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Final Fantasy Tactics: The Altar of Aisen

Final Fantasy Tactics: The Altar of Aisen


A massive earthquake strikes Aisenfield, tearing open a crevasse that last appeared in the time of the Thirteen. Within lies the wellspring of their power and the legacy of their victory, a place of monsters and ruins where only the Scions dare to go...

1,953 readers have visited Final Fantasy Tactics: The Altar of Aisen since Hydrall created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


An important note: This RP assumes the 'same world' theory for the Ivalice Alliance, wherein the killing of the gods caused a gradual shift to the faith-based magick of the original FFT, then to the nearly magicless world of Vagrant Story, and finally to the completely mundane 'modern day' of the openings to Tactics Advance and A2 (plus Mr. A.J. Durai's time. Probably). This takes place after the events of A2, as the effects of the decay are starting to be felt, and faith in the gods is replacing Mana and logic...

"It is said...

That in the year of the Valendian Calender 734 a great earthquake struck the region of Aisenfield, splitting the earth asunder with sudden violence and exposing a crevasse previously hidden by wards cast long ago, a cave of dimensions unfathomable... From it is revived an ancient legend, of where the Thirteen Knights of Aisen who had saved the world twice before had gained their power, the source of the Zodiac Braves' might...

That in that year a Nu Muo named Lord Hlowan chose to embark on a great crusade, uniting the ancient lands under a single banner of holy fervor, and hired dozens of clans to plumb the depths of the crevasse, promising wealth beyond imagining...

That in that year began the events that would lead to the Cataclysm, and the end of the Golden Age."


Many come from all walks of life to seek the altar. Some, such as the Templarate, seek to recover it as a holy symbol, solidifying their power and respect. Perhaps a few Clans joined in hopes of helping this goal, but the majority have come for riches, amnesty, fame, or the same power the Twelve once held. They are allies by convenience, and such alliances rarely last long...

One such clan is Clan Mason, a thirteen member clan who once were famed in taverns across Jylland, but are now relegated to simple hunting jobs and the like. Hoping to gain a measure of success and respect again, they travel to Aisenfield and join in the hunt...

Unfortunately, they are about to become embroiled in a conflict that none of them expected, on a scale beyond that of a simple underground excursion. For into their hands will be placed the world, to do with as they please...

"The most common of the races, humes can be found throughout Ivalice. In skill and ability they are perhaps the most balanced race. While they excel in no single area, they perform capably in most any role."

Humans, then called humes, were not the dominant race in the old times- Indeed, they were just another species existing in Ivalice, although they outnumbered most of the other races by far. It was this fact that allowed them to survive the Cataclysm, along with their increasing use of Faith-based magick as opposed to Mana based.

Generally, humes are accepted everywhere, as their numbers mean racism and xenophobia tend to be battered down by weight of numbers. In fact, humes get along worst with themselves, dividing along ethnic and tribal lines that date back to their creation and organization by gods and Scions.

Humes can make use of a variety of professions, and paths both physical and magickal are open to them freely. However, they are weaker than the more physically inclined races and less able than the more magickal, so they must make use of numbers, cunning or balance to come out on top. They also can make use of Faith-based magicks more easily than other races- These unpredictable, mental based spells are usually entirely unexpected in a world based on reason and study of Mana, and are affected by most anti-magick and draining spells. However, this Faith only works on those who believe the spells will do as they're supposed to, and will not work on one who does not believe. One athiest can ruin a Faith caster's entire day.

"Tough scales cover this reptilian race head to toe. Their violent tempers, powerful physique, and love of the battle make them at home on the front lines."

The second most populous race in Ivalice, bangaa are a common sight everywhere, but especially in mountain or desert areas. They get along well with humans, almost forming a species partnership, although one that will vanish in an instant if you imply them to be a lizard. They died out from warfare after the cataclysm, even unaffected by the loss of magick as they were.

There are female bangaa. However, the two sexes look fairly similar to anyone who isn't a bangaa. The major differences are in the locations of scales, spines and such.

