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Amorette Mellis

"The Hive is buzzing with excitment, Dearie."

0 · 911 views · located in Dorelith

a character in “Heretics: Chronicles of Baekoth”, as played by LuckyNumber24


Amorette Mellis


"My worker bees are everywhere, Darling."



Though small in stature, Amorette is anything but unintimidating. She is the very image of refined grace and beauty, every smile and gesture coldly calculated and choreographed. Her fair skin and raven hair are soft and flawless from decades of extensive beauty treatments. Her eyes, large and almost inhumanly dark, are filled with a distant malice and terrifying calm that can send shivers down the spines of the bravest of men. Her gaze seems to undo those caught in it's sight, stripping them of security until they have nowhere to hide their secrets.

Amorette's taste for the luxurious is more than apparent in her wardrobe. Her body's natural curves are enhanced by the use of a corset, pulled tightly to minimize her waist and hid by extravagant black dresses of fine fabric, feathers, and lace. Expensive jewelry and gems nearly always dangle around her neck and from her ears.



Hair: Soft dark brown hair held in a variety of different styles.
Eyes: Unusually black eyes
Build: Slight, but with curves.
Skin Tone: Very pale
Height: 5 foot 5
Weight: 120
Voice: A confident and unwavering voice. Typically light yet void of any true distinguishable emotion, Amorette's voice can turn in an instant, adopting a variety of different accents, rasps, or pitches when needed.
Handed: Left Handed
Body Markings: None
Scar Tissue: None
Unique Body Features: Amorette's eyes are unusually dark and fairly unsettling to those who aren't used to dealing with her.

Amorette Mellis

Spymistress of Dorelith, Lady of Nydoecia, Madame of the Honey Comb Brothel, The Black Lady, Mistress of the Hive, The Queen Bee. By those who see her unfavorably: The Gossiping Whore, The Black Bitch, The Rebel Whore.


Visual Age

Factual Age


Sexual Orientation

Mage Ranking
Noram, the Mundane

Noble / Assassin


"I'm a woman of both honey and venom, my sweet. "


On the surface, Amorette appears composed, polite, and well spoken like any high born lady, but treating her as so may prove a dangerous mistake. By now, most have heard of her reputation as a clever and ruthless woman and know that there is much more stirring beneath her charming smile and flowery words. She is not only a survivalist, doing whatever necessary to keep herself in a favorable position, but also an ambitious climber of Dorelith's social ladder. Amorette's drive and questionable methods have taken her a long way and many believe she will not stop until she sits upon the Messiah Queen's throne.

Though the Black Lady is indeed self-serving and unapologetic for her actions (including but not limited to: murder, blackmail, treason, and theft) she is very rarely the heartless monster she is often depicted as. Amorette simply weighs her options and takes time to consider her choices. If one course of action favors her, there are very few reasons for her to even consider another route. She has learned that any woman in this world must look out for herself and love very few, if any. She doesn't take any pride or enjoyment from the evil things she does or has had to do, but she feels no guilt either. It's simply what she must do.

Despite her focus on self preservation, Amorette is definitely not self centered or self absorbed. She is actually a very social person, taking some interest in most people she meets. She loves speaking to others, winding them, unwinding them, taking them apart, and then putting them back together again. Seeing how others tick is a craft that Amorette has all but perfected. This ability to read others helps greatly if they cross her. Those who wrong the Queen Bee know that she will come back at them with all her might. She may wait days or even years before she decides to pay back the debt, but one can be sure that she always comes to collect. This makes many a noble slow to make an enemy out of her.


- Interests: Amorette always has a few strange subjects that peak her interest. Right now, her hobbies include classic Dorelithian poetry, orcish war tactics, and the study of animus magic. Past interests include histories of the elven people, gardening as an art form, and mermaid biology.

- Poisons: Amorette has a long standing obsessions with exotic poisons, possessing an incredible collection of animal venom, plant toxins, and deadly chemicals. Though the majority of these poisons are deadly, some are powerful hallucinogens, others cause paralysis, and others bring excruciating pain.

- Vanity & Theatrics: The Queen Bee is famous for her beauty and for good reason. She's given time, money, and pain to keep herself desirable. Paired nicely with her over the top beauty regiments are exquisite dresses and a habit of bringing a dramatic flair to everything she does.

