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Kaiden Draka

Knowing that you're crazy doesn't make the crazy things stop happening.

0 · 432 views · located in Tech Tower

a character in “Error: Glitch”, as played by freakofnature


Kaiden Draka


that name means ‘probably’
in Finnish.


I know I don’t look like a girl, thank you.


Something close to that anyway.


Sadly. Makes me more of an outcast.

Love Interest
No one in particular

Just because I do have sex, doesn’t mean I do it out of love.

Kaiden can be described in three words; Schizophrenic, violent, and random.

Due to his Schizophrenia, Kaiden is usually more paranoid then others, claiming he can hear voices, or see things that other human beings can not see. Even though he fears that he will say what the voices are telling him, Kaiden is still a very outgoing, though slightly insane due to medication, teenage boy. Sometimes he withdraws into himself, an effect of the meds, but it never lasts for long because his best friends, Seth, along with the rest of his trustworthy friends, are always there to pull him from the depths of depression.
Violence is something that Kaiden has learned; something to defend himself with. As the years went on, him and his friends got into more fights, earning them a sort of reputation as delinquents, though they are far from such. When Kaiden is in a bad mood, he tends to go looking for fights, verbal or physical.

When not provoked or paranoid about the outside world, Kaiden is pretty laid back, always spouting random, and most times useless, facts and information. At times he does lose his train of thought, another effect of Schizophrenia, causing him to get rather irritated with himself, or to lash out verbally at the closest person to him, his temper getting the best of him.

Turtles can breathe through their butts. Did you know that?

Kaiden isn’t sure if it is a blessing or a curse, but he can bring his ‘voices’ to life. His Schizophrenia causes him to hear voices inside his head, and under extreme tension or emotional turmoil he has developed the ability to manifest those voices into human flesh.

These now ‘human’ voice are able to do Kaiden’s, though only for a short amount of time, yet they possess all the freewill of a normal human, resulting in some complications on Kaiden’s part when they don’t listen to him.

I’m waiting for the day they turn and kill me.

Extreme Event
Despite the fact he had schizophrenia, Kaiden managed to have a large group of friends that could put up with him. As long as he took his meds that is.

It was Halloween, and everyone was excited that it had fallen on a Friday; giving them the weekend to nurse the hangovers they knew they would have the next morning. Even Kaiden was a little excited for this. No one knew he was flat out gay, but many had figured out that he had interests in guys as well as girls; though the latter was a blatant lie.

With the party well underway, and Kaiden fairly drunk off his ass, he did the only thing a drunken person’s mind could process when seeing someone who they find unbelievably sexy. Fuck them, senseless. Or, you know, let them screw him senseless. Two way street there. Either way, Kaiden proceeded to do just that, starting with walking up and kissing the person of his affection. Of course, said person was heavily intoxicated as well, and neither met resistance.

It was needless to say, Kaiden forgot all about the glitch, the voices that had started up, on top of his own voices, and the overall uneasy feeling he had felt earlier, and immersed himself in the carnal pleasure of screwing the lithe, muscular body underneath him.

It didn’t dawn on him until the next morning, head pounding with the dreaded hangover, whom he had spent the night with. His best friend, Seth, who he thought to be as straight as an arrow.

When Seth woke up, the air became instantly awkward and tense, Kaiden only breaking it with a random and useless fact, making his friend laugh softly and quickly explaining that he was Bi, and that he had been lusting after him for about a year and a half.

After taking his meds, and his brain functioning properly, Kaiden was finally able to give a proper answer to Seth. Unfortunately, all words died on his lips, and instead Kaiden had timidly pressed his slightly chapped lips back against Seth’s, smiling happily.

He wasn’t a lie. I know he wasn’t. He loved me. For me.

~Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders. They are just creepy crawling things. Ick.

~Gynophobia- Fear of women. Boobs
.just scare him. And women have boobs, therefore he hates girls. Period. The end.

~Necrophobia- Fear of death or dead things. Who doesn’t fear the dead? Considering he sees the ‘dead’ sometimes, it only fuels his rational fear.

~ Triskaphobia- Fear of the number 3. Irrational? Yes. Stupid? Probably. Random? Most definitely.

Notice how there wasn’t 3 fears?

Kaiden lived a normal family, the oldest of 4; 3 sisters and a younger brother. He wasn’t sheltered due to his illness, something he is forever grateful; though the violence was another issue entirely.

He was constantly in trouble, for either hurting the eldest sister, only a few months younger than him, or for once again beating up a few boys for saying the wrong thing about him, pushing his non existent self-control to its limits.

I had a nice family. They couldn’t have been lies either. I think this is all one dream. And they are real.


Theme Song


Gangsta Sexy-Hollywood Undead

Scared-Three Days Grace

So begins...

Kaiden Draka's Story