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Darkest Before The Dawn

Darkest Before The Dawn


[ 1 x 1 ] Vampire RP [ Private between Divinedarkness and I ]

5,523 readers have visited Darkest Before The Dawn since desire99600 created it.




"A kiss is a lovely trick."
- Ingrid Bergman

The world is a very different place than what it used to be. Humans are enslaved, and live in constant fear, under the rule of the vampires, and things are dark and seemingly hopeless. Either you keep your head down and abide by the laws of the Royals, or you get sent to to the Blood Houses and are placed on the menu for the vampires. However, as in all darkness, there seems to be a small thread of hope. A group of underground hunters, working to bring the world back in control of the humans. They're small, and mostly just a rumor, but a threat to the vampires, something the all-powerful creatures do not take well to. Is it possible that these hunters could take back the world, or will they be destroyed by the vampires?

Desire99600 & Divinedarkness

This is a 1x1 between Divinedarkness and myself. This means that you may not join. You're still free to browse, and, if you like what you see, shoot a PM, we'd both be happy to do a 1x1 or possibly even co-own a RP with you, so don't be shy.

Creative Credit
All from the genious minds of Divine & myself(:

Shake it Out - Florence + The Machine
Deftones - Change


Vampires have lived among us for centuries, forced into hiding thousands of years ago by legends, hunting, and burning of their kind by humans. They've been driven to the brink of extinction, and slowly, the people seemed to forget about them as vampire stories became nothing more than old legends and an interesting topic for movies and novels.

Until about ten years ago, that is. The first sign that vampires were still out there, were a serious of mysterious killings, in which the body always went missing as the vampires created fledgling after fledgling, slipping around in the shadows, bringing back their numbers.

Then, suddenly, they struck, bringing themselves out of the dark as, all across the world, human leaders were struck down and replaced with vampires. Older vampire families took leadership as Royals, and forced new laws on humans. Humans were to continue their lives in this dark new world, as though their neighbors weren't being slaughtered around them. They were to not ask questions, and they were to not argue with anything a vampire said.

If you did that, you had a chance at survival. If not, you were sent to the Blood Houses, or the prisons, as humans used to call them. There, you are kept on file in a cell, like an item in a refrigerator until one of the vampires get hungry and wants an easy kill.

The vampires control everything. The media is monitored, as is internet content, and phone conversation. If you are even suspected of crime against the vampires, you are either murdered publicly and made an example of, or you're sent to the Blood Houses. There are no exceptions.

People live in constant fear, and are forced to turn the blind eye everytime there is another killing. The vampires have made sure important jobs are still being carried out, like providing food for the humans to keep their food-supply alive, and keeping electricity running, but these people are slaves to the vampires, and do not get payed anything, and if you are not part of the workforce, you live in the shadows, trying to keep your head down and not get killed in this post-apocalyptic world.

It's a bleak existence, but there is hope. Small, little bits of hope, but hope nonetheless. Word had it, that there is an organization of hunters that work in secret to destroy the vampires and take back the world. They work slowly, trying to keep themselves from being discovered, and many don't even believe they exist, but they have a huge following in the human world, and there is even a newspaper company that runs a second, illegal paper that they sell containing information on them.

If they can stay hidden, these hunters have a chance at killing off the vampires, but the vampires are advanced, and are on to them, and they aren't very keen on threats, so they're searching for them, looking to destroy them before they can manage to do any real damage.


The city belongs to the Royals, a family of ancient vampires known for having gifts that are uncommon even to vampires. This family is lead by the King, a ruthless man. However, the King has fallen ill. Only, vampires don't get sick. He's been poisoned by the Hunters, a group of humans working secretly to bring down the vampire reign and take the world back.

One of the leaders of this organization is a man who's sister has been taken by the vampires to the Blood Houses, and, for all he knows, she is dead, and her death is what fuels him to kill every and any vampire that comes into his path.

