormented for having powers can find friends and comfort. To Emmerich, this place seemed to good to be true. He sighed and shifted his position so to lay on his back, arms behind his head, "Maybe I'm just being paranoid. There has to be other students right?" Emmerich went silent, hoping to soon hear the sounds of others like him filling the surrounding halls.


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Rabbit sighed as she walked into the school. She looked around, spotting no one. Well of course no one would be near one of the side entrances. She pulled her five suitcases, all of them attached to each other like a train. She looked back to make sure they were all still there before walking down the halls towards her room. She brushed her hand through her hair, feeling the headband. She sighed again, making her way up a hall until she saw a room with a shiny purple plaque on the front. She smiled. "I didn't know they customized it to favorite colors." She looked around the hall again and spotted no one. She didn't even hear the sound of a foot hitting the tile floors. She then pulled her keys from the top of one of her suitcases, thumbing through the few keys on the ring. She finally picked out her dorm key and put it into the lock, clicking it open. She opened the door and gasped, seeing heaven before her. There was a purple and black king sized bed that looked especially fluffy, a large black wood bookcase that covered the wall filled with books of all kinds, a black wood desk that had more drawers than she needed, and a painted purple wardrobe that looked like it could fit Narnia in it. She then looked to the other side of the room and smiled brightly. A purple lounge chair sat in the corner in front of a small flat screen tv, along with a smaller bookcase with a glass screen. Perfect for her anime action figures. There was another one against the wall only in a larger size probably for when she could bring in her whole collection. She saw a door right by the large glass case and placed her suitcases by the bed. She walked over and opened the door, resisting the temptation to jump up and down laughing. In front of her was a large bathroom with a purple and black theme like her room. She laughed lightly, happy to have such a dorm. She opened her first suitcase, pulling all of the clothes out and putting them in the wardrobe. She did the same with the second and third. She then opened the fourth suitcase and walked over to the small glass case, placing the figures in it. She then left the fifth book case on the bed and walked out of the room. "That one will be for after I find a living thing in this school." She then ran down the hall, her dress shoes making a slight clacking sound, heading towards the common room. If anyone is here, that's probably where they'll be. As she got closer, she saw a figure there. She was about to wave and shout to him, but she suddenly yelped as she tripped on the edge of the carpet that held the couch he was sitting on. "Oof!" She grumbled as she lay sprawled on the ground.


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Delilah wasn't sure what was going to happen to her, and then realized that she didn't care. Not one bit, not in the slightest. There was no point in caring, she was already here, wasn't she? There wasn't going to be someone to take her and kidnap her here. At least in something that seemed like a prison, life would be safer. Nobody could possibly get in and out without going through security first. That reassured her, as she stretched and leisurely prowled around her new dorm room like a cat. Stretching out on her bed, she lay her arms flat down and made little angel figures on her blanket. It looked demented to her, but there were no words that could describe her joy. Suddenly, after a few years of not having anything to do with the world, she was suddenly thrown back into society, and she enjoyed it. The people were here and there were many new things that she could explore. The main motivation of this place had yet to be discovered, but she was willing to do some dirty work, if needed that is. Delilah smiled and she looked around once again, content. She unpacked the few belongings that she actually had and waltzed out the door. Shutting it securely behind her, she wanted to know if there was anybody else there. What's that matter with this place? she asked herself silently, unsure why it was so quiet. There weren't many instances when she felt such a quietness about a place. It was almost eerie, no bussling people like she was used to. Nothing. Not even a sound, quiet, like a church. Quiet, like the silence here was so holy that nothing, not even her could disturb it.

Not the wind, or even the bells, ringing their resolent melody, could break the era of silence that seemed to just descend down on Delilah.


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Emmerich was ripped from his state of half-consciousness by a thump and a quiet mumbling from behind him. Lifting himself into a sitting position he looked for the source of the disturbance. There, on the wine-red plush carpet was a girl, no older than ten if he had to guess, garbed in a purple dress and rubbing her head. Allowing himself a small grin at her slight misfortune, Emmerich picked himself up off the couch and silently moved in front of the girl. He bent over slightly and offered her his hand, grabbing her attention, "You alright there? Looks like you had a bit of a spill."


