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Cassie Hunt

"I will make it!"

0 · 825 views · located in Melrose Academy

a character in “In It For the Fame {Remake}”, as played by Surfergirl


The performers with lungs


"Losing someone is painful. But it makes you stronger."


Name: Cassie Almira Hunt

Nickname: Cas


Program: Singer

Sexuality: Hetrosexual

Likes: Pokemon, Music, Films, Food, Performing, Animals, Anything supernatural, Video games

Dislikes: Spiders, Liars, Feeling alone, Small spaces, Perverts, The cold, The idea of death

Fears: Water, Thunder storms, Death, Losing a friend, Losing her voice,

Dreams: Make it big in the music industry, she would love to perform on Broadway.
To perform a song with true meaning on stage.

Talents: Drawing, Martial arts, Singing

Hobbies: Reading comics , Going to the gym, Playing pokemon

Secrets: Cassie has a past that no one would think she was part of, she was part of a street fighting gang. She feels the death of her best friend was her fault.



Personality:Cassie always seemed anti social towards people her own age, but with a past like her what would people expect? She feared getting close to people after the loss of her best friend, which led to her focusing on her studies and her music.
Due to her seeming anti social, not many people approach her, but when they do she just feels rather awkward not having much interaction with anyone but her family and friends from back home.
But when she sings her true personality comes through, before Luke died. Cassie was originally a bubbly and fun girl to be around. She had moments of drama but what girl who wanted to be a singer didn't?

When Cassie is on stage and it's no longer about the usual teen stuff she turns into a different person. She knuckles right down, becoming more outgoing and not afraid to voice her opinions. If she believes someone is going to perform a song out of their vocal range she will tell them straight up. She's not trying to be mean about it, she just doesn't want them to embarrass themselves. This side of Cassie is what she truly used to be like.
Not the girl who hides away from people, trying to stay out most of the drama. No she's the girl who got along with nearly everyone, the girl who would voice her opinions no matter what.

History: Cassie grew up in a well of family, but they didn't show it. They only ever bought the basic stuff to live, never spoiling their children. At a young age she showed that she had a voice that was compared to people years older than her. Her parents ensured that she had the best vocal training that they could afford, and well that was a lot. But they never spent more than they needed, they knew when they were being ripped off.
From a young age Cassie was hitting notes and singing songs most children her age would dream of. She was described as a singing prodigy so to speak. She may of only been ten at the time, but schools were all ready starting to scout her. Not only was she musically gifted but she was also academically.

But just singing bored the girl of ten. Cassie did go to a public school, her parents didn't believe in paying for private schooling when they could send her to a public school for free and just hire a private tutor for much less the cost. Anyway, in school she was mainly close with one guy his name was Luke, but what she didn't know was he was part of a gang. So at the age of twelve when he came to school with bruises upon his face she was worried, after pestering him for what seemed like most of the day he finally he admitted that he was part of a street fighter gang. But since he had now told her, she was now being forced to join as well.

Luke took her to the gangs meeting place, it was a small house on the east side of the town. All she could think of was how and why her best friend was in a fighting gang. The secret was, was that his brother was the leader. And so he was forced to join since he found out about it, and now since Luke told Cassie, now she was being forced to join.
But since she was a girl, she wasn't offcially allowed to join, but for the safety of her Milo decided to train her in some basic martial arts. Well it was more of forced training.
At first she didn't want to take part, but after as while her boredom of just singing began to fade. She was turning into a fighter. But she could never tell her parents. So she kept up with the singing but hid her fighting from being in a gang from them.
Days of training turned into months. But she soon began to regret being bought into this life. She was soon turning thirteen and she was getting more into her singing career, what girl wanted to be a fighter?