But what happens when he crosses paths with the Princess, and it turns out that, maybe he doesn't hate vampires as much as he thought he did. Maybe he's falling in love with one? And what about when he finds out that his sister is still alive, and is a personal slave for the Royals, held captive by them.

What if the Prince, next in line to be ruler, finds that humans aren't really the useless vermin he's believed his entire life. What if he's taking an interest one of his servants, who just happens to be the Hunter's sister? Could it be more than just lust for her and her blood?

Will the twisted circle of lust, blood, and love bring everything crashing down around them for both the vampires and the hunters?


Effie Von Draken
Sister to Evander | Vampire Princess | Falls for Griffin | FC: Deborah Ann Woll
TAKEN by Divinedarkness

Penelope Frost
Sister of Griffin | Personal servant for the Royals | Human | Falls for Evander | FC: Charlotte Free
TAKEN by Desire99600

Evander Von Drakon
Brother of Effie | Prince of the Vampires | Falls for Pippa | FC: Orlando Bloom
TAKEN by Divinedarkness

Griffin Frost
Brother of Pippa | Vampire Hunter | Falls for Effie | FC: Milo Ventimiglia
TAKEN by Desire99600


Ezra Mactire
Protects Effie | Shape Shifer | Loves Effie | FC: Derek Hale

Trevor Grath
Servant for Royals | Pippa's hunting partner | Loves Pip | FC: Isaac Lahey


Code: Select all
[center][img]Character's name,[/img][/center]
[center][size=300][font=occidental][color=#color of choice]❝The Basics❞[/color][/font][/size][/center]
[hr][/hr][size=90][font=century gothic][color=#color of choice][b]| Full Name |[/b][/color]
[ First, Middle, Last ]

[color=#color of choice][b]| Nickname |[/b][/color]
[ Tell us how they got that nickname, or why they preferred to be called this. ]

[color=#color of choice][b]| Age |[/b][/color]
[ What is your character's age? ]

[color=#color of choice][b]| Gender |[/b][/color]
[ M or F ]

[color=#color of choice][b]| Role |[/b][/color]
[ Girl 1, Boy 2, ect. ][/font][/size]
[center][size=300][font=occidental][color=#color of choice]❝The Disguise❞[/color][/font][/size][/center]
[hr][/hr][size=90][font=century gothic][color=#color of choice][b]| Eye color |[/b][/color]
[ Your character's eye color ]

[color=#color of choice][b]| Hair Color |[/b][/color]
[ Hair color. ]

[color=#color of choice][b]| Skin Tone |[/b][/color]
[ Skin tone ]

[color=#color of choice][b]| Height & Weight |[/b][/color]
[ Character's body type ]

[color=#color of choice][b]| Distinct Markings |[/b][/color]
[ Tattoos, piercings, scars, ect. ][/font][/size]
[center][size=300][font=occidental][color=#color of choice][color=#color of choice]❝Getting to know me❞[/color][/font][/size][/center]
[hr][/hr][size=90][font=century gothic][color=#color of choice][b]| Likes |[/b][/color]
[ Things your character like @ least 5 ]

[color=#color of choice][b]| Dislikes |[/b][/color]
[ Things your character dislikes @ least 5 ]

[color=#color of choice][b]| Fears |[/b][/color]
[ Things your character fears @ least 3 ][/font][/size]
[center][size=300][font=occidental][color=#color of choice]❝Delve a little deeper❞[/color][/font][/size][/center]
[hr][/hr][size=90][font=century gothic][color=#color of choice][b]| Personality |[/b][/color]
[ Here I want to see a deep understanding of your character. I want to feel like I know your character and you can easily take their role. It's important to know your character so that they're not always doing things out of personality. Make them imperfect. No one can do everything. ][/font][/size]
[center][size=300][font=occidental][color=#color of choice]❝Welcome to my life❞[/color][/font][/size][/center]
[hr][/hr][size=90][font=century gothic][color=#color of choice][b]| History |[/b][/color]
[ This really doesn't have to be that long ][/font][/size]
[center][size=300][font=occidental][color=#color of choice]❝Themesong❞[/color][/font][/size][/center]
[hr][/hr][center][img]Picture or gif[/img][/center]