The bangaa have four major ethnic groups- Bangaa Ruga (short ears, yellow-brown skin), Faas (bronze skin), Bista (copper skin) and Sanga (ash skin). In the bangaa language it is said that "Faas" may mean soldier or "a strong sense of justice". Bangaa Ruga are more gentle than most and are more likely to be instructors or monks. The Bangaa Ruga and Faas generally make the laws and keep order among the bangaa. The Bangaa Bista and Bangaa Sanga tend to lead more laid-back lifestyles, making it easier for them to live and interact comfortably with humes. While some bangaa (for example the Ruga) may become rebels or fighters, other bangaa have been known to live as thugs, stealing things and attacking other people.

Bangaa love to fight. They do so often and usually with a great deal of enjoyment. Frying someone with magick doesn't produce the same kind of thrill as bashing heads, and as such they rarely take the path of a mage. At the same time, they have potential, and many fighters work it into their styles, whether as belching fire like a dragon or wreathing a sword in lightning. These are usually Mana-based spells, although Faith spells have crept in on some parts, such as the Dragoons and, more recently, the all-bangaa Balantia Templars.

While originally an international military force hunting mages who abused their powers, the Balantia Templarate has become much more religious in function, and their political clout is huge. It is rumored that they are the ones who financed Lord Hlowan's expedition, and have some shadowy goal in mind...

Nu Mou
"Canine features and long, droopy ears set this race apart. Even-tempered and thoughtful, they possess the capacity for great intellect. Though ill-suited for the front lines of battle, they make incomparable mages and weavers of magick."

Nu Mou are one of the rare races in Ivalice, due to their low birthrate and general seclusion from the rest. As a race almost entirely steeped in magick, they tend to be spellcasters of incredible skill, but mired in tradition and study. Rarely will a nu mou make drastic changes to established techniques, but instead focus on building off of old studies and ideas. They are almost entirely unable to use Faith-based magick, with the rare exception, and as such are mostly immune to its effects if they know it's coming.

Nu Mou tend to live in cities in secluded areas, especially the north and south poles and forests where their heavy fur will not cause them discomfort. They get along reasonably well with everyone but the Bangaa and Seeq, who they almost universally look upon with disdain.

It is unclear what exactly happened to the nu mou after the cataclysm. The race vanished without a trace, their magickal cities collapsing in on themselves and leaving ruins that would quickly be plundered by the surviving humes.

A nu mou does not fight with his fists, but with his mind. They are best served as supporters and strategists, fighting the long fight rather than the close one. That's not to say they are frail, as anyone who has had their skull crushed by a mace-wielding Seer can (or, rather, can't) attest, but rather that they greatly prefer to keep their robes clean and take the much more cerebral pleasure of transforming enemy ranks into artfully arranged piles of ash.

"Oft called the People of the Wood, the viera are a lithe and swift race. Like humes, they can fill a great variety of roles on the battlefield."

Although typically thought of as female, the viera are not a monogendered race. However, there is a certain level of gender reversal amongst them- male and female viera live separately from each other and only make contact and communication when the need arises, and males do much of the child-rearing and home-caring work. There are several different ethnicities of viera, the most common being the light skinned Feena and the dark skinned Rava.

Since the viera have lost much of their ancient homelands, there are many nomadic groups who wander Ivalice in hopes of finding somewhere to live. However, those small groups remain hidden and secretive. Viera are enigmatic, and do not like their ways scrutinized. As such, many details of their culture remains unknown. What is known is that viera societies are highly in tune with their environment, seemingly worshipping the forests they live in but treating them as an equal and individual being. All viera seen outside of these societies, whether village or tribe, are exiles (called Feol) who have broken the law of the Green Word.

In the years of Ivalice's decline, the viera's situation has grown dire. Their attunement to the planet led them to discover the slow drain of magick early. Erroneously believing it to be limited to their race and caused by their exiles, they cut off virtually all contact from the outside world. Instead of exiling those who break the Green Word, execution is becoming more common. However, still a steady trickle of viera emerge from the woods and take refuge in the cities. The cataclysm will destroy their Woods, leading the viera to be disfigured and transformed into monsters who will haunt the ancient forests for centuries.

