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Earth Invasion

Earth Invasion


Unknown beings (aliens) have invaded Earth, destroying almost everything. It is your job as a military soldier to find survivors, raise an army, and find the secret to the mysterious attack on your home planet.

1,881 readers have visited Earth Invasion since Lenny created it.



The year is 2015. Not many advancements have been made since 2011. The military exited Iraq and Afghanistan and started focusing on training their soldiers more diligently in a specific area of expertise. NASA has recently discovered a new planet far, far away and has been receiving sound waves coming from that direction. They have not been able to decode what they were hearing. It was all gibberish to even the most expert scientists. Therefore, the conclusion was reached that it was aliens speaking their own language. The U.S. sent their own sound waves towards the planet, while recruiting more soldiers to the army, in case these were not friendly aliens. After three years, scientists were able to decode the original sound wave, and from that, were able to decode the rest with ease. The aliens were hostile. They were preparing an attack of mass destruction on a nearby planet because they are out of resources. NASA did not reveal this to the public, there was no need to scare the public.

The U.S. started increasing the training their soldiers were receiving. They were unsure if the nearby planet was actually Earth, but they could not take their chances. You are one of these soldiers who has just finished their basic training. The military is conducting a massive meeting with all of the top recruits in one place to discuss strategies. You were invited to take part in this meeting and are hopeful that you will rise in the ranks. Your journey begins here.

I do not want to reveal TOO much, but the roleplay will start with the beginning of the invasion, so there will be action and character development early on. I will be playing as the captain of our squad, but I will definitely not be a main character. I want everyone to be a main character. Everyone will have their own voice in the decisions we make. However, if we get 8 or more people, we will separate into two different squads who will lead two different paths and will hopefully meet up somewhere along the way. With that said, someone from the other squad will also be a captain, so there is a possibility that others can be captains. A captain is a leader character and will act that way. If your character is not the kind to be a leader, please do not ask to be a captain.

This game will have a lot of mechanics found in Video Games, but presented in the way of a book. You will earn experience, level-up, learn new skills, unlock new items, meet new people, and while doing all of that, you slowly figure out what happened and why.

Character Application:

Picture/Description (whichever you prefer):
Background (brief):
Personality (brief):
Primary Equipped Weapon (should change as you level-up):
Current Primary Attachment(s) (should change as you level-up):
Secondary Equipped Weapon (should change as you level-up):
Current Secondary Attachment(s) (should change as you level-up):
Rank (should change as you level-up): 0
Special Skills (should change as you level up, but starts at none):
Party Members:
Sexual Orientation:
Other Important Information:

You can take a look at my character application for an example if you feel lost. I am not expecting a huge character application with your deepest darkest secrets and the character's most inner thoughts. This should be revealed throughout the roleplay and the character application should be a brief application, only taking 5-20 min. depending on what you say. Please do NOT spend too much time on it. You will update your profile as the story progresses.

Your class information can be found in the OOC thread Guns and Attachments.

Toggle Rules

1. Follow all the rules of Roleplay Gateway.
2. No god-moding. It is not welcome at all. You need to be able to take a hit and admit you are wrong sometimes. Nobody likes a know it all perfect soldier.
3. I expect literate writing. I don't need a 3-4 paragraph post each time, but at least 150+ words. If it's under that, you can add more or it isn't important.
4. This is a somewhat-apocalyptic Earth. There is no electricity for you to plug your iPhone in. Cars are rare and so is gas.
5. Most language is fine. You may curse as long as it is not over the top. This is a time of great stress, so I understand if your character needs to let loose.
6. Your character will have a specific class. If you are an Engineer, don't expect to be able to pick up any Assault Rifle and know how to use it.
7. I expect you to speak in third person. I don't really care how you format your post (bolding text, italicizing thoughts, etc), as long as you state in the OOC thread what everything means so people will not be confused.
8. Throughout the roleplay, you will be able to meet new people and add them to your OWN party. You will control what they say and do. You can only have two of these and I will decide if they end up joining you when you ask them. Not every character (NPC) that you meet will be allowed to join.
9. Have fun!