[center][size=400][font=Edwardian Script ITC][url=link]Song[/url][/font][/size]
[font=century gothic][size=90]- By Artist
[size=90]For Love:[/size]
[center][size=400][font=Edwardian Script ITC][url=link]Song[/url][/font][/size]
[size=90]- By Artist

Toggle Rules


Seeing as Divine and I are the only two members, and I trust her as she does me, there is no need for rules, so there will not be any(:


The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Effie Von Drakon Character Portrait: Penelope Frost Character Portrait: Evander Von Drakon Character Portrait: Griffin Frost
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Effie watched as Alden pushed him inside the room and she closed her eyes, trying to stay strong already knowing what was coming there was no way in hell Griffin would choose her over his hunters, they were hi life and it was stupid if he did they both knew that, it was practically suicide.

Alden continued to taunt him as he crossed the room and stood next to her, pulling out his knife and pressing it against her chest, she winced as he pressed in deeper into her skin, she hated that he was taking his time, why couldn’t he just get it over with. Then she heard the knife fall to the floor confusing her and she forced her eyes opened to see him glaring at Alden.

"Congratulations, brother. I can't do it. I love her." he said and if she had a heart it would have stopped, he’d just sold them out, what the hell was he thinking. "Everyone get the fuck out of here." she wanted to yell at him for being so stupid. "Give me the keys." he said once he was alone with Alden.

The room fell silent, but Alden finally handed over the keys and Effie waited for him to unlock the chains and untangle them before she stood up. Looking at him and shaking her head, she couldn’t believe what he’d just done. She held his eyes fighting back the tears they were alone now, but she was terrified Alden would come back and finish what Griffin couldn’t.

“You’re so stupid.” She whispered “What the hell were you thinking.” She said closing the space between them grabbing a fistful of his shirt pulling him close and closing what space was left pressing her lips against his, moan softly against his lips.


"It's scary for me to say... But I love you too." She said and he was surprised at her answer but he didn’t interrupt. "That's all I can think to explain it. And I know there's no future for us. We'll have to break it off eventually, because I can't kill you either, as much as I swear I can.” she said turning his head to face her. “But let's not think about the future until it happens." Her voice was something as she pressed her lips against his.

He kissed her back deeply, letting her know that his I love you had been honest. He placed his hand on the back of her neck holding her in the kiss, like she’d disappear at any given moment. He maneuvered her gently so she was on her back and he climber over her letting his lips trail along her jawline slowly.

He paused at her ear. “I’ll change things” he whispered “For us.” He said before he continued kissing down her neck.

He wasn’t sure how he’d do it, but he had to try. His father wasn’t in charge now, he was. He’d just have to find a way to make everyone believe a human and a vampire could be together, there was nothing wrong with it.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Effie Von Drakon Character Portrait: Penelope Frost Character Portrait: Evander Von Drakon Character Portrait: Griffin Frost
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Pippa smiled against his lips when he didn't argue, just kissed her back deeply, placing a hand on the back of her neck to hold her there like usual. It made her heart beat wildly, because he'd never been so gentle with her, and she could feel his love. It was both frightening and exciting at the same time because she'd never loved, and was afraid to, but yet, it felt insanely good.

He moved her gently so she was on her back, and grinned as he climbed over her, placing slow kisses along her jaw that had her tilting her head to the side. "I'll change things." He whispered, stopping at her ear, making her shudder as his cold breath tickled her neck. "For us." She smirked softly and closed her eyes as he continued to kiss down her neck, letting out a low moan as she slipped her hands up under his shirt.