The viera fight with grace and speed rather than strength. No other race can quite match their archery skills, and their swordfighters are unmatched in skill. Viera magick is primarily mana-based, but faith-based magick has been in the race for centuries in the form of Wood magick, which allows them to call on plants and animals for aid.

"This short-statured race is distinguished by the pom poms on their heads and bat-like wings on their backs. Moogles are accomplished machinists, and they boast a great many unique jobs all their own."

Let no one ever say the little bastards haven't got spirit. If only they'd channel it to more useful things...

The moogle are not a naturally belligerent race. In fact, it's entirely accurate to say that no moogle nation has ever invaded anyone. They were invaded a few times long ago, but the moogles take a 'negative reinforcement' approach to the world; You don't attack us, and we don't burn your city down with a death ray. Their technological advancement has led them to become indispensable in the operation of Ivalice's vast industrial machine. Without their closely guarded technological secrets, the world would not function.

Perhaps ninety percent of the moogle population is clustered in the island-city of Goug, although they can be found anywhere in the world where machinery is to be operated. On Goug, most of their society is clustered around the development and production of technology. Moogles are machinists, miners, guards and test dummies, all working to further their machines. However, even they have only a half idea of how their inventions work. Much is based off of ancient artifacts recovered from the previous moogle cities on Goug. Eventually, they'll find out why it blew up...

However, like everywhere, Goug has suffered from the decline. Following several massive structural collapses, the city has begun locking down older districts, the city council unwilling to spend the money required to repair everywhere. The mines below the city are running down, leading to a terrifying prospect- If the moogles run out of material to build off of, they may start looking for it elsewhere. Ivalice could be at risk of another major war.

The moogles fight with their own unique brand of unusual combat, often using highly advanced technology in conjunction with decidedly low tech ideas; For example, portable wormhole gates leading to stockpiles of musket bullets are common sights replacing bullet bags, so soldiers don't risk running out of ammo. Their eccentricity leads them to sometimes be as much of a danger to their allies as they are to the enemy, but it can be forgiven for how morale-boosting it is to see a tinker annihilate an enemy regiment with a small black box. They don't use Faith magick.

"Dragonic wings and tail adorn this peculiar race. Able to fly for short distances, they move without hindrance across the battlefield. Gria prefer a weapon's cold steel to the subtle arts of magick, eagerly taking to the front lines."

The Gria are a young race, short-lived and short-statured (at least, compared to certain races). Comparatively, they have interacted with Ivalice for a much shorter time than the other races, having only arrived within the last hundred years or so. Prior to making landfall, they lived on an island-continent to the southwest, only leaving once a volcano drove them away. In Ivalice, the several hundred thousand refugees have become integrated with the population only to a small extent, and so gria are still an uncommon sight to most. The majority have settled in the cliffs and mountains of Jylland, where the terrain maximizes the usefulness of their wings. They get along well with Feol viera, who sympathize with the lost homelands, and with the bangaa, who are just glad to not be the only race with scales anymore; even if the gria's scales only cover a few small areas of their bodies.

Gria fight with a unique style. Being the only race able to fly well enough to make a difference, they make use of it and their surprising strength by attacking from above the enemy using heavy blades and bows, throwing even the most well-drilled ranks into confusion. After all, how many armies anticipate the vertical aspect? While a certain amount of magick is possible for all races, the Gria have very little innate magickal talent. Not to say that it is impossible- Just that they don't especially like it.

"Though one would not think it to look on them, seeq are remarkably quick and agile, making for formidable foes and valued allies. They are not, however, terribly bright, and their moral compass has lost all direction. They lust for gold, jewels, and the like, often adorning their bodies with such, whether ill-gotten or otherwise."

Speedy pig monsters, who are distinguished from the baknamy (who may or may not be related) solely by their size. No, perhaps that is unfair. Baknamy can do subtraction.

