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Izabelle Levesque

"Oh, shut up and leave me alone."

0 · 539 views · located in Jefferson Academy

a character in “Jefferson Academy”, originally authored by Sanarith, as played by RolePlayGateway



"Does it look like I want to be bothered? No. So leave me alone!"



Izabelle Grace Levesque.

She prefers Iz or Izzy.




Date/Place of Birth:
Born in London, England, on the 5th September.





Childhood/Family Life:
Izabelle was born Izabelle Cameron, after her father. She grew up in a very rich environment, as her Dad was a very well paid Member of Parliament at the time of her birth. Izabelle also had an older brother, Richard, who no longer lives with her or their parents. Izabelle's mother was a housewife, and kept the house and the kids happy. Izabelle loved her mother dearly, and her mother loved her in return. One day, though, Izabelle and her mother got into an argument about something trivial. The last thing Izabelle said to her was; "I hate you." in a fit of rage, before her mother left. While her mother was out, she died in a fatal car crash. Izabelle was devastated. She changed her name to her mother's Maiden Name and would refuse to change it for anybody, even for a future husband. Her father became concerned for a time, before the current Prime Minister resigned from his job and he took over. Izabelle became very lonely, and wouldn't talk much. She wore heavy makeup, especially eye make up, and developed a rebellious streak to try and attract her father's attention. Then, she was attacked.

An attempt to kidnap Izabelle by people wanting to get back at the government (and a large ransom) almost went through without a hitch. Izabelle's car ride home was hijacked and successfully taken control of without anyone realizing what had happened, and as is the norm, Izabelle went to get in the car to take her home, when she realized something was terribly wrong. She was cable-tied and gagged in the back of the car, and she wouldn't have escaped if she had not hit the secret alarm in the car that they had placed specially. Police tracked and tailed the car, and Izabelle was rescued from the terrifying experience. This was when her father decided it was best if she was taken to Jefferson Academy - for her own safety, and to get rid of her rebellious nature.

High School Career:
Izabelle was placed in Rank A, to nobody's surprise. Before going to Jefferson, she studied piano and violin, continuing only piano into Jefferson. She is also doing well in most of her classes, Art especially, and Music as well as Science. She can sometimes act up, but is generally very good. She takes piano lessons every three days or so, and very very occasionally bunks off. She cares about her grades, but sometimes, she just needs a break. Art and music can help, but sometimes she just needs to leave.



Good personality traits:
|Intelligent || Affectionate || Loyal || Trustworthy || Open-Minded || Brave || Seems to Be Fearless || Fun Loving || Friendly|

Bad personality traits:
Can Be Envious || Rebellious || Hot-Headed || Flirtatious || Pessimistic || Reckless || Soft-Hearted || Untrusting || Depression |

Izabelle is a very intelligent young woman who can be affectionate, friendly and fun loving. IF you make a good impression. Otherwise Izabelle can come off very hot-headed and rebellious, and won't hesitate to call you every name under the sun, or taunt you. She can also come off rather pessimistic to people who don't know her very well, or know her past. Izabelle can also act very moody and can become very reckless, including climbing up on the roof (much to everyone's annoyance) or flirting shamelessly with a cute boy that passes her by. She does this to cover everything up - her past, the kidnapping, and her mother's death. It will take one hell of a person (or people) to break the shell she's hidden herself deep within.

However, if somebody DID manage to find a way to get to the real Izabelle Levesque, they would be very pleasantly surprised. Izabelle is a very affectionate young lady, and incredibly loyal as well. She cares so much for others, in fact, that she often endangers herself to help them. Izabelle is also very open-minded and trustworthy - if you're nice to her, she'll be nice back. Simple as. She will always respect you, too - she will never tell if you don't wish anyone else to be told, unless it's an adult and someone needs to be told. However, if you're in a relationship, she can get a little bit envious.

Greatest joys in life:
One of Izabelle's greatest joys is her family. She loves them with all her heart.

The second greatest joy is Izabelle's friends. They are what keep her happy and safe.

Her third greatest joy is her horse, Crescent. He is her best friend in the whole world.

Her forth joy is her eyeliner. She wouldn't be who she is if not for her eyeliner.

Greatest fears:
Izabelle fears any more of her family dying, mainly her brother Richard. She loves him dearly.

Izabelle has Athazagoraphobia- Fear of being forgotton or ignored or forgetting. That is why she makes herself so noticeable by being the way she is - loud and bold.

Life philosophy:
“I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then.”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland


❤Boys ❤Being noticed ❤Video Games ❤Climbing ❤Drawing ❤Playing Piano ❤Being Outside ❤Her Brother
✘Being Forgotten ✘Rain ✘Bitchy People ✘Bullies ✘Her Father



Amy Levesque | Mother | FC: Michelle Fairley | Deceased |

David Cameron | Father | FC: David Cameron | Alive |

Richard Cameron | Older Brother | FC: Brenton Thwaites| Alive



Build: Izabelle is 5'10", and weighs about 8 stone and 2 lbs. She has a very slender build, which is also quite tall.

Hair Colour: Her hair is a dark brown colour, like chocolate.

Eye Colour: Her eyes are icy blue.

Distinguishing Marks: Her eyes are always ringed in black eyeliner, and her hands are occasionally covered in pen. She has a scar across her achilles heel and just under her left eye, about a centimetre across.

Style: Izabelle has a very rebellious style - black t-shirts and leather jackets with ripped jeans and combat boots, most of the time. There isn't much in between.


So begins...

Izabelle Levesque's Story