She wasn't sure if he meant he was going to change her, or the ways of his kind so they could be together. Both were equally frightening. One way, he'd have to out their relationship, and it might not even work. The other, she'd have to become one of them. However, she didn't think about it at the moment, because she didn't care. All she cared about was the feel of his icy cold kiss on her neck.



Thankfully, Alden was too stunned to fight him, and handed over the keys easily. Griffin was more than glad, because he wasn't sure he'd be able to choose between his brother and Effie. Could he kill Alden to keep her safe? He sighed, choosing not the think about it. All that mattered was that he'd given him the keys, and, for the moment, Effie was safe.

He went over to the bed and sat next to her, unlocking the chains and pulling them off her in silence as he thought about what he'd just done. His hunters wouldn't trust him anymore. How could they? He was in love with the very Princess of the creatures they'd all trained, risked their lives, and sworn to kill.

Not to mention what had just happened between him and Alden. Could his brother forgive him for turning on him the way he had? He sighed deeply and ran his fingers through his hair as he worked pulling the chains away from her. Was he crazy for giving up his hunters for her? Was it completely stupid? Was it wrong? A mistake? If it was, why couldn't he feel anything but relief that Effie was safe?

Griff watched as Effie stood, eyes on her. “You’re so stupid.” She whispered and he just shrugged. He was just happy he didn't have to kill her. “What the hell were you thinking?” She said and grabbed his shirt, pulling him to his feet as she pressed her lips hard against his and moaned softly. He responded instantly, fisting a hand in her bright red hair to hold her in the kiss as he kissed her back, hard and long.

Finally, be pulled away, breathing heavily, and pressed his forehead against hers. "Maybe it was stupid, I don't know." He whispered, closing his eyes a second before opening them again and holding hers. "But all I was thinking was that I love you. And I didn't want to kill you."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Effie Von Drakon Character Portrait: Penelope Frost Character Portrait: Evander Von Drakon Character Portrait: Griffin Frost
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Finally he pulled away and even as pale as she was she still looked flushed and he breathing was heavy. He rested his forehead against hers and held her blue eyes with his dark ones. She wasn’t sure what they’d do. If his hunters told on them to others, they’d come after her and if they went to her brother, he’d go after Griff.

"Maybe it was stupid, I don't know." he whispered and she kept her eyes on his. "But all I was thinking was that I love you. And I didn't want to kill you." she let out a shuddering breath, hearing him say it felt wrong, but it also felt amazing.

She nodded “It was really fucking stupid.” She smirked “I love you too.” She finally said back. She wasn’t sure she’d ever said that to anyone, not even her last two boyfriends who she thought she’d loved, he was the first person she’d ever said that too. “We can’t leave.” She said glancing to the window. “The suns coming up in a few minutes, were stuck here, until tonight.” She sighed knowing that the hunters weren’t exactly going to be okay with having the princess of the vampires in their hide out.

She pressed her lips to his again, before finally taking a step back and sitting down on the bed. She felt light headed and she was exhausted but there was no way she’d be able to sleep in a place full of hunters whether or not Fin was protecting her.

She was still slightly stunned at the fact that he’d come out and said it so easily. In a matter of seconds he’d practically given up everything for her. It only made since though. It wasn’t like they’d fallen for each other overnight, he’d been chasing her for years now and she’d always felt that way about him, she’d just learned to ignore it, until he’d kissed her.

“What do we do now?” she whispered glancing up at him.


She responded with a soft moan and he smirked at the as he continued along her neck lifting her up gently and pulling off her shirt. Letting his hands roam freely over her body as well as his lips. He slipped off her bra, before slipping off his own shirt. He rubbed the inside of her thigh with his free hand. He brought his lips back to her, slipping his tongue past her lips as he slipped off her panties.

By the time he rolled off of her it was light out and he could only tell because pat of his blinds were left open just a sliver. He laid next to her pulling the blanket’s over bother of them and wrapping an arm around her pulling her close.