In all seriousness, the seeq are a race that thrives everywhere. Most would classify them as natural thieves, but this is a mistake; Though the race is inclined towards avarice, there are just as many seeq farmers and honest workers as any other race. The seeq just make damn sure the pay gets to their mailbox. Loving cities most of all, one can find them at virtually every level of society except for those that expect some kind of fashion sense; The seeq don't fit well into the upper crust's expectations of beauty. Whether guard, artisan or fisherman, the seeq work famously hard if paid well, and so almost never have trouble as long as there's something to do. So omnipresent are they, in fact, that many people stop noticing them after a while, which has started to breed a certain amount of resentment for all their ignored work.

The seeq have their size and speed to bring to a fight, but despite their low intelligence have a good grasp of certain kinds of magic as well. Seeq are clever fighters above all, wielding unusual weapons like traps and poisons just as much as an axe or fist. Some have mastered the kind of blunt-force magic that they specialize in, calling down lightning storms to electrocute the enemy.

A race of cat-like humanoids from a distant land, the rev are not common sights in Ivalice. When they do appear, they are rich and influencial travelers, usually merchants. They tend towards more physical pursuits, but focus on pushing their body to its limits in honor and grace rather than brute force and bloodlust. They make skilled mages when that path is chosen. Meeting one is considered a sign of good luck.

The Revgaji (a subspecies of the Rev) make only a passing appearance in the Final Fantasy series at all. Cid is one, as is the wizard Lezaford, and a few others make background appearances. The above description is simply extrapolating from these few details we were given. Hailing from a distant land, there are very few living in the two continents of Ivalice. Those that do have an unerring tendency to end up in the middle of things...

The Revaji fight with primarily swords and magic, often at the same time. Usually their fighters are skilled masters of their art, rather than soldiers.

Mana Magick
For most of its history Ivalice has used Mana-based Magick as its power. Mana magick originates in the souls of living creatures, but can only be used by those conscious of its existence. It is not constant, but in ebb and flow at all times- a mage can charge their mana when needed, and use that prepared mana in spells. When not being charged, it slowly returns to the soul of the caster. Usually, casters prepare their mana before a battle, since it takes a good amount of time to ready a battle's worth of power.

Faith Magick and Religion
A shift has begun that has only recently been acknowledged by the magi of Ivalice. As times darken and things fall apart, the people are turning away from the logical and methodical Mana-based magicks and turning towards religion and Faith for their power. This magick type is sometimes referred to as 'miracle magick', and instead of using power generated by a creature's soul- Mana- it instead uses only a tiny amount of mana. The rest of the spell's power is based on the user's faith in its success. The more they believe, the more spectacular the spell, and vice-versa. The same applies to the target, to a degree. If someone does not believe the spell can succeed, it will not, or will be weakened. However, it's hard to remain consistently adamant about your atheism when there are several dozen charred corpses where your less strong-willed allies once stood. Faith magick needs verbal recitals or keywords that prompt the caster's faith; However, its requires far less mana and prior time to prepare. In short, Mana spells execute instantly, but need time to build up power for them; Faith spells take time to be cast, but can be changed on the fly with little detriment to the caster.

While Mana-based magick gets its power from the soul, it's unclear as to where the power of Faith magick comes from. Perhaps it truly stems from the caster's faith in his or her god. Or perhaps it comes from a much more disturbing source... Rumors of fell demons rising from the depths come to mind.

Religions whose followers have been known to manifest faith magick include, but are not limited to:

