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Kinjo Sadao

"Thinking is fine and all that, but you should live a little more."

0 · 105 views · located in Ikebukuro

a character in “Legends Blade”, originally authored by Hingyou, as played by RolePlayGateway


❝Kinjo Sadao❞

”When you are a child, you genuinely care about the inner cogwheels of the world. However, being the spoiled creature you are at that time, you ask others for an answer and take their ambiguous and careless response to heart for the rest of your life. Seeing as the human mind can become corrupted from the get-go like that, it surprises me there aren't more maniacs out there. I bet the world would be much more colorful that way too. Does that answer your question, Billy-boy?”
_ Kinjo Sadao to a Mayhem member not named Billy who hadn't asked any questions.

❝My shell❞


Since his real identity is still a subject of debate amongst the other groups in Ikebukuro due to The Mayhem being a rather young gang, he is referred to as The Hound by the people who don't know his name or what he looks like. Those who do know him, including a large number of members of the gang, refer to him by his family name, Kinjo.

Leader of The Mayhem.



❝Beneath the shell❞

By simply exchanging a few words with him, one can very quickly confirm that Sadao is the perfect representative for The Mayhem, sharing – and probably having prompted – their characteristic laid-back and easygoing attitude. He is also amazingly good at maintaining that same cognition regardless of the situation and even in scenarios when he is upset in any sense of the word, he is normally still able to keep his black eyes half-shut and a rather dumb smile at all times. While he does show more strain when under pressure or under extremes circumstances, it still holds true that it can be very hard to see through him if he doesn't feel like sharing his thoughts with others, though normally he tends to let his guard down amongst his friends and allies. He takes his relaxed side to excessive extents and it often appears he doesn't have any real ambition in life, which also reflects in the gang he leads, as they also have no particular goal to follow. He actually does have good ideas and a sharp mind, but completely lacks in motivation and drive, which ultimately renders him a lazy person and a bad leading figure. Despising overly serious and technical lines of thought, he is more on the creative side and is prone to expressing himself in very abstract and indirect ways, which can sometimes result in others needing some patience to have a proper conversation with him. He insists he has seen a completely new color that doesn't correspond to any palette combination known; while he hasn't been able to show it to anyone for very obvious reasons, he has described it as “energetic like red, profound like blue, emotional like green and as bright as yellow”. Despite his random and senseless claims, he doesn't consume any of the drugs his gang is known to deal with.

While initially it would seem as if there wasn't more to him than his calmed and uncaring self, Sadao is in reality more characterized by a much darker and sinister side. He is completely detached from other people and social standards, reacting to situations in entirely unbefitting ways and having a very distorted definition of human relations much like a schizophrenic person would. He seems to have no principles or moral values and doesn't think too highly of anything or anyone, including himself and his own gang, which he created mainly out of boredom and didn't even expect to get so far. With that said, he does seem to get along better with those that have a confrontational and defiant disposition. He finds everyday situations to be tedious and is always open to new ways to cause panic or start a fight, often taking part in them himself. He has developed a deep enmity towards the notion of modern society as he believes it reprimands and hides people's true nature and personality, which has lead to him growing rather odd beliefs advocating for a distorted vision of freedom that manifests in the form of anarchy. Hence, he genuinely believes that the only way for him – or anybody, for that matter – to truly bond with others is to witness their most raw essence, which he uses as justification for his violent tendencies. In short, he is mentally isolated, cynical, has sadistic inclinations and, while no proper psychological analysis has been done, it is believed that he might qualify as a psychopath. Overall, some people label him a complete lunatic, while others maintain that he is simply too imaginative and delusional for his own good; either way, it still remains a fact that he is unstable and can be dangerous