So one evening she didn't turn up at the base. And well she regretted it. Cassie was sat at home when she received a phone call from Luke's mum, she was asking if he was her's, but this worried her as he said he was going to the base the straight back home. It was nearly ten o'clock at night so she was going to have to sneak out the house. Climbing out of her window onto the shed roof that was situated next to her room, she made a run for it to the east side of town where the base was. Upon entering a scream escaped her lips. All her friends in the gang were beaten to a bloody pulp, what nearly thirteen year old deserved to see this? Although they were beaten they were alive, but a yell caught her ears. It was Luke's brother Milo. He was shouting for help, asking someone to breathe, she was confused. She couldn't see her best friend anywhere. So when she found Milo, with a beaten to death Luke in her arms, she couldn't take it any more.
The last thing she remembered was waking up in a hospital bed, she had passed out after the shock of seeing all the blood and beaten guys. And to top it off the body of her dead best friend. After that incident Cassie never went back to the gang again, she stuck with being a singer. It was something she was good at, and something that would never cause death.
It was something Luke loved about her.

Favorite songs performed : It's all coming back to me
Get it right

Place of Origin: California

So begins...

Cassie Hunt's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marley Ortega-Ortiz Character Portrait: Carmen Velez Character Portrait: Nichole Tran Character Portrait: Theodore Roberts Character Portrait: Nina Lovell Character Portrait: Belinda Valentino
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Melrose Academy Move-In Day

It was move-in day!

It was late August, the warm California sun beating down on poor, defenseless people as they made their way through their different lives, each going on different paths. Some crossed such paths; others, went on by without even acknowledging each other. But it was lively on Melrose Academy campus as the students filed in by groups. Squeals and yells of excitements could be heard a mile away as friends reunited. Some were not as escastic as others. Most, however, were filled with a new sense of adventure and wonder at the looming year of backstabbing, creativity, blooming romance, rivalries and friendships.

Who's ready for an awesome school year?
(OOC: I know. this sucked. but my creative juices are dry right now as i stare at psychology in the face)


Mom, we've been through this," Nina said calmly, staring up at her anxious mother with expectant and weary eyes. No matter how many times they have done this - unpacking her clothes in a room that wasn't hers and separating for at least a week - Mirella Lovell seemed to not get used to it. Sad green eyes took in her daughter's stance; Nina was seated on her bed with her legs crossed and her body propped up by her hands on the bed. At the moment, Nina Lovell looked like the little impatient child that had to wait for her mother to stop prancing around her room because she was leaving her at Melrose Academy for the first time alone.

Mirella sighed.

It's been a long time since Nina had been that girl and it still felt like that day every single time.

"Fine, fine...I'm leaving," she said, holding up her hands in surrender. Nina grinned and stood, ready to walk her mother to the door. When she stood, a small childish part of her squealed in delight. At some point, Nina became just a few centimeters taller than her mother and she revelled in that revelation. However, just as they began walking into the common area of the suite she was sharing with her other roommates that she had not been able to see, Mirella turned back around and Nina placed impatient hands on her hips. If her mother could pout, the woman would probably be doing so. "I know, but I just...are you sure you don't need anything? Maybe new curtains? Oooh...we can go get that rug - "

"Mom, we literally bought out IKEA this year because you wanted to get everything new," Nina reminded her, taking in her bedroom. She was happy that she got to have everything to herself save for the bathroom, kitchen and living room. Having a bedroom was like achieving near Nirvana; you didn't get there, but you damn sure feel like you were close enough. "I have snacks that could last me the rest of the semester, I like my room, I have my laptop, I have my TV, and I am going to be fine. I'll be even better when you leave." Nina gave her a mom a pointed look and Mirella sighed, defeated. The two women walked out of the room and then out of the suite, arms linked.

Do not get Nina wrong; she loved her mom a lot and she understood where the woman was coming from. Nina had gotten sick during their trip to Montpellier this summer and the woman nearly flew into an anxiety attack. Since then, she had been watching Nina like a hawk. If Nina complained about the smallest of headaches, she was suddenly being whisked away to the hospital. Nina could recall accidentally hitting her arm against a door. It was no secret that Nina bruised easily. Did that stop Mirella from rushing her to the hospital? No. Even when the doctor told her that everything was alright - that it would be rare for her to develop her cancer again during this age range, especially after having made an astounding recovery. But Mirella was steadfast in her desire to watch out for her daughter. Having to separate was probably a pain.