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It wasn't strange to be feeling insecure about herself in a new place, at a new time, but the true peculiar thing is that nobody knows where she is right now. Delilah didn't feel like wondering, it had been too long since she had actually realized that she was safe in a place. Someplace like a home, a home where she could lie down without fear and feeling a warm rush of happiness come towards her, and engulf her, in it's warm embrace. The stars were twinkling down at her, although she didn't notice them at the time. As she continued her walk outside she thought about all the misfortunes that could have happened but didn't. She wasn't always one for second-guessing but this time, when she had the idle moments, the life that she had lived threatened to come back and crash back down onto her. Like a sagging roof top on the house, eaten away by the mold and playing host to many critters that possibly had no names. Life wasn't fun, but death was no escape either to her. Delilah sat down on the grass, feeling the beginnings of dew starting to creep from the inner workings of the plants. Bells were tolling but she ignored them, choosing instead, to examine her surroundings once more. It had become a habit now, finding escape plans and routes, finding places and ways out. Loopholes, that was what she was good at and she knew it very well. It would be okay. That's what she told herself when she had trouble falling asleep at night, it's what she told herself when she was too worried to do anything else and didn't want her thoughts straying on the days when all she wished for was a new doll. Now what she wishes for on stars, has nothing to do with her comfort anymore. It's to do with her survival and she didn't like it once bit. Delilah was a bit of a cynic and she hoped that wouldn't be her undoing. There were no more bright sides.
No more ways to see into the light anymore for her. She had been in the dark for too long and had failed to see the one thing that she knew was lurking in the shadows, Hope.

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London by Xx_amke_xX


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Character Portrait: Willow Hart
0 sightings Willow Hart played by xXxCryptic-AngelxXx
"Magic is Everywhere, but only when you believe in it."

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Rachael Ryans
Character Portrait: Delilah Verana
Character Portrait: Emmerich Logan Valentine


Character Portrait: Emmerich Logan Valentine
Emmerich Logan Valentine

I'll protect everyone I hold dear... with my own two hands!

Character Portrait: Delilah Verana
Delilah Verana

"And this involves me WHY?"

Character Portrait: Rachael Ryans
Rachael Ryans

"If love isn't a game, then why are there players?"


Character Portrait: Emmerich Logan Valentine
Emmerich Logan Valentine

I'll protect everyone I hold dear... with my own two hands!

Character Portrait: Delilah Verana
Delilah Verana

"And this involves me WHY?"

Character Portrait: Rachael Ryans
Rachael Ryans

"If love isn't a game, then why are there players?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Emmerich Logan Valentine
Emmerich Logan Valentine

I'll protect everyone I hold dear... with my own two hands!

Character Portrait: Rachael Ryans
Rachael Ryans

"If love isn't a game, then why are there players?"

Character Portrait: Delilah Verana
Delilah Verana

"And this involves me WHY?"

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Re: [OOC] Conward Academy

I haven't seen any new posts in the RP lately, I think I was the last one, right after TheStrange, heya I'm new here BTW I've been on but not too much so anyways, what's up?
Can't wait to see what else you start posting! Please do :P It's getting a little boring checking back every once and a while to see that there are pretty much no posts! Thanks anyways :P Can't wait to actually start!

if there's anything that you think is super beneficiary to me before we actually "start" please let me know, either through PM or this thread! Thanks :)

Re: [OOC] Conward Academy

The creator of this RP seems to be busy, but I suppose since she didn't oppose the posts last time she was on it's okay for us to keep on posting.

Re: [OOC] Conward Academy

That decides it. Before we die, let's run and go to another land. I have an idea in mind.

Re: [OOC] Conward Academy

Aixulram, If you're dead then I'm going to be negated from existence.

Re: [OOC] Conward Academy

Damn it! You mean I wasn't supposed to post. I'm dead. Soooooo dead. DX<

Re: [OOC] Conward Academy

Crap, probably should have read this first. Sorry everyone. I kinda jumped the gun when it came to posting. I can delete it if it needs to be deleted. Again, I apologize for getting ahead of myself.

Re: [OOC] Conward Academy

Thanks everyone for submitting your characters ! I will check them over alright (: Im waiting on a few more people to join so... this roleplay will be starting soon XD Thanks !


& @Michaelis_xXx_Elly i'll heart you all i want <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 HEEHEE xD And yes you will submit a character or ill go to your house and poke you >:D I know where you live missy !!

Re: [OOC] Conward Academy

Hello all! You don't know me yet, but I have submitted my character for this RP. I hope you approve Amke. I do look forward to see how you power will cause mischief among the players. See you in the forums!

Re: [OOC] Conward Academy

Sorry! I'm here. /fails. I'll submit a guy soon.

Re: [OOC] Conward Academy

I'll put a character up soon.
Looks like you're in need of males...xDD

Re: [OOC] Conward Academy

Pfft~ Dont heart meh Dx lolz they burn me and meh evil soul ;3 CX and yea yea I guess i will join >:3

Re: [OOC] Conward Academy

Haha >:D I know & yes i do know what OOC means, & i did, & You can join if you wanna? You should <3

Re: [OOC] Conward Academy

xDD good JOB sebby! xD i sumhow new this was your and Im glad you still remeber what OOC means lmfao, and if you want me to join then ok *shrugs* my other ones Im in are going kinda slow so wure :DDD lolz

OHH! xD and you WOULD steal me saying D:< pfft

Re: [OOC] Conward Academy

There is a character form you need to fill out but there are no rules except, no ooc in the roleplay.

Re: [OOC] Conward Academy

Prols jumping the gun a little, but is there a character sheet/rules to follow?

[OOC] Conward Academy

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Conward Academy"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.