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Abaddon, The Destroyer

The king that almost became a god...

0 · 506 views · located in Iceloch Village

a character in “Even Gods Bleed”, as played by Crooked Thoughts


Physical DescriptionImage

Hair: Black, Long, Thin
Eyes: Glowing Green
Build: Massive, Muscular
Skin Tone: Pale Purple
Height: 6'7 ft
Weight: 450 lbs
Voice: Deep, Treacherous
Handed: Right
Body Markings:
Abaddon has Arcane Runic Tattoos on his body. The marking are more birth marks, than tattoos. They have been with Abaddon since birth are always glowing a low, iridescent green. Prominently, they are present on his chest, neck, upper arms, and upper back. It is basically one large stripe of symbols with everything on connecting.
Scar Tissue:
Abaddon's entire body looks worn, basically like a toy would that has withstood the test of time. His wings are tattered, with scattered holes; his skin is pale and faded; even his hair and fur are thinning. It is all very fitting though for someone of his age and origin, but also very misleading.
Unique Body Features:
Abaddon has a lot of prominent features. Starting from the top, there are his horns. Protruding from his forehead, there are two, very large horns that curve upward -- a distinct feature of a great arch-demon. His eyes have a unnatural glow, even for a demon. They look as if they can pierce the deepest soul and darkest night. Then there are his long, pointed ears, similar to that of an elf. On his backs, sprouts forth a pair of demonic, bat-like wings. Though tattered, the wings still give him the gift of flight. Lastly, there are his feet, which are hooved like a bull. A vague description is all you need of Abaddon, there would be no mistaking him; you would know him when you saw him.


    "Word to the wise: Unless you wish to dine with the gods or you are the God King, do not utter any other name than Abaddon to him."

Abaddon, The Destroyer
King of Fiends


Visual Age
Early 1000's

Factual Age
As old as the Earth itself.


Sexual Orientation

Mage Ranking

Is not bound by mortal limitations.

Is not bound by mortal limitations.


Moral Alignment
Chaotic Evil

Abaddon has no quirks or oddities, other than being perfectly normal for demonic being who collects souls...

Going back to his eternal prison.

Staying out of the pages of the Collector's Grimoire, by any means; even if it means working with a mortal.

Unlike other demons, Abaddon does not enjoy torturing others, needlessly killing, or capturing young women. Though he does agree, it is amusing at times of boredom, but it doesn't exactly tickle his fancy. He does like games or actives that present a challenge or of chance. Consequently, he always enjoys a good wager, no matter the currency. Though, there is nothing he loves more than, to sit back and watch; I guess you could call him a spectator.

Once again, The Destroyer differs from his brethren. He doesn't have a ever growing hate of everything good and just; he doesn't seek to destroy everything in his path or even corrupt the pure (at least not anymore). He has a simple philosophy when it comes to this: "Whatever floats your boat". Abaddon is actually quite honorable for a demon. He has a great disdain for cheaters and deceit. Being a fan of spectating, he also hates interruptions of all kinds. His greatest pet peeve must be, loneliness. This must come as a shock, but with nobody around he simply cannot enjoy himself, so he requires the presence of others.

The Destroyer is not a named earned by sitting on arse all day. It is a tittle earned by leveling cities overnight and taking on legions of soldiers single handedly. With this said, Abaddon's strength clearly lies within his skills of combat mastery. The demon has taken on gods, and survived to become one himself... At least he would have if his objective had not been impeded.

With all his magical talent and skills in combat and war, you would think this being to perfect and void of any weakness, but this is not true. He, himself is his greatest enemy and kryptonite. You see, it his personality, preferences, his very mind that betrays him. By being someone who loves a game, a good wager, and being above trickery and deceit, it can be very easy to trick him. This should be obvious to anyone who knows his tale.