“We should sleep.” He whispered against her skin as he kissed her shoulder “You haven’t really sleep in quite a while. Have you?” he said kissing the back of her neck gently. “No one will bother you.” He said quietly closing his eyes.

He hadn’t really slept since he’d started seeing her, either because he was with her or he was thinking about her and it felt good to actually hold her, he just hopped no one would walk in on them. But, he had a bad feeling Trevor wanted to catch them together, but he pushed the thought from his mind.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Effie Von Drakon Character Portrait: Penelope Frost Character Portrait: Evander Von Drakon Character Portrait: Griffin Frost
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Evan had been gentler with her than usual, more loving, but when he finally rolled off her, she was still exhausted, and still had to fight to catch her breath. She glanced at the window, seeing a single shaft of light make it through, meaning it was daylight. They'd gone all night.

Pip smiled softly when he pulled the blankets over them and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close. "We should sleep." He whispered softly as he kissed her shoulder and she moaned lazily. "You haven't really slept in quite a while. Have you?" He asked, lips moving from her shoulder to the back of her neck. "No one will bother you."

Pippa smirked. "I haven't slept lately because I've been too busy being in bed with you." She teased softly as she settled her body against his and closed her eyes, breathing softly. Something in the back of her mind was vaguely aware that someone might catch him, and she was a little afraid of falling asleep with him, because he was the King, and someone was bound to need him eventually, but she pushed the thoughts away because his arms holding her and his lips kissing her softly felt too good for her to care.



“It was really fucking stupid.” Effie smirked and he shrugged. “I love you too.” She said back, and suddenly, it felt way worth giving up his hunters, just to hear her say that back, and he smiled at her. “We can’t leave. The sun's coming up in a few minutes, we're stuck here, until tonight.” She sighed and he did too because that was a problem. He'd have to spend the whole day with her, not that he minded that, but he would be upset if he had to fight, and possibly kill one of his own guys. Especially Alden.

But his worry was instantly erased when she pressed her lips back against his and he kissed her back, wrapping his arms around her. She took a step back finally and sat on the bed. He sighed and smiled at her, sitting next to her.

“What do we do now?” She asked and he smirked and kissed her again before pulling back.

"You look tired." He whispered, placing a hand on her cheek, rubbing it with his thumb gently. "You can sleep if you want. It's okay. No one will hurt you if I don't want them to." He smiled softly at her.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Effie Von Drakon Character Portrait: Penelope Frost Character Portrait: Evander Von Drakon Character Portrait: Griffin Frost
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"You look tired." he said rubbing her cheek gently "You can sleep if you want. It's okay. No one will hurt you if I don't want them to." she raised a brow.

“Somehow I find that hard to believe.” She said honestly, because Griffin was the leader sure, but they were all trained to kill her kind and it was like first nature to them, especially Alden. It wasn’t something they could just forget. “Besides, I shouldn’t sleep with you in the same room.” She finally admitted.

The real reason she hadn’t actually stayed the night with him yet, was the simple fact that she could hurt him without knowing. She didn’t just control other people nightmares, she controlled hers as well and the emotions she felt in her nightmares could easily be projected around to anyone near her, she was surprised, Ezra was still alive.

“I don’t want to hurt you.” She whispered “You only know a small amount of my powers, not all of it.” She explained. “I should stay awake…” she trailed off able to hear what was going on outside. She let out a deep sigh. “They want to talk to you.” She said glancing from him to the door. “Apparently, I’ve brainwashed you.” She smirked repeating what she was hearing just outside the door. “You should go.” She said kissing him.


Evan fell asleep quickly, he’d never slept so soundly in his entire life. It felt so good holding her next to him, he’d fallen into a deep sleep. Deeper than normal, vampires were naturally light sleepers and on any other night he might have heard the footsteps headed straight for his room.