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Earth by Lenny


Joint Military Strategy Meeting (New York)

Joint Military Strategy Meeting (New York) by RolePlayGateway

The higher-ups in the military have brought all the top recruits along with other high-in-power officials to discuss how to deal with the possibility of an invasion.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

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#, as written by Lenny
Thousands of recruits sat in the dome-shaped stadium. The President and the Secretary of Defense stood in front of the podium. Behind them stood a group of bodyguards, each armed with a handgun. The recruits got themselves settled in and the voices died down. The lights dimmed down and a spotlight shined on the President.

"Welcome, brave soldiers," the President spoke into the microphone. "You are all here today because you are the only hope to save humanity. We have trained you for this moment, and from what it seems, the aliens are preparing an attack. We are here to discuss our strategy. Right now, from our telescopes, we see several hundred alien ships headed towards Earth. We have missile sites ready to take out everything we can. What we don't destroy..."

The Secretary of Defense interrupted. "What we don't destroy, you do. You have been trained with the necessary skills do handle this invasion. Our captains have reviewed your profiles and have chosen teams from anywhere of five to ten."

The Secretary of Defense stepped aside and a captain dressed in his army uniform walked onto the stage. He had lots of medals on his uniform; he was an experienced veteran. "Team Shadow Strike," he started. Ten soldiers, all with a fair amount of medals strapped onto their uniform, walked onto the stage. "These are the finest soldiers you have ever seen. They are the most elite squad and what all of you should strive to be like. Now, without further ado, bring up the next captain to announce his team."

And so, the captains called up soldiers, name by name. Until John Hemfer's name was called.

"I have reviewed lots of applications, and I have come to a conclusion of a seven man team, including myself. The team will consist of John Hemfer, Rist Theom, Matthew Baron, Lily Quintin, Robert Rabem, Trey Shawn, and Floyd Banker," John said. The soldiers walked up on stage as their names were called. "You have been chosen for my squad named...well we'll think of something along the way," he said with a chuckle and a smile.

Suddenly, the whole dome shook. Crusts off the ceiling fell to the ground. "What the hell was that?" the President whispered to the Secretary of Defense.

"Sir, I do not know."

A beam of energy crashed through the roof, burning any human that stood in the way. Parts of the ceiling collapsed, killing those in its path. A loud noise echoed through the dome; an irritating sound that burned through your eardrums. Looking through the hole in the dome, an alien drop-ship floats. It is covered in a shiny metal, in an oval shape, and with a window in the front.

A white light beamed down into the dome, coming from the bottom of the drop-ship. Aliens floated down into the room. They were Basic Aliens, sharp long tail, long forehead, dark-blue fleshy body, and very skinny. They let out a loud screech, filling the room with the sound of dying horses.

"Mr. President, follow me," the captain of team Shadow Strike said. The team escorted the President and Secretary of Defense through the back-exit, leaving all the other soldiers for dead.

John pulled off the M16A4 from his back. "Men, and woman. Please, stay calm! Follow me, I know how to get out of here!" He pointed to the door he was referring to. "Come on!"

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#, as written by Thorait
Robert looked to the podium and then to his brand new uniform with pride in his mind and on his face was a smile. He had made it, he had done his work to repay his planet and country. He kept smiling and heart the president speech "Welcome brave soldiers." He found it a little to much honor for him and his colleges but still it was a formal event. He then looked at the president wile his smile vanished hearing of there situation. He had always thought that the president would make a positive speech giving hope and honer to his forces but it seemed that even he was a little negative.

Robert heard how big the squad's would be and nodded, it was a good number very advisable by many generals and strategics. Shadow strike then came on the podium and Robert looked like a little girl seeing her pop star, shadow strike the elite of the elite. The sectary of defense seemed a little out of his place cutting the president out of the picture to do the talking. "Most elite squad and what all of you should strive to be like." He sighed, why was he such a wimp. Then he would probably be much better in his job and maybe on a day reach shadow strike status as in his dream's.