Nonetheless, and despite his mental instability and dangerous nature, he is actually on good terms with the members of The Mayhem and, even though his ability to organize them properly has proven to be rather disappointing, he has shown to be an affable leader. He knows the name of each and every member of The Mayhem and has had one-on-one conversations with each of them at least a few times in the past, which has aided in giving a sense of closeness and camaraderie to the group. He is also known to, rather than remain on the sidelines as an observer like many leaders, take part in the group's raids and other activities, making him a full-fledged and proper member of the group. Hence, it can be said that rather than being a charismatic leader, he is extremely good at appearing to be one, as he purposefully follows these steps with the goal of getting along with his fellow members and not of out of genuine interest on them. However, given the time he has dedicated to the group, one has to wonder about the veracity of that statement. He doesn't take any steps on properly organizing the gang as he sees no need for it, since so far they haven't had any direct confrontation with the other gangs and is unaware of their true prowess. He also does believe in the existence of the urban legends and has expressed interest in meeting them in the past out of pure curiosity; however, he has so far been unable to make contact with any of them. He tends to associate people he meets with colors and is searching for the person that will remind him of the new, original one he once saw in a dream. Since he applies different tones each time he makes one of these associations, he has never assigned the same color to two different people.

Creativity: Sadao's imagination can sometimes seem limitless. While most of the times it just manifests as random rambling, he actually does possess artistic skills and is remarkably good with pencil sketches, being able to draw portraits and landscapes with equally surprising ability. However, his original pieces tend to be more abstract and hard to understand and even he tends to forget what they were meant to express in the first place.

He is also able to give his creativity more practical uses, such as coming up with preposterous ideas quite rapidly, which he applies to various plans for the gang to carry out. This actually makes him a surprisingly good and unpredictable strategist, but since his ability to organize large groups of people isn't that effective, his machinations never really turn out exactly like he plans them. He is also a very good speaker when he needs to be and a surprisingly deep philosophical thinker.

Abnormal Resilience: Be it because he truly isn't exactly right in the head or because he has some sort of genetic predisposition for withstanding punishment, Sadao has the odd ability to resist physical pain much better than than practically any other person, showing completely unbefitting reactions to it – such as sighs of frustration, apathy or even laughter. He has proven time and again while indulging himself in the various petty fights his gang enjoys to have the capacity to take brutal beatings and trauma to the head without passing out and to continue moving despite having broken bones. Since he doesn't have much fighting ability unlike many high-ranking members of the gangs, he uses this trait of his to make up for it and usually waits for others to get tired before him and counterattack at the right moment – the scary thing is it actually works. While the true nature of this ability is still without a proper explanation, the fact remains that he will always get up regardless of how many injuries he sustains. Nonetheless, it must be noted that, while he doesn't show any signs of suffering, his body is indeed being subject to harm and can eventually give in.

Parkour: Having been raised in a town with the ideal surroundings for the sport, a need to move quickly from one place to another when getting into trouble and also having a temerarious attitude, it was almost the natural outcome for Sadao to eventually develop an interest in parkour. Not only did he find the right people to learn from, but his complete lack of fear of getting hurt – since his definition of pain might greatly differ from others' – helped him to quickly learn through the basics and in merely a months he was already trying life-threatening stunts with his eyes literally closed. With the passing of the years, he eventually became a true pro at the sport and there is no trick in the book he can't perform, being able to maintain perfect balance for prolonged amounts of time on any small surface, fall from heights of over 5 meters with no problem and reacting quickly to any situation in midair. Added to the fact that he has lived for a long time in Ikebukuro and is extremely familiar with its layout – not to mention his complete disregard for physical injuries – there are very few people in the place who can move from one spot to another as effectively as him without a vehicle. He has also shown to be very agile even in more secluded areas.

❝All my dirty secrets.❞



The symbol of the The Mayhem's canine spawns from an anecdote from Sadao's teen years, when he witnessed a dog playfully bite a small child's hand, instantly triggering a storm of tears and cries. Needless to say, the owner of the dog and the kid's parent, who were having a pleasant conversation seconds prior to the incident, suddenly began a heated argument, trying to inflict the guilt on the opposing party until eventually the conversation was no longer about the kid and the dog. Reflecting on it, Sadao theorized that, had the dog bitten either one of the adults, nothing would have gone out of control. Years later, when he developed his anarchistic ideals and began his own gang, he figured the meaning of the canine would be appropriate for them since he intended the group to do the same as that dog and strike at the precise locations of society to send it into revolts and mayhem. Unfortunately – or rather fortunately, as most people would look at it – the lack of proper motivation and drive to lead would make him quit on making [i]The Mayhem]/i] organized enough to pull such feats.

He has the symbol tattooed on the back of both hands.

So begins...

Kinjo Sadao's Story