Just as they reached the parking lot, Mirella began listing off all the things she wanted Nina to do and the brunette smirked.

"And call you on Wednesdays after seven because you have choir rehearsal at four-thirty and bible study at six," Nina finished for her and placed her hands on Mirella's shoulders. "Mama, I am going to be fine. If I get the first symptom of anything, I will be in the nurse's office. Pinky swear." Nina even held up her pinky to the older woman and after a moment, Mirella smiled sheepishly and linked their pinkies before pressing her forehead against her daughter's. Nina closed her eyes, smiling.

"Mī thōḍē ēka, āpaṇa prēma," she whispered and pulled away slowly, a bright smile on her face and tears glistening in her eyes.

"Love you too, Mom," Nina replied and watched her mother get in the car. She folded her arms over her chest and walked to the driver's side. "You drive safely. Tell Paṇajī āṇi ājōbā that I love them and I'll call." Her mother nodded and before long, Nina was watching the tail end of her mother's Ford driving off, leaving Nina alone in the parking lot. With nothing to do, Nina straightened out the skirt of her outfit before deciding to text Carmen and find out if she was on campus yet.


"Dad, I'm fine. Just finished settling in is all," Mason said as he pretty much hurled his suitcase on his bed. Sighing at the task as this was the second suitcase he brought up to his room - second to the trunk of belongings he also had - Mason plopped himself behind the big bag.

Like always, James Lockwood could not come to Melrose Academy or even LA to see his son off. It wasn't that Mason wasn't used to this. Since the incident-that-shall-not-be-named, his father had not been able to look at him the same without some ounce of pity or guilt in his eyes. There was the time with Amber last year and that entire debacle, but other than that, Mason hardly saw his father unless he had somehow gotten into serious trouble. In truth, Uncle Charlie was probably the only real father figure Mason had in his life and normally, that was fine. But, somewhere in the back of his mind where he would deny this vehemently while looking just like the little boy that loved being swung around in his father's arms, he had actually hoped that today would be different.

It wasn't.

Really shouldn't have expected anything more.

"Yes, Uncle Charlie is helping me," Mason answered, almost missing his father's inquiry. Agitation was very much clear in his voice and at some point, Mason didn't care if his roommate - whoever that was - heard. It wasn't like privacy was going to be much anyway; it never was in double rooms. "Yeah, I checked my account. Thanks." At least, that was something Mason could always count on. Money. As sad as it was, that was the one thing his father provided without fail. After a few more moments of meaningless and awkward chatter, Mason bid his father adieu and pretty much threw his phone on the bed. Sighing once more, he layed back and sprawled out, staring at the ceiling.

This was going to be a long year.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carmen Velez Character Portrait: Cassie Hunt Character Portrait: Tyler Blake Character Portrait: Kassandra Kingsley
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Cassie stood at the entrance of the suite, it seemed that this year she was in the more luxury dorms, not that she was complaining.
Only bad bit was, that she had to share everything apart from her room with her suite mates. From what the dorm list stated she was sharing with Nina and Belinda. She didn't really know either of them, she knew of them just not them exactly.
Opening the door to the suite, she began to look around, someone had definitely been here, but weren't there now.
Heading straight towards the room that was allocated as hers.

Once inside she smiled, the room is sweet and chilled which was good as she was never into anything to vibrant. Her parent had come earlier this morning to set her room up for her as she was busy meeting with Tyler before so she wouldn't have had enough time to set her room up and get her timetable.

