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Glory Found in Friendship

Glory Found in Friendship


A few friends find themselves in a whole new world in which they make their own decisions. Should they reunite with their true friends or stay in the new world for their own purpose?

3,266 readers have visited Glory Found in Friendship since Hanagumori created it.


Important note-- Because of the lack of characters made for the necessary amount in a long span of time, I have cut the amount by two, making it four. If you wish to be in this roleplay, you're allowed to create a demon/friend, but you can't start until you have the opposite of what you have. (For example, if you made a demon, you'll need another person to play a friend to be with you.) Thank you for understanding~

There are six friends (two boys and two girls) are taken one day during their sleep to one other universe. They have to find each other again, but each person is stuck with human-looking demons and the friends have to choose the sides. If they join the demon's sides, they become powerful/rich but, of course, they are evil and refuse to reunite with their friends. The friends who refuse to go with the demons and continue to find their friends are neutral but the demons are their enemies. There are good demons and the people who are neutral can side with them and become good. The friends will be taught(or will learn) fighting skills and things like that on their journey to find each other.

The evil demons live in castles and can hold territory of land and rule their own kingdom. They try to convince the friend to stay and eventually their dark side shows to them and offers them power and wealth if they stay. This means, one friend per demon kingdom. The setting of the friends is modern, but in their world it's slightly futuristic. This means they have advanced weapons, different creatures, different/advanced transportation, etc. The demons take form of a human and they look wealthy. Each demon must have a different personality compared to the other demons so that its diverse and not a million "mysterious" ones. (Being mysterious is okay!) Each friend will stay with a demon opposite of their gender and it's possible for romance to occur. Extra characters are highly suggested for the demon's kingdom, such as: friend of demon, a sibling, a servant(not a slave, someone like a maid or butler of that sort), or anything you can think of.

Some demons are at war or are rivals to other demons, but some demons can be neutral/allies with each other. Each kingdom has different rules with their kingdom and each kingdom is different than the others. (Some can be poor kingdoms, friendly kingdoms, rich kingdoms, etc) If you can't think of a kingdom, I can help or I could set default kingdoms. Each demon can name their kingdom as well.

Good demons control smaller kingdoms and are usually at war with other demons. It's rare for a good demon's kingdom and an evil demon's kingdom to be neutral or allies(but it's possible.) Their kingdoms are usually friendly, but the economy levels can be different. Because they are usually under attack, they are well-trained to fight and defend themselves. Good demons do not need the human-looking form, but they are welcomed to use one. A neutral friend can visit a good demon's kingdom to learn fighting skills and leave without joining their side as well.

Each friend has their own power(be creative~) and can use it after they learn to control it once they enter the new world. Friends can share powers(ex. two friends have control over fire.) These friends are close friends, by the way, like childhood friends. They care a lot for each other, but some can be friendly rivals, share the same crush, live together, etc. Their ages are preferred to be 15 - 21. I wish for everyone to be diverse but it's okay if there are two friends who are stuck up and competitive or look alike.

So, in total, I will need 5 3 friends (I will play one of them), 6 4 demons(doesn't really matter what kind, but just saying... Vampires are a little overrated... But they're okay. I don't want too much of them, though.), 3 good demons, and extra characters. The extras can be friends of the good/evil demons or neutral people who are running from evil demons. Extras can be creative and not limited to those things, too. They are also not limited to a number.

Summary: Six Four friends are separated in a new world and are welcomed by evil demons that offer protection,wealth, and power if they join their side. If they refuse, they become neutral, or join the good demon side. Each kingdom is ruled by the demons, allied or enemies with other kingdoms. Friends are on a journey to find each other and must search into the unknown new world to try to find their way home.
It's modern friends that end up in a slightly futuristic (about 200 years into the future) new world.

Important Background Info:
The six four friends are childhood friends and they all live in the city of San Fransisco. Its a pretty big city near the ocean with temperatures up to 75 degrees or so. They all attend (or have attended) a high-school called South Ashfield. Some friends live close by to each other, some live together, some are even out of state or city but visit often. Each friend has different relationships with one another and some favor one over the other. They can be friendly rivals, BFFs, or they could be in love with one another. It depends.