The door flung open and that was loud enough he’d heard it and in a flash quicker than the three slaves at his door could processes he was up dressed and had one of them pinned to the wall. He bared his teeth, centimeter from his face realizing it was Trevor he had pinned to the wall. He watched as Trevor’s eyes moved from him to Pippa and then back to him with a wicked smirk.

“She’s not dead yet.” He smirked wickedly like he knew what was going on.

“I can have your head for not knocking.” Evan hissed in a low voice trying not to wake Pippa. Trevor smirked dangerously like he was challenging Evan, which was terribly stupid on his part.

“Oh wow Trev, you were right.” One of the other servants chimed in.

Evander moved quickly dropping the Trevor and moving to the other servant, prepared to make an example out of him as he ripped into his neck and drank from him. Evan hadn’t eaten in what seemed like forever, he’d been trying to control his hunger, doing everything Effie had taught him, but as he tasted the servant, he couldn’t hold back and it was quite terrifying to see how brutal the prince actually was, most people never saw how violent he actually was.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Effie Von Drakon Character Portrait: Penelope Frost Character Portrait: Evander Von Drakon Character Portrait: Griffin Frost
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Pip was exhausted, and fell asleep instantly in his arms. She was a Hunter, so she very rarely fully slept. She usually drifted half between sleep and consciousness. But in his arms, she found it easy to sleep into a deeper sleep than usual, so she didn't wake right away when the door flung open like she normally would have.

She did wake when there was screaming though, and sat up in the bed, holding the sheets against her to see that the screaming was coming from a servant Evan was brutally draining, and that there were two other servants in the room. One of them being Trevor. She moved quickly, grabbing Evan's shirt and slipping it back on, as well as her panties before jumping out of the bed and grabbing Trevor, pulling him back as he got ready to leap at Evan.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" She shouted at him, glancing at the last servant, who was gawking at her stupidly before back at him.

"I could ask you the same thing." He said, looking over her with a smirk. "But I can already tell. Nice of you to give me so much shit about rolling over and letting the vampires control me, while you're up here fucking one." He spat, and the words were like a physical slap in the face, making her take a step back. He gestured to Evan and the servant he was killing. "You going to let that happen?" He hissed and she stood there for a second, stunned at what he'd said before turning to Evan.

"Evan stop!" She begged, before whirling back to Trevor. "Get the hell out of here." She hissed and he rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Oh no." He said simply, grabbing her wrist harshly and dragging her from the room, down the hall. "We're not done talking."



“Somehow I find that hard to believe." She said and he shrugged. He hadn't meant that they wouldn't try to get past him. What he'd meant was that he could sit out in the living room while she slept and keep watch, making sure no one got into the room. “Besides, I shouldn’t sleep with you in the same room.” She said and he knit his brows, confused.

“I don’t want to hurt you. You only know a small amount of my powers, not all of it.” She explained and he sighed. “I should stay awake…” She trailed off and seemed to be listening to something. He listened, able to hear voices outside the door but not able to catch what they were saying. “They want to talk to you. Apparently, I’ve brainwashed you.” He rolled his eyes and sighed. “You should go.” She said kissing him and he kissed her back before nodding.

"I'll be back in a few." He whispered, slipping out of the room where Alden, their medic, a few older hunters, and a few of the little, curious kids that did things like run messages around, were sitting. Alden looked up at him as he came in and the whole room fell silent instantly.

"Griff." He said with a sigh, running his fingers through his hair. "I know you think you love her, but she's a vampire, and she's a Royal. She could have powers we don't know about, and, who knows, maybe, because she's a royal, it's harder for you to resist her." He sounded, to everyone else, like he was trying to be reasonable and come up with a logical explanation. Give him an out of the hole he was digging himself into.