- Gossip: Even for someone who makes a living off of secrets, Amorette has an extreme fondness for idle gossip. Even in times of war when monarchs rise and kingdoms fall, nothing satisfies her more than knowing who's fucking who.

- "Darling": Amorette often refers to others with pet names, most commonly "Darling", "Love", and "Pet".

Moral Alignment
Lawful / Chaotic Neutral

"Don't just survive, Darling. Survive with style."

-Amorette first and foremost is motivated by her own survival and drive to claw her way up to the life she deserves.
-She also wishes to avenge her former master, Blossom and her late husband, Reginal.


-Amorette fears being forced back into a life of droll poverty after all the work she's put into this game.

-She fears being outsmarted and beaten by someone better at the game than she is.

-The Lady fears hurting the few people she cares about.


Staying alive and gaining power


Sweets - Amorette has always had a taste for the sweeter things in life. Not just limited to sugar and pastries, the spymistress enjoys everything luxurious and tasty. This includes the finest silks and jewelry, exotic perfumes, and, of course, the sweetest of desserts.

Knowledge - She had a deep infatuation with information, whether it be history, battle techniques, magical rituals, or idle gossip. Knowledge is power and in this sense she is a forced to be reckoned with.

Competition - Toying with the droll and the daft can become tedious and boring to someone like the Black Lady. So, to remain sharp, Amorette needs the occasional challenge to match her wit and keep her on her toes.


Risks - She doesn't enjoy being in situations she can't control or can't tell the immediate outcome of. These types of environments make her anxious and fearful, though she'd like you to believe otherwise.

Poverty - Seeing the poor and the hungry reminds Amorette of a very painful time in her life. When she came into the position of lady, she had the slums renovated and food donated to the poor. However, she refused to take a step back onto the streets that were once her home. Even now, being around the poverty stricken or starving make her extremely uneasy.

Boredom - As quickly as Amorette takes interest in something, she can lose it. She has many unfinished books and projects that she tossed aside as soon as it "lost that shine" that it had when she started with it. When she gets bored, she often becomes restless and chooses to stir up trouble for entertainment.


Information: - As, arguably, the most well informed woman in Dorelith, Amorette has thousands of informants and partners all over the country, whom she refers to as her "Worker Bees". Even in it's Queen's exile, the Hive is growing, spreading Amorette's reach throughout Baekoth.

Guile - After years of outsmarting nobles, rival spies, assassins, and much worse, Amorette is quite possibly one of the craftiest people in Dorelith.

Ambition - Amorette is constantly clawing her way up the ladder, not allowing anyone or anything get in her way of success, survival, and the live she deserves.

Queen of all Trades - Amorette's many interests have led her down many interesting paths and provided her with many skills. She is fluent is several languages, proficient in five different styles of fighting, and is a poet, an artist, and philosopher.


Over Cautious - She is never one to take a chance and though it is sometimes helpful, other times it costs her precious opportunities.

Too Many Pies - While Amorette is obviously a woman of many skills, she spreads herself very thing and truly only excels in a few areas of expertise.

"I can't breathe" - Beauty is pain and she knows that very well. Her corset and dress restrict her movement greatly and are not ideal for fighting, fleeing, or any sort of strenuous physical activity if one is being honest.

Is your character literate? In what languages?

Common - Extremely fluent and very literate. One must be in they're spending hours reading letters filled with the secrets of others.

Elvish - She's able to hold a conversation and write a bit, but her skill in this language is nowhere near that of her Common tongue.

Orcish - Though this harsh tongue is often found difficult for none native speakers, Amorette once had an orc handmaiden who was also a wonderful tutor. She taught her how to speak quite of bit of this language.

Infernal/Abyssal/Arcanum - She only knows short phrases and words from her books, but as she has no mystic potential, they aren't of any use to her.



"Let's get you out of the shredded rags, dear. I'm sure we have a nice silk dress laying around here. "

Occasionally a hood or a hat of some kind

Various kinds of necklaces

Fine black dress, with a corset underneath

A cape or hooded cape if anything


Right Hand
Rings, bracelets, or a glove

Left Hand
Same as above

Right Accessory

Left Accessory

An occasional belt

Skirts of her dress

Fine heeled shoes



"Oh dear. I suppose I'll have to kill you now. "

Rating System

[Perfect] - [Excellent] - [Good] - [Above Average] - [Average] - [Below Average] - [Poor] - [Very Poor]


Hand-to-Hand Combat: [Above Average] Though her skills in unarmed combat have slipped since she became a lady, she is still quite capable of protecting herself without a weapon, with a few dirty tricks, of course. She is physically much weaker than her opponents in most cases and depends greatly on her speed, wits, and agility.