Robert waited and heard on after another of the captains call his squad, Robert began to sweat a little from the nerve's. Then captain John Hemfer a fine man as he had heard some times. Robert stood up when hearing his name, he stood in front of his new captain. Should he call him sir or Captain? He looked at the man with a growing admiration for his status.

Then that horrible sound that burned in his ears, he thanked him self for taking his guns with him and grabbed his vector and shot a Alien in his almost funny for its size head. Only then had he heard his captains order. He turned and ran towards his captain "Yes sir." He said it with haste trying to keep a eye on his fellow squad members wile also opening fire on the drop ship it didn't work good but he seemed to at least shot the thing. "What a great start of my carrier." He said it not smiling but annoyed to need to fight the aliens right after him getting in a sqaud.

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Rist hadn't wanted to come to this stupid meeting. He'd been asleep in his dorm room, perfectly happy with life, when he was dragged back into life, for the sole purpose of sitting through these windbags preach. All and all, Rist was not happy with life and the living of it right now. He'd had better Sundays, to be sure; ones that consisted mostly of napping 'till noon, eating a sandwich, and napping for the rest of the day.

Rist was slumped over, trying to fall asleep despite the incessant talking. He'd drifted to the side, and was leaning on some girl's shoulder. He'd slept in more comfortable positions before, but this wasn't terrible. If they would stop talking, he could actually nod off. At least the shoulder is pretty soft, he thought, and she hasn't thrown me off onto the floor or something yet. That had happened far too many times for Rist's liking. God bless the people who understand serious sleep-deprivation. Bless their souls and shoulders.

People kept being called up, name after name, as they listed the teams that the recruits would be divided into. Rist wasn't really paying attention, he didn't care about anybody's team except his own. He half opened one eye to scan the Elite team Shadow-Strike(You-In-a-Dark-Alley-At-Night), and wasn't impressed. The assault soldiers looked fine, all big and menacing, but it was the other members of the team that ruined it for them. They looked fine, but Rist could see their skill level wasn't as high up as the Bigwig of Defense boasted they were. That sniper couldn't hit a bird if it was perched five feet away from him. Maybe he was being to critical of the super team; too bad, he wasn't in a reasonably empathetic mood today, he was in an unreasonably empathetic mood.

The list started to drag on and on, and Rist could tell that the number of recruits was diminishing quickly. "Maybe they'll run out of spots and I can go home," he mumbled out-loud. Naturally, just as he had started drifting off into deep sleep, he heard his name called. "Damn it."

He grudgingly got up from the bench, whispered a 'Thank you' to the girl he had been leaning on, and stumbled onto the stage. He smirked as he stood beside his captain. I bet I look drunk. He eyed the team through half-open sight. He'd reserve his judgment until he saw how they acted outside of the spot-light. He had almost fallen asleep standing up, when a loud noise broke his slumber. His gazed flew around the room, taking in the scene of chaos unfolding in front of him. He'd almost pulled out his handgun when the super team started escorting the bigwigs out, taking shots at the aliens as they left. Of course, the pros are here, I shouldn't bother, he reminded himself and dropped his hand. The captain ordered his group to follow him, so Rist walked ahead, staying close enough to the group, but hanging back enough to stay in range of the aliens, should one decide to follow them out.

After they made it out of alien sight, Rist hung in the middle of the group, holding his swimming head. "Damn, I'm gonna throw up..."


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Lily sat in the vast stadium, people milling around to reach their seat in time. All in all it was somewhat of an organized mess; something that the military had excelled at. She had not once ever truly seen her military superiors not prepared for something, it simply just didn't happen. It was quiet, the atmosphere of the room proud but slightly nervous at the same time and everyone that spoke seemed to be speaking in a hushed tone. Or maybe that was simple how she was seeing things, her own emotions perhaps clouding her perspective of others.

Her eyes swept the room quickly; darting around to search out for people she knew. Well specifically four people she knew, her brothers. She saw the her two younger brothers, Liam and Ethan sitting a bit higher up while Chris and Drew sat almost in the front row, their status was much better than her own. She sighed softly, wondering if they would be okay. Logic argued with her that they would be fine, better off than her even but she still couldn’t shake the almost insistent worry about them. But that was probably to be expected of her, they could be reckless at times and act before actually thinking about it. That was what worried her.