But Griffin knew him better. He was grasping frantically, desperate, and unwilling to believe that he really did love a vampire though, even he didn't fully believe the things he was saying. "You're wrong Alden." He said simply, sitting down, getting ready for a long lecture, and possibly even a fight.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Effie Von Drakon Character Portrait: Penelope Frost Character Portrait: Evander Von Drakon Character Portrait: Griffin Frost
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Effie watched a he slipped out of the room and she sighed knowing he was probably going to be a while and more than anything she wished it wasn’t the middle of the day, then she could slip out without him knowing. She was scared, if his hunters told it could get both him and her killed and what made it worse was that she’d have to face her brother.

She waited for a while, not mean it to but able to hear the whole conversation, she could already tell, by the things they were say, they weren’t going to let it go easily and they were going to try and talk Griff out of his feeling, though she wasn’t sure that was possible, considering he’d chosen her over his hunters.

She knew it was a bad idea, but she was tired of staying in the room listening to all the stupid things they were saying about her and where most of them were true, some of them were just ridiculous accusations. She opened the door and the room immediately went silent, she could feel everyone’s on her and if they decided to attack she’d be out numbered.

She glanced to Griffin, before glancing to Alden with a wicked smirk, that put each and every one of the hunters on edge causing her to roll her eyes.

“Look, I’m not going to hurt you.” She sighed “If I really wanted to, it’d be easy.” She shrugged “But I don’t.” she said honestly.


Evan hadn’t feed in a few days and he hadn’t actually realized how hungry he’d been until he’d gotten ahold of the servant. He wasn’t himself then, he was something else completely, he was the exact monster that the humans feared and hunted and as desperately as he wanted to stop himself he just couldn’t.

He knew that the noise would probably wake Pippa and that she’d either hate him or be scared of him for that he was doing, but it wasn’t his fault. Being with her for the past few days, he’d been ignoring his lust for blood trying to control it around her and he was instantly glad that it wasn’t her he was brutally murdering.

"Evan stop!" he heard her voice and it had instantly snapped him out of his feeding. He dropped the body and it feel lifeless to the ground. He took a few steps back suddenly realizing how badly he’d lost control.

“Shit.” He breath and like always the guards had called for two servants to come clean up his mess like it was no big deal. The servants looked at him terrified, the scene was gruesome, even as dark and twisted as Evan was, the mangled body he’d just finished with seemed to disturb him.

Blood covered his mouth and the front of his chest and when he turned around Pip was gone and so was Trevor. His fists clenched, he was angry at his self and he wasn’t sure whether to chase after Pip or find somewhere to hide.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

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Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


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Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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The Forge

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Penelope Frost
Character Portrait: Effie Von Drakon
Character Portrait: Griffin Frost
Character Portrait: Evander Von Drakon


Character Portrait: Evander Von Drakon
Evander Von Drakon

I May be charming in the public eye, but I'm a monster behind closed doors.

Character Portrait: Griffin Frost
Griffin Frost

"This isn't about just me anymore. This is about not letting my species be stepped on and treated like animals."

Character Portrait: Effie Von Drakon
Effie Von Drakon

"Princess, please...bitch I'm the queen."

Character Portrait: Penelope Frost
Penelope Frost

"I'll stop them all on my own if I have to."


Character Portrait: Effie Von Drakon
Effie Von Drakon

"Princess, please...bitch I'm the queen."

Character Portrait: Griffin Frost
Griffin Frost

"This isn't about just me anymore. This is about not letting my species be stepped on and treated like animals."

Character Portrait: Evander Von Drakon
Evander Von Drakon

I May be charming in the public eye, but I'm a monster behind closed doors.

Character Portrait: Penelope Frost
Penelope Frost

"I'll stop them all on my own if I have to."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Griffin Frost
Griffin Frost

"This isn't about just me anymore. This is about not letting my species be stepped on and treated like animals."

Character Portrait: Effie Von Drakon
Effie Von Drakon

"Princess, please...bitch I'm the queen."

Character Portrait: Evander Von Drakon
Evander Von Drakon

I May be charming in the public eye, but I'm a monster behind closed doors.

Character Portrait: Penelope Frost
Penelope Frost

"I'll stop them all on my own if I have to."

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