Melee Combat: [Excellent] Though she is capable enough with a short sword or axe, Amorette is truly gifted with needle-like knives and small edged weapons. In close quarters, she is a real threat to even the most seasoned of warriors. The true threat of her blades, however, are not in the edges, but deadly poisons she employs.

Ranged Combat: [Below Average] Though she is capable of throwing needles and blades, Amorette's aim with a bow and arrow is pathetic. She prefers to keep that a secret.

Magic Combat: [Very Poor] Amorette doesn't posses any magical ability.

Mounted Combat: [Very Poor] She's never attempted to fight on mount and she hopes she'll never have too. Riding has never really been her thing.

Racial Abilities

Adaptability: [Excellent] As a long time actress and a survivor, Amorette is always prepared to change herself to match the situation.

Cunning: [Excellent] This lady has been outsmarting nobles, rival spies, and much worse for years. She's quite possibly one of the craftiest in Baekoth.

Diplomacy [Good] Though dealing with others is something she is quite good at, she's made more than a few enemies in her time. This is partly due to her veiled threats and matter-of-fact attitude she takes on when discussing politics or religion.

Natural Talent

Acting - [Excellent] One can never be too sure of how Amorette is truly feeling as she is truly a talented actress capable of obscuring or feigning a large array of emotions.

Manipulation - [Excellent] Amorette has an innate gift for evoking desired emotions from others and often uses this to get information out of those who would typically be unwilling. She also uses this gift of hers to play enemies against each other.

Charisma/Leadership - [Good] As the leader of one of the world's largest network of spies, Amorette must have some idea of how to lead and does so with grace and style.

Class Skills

Persuasion - [Excellent] Amorette makes it a mission to get what she wants and has a plethora of ways to do so. She can use sweet words and flattery, calculated blackmail and bribery, or even more violent methods. She always gets what she desires from others.

Political Power - [Excellent] Who would have thought that a beggar turned assassin would have such sway in the kingdoms of Dorelith? Even know, as she struggles to keep her head, Amorette's words and information is coveted by every power hungry noble in the Messiah Queen's court.

Stealth & Disguise - [Excellent] Even as a notorious figure in the urban legends of Dorelith, anonymity is still an important skill for Amorette. Though trudging through the wilderness undetected is not exactly her style, she has the ability to become nearly anyone as she silently stalks the hallway of castles and strongholds.



"Every girl needs a pretty dress, Love. She also needs at least seven daggers, I found. Preferably coated in neurotoxins. "
Though Amorette has had more than enough to meet her needs for years, she has recently had to depart from her home and her life and so has few meager possessions with her:

Carriage: A small black horse-drawn carriage acts as Amorette's mode of transportation. In this carriage she keeps food rations, water canteens, her coin purse, and a case packed with some clothes and jewelry.

Poisons & Perfumes: Amorette would never leave without her priceless collections of exotic poisons and perfumes. She keeps the rarest of them in a small black case, carefully hidden in her carriage.

Weapons: The Queen Bee always has several of her "stings" hidden throughout her person.

As a person who is extremely focused on material things, one could say all of Amorette's things have some memory or meaning to her. Among her most precious items are her wedding rings, her poisons, and her weapons.

Oh, don't even get her started. Amorette has way too many belts, hats, bracelets, rings, and necklaces to even count.


Weapon Name:
The Queen's Stings
Weapon Type:
A collection of fighting needles and daggers
Acacian Gold. Though not actually gold, this rare and exotic material holds properties of fine steel, but bears a close physical resemblance to the metal for which it is named.
Ranging from six inches to a little longer than a foot.
Extremely light. The heaviest weighs no more than 2 pounds.
Weapon Description/Info:
Perhaps Amorette's signature weapons as an assassin, these needles, blades, and daggers are easily concealed and deadly in the hand of their mistress. Though they are strictly offensive weapons and can do very little in terms of protecting her. They are meant to strike first and strike fast and are all covered in potent venoms, poisons, and neurotoxins.