Though at the same time, when she looked around the room she noticed something that always continued to shock her at least a bit; the female population in the room was depressingly low. Lily had grown used to it after a while from being consistently surrounded by testosterone environment but she always found herself wishing for more girls. She knew that this wasn’t exactly something that woman found themselves to be liking but she would have wished for just a few more. Not that she had anything against men; they usually proved to be entertaining and carefree.

She shook her head, trying to vanish the thoughts from her mind. She knew that most of the time she tended to overanalyze things and this wasn't the time nor place to do it. All she really needed to do from now on was go with the flow and hope for the best. She didn't worry about the team she would be put on, she knew everyone here right now had gone through the more than vigorous training that everyone had had to go through. The people that had surrounded her were all proud looking, a common trait that could probably be found in everyone there. It wasn’t that that was worrying her, it was what she would have to do afterwards, what all of them would have to do.

Her mind reeled from the thoughts that had started to include death when she heard the twins named called and she looked up, her cheeks suddenly coloured with a light blush. She hadn't been paying attention to just about anything; she just hoped no one had noticed. Though Chris and Drew, her older, twin brothers had been called into a Squad called Team Shadow Strike, an apparently elite squad. She resisted the urge to just roll her eyes, she knew for a fact she would be hearing about this by them, they would gloat a lot more than necessary the next time she saw them, if she saw them. She saw them walk up and get their teams, Drew's eye catching her own. He gave her a small smile that held nothing but restrained pride.

Teams and teams kept on being called up and she found herself to be just a bit nervous. She twirled the material of her uniform with her fingers, trying to busy herself. She felt a small shock ripple through her frame when she felt her name being called and she stood, walking over to the podium with a small smile on her face; appreciating yet just a bit nervous. She gave everyone in the group a nod and a small smile before she felt a small trembling on the ground for perhaps a second. It was the heavy clouds before a storm, the harsh waves before a hurricane and what happened next was just as unexpected. Then the beams of the strange creatures that they were meant to battle with sliced through the ceiling.

She felt her muscles lock up and she stood poised, ready for battle. She winced as the screeching invaded her ear drums, making them feel like they were going to burst. She shuddered softly and watched as aliens came into the room, the basic ones. She had been prepped on them and knew as much as everyone else did on them; it wasn't much. It never was. She turned her head, waiting for instructions from her captain but saw Chris and Drew move from the corners of her eyes. She watched with a small shock as they left the building with so much as a second glance. She felt her blood turn cold for a second until a voice ripped her out from her thoughts.

It was Johns. She looked up and nodded at him, they needed to get out of there if any of them were to survive. She nodded and then turned as she heard a shrill scream, much louder than all of the other screams. The smell of burnt flesh filled the room with the almost metallic smell of blood. She watched as one of the solders was unfortunate enough to have his skull pierced by the foreign tail and she gasped, turning her body to look at the rest of her squad. "Ready when you are," She said softly, soldiers milling desperately around waiting for an escape.

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Matthew couldn't decide whether or not he liked this. He was inbetween a hyper guy who had a huge smile on his face, as if he had just been given the key to the white house or something, and a guy who was asleep on a girl's shoulder, and he seemed to be enjoying it. He was half-tempted to wake him up. Instead, he looked up at the podium. Team Shadow-Strike was up there, and he couldnt say that they didn't look as good as the guy was describing them. The assault were huge, tall, and muscular. The medics, snipers, and engineers looked reasonably the same. Of course, they all looked impossibly arrogant as well. Then the other leaders went up, calling the names of the troops they wanted. Some of them he knew. None of them he cared for. Kai, Roy, Grey, and so on. Then he heard the names: Rist(The sleepy guy got up), Lily(the girl got up), Robert(the cheery guy got up), Trey, Floyd, and then his own. No. No. There is NO way I'm being paired with these...Gah! I'm sure to die..!

The others seemed happy (for the most part), the captain more so. Then, out of no where, his ears exploded. After the daze wore off, he realized that his ears weren't the problem, it was the big, BIG hole in the wall, and all the aliens rushing in. He was half-tempted to start shooing, but his "captian" told his group to follow him. Great, the end of the world is coming, and I'll be fighting with these guys.