Character List:

+ Male friend 1 - Erik Rios- Dex

+ Female friend 1 - Nai Valentine - GenericUserName

+ Male friend 2 - Caiden Angelo - Light_Grenades

+ Female friend 2 - Sierra Ferrero - Hanagumori

+ Male friend 3 - (avaliable)

+ Female friend 3 - Chantilly "Tilly" Fitzroy - WildChildFullofGrace


- Demon of Kingdom 1 (Female)+ Gloriyah Chikiahyi - Vio-Lance
Kingdom: Kraidy
- Demon of Kingdom 2 (Male)+ Zante Yamamoto - Light_Grenades
Kingdom: Kamagaoka
- Demon of Kingdom 3 (Female)+ "Eva" Nicoletti - Hanagumori
Kingdom: Eternelle
- Demon of Kingdom 4 (Male)+ Varrick - Dex
Kingdom: Adunia
- Demon of Kingdom 5 (Female)+ (avaliable)
- Demon of Kingdom 6 (Male)+ Vincent Aruhiek - Soviet Rei
Kingdom: Erebus

Good Demons:
(At this point, gender can be random.)
+ Good demon 1 - (Avaliable!)
Kingdom -
+ Good demon 2 - Lina - GenericUserName
Kingdom - Saar
+ Good demon 3 - Sultan Krigak Baufazur - Vio-Lance
Kingdom - Fadhiejulek


Kingdom List:
---Note! These Kingdoms may be changed by whichever Demon owns it. Until then, these are the default names. If you play a demon but don't have any name ideas or something, it's okay to leave it, too.---

Kingdom 1: Kraidy
Kingdom 2: Kamegaoka
Kingdom 3: Éternelle
Kingdom 4: Adunia
Kingdom 5: Geoul
Kingdom 6: Erebus

In order to save confusion, I will eventually create a map of Altrucia to use as a guide.

Character forms:

Friend form:

Close to: (Name a friend. If there isn't many, put N/A until there are more.)
Crush: (If none, put N/A or unknown if you want it to be a secret.)
Birthdate: (Year doesn't matter.)
Power: (Only after the New World.)
Weapon: (If any. If you have one, you have to get one in the New World.)
Biography: (Please make it at least a paragraph long.)
Image: (Anime/Real life okay. Anime is preferred though.)

Demon form:

Friend you wish to have in your kingdom: (Name a friend. If there isn't many, put N/A until there are more.)
Weapon: (If any.)
Biography: (Please make it at least a paragraph long.)
Image: (Anime/Real life okay. Anime is preferred though.)

Good Demon form:

Weapon: (If any.)
Biography: (Please make it at least a paragraph long.)
Image: (Anime/Real life okay. Anime is preferred though.)

Extra Character form:

Power: (If any.)
Weapon: (If any.)
Biography: (Please make it at least a paragraph long.)
Image: (Anime/Real life okay. Anime is preferred though.)

Toggle Rules

[*] No god-modding please. Even in the new world with your character's new powers.
[*] Semi-lit to literate only. If you can't form a proper sentence or leave me squinting for 5 minutes to try to figure out what you are talking about, then please don't fill out a form.
[*] No Mary/Gary-Sues. Everyone has their own weaknesses.
[*] Arguing with other friends is alright, just don't get out of hand. They're all best friends after all.
[*] Please, PLEASE try to be creative. I don't want to get a million Japanese characters, overly sexy people (although, sexy people is alright with me. Haha), friends can't be vampires or anything supernatural, characters that are a complete mystery or have every trait in the book, and I hope that you try at the bio. If you're not good with it, that's alright with me. (Sorry for being so picky, but someone had to say something about it.)
[*] Demons are allowed to fight other demons but they can NOT kill one another even if they are in battle. This reminds me...
[*] Do not kill other characters unless they have given you permission.
[*] Cussing and romance are allowed but do not let it get out of hand. Take it to PM if you must.
[*] Remember. The new world is a new world. You can't travel from kingdom to kingdom in a few minutes. It will take a while.
[*] Have fun and please be as active as you possibly can.
In your character description, please add 'I LIKE BANANAS!!~~~!!~" If you have read these rules.

Browse All » 10 Settings to roleplay in

San Fransisco

San Fransisco by RolePlayGateway

This is the home for the friends.


Kraidy by RolePlayGateway

Gloriyah Chikiahyi's Kingdom.


Kamagaoka by RolePlayGateway

Zante Yamamoto's Kingdom.


Eternelle by RolePlayGateway

"Eva" Nicoletti's Kingdom.


Adunia by RolePlayGateway

Varrick's Kingdom.