Weapon Name:
Weapon Type:
Rope Dart
Eastern Cave Spider silk rope and backrock iron dart
Three feet at the shortest, eleven at the longest
3 Pounds
Weapon Description/Info:
Once the weapon of the Silver Scorpion, a famed elven assassin, Amorette claimed it after his failed attempt on her life. It is a dangerous weapon with an enchanted rope that can shrink and grow as needed and a dart covered in Amorette's toxins. The rope, being made of Eastern Cave Spider silk, is tough enough to withstand direct hits from blades and is almost impossible to cut.

Weapon Name:
Weapon Type:
Bladed Fan
Steel frame and blades, covered with black silk.
Eleven inches
Five Pounds
Weapon Description/Info:
Though a weapon close to Amorette's heart, Wing is rarely used in battle. At first glance, it appears as a normal hand fan, but close inspection will reveal small razors peaking out along the edges. Wing is effective for parrying and blocking, but has been mostly used in Amorette's assassinations as a devious tool to swiftly kill her unsuspecting target.



"You can't bury the past, Darling. It has a nasty habit of clawing it's way out. "

Group Affiliation
Working with the Rebel Army
Leader of the Hive
High ranking member of the Shaded Sisters

Marital Status
Widowed (twice)

Reginal Mellis ~ Second Husband ~ Deceased
Avius Tren ~ First Husband ~ Deceased
Madame Blossom ~ Adoptive Mother ~ Deceased

The slums of Nydoecia

Social Rank
High Lady (Currently Outlaw)


Amorette was born in the poorest district of Nydoecia to a family of nameless beggars. Though she doesn't remember the faces or names of those who shared her blood, she does remember how awful their existence was. She remembers the hunger gnawing at her stomach and the smell of shit and piss and sweat. Thankfully, she was a pretty girl and a troop of actors passing through their slum bought her from her family when she was seven. She believed that she had a chance at happiness, but that was short lived. Though the majority of the actors were kind and warm people, the troop was dominated by a cruel and horrible man named Eron. He beat all the children, took the women he wanted, and dared the men to do anything about it. He forced Amorette and the other children to pick the pockets and steal from their audience members as the actor performed and afterwards he would take all the loot for himself. Amorette hated Eron, but knew it was unwise to stand up to him. So, she would survive like the rest of them. She would do as he said, keep here head down, and learn their craft. As several years passed, she learned the ways of an actor. She learned how to alter her voice and appearance, learned how to cry and laugh and smile and bat her eyelashes. She could become almost anyone with enough time to prepare. One day, during a show, she was caught by a guard with her hand inside a nobleman's coin purse. In an instant, she broke down in tears, pointing at the troop and sobbing dramatically. She claimed that she had just joined the troop and that their horrible leader was forcing her to do it. He had done vile things to her and told her he would kill her if she didn't steal for him. She clung to the guard tightly and said she was happy he was there to save her now. She was so sorry. So so sorry.

The entire troop was arrested. Some of them were hanged. The children, including Amorette, were taken to an orphanage. Amorette felt terribly guilty, but also a sense of relief that Eron was dead and that she was still alive. She had condemned some good people, but those good people allowed themselves to become victims of a tyrant. When she went to sleep, she rationalized and justified what she had done. The other children from the troop were resentful, refusing to speak to the girl that cost them their family. She couldn't exactly blame them, however, and decided not to hold their glares and angry whispers against them. Thankfully, she didn't have to suffer the little urchins long and was adopted by Madame Blossom, owner of the high-end Honey Comb Brothel. Initially terrified, Amorette fought and struggled against her new mother, but the Madame soon explained. She was there when Amorette damned the people who had fed her and was quite impressed. Of course, her acting was a tad much, but she showed raw potential and a primal need to survive. Blossom was in desperate need of girls like her. So she revealed that though the Honey Comb was indeed a functional brothel, it also served a doorway into the world of the Shaded Sisters, a group of spies, assassins, and thieves under the protection of a foreign goddess known as Mother Hush.

