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Dominic Dice


0 · 190 views · located in Tech Tower

a character in “Error: Glitch”, originally authored by Spectrum, as played by RolePlayGateway


Dominic Dice


ā€œThey all fall downā€¦but in a sick, cool sort of way.ā€


ā€œI have male genetalia. Wanna see?ā€


ā€œSays who? Says I, I say.ā€


ā€œRainbows and butterflies and sharks, sharks, sharks. Rawr.ā€

Love Interest
Nobody at the moment

ā€œCheck yes or no? Whatā€™s the ā€˜orā€™ for?ā€

Domino is a bit of a strange boy. Heā€™s quite childish and enjoys doing as he pleases. He absolutely hates being told what to do. If he wants to do something, heā€™ll do it; but if he wants to do something and is about to, and then someone suddenly tells him to go do it, he will suddenly lose all desire to do it. He hates being bossed around. He considers himself a free soul to do as he pleases. Heā€™s highly sarcastic and tends to run his mouth off a little too much. Heā€™s gotten himself in trouble more times than once because of his mouth. He usually doesnā€™t realize it until heā€™s already in the trouble, then he finds it hard to get himself out of it. For all the smack he talks, heā€™s horrible at comebacks. Heā€™s not exactly a quick-thinker. To add to that, heā€™s a bit of a troll in the sense that he likes to mess with people just to make them mad. Heā€™s always looking for room to argue. Another strange characteristic he seems to have is a slightly more subtle one. He doesn't know what he looks like; has no idea and doesn't want to know (see phobias). He's made up an image for himself in his head; what he wishes he looked like and the illusion of what he's lied to himself into thinking he looks like. It's different from what he really looks. If you asked him what color his eyes are, although they're blue, he would tell you that they're green. If you asked him what color his hair is, although it's blue-black, he would tell you it's a dark red. He knows his skin color is a milky Caucasian, but other than that, he thinks he's a totally different-looking person. If you tell him, "you have nice blue eyes," he'll get confused and correct you. He was this way even in the machine.

Domino loves the idea of danger, especially the deep-sea kind. Heā€™s an extremely creative boy with an over-active imagination. Every time something pops into his head, he feels the urge to draw it, even if itā€™s something deadly like a shark. He loves sharks. Heā€™s definitely not the smartest person around, always doing before thinking. He doesnā€™t like to consider the consequences of his actions before going out and just doing them. If it seems like fun, he does it. He sees no reason not to. He doesnā€™t believe he needs any other rationality for it. More than doing stupid things, he enjoys dragging others along to do them with him.

ā€œAct my age? But my mind says not to.ā€

Domino has the power to bring his drawings to life. He is very good at drawing and certainly has a very creative mind. His imagination tends to be a little too much sometimes though. He expresses his feelings through his drawings which then come life and wreak havoc or love. It depends, really, on a few different factors. He always carries around a dry-erase board with him and a tool belt full of markers of all thicknesses and colors. If heā€™s in a happy mood, for instance, he might draw a rainbow. The rainbow will detach itself from the board, grow five times the size it originally was, and will spill skittles over everybody. If heā€™s in a bad mood, he might draw a snarling, rabid dog that will come off the dry-erase board and bite the closest personā€™s arm off.

His powers have limitations, though, of course. He can only have one drawing going at one time. He canā€™t just sit there and draw an army of rabid dogs, one after another. If he draws multiple things on the board all at the same time, then they will all come to life at the same time, but they will be smaller than usual because of the lack of space he had to draw them on the board. His dry-erase board isnā€™t very big, so his drawings, even at five or six times their original size, are never very large. They can cause physical harm, though. Theyā€™re usually not too hard to beat, though, depending on a few things. Another drawback is when heā€™s in a hurry. His drawings take time to draw; and if he rushes through one, it might come out deformed and, well, wonā€™t work as well as intended. Anything he draws will come to life. He canā€™t control whether they do or not. They always do.