Erebus by RolePlayGateway

Vincent Aruhiek's Kingdom.


Diosla by RolePlayGateway

Ionda Dallin's kingdom.


Saar by RolePlayGateway

Lina's kingdom.


Fadhiejulek by RolePlayGateway

Sultan Krigak Baufazur's kingdom.


Altrucia by Hanagumori

Large continent of Altrucia. This hosts all countries/kingdoms inside of it. Millions of years old.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


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((Jeesh, I'm sorry for being so inactive on this site. It's one of my flaws.))
Even though Caiden's day was long and tiresome, he still reserved his body from sleeping. His neck lengthened towards the computer monitor while he played his game in the dark with nothing but the screen's light lingering the room. Headphones were placed over his ears and it kept him away from the real world.
His enjoyment sunk when his cell phone vibrated next to his hand on the desk. He kept his eyes centered on the screen but he grabbed his phone quickly and raised it to the screen so he wouldn't have to look down. It was a text message from his father. He closed the phone without reading it.
He knew what it meant when his parents text him. They usually wanted him to do something or they wanted to scold him.
He swiftly saved and closed his laptop once he heard the squeaking of the stairs from someone walking up them. He stealthily got up from his old rolling chair and threw himself onto his bed and pretended to be asleep.
A single knock was made before his mother came in to check on him. Caiden hid under his blankets and she turned on the lights.
She approached the bedside and lifted the blankets to look at his face. Caiden did a nice job of pretending to sleep. She heavily sighed and walked out of the room after turning the lights back off.
He lifted his head from his bed to check if she was gone. He originally planned to go back to his game but he gave up on that and chose to sleep instead.


A crisp sound alerted others in the room as Zante cracked his knuckles calmly. Soldiers remained on guard and in their respective spots, saluting Zante. He glanced at the crystal ball he had on his table and watched the clock above.
"It's almost time." Zante announced with a definite serious tone. The others silently nodded to his statement, waiting for their orders. Zante began pacing again with a smirk, "I will take this mission to retrieve her by myself. Your job is to protect this place while I am gone." The guards stared at him with surprised looks. Zante's missions usually includes scouts to go out and do it for him. This time, he is doing something himself.
"Yes, sir!"

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While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

San Fransisco

San Fransisco by RolePlayGateway

This is the home for the friends.


Kraidy by RolePlayGateway

Gloriyah Chikiahyi's Kingdom.


Kamagaoka by RolePlayGateway

Zante Yamamoto's Kingdom.


Eternelle by RolePlayGateway

"Eva" Nicoletti's Kingdom.


Adunia by RolePlayGateway

Varrick's Kingdom.


Erebus by RolePlayGateway

Vincent Aruhiek's Kingdom.


Diosla by RolePlayGateway

Ionda Dallin's kingdom.


Saar by RolePlayGateway

Lina's kingdom.


Fadhiejulek by RolePlayGateway

Sultan Krigak Baufazur's kingdom.


Altrucia by Hanagumori

Large continent of Altrucia. This hosts all countries/kingdoms inside of it. Millions of years old.

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View All » Add Character » 15 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lina
Character Portrait: Sierra Ferrero
Character Portrait: Sultan Krigak Baufazur
Character Portrait: Zante Yamamoto
Character Portrait: "Eva" Nicoletti
Character Portrait: Nai Valentine
Character Portrait: Caiden Angelo
Character Portrait: Chantilly "Tilly" Fitzroy
Character Portrait: Gloriyah Chikiahyi


Character Portrait: Gloriyah Chikiahyi
Gloriyah Chikiahyi

A strict, dignified ruler, whom trying to help her Kingdom recover after the tides of civil war left it in shambles.

Character Portrait: Chantilly "Tilly" Fitzroy
Chantilly "Tilly" Fitzroy

An impulsive, ever-changing girl who attains what she desires through reading people.

Character Portrait: Caiden Angelo
Caiden Angelo

The lazy friend of the group with deep thoughts and litrary work.

Character Portrait: Nai Valentine
Nai Valentine

There's nothing wrong

Character Portrait: "Eva" Nicoletti
"Eva" Nicoletti

A charming demon that can be a bit of a temptress to others to get her way.

Character Portrait: Zante Yamamoto
Zante Yamamoto

A demon with a plot that can be very deadly.

Character Portrait: Sultan Krigak Baufazur
Sultan Krigak Baufazur

"Not all demons are these pretty faces you see prancing around. Someone has gotta be the ugly one."