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#, as written by xoferif
Trey yawned as he was sitting down with his arms crossed, almost not paying attention to the president's speech, looking around, he noticed that some other recruits are probably not paying attention as well, some others just slept, and the rest pays attention like a wolf watches it's prey, he tried to go to sleep a bit earlier with no results, the only thing he got was a pat on the back from the guy next to him telling him to pay attention, he was just plain bored until his name and about 5 others were called, he got up, as he walk towards the his captain, he looks around to see the others who's name was called and quickly look away as he noticed one of them also looked at him.

Again, his mind wandered off as the captain talks to the team, and all of a sudden the dome shook and parts of the ceiling fell down, followed by a beam of energy and swarms of Aliens dropped down, he thought it was just his imagination because he was feeling a bit sleepy now, but as he heard one of the guys telling the others to follow him, he realized it was reality, he almost cursed but quickly restrain himself from yelling it, he slings his M16a4 to his hand and follow the others.


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#, as written by Lenny
Floyd Banker, a bulky looking man, dark skinned, lots of muscles, pulled out his M16A4. "Fucking aliens!" he shouted out, shooting one of them in the head. One of them noticed him, it's eyes gazed into his soul. The alien jumped straight up into the air and curled its tail around, ready to strike. Floyd was in shock, stuck in the moment. He was never expecting an alien to be his death.

"Keep it moving!" John pushed Floyd right before he was about to get slashed, but Floyd was bleeding. The alien had slashed Floyd right in the leg, causing great pain for Floyd. He would not be able to be as agile as he would have been without it. "Follow me!"

With that said, John led his crew through the back door. It was the storage hallway, where all the equipment was. "We get to the equipment and stock up. It seems like the aliens have landed already..." he said in an unmotivated tone. "Right now, the best thing we can do is stay alive. Team Shadow Strike knew this was going to happen. A perfect escape route set up, come on. They must've known."

John walked up to the equipment room. There was a light emanating from through the cracks, a blue bright light. He looked backwards and noticed it. There was some sort of blue goo plastered on the walls, but it was bumpy. Tons of tiny clear balls were stuck on the goo. John slid his finger across the tiny balls. It was very smooth and soft, a little squishy too. "Come on guys, feel this. What...what is this?" he said, wondering.

He turned back to the room they were facing. "Something is in there, and I can sense it." The blue light grew stronger, much stronger.

Suddenly, the door creaked open, but not enough to see what was inside. The light reflected into the hallway, it was almost blinding. A slithering could be heard, almost like a snake, but it was much louder, much deeper. "Come join me, little soldiers," a voice spoke from inside the room. "It's time we had a chat!"

The door flew open. There was the mother, basic alien slowly walking out. Behind her stood about 6 children, all basic aliens, but smaller and less muscular. "You humans will never touch my children! And soon, my babies will be ready!" it said, pointing at the walls. The small balls were the eggs of her babies. "You humans don't understand this world. We shall take it!"

Her claws opened up. Her nails were as sharp as a tiger's tooth, maybe even sharper. Her tail curled out, the spikes on it much longer than a usual alien. However, her ribcage was very skinny, as if she was food deprived, starving. The mother backslashed John in the face and grabbed him by the neck. "Oh, I'll have a little fun with you. Attack my aliens!" The mother alien threw John against the wall. Instead, she went after Lily. "Cat fight, whatdya say girl?"

The rest of the aliens attacked the remaining soldiers, including John, one on one.

"Open fire, men!...and woman!"


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Rist didn't feel so hot. His head was swimming, his stomach was churning, and he felt a little dizzy. He stumbled along with his fellow troops, keeping up as best he could. The hallway blurred as he walked, out of focus one moment and fine the next. When they John stopped infront of a closet, Rist leaned against the wall opposite them, hands on his head trying to steady himself. He didn't understand it, earlier he had been fine. He had been tired, true, but that's not exactly new. He'd felt pretty decent leaning on that girl's shoulder, but now he felt ready to decorate the wall with some more unidentifiable goop.