Abilities & Skill & Combat Rating

[Perfect] - [Excellent] - [Good] - [Above Average] - [Average] - [Below Average] - [Poor] - [Very Poor]

[Very Poor] Slacks of the Fallen: Much like his appearance, this article of clothing, is old, torn, and in very porn condition. However, they are of expensive design and have a intricate design sewed into them. But, they offer no defense against weather or battle. Abaddon simply wears them to keep from being completely nude.

Combat Prowess
[Above Average] Magical Combat: Depending on who you are comparing Abaddon to, his magical mastery can vary. In terms of mortals, he is vast and superior, not a soul coming close to his own. But, when compared to the godly and immortal, he is average. Either way, Abaddon ranks as an Oracle on Thee Ascent ranking scales.

[Perfect] Hand-to-Hand Combat: Combined with unimaginable strength and millenia of training and experience, it is safe to say that he has mastered this aspect of combat. He has direct council from many of worlds martial masters and even created a few techniques of his own. Anyone that cannot say the same, will have no chance at defeating him.

[Perfect] Armed Combat: In this area too, Abaddon is unparalleled. With just his weapons, Master Seige, he has seen to the end of entire armies, titans, and gods. He skilled in the use of many different types of weapons, but prefers war glaives.

[Very Poor] Ranged Combat: Abaddon prefers to be in the thick of battle, he likes to be face to face and feel the shower of blood as his blade penetrates their defenses. So it is not a mystery to why he is not skilled in the use of ranged weaponry.

[Perfect] Demonic Demeanor: When glancing upon the fearsome mug of Abaddon, many mortals hope that they are dreaming. But, this couldn't be further from the truth, at least for some. The sight of Abaddon can leave weak-hearted foes stricken with fear and immobile. Others flee and hide, the ignorant of the bunch may even attack him, therefore committing an act of suicide. In other words, the very air around him stirs different results in those around Abaddon.

[Average] Acidic Bile: Blood does not course through Abaddon's veins, at least nothing normal. All of Abaddon's bodily fluids are highly acidic, from his saliva, blood, and even mucus. It is all a minor acid, which is perfectly safe to him and his kind, but to others it is highly dangerous. This is why a lot of hunters and warriors coat their weapons in demon's blood. In Abaddon's case, his is highly potent, making it very rare. In addition to the offensive capabilities, they also have defensive uses. For instance, stabbing him could result in the loss of blade, or heavy blood splatter could leave the enemy injured. Also, because of its toxicity it renders some poisons useless against him.

[Average] All Seeing Eyes: His eyes are not only pretty to look at, they have a few capabilities. Abaddon's eyes are able to see perfectly in darkness and through weak magical spells used to cloak. it isn't good enough to see motionless objects, but if it happens to be moving, (like an invisible foe) the are tell-tale signs he can pick up on.

[Above Average] Enhanced Abilities: A demon of Abaddon's status is naturally gifted with enhanced abilities in areas such as: strength, speed, reflexes, healing, the five senses, etc. This makes it easy to overcome the average mortal, with little to no effort.

[Excellent] Warrior's Pride: To a true warrior, pride is worth more than any amount of gold. They display just how much they have in many different ways. Abaddon displays his with long hair and enormous horns. When demons are defeated in combat, the victor sometimes takes the loser's horns. On the other side, a demon with large horns means he has never faltered in battle. Clearly Abaddon has never lost. Another sign of his pride is the long tail of hair separated from the rest. This is something he picked up from a clan of warriors he trained with long ago. However he has cut it down multiple times because its long length hinders his combat, but it's existence period shows that he has never lost. The point to all is to inspire hope in those that follow, for they know their is a great warrior. This in its own right, is an ability and buff that can increase morale and courage.

[Perfect] Soul Shift: Since Abaddon has been trapped inside the Collector's Grimoire, he has been collecting the souls of many mortals through eldritch contracts. These souls have many uses to him, he mostly uses them to populate the small realm that is his prison, but the ones he devours increases his abilities and fuels this very spell as well. Abaddon can assume the shape and form of the souls he devours. Thus becoming that person inside and out. He uses this ability to walk among humans in more cloaked form. However he only uses it change his physical appearance, since completely shifting his soul causes him to inherent strengths along with weakness of the soul.