  • The Light of Kiltia: One of the most common religion in Ivalice, Kiltian priests worship a pantheon of gods headed by Faram the Father, God of Light. It is a very old religion, with a heavy emphasis on self-sacrifice and control. Subservience and acceptance of fate are other major tenants. While it originally avoided meddling in the affairs of Ivalice, the growing power of the Gaian religion and their Balantia Templarate has led them to take an active stance in hopes of curbing its power. They have established their own religious army, called the Dephalian Templarate, supposedly in order to protect their monasteries and pilgrims from bandits.
  • Pharism: Somewhere along the line there must have been a common ancestor for both the Kiltian and Phara Churches, for they refer to the same god- Faram/Pharam. However, Pharism believes there is only one god, Phara, and that all others are false. The two are bitter rivals constantly vying for worshippers. Pharism is much more subdued compared to the Light, focusing on societal harmony, promising an afterlife of peace for those who live virtuously and by the laws of the church. However, it also is infamously violent towards nonbelievers when in the majority, and very keen on furthering its own power. Most followers of Pharism are humes.
  • Syevyerism: Another offshoot of Kiltia's flock, Syevyerism is a religion primarily restricted to lands mostly outside of Ivalice's control. Instead of believing in an afterlife, Syevyerism believes that the pantheon of Light returns the souls of sentient beings to the world after death, until they live a perfectly virtuous life and are allowed to take their place as a god. It places much less emphasis on Faram and more on Syevyer, the Gatekeeper of Heaven. Called a cult by many.
  • Gaian: A religion that worships the Scions of Light and Dark as metaphysical gods as well as the physical ones they are known to be. Rivaling Kiltia for the most common religion, Gaian is especially prominent among the bangaa and Feol viera. It believes that mages are a corruption of the natural order, for they can summon and bind the powers of the scions; This sentiment, although not particularly strong, is one of the major sources of tension between the bangaa and nu mou. The Balantia Templarate was started as a mage-hunting force, tasked with tracking down those who would abuse their powers and rendering them helpless, but is now their primary method of combating the growth of the other religions.

The Scions
The Totema. The Lucavi. The Espers. The Scions of Light and Dark have been called by these names and more in their time, an abyss that stretches since the true gods walked Ivalice. There are twelve of each, although two- Zodiark and Ultima- have never been clarified as to who is on what side. The Scions of Dark are often called the Lucavi in folklore, while the Scions of Light have been called the Totema, but the names are just as easily switched about. They are powerful beings who can make use of magick far beyond that of mortal creatures. Few have spoken directly to them, and fewer have lived through the experience with their minds intact- Light or Dark, they are alien and incomprehensible no matter whose side they are on. It's fortunate for Ivalice that they have never taken action against it, for it is unlikely that anyone would survive.

Through the use of powerful magick or certain items, the Scions' power can be harnessed and used to devastating effect. Most, if not all, of these items are currently 'lost'- Although a certain clan was said to have found all of them a scant

Here is a list of all of them.

Just in case you happened to join this without having played any of the games in the Ivalice Alliance...

A 'clan' is a term for an organization, usually of professional fighters or monster hunters, who form a pact with a powerful spirit called a Judge. In exchange for having to follow the Judge's rules, they will become immune to violent death, able to be revived by magic and returned to full strength after a fight. They are only found in Jylland. As said by the mage Lezaford:

That the existence of Judges is unique to Jylland can be ascertained by looking at both their role and their roots.

A Judge is a magickal creature - a golem, if you will - made solely for the purpose of forming contracts of law.

His goals were nothing less that the adjudication of war. With the Judges in direct control of combat, profitless battles could be avoided, and peace preserved.

However, the people of his day rebelled against the strong arm of the Judges' law, until it was decided that the Judges' law would be upheld and their benefits received only by those who wished to swear the Judge oath - and so it remains to this day.

Rarely are clans actually involved in politics or the military. It is simply the nature of those who form pacts with judges- and those who judges deem worthy of that pact- that they would avoid that sort of problem. Instead, clans are freelance groups, working for pay to solve the world's problems. However, savvy leaders have learned how to harness that natural contradictory greed and altruism to set clans against their enemies; Notably to this roleplay, the fact that the clans are converging on the Aisenfield Rift.

The judge of Clan Mason is virtually identical to all of the others, quiet and only appearing when necessary to indict a new member or solve some dispute. It has been noted to be somewhat more talkative than most, and prone to giving advice or warnings to its clan members.

The Rift
What lies inside? No one knows. The large force assembling outside has hardly penetrated its depths yet, but already have been seen many monsters of kinds long thought extinct. But geomancers and Moogle machinists have already declared that the dimensions observed are impossible based on the readings they are getting from the land, and many of those more in touch with nature are struck with uneasiness and nausea from whatever lies within. Curiously, this seems to make the clans more eager to go inside. One wonders if they have a death wish...