Placing her suitcase on top of her bed she began to unpack most of her clothes, since most of her stuff had been bought over by her parents, she didn't need to unpack much. Mainly a few extra pieces of clothing. An Owl pillow (<3) and a few of her Pokemon plush dolls.
Since she didn't leave her room much, unless to go to class or to visit on of her closer friends she had a lot of DVD's and some games to play on either her Xbox.
But guessing as this year since she is in the suite's and Carmen is quite friendly with Nina, they would probably end up here most of the time or at Tyler's as he is in the Suite dorms as well

Deciding it would be a suitable time for her to grab her timetable, she exited her room whilst grabbing her Pokemon hoodie and headed towards the office.
Pulling her phone from her pocket she decided she'd better text Kassandra and Carmen to notify that she had arrived.
Arrived at the school, movie and game night at mine? Think I'm in the Suite's with Nina if the school put it correct this year. Also Tyler will probably come...
Once grabbing her timetable from the office she decided to go to the cafe to get something to drink, it was better than being stuck in her room that's for sure!

Tyler was laying in his bed in the dorm, this year like the last he had been placed in the Suite dorms. Something that is very helpful.
He had got here early this morning after meeting Cassie as she had to get a few things before she came to the school.
Tyler hadn't been doing much since he had arrived, he already had his class schedule and had checked who his room mate was going to be. From what it said, he was room with Lucas. He got a long with the guy and respected him, he just got annoyed when he flirted with girls. Especially Cassie and Kassandra.
Speaking of Kassandra he better go find her. He promised he would meet her when they arrived.

After walking through the campus and reaching the regular dorms, he let himself into the building knowing the Kas would probably be around her somewhere he decided to check the common room before heading to the front desk to find her exact dorm.
As he entered the room, he immediately spotted her, but something was different about her. Walking over towards her, once he reached her, he wrapped an arm around her and crouching slightly as he placed his head between her shoulder and neck. "You okay Kas?" He asked her quietly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carmen Velez Character Portrait: Nina Lovell Character Portrait: Cassie Hunt Character Portrait: Kassandra Kingsley
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In a sign of great maturity and wisdom, Carmen looked down when Nina knelt to check her foot, and grimaced, "You know, Nina, I don't think I'm ready for this kind of commitment, yet. Can you ask me again tomorrow?" Clearly her toe doesn't hurt as much as she's making it out to be, if the girl is making it a priority to crack a joke before allowing her friend to properly assess her injury. Carmen does, however, take off her shoe and sock to show a little bruise, already turning blue, on the big toe of her right foot. It's hardly pretty, but, then again, people have told her before that she has strange feet; her pinkie toe curves in a little bit more than usual, and her second toe is just as long as the first. Well, at least her feet have the proper arch. People who can't dance particularly well are called flat-footed for at least a sliver of a reason. Carmen glances around for a second, before looking down at Nina and putting a finger over her mouth.

"I dropped a bag on it trying to answer your text," she admits, whispering because it is, in fact, a little bit embarrassing. Coming back to the whole 'dancers shouldn't be clumsy' thing. Carmen shrugs and scratches the bag of her head, "Because I'm not always the brightest of bulbs." This is followed by a sheepish smile as she wiggles her toe, right in Nina's face one might mention, hoping that she'll apply the bandaids that Carmen sees sticking out of her pocket.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you, Nina? Maybe I'm ready for that commitment after all," Carmen says, beginning to break through her sheepish smile with a dimpled grin. Dimpled meaning little indents at the base of where her cheeks rise for the expression. Carmen looks up for a moment, and sees Kassandra flashing a smile towards the area. She raises her hand for a wave, but Kassandra has already turned and left, not seeing it.

Guess she's meeting up with someone, the young woman concludes with a shrug. I'll see her later, anyway. Oh, god, she's not going to enjoy my normal slobbish room, is she? the idea seems to just now be dawning on Carmen. Last year, she'd roomed with a person who was always gone, and therefore never noticed the clothing she'd leave on the ground, the comics and figurines that were left over various surfaces, etc. Putting it kindly, Carmen's side of rooms always tend to be a bit of a trainwreck. That's why she'd been crossing her fingers for a suite- her own room, where people wouldn't be bothered by the mess.