Amorette excelled and quickly became the Sister's star pupil. When she turned 14, she became a full member of the order and was sent on her first mission. Unfortunately, that also meant she became a worker in the Honey Comb. Even that had it's advantages, though, and she quickly became a favorite of wealthy nobles and politicians. She would become what they wanted, made them relax, and then pry the secrets out of them. Blossom quickly grew affectionate of Amorette and of all the secrets she provided. Amorette was an excellent spy, capable of infiltrating the most high-profile events and somehow obtaining the most private of information. Blossom soon promoted her adoptive daughter and trained her in the deadly arts of assassination. Poisons, hidden blades, and deception became Amorette's weapons as she took the lives of businessmen, beggars, and even a noble or two. It seemed as if Mother Hush had truly blessed her.

Eventually men began to profess their love to the young Amorette and her beauty, unaware of the atrocities she had committed, but only one caught her interest. Avius Tren, a wealthy nobleman and owner of some of Nydoecia's best fighting slaves, was one of Amorette's most frequent clients. He was much like her; clever, ambitious, and a survivor. Some said that he had killed his three older brothers so that he could inherit all of their parent's property. Regardless of the rumors, she found him quite charming and was quick to say yes when he proposed. Though Blossom disliked Avius, she did not object to their wedding, as wealthy Sisters with titles and land were always quite valuable. The first couple months of marriage were happy, until Avius began changing towards his wife. Gone was the charming socialite she had known. Now, he revealed himself as a raging drunk and an insecure madman. He refused her to speak to other men and forbid her from speaking to the "demonic whores" at the Honey Comb. She held her tongue and did her duties as a wife. She attempted to keep him calm, careful not to upset him and always mindful to slip milk of the poppy into his wine. Then, one night, he got a terrible cough and fever. Two nights later, he died. Though everyone else assumed that he passed from a sudden illness, Amorette realized that she must have accidently given him a poison instead of an opiate to help him sleep. How silly of her.

With her late husband's money and the backing of the Shaded Sisters, Amorette began her own endeavor. She realized that everyone, even the most charming of noblemen, had terrible secrets hidden away in the shadows. She used Sisters around the country as her initial contacts and started to gain valuable information of the nobles in Dorelith, starting with petty gossip and then digging the darkest secrets of their pasts, using them against their owners. After a few months, she become one of the most sought after people in Nydoecia. However, the Lord of Nydoecia, Reginal Mellis, did not appreciate her actions. He was a honorable man, one that was disliked the city that was his to protect. He did not partake in the gambling or the slave games or even the whores which his city was known for. He spent most of his time in Citha, but when he heard that his sinful domain was now the home of a rising gossip and blackmailer, he returned to confront her. However, he did not expect her to be so pleasant. Amorette listened to her lord and nodded with a smile, but promised him nothing. They soon married and Amorette was truly happy with him. Though he was much older than her, he was a good man and he treated her well. Now that she had a high title, an abundance of wealth, and a kind husband, she believed that she would be happy. And for a good while, she was.

At the age of 18, her network of spies, known as the Hive, had established itself in several cities around Nydoecia. She and her husband were a force to be reckoned with at court and the Shaded Sisters backed up every decision she made. Then, the Messiah Queen invaded. Blossom and many workers at the Honey Comb were killed instantly in the invasion. Reginal, that proud fool, refused to denounce his gods and bend the knee to the Queen and was burned. A widow once again, the young Amorette smiled through the pain and bowed, tears streaming down her face. She swore allegiance to the woman who murdered her first real family and became the crown's valued ally. She supplied the queen with the Hive's services and in return she was able to reestablish the Honey Comb, training a new generation of Shaded Sisters in secret. Amorette played the games of court, swatting away rival spies and nobles as she gained power and reach. When she came into her prime as the Queen Bee and her network of informants extended through the country, she began selling secrets to the rebellion. A double agent, Amorette began feeding the Messiah Queen and her advisors carefully constructed lies, while giving the rebellion precious information.

But it appears the Queen Bee made too many enemies. Someone had brought one of Amorette's weapons baring the image of Mother Hush to the Queen. Her heretical tenancies have been brought to light. Thankfully, her whispered betrayal of Aule reached her ears before the Inquisition barged into the Honey Comb. Most of her agents in Nydoecia and Citha have been given the order to flee, leaving a few key informants in the cities. She is now running to a rebellion stronghold, praying that she has the resources and skill to survive and collect the debt that the Messiah Queen owes.



So begins...

Amorette Mellis's Story