[Excellent] Arcane Might: By manipulating pure and raw magic, Abaddon can perform greats feats with arcane brawn. This skill was also taught to Azrael, but Abaddon is greater at it than the God King. He can force the water to change, split the earth, even stop time itself.

[Excellent] Flight: His wings aren't just for decoration, though not in the best condition aesthetically, they still grant him the ability of flight. And this is something he is well versed in. He is as gifted flying as one is walking.

[Perfect] War Lord: Abaddon is great in all aspects of war. Combat, tactics, strategy, etc. He has mastered it all in his long life. This is a reward from the role he has played in so many battles and wars.

[Above Average Demonic Babble: This is a common skill amongst demons, their tongue is naturally gifted in all languages of the mortal realm. All words merely sound the same to them, but with an accent which helps them determine what language they are speaking. However the ability can be lost if not practiced.

[Average] Mass Spell Knowledge: Throughout his long life, Abaddon has practiced and learned many spells. Most of them he can perform innately or recite a short incantation, either way he can use them. However, like childhood memories, they can be a little hard to recall.

Weapon Name: Master Siege
Weapon Type: War Glaive
Material: Mithril
Length: 4 ft, both
Weight: 20 lbs, each
Weapon Description/Info: A gift from the god of war himself, Master Seige has been the tool which Abaddon has chosen to wreak havoc with. They are arcane fashioned and though made of a common metal, they are nearly indestructible. Appearing as simple metal disk, once a hand gripped the handle the blades extend. The blades are thin, but strong and sharp, made for slashing and cutting. Effectively, they can tear down opponents by landing flurry of blows upon the target. The weapons perfected balance helps with this as it feels like air, an extension of his arm itself.

Master Seige

Hair Tie: A simple piece of cloth used to hold his hair in a tail.


Group Affiliation

Holy Kingdom of Azrael

Marital Status
Married, has many wifes and mistresses.


King's Castle

Social Rank
None, but considered to be on the level of the God King.

God King's Right Hand

Blood Pact
The Blood Pact Contract
His Radiant Honor, the King of Fiends and Conqueror of Empires, Abaddon The Destoyer, henceforth referred to as Abaddon, and Azrael Lazarus Wynter, of the country Cam Lire of Earth, henceforth referred to as Azrael, set forth their Eldritch Contract as follows:

  • Clause the First:
    Abaddon shall lend the full force of the powers of his person to the objectives defined and stated by Azrael and detailed in this Contract, as follows:

      Imprimis, the claim of the Royal Throne of Cam Lire.

      Secundus, a loyal army for strengthening of the Cam Liren position on the worldwide stage.

      Tertius, to bestow power and understanding of the arcane equal to that of a Oracle.

      Quartus, a long life to enjoy all that he will become to be and own.

  • Clause the Second:
    In return, Abaddon is granted physicality and freedom in the realm of the contractor.

  • Clause the Third:
    When the agreed-upon term of the primary Contract expires or in the case of death, the soul of Abaddon and those acquired, Thenceforth and without reservation, ceteris paribus, be returned to the prison of which he was summoned from in perpetuity.

  • Clause the Fourth:
    The secondary Contract, stated thus: by signing this contract, the souls of Abaddon and Azrael shall be shared. If either share perish, their fate is to be shared.

  • Clause the Fifth:
    Moreover, Abaddon shall not actively work against the Wynter bloodline to bring about their end, and shall send such servants as he deems necessary to ensure the safety of the Wynter bloodline.

  • Clause the Sixth:
    In return for the above Clause, Azrael and the general Faux bloodline shall provide Abaddon with their royal souls for him to do with as he wishes upon their deaths, again until such time as the Wynter bloodline, as defined in the Contract, passes from the world of Earth.

Abaddon Azrael Lazarus Wynter

Coming Soon...

So begins...

Abaddon, The Destroyer's Story