"You don't think that Mr. Berry is going to have us on point this week, do you?" Carmen asks her fellow dancer, making a face at the idea of having to dance on point with her toe bruised. Before Nina can respond, Carmen's text tone goes off again, this time with a text from Cassie. She flips open her phone, which she's had since seventh grade and treats like a fragile child, though it seems to never be broken by anything, and reads the text.

To: Cassie
Sounds like a plan, Stan! What movies? Can I pick? I'm getting emergency care from Nina right now.

Carmen looks down at Nina with a feigned expression of betrayal, "You and Cassie are sharing a suite without me? I'm hurt. And not just physically."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carmen Velez Character Portrait: Cassie Hunt Character Portrait: Tyler Blake Character Portrait: Kassandra Kingsley
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Cassie's phone buzzed on the table, placing her caramel tea down she picked her phone up to read a text from Carmen "Sounds like a plan, Stan! What movies? Can I pick? I'm getting emergency care from Nina right now."
She was a bit worried that she had all ready injured herself, she hadn't even been here a whole day and had somehow all ready been injured.
To Carmen
'Yea you can pick, but knowing you it'll probably be a Batman film ;) What on earth have you done this time?'.
Placing her phone in her pocket of her jeans, and picking up her caramel tea, she made her way back to the dorm room.

Once arriving at the suite she made her way over to the couch in the main room. She wasn't sure if Belinda or Nina were back so she decided she would just watch the television until then. But before that she needed to text Tyler to tell her to come round later with her sweets that he had stolen.
Tyler, coming round later? Bring Kass as well if your with her! Oh and your better have my sweets!

Although she said she was all right, he still didn't believe her. "If you say so." He muttered. Something was up with her that's for sure, but he wasn't going to press matters. She would tell him when she was ready to that's for sure.
When Kassandra asked if he got a suite again, he smirked slightly.
"Don't you know it!" One good thing about being a senior and junior was that they got better dorms. Well not all of them. Take Kassandra for example, she was a senior but she wasn't given one of the suite's. But that's probably because she skipped a few grades.

"You probably didn't get one as your such a brain box" He joked slightly as he rubbed her head, he doesn't know why he does that to her he just finds it entertaining.
"Anyway you'll probably be round mine most of the time of Cassie's. Speaking of Cassie she just text me." He said whilst checking his phone.
"Were going round there's later" He said with a smirk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carmen Velez Character Portrait: Theodore Roberts Character Portrait: Nina Lovell Character Portrait: Mason Lockwood Character Portrait: Cassie Hunt
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Carmen glances down at her phone once more, while Nina places some of the bags she had picked upon on the bed. It's a reply from Cassie, as she had expected it to be. Looking at her friend's prediction, Carmen begins smiling once more, her almost-dimples revealing themselves as they always do. Cassie clearly knows her well- she had been thinking of going for an animated movie tonight, maybe Batman: Under the Red Hood. Not wanting to be too predictable, though, she quickly begins making other plans for what movie they should watch. One of the new Marvel films? DC? Can't be Batman, now, and to be honest, she hadn't been a huge fan of the new Superman movie. Maybe something older? Or just a few episodes of the hilariously bad live-action series from the 80s? Well, she still has a few hours to decide, luckily. The options are too multiple and tempting for the girl to be expected to make a decision quite yet, really. "We're going to be watching movies at your suite tonight," Carmen informs Nina cheerfully, responding tot he message as she does so.

To: Cassie
Me? Batman movie? What would give you that idea? I dropped a bag on my toe ^_^; Going to the cafe with Nina- meet us there?

She stands up, and raises an eyebrow when Nina admits to inviting Belle to join them for food. "There goes our romantic meal, huh? Well, I invited Cassie, so I guess that makes your whole suite- plus me," thus, this ends up being a good opportunity for both Nina and Carmen to better acquaint themselves with other people- Carmen doesn't really know Belinda very well, and Nina doesn't seem to hang out with Cassie much.