Naturally, fate had to screw with them somehow. Rist felt the aliens before he saw them; as the door slid open, his nausea spiked. He barely registered what was happening, and next thing he knew, the aliens were advancing on them. "Oh god," he cursed under his breath, taking out his USP .45. He moved between his comrades, trying to cover them, but not trusting himself to take a shot at the aliens while he was so out of it. One of the aliens leaped out at one of his teammates, he couldn't tell which, and looked ready to tackle the person to the ground. Rist braced himself, and took a broad shot at the alien, the bullet embedding itself into the creature's shoulder. He hoped that the person could finish it alone; he had already turned and was in the process of reloading his gun.

A thunderous crash shook through his dazed world as a large black shape barreled into him. One of the aliens had wrapped its limbs around Rist, and was dragging him to the ground, its tail getting ready to pierce through the man's chest. Both his own heart and the beast's thudded horribly off-key in Rist's ears as the rest of the world dimmed. He heard his gasping breath forced out of his mouth, along with the creature's own rattling gasp. He felt its muscles ripple beneath its skin, and felt its claws dig into his flesh. As they hit the ground, Rist managed to wrap around his arms around its body, the empty hand holding down its tail, while the one with the gun pressing the weapon against the alien's head. His hands shook, his eyes rolled closed, and his grip loosened. Rist was trying hard not to pass out. If he fainted now, he'd die. He was sure of it. He tightened the grip on his gun gritted his teeth. He pulled the trigger. The blast seemed a lot louder than normal, and Rist felt the momentum of the bullet pass into him as the bullet burried itself in the alien's skull.

The beast stilled, its tail twitched as the nerves inside it spasmed. As the creature died, its weight pressed down harder on Rist, almost suffocating him, and its blood pooled beneath the two. He couldn't take it. As the sounds of the world around him started to hum back into play, Rist lapsed into unconsciousness.


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Matthew followed with some distance, watching behind them to make sure no aliens got the better of them. None followed, thankfully. They entered a hallway, and oddly, the room was covered with bubble-like bumps. The captain felt the bubbles, and voiced the same thoughts. Then, an odd heat flooded his head. He had gotten a fever out of nowhere. Then, the fever intensified when seven aliens - one for each of them - stalked into the room, talked(which Matthew hadn't thought they could), and started attacking. Six of them were babies(thank god) and one was a huge adult(or at least looked like an adult). The adult/big one went straight for the girl - her name was...Elizabeth? He didn't know... -, the babies went for the others. He was face-to-face with a particularly ugly one. He grabbed his M16, but the thing knocked it out his hand. Drawing his G18, he quickly shot it in the knee, tripping it, but it took him with it. Drawing his combat knife, he slashes the thing in its stomach, but he got several gashes on his arm in return. They both went into a fenzy, but matthew got up, and before the thing could react, he threw one of his throwing knives into its skull, and it lay still.


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#, as written by xoferif
Trey followed the others, trying to stay in the middle of the group, holding his M16 tight with it's safety off, and finger ready on the trigger, he never thought his first combat will be like this, he looked around, making sure no aliens are around, the only things visible are his teammates and his captain, he tried to focus as hard as possible, but the sleepiness doesn't help, this situation just makes him remember things he play and watch as a kid, which brings back some of his childhood memories, which makes it even harder to focus on the current situation, soon after, he noticed a lot of tiny balls stuck to a goo on the walls, not knowing what it is, he decided not to do anything with it, the Captain noticed it too, seems like everybody does, then, he was covered by a blue light, then he heard voices coming from a door, and soon, it cracked open, then, it just flew open, a few aliens are visible, with one of them bigger then the others, he aims his M16, ready to fire, then one of the aliens claw at his M16, throwing his aim off, he examined the alien, and he can't help but say "Man yo' ugly" which didn't seem like a good idea because it just drive the alien mad, the alien took another swipe at him which he managed to dodge, but the alien immediately throw another attack, Trey block it with his M16, the attack was strong enough to throw it off his hands, the alien quickly grab him by the throat, and raises it's tail, Trey tried desperately to free himself from the aliens grasp, he took out his combat knife and stabbed the alien in it's hand repeatedly, which is enough to make it let go of him, as the alien stumble backwards, he draw his G18 and let out a short burst which pierced the aliens head, it fell to the ground, lifeless.