Toggle Rules

  • Please don't godmod, ghost, or autohit if it can be avoided. If you really must in the interests of preserving narrative flow, which is understandable, please work it out with the other player beforehand.
  • Keep the sexual themes and all to a minimum. Not that I'm saying act like a kid who's never heard about the avians and the anthophila, just that this is not a cybering RP. Romance and 'fade-to-black' scenes are perfectly fine, though. Keep it PG-13 or a low R. We're all adults here, and if we're not then for Faram's sake don't tell anyone!
  • While we're working in a game universe here, don't feel compelled to remain within its rules. If you're a mage, you don't have to use the usual trifecta of fire, ice, and lightning. But for goodness' sake don't go crazy and claim you control the element of chocolate sauce or some silliness. Mostly anything goes- Be creative! The magick's not yet dead and gone.
  • Quality is better than quantity. It's hard for some people to keep up with RPs if they go too fast, myself being one of them. Take time to consider your posts before making them. Posts of only a couple lines are unacceptable, though.
  • You are not God. Or a god. The universe does not revolve around your character. Remember that before you post the exty-ninth angsty brooding badass who is on the run from the world.
  • Don't use existing characters. It isn't classy. And when you do make your characters, try to be original.
  • There's a limit of 13 players, one for each zodiac sign. I'll be playing as the Judge and various NPCs, unless no one can think of anything for Ophiuchus. Players can have NPCs under their controls (Although I guess they would be Not-Main-Player-Characters) if they wish, although not too many and not too important.

Signing Up

Basically? Fill this thing out.

Code: Select all
Mannerisms, habits and hobbies:
Goals and Motivations:
[*][b]Appearance[/b]: (Picture or text is fine. Picture and text is better. Four-dimensional hypercubes not permitted)
Eye Color:
Hair/Fur Color:
Skin/Scale Color:
Height-Weight-Build: (IE Tall-Heavy-Fat)
[*][b]Zodiac Sign[/b]: (We need one of everything, including Ophiuchus. That one should be interesting, if you can figure out an excuse.)
[*][b]Current Equipment[/b]
Torso (upper):
Torso (lower):
Right Hand:
Left Hand:
Accessories: (Up to two.)
[*][b]Place of Birth[/b]: (Consult [url=]here[/url] for some examples, but there's no reason to limit yourself to where the player can go)
[*][b]Skills[/b]: (Other than class abilities, what does you character know how to do?)
Economic Class: (Lower, middle, upper class. Rich or poor?)
Occupation prior to Clan:
Reason for joining Clan Mason:
Significant Others:

[*][b]Class[/b]: (If you want, make up your own name for your class.)
[*][b]Class Description[/b]: (Bonus points if you make it sound like a stuffy FFT one, with the Job Skill in caps!)
[*][b]Weapon Profinciency[/b]: (One primary and two secondary)
[*][b]Armor Type[/b]: (Up to two. Cloth/Leather/Light/Heavy/Plate)
[*][b]Skills/Spells[/b] (Identify if it's a skill, faith spell, or mana spell.)
-[i]Skill One: Description: Effects.[/i]
-[i]Skill One: Description: Effects.[/i]
-[i]Skill One: Description: Effects.[/i]
-[i]Skill One: Description: Effects.[/i]

Now, on the subject of combat... I'm not going to have you keep track of your MP and such. That would be complicated and unrealistic. Instead, it works like this:

Mana Magick: Requires the caster to charge mana before casting, related to how powerful the spell is. However, mana releases instantly.
Faith Magick: No need to charge before casting, but you have to prompt the spell with a kiai or recitation of some kind.
Skills: Instant cast, usually no charge time, but much less spectacular effects. Usually physical actions such as double striking. This doesn't really need anything special to go with it.

Like I said before, let everyone have a chance to post while in a battle, so nobody gets left behind in events.

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Ivalice by Hydrall

The world of Ivalice- Specifically, Jylland.