Carmen playfully nudges her shoulder against Nina when the latter loops her arm with the former's. "Going to be my human crutch? You are too good for me, Miss Lovell," she says cheerfully, though she does mean it. Nina has been an excellent friend to her ever since she joined this school. The girl helped her through some serious, health-endangering rough spots, and that means a lot to Carmen. At Nina's words, Carmen's eyes twinkle, as though she's been waiting for her to say that.

"Then I guess we should get Mooving," she responds back, the pun coming a bit too eagerly, making it clear that she's overly pleased with herself for coming up with it. Even though the joke is rather terrible, the girl continues to smile at her own joke for the entire walk to the cafe, only getting over her own satisfaction with the joke when they find a table.

"I'll save the table if you go and get the food- anything is fine," Carmen tells Nina.


Theo falls back onto his bed after putting away most of his things, immediately pleased to find that it isn't too hard or soft- his last mattress had been as hard as a rock, and the young man had often opted to sleep on the couch, or use layers of blanketing in order to cushion it a bit. Honestly, he's a bit tired at the moment, and quickly begins to zone out, thinking of all varieties of half-sensical things when Mason responds to a question he'd already, only a moment or two later, forgotten asking. The minute he answers, Theo raises his eyebrows, wondering what it will be like rooming with a kid who is part of the department known for being a bit on the manipulative side. I'm in a poor position to be judging people for being a bit darker. Besides, the music department has its share of puppeteers as well, Theo reminds himself, realizing his instinctive judgement.

Of course, Mason's decision to launch into a dramatic description of his department, the sort rivaling Jessie and Jame's monologue, does prompt a half-smirk in Theo's expression. Because of the answer's initial brevity, the following bit came as slightly more unexpected than it should have. "Beguiling young damsels and slaying demons?" he repeats, even after Mason's apology, his smirk becoming more of a smile at this point.

"Glad I don't have a younger sister walking the halls with such apparent gods lurking about," he jests, standing back up and glancing over at his now empty bags, which lie open on the floor.

"Well, at least you won't sing at night. I'm a musician, but eventually having a singer for a roommate can be a bit of a pain," the comment is rather absentminded, for Theo is already distracted before he even finishes the thought. At the moment, he's honestly feeling the onset of a familiar craving. Since it's the beginning of returning day, he doubts anyone will be lurking about his favorite smoking spot. The habit began as a response to stress, and though it remained due to his tendency to easily become addicted, it also serves as an alleviation for boredom of any sort. Not to say that Mason is dull, quite the contrary, but he can feel a headache coming on, having not had a smoke all day.

"Well, now that we've been properly introduced, I'll be stepping out. Hoping for a good year," he says with another nod of the head, before discreetly slipping a lighter and pack of cigarettes into his jacket pocket and heading on out, leaving Mason to his own devices while he goes to a spot just behind the dorms, where a clump of trees and bushes obscure anyone leaning against them from view. Taking a drag, he begins to experience a lessening of the pressure in his skull.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carmen Velez Character Portrait: Nina Lovell Character Portrait: Cassie Hunt Character Portrait: Tyler Blake Character Portrait: Kassandra Kingsley
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Cassie was sat in the lounge of the suite when he phone went of again. Pulling it out from her jean pocket she noticed it was another text from Cassie.
Giggling slightly at her reply, she decided that she should probably reply back to her.

It's you, your predictable ;) Have you always been a clutz? On my way over now!"

Once she had sent the message she made her way out of the lounge and over towards the cafe, since the suites weren't to far from the cafe, it wouldn't of taken her long to get there.
After a short walk through the campus, she finally reached the cafe. Once she entered she spotted Carmen and Nina straight away.
Walking over towards them silently whilst trying to dodge the mass of students.
Pulling out one of the empty seats and sitting down in it, she smiled at the two other girls. "Afternoon" She spoke quietly but just loud enough for them to hear.

Tyler rolled his eyes at her, she was to smart for her own good. But if she wasn't that way she wouldn't be Kassandra.
"Not all of us are brain boxes you know!" He said with a joking tone.