Character Portrait: Sierra Ferrero
Sierra Ferrero

A unique and creative girl with an optimistic view of life.

Character Portrait: Lina

A good demon who acts a little like a cat


Character Portrait: Nai Valentine
Nai Valentine

There's nothing wrong

Character Portrait: "Eva" Nicoletti
"Eva" Nicoletti

A charming demon that can be a bit of a temptress to others to get her way.

Character Portrait: Zante Yamamoto
Zante Yamamoto

A demon with a plot that can be very deadly.

Character Portrait: Lina

A good demon who acts a little like a cat

Character Portrait: Sultan Krigak Baufazur
Sultan Krigak Baufazur

"Not all demons are these pretty faces you see prancing around. Someone has gotta be the ugly one."

Character Portrait: Gloriyah Chikiahyi
Gloriyah Chikiahyi

A strict, dignified ruler, whom trying to help her Kingdom recover after the tides of civil war left it in shambles.

Character Portrait: Sierra Ferrero
Sierra Ferrero

A unique and creative girl with an optimistic view of life.

Character Portrait: Chantilly "Tilly" Fitzroy
Chantilly "Tilly" Fitzroy

An impulsive, ever-changing girl who attains what she desires through reading people.

Character Portrait: Caiden Angelo
Caiden Angelo

The lazy friend of the group with deep thoughts and litrary work.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Lina

A good demon who acts a little like a cat

Character Portrait: Zante Yamamoto
Zante Yamamoto

A demon with a plot that can be very deadly.

Character Portrait: Sierra Ferrero
Sierra Ferrero

A unique and creative girl with an optimistic view of life.

Character Portrait: Gloriyah Chikiahyi
Gloriyah Chikiahyi

A strict, dignified ruler, whom trying to help her Kingdom recover after the tides of civil war left it in shambles.

Character Portrait: "Eva" Nicoletti
"Eva" Nicoletti

A charming demon that can be a bit of a temptress to others to get her way.

Character Portrait: Nai Valentine
Nai Valentine

There's nothing wrong

Character Portrait: Sultan Krigak Baufazur
Sultan Krigak Baufazur

"Not all demons are these pretty faces you see prancing around. Someone has gotta be the ugly one."

Character Portrait: Caiden Angelo
Caiden Angelo

The lazy friend of the group with deep thoughts and litrary work.

Character Portrait: Chantilly "Tilly" Fitzroy
Chantilly "Tilly" Fitzroy

An impulsive, ever-changing girl who attains what she desires through reading people.

View All » Places

San Fransisco

San Fransisco by RolePlayGateway

This is the home for the friends.


Kraidy by RolePlayGateway

Gloriyah Chikiahyi's Kingdom.


Kamagaoka by RolePlayGateway

Zante Yamamoto's Kingdom.


Eternelle by RolePlayGateway

"Eva" Nicoletti's Kingdom.


Adunia by RolePlayGateway

Varrick's Kingdom.


Erebus by RolePlayGateway

Vincent Aruhiek's Kingdom.


Diosla by RolePlayGateway

Ionda Dallin's kingdom.


Saar by RolePlayGateway

Lina's kingdom.


Fadhiejulek by RolePlayGateway

Sultan Krigak Baufazur's kingdom.


Altrucia by Hanagumori

Large continent of Altrucia. This hosts all countries/kingdoms inside of it. Millions of years old.

San Fransisco

San Fransisco Owner: RolePlayGateway

This is the home for the friends.


Large continent of Altrucia. This hosts all countries/kingdoms inside of it. Millions of years old.


Altrucia Kraidy Owner: RolePlayGateway

Gloriyah Chikiahyi's Kingdom.


Altrucia Erebus Owner: RolePlayGateway

Vincent Aruhiek's Kingdom.


Altrucia Saar Owner: RolePlayGateway

Lina's kingdom.


Altrucia Fadhiejulek Owner: RolePlayGateway

Sultan Krigak Baufazur's kingdom.


Altrucia Diosla Owner: RolePlayGateway

Ionda Dallin's kingdom.


Altrucia Eternelle Owner: RolePlayGateway

"Eva" Nicoletti's Kingdom.


Altrucia Kamagaoka Owner: RolePlayGateway

Zante Yamamoto's Kingdom.


Altrucia Adunia Owner: RolePlayGateway

Varrick's Kingdom.

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