Outside the Rift

Outside the Rift by RolePlayGateway

Just outside the shadow of the ruptured field wait the Clans...

The Mouth

The Mouth by RolePlayGateway

Gaping like the maw of some ancient dragon, the ground here is torn open to reveal an enormous cave.

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Ivalice by Hydrall

The world of Ivalice- Specifically, Jylland.

Outside the Rift

Outside the Rift by RolePlayGateway

Just outside the shadow of the ruptured field wait the Clans...

The Mouth

The Mouth by RolePlayGateway

Gaping like the maw of some ancient dragon, the ground here is torn open to reveal an enormous cave.

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Character Portrait: Mariah
0 sightings Mariah played by Rarikou

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: The Judge
Character Portrait: Dolith Hawk
Character Portrait: Cidney "Cid" Vale
Character Portrait: Crida Dorn


Character Portrait: Crida Dorn
Crida Dorn

An ambitious young Gria

Character Portrait: Dolith Hawk
Dolith Hawk

"The whispers are my greatest fear... for my prayers fall upon death ears."

Character Portrait: The Judge
The Judge

"Fear not. We are with you."


Character Portrait: The Judge
The Judge

"Fear not. We are with you."

Character Portrait: Dolith Hawk
Dolith Hawk

"The whispers are my greatest fear... for my prayers fall upon death ears."

Character Portrait: Crida Dorn
Crida Dorn

An ambitious young Gria

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Dolith Hawk
Dolith Hawk

"The whispers are my greatest fear... for my prayers fall upon death ears."

Character Portrait: The Judge
The Judge

"Fear not. We are with you."

Character Portrait: Crida Dorn
Crida Dorn

An ambitious young Gria

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Ivalice by Hydrall

The world of Ivalice- Specifically, Jylland.

Outside the Rift

Outside the Rift by RolePlayGateway

Just outside the shadow of the ruptured field wait the Clans...

The Mouth

The Mouth by RolePlayGateway

Gaping like the maw of some ancient dragon, the ground here is torn open to reveal an enormous cave.

The Mouth

Ivalice The Mouth Owner: RolePlayGateway

Gaping like the maw of some ancient dragon, the ground here is torn open to reveal an enormous cave.

Outside the Rift

Ivalice Outside the Rift Owner: RolePlayGateway

Just outside the shadow of the ruptured field wait the Clans...


The world of Ivalice- Specifically, Jylland.

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Most recent OOC posts in Final Fantasy Tactics: The Altar of Aisen

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy Tactics: The Altar of Aisen

If I answer it then it becomes rhetorical if I don't answer it its a legitimate question... What to do?

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy Tactics: The Altar of Aisen

RedRaine, if you can finish your character we can start. (I'm still here, are any of you?)

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy Tactics: The Altar of Aisen

Hey, ixnay on the ugplay! :P

Either way, wilkommen. I think I might have us start once Gaunt and RedRaine submit their sheets. It's not thirteen, but I think we'll live.

Although I think Vio-lance has left. Dang.

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy Tactics: The Altar of Aisen

I may go and join this. I've been looking for a FFTA2-based RP for ages.

This'll be my first RP on this site, so I may take a little while to learn the ropes. I know Hydrall from another RP forum, and he shamelessly plugged this game where I could see it :P

Anyway, I'm hammering out a character sheet. I'm going to be playing a Gria sort-of-raptor-ravager-hybrid.

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy Tactics: The Altar of Aisen

It is very important to the plot, but I've been around this website long enough to know that there are always a few dropouts. The adoption system would probably have to be utilized, which would unfortunately mean playing multiple characters (which can subtract from the overall quality, and that's bad)... If it got really bad, I suppose the RP might have to be closed, but I would prefer avoiding that so our collective efforts aren't wasted.

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy Tactics: The Altar of Aisen

Then I have another question; should people drop out, how are you gonna deal with that? 'cause you seem really insistent on the whole thirteen thing (which I assume will play some part in the plot,) would drop-outs ruin the game as a whole?