Tyler began to think about when he met her last year. She was just starting here at the Academy, she was nervous. You could tell from just looking at her. And him being the outgoing guy he is, went over and started speaking to her straight away. He was also quite protective over her that was for sure. But she reminded him so much of a lost child at time.

"Did you work on any new songs over the summer?" He asked her as they began walking down the hall.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marley Ortega-Ortiz Character Portrait: Carmen Velez Character Portrait: Theodore Roberts Character Portrait: Nina Lovell Character Portrait: Mason Lockwood Character Portrait: Cassie Hunt
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[I'm just going to go ahead and post, I guess, since I guess Diva is busy, maybe?]

Once more, Carmen receives a message from her phone, making the girl wonder why she keeps putting it back in her pocket. She has to angle herself slightly to pull out her phone, but is rewarded with a message from Kass, who had apparently seen Carmen overreacting to her toestubbing incident in the hallways. The blonde smiles at the text, though she wonders why Kass would be worried about bothering her. They are friends, after all, so there is no real need for such concerns. Well, not in Carmen's mind, anyway, but she's always bordered on the sort of overly friendly that can either be endearing or a bit on the annoying side, depending on the personality of whoever it is that she's speaking with, or trying to get to speak.

To: Kass
You're never a bother, Kass :-) Everything is under control, thanks to my favorite Nurse Nina. We're in the cafeteria right now, actually- where are you?

The girl is admittedly pleased to find that everyone has arrived by now, or at least almost everyone, given that she hasn't received any word from Lucas, Lexus, or Clara. Scratch that, I saw Clara in the hallway. Where has she gone off to? I guess her room, Carmen corrects her train of thought, but it has gotten her thinking on those whom she has yet to see. Maybe the former two haven't arrived yet? She decides to send out a text to them, as well as Clara.

TO: Lexus, Luca
Are you on campus yet?

To: Clara
Saw you in the hallway- who is your roommate? Feel like coming down to the cafe?

She nearly makes the mistake of putting her phone away for the second time, but it buzzes before she can do such a thing, and so the girl checks and sees that it is a text from Cassie. She begins to type out a response, likely a very lame one, but stops halfway through the task when she sees Cassie walking towards them.

"And good afternoon to you," Carmen responds, making a bit of a face as she does it, the sort where her nose scrunches up and her mouth puckers, as though she's just eaten a lemon or something sour. There is no actual meaning behind the face, as is the case with many of her various expressions. She just likes making faces- probably due to playing with her younger brother, who is a big fan of funny faces, especially Carmen's. She occasionally forgets that not everyone is so enthusiastic about them, though they have made some people crack a smile during lessons, at the very least.


Theo flicks some ash off of his cigarettes, and leaves it dangling between his fingers while he pulls out his phone, suddenly craving social interaction. Of course, an excellent solution would be to return to his dorm and continue talking to his new roommate, Mason. And, more likely than not, he will end up doing that in a few moments. Still, he also wants to see if one of his friends is in the area yet. Besides Carmen, that is, because she seems to be currently occupied with other things, or had been a few moments ago.

To: Clara, Marley
Hey- how's it going? On campus yet?

He doesn't know that Clara is, as he hasn't seen her, and there is no evidence as to whether Marley has arrived back at the school quite yet. Thus, he has only to wait. That is, until he hears the familiar voice of one of the teachers, and immediately drops his cigarette onto the pavement, digging into it with his shoe before making his way back to his dorm. Bathroom first, actually, so he can get rid of the cigarette scent with a good amount of handsoap, and a few breath mints. Then, the dorm.


"And, I'm back. So, what part of England are you from? Based on the accent, I mean. My grandparents are from the UK, as well," he says, making half-decent conversation, likely. There may be a slight lingering scent of cigarettes on him, but he's gained a few tricks for hiding it, besides just mints and scented soaps, so its unlikely. Or so he hopes, anyway.