ā€œI like to draw sharks. Sharks are cool. Mine like eating people, though.ā€

Extreme Event Image
Domino was in school. It was just like any other day. It was sometime around third period when it happenedā€”he was in the middle of doodling in his math book like usual. There were loud booming sounds outside, like someone kept dropping things or something. It was something heā€™d never quite heard before, but he instantly knew something wasnā€™t right. There were people running and screaming down the hallway and the teacher ran to the door to see what was going on. The second she chose to walk outside, she dropped to the ground. Dead. The children in class were freaking out at this pointā€”Domino, too. He was the only one who was stupid enough to check the condition of his teacher and, when he bent down over her body, he found himself frozen, a gun pointed at his head. He recognized the voice that told him not to move. It was Miles, his best friend. Miles was always a strange kid and he got picked on a lot for it, but he was still Dominoā€™s best friend. They did everything together. Domino never expected him to pull a school shooting. He looked up at Miles, who looked like he was about to shoot him in the head, when he stopped and fell next to Domino with a loud, sick ā€˜thump.ā€™ Domino watched his best friend, who just held a gun to his head, get shot to death by cops right in front of him.

ā€œIt was just a dream. A dream! Haha, so stop talking about it.ā€

-Domino has an extreme fear of fire. Itā€™s his biggest fear of all. He canā€™t stand to be around it and gets shaky just looking at it from a distance or over television. He doesnā€™t even like participating in the ā€œstare at the sunā€ game. He doesnā€™t mind things that are kind of hotā€”like a lightbulb or a microwaveā€”as long as he canā€™t see any fire.

-He really doesnā€™t like large crowds. He can deal with, at most, two or three people at a time, but any more and he starts to hyperventilate and freak out. In other words, set him in the middle of a crowd, and heā€™ll totally lose his cool. He wonā€™t move and, if itā€™s really bad, heā€™ll start screaming or crying.

-He has a fear of looking at his reflection. As confident and passive as he may seem, he has low self-esteem when it comes to his looks. He thinks if he doesn't know what he looks like, then he can come up with his own image of how he looks in his head. Whenever he comes in contact with a reflective object, he closes his eyes immediately and turns away; he even starts to grow anxious a little because he suddenly remembers that he must be ugly. He doesn't care about his looks, because he doesn't really know what he looks like, so he doesn't bother much. He just has this overwhelming fear that if he sees himself, he'll be ugly, and that's something he can't really handle. The same goes for pictures--he will always refuse to look at a picture of himself.

-His last fear may seem a little obvious, but heā€™s scared of being shot at by a gun or being hit by a bullet. Thatā€™s probably something a lot of people are worried about, but so is he. Out of all the ways he could die or be killed, his greater fear is being killed by being shot. Even if itā€™s an instant kill, the thought still freaks him out. He canā€™t really explain why.

ā€œNot cool. Not cool at all.ā€

Domino's life was about average. His family was never home, always off doing something adventurous or expensive. He wouldn't consider his family rich, but his parents tended to do things...well, free and sometimes illegally. They never got caught though and Domino was left to basically raise himself. He had a babysitter once, a friend of the family's, but she was a wacky old brawd and he never liked her. He used to mess with her all the time, like climbing onto the shelves in the kitchen and jumping off them onto piles of pillows and flour bags, or making 'beauitful works of art' all over the white hallway walls, and don't even talk about what happened in the word: tsunami. Needless to say, once he was old enough to learn how to cook for himself, he was on his own. He came to school every once in a while, but his grades were bad and it was obvious he was going to fail. The only one who ever seemed to care about him or his grades was Miles. That was the only reason Domino made it as far as high school, because of his best friend. Nobody else ever showed any signs of caring about what happened to him. He would always go out and do dare-devil stunts, like jumping off the roof with cardboard wings to see if he could fly. Everyone thought he was an idiot, but not Miles. Domino's mind might of become a with the many bumps to the head and the years of growing up alone.

"Miles cared about me more than I did. Oh, right, I'm supposed to be too dumb to say things like that..."

He still hasnā€™t gotten the complete grip on reality yet. He didnā€™t understand when the Mayor explained that the life he thought was real was actually false. He thinks heā€™s dreaming and therefore isnā€™t afraid to do anything seeminglyā€¦unorthodox because he doesnā€™t think there will be any consequences, since he doesnā€™t realize that this reality is the real reality.

Theme Song


So begins...

Dominic Dice's Story