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy Tactics: The Altar of Aisen

Well, with you that makes five. I was hoping for thirteen, but if we can't get that I'll wait until we have six or seven (possibly making an actual character of my own to bring it up) and then we'll start, with others joining in at some point or another, possibly as new clan members.

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy Tactics: The Altar of Aisen

Heeey everyone. I haven't posted up my character yet, but I'd just like to ask when exactly is this planning to start? I'm roughly halfway done this but don't hesitate to start on without me.

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy Tactics: The Altar of Aisen

ohhey, 'sup, people.

Don't have a lotta input on how to advertise around here, I just skimmed through the RP-list a bit looking for a game to use Colt (yup, that gypsy/pirate scum, that's me) in, but I rarely game on gateway, much less GM, so I don't know. Thirteen either way seems like a lotta people; might be better to start early and let people join along the way (just have others be on dispatch missions.) Personally I'd check with everyone in the OOC, then get it up. If needed, tasks can always be delegated to NPC's or secondary characters. That's my view, anyway.

As for the fall of the clan; no clue. Is it the same people in the clan? How long ago did they fall? What is the situation on other clans and possibly politics? If it happened long enough ago for a lot of new blood to join, it's easier to form excuses. However couple suggestions that could work would be an encounter with the judges, restricting key members or jailing them. Perhaps a rival clan put up a bloody fight in a Jagd, killing or maiming same key members (or possibly making others leave after witnessing the horror of it all) perhaps a less bloody reason in that the original members got old, put on weight and weren't as tough as they were in their prime, or perhaps their fame had been ill-deserved in the first place and started to falter as people began to see through it.

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy Tactics: The Altar of Aisen

Dunno how many people skim the OOC lists, but it's worth a shot. I'm hesitant to go beyond that, since I'm pretty sure they (whoever they are) don't like it when you advertise...

Okay, er... I guess one thing might be to decide what exactly ruined Mason's reputation. Plus who the leader's going to be, but that one might have to wait until we get more players. Unless we decide it's a democracy.

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy Tactics: The Altar of Aisen

Maybe if we keep posting in the OOC, someone will send in more char. apps? Not necessarily bumping, but starting a conversation, perhaps related to the roleplay (ex. plotting)?

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy Tactics: The Altar of Aisen

Thanks for your interest! Of course you can join. And the whole Tactics series was amazing. The rest of Squeenix is just jealous, that's why Agrias and Wiegraf weren't in Dissidia. :P

As for going anyways, I suppose that's how it'll have to be if we don't find enough.

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy Tactics: The Altar of Aisen

Yeaaah~ You can't make an interest check no more. Sadly. >>

But how about another player? xD

Color me interested as I absolutely -adore- the final fantasy genre! And man. I really miss Final Fantasy A2. Now THAT was a game.

Also. Suggestion: if we so happen to be unable to find a 12+1 person group, would it be alright to just go on and do it anyways? Perhaps add some subplot like 'we must gather the 12+1 chosen' and go about searching for peeps? I really would hate to see a really interesting RP like this fall off the earth before its time. @.@

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy Tactics: The Altar of Aisen

Hmm... Maybe I should have posted an interest check before making this? Eh, who knows. I don't believe I can make one now, though.

But I can make a Roleplayers Wanted thread! I think. I did anyways because I'm impatient, so hopefully some peoples will notice and we can start moving towards starting.

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy Tactics: The Altar of Aisen

*Flies in through the window*

I am here! Commence the summoning of more people! *tries to summon telepathically*

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy Tactics: The Altar of Aisen

Both of you are approved. Don't post yet though; Need to get the others together. Hopefully we can actually get 13 players. :P

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy Tactics: The Altar of Aisen

It's very interesting to see an FF:T roleplay! It almost made me crack out my SP and play Tactics advaance. Good times. Good times.

Might add a character, but if it fills up, don't hold a spot for me. It's been a while, and I'm rusty on lore.

Re: [OOC] Final Fantasy Tactics: The Altar of Aisen

Though in declining sanity this character isn't as confrontational as Koru is... so I doubt he'll cause to much conflict when not overcome by his... voices. Though I always let things flow so I'm not sure what will happen.