He immediately ran for his M16, and takes it off the ground, he wanted to shoot at the aliens fighting his squadmates but decided it was too risky, he looks around and notices Rist on the ground, he ran for him, and drags the alien off him, and lays 2 of his fingers on his neck, checking for pulse, Ahh... Damn... that word just flashed in his mind as he feel a pulse, not that he's unhappy, falling unconscious in a battlezone, is not good, he wanted to call for medic but afraid it would attract the attention of nearby aliens, so he just crouched there, watching the fighting continue, with his M16 ready.

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#, as written by Thorait
Robert walked in to the room feeling much more safe in it. Then he also set his eyes on the balls, in training was he fascinated by aliens so he had got some basic knowledge "Sir that are eggs of the enemy." But he said it too quoit for john to hear, he decided that John would know what they were so he reloaded and made his gun ready. Then seven aliens entered Robert almost did not looked to them to busy with his gun but the voice attracted his attention. He looked up being fascinated by a talking alien but also impressed by the size of the creature.

He reacted to late but he shot in the direction of a smaller alien but missed and it even ignored him to go and fight one of his squad members, Robert looked around to see if he could be of any use anywhere but it seemed useless to wait. but then that guy named Rist was taken down and Robert got the change to use the medical knowledge that they had pounded in his mind to use. He ran towards him but was surprised by a smaller alien it seemed the weakest of all and not a skilled fighter, he said to the small guy "A truce?" It ignored him and made a jump to his head with bare claws. Robert had a good alien knowledge so he know what basic attack way of attacking it would use. It just seemed to use its nails and Robert reacted by grabbing it neck and to place a shot in his belly piercing some sort of important organ that had to be there. The small alien seemed to be killed but kept moving and got the change to plant one of his nails in Roberts hand but he did not react to it else than shot again then it stopped after it planted a entire claw in arm but it was not serious so he ignored it.

He sat down besides Rist and also checked his pulse. He then said to a squad member that he could not name. "Go and help that girl, she is going to be food for our enemy." He checked organs and opened the eye's to look at the pupils. "He is sick not harmed only a claw strike but it missed his organs."


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Lily followed the rest through the empty hallways, the sounds of their footsteps reverberated throughout the eerily quiet area. She shuddered softly and tried to insert herself in the middle of the men that surrounded her, counting on strength in numbers. As long as they would stick together she knew she wouldn't freak out; well, that was if nothing bad would happen. She bit her bottom lip, trying to stay quiet but she was positive everyone could hear the hammering of her heart. She knew she should be prepared for the moment where she would meet the aliens for the first time and she thought she had been. Their figures didn't look as menacing as they had assumed. A small part of her had to admit that she actually feared the gruesome things.

But that wasn't the only thing that was causing chaos in her head. Team Shadow Strike, the team that Chris and Drew had been named into had known about the attack. They knew and said nothing . . . why hadn't they said anything? Her mind was swirling with thoughts and ideas why not to but she found no correlation between them. She was a bit dumbfounded but tried to push it in the back of her mind, instead her mind now fixated on the almost translucent blue light that seemed to emit from the door. She towards the room, almost transfixed by the odd light and felt the need to inquire someone about the strange goo on the walls but she was almost positive that they knew no more than she did.

Her heart skipped a few beats when she heard the hissing inside of the room but she took a breath, trying to calm herself. She would be no more nervous than the rest of them, she vowed to herself. She wanted to turn, to tell everyone that it would probably be a wise idea to just leave and figure something out when she saw the door slam open. The hinges creaked with the force of it opening and she was almost certain that it would have flied off of the hinges had they been any older. She clutched her gun in her hands, popping the safety off. Those things . . . they were hideous. But they didn't have much time before she flung the captain of the squad up against the wall and she almost wanted to wince before she felt the unexisting gaze of the alien on her.

"Cat fight, whatdya say girl?" was the only words that Lily's mind processed as she felt a burst of adrenaline course through her veins and her hands become a bit clammy. Though she put on a false sense of bravado as the alien started to stalk forward, making Lily imperceptibly backup.

"I say let's go," She said, a small smirk forming on her face before the thing jumped. She heard a few gunshots go off and watched as blood started to splurt from the aliens shoulder and she looked off, her mouth curling into a snarl. She wished she could have said that it slowed the thing down but it really didn't, it only served to anger her. "I don't appreciate trying to be stopped," She snarled before her fingers swiped at Lily and in a desperate attempt to save her throat she crouched, her hand reaching out to punch the thing.

All that really served was to probably bruise her hand out and the thing chuckled, it's strange voice ringing around the hallway. Flashes of training flashed through her head, these things had weak armour so she would be able to pierce them with bullets. She tried to raise her gun, popping up to stand up straight when the alien grabbed her neck, hitting the gun out of her hands with her spiked tail. The alien lifted her up as her feet dangled uselessly from the ground.

"This is what'll happen to all of you. One by one you will die," She said, a victorious tone ringing through her voice before she started to squeeze at Lily's throat. Her hands started to grasp the side, trying to remember where she had put her combat knife, the stars dancing across her vision from the lack of air not helping out much. She grabbed it and stabbed the thing in her chest, the knife going through the indentations that she wasn't too sure if they were ribs or not. The Alien dropped Lily with a smack and she swiftly rolled over to grab her L86 LSW and shot it in the head.

She heard the Alien slump before Lily stood up, her chest heaving trying to gather some oxygen. She stood and joined the others, crouching down to get a better look at all of them.

"Well that was fun. Name's Lily by the way." She said, a small smile tugging on the corner of her lips as she was still trying to catch her breath.

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Earth by Lenny


Joint Military Strategy Meeting (New York)

Joint Military Strategy Meeting (New York) by RolePlayGateway

The higher-ups in the military have brought all the top recruits along with other high-in-power officials to discuss how to deal with the possibility of an invasion.

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Character Portrait: Lily Quintin
0 sightings Lily Quintin played by RolePlayGateway
"Let's bring these things out with a bang."
Character Portrait: Robert rabem
0 sightings Robert rabem played by RolePlayGateway
"Aliens? Cool!"

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: John Hemfer
Character Portrait: Rist Theom
Character Portrait: Trey Shawn
Character Portrait: Floyd Banker


Character Portrait: Floyd Banker
Floyd Banker

"Aliens, Let's cap these green ass muthafuckers."

Character Portrait: Trey Shawn
Trey Shawn

"Stay quiet, stay alive"

Character Portrait: Rist Theom
Rist Theom

"Approved command, just tell me when I can sleep."

Character Portrait: John Hemfer
John Hemfer

"A captain is nothing without his squad."


Character Portrait: Trey Shawn
Trey Shawn

"Stay quiet, stay alive"

Character Portrait: Rist Theom
Rist Theom

"Approved command, just tell me when I can sleep."

Character Portrait: John Hemfer
John Hemfer

"A captain is nothing without his squad."

Character Portrait: Floyd Banker
Floyd Banker

"Aliens, Let's cap these green ass muthafuckers."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Trey Shawn
Trey Shawn

"Stay quiet, stay alive"

Character Portrait: Floyd Banker
Floyd Banker

"Aliens, Let's cap these green ass muthafuckers."

Character Portrait: John Hemfer
John Hemfer

"A captain is nothing without his squad."

Character Portrait: Rist Theom
Rist Theom

"Approved command, just tell me when I can sleep."

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Earth by Lenny


Joint Military Strategy Meeting (New York)

Joint Military Strategy Meeting (New York) by RolePlayGateway

The higher-ups in the military have brought all the top recruits along with other high-in-power officials to discuss how to deal with the possibility of an invasion.

Joint Military Strategy Meeting (New York)

The higher-ups in the military have brought all the top recruits along with other high-in-power officials to discuss how to deal with the possibility